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Created by work on 3/9/2020

326 Quotations:

6:3 2017-18 launches: • 10 product launches in medium, heavy and • Exte……

(28:287 [28:3085]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2017-18 launches: • 10 product launches in medium, heavy and • Extensive in-house research
and development activities, which is further supported by research and development facilities
at subsidiaries, such as TMETC, TDCV, TTL, and Trilix, together with the two advanced
engineering and design centres • The Company runs several innovation projects in the • TML
monitors quality performance and implements corrections to improve product performance,
thereby improving customer satisfaction • Focused initiatives at both sales and service touch
points to enhance best-in-class customer experience intermediate commercial vehicles • XL
family in SCV, Yodha Range in 4*4 pickups • Wide range of transport solutions PASSENGER
VEHICLES • With the launch of Nexon SUV in the compact SUV segment, opportunities of
the premium market, including developing sustainable technologies • Jaguar Land Rover
currently ofers hybrid technology on some of its models such as the Range Rover and Range
Rover Sports • Jaguar Land Rover is also developing more efcient powertrains and other
alternative propulsion technologies. This includes smaller and more efcient 2.0-litre diesel and
gasoline • Moved to the second ranking in J.D. Power Asia Pacifc 2016 India Customer
Service Index (CSI) Study score • Rolling out JLR Corporate Identity Programme to almost
900 of its retailers in the next 12 months • Presenting a consistent image and premium
customer experience in existing stores, addressable market grows from 60% to 75% • Launch
of products from Advance Modular Platform • Reduction in platforms (from 6 to 2) JLR • To
launch Range Rover Velar, XF Sportbrake, and major facelifts on Range Rover and Range
Rover Sports; Jaguar E-Pace, engines (now available across the majority of model range), stop
start, mild and plug-in hybrids as well as battery electric vehicles the Company will also be
opening new Jaguar Land Rover Boutiques • JLR’s customers across 1500 retailers in 85
countries can use ‘virtual reality’ to see new products before their arrival • JLR online
customer advisory board allow it to interact directly with the customers on the improvements
in products and services Planned K 400 billion in capacity expansion, new products launches
and technology adoptions for FY 2017-18 domains of light weighting, xEVs and Hybrids,
Connected vehicles and ADAS features • Company is gearing up to be ready with the
upcoming Bharat Stage VI regulations in India • Jaguar Land Rover is committed to
investments in new technologies to develop products that meet the challenges and Jaguar I-
Pace (Battery Electric SUV) among others • By 2020, half of JLR’s models will have the
option of electrifcation

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6:11 Transformation Journey As part of our transformation journey, we are……

(43:152 [43:620]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Transformation Journey As part of our transformation journey, we are focused on
implementing next-generation advanced modular platform for all our Future Passenger
Vehicles , enabling a faster time-to-market approach. With this transformation, we aim to roll
out more nameplates per platform and reduce complexities of our production process. Our
strategy is to deliver 7-8 product variants from two platforms for greater coverage and sizable
economies of scale.

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6:14 72nd Annual Report 2016-17 49 RELATIONSHIP WITH SUPPLY CHAIN

PARTNERS…… (51:1 [51:811]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Initiatives on building sustainable relationships with our supply chain partners Jaguar Land
Rover’s supply chain is complex and growing in line with our international expansion In FY
2017, TML has engaged with 105 top suppliers who have reported on their environmental,
social and governance performance. In addition, we conducted site assessment of 52 suppliers
and the combined performance is given below: Our ‘Project Sankalp’ benefts bottom-of-the-
pyramid supplier partners in the areas of quality, productivity and proftability through
capability building, elimination of waste (rework, rejections, transit damages, etc.)
conservation of resources and a better work environment thereby ensuring business continuity.

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6:18 72nd Annual Report 2016-17 57 CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Mr Ratan N Tata

COR…… (59:1 [59:1506]) - D 6: TATA ANN
72nd Annual Report 2016-17 57 CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Mr Ratan N Tata CORPORATE
INFORMATION SHARE REGISTRARS TSR Darashaw Limited 6-10, Haji Moosa Patrawala
Industrial Estate, 20 Dr E Moses Road, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai - 400 011 Tel: +91-22-66568484
Fax: +91-22-66568494 Email: csg-unit@tsrdarashaw.com Website: www.tsrdarashaw.com
AUDITORS Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP (Registration No. 117366W/W-100018) ExCOM
Mr Guenter Butschek CEO and Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director
and Chief Operating Ofcer Mr C Ramakrishnan Group Chief Financial Ofcer Mr Girish Wagh
Head - Commercial Vehicles Business Unit Mr Mayank Pareek Head - Passenger Vehicles
Business Unit Dr Timothy Leverton Chief Technology Ofcer Mr Gajendra Chandel Chief
Human Resource Ofcer Mr Shailesh Chandra Head - Corporate Strategy and Business
Transformation Mr Thomas Flack Chief Purchasing Ofcer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr N
Chandrasekaran Non Executive Director and Chairman Dr R A Mashelkar Non Executive,
Independent Director Mr N Munjee Non Executive, Independent Director Mr V K Jairath Non
Executive, Independent Director Ms Falguni Nayar Non Executive, Independent Director Mr
O P Bhatt Non Executive, Independent Director Dr Ralf Speth Non Executive Director Mr
Guenter Butschek CEO and Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and
Chief Operating Ofcer Mr Ravindra Pisharody Executive Director (Commercial Vehicles)

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6:26 RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Committee (RMC) comprising of

fou…… (88:731 [88:1386]) - D 6: TATA ANN
RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Committee (RMC) comprising of four
Independent Directors, has been entrusted with responsibility to assist the Board in (a)
overseeing the Company’s risk management process and controls, risk tolerance and capital
liquidity and funding (b) setting strategic plans and objectives for risk management and review
of risk assessment of the Company (c) review the Company’s risk appetite and strategy relating
to key risks, including credit risk, liquidity and funding risk, market risk, product risk and
reputational risk, as well as the guidelines, policies and processes for monitoring and
mitigating such risks.
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6:29 Technology For Status 1 ESP (Electronic Stability Programme) for Xeno……
(107:202 [107:2638]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Technology For Status 1 ESP (Electronic Stability Programme) for Xenon Euro V vehicle
2012-13 Implemented 2 Average Fuel Economy Display for HCV and LCV platform 2012-13
Implemented 3 A door seal pressure measurement rig 2014-15 Commissioned and being used
for new passenger vehicles 4 Synthetic road shells on a chassis dynamometer 2015-16
Implemented 5 A Noise Test Cell for engine and drivelines 2015-16 Implemented 6
Combustion analyser and knock sensors 2015-16 Implemented 7 Miniature shakers [from
USA]—needed for Accurate Transfer Path Analysis of vibrations of engine To vehicle-body
2016-17 Implemented 8 Master air fow calibration rig 2016-17 Implemented 9 Climatic
chamber with gasoline emission facility 2016-17 Implemented (iv) Research and Development
Particulars (` in crores) Expenditure incurred on research and development: 2016-17 2015-16
(a) Revenue Expenditure - charged to Proft & Loss Statement 508.26 563.11 (b) Revenue
Expenditure – capitalized 1,526.34 1,573.20 (c) Capital Expenditure 65.59 80.80 Total
2,100.18 2,217.11 Income from Operations 49,100.41 47,383.61 R&D cost as a % to Income
from Operations 4.3% 4.7% Specifc areas in which R & D carried out by the Company One of
the main areas in which the Company’s R&D is carried out is to innovate technology solutions
to create exciting products as per pre- defned business strategy. In addition to this, the
Company also runs several innovation projects in the domains of light weighting, xEVs and
Hybrids, Connected vehicles, ADAS features. While all its current products comply with the
existing emission norms, the Company is gearing up to be ready with the upcoming BSVI
regulations in India. Product competitiveness for the Company engines/vehicles is targeted
through customer value propositions such as best-in- class fuel efciency, superior performance,
better total low cost of ownership, increased service interval, reduced downtime & turn-
around time. Application specifc technology selection & duty cycle based performance
optimization are key enablers to achieve these goals. Enhanced fuel efciency and thereby
reduction in carbon footprint is planned to be achieved through various powertrain as well as
vehicle level measures. The Company is investing signifcantly in development eforts, capital
equipment and in infrastructure to meet BSVI requirements for all our products over next 2 to
3 years.

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6:42 Jaguar Land Rover has invested to enhance its technological expertise……
(138:1339 [138:1854]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Jaguar Land Rover has invested to enhance its technological expertise through in-house R&D
activities, including the development of its engineering and design centers, which centralize
Jaguar Land Rover’s capabilities in product design and engineering. Furthermore, Jaguar Land
Rover participates in advanced research consortia that bring together leading manufacturers,
suppliers and academic specialists in the United Kingdom and are supported by funding from
the UK Government’s Technology Strategy Board.

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6:44 The Company also believe that Jaguar Land Rover are leaders in automo……
(139:3945 [139:4376]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company also believe that Jaguar Land Rover are leaders in automotive green technology
in the United Kingdom. Jaguar Land Rover’s environmental vehicle strategy focuses on new
propulsion technology, weight reduction and reducing parasitic losses through the driveline.
They have developed diesel hybrid versions of the Range Rover and Range Rover Sport,
without compromising the vehicles’ of road capability or load space.

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6:47 As part of the Company’s strategy to become a value for money vehicle……
(150:2169 [150:2743]) - D 6: TATA ANN
As part of the Company’s strategy to become a value for money vehicle manufacturer, it has
undertaken various initiatives to reduce its fxed and variable costs. The Company uses an e-
sourcing initiative to procure supplies through reverse auctions. The Company uses external
agencies such as third-party logistics providers. This has resulted in space and cost savings.
The Company’s initiatives to leverage information technology in supply chain activities have
resulted in improved efciency through real-time information exchanges and processing with its

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6:54 COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board has constituted a set of

Committees…… (174:1067 [174:3141]) - D 6: TATA ANN
COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board has constituted a set of Committees with specifc
terms of reference/scope to focus efectively on the issues and ensure expedient resolution of
diverse matters. The Committees operate as empowered agents of the Board as per their
Charter/terms of reference. Targets set / actions directed by them as agreed with the
management are reviewed periodically and mid-course corrections are also carried out. The
Board of Directors and the Committees also take decisions by circular resolutions which are
noted at the next meeting. The minutes of the meetings of all Committees of the Board are
placed before the Board for discussions/noting. An Organisation Chart depicting the
relationship between the Board of Directors, the Committees and the senior management
functions as at March 31, 2017 is illustrated below: SHAREHOLDERS CEO & MANAGING
BUSINESS COMMITTEES CV & PV Business Unit Steering Committee# CV & PV Product
Review Committee Investment Review Committee# Risk Oversight Committee Sourcing
Council# IT Governance Committee Commercial Vehicles (ED) Quality (ED) Passenger
Vehicles CTO (Chief Technology Ofcer) Group Chief Financial Ofcer Chief Human Resource
Ofcer Chief Purchasing Ofcer Corporate Strategy and Business Transformation Corporate
Communications** Audit Committee Executive Committee of the Board Nomination &
Remuneration Committee Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee Safety, Health &
Environment Committee Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Risk Management
Committee Special Need Based Committees OTHER DIRECT REPORTS TO MD *The CEO
& MD chairs the ExCom ** associated member of ExCom # Business Committees are chaired
by related ExCom member where indicated, otherwise by the CEO & MD Chief Internal
Auditor Company Secretary Government Afairs Corporate Legal Chief Information Ofcer
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 172
72nd Annual Report 2016-17

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6:56 http://www.tatamotors.com/investors/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-in……

(191:754 [191:1354]) - D 6: TATA ANN
http://www.tatamotors.com/investors/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-independent-
directors.pdf Unpaid Dividend Account Details Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts to
be transferred to the IEPF http://www.tatamotors.com/investor/iepf/ Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy The policy outlines the Company’s strategy to bring about a positive
impact on society through programmes focusing on Health, Education, Employability and
Environment interventions for relevant target groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference
to needy and deserving communities inhabiting urban India.

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6:58 Please refer ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ section of Company’s A……

(194:1350 [194:1620]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ section of Company’s Annual Report FY 2016-
17 and Company’s Annual CSR Report 2016-17 for detailed community engagement strategy
and key initiatives. The reports are available on the Company’s website www.tatamotors.com.

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6:59 The Company has been publishing annual Sustainability Reports in acco……
(197:705 [197:1302]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has been publishing annual Sustainability Reports in accordance with globally
renowned Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework. These reports also serve as the
Company’s Communication on Progress (COP) as part United Nations Global Compact
(UNGC) signatory reporting obligations and have been aligned with the National Voluntary
Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business, released by
Ministry of Corporate Governance. The Company also published Annual CSR Report this year
to highlight the community engagement strategy and performance.

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6:60 2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations for the adva……
(202:3524 [202:4252]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations for the advancement or
improvement of public good? Yes/ No; if yes specify the broad areas (drop box: Governance
and Administration, Economic Reforms, Inclusive Development Policies, Energy security,
Water, Food Security, Sustainable Business Principles, Others) The Company, through various
industry associations, participates in advocating matters advancement of the industry and
public good. It supports various initiatives of the SIAM which include aspects of product
safety, alternate fuel vehicles, environment, fuel policies, customer information and education,
to name a few. The Company’s AA policy is a progressive step towards inclusive development.

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6:61 Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community developmen……

(202:4430 [202:5287]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community development strategy. Ankur, the
Company’s community engagement strategy, is percolated to each manufacturing plant through
a detailed community development plan. The plant specifc plan addresses the local needs and
the corporate cell drives some company-wide strategic community development initiatives
such as driver training. The initiatives primarily focus on Arogya (Health), Vidyadhanam
(Education), Kaushalya (Employability) and Vasundhara (Environment). Seva, the employee
volunteering initiative provides the Company’s employees with a platform to be a part of its
community initiatives. The Company along with its employees also supports Sumant
Moolgaonkar Development Foundation (SMDF) Corporate Overview Statutory Reports
Financial Statements 200 72nd Annual Report 2016-17

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6:62 Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2016-17’ and ‘Community……
(203:407 [203:2916]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2016-17’ and ‘Community Development’
section of Tata Motors Sustainability Area Partners Involved Education Action Aid, Agastya
International Foundation, Avanti Fellows, Block Resource Centre EDUCATION DEPT.(SSA),
CATHEDRAL CHURCH SANAND, Center for Youth Development & Activities, Children’s
Movement for Civic Awareness, College of Engineering Pune, GANATAR, Global Education
Trust, Gram Vikas Kendra, IIT Bombay Alumni Association, Manav Seva Education Trust,
Moinee Foundation, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Rotary
Club of Nigdi, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Samata Shikshan Sanstha, SANAND LIONS
FOUNDATION TRUST, Seva Sahyog Foundation, Shanti Seva Nidhi Trust, Shiksha Prasar
Kendra, SHRI SHAKTI KELAVNI UTTEJAK TRUST, Society for Human Environmental
Development, Suprabhat Mahila Mandal, Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement,
Swaroopwardhinee, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Tata Motors Gruhini Social Welfare
Society, The Jai Narayan Charitable Trust, Urmee Charitable Trust, Vidya Poshak, Vikas
Samities Employability Ahmedabad Dist. Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd, Ambika
Motor Driving School, Centre for Civil Society, CII, Gram Vikas Kendra, LAURUS
EDUTECH LIFE SKILLS PVT LTD, Manikbag Automobile Pvt Ltd, MITCON Foundation,
Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Prasad Chikitsa, Pratham Education Foundation,
Ramkrishna Mission Sakwar, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Sambhav Foundation, SANAND
EDUCATION TRUST, Shashwat, Skill For Progress, SUVIDHA, Vedanta Foundation, Vigyan
Ashram (IIE), Vikas Samities Health Action Aid, CHETNA, Family Planning Association of
India, Gram Vikas Kendra, Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Manav Seva Education Trust,
NAMASTE LIFE, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Paryawaran Evam Jan
Kalyan Samiti, Prasad Chikitsa, Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital, Sneh
Foundation, Snehdeep Jankalyan Foundation, Sumant Moolgaonkar Development Foundation,
Sterling Hospital, Swadhar, Vikas Samities Environment Bansilal Ramntath Agarwal
Charitable Trust, Bombay Natural History Society, COLLEGE OF SOCIAL WORK
Manav Seva Education Trust, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Samaj Vikas Kendra,
Sarvodhaya Maha Sangh, Terre Policy Center, Tree Public Foundation, Vikas Samities,
Wildlife Research and Conservation Society Report FY 2016-17 for detailed community
engagement strategy and key initiatives.
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6:65 25 Hemalakshmi T Raju* 44 Head - (L&D) Tata Motors Academy 1,755,822.3……

(363:1 [363:4488]) - D 6: TATA ANN
25 Hemalakshmi T Raju* 44 Head - (L&D) Tata Motors Academy 1,755,822.37 1,476,886.37
BA, MA, & Diploma in Management 19 10.12.2008 Permanent Reliance Industries Ltd,HR /
PSD / Safety / IR - 3 yrs 26 Hoshang K Sethna 53 Company Secretary 12,254,291.12
7,507,244.92 B Com, LLB, CS 30 03.07.1995 Permanent Tata Oil Mills Co,- 1 yrs 27 Jagdish
Chandra Belwal* 44 Chief Information Ofcer 10,473,670.54 6,390,851.54 BE 23 01.07.1994
Permanent - 28 Johnny Oommen 48 Head - International Business (PCBU) 10,529,960.40
7,242,075.40 BA(Economics), MA (Economics), MBA 22 18.10.2010 Permanent Al Jenaibi
International Automobiles LLC, Manufacturing / Productions / Operations- 6 yrs 29 Karl-
Heinz Servos^ 58 Project Director (Vehicle Line Director Q5) 21,739,286.76 13,954,889.76
Diploma (Physics) 29 01.10.2011 Permanent VW/ Audi,- 9 yrs 30 M K Dubey* 55 Head -
Business Excellence,TMML 5,489,423.70 3,932,816.70 B Sc Engg, Diploma in Management
29 04.08.1987 Permanent - 31 M S Sheshadri* 60 Asst General Manager - Govt Afairs
3,932,852.42 2,283,625.52 Diploma in Mechanical 38 18.11.1978 Permanent - 32 Madhukar
Krishnarao Hampiholi* 60 Senior Manager (Foundry Technology) 887,660.34 827,856.34
Diploma in Mechanical 40 01.08.1976 Permanent - 33 Marcus Hotblack 63 Studio Chief
Designer - Interior 10,357,700.49 7,134,528.49 BA, MA 39 04.04.2013 Permanent RMIT
University,Design- 2 yrs 34 Mayank Pareek^ 56 President-Passenger Vehicle Business Unit
29,952,058.40 19,276,781.80 PG Diploma in Mgmt (Management) 26 01.10.2014 Permanent
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd,- 23 yrs 35 Minari Shah* 48 Head (Corporate Communications)
7,589,477.09 5,442,316.09 BA(History),MA 21 17.06.2013 Permanent Hongkong & Shanghai
Banking Corp Ltd,P R / Mass Comm - 1 yrs 36 Mukund Vyankatesh Guttikar* 60 Maintenance
Lead-Closure Area 1,156,191.73 1,043,164.08 Diploma in Industrial Electronics 36 15.09.1980
Permanent - 37 N S Kulkarni* 60 Head (Corporate Planning) 8,011,761.78 3,885,728.13 BE
Mechanical, PG Diploma in Management 38 01.07.1978 Permanent - 38 Nagesh Dinkar
Pinge*^ 58 Vice President (Internal Audit) 16,967,455.04 10,737,706.24 PG Diploma in
Management 33 27.01.2009 Permanent JSW Group,Internal Audit / Material- 1 yrs 39 Prakash
Govindlal Sharma* 60 Head, Planning, CVBU 7,907,816.21 4,050,184.81 BSc (Mathematics),
BE 37 11.05.1981 Permanent Bajaj Tempo Limited,- 1 yrs 40 Prasad MSRK* 55 Head Human
Resources - TMML 2,060,530.65 1,688,689.35 BA(Economics), MA 29 05.08.2009 Permanent
Hindustan Unilever Ltd,HR / PSD / Safety / IR - 2 yrs 41 Prasann Kumar Chobe 59 Sr Vice
President (Head Mfg Opns- CVBU) 14,390,293.45 8,685,895.25 BTech(Mechanical) 39
01.07.1978 Permanent - 42 Prem K Verma 59 CEO - TMFSL 14,973,174.61 8,783,798.41
Mcom (Commerce), DIPLOMA (Marketing) 40 25.10.2000 Permanent Philips India Ltd,- 19
yrs 43 R Manoj* 60 Head (STU) - Mumbai 5,844,128.60 3,220,535.70 BSc (Physics),
Diploma 38 01.09.1978 Permanent - 44 R Ramakrishnan 53 Sr VP,Product Strategy &
Planning & Cust.Value 16,252,502.69 9,844,682.49 BE 32 08.11.1985 Permanent - 45 R T
Wasan 51 Vice President, Sales & Marketing (CVBU) 12,129,624.13 7,385,550.13
SSLC(Others), BE (Mechanical), PG Diploma in Engg, MBA 26 03.05.1993 Permanent J N
Marshall Ltd,- 2 yrs 46 Raghuvar Seth* 29 Marketing Manager (SCV Pickups) 905,396.98
796,170.98 PG Diploma in Management 2 23.06.2014 Permanent - 47 Rajendra M Petkar 50
Vice President - ERC 10,431,117.64 6,921,389.64 BE, M Tech 29 16.09.2015 Permanent TATA
Technologies Ltd., Manufacturing / Production / Operation - 17 yrs 48 Ramesh Dorairajan 53
Head - RCFI & Business Excellence 10,780,722.86 7,441,072.86 BA(Economics), Executive
Management Program, PG Diploma in Mgmt 27 18.08.2011 Permanent JCB India Ltd,Finance
/ Price Panel- 4 yrs 49 Ranjiv Kapur 55 Sr.General Manager ( PVBU ) 11,253,456.32
7,237,701.32 Bcom (Commerce), PG Diploma in Management 34 21.10.2013 Permanent
Samsung India,Sales & Marketing- 5 yrs 50 Ravindra Pisharody^ 61 Executive Director
(Commercial Vehicles) 29,543,042.00 17,770,223.00 Alumnus of IIT, Kharagpur and IIM,
Kolkata 38 17.09.2007 Permanent BP Singapore Ltd,Sales & Marketing- 3 yrs 51 Richard
Winsor* 48 Studio Chief Designer - Exterior 10,280,256.60 7,135,078.60 MA 21 02.04.2013
Permanent Nissan,Design- 1 yrs 52 Sunil Kumar Gupta* 60 Head (Finance & Business
Planning ) -IB 10,317,399.34 5,439,574.84 ICWA 37 02.06.1980 Permanent Crescent Iron &
Steel Corp Ltd.

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6:86 Our today… 614,309 Retail sales 3.8% EBIT reported 16% Revenue i……
(421:1471 [421:2043]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Our today… 614,309 Retail sales 3.8% EBIT reported 16% Revenue invested in new models,
technology and capacity ….is leading the way for our future To attain the medium-to-long term
EBIT targets of: JLR is focussing on the following profit improvement drivers: • Growing
premium segments • Introducing new and exciting products • Improving operating leverage •
Driving cost efficiencies • Building a modular architecture strategy • Concentrating on ACES
4-7% (Post Product Development Cost Policy changes) between FY19 and FY21 7-9% Over
the long-term

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6:87 While the strategy for electrified vehicles has been defined, there a……
(423:2691 [423:3047]) - D 6: TATA ANN
While the strategy for electrified vehicles has been defined, there are challenges on the way.
There are geopolitical issues, especially in Europe and the UK, and higher taxes on diesel, that
may throw a spanner in the works. However, JLR is quite optimistic that with its premium,
advanced vehicles, it can continue its profitable sustainable growth.

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STATEMEN…… (437:1 [437:2300]) - D 6: TATA ANN
STATEMENTS 185-353 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) Chairman Emeritus Mr
Ratan N Tata Board of Directors Mr N Chandrasekaran Non-Executive Director and Chairman
Mr Nasser Munjee Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Vinesh Kumar Jairath Non-
Executive, Independent Director Dr Ralf Speth Non-Executive Director Ms Falguni Nayar
Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Om Prakash Bhatt Non-Executive, Independent
Director Ms Hanne Sorensen Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Guenter Butschek CEO
and Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
Registered Office Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91 22 6665
8282 Fax: +91 22 6665 7799 Email: inv_rel@tatamotors.com Website: www.tatamotors.com
Corporate Identity Number L28920MH1945PLC004520 Executive Committee Mr Guenter
Butschek CEO and Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and Chief
Operating Officer Mr P B Balaji Group Chief Financial Officer Mr Girish Wagh President -
Commercial Vehicles Business Unit Mr Mayank Pareek President - Passenger Vehicles
Business Unit Mr Rajendra Petkar Chief Technology Officer Mr Gajendra Chandel Chief
Human Resource Officer Mr Shailesh Chandra President - Electric Mobility Business &
Corporate Strategy Mr Thomas Flack Chief Purchasing Officer Company Secretary Mr H K
Sethna Auditors BSR & Co. LLP (Registration No. 101248W/W–100022) Share Registrars
TSR Darashaw Limited 6-10, Haji Moosa Patrawala Industrial Estate, 20, Dr E Moses Road,
Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400 011 Tel: +91 22 6656 8484 Fax: +91 22 6656 8494 Email: csg-
unit@tsrdarashaw.com Website: www.tsrdarashaw.com Bankers Allahabad Bank Andhra Bank
Bank of America Bank of Baroda Bank of India Bank of Maharashtra Central Bank of India
Citibank NA Corporation Bank Deutsche Bank Federal Bank HDFC Bank Hongkong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation ICICI Bank IDBI Bank Indian Bank Kotak Mahindra Bank
Karur Vysya Bank Punjab National Bank Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of India Union
Bank of India United Bank of India WORKS Jamshedpur Pune Lucknow Pantnagar Sanand
Dharwad Corporate information

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6:92 – Abby’s – Best use of Digital media – Bronze Award for Best use of D……
(440:4640 [440:5186]) - D 6: TATA ANN
– Abby’s – Best use of Digital media – Bronze Award for Best use of Digital display
advertising – Digital Industry Awards 2017 - Best Use of Social Media in a Digital Campaign
for Tata T1 Prima Truck Racing Championship 2017 for the year’s Digital Industry Awards –
Use Dipper At Night Campaign – an innovative campaign to bring awareness amongst the
truck driver community of safe practices continues to be extremely well received and
acknowledged winning the Silver WARC Prize for Asian Strategy and award for the Best
Channel Thinking.

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6:93 RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Committee (RMC) is entrusted

with…… (443:2216 [443:2824]) - D 6: TATA ANN
RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Committee (RMC) is entrusted with
responsibility to assist the Board in (a) overseeing the Company’s risk management process
and controls, risk tolerance and capital liquidity and funding (b) setting strategic plans and
objectives for risk management and review of risk assessment of the Company ( c ) review the
Company’s risk appetite and strategy relating to key risks, including credit risk, liquidity and
funding risk, market risk, product risk and reputational risk, as well as the guidelines, policies
and processes for monitoring and mitigating such risks.

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6:100 The Company has pursued a strategy of increasing exports of Tata and……
(486:3710 [486:5898]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has pursued a strategy of increasing exports of Tata and other brand vehicles to
new and existing markets. However, in Fiscal 2018, the revenue of the Company’s subsidiary
in South Korea, TDCV, has been lower due to lower industry volumes and aggressive
marketing strategy from the competitors. Similarly for TTL, its specialized subsidiary engaged
in engineering, design and information technology services, had reported lower revenue and
profits due to adverse movement in exchange rates of major currencies as average rate of
US$/INR declined by 3.9% in Fiscal 2018 compared to Fiscal 2017, while average rate of
GBP/INR declined by 2.5% during the above period. TTL also suffered decline in revenue in
Europe and North America mainly due to completion of vehicle programs with its key clients
and delayed start of new programs due to client plan changes. The decline in Europe and North
America were partially offset by growth in revenue in Asia Pacific region. Improved market
sentiment in certain countries to which the Company exports and the strong sales performance
of Jaguar Land Rover has enabled the Company to increase its sales in these international
markets in Fiscal 2018. However, due to unfavorable currency translation from GB£ to INR
and also growth in revenue in India in Fiscal 2018, the proportion of the Company’s net sales
earned from markets outside of India decreased to 79.8% in Fiscal 2018 from 82.5% in Fiscal
2017. The following table sets forth the Company’s revenues from its key geographical
markets and the percentage of total revenues that each key geographical market contributes for
the periods indicated: Revenue Fiscal 2018 Fiscal 2017 (` in crores) % (` in crores) % India
59,593.18 20.2% 47,101.21 17.2% China 43,394.13 14.7% 41,369.40 15.1% UK 51,356.29
17.4% 50,588.18 18.4% United States 44,991.88 15.2% 42,935.31 15.6% Rest of Europe*
46,393.27 15.7% 47,122.48 17.2% Rest of World* 49,680.59 16.8% 45,375.54 16.5% Total
295,409.34 274,492.12 * The Rest of Europe market is geographic Europe, excluding the
United Kingdom and Russia. The rest of The World market is any region not included above.

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6:105 JAGUAR LAND ROVER Jaguar Land Rover has always focused on the safety,
…… (504:2961 [504:3557]) - D 6: TATA ANN
JAGUAR LAND ROVER Jaguar Land Rover has always focused on the safety, security,
wellbeing and development of the people. The Company nurture and retain talent through the
Jaguar Land Rover Academy, an environment offering accredited learning for the employees at
every stage of their career. Actively shaping education and contributing to the skills
development available to our communities is part of our long-term recruitment strategy. So too
is continuing our successful apprentice and graduate programme, working closely with
academic partners such as the Warwick Manufacturing Group.

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0 Codes

6:118 THE COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board has constituted a set of
Commit…… (524:1099 [524:4003]) - D 6: TATA ANN
THE COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board has constituted a set of Committees with
specific terms of reference/scope, to focus effectively on the issues and ensure expedient
resolution of diverse matters. The Committees operate as empowered agents of the Board as
per their Charter/terms of reference. Targets set / actions directed by them, as agreed with the
management are reviewed periodically and mid-course corrections are also carried out. The
Board of Directors and the Committees also take decisions by circular resolutions which are
noted at the next meeting. The minutes of the meetings of all Committees of the Board are
placed before the Board for discussions/noting. An Organisation Chart depicting the
relationship between the Board of Directors, the Committees and the senior management
functions is illustrated below: AUDIT COMMITTEE The Audit Committee functions
according to its Charter that defines its composition, authority, responsibility and reporting
functions in accordance with Section 177 of the Act, Regulation 18(3) read with Part C of
Schedule II of the SEBI Listing Regulations and US regulations applicable to the Company
and is reviewed from time to time. Whilst, the full Charter is available on the Company’s
website, given below is a gist of the responsibilities of the Audit Committee: i. Reviewing with
the management, quarterly/annual financial statements before submission to the Board,
focusing primarily on: - The Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its
financial information, including earnings, press release, to ensure that the financial statements
are correct, sufficient and credible; SHAREHOLDERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CEO &
ExCom (1) BOARD COMMITTEES (2) CV & PV Business Unit Steering Committee(3)
Chief Operating Officer Audit Committee CV & PV Product Review Committee Commercial
Vehicles Executive Committee of the Board Investment Review Committee (3) Passenger
Vehicles Nomination & Remuneration Committee Risk Oversight Committee Group Chief
Financial Officer Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee Sourcing Council(3) Chief Human
Resource Officer Safety, Health & Sustainability Committee IT Governance Committee Chief
Technology Officer Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Chief Purchasing Officer Risk
Management Committee E-Mobility Business & Corporate Strategy Special Need based
Committees Corporate Communications (4) OTHER DIRECT REPORTS TO MD Chief
Internal Auditor Company Secretary Government Affairs Corporate Legal Chief Information
Officer (1) The CEO & MD chairs the ExCom (2) The Company Secretary acts as the
Secretary for all Board constituted Committees (3) Business Committees are chaired by related
ExCom member where indicated, otherwise by the CEO & MD (4) Associated member of the

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6:120 http://investors.tatamotors.com/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-indepe……

(542:2398 [542:2995]) - D 6: TATA ANN
http://investors.tatamotors.com/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-independent- directors.pdf
Unpaid Dividend Account Details Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts to be
transferred to the IEPF https://www.tatamotors.com/investors/iepf/ Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy The policy outlines the Company’s strategy to bring about a positive
impact on society through programmes focusing on Health, Education, Employability and
Environment interventions for relevant target groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference
to needy and deserving communities inhabiting urban India.

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0 Codes

6:121 Please refer “Presence across markets” section of the Company’s Annua……
(545:3496 [545:4544]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer “Presence across markets” section of the Company’s Annual Report FY 2017-18
for complete list of markets served Section B: Financial Details of the Company 1. Paid up
Capital (INR): `679.22 Crores 2. Total Turnover (INR): `57258.60 Crores (Standalone basis
without joint operations) 3. Total Profit After Taxes (INR): Loss of `1266.19 crores
(Standalone basis without joint operations) 4. Total Spending on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) as percentage of profit after tax (%): Total expenditure reported is `21.44
crores (Standalone basis without joint operations) 5. List of activities in which expenditure in 4
above has been incurred: - The Company has been regularly conducting a community
engagement strategy which revolves around four focus themes: 1. Arogya (Health): The focus
is to work on addressing child malnutrition, health awareness for females. This initiative
provides preventive & curative health services to community. In Fiscal 2018, 3,81,110
members benefited from our health initiatives.

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6:122 Please refer ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ section of the Company……

(546:1377 [546:1641]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ section of the Company’s Annual Report FY
2017-18 and Company’s Annual CSR Report 2017-18 for detailed community engagement
strategy and key initiatives. The reports are available on our website www.tatamotors.com.

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6:123 The Company has been publishing Annual Sustainability Reports in acco……
(549:1770 [549:2428]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has been publishing Annual Sustainability Reports in accordance with globally
recognized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. These reports also serve as the
Company’s Communication on Progress (COP) as part of United Nations Global Compact
(UNGC) signatory reporting obligations and have been aligned with the National Voluntary
Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business, released by
Ministry of Corporate Governance. The Company also published Annual CSR Report this year
to highlight the community engagement strategy and performance. The Company’s CSR
Report can be viewed at https://www.

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6:124 2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations for the adva……
(555:692 [555:1341]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations for the advancement or
improvement of public good? Yes/ No; if yes specify the broad areas (drop box: Governance
and Administration, Economic Reforms, Inclusive Development Policies, Energy Security,
Water, Food Security, Sustainable Business Principles, Others) The Company, through various
industry associations, participated in advocating matters advancement of the industry and
public good. It supports various initiatives of the SIAM which include aspects of product
safety, alternate fuel vehicles, environment, fuel policies, customer information and education,
to name a few.

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6:125 Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community developmen……

(555:1641 [555:2513]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community development strategy. Ankur, the
Company’s community engagement strategy, is percolated to each manufacturing plant through
a detailed community development plan. The plant specific plan addresses the local needs and
the corporate cell drives some company-wide strategic community development initiatives
such as driver training. The initiatives primarily focus on Arogya (Health), Vidyadhanam
(Education), Kaushalya (Employability) and Vasundhara (Environment). Seva, the employee
volunteering initiative provides our employees with a platform to be a part of our community
initiatives. Tata Motors along with its employees also supports Sumant Moolgaonkar
Development Foundation (SMDF) towards implementing Amurtdhara, a National Drinking
Water Project to provide safe drinking water to communities.

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6:128 1 Chairman Emeritus Mr Ratan N Tata Board of Directors Mr N Chandr……

(741:1 [741:2150]) - D 6: TATA ANN
1 Chairman Emeritus Mr Ratan N Tata Board of Directors Mr N Chandrasekaran Non-
Executive Director and Chairman Mr Nasser Munjee Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr
Vinesh Kumar Jairath Non-Executive, Independent Director Dr Ralf Speth Non-Executive
Director Ms Falguni Nayar Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Om Prakash Bhatt Non-
Executive, Independent Director Ms Hanne Sorensen Non-Executive, Independent Director Ms
Vedika Bhandarkar Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Guenter Butschek CEO and
Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
Registered Office Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91 22 6665
8282 Email: inv_rel@tatamotors.com Website: www.tatamotors.com Corporate Identity
Number L28920MH1945PLC004520 Executive Committee Mr Guenter Butschek CEO and
Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer Mr P
B Balaji Group Chief Financial Officer Mr Girish Wagh President - Commercial Vehicles
Business Unit Mr Mayank Pareek President - Passenger Vehicles Business Unit Mr Rajendra
Petkar Chief Technology Officer Mr Thomas Flack Chief Purchasing Officer Mr Shailesh
Chandra President - Electric Mobility Business & Corporate Strategy Mr Ravindra Kumar G P
President & Chief Human Resource Officer Company Secretary Mr H K Sethna Auditors BSR
& Co. LLP (Registration No. 101248W/W–100022) Share Registrars TSR Darashaw
Consultants Private Limited 6-10, Haji Moosa Patrawala Industrial Estate, 20, Dr E Moses
Road, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400 011 Tel: +91 22 6656 8484 Fax: +91 22 6656 8494 Email:
csg-unit@tsrdarashaw.com Website: www.tsrdarashaw.com Bankers Australia & New Zealand
Banking Group Limited Bank of America Bank of Baroda Bank of India Citibank NA
Deutsche Bank Federal Bank HDFC Bank Limited Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation ICICI Bank Indian Bank Kotak Bank Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of
India Union Bank of India WORKS Jamshedpur Pune Lucknow Pantnagar Sanand Dharwad
Board of Directors & Corporate Information

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6:132 We encourage our people to advance their skills. More than 30 per cen……
(15:1888 [15:2160]) - D 6: TATA ANN
We encourage our people to advance their skills. More than 30 per cent take advantage of what
is already the best range of lifelong education schemes ofered by the Jaguar Land Rover
Academy and supported by Warwick Manufacturing Group and other renowned universities.

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REMUNERATION CO…… (16:1815 [16:2030]) - D 6: TATA ANN

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6:134 Ms Falguni Nayar Non-Executive, Independent Director STATUTORY

COMM…… (18:1386 [18:1971]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Ms Falguni Nayar Non-Executive, Independent Director STATUTORY COMMITTEES OF
Prakash Bhatt is a banker, having served as Chairman, State Bank Group in his last assignment
till 2011, which includes State Bank of India (SBI), India’s largest commercial bank, among
other Indian and overseas banks and subsidiaries. Under his leadership, SBI rose on the global
list of Fortune 500.

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6:135 Mr Butschek’s last assignment was with Airbus Group where he served a……
(19:1418 [19:2009]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Mr Butschek’s last assignment was with Airbus Group where he served as Chief Operating
Ofcer and Member of the Group Executive Committee. Prior to Airbus, Mr Butschek worked
at Daimler AG, where he gained more than 25 years of experience in international automotive
management, holding functions like production, industrialisation and procurement. He has a
rich global experience of growing organisations and developing new markets. Mr Butschek is a
graduate in Business Administration and Economics with a diploma from the University of
Cooperative Education Stuttgart, Germany.

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6:136 24 BUSINESS MODEL Consumption of Raw Materials and Components

(Conso…… (26:1 [26:2946]) - D 6: TATA ANN
24 BUSINESS MODEL Consumption of Raw Materials and Components (Consolidated) B
160,147.12 crores Energy Usage: TML (2017): 5.2 GJ/vehicle (including acetylene use) JLR
(2015-16): 2.30 MWh/ vehicle Energy Conservation: TML: • Investment of B 9.24 crores in
energy conservation • Tata Motors is one of the signatories of RE100 (a global collaborative
initiative of Tata Motors Works India Jamshedpur Pune Lucknow Pantnagar Sanand Dharwad
JLR Manufacturing Plants UK : • Halewood • Solihull • Castle Bromwich • Wolverhampton
(Engine Manufacturing Center) • CHINA (JV), Changshu • BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro • INDIA,
Pune (Vehicle Assembly) Capital Expenditure (2016-17) B 31,750.74 crores infuencing
business committed to 100% renewable electricity by 2030) JLR : • Transition to cleaner,
sustainable sources of energy • Sourcing 100% of the electricity to power the facilities from
renewables Resource Management : JLR & TML : Focus on Life Cycle Assessment of the
products TML: Specifc water consumption per vehicle in TML is 11.3m3 Natural Capital The
automotive business is dependent on multiple natural resource based raw materials. At the
same time, there are several impacts of the business activities on the natural environment
Intellectual Capital R&D, innovation, design and engineering which form the basis of our
product development eforts Manufactured Capital The production facilities and equipment for
designing, prototyping and manufacturing vehicles Financial Capital The funds and monetary
resources needed to establish and operate the business. The business raises funds through a mix
of debt and equity and optimises its debt based on market conditions Spend on R&D TML: B
2,100 crores JLR: GBP 1,794 million Patent Applications - TML: 80 Patent Applications -
JLR: 528 Design Applications - TML: 52 Design Applications - JLR: 367 Social &
Relationship Capital Stable and sustainable relationships with value-chain partners and
customers are indispensable for business continuity. Our relations with communities ensure
Social License to Operate CSR spend TML: B 25.94 crores JLR: GBP 10.23 million Employee
Volunteering (number of hours): TML: ~70000 Man Hours JLR: 10000 Man Hours TML: •
Engagement with dealers through periodic dealer conferences at national and regional levels •
In 2016-17, around 105 suppliers engaged for Environmental, Social and Governance related
data and 52 suppliers assessed onsite JLR: • Personalised Learning and Development to
support all retailers • Participation in Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Supply Chain
programme - a global platform for engaging with suppliers to help businesses decarbonise •
Customer Experience Insight Programme in 124 countries and 53 languages Human Capital
The collective skills, experience and expertise of our people, which drive our production

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6:137 Number of employees (Consolidated): 79558 Employee Benefts & Wages……

(26:2949 [26:3305]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Number of employees (Consolidated): 79558 Employee Benefts & Wages (Consolidated): B
28,332.89 crores TML: • Training on safety, diversity Human Rights Policies and concerns,
over and above functional training • Conducting Sessions like SAFE20 JLR’s spend on
training: More than GBP 100 million a year into training, education and skills INPUTS

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6:138 SUBJECT 25 TML: Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) 0.17, reduc……
(27:1 [27:3287]) - D 6: TATA ANN
SUBJECT 25 TML: Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) 0.17, reduction of 11.8 % from
2015-16 JLR: Lost Time Case performance in an improving trend of around 6% Y-o-Y, against
increased volumes and headcount. Zero lost time accidents at many sites TML: • 67% of
employees trained on Human Rights TML has CSR projects in 4 areas: 1. Arogya (Health) 2.
Vidyadhanam (Education) 3. Kaushalya (Employability) 4. Vasundhara (Environment) TML:
Social Return on Investment For every rupee invested by TML in the Skill Development
Programme at RKM, B 3.1 of social value attributable to TML is created as on 2014. Will
increase to B 4.1 by 2024 JLR: Lives impacted Almost 6 million in over 25 countries GHG
emissions TML: 0.741 tCO 2e/vehicle JLR: • 32% reduction in its European feet’s average
tailpipe CO2 emissions in eight years • 38% improvement in its operational CO2 emissions •
Tail Pipe Emissions of European Fleet to reduce further by 25% by 2020 • 950 women
employees trained on Women's Safety Awareness • 1000+ employees engaged in Safe20
programme JLR: • Female graduate and apprentice intake : up by 30% • Women joining
graduate programme make up 29% of total hires • 10000 employees have undergone further
education and talent development TML: • Ranked second in the J.D. Power Asia Pacifc 2016
India Customer Service Index • No incidents of labour and human rights violations and non-
compliance with environmental and social regulations among TML suppliers JLR: • Trained an
audience of ~55000 retailer staf, with training that is developed in 13 core languages •
Participation rate of suppliers in the CDP Supply Chain survey 2015-16 at 72% compared with
average of 51% • Implemented advisory boards to provide “always on” feedback- Customers’
Insights inform product planning team Resource Management TML: Total Hazardous waste
generation - 5361.76 MT JLR: Through REALCAR (Recycled Aluminium Car) project, in one
year (to April 2016) alone, JLR was able to reclaim and recycle more than 50000 tonnes of
aluminium waste JLR: Achieved a 39% reduction in water use per vehicle since 2007 New
Products Developed - TML: • Commercial Vehicles - 9 • Passenger Vehicles - 3 JLR: 11 Key
R&D Highlights TML : Tata Starbus Hybrid, Tata Ultra Electric, Fuel cell bus and India’s frst
LNG bus JLR: Jaguar I-pace – frst 5-seater battery electric crossover, on sale in 2018. Plug-in
hybrids on Range Rover and Range Rover Sports to debut shortly Patents Granted - TML: 22
Patents Granted - JLR: 292 Designs Registered - TML: 26 Designs Registered - JLR: 412 Total
Income (Consolidated Net of Excise Duty) B 269,850 crores INPUTS REDUCING
PROFITABLE GROWTH WHAT WE DO Premium quality customer experiences Innovation,
Research and Technology Design and Engineering Designing and creating desirable products
Manufacturing Operations Marketing Logistics Sales Network Financial Services OUTPUTS
Number of vehicles sold (Consolidated): 11,57,808 EBITDA (Consolidated) B 36,912 crores
Net Proft (Consolidated) B 7,557 crores RAW MATERIALS SUPPLIERS CUSTOMER
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6:139 Regulations on Bus Body code, focus on fully built vehicles, governm……
(33:1766 [33:2204]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Regulations on Bus Body code, focus on fully built vehicles, government thrust on road
infrastructure, ‘Swachh Bharat’ campaign and the big advantage through improved logistics/
supply chain efciencies under the new GST regime are some of the enablers to new
opportunities. The Concept of ‘Smart Cities’ and programmes like NEMMP will ease the
implementation of AMP vision and support mass electrifcation of public transport.

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6:140 Through our Afrmative Action programme, we reach out to the historica……
(48:1097 [48:1352]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Through our Afrmative Action programme, we reach out to the historically marginalised
groups and 40% of our CSR budget is earmarked for programmes towards their upliftment.
This is done through education, employability, employment and entrepreneurship.

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RESPONSIBILITY (48:1583 [48:1652]) - D 6: TATA ANN

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6:142 72nd Annual Report 2016-17 47 EDUCATION EMPLOYMENT / SKILL

DEVELOPMEN…… (49:1 [49:972]) - D 6: TATA ANN
ENVIRONMENT VOLUNTEERING Outreach through education Programme 86,900 students
Outcome Improving pass percentage of Mumbai Municipal School students who appeared in
Class X board exams from 71% to 79% in two years Number of youth trained in diferent
marketable vocational skills 87,750 Outcome Over 80% youth who underwent a year- long
motor vehicle mechanic course found ready employment within one month of completion of
their training People participating in environmental awareness programme 43,500 Number of
saplings planted 100,000 Outcome Ensured survival of 70% saplings after a year of plantation
This programme aims to improve the accessibility and quality of secondary school education.
We also provide fnancial assistance and scholarships to deserving students. Special coaching
classes are also conducted to help students excel in competitive examinations.

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FOR GOOD…… (50:1 [50:325]) - D 6: TATA ANN
GOOD Jaguar Land Rover uses its technology expertise to beneft local communities. It has
undertaken several initiatives in the health and well-being space, using specifc technologies in
its vehicles, as well as, in promoting education and developing talent.

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6:144 JLR’s Global CSR programme applies its design and technology expertis……
(50:328 [50:609]) - D 6: TATA ANN
JLR’s Global CSR programme applies its design and technology expertise for social good and
has supported almost six million disadvantaged people in over 25 countries. The company was
awarded the ‘Best International Sustainability Programme’ in the UK at the National CSR

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6:145 EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERING JLR’s volunteering programmes are designed

to…… (50:612 [50:932]) - D 6: TATA ANN
EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERING JLR’s volunteering programmes are designed to leverage the
skills of its employees to fnd solutions for the society. More employees volunteered to work in
local communities and support education programmes during work hours, this year. It rose
from 7774 in 2015-16 to nearly 10000 in 2016-17.

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6:146 Jaguar Land Rover (in partnership with ClimateCare) designed an activ……
(50:1445 [50:1815]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Jaguar Land Rover (in partnership with ClimateCare) designed an activity that used smart
technology to deliver safe water to schools. The programme is bringing award-winning
LifeStraw water purifcation technology to 375 schools across western Kenya – giving over
220,000 school children access to safe water at school and the chance of a better education and

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6:147 72nd Annual Report 2016-17 55 DIVERSITY As a part of the Tata Group,……
(57:1 [57:398]) - D 6: TATA ANN
72nd Annual Report 2016-17 55 DIVERSITY As a part of the Tata Group, we uphold the
Group’s core values and provide equal growth opportunities to people from diferent social
segments. To enhance workplace diversity, we increased the intake of blue-collared women
workers on the shop foor across the company in FY 2016-17. We also focused our campus
hiring eforts to target women graduates.

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6:148 JLR is continuing its eforts by reaching out to untapped talent throu……
(57:2127 [57:2335]) - D 6: TATA ANN
JLR is continuing its eforts by reaching out to untapped talent through multiple education
schemes. Many of its employees who have been through these programmes have gone on to be
award-winning engineers.
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6:149 Further eforts in this direction include programmes supporting award-……

(57:2338 [57:2622]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Further eforts in this direction include programmes supporting award-winning STEM (science,
technology, engineering and mathematics) education schemes for young children. The
Company wants to increase these inspirational outreach programmes to align with the future
skill needs.

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6:150 Destination Zero is the campaign which gets everyone at JLR to unders……
(57:3060 [57:3165]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Destination Zero is the campaign which gets everyone at JLR to understand their safety

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6:151  Social Return on Investment Award by KPMG. (78:1730 [78:1773]) - D 6:

 Social Return on Investment Award by KPMG.

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6:152 v. World-class manufacturing – This stream’s focus is to improve the……

(79:2623 [79:3037]) - D 6: TATA ANN
v. World-class manufacturing – This stream’s focus is to improve the productivity performance
and delivery versus schedule. There are additional projects undertaken to reduce manufacturing
related costs and yield improvement. The Company believes that this initiative will enable it to
support and strengthen the ‘Make in India Campaign’, for encouraging India to become a key
center for global manufacturing.
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6:153 vi. Agile and Cost-efective Supply Chain- This stream’s focus will be……
(79:3040 [79:3548]) - D 6: TATA ANN
vi. Agile and Cost-efective Supply Chain- This stream’s focus will be to improve the supply-
chain processes like Material Requirement Planning, strengthen relationship with Strategic
suppliers, rationalize the supplier base for agility, improve manufacturing and quality processes
and information systems. Considering the size and scale of the Company’s operations and the
vast supply chain relationships, this will again strengthen and support the Government’s aim
under the ‘Make in India Campaign’.

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6:154 vii. Cost competitiveness – There are more than 50 initiatives, addre……
(79:3551 [79:4148]) - D 6: TATA ANN
vii. Cost competitiveness – There are more than 50 initiatives, addressing each and every cost
element for cost competitiveness, with clear targets in cost areas like Direct Material,
Marketing, Fixed Cost, Variable Conversion Cost, Product Development Costs, etc. These
projects will help in signifcantly reducing the Company’s cost structure. It will be relevant to
add that this cost reduction initiative will help not only the Company, but the entire value
chain, including hundreds of vendors and other partners, providing further strength and support
to the ‘Make in India Campaign’.

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6:155 Wide experience in Banking and Financial Markets Wide experience in……
(82:1098 [82:3775]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Wide experience in Banking and Financial Markets Wide experience in Automobile Industry,
manufacturing and quality functions Directorships held in other companies Tata Sons Limited
Jaguar Land Rover Automotive Plc, UK Jaguar Land Rover Limited, UK Jaguar Land Rover
Holding Limited, UK Spark44 (JV) Limited, UK ACEA- Brussels, Belgium Bladon Jets, UK
Confederation of British Industry, UK The Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders Limited,
UK Jaguar Racing Limited, UK (As Chairman unless otherwise stated) Tata Consultancy
Services Limited Tata Sons Limited Tata Steel Limited The Indian Hotels Company Limited
The Tata Power Company Limited TCS Foundation Jaguar Land Rover Automotive PLC, UK
Reserve Bank of India - Director Hindustan Unilever Limited Tata Steel Limited Tata
Consultancy Services Limited Standard Chartered PLC, UK Greenko Energy Holdings
Limited, Mauritius TML Drivelines Limited - Chairman Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle
Company Limited TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited Tata Cummins Private Limited Tata
Motors (Thailand) Limited - Chairman Memberships/ Chairmanships of statutory committees
across companies Nil Nomination and Remuneration Committee Tata Sons Limited Tata
Consultancy Services Limited Tata Steel Limited Tata Motors Limited The Indian Hotels
Company Limited The Tata Power Company Limited Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee Tata Consultancy Services Limited – Chairman Risk Management Committee Tata
Consultancy Services Limited Audit Committee Hindustan Unilever Limited Tata Steel
Limited- Chairman Tata Consultancy Services Limited Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee
Hindustan Unilever Limited - Chairman Tata Consultancy Services Limited Nomination and
Remuneration Committee Hindustan Unilever Limited Tata Motors Limited Tata Steel Limited
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Hindustan Unilever Limited- Chairman Tata
Consultancy Services Limited Tata Steel Limited Risk Management Committee Tata
Consultancy Services Limited Standard Chartered PLC Tata Steel Limited-Chairman Audit
Committee TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
Tata Cummins Private Limited Tata Motors Limited Nomination and Remuneration Committee
TML Drivelines Limited No. of shares held in the Company Nil Nil Nil 500 Ordinary shares
Details of Director seeking appointment and re-appointment at the Annual General Meeting
Pursuant to SEBI Listing Regulations and Secretarial Standards – 2 on General Meetings
Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 80 72nd Annual Report 2016-17

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6:156 Dipper Campaign-Use Dipper At Night – an innovative campaign to bring……

(85:2679 [85:3005]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Dipper Campaign-Use Dipper At Night – an innovative campaign to bring awareness amongst
the truck driver community for safe practices has been extremely well received and
acknowledged through various awards such as the CANNES 2016 - 2 awards – a frst for the
TATA Group, SPIKES ASIA 2016 awards, and the EFFIES 2016 award.

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0 Codes

6:157  Tata 407- 30 Year Celebration - More than 35,000 customers partici……
(85:4742 [85:4850]) - D 6: TATA ANN
 Tata 407- 30 Year Celebration - More than 35,000 customers participated in this campaign
over two months.

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6:158 The Company continued Campaign ‘i-drive safe’ – an initiative on buil……

(89:4491 [89:5073]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company continued Campaign ‘i-drive safe’ – an initiative on building a safe driving
culture amongst its employee and associates and have trained them in defensive driving. In
excess of 19,103 employees and associates till date have been trained under this campaign,
initiated few years ago. ‘My Road My Discipline’ a Road Safety Week campaign during
January 11 to 17 included Road Safety Celebrations conducted in all location including all
plants, ofces, dealerships, warehouses, vendors and social awareness messages were aired on
FM on road safety in Indian 8 cities.

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0 Codes

6:159 Jagruti – Safety Awareness Building Campaign for Workshop Managers

is…… (89:5261 [89:5693]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Jagruti – Safety Awareness Building Campaign for Workshop Managers is a year-long
campaign focused on building awareness on safety and understanding of the Company’s
expectations on Dealers Workshop Safety. This programme is in collaboration with the
Company, Castrol and training partner ICECD. Jagruti Safety Awareness campaign was
initiated done for channel partners-PV & CV dealers covering around 1,800 workshop pan-

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6:160 BUSINESS RESPONSIBILITY REPORT Pursuant to Regulation 34(2)(f ) of

th…… (90:3606 [90:3965]) - D 6: TATA ANN
BUSINESS RESPONSIBILITY REPORT Pursuant to Regulation 34(2)(f ) of the SEBI Listing
Regulations, the Business Responsibility Report (BRR) initiatives taken from an
environmental, social and governance perspective, in the prescribed format is available as a
separate section of the Annual Report and also hosted on the Company’s website

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0 Codes


the…… (95:4587 [95:4981]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy of the Company and the initiatives undertaken by the
Company on CSR activities during the year are set out in Annexure - 6 of this Report in the
format prescribed in the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014. The Policy is available on
Company’s web-site at (URL: www.tatamotors.

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6:162 Launched the Ultra buses in Tanzania, Ultra Trucks in Kenya and Tanza……
(108:3800 [108:4104]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Launched the Ultra buses in Tanzania, Ultra Trucks in Kenya and Tanzania CVIB conducted
‘Global Service Campaign’ in more than 40 countries from 21st to 23rd November, 2016 as a
part of the enhancing the Customer Connect. The service campaign saw more than 15,000
customers being connected in 3 days.

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6:163 - In addition to the basic/ fxed salary, the Company provides employe……
(113:571 [113:1060]) - D 6: TATA ANN
- In addition to the basic/ fxed salary, the Company provides employees with certain
perquisites, allowances and benefts to enable a certain level of lifestyle and to ofer scope for
savings and tax optimization, where possible. The Company also provides all employees with a
social security net (subject to limits) by covering medical expenses and hospitalization through
re-imbursements or insurance cover and accidental death and dismemberment through personal
accident insurance.

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0 Codes

6:164 Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 114 72nd An……
(116:1 [116:1815]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 114 72nd Annual Report 2016-17
ANNEXURE - 6 Annual Report on CSR Activities [Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies
Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rule 2014] A brief
outline of the Company’s CSR policy, including an overview of projects or programmes
proposed to be undertaking and a reference to the web-link to the CSR Policy and projects or
programmes: 1. Overview: (i) Outline of CSR Policy - As an integral part of the Company’s
commitment to good corporate citizenship, the Company believe in actively assisting in
improvement of the quality of life of people in communities, giving preference to local areas
around the Company’s business operations. Towards achieving long-term stakeholder value
creation, the Company shall always continue to respect the interests of and be responsive
towards its key stakeholders - the communities, especially those from socially and
economically backward groups, the underprivileged and marginalized; focused on inter alia the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and the society at large. In order to leverage the
demographic dividend of its country, Company’s CSR eforts shall focus on Health, Education,
Environment and Employability interventions for relevant target groups, ensuring diversity and
giving preference to needy and deserving communities inhabiting urban India. CSR at the
Company shall be underpinned by ‘More from Less for More People’ philosophy, which
implies striving to achieve greater impacts, outcomes and outputs of its CSR projects and
programmes by judicious investment and utilization of fnancial and human resources, engaging
in like-minded stakeholder partnerships for higher outreach beneftting more lives.

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0 Codes

6:165 tatamotors.com/investors/pdf/csr-policy-16-17.pdf (ii) CSR Projects:……

(116:1873 [116:2652]) - D 6: TATA ANN
tatamotors.com/investors/pdf/csr-policy-16-17.pdf (ii) CSR Projects: 1. Aarogya (Health):
Addressing child malnutrition; health awareness for females; preventive and curative health
services, drinking water projects; 2. Vidyadhanam (Education): Scholarships; Special coaching
classes for secondary school students; IIT-JEE & competitive exams coaching, school
infrastructure improvement; co-curricular activities; fnancial aid to engineering students; 3.
Kaushalya (Employability): Divers training – novice and refresher; ITI partnership and allied-
auto trades; Motor Mechanic Vehicle (MMV); training in retail, hospitality, white goods repair,
agriculture and allied trades; 4. Vasundhara (Environment): Tree plantation, environmental
awareness for school students.

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0 Codes
6:166 # CSR project / activity identifed Sector in which the Project i…… (117:143
[117:5529]) - D 6: TATA ANN
# CSR project / activity identifed Sector in which the Project is covered Projects /Programmes
1. Local area/ others 2. Specify the state and district where projects or programs were
undertaken Amount outlay (budget) project/ programs wise Amount spent on the project /
programs Subheads Cumulative spend up to the reporting period Cumulative spend up to the
reporting period Amount spent: Direct /through implementing agency* (` in crores) Direct
Overhead* Skill Development and vocational skills in Automotive and Non- Automotive
Sector Employability Enhancing Skill Development 1. Local Area 2. Jharkand - East
Singhbum; Uttar Pradesh - Lucknow and Barbanki; Uttarakhand - Udham Singh Nagar and
Nainital; Maharashtra - Nasik, Aurangabad, Amravati, Nagpur, Pune, Mumbai, Kalyan,
Palghar, Thane; Gujarat - Ahmedabad; Karnataka - Dharwad; Pan India 6.71 6.44 0.34 6.78
Direct = 1.19 Implementation Agency = 5.59 2 Promoting primary and secondary education in
Rural and Socially/ Economically Backward communities Promoting Education 1. Local Area
2. Jharkand - East Singhbum; Uttar Pradesh - Lucknow and Barbanki; Uttarakhand - Udham
Singh Nagar, Nainital; Maharashtra - Thane, Pune, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Ratnagiri, Valsad;
Madhya Pradesh - Jabalpur; Chhattisgarh - Bilaspur; Gujarat - Ahmedabad, Rajkot; Karnataka
- Dharwad, Mangalore, Dakshin Kannada; Assam - Silchar; Nagaland - Dimapur; Punjab -
Muktsar; 12.93 12.58 0.39 12.97 Direct = 0.13 Implementation Agency = 12.84 3 Preventive
and curative health services in Communities Eradicating Hunger, Promoting preventive
healthcare, Malnutrition, Promoting Preventive 1. Local Area 2. Jharkand - East Singhbum;
Uttar Pradesh - Lucknow and Barbanki; Uttarakhand - Udham Singh Nagar; Maharashtra -
Pune, Mumbai, Palghar; Gujarat - Ahmedabad; Pan India 4.24 3.74 0.50 4.24 Direct =0.06
Implementation Agency = 4.18 4 Ensuring environmental sustainability through awareness and
protection of natural habitats Ensuring environmental sustainability 1. Local Area 2. Jharkand -
East Singhbum; Uttar Pradesh - Lucknow and Barbanki; Uttarakhand - Udham Singh Nagar,
Nainital; Maharashtra - Pune, Palghar, Mumbai; Gujarat - Ahmedabad; Karnataka - Dharwad;
1.32 1.12 0.21 1.32 Direct =0.001 Implementation Agency = 1.32 5 Rural Development Rural
development projects 1. Local Area 2. Maharashtra – Palghar 0.15 0.15 0.01 0.15
Implementation Agency =0.15 Administrative overheads and Capacity Building cost 0.45 0.43
0.02 0.45 Total 25.82 24.46 1.47 25.94 #1 : Employability: Gram Vikas Kendra, Vikas Samity,
Samaj Vikas Kendra, MITCON Foundation, Sambhav Foundation, Shashwat, Vigyan Ashram,
CII, Vruksha, Sanand Education Trust, Saath Charitable Trust, Indian Academy for Self
Employed Women, Centum Foundation, Pratham Education Foundation, Institute of Social
Development, Paryavaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Vedanta Foundation, Ramakrishna
Mission, Skills for Progress, Prasad Chikitsa, College of Social Work Nirmala Niketan, A B
Trust, BAIF Institute for Sustainable Livelihood & Development #2: Education: Shiksha
Prasar Kendra, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Gram Vikas Kendra, Vikas Samity, Samaj Vikas
Kendra, Swaroopwardhinee, Suprabhat Mahila Mandal, Samata Shikshan Sanstha, Seva
Sahyog Foundation, College of Engineering Pune, Vidya Poshak, Swami Vivekanand Youth
Movement, Ganatar, Manav Seva Education & charitable trust, Catholic Church Sanand,
Prayas Organisation for Sustainable Development, Institute of Social Development, Moinee
Foundation, Paryavaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Jainarayan Charitable Trust, Arror Sripathy
Rao Memorial Foundation, Prasad Chikitsa, Society for Human and Environmental
Development (SHED), IDTR Pune, NATRIP Silcher, SIADS Mahuana, Tata Institute of Social
Sciences, Global Education Trust, Urmee Charitable Trust, Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay Alumni Association, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Avanti Fellows,
Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness, Vasundhara Public Charitable Trust, Agastya
International Foundation, Sri Sarada Math, #3 Health: Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Nav Jagrat
Manav Samaj, Vikas Samity, Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, VBDS, Sneh Foundation, Snehdeep
Jankalyan Foundation, Sneh Foundation, Manav Seva Education & charitable trust, Our Lady
of Pillar “Kalol” Trust, Namaste Life Health Care Foundation, Institute of Social Development,
Prasad Chikitsa, Lokmanya Tilak Hospital Silver Jubilee Research Foundation, Ramakrishna
Mission, Impact India Foundation, College of Social Work Nirmala Niketan, Sumant
Moolgaokar Development Foundation, Swadhar,I.D.W.C. Pune, Sterling Multi Speciality
Hospital #4 Environment: Gram Vikas Kendra, Vikas Samity, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Terre
Policy Centre, Green Thumb, Wildlife Research and Conservation Society, Bansilal Ramnath
Agarwal Charitable Trust, Shashwat Eco Solutions Foundation, Manav Seva Education &
charitable trust, SUVIDHA, College of Social Work Nirmala Niketan, Bombay Natural History
Society, Shree Nityananda Education Trust #5 Rural Development: J K Trust, Pragati Abhiyan
Guenter Butschek CEO & Managing Director (DIN:07427375) Dr. Raghunath A. Mashelkar
Non-Executive, Independent Director (Chairman CSR Committee) (DIN: 00074119) Mumbai,
May 23, 2017

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6:167 In addition, investors’ reactions to economic developments or a loss……

(121:1078 [121:1902]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In addition, investors’ reactions to economic developments or a loss of investor confdence in
the fnancial systems of other countries may cause volatility in Indian fnancial markets and
indirectly, in the Indian economy in general. Any worldwide fnancial instability, including
withdrawal from trade pacts by countries in which the Company operates, could also have a
negative impact on the Indian economy, including the movement of exchange rates and interest
rates in India. In the event global economic recovery is slower than expected, or if there is any
signifcant fnancial disruption, this could have a material adverse efect on the Company’s cost
of funding, portfolio of fnancing loans, business, prospects, results of operations, fnancial
condition and the trading price of the Company’s Shares and ADSs.

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6:168 The sale of Company’s commercial and passenger vehicles is heavily de……
(127:839 [127:1321]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The sale of Company’s commercial and passenger vehicles is heavily dependent on funding
availability for its customers. Rising delinquencies and early defaults have contributed to a
reduction in automobile fnancing, which, in turn, has had an adverse efect on funding
availability for potential customers. This reduction in available fnancing may continue in the
future and have a material adverse efect on the Company’s business, fnancial condition and
results of operations.
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6:169 Terrorist attacks, civil disturbances, regional conficts and other act……
(128:2506 [128:3532]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Terrorist attacks, civil disturbances, regional conficts and other acts of violence, particularly in
India, may disrupt or otherwise adversely afect the markets in which the Company operates
and the business and proftability of the Company. India has from time to time experienced
social and civil unrest and hostilities and adverse social, economic or political events,
including terrorist attacks and local civil disturbances, riots and armed confict with
neighboring countries. Events of this nature in the future could infuence the Indian economy
and could have a material adverse efect on the Company’s business, as well as the market for
securities of Indian companies, including the Company’s Shares and ADSs. Such incidents
could also create a greater perception that investment in Indian companies involves a higher
degree of risk and could have a material adverse efect on the Company’s business, results of
operations and fnancial condition, and also the market price of the Company’s Shares and

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6:170 The Company provides post-retirement and pension benefts to the

Compa…… (130:3358 [130:3882]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company provides post-retirement and pension benefts to the Company’s employees,
including defned beneft plans. The Company’s pension liabilities are generally funded.
However, lower returns on pension fund assets, changes in market conditions, interest rates or
infation rates, and adverse changes in other critical actuarial assumptions, may impact the
Company’s pension liabilities or assets and consequently increase funding requirements, which
could materially decrease the Company’s net income and cash fows.

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6:171 The Companies Act has efected signifcant changes to the existing Indi……
(134:3279 [134:5793]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Companies Act has efected signifcant changes to the existing Indian Company law
framework, which may subject the Company to higher compliance requirements and increase
the Company’s compliance costs. The Companies Act brought into efect signifcant changes to
the Indian Company law framework, such as in the provisions related to the issue of capital
(including provisions in relation to issue of securities on a private placement basis), disclosures
in ofering documents, corporate governance norms, accounting policies and audit matters,
related party transactions, introduction of a provision allowing the initiation of class action
suits in India against companies by shareholders or depositors, a restriction on investment by
an Indian Company through more than two layers of subsidiary investment companies (subject
to certain permitted exceptions), prohibitions on loans to directors and insider trading,
including restrictions on derivative transactions concerning a Company’s securities by directors
and key managerial personnel. The Company is also required to spend, in each fnancial year, at
least 2% of the Company’s average net profts during the three immediately preceding fnancial
years, calculated for Tata Motors Limited on a standalone basis under Ind AS, toward corporate
social responsibility activities. Furthermore, the Companies Act imposes greater monetary and
other liability on the Company and it’s directors for any non-compliance. To ensure
compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act, the Company may need to allocate
additional resources, which may increase the Company’s regulatory compliance costs and
divert management’s attention. The Company may also face challenges in interpreting and
complying with certain provisions of the Companies Act due to limited relevant jurisprudence.
In the event that the Company’s interpretation of the Companies Act difers from, or contradicts
with, any judicial pronouncements or clarifcations issued by the Government of India in the
future, The Company may face regulatory actions or be required to undertake remedial steps.
In addition, some of the provisions of the Companies Act overlap with other existing laws and
regulations (such as corporate governance provisions and insider trading regulations issued by
SEBI). The SEBI recently promulgated the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, or the Listing Regulations, which are applicable to all Indian

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6:172 In passenger vehicles segment, the Tiago received a strong responses……

(139:2907 [139:3179]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In passenger vehicles segment, the Tiago received a strong responses and accolades with 18
awards during the year. As a key stakeholder in the Indian trucking industry, the Company
launched the “Use Dipper at Night” campaign winning numerous global and regional awards.

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6:173 In pursuit of this goal, Tata Sons and the Tata Sons-promoted entitie……
(141:2876 [141:3630]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In pursuit of this goal, Tata Sons and the Tata Sons-promoted entities have institutionalized an
approach, called the Tata Business Excellence Model, which has been formulated along the
lines of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award to enable the Company to improve
performance and attain higher levels of efciency in the Company’s businesses and in
discharging Company’s social responsibility. The model aims to nurture core values and
concepts embodied in various focus areas such as leadership, strategic planning, customers,
markets and human resources, and to translate them to operational performance. The
Company’s adoption and implementation of this model seeks to ensure that its business is
conducted through superior processes.

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6:174 The Company is also exploring opportunities for increasing the global……
(150:3490 [150:4064]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company is also exploring opportunities for increasing the global sourcing of parts and
components from low-cost countries, and has in place a supplier management programme that
includes supplier base rationalization, supplier quality improvement and supplier satisfaction
surveys. The Company has begun to include its supply chain in its initiatives on social
accountability and environment management activities, including its Confict Minerals
Compliance Program, supply chain carbon footprint measurement and knowledge sharing on
various environmental aspects.

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6:175 Principal Sources of Funding Liquidity The Company fnances its capita……
(160:1921 [160:2269]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Principal Sources of Funding Liquidity The Company fnances its capital expenditures and
research and development investments through cash generated from operations, cash and cash
equivalents, debt and equity funding. The Company also raises funds through sale of
investments, including divestment in stakes of subsidiaries on a selective basis.

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6:176 The Company’s capital expenditures were R31,750.74 crores and R31,425……
(160:2535 [160:4296]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s capital expenditures were R31,750.74 crores and R31,425.39 crores for Fiscal
2017 and 2016, respectively, and it currently plans to invest approximately R400 billion in
Fiscal 2018 in new products and technologies. The Company intends to continue to invest in
new products and technologies to meet consumer and regulatory requirements. These
investments are intended to enable the Company to pursue further growth opportunities and
improve the Company’s competitive positioning. In December 2015, Jaguar Land Rover
announced the initial investment of GB£ 1 billion to build a manufacturing facility in Slovakia
with annual capacity of 150,000 units and production scheduled to begin in 2018 (construction
of the plant commenced in September 2016) and in November 2016 confrmed that the all new
Land Rover Discovery would be the frst model manufactured at the plant. In November 2015,
Jaguar Land Rover announced additional investment of GB£ 450 million to double capacity at
the engine manufacturing facility in Wolverhampton and production of the 2.0l Ingenium
petrol engine recently began. The manufacturing partnership with Magna Steyr, an operating
unit of Magna International Inc, to build vehicles in Graz, Austria was announced in July 2015
and more recently Jaguar Land Rover announced that their frst battery electric vehicle, the
Jaguar I-PACE would be produced under the agreement with Magna Steyr from 2018. The
Company expects to meet most of its investments out of operating cash fows and cash liquidity
available. In order to meet the remaining funding requirements, the Company may be required
to raise funds through additional loans and by accessing capital markets from time to time, as
deemed necessary.

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6:177 With the ongoing need for investments in products and technologies, t……
(160:4299 [160:5004]) - D 6: TATA ANN
With the ongoing need for investments in products and technologies, the Company on a
standalone basis (Including joint operations) was free cash fow (a non-GAAP measure,
measured at cash fow from operating activities, less payment for property, plant and equipment
and intangible assets) negative in Fiscal 2017, of R2,045.52 crores. The Company expects that
with the improvement in macro-economic conditions and business performance, through other
steps like raising funds at subsidiary levels, review of non-core investments, and through
appropriate actions for raising additional long-term resources at Tata Motors Limited on a
standalone basis, the funding gap can be appropriately addressed.

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6:178 Each rating should be evaluated separately of any other rating: CARE……
(161:591 [161:1347]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Each rating should be evaluated separately of any other rating: CARE ICRA CRISIL S&P
Moody’s Long-term borrowings AA+ AA AA BB+ Ba1 Short-term borrowings — A1+ A1+ —
— The Company believes that it has sufcient liquidity available to meet its planned capital
requirements. However, the Company’s sources of funding could be materially and adversely
afected by an economic slowdown, as was witnessed in Fiscal 2009, or other macroeconomic
factors in India and abroad, such as in the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, Russia
and China, all of which are beyond the Company’s control. A decrease in the demand for the
Company’s vehicles could afect its ability to obtain funds from external sources on acceptable
terms or in a timely manner.

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6:179 Out of the proceeds of the Rights issue, R500 crores have been used f……
(161:2473 [161:2810]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Out of the proceeds of the Rights issue, R500 crores have been used for funding expenditure
towards plant and machinery, R1,500 crores towards research and product development,
R4,000 crores towards repayment in full or in part of certain long-term and short- term
borrowings, and R1,401.10 crores towards general corporate purposes.

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6:180 To achieve this, the Company has established the Tata Motors Academy,……
(170:2918 [170:3534]) - D 6: TATA ANN
To achieve this, the Company has established the Tata Motors Academy, which addresses
development needs of various segments of its workforce through a structured approach. The
Tata Motors Academy focuses on three functional pillars – customer excellence, product
leadership, and operational excellence – and one pillar on management education, all of which
are aligned with the Company-level strategic objectives. The emphasis of functional academies
is to strengthen knowledge, skills and expertise with an in depth approach, and the emphasis of
management education is developing general management skills.

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6:181 Remuneration of Directors Non-Executive Directors A sitting fee of `……

(177:3968 [177:4897]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Remuneration of Directors Non-Executive Directors A sitting fee of `60,000/- for attendance at
each meeting of the Board, Audit Committee, Executive Committee of the Board, NRC and for
Independent Directors Meeting; and `20,000/- for attendance at each meeting of Stakeholders’
Relationship Committee, Safety, Health & Environment Committee, the Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee, Risk Management Committee, Fund Raising Committee and other
special need based committees, is paid to its Members (excluding Managing Director and
Executive Directors) and also to Directors attending by invitation. The sitting fees paid/payable
to the Non Whole-time Directors is excluded whilst calculating the limits of remuneration in
accordance with Section 197 of the Act. The Company also reimburses out-of-pocket expenses
to Directors attending meetings held at a city other than the one in which the Directors reside.

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6:182 Oversee compliances in respect of dividend payments and transfer of u……

(180:2725 [180:2858]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Oversee compliances in respect of dividend payments and transfer of unclaimed amounts to the
Investor Education and Protection Fund.

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6:183 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee was constituted by th……

(182:1 [182:499]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee was constituted by the Board in accordance
with the Act to: (a) Formulate and recommend to the Board, a Corporate Social Responsibility
Policy which shall indicate the activities to be undertaken by the Company as specifed in
Schedule VII of the Act; (b) Recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the
activities referred to in clause (a); and (c) Monitor the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
of the Company from time to time.

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6:184 The CSR Policy is uploaded on the Company’s website as required under……
(182:502 [182:695]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The CSR Policy is uploaded on the Company’s website as required under the provisions of
Section 135 of the Act and Rule 9 of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy)
Rules, 2014.

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6:185 The CSR committee comprises of 2 Independent Directors and 2 Whole-ti……

(182:698 [182:1716]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The CSR committee comprises of 2 Independent Directors and 2 Whole-time Directors.
During the year under review, 3 meetings of the Committee were held on May 27, 2016,
October 4, 2016 and March 30, 2017.The composition of the CSR Committee and attendance
at its meetings is given hereunder: Composition Meetings attended Attendance (%) Dr R A
Mashelkar (Chairman) 3 100 Ms Falguni Nayar 3 100 Mr S B Borwankar 3 100 Mr Guenter
Butschek 3 100 Risk Management Committee (RMC) is constituted and functions as per
Regulation 21 of the SEBI Listing Regulations. The Committee comprises 4 Independent
Directors namely, Mr Nasser Munjee, as Chairman, Dr Mashelkar, Mr V K Jairath and Ms
Falguni Nayar as members. The terms of reference enumerated in the Committee Charter are as
follows: Principles and objectives inter alia include assisting the Board in overseeing the
Company’s risk management process and controls, risk tolerance, capital liquidity and funding
etc. and its periodic update to the Board.

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6:186 that all certifcates are issued within thirty days of the date of lod…… (186:1
[186:978]) - D 6: TATA ANN
that all certifcates are issued within thirty days of the date of lodgement for transfer, sub-
division, consolidation, renewal, exchange or endorsement of calls/ allotment monies Transfer
of unclaimed / unpaid amounts to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF): (i)
During the year, the Ministry of Corporate Afairs had notifed Sections 124 and 125 of the Act
and the Investor Education and Protection Fund (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund)
Rules, 2016 (“IEPF Rules”). As per the said Act and the IEPF Rules all unclaimed/unpaid
dividend, application money, debenture interest and interest on deposits as well as principal
amount of debentures and deposits, sale proceeds of fractional shares, redemption amount of
preference shares, etc. pertaining to the Company remaining unpaid or unclaimed for a period
of 7 years from the date they became due for payment, have to be transferred to the IEPF
Authority established by the Central Government.

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6:187 With the ethos of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ and ‘Sustainabilit……

(193:521 [193:701]) - D 6: TATA ANN
With the ethos of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ and ‘Sustainability’ strongly embedded in
its DNA, the Company continues to nurture the core value of ‘giving back to society’.
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6:188 The Business Responsibility disclosures in this Report illustrate the……

(193:704 [193:1355]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Business Responsibility disclosures in this Report illustrate the Company’s eforts towards
creating enduring value for all stakeholders in a responsible manner. This Report is aligned
with National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities
of Business (NVG-SEE) released by Ministry of Corporate Afairs, and is in accordance with
Regulation 34 (2) (f ) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015. This report provides an overview
of the activities carried out by the Company under each of the nine principles as outlined in

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…… (193:3509 [193:3981]) - D 6: TATA ANN
crores 2. Total Turnover (INR): ` 48,319.90 crores (Standalone basis without joint operations)
3. Total Proft After Taxes (INR): Loss of ` 2,597.62 crores (Standalone basis without joint
operations) 4. Total Spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as percentage of proft
after tax (%): Total expenditure reported is ` 25.94 crores (Standalone basis without joint

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0 Codes

6:190 ii) Vidyadhanam (Education): This initiative aims to improve the qual……
(193:4446 [193:4874]) - D 6: TATA ANN
ii) Vidyadhanam (Education): This initiative aims to improve the quality of education in
schools by ofering scholarship to meritorious and needy secondary school students, organizing
special coaching classes to improve academic performance [Pursuant to Regulation 34(2)(f) of
the SEBI Listing Regulations] Notice Board’s Report Management Discussion & Analysis
Corporate Governance Report Business Responsibility Report 191

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6:191 In Fiscal 2017, 86,922 students have been beneftted through the educa……
(194:142 [194:224]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In Fiscal 2017, 86,922 students have been beneftted through the education program.

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0 Codes

6:192 The Company engage with suppliers through various channels for operat……
(194:3204 [194:4299]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company engage with suppliers through various channels for operational issues and also
focus on emerging and futuristic technologies through Technology Day events. Project Sankalp
– a supplier transformation initiative is underway in which cross functional team of domain
experts work with suppliers at their plant location on improving quality, productivity, SHE and
proftability. The suppliers and vendors are provided awareness on environmental and social
issues. The vendor meets are used as a platform to raise awareness on health & safety,
environmental and community initiatives of the Company. The vendors situated in the vendor
parks at Pantnagar and Sanand manufacturing locations actively participate in the site health &
safety, environmental and CSR programmes. Special emphasis is laid on skill development and
up-gradation of the dealer and channel partner resources. Currently less than 30% of value
chain entities participate in the Company’s BR initiatives and there is a constant efort by the
Company to extend these initiatives to larger value chain base.

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6:193 2. Principle-wise (as per NVGs) BR Policy/policies (Reply in Y/N) The……

(195:1 [195:389]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Principle-wise (as per NVGs) BR Policy/policies (Reply in Y/N) The National Voluntary
Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business released by
the Ministry of Corporate Afairs has adopted nine areas of Business Responsibility. These are
as follows: P1 – Businesses should conduct and govern themselves with Ethics, Transparency
and Accountability.

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6:194 PRINCIPLE 2: Product Life Cycle Sustainability 1. List up to 3 of you……

(197:4789 [197:4975]) - D 6: TATA ANN
PRINCIPLE 2: Product Life Cycle Sustainability 1. List up to 3 of your products or services
whose design has incorporated social or environmental concerns, risks and/ or opportunities.

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0 Codes

6:195 passenger cars which transport people, goods and help deliver service……
(198:1 [198:1092]) - D 6: TATA ANN
passenger cars which transport people, goods and help deliver services on time. The Company
realizes its responsibility as a growth enabler and endeavors to create vehicles which will
promote entrepreneurship. The Company is also cognizant of the environmental impacts
caused during production and lifecycle of its products and continually strives to innovate to
reduce such impacts. The Company has signed a contract to Products Social or Environmental
Benefts Buses for Public Transport – Tata Starbus Fuel Cell, Tata Ultra Electric Bus World’s
frst commercially produced CNG Hybrid Bus 3 Times more fuel efciency than Gasoline
Ensures 50% reduction in fuel consumption Fast refueling ensures reduced downtime ZERO
Pollution, Zero Noise bus BS IV compliant, CMVR (Central Motor Vehicles Rules), 1989 &
UBS – II (Urban Bus Specifcation) norms Small Commercial Vehicles (SCV) and Pickup
range- Tata Xenon YODHA Available in BSIII and BS IV Better mileage, smart pick-up,
reliable and rugged gearbox aids in better pick up in loaded conditions, ensuring lesser

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6:196 In order to reduce the vehicular weight, the focus of the company is……
(198:2376 [198:3245]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In order to reduce the vehicular weight, the focus of the company is on the new and improved
technologies so as to achieve higher fuel efciency as well as it should reduce the environmental
impact created by the vehicle, including its material sourcing, production, use and end-of-life
stages. Also in order to reduce the fuel consumption, the Company focuses on researching,
developing and producing new technologies, such as hybrid engines, electric cars, fuel-cell
vehicles. Various supply 25 nos. of the Tata Starbus Diesel Series Hybrid Electric Bus with
Full Low foor confguration, with the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority
(MMRDA) – the single largest order awarded for Hybrid Electric vehicle technology. Below
are few of the products which have been designed to address social or environmental concerns,
risks and/or opportunities.
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6:197 The Company conducts awareness sessions for suppliers on social and
e…… (199:2923 [199:3235]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company conducts awareness sessions for suppliers on social and environmental issues.
Suppliers are provided with managerial and technical assistance to train them on practices and
procedures that will ensure improvements in Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety,
Moral and Environment (PQCDSME).

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0 Codes

6:198 The Company believes in continual learning of its employees and has i……
(200:1108 [200:1905]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company believes in continual learning of its employees and has institutionalized a
continual learning model for skill upgradation, especially at the shop-foor level. The learning
and development needs of management cadre employees are met through the Company’s L&D
structure which includes various training delivery mechanisms Area Stakeholder (SC/ST
community)Benefts Education SC/ST students are also beneftted from the Company’s CSR
Vidyadhanam programme in Fiscal 2017. The projects include IIT-JEE & competitive exams
coaching; co-curricular activities; Financial Aid Program for Engineering Students at IIT
Bombay; Scholarships for Secondary school students and Govt. Engineering College at Pune,
School Infra Improvement and Special Coaching classes in Std. 8th, 9th and 10th.

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0 Codes

6:199 Yes, the Company’s AA policy is specially designed to address the soc……
(200:2967 [200:3392]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Yes, the Company’s AA policy is specially designed to address the socially disadvantaged
sections of the society, Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Within the broader stakeholder group of
communities, the Company works towards women empowerment and education of children.
Every year, the Company participate in TAAP (Tata Afrmative Action Program) Assessment,
developed on the lines of TBEM (Tata Business Excellence Model).

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6:200 The Company’s CSR programmes and projects are aimed at serving the
ne…… (200:3590 [200:3947]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s CSR programmes and projects are aimed at serving the needy, deserving,
socio-economically backward and disadvantaged communities aimed at improving the quality
of their lives. Under Tata Afrmative Action Programme (TAAP), the company continues to
serve the SC and ST communities in inter alia Education, Employability and Entrepreneurship.

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6:201 Sustainability is built into the Company’s business processes through……

(201:1137 [201:1422]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Sustainability is built into the Company’s business processes through well-defned Tata Group’s
Sustainability Policy. This policy reafrms value system committed to social expenditure,
environmental preservation and governance structure that engages employees and other

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6:202 towards implementing Amurtdhara, a National Drinking Water Project to……

(203:1 [203:404]) - D 6: TATA ANN
towards implementing Amurtdhara, a National Drinking Water Project to provide safe drinking
water to communities. Through adoption of Tata Group Afrmative Action (AA) Policy, the
Company works toward inclusion of socially disadvantaged and marginalized sections of
society (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes). The AA interventions focus on Education,
Health, Employability and Entrepreneurship.

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0 Codes

6:203 2. Vidyadhanam (Education) supporting for infrastructure, skills deve……

(203:4411 [203:4545]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Vidyadhanam (Education) supporting for infrastructure, skills development, training and
Institutionalized need based scholarships.

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0 Codes

6:204 g) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s R……
(206:1157 [206:2459]) - D 6: TATA ANN
g) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with
Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, as amended, in our opinion and to
the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us: i. The Company has
disclosed the impact of pending litigations on its fnancial position in its standalone Ind AS
fnancial statements; ii. The Company has made provision, as required under the applicable law
or accounting standards, for material foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term contracts
including derivative contracts; iii. There have been no delays in transferring amounts, required
to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company; iv. The
Company has provided requisite disclosures in the standalone Ind AS fnancial statements as
regards the Company’s and its Joint Operation Companies’, holding and dealings in Specifed
Bank Notes as defned in the Notifcation S.O. 3407(E) dated November 8, 2016 of the Ministry
of Finance, during the period from November 8, 2016 to December 30, 2016. However, as
stated in Note No. 47 (ii) to the fnancial statements amounts aggregating to R79,500 /- as
represented to us by the Management have been received from transactions which are not

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6:205 Proceeds from the Rights issue have been utilised in the following man……
(234:4260 [234:4872]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Proceeds from the Rights issue have been utilised in the following manner : (R in crores)
Particulars Planned Actual Funding capital expenditure towards plant and machinery 500.00
500.00 Funding expenditure relating to research and product development 1,500.00 1,500.00
Repayment, in full or part, of certain long-term and short-term borrowings availed by the
Company 4,000.00 4,000.00 General corporate purposes 1,428.00 1,425.73 Issue related
expenses 70.00 64.76 Total 7,498.00 7,490.49 Less : Rights Shares held in abeyance (7.51) -

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6:206 Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements F-34 (Stan……
(238:1 [238:2808]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements F-34 (Standalone) 72nd Annual
Report 2016-17 (R in crores) 25. Other fnancial liabilities – non-current As at March 31, 2017
As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015 (a) Deferred payment liability - 70.08 126.41 (b)
Derivative fnancial instruments 0.55 0.67 23.55 (c) Financial guarantee contracts 995.08
2,760.29 3,495.05 (d) Interest accrued but not due on borrowings - 0.07 22.37 (e) Liability
towards employee separation scheme 65.27 69.40 80.05 (f ) Others 62.76 11.33 2.33 Total
1,123.66 2,911.84 3,749.76 26. Other fnancial liabilities – current As at March 31, 2017 As at
March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015 (a) Current maturities of long-term borrowings (refer note
below) 512.37 2,218.66 1,217.85 (b) Financial guarantee contracts 1,050.00 631.00 214.08 (c)
Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 449.73 453.41 469.76 (d) Liability for capital
expenditure 109.94 128.30 95.38 (e) Deposits and retention money 197.83 212.22 198.66 (f )
Derivative fnancial instruments 9.38 6.28 4.29 (g) Deferred payment liability 70.08 64.50
59.75 (h) Liability towards Investors Education and Protection Fund under Section 125 of the
Companies Act, 2013 not due (i) Unpaid dividends 13.48 14.37 17.22 (ii) Unpaid matured
deposits and interest thereon 14.09 18.60 21.69 (iii) Unpaid debentures and interest thereon
0.18 0.22 0.22 (i) Others 38.06 36.63 26.00 Total 2,465.14 3,784.19 2,324.90 Details of
Current maturities of long-term borrowings : (i) Non Convertible Debentures (refer note I (ii)
(b)) 450.00 900.00 900.00 (ii) Current maturities of fnance lease obligations 8.36 12.08 15.22
(iii) Loans from Banks (refer note I (i) (d)) 34.94 180.78 164.40 (iv) Buyers Credit (Capex)
(refer note I (i) (b)) 19.07 989.98 138.23 (v) Loan others - 135.82 - Total 512.37 2,218.66
1,217.85 27. Provisions-non current As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1,
2015 (a) Employee benefts obligations 587.51 553.53 543.10 (b) Warranty 246.54 187.37
155.87 (c) Annual maintenance contract (AMC) 16.66 9.99 12.57 Total 850.71 750.89 711.54
28. Provisions-current As at March 31, 2017 As at March 31, 2016 As at April 1, 2015 (a)
Employee beneft obligations 23.41 22.00 24.38 (b) Warranty 410.84 410.48 338.10 (c) Annual
maintenance contract (AMC) 33.73 17.79 16.29 Total 467.98 450.27 378.77 Note Year ended
March 31, 2017 AMC and Warranty provision movement AMC Warranty Balance at the
beginning 27.78 597.85 Provision made/(reversal) during the year 31.42 486.27 Provision used
during the year (8.81) (460.62) Impact of discounting - 33.88 Balance at the end 50.39 657.38
Current 33.73 410.84 Non-current 16.66 246.54 NOTES FORMING PART OF FINANCIAL

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6:207 36. Other expenses Year ended March 31, 2017 2016 (a) Processing cha……
(243:741 [243:2748]) - D 6: TATA ANN
36. Other expenses Year ended March 31, 2017 2016 (a) Processing charges 1,522.44 1,507.21
(b) Consumption of stores & spare parts 579.09 519.37 (c) Power and fuel 440.03 430.77 (d)
Freight, transportation, port charges etc. 1,541.88 1,296.71 (e) Publicity 848.36 670.01 (f )
Warranty expenses 486.27 492.11 (g) Information technology/computer expenses 762.37
631.93 (h) Allowances for trade and other receivables 133.72 138.79 (i) Works operation and
other expenses (note below) 2,383.26 2,529.75 Total 8,697.42 8,216.65 Note : Works operation
and other expenses include (a) Auditors’ remuneration (excluding service tax) (i) Audit Fees
7.77 5.53 (ii) Audit Fees for fnancial statements as per IFRS (including SOX certifcation) 3.59
3.85 (iii) In other Capacities : - Company law matters (R47,500 for 2016-17, R48,534 for
2015-16) 0.00 0.00 - Tax audit/Transfer pricing audit 0.70 0.74 - Taxation matters 0.08 0.19
(iv) Other services* 1.42 0.91 (v) Reimbursement of travelling and out-of-pocket expenses
0.88 0.62 * - Includes payment to an afliate frm of statutory auditors 0.56 0.58 - Excludes audit
fees debited to Securities Premium Account related to Rights issue - 1.70 (b) Cost Auditors’
remuneration (excluding service tax) : (i) Cost Audit fees 0.20 0.20 (ii) Reimbursement of
travelling and out-of-pocket expenses - 0.01 (c) Works operation and other expenses for the
year 2016-17 includes R25.94 crores (R20.57 crores for the year 2015-16) spent by Tata
Motors Ltd on standalone basis excluding interest in the joint operations, towards various
schemes of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as prescribed under Section 135 of the
Companies Act, 2013. No amount has been spent on construction/acquisition of an asset of the
Company. The prescribed CSR expenditure required to be spent in the year 2016-17 as per the
Companies Act, 2013 is RNil, in view of average net profts of the Company being RNil (under
section 198 of the Act) for last three fnancial years.

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6:208 The Company determines the amount of capital required on the basis of……
(247:188 [247:560]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company determines the amount of capital required on the basis of annual operating plans
and long-term product and other strategic investment plans. The funding requirements are met
through equity, non-convertible debentures, senior notes and other long-term/short-term
borrowings. The Company’s policy is aimed at combination of short-term and long- term

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6:209 The Company also constantly monitors funding options available in the……
(259:892 [259:1033]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company also constantly monitors funding options available in the debt and capital
markets with a view to maintaining fnancial fexibility.

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6:210 iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts required to be tr……
(275:1969 [275:2212]) - D 6: TATA ANN
iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts required to be transferred, to the Investor
Education and Protection Fund by the Parent and its subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures and
joint operations companies incorporated in India.

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6:211 Proceeds from the Rights issue have been utilised in the following man……
(312:4320 [312:4888]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Proceeds from the Rights issue have been utilised in the following manner : (R in crores)
Particulars Planned Actual Funding capital expenditure towards plant and machinery 500.00
500.00 Funding expenditure relating to research and product development 1,500.00 1,500.00
Repayment, in full or part, of certain long-term and short-term borrowings availed by the
Company 4,000.00 4,000.00 General corporate purposes 1,428.00 1,425.73 Issue related
expenses 70.00 64.76 Total 7,498.00 7,490.49 Less : Rights Shares held in abeyance (7.51) -
Total 7,490.49 7,490.49

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6:212 F-113 (` in crores) 26. Other fnancial liabilities – non-current As…… (317:1
[317:1645]) - D 6: TATA ANN
F-113 (` in crores) 26. Other fnancial liabilities – non-current As at March 31, As at March 31,
As at April 1, 2017 2016 2015 (a) Deferred payment liability - 70.08 126.41 (b) Derivative
fnancial instruments 11,259.57 7,744.11 7,721.94 (c) Interest accrued but not due on
borrowings - 4.65 25.76 (d) Liability towards employee separation scheme 72.36 77.72 89.42
(e) Others 77.65 47.18 31.32 Total 11,409.58 7,943.74 7,994.85 27. Other fnancial liabilities –
current As at March 31, As at March 31, As at April 1, 2017 2016 2015 (a) Current maturities
of long-term borrowings (refer note below) 4,114.86 7,398.79 4,949.04 (b) Interest accrued but
not due on borrowings 943.24 965.75 1,003.77 (c) Liability towards vehicles sold under
repurchase arrangements 2,828.38 2,550.44 1,820.60 (d) Liability for capital expenditure
3,120.40 3,503.13 4,605.24 (e) Deposits and retention money 201.50 219.11 211.21 (f )
Derivative fnancial instruments 14,257.95 6,482.30 6,445.95 (g) Deferred payment liability
70.08 64.50 59.75 (h) Liability towards Investors Education and Protection Fund under Section
205C of the Companies Act, 1956 (IEPF) not due 27.75 33.19 40.50 (i) Others 70.67 64.39
36.95 Total 25,634.83 21,281.60 19,173.01 Notes: Current maturities of long-term borrowings
consist of : (i) Privately placed Non-Convertible Debentures 2,802.30 2,371.37 1,778.16 (ii)
Collateralised debt obligation 573.39 37.34 509.04 (iii) Finance lease obligation 22.13 57.22
57.18 (iv) Term loans from banks and others 717.04 4,932.86 2,604.66 4,114.86 7,398.79

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6:213 Assumption Change in assumption Impact on defned beneft obligation

Imp…… (329:2016 [329:3124]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Assumption Change in assumption Impact on defned beneft obligation Impact on service cost
and interest cost Discount rate Increase/decrease by 0.25% Decrease/increase by R4,474.80
crores Decrease/increase by R113.96 crores Infation rate Increase/decrease by 0.25%
Increase/decrease by R3,997.38 crores Increase/decrease by R113.96 crores Mortality rate
Increase/decrease by 1 year Increase/decrease by R2,314.27 crores Increase/decrease by
R61.36 crores Jaguar Land Rover contributes towards the UK defned beneft schemes.
Following the April 5, 2015 valuations, it is intended to eliminate the pension scheme funding
defcits over the 10 years following the valuation date. As at March 31, 2017, there is no
additional liability; however, following the changes to the defned benft schemes’ rules in April
2017, an additional obligation may arise in the future. The current agreed contribution rate for
defned beneft accrual is 31% of pensionable salaries in the UK. Defcit contribution levels
remain in line with prior expectation for 2016-18 and then increase to R508.45 crores per
annum to March 2025.

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6:214 The Company determines the amount of capital required on the basis of……
(332:292 [332:684]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company determines the amount of capital required on the basis of annual operating plans
and long-term product and other strategic investment plans. The funding requirements are met
through equity, convertible and non-convertible debt securities, senior notes and other long-
term/short-term borrowings. The Company’s policy is aimed at combination of short-term and
long-term borrowings.

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6:215 In its fnancing business, the Company enters into transactions with cu……
(343:633 [343:1026]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In its fnancing business, the Company enters into transactions with customers which primarily
result in receivables at fxed rates. In order to manage this risk, the Company has a policy to
match funding in terms of maturities and interest rates and also for certain part of the portfolio,
the Company does not match funding with maturities, in order to take advantage of market

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6:216 The Company also constantly monitors funding options available in the……
(345:898 [345:1039]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company also constantly monitors funding options available in the debt and capital
markets with a view to maintaining fnancial fexibility.

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6:217 TMF Holdings Limited (TMFHL) is a Core Investment Company (CIC),

whic…… (375:1759 [375:2111]) - D 6: TATA ANN
TMF Holdings Limited (TMFHL) is a Core Investment Company (CIC), which ensures
funding of equity or debt requirement of all subsidiary companies, including Tata Motors
Finance Limited (TMFL) and Tata Motors Finance Solutions Limited (TMFSL). The objective
of TMFL is to become a preferred finance provider for the customers of Tata Motors’ dealers.

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6:218 → TML’s Grahak Seva Mahotsav, or National Customer Care Day,

witnesse…… (387:285 [387:489]) - D 6: TATA ANN
→ TML’s Grahak Seva Mahotsav, or National Customer Care Day, witnessed over 16,000
customers visiting daily. TML initiated the Grahak Samvaad campaign to educate more than
8,000 customers in ten days.

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0 Codes
6:219 Our Future A world of sustainable mobility will offer significant eco……
(393:2880 [393:3046]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Our Future A world of sustainable mobility will offer significant economic, social and health
benefits: zero emissions vehicles, zero congestion and zero accidents.

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0 Codes

6:220 Social & Relationship Capital Stable and sustainable relationships wi……
(394:876 [394:1098]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Social & Relationship Capital Stable and sustainable relationships with value-chain partners
and customers are indispensable for business continuity. Our relations with communities
ensure our social licence to operate.

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0 Codes

6:221 More on Page 50 Communities We engage with the communities we oper……

(395:1076 [395:1313]) - D 6: TATA ANN
More on Page 50 Communities We engage with the communities we operate in and enhance
their quality of lives through technology- enabled interventions in the domains of health,
education and livelihood development, among others.

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0 Codes

6:222 Mitigation Mitigation Opportunities Opportunities M M Probability F……

(405:2421 [405:2604]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Mitigation Mitigation Opportunities Opportunities M M Probability Financial Manufactured
Intellectual Human Social & Relationship Natural Capitals impacted H M High Medium

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0 Codes
6:223 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 53 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65
STA…… (425:1 [425:849]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 53 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPORTS 66-184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 Committees * Chairperson of the
committee 1 Audit 2 Nomination & Remuneration 3 Stakeholders’ Relationship 4 Corporate
Social Responsibility 5 Risk Management 6 Executive Committee of the Board 7 Safety,
Health and Sustainability Vinesh Kumar Jairath Non-Executive, Independent Director 1 7 Mr.
Jairath is on the Board of various Indian companies. He has served in numerous important
positions with the Government of India and the State Government of Maharashtra. He has 25+
years’ experience in public administration, rural development, poverty alleviation,
infrastructure, finance, industry, urban development, environmental management and the
private sector as part of the Indian Administrative Service.

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0 Codes

6:224 He is a graduate in Business Administration and Economics with a Dipl……

(425:1746 [425:1876]) - D 6: TATA ANN
He is a graduate in Business Administration and Economics with a Diploma from the
University of Cooperative Education, Stuttgart.

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0 Codes

6:225 6 7 5 Governance 4 3 2 1 2 Nomination & Remuneration Provide…… (426:2230

[426:3109]) - D 6: TATA ANN
6 7 5 Governance 4 3 2 1 2 Nomination & Remuneration Provide various recommendations to
the Board, including: • Set up and composition of the Board and its Committees •
Appointment/reappointment of Directors and review and refresh of the Committees •
Remuneration of Directors and Senior Management 3 Stakeholders’ Relationship Review of: •
Statutory compliances relating to security holders and dividend payments • Performance of
Registrar and Transfer agents • Grievance mechanism 4 Corporate Social Responsibility
Formulate and recommend to the Board: • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy •
Expenditure to be incurred • Monitor progress of projects 5 Risk Management Assist the Board
in: • Overseeing the risk management process, controls, risk tolerance, capital liquidity and
funding • Review of Company’s risk governance structure

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0 Codes

6:226 Upskilling to drive product leadership JLR is in a unique position to……

(430:984 [430:1498]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Upskilling to drive product leadership JLR is in a unique position to answer the industry’s
insatiable call for a wide range of skills. The Company is investing more than £100 Million per
year in the Jaguar Land Rover Academy, offering lifelong learning for employees. Around a
quarter of employees are actively working towards a formal academic or professional
qualification at all levels, from apprenticeship to doctorate. They have also upskilled 7,000
engineers with Master’s level education since 2010.

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0 Codes

6:227 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 61 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65

STA…… (433:1 [433:231]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 61 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPORTS 66-184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 TML TML believes education is the
cornerstone of one’s cognitive, psychological and intellectual faculties.

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6:228 Vidyadhanam, TML’s CSR programme for education, provides support to

y…… (433:234 [433:392]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Vidyadhanam, TML’s CSR programme for education, provides support to young learners by
ensuring holistic development in education infrastructure and services.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:229 The programme focusses on the academic, physical and social

developme…… (433:395 [433:1187]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The programme focusses on the academic, physical and social development of students, in
conjunction with value education. It facilitates their mentoring by professionals who are
experts in their subjects of interest. The key projects under Vidyadhanam are: • Scholarships •
Financial aid to students of IITs and government engineering colleges • Coaching classes •
Special coaching for IIT-JEE and other competitive exams • School infrastructure
improvement • Co-curricular activities JLR The ‘Inspiring Tomorrow’s Engineers’ programme
conducted by JLR saw participation of over 350,000 school children during 2017. The
programme provided interactive learning and team challenges and facilitated educational visits
for encouraging active and ongoing interest in engineering.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:230 In addition, around 5,000 employees donated 100,000 hours annually to……
(433:1328 [433:1450]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In addition, around 5,000 employees donated 100,000 hours annually to support JLR’s STEM
education programmes in schools.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:231 Contribution made K10.43 Crores Education Students benefited The s……
(433:1453 [433:1600]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Contribution made K10.43 Crores Education Students benefited The school drop-out rate, in
target group, decreased from 40% two years ago to 0%.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:232 Community development K1 Crore On Aadhar 9,706 Employee volunteers……

(434:171 [434:672]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Community development K1 Crore On Aadhar 9,706 Employee volunteers 45,000
Volunteering hours Contribution made Impact created 18% hires from specific communities
93,715 people skilled JLR To make a positive global social impact, JLR has established a
network of interlinked projects around the world. In the last five years, JLR has delivered 40
global social impact projects, fulfilling the commitment to combine the talent of its people with
technology to make a unique contribution.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:233 Every JLR employee is empowered to take two days per year to voluntee……
(434:675 [434:821]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Every JLR employee is empowered to take two days per year to volunteer their time and skills
to work on a project that will have a social impact.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:234 Seva, TML’s volunteering programme, provides employees and their fam……
(434:1100 [434:1340]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Seva, TML’s volunteering programme, provides employees and their families with varied
opportunities to meaningfully volunteer their time for social causes. TML employees also offer
pro bono services based on their competencies to NGOs.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:235 64 TML TML initiated the Amrutdhara programme for providing safe dr……
(436:1 [436:262]) - D 6: TATA ANN
64 TML TML initiated the Amrutdhara programme for providing safe drinking water across
India. While addressing the concerns relating to safe drinking water, the programme also helps
in improving health and fostering a climate of gender and social equality.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:236 – World Digital Marketing Congress (WDMC) - Best Digital Integrated m……
(440:4424 [440:4637]) - D 6: TATA ANN
– World Digital Marketing Congress (WDMC) - Best Digital Integrated marketing campaign
for Tata Ace - Keep Loading campaign. Global Digital marketing awards. This is one of the
first industry awards in the year.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:237 – Tata Yodha – This media campaign won the Bronze award at the presti……
(440:5189 [440:5280]) - D 6: TATA ANN
– Tata Yodha – This media campaign won the Bronze award at the prestigious Effies in India.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:238 – UP Yoddha Kabaddi Team – Tied up with the Pro Kabaddi League team
U…… (441:721 [441:974]) - D 6: TATA ANN
– UP Yoddha Kabaddi Team – Tied up with the Pro Kabaddi League team UP Yoddha to
promote the Tata Yodha range of pickups. This association was amplified though a
concentrated promotion campaign including digital and Below The Line (‘BTL’) activities.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:239 The Company continued Campaign ‘i-drive safe’ – an initiative on buil……

(444:4455 [444:4835]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company continued Campaign ‘i-drive safe’ – an initiative on building a safe driving
culture amongst its employee and associates and have trained them in Defensive Driving. ‘My
Road My Discipline’ Road Safety Week campaign during April 23 to 29 included Road Safety
Celebrations conducted in all location including all Plants, Offices, Dealerships, Warehouses
and Vendors.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:240 Jagruti – Safety Awareness Building Campaign for Workshop Managers

is…… (444:5039 [444:5358]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Jagruti – Safety Awareness Building Campaign for Workshop Managers is a year-long
campaign focused on building awareness on safety and understanding of the Company’s
expectations on Dealers Workshop Safety. Jagruti Safety Awareness campaign was done for
channel partners PV and CV dealers covering Pan- India level.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:241 BUSINESS RESPONSIBILITY REPORT Pursuant to Regulation 34(2)(f) of

the…… (445:4525 [445:5285]) - D 6: TATA ANN
BUSINESS RESPONSIBILITY REPORT Pursuant to Regulation 34(2)(f) of the SEBI Listing
Regulations, the Business Responsibility Report (BRR) initiatives taken from an
environmental, social and governance perspective, in the prescribed format is available as a
separate section of the Annual Report and also hosted on the Company’s website
www.tatamotors.com FINANCE During the year, the free cash flows for Tata Motors Group
were negative `11,183 crores, post spend on capex, design and development of (`35,039
crores). Tata Motors Group’s borrowing as at March 31, 2018 stood at `88,951 crores (as at
March 31, 2017: `78,604 crores). Cash and bank balances and investments in mutual funds
stood at `48,974 crores (as at March 31, 2017: `51,119 crores).

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:242 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The brief outline of the Corporate

So…… (451:587 [451:1008]) - D 6: TATA ANN
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The brief outline of the Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) Policy of the Company and the initiatives undertaken by the Company
on CSR activities during the year are set out in Annexure - 6 of this Report in the format
prescribed in the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014. The Policy is available on Company’s
website at (URL: http://investors.tatamotors.com/ pdf/csr-policy.pdf).

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:243 • CVIB conducted ‘Global Service Campaign’ in more than 40 countries……

(466:751 [466:974]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• CVIB conducted ‘Global Service Campaign’ in more than 40 countries from 21st to 23rd
November, 2017 as a part of the enhancing the Customer Connect. The service campaign saw
more than 31,000 vehicles serviced in 3 days.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:244 - In addition to the basic/ fixed salary, the Company provides employ……
(470:364 [470:858]) - D 6: TATA ANN
- In addition to the basic/ fixed salary, the Company provides employees with certain
perquisites, allowances and benefits to enable a certain level of lifestyle and to offer scope for
savings and tax optimization, where possible. The Company also provides all employees with a
social security net (subject to limits) by covering medical expenses and hospitalization through
re-imbursements or insurance cover and accidental death and dismemberment through personal
accident insurance.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:245 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 101 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPOR…… (473:1 [473:1671]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 101 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY REPORTS 66-
184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 1. A brief outline of the Company’s CSR policy,
including an overview of projects or programmes proposed to be undertaking and a reference
to the web-link to the CSR Policy and projects or programmes: I. Overview: (i) Outline of CSR
Policy - As an integral part of the Company’s commitment to good corporate citizenship, the
Company believes in actively assisting in improvement of the quality of life of people in
communities, giving preference to local areas around the Company’s business operations.
Towards achieving long-term stakeholder value creation, the Company shall always continue
to respect the interests of and be responsive towards its key stakeholders - the communities,
especially those from socially and economically backward groups, the underprivileged and
marginalized; focused on inter alia the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and the society
at large. In order to leverage the demographic dividend of its country, Company’s CSR efforts
shall focus on Health, Education, Environment and Employability interventions for relevant
target groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference to needy and deserving communities
inhabiting urban India. CSR at the Company shall be underpinned by ‘More from Less for
More People’ philosophy which implies striving to achieve greater impacts, outcomes and
outputs of its CSR projects and programmes by judicious investment and utilization of
financial and human resources, engaging in like-minded stakeholder partnerships for higher
outreach benefitting more lives.

2 Codes:

0 Codes

0 Codes

6:246 tatamotors.com/pdf/csr-policy.pdf (ii) CSR Projects: 1. Aarogya (Heal……

(473:1734 [473:2500]) - D 6: TATA ANN
tatamotors.com/pdf/csr-policy.pdf (ii) CSR Projects: 1. Aarogya (Health): Addressing child
malnutrition; health awareness for females; preventive and curative health services, drinking
water projects; 2. Vidyadhanam (Education): Scholarships; Special coaching classes for
secondary school students; IIT-JEE and competitive exams coaching, school infrastructure
improvement; co-curricular activities; financial aid to engineering students; 3. Kaushalya
(Employability): Divers training – novice and refresher; ITI partnership and allied-auto trades;
Motor Mechanic Vehicle (MMV); training in retail, hospitality, white goods repair, agriculture
and allied trades; 4. Vasundhara (Environment): Tree plantation, environmental awareness for
school students.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:247 sd/- Guenter Butschek CEO & Managing Director (DIN 07427375) sd/-……
(473:4224 [473:4584]) - D 6: TATA ANN
sd/- Guenter Butschek CEO & Managing Director (DIN 07427375) sd/- Om Prakash Bhatt,
Non-Executive, Independent Director (Chairman CSR Committee) (DIN 00548091) Mumbai,
May 23, 2018 ANNEXURE - 6 Annual Report on CSR Activities [Pursuant to Section 135 of
the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules,

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:248 No.# CSR project / activity identified Sector in which the Project…… (474:23
[474:5219]) - D 6: TATA ANN
No.# CSR project / activity identified Sector in which the Project is covered Projects /
Programmes 1. Local area / others 2.Specify the state and district where projects or programs
were undertaken Amount outlay (budget) project / programs wise Amount spent on the
project / programme subheads Cumulative spend upto the reporting period Amount spent:
Direct/through implementing Direct Overhead* agency* (` in crores) 1 Skill Development and
vocational skills in Automotive and Non- Automotive Sector Employability Enhancing Skill
Development 2. Karnataka- Dharwad Maharashtra- Mumbai, Palghar, Thane, Pune Gujarat-
Ahmedabad Jharkhand- East Singhbhum Uttar Pradesh- Bara Banki and Lucknow
Uttarakhand- Udham Singh Nagar 5.41 4.28 0.24 4.52 Direct = 0.32 Implementation Agency =
4.20 2 Promoting primary and secondary education in Rural and Socially/ Economically
Backward communities Promoting Education 2. Karnataka- Bangalore and Dharwad
Maharashtra- Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Pune Gujarat- Ahmedabad Jharkhand- East
Singhbhum Uttar Pradesh- Bara Banki and Lucknow Uttarakhand- Udham Singh Nagar 11.89
9.92 0.51 10.43 Direct = 0.10 Implementation Agency = 10.27 3 Preventive and curative health
services in Communities Eradicating Hunger, Promoting preventive healthcare, Malnutrition,
Promoting Preventive healthcare and sanitation and safe drinking water 2. Maharashtra-
Mumbai, Palghar, Pune Gujarat- Ahmedabad Jharkhand- East Singhbhum Uttar Pradesh- Bara
Banki and Lucknow Uttarakhand- Udham Singh Nagar 3.64 2.72 0.18 2.90 Direct = 0.07
Implementation Agency = 2.83 4 Ensuring environmental sustainability through awareness and
protection of natural habitats Ensuring environmental sustainability 2. Maharashtra- Mumbai,
Palghar, Pune Gujarat- Ahmedabad Jharkhand- East Singhbhum Uttar Pradesh- Bara Banki and
Lucknow Uttarakhand- Udham Singh Nagar 1.71 1.30 0.08 1.38 Direct = 0.00 Implementation
Agency = 1.38 5 Rural Development Rural development projects 2. Maharashtra- Mumbai,
Palghar, 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 Direct = 0.00 I m p l e m e n t a t i o n Agency = 1.00 6 Drinking
water project under SMDF Safe drinking water 2. Maharashtra- Mumbai, Palghar, Pune
Gujarat- Ahmedabad Jharkhand- East Singhbhum Uttar Pradesh- Bara Banki and Lucknow
Uttarakhand- Udham Singh Nagar 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.60 7 Administrative Overheads And
Capacity Building Cost 0.70 0.60 0.01 0.61 Total 24.35 20.42 1.02 21.44 #1: Employability:
Institute of Driving Training & Research, Ahmedabad Dist Cooperative Milk Producers Union
Ltd, Ambika Motor Driving School, Center for Youth Development & Activities, Centre for
Civil Society, CII, College of Engg Pune, Gram Vikas Kendra, Hubert Ebner (I) Pvt Ltd.,
Laurus Edutech life Skills Pvt Ltd., MITCON Foundation, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan
Samiti, Prasad Chikitsa, Pratham Education Foundation, Prolife, Ramkrishna Mission Sakwar,
Sambhav Foundation, Shiksha Prasar Kendra, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Sanand Education Trust,
Shashwat, Skill For Progress, Suvidha, Vedanta Foundation, Vikas Samities, Vruksha #2:
Education: Action Aid, Agastya International Foundation, Avanti Fellows, Govt. Block
Resource Centre Education Dept. SSA, Cathedral Church Sanand, Center for Youth
Development & Activities, Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness, College of Engineering
Pune, Foundation for Academic Excellence, GANATAR, Global Education Trust, Gram Vikas
Kendra, IIT Bombay Alumni Association, Manav Seva Education Trust, Moinee Foundation,
Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Samata Shikshan Sanstha,
Sambhav Foundation, Sanand Lions Foundation Trust, Sarvodhaya Mahasangh, Seva Sahyog
Foundation, Shanti Seva Nidhi Trust, Shiksha Prasar Kendra, Shri Shakti Kelavni Uttejak
Trust, Society for Human Environmental Development, Suprabhat Mahila Mandal, Swami
Vivekananda Youth Movement, Swaroopwardhinee, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Tata
Motors Gruhini Social Welfare Society, The Jai Narayan Charitable Trust, Urmee Charitable
Trust, Vidya Poshak, Vikas Samities #3 : Health: Action Aid, Chetna, Family Planning
Association of India, Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Manav Seva Education Trust, Namaste
Life, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan
Samiti, Prasad Chikitsa, Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital, SDM college of
Medical Science, Sneh Foundation, Snehdeep Jankalyan Foundation, Sumant Moolgaokar
Development Foundation, Sterling Hospital, Swadhar, Vikas Samities #4 : Environment:
Bansilal Ramntath Agarwal Charitable Trust, Bombay Natural History Society, College of
Social Work Nirmala Niketan Institute, Ganatar, Gram Vikas Kendra, Green Thumb, Manav
Seva Education Trust, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Sarvodhaya
Maha Sangh, Terre Policy Center, Tree Public Foundation, Vikas Samities, Wildlife Research
and Conservation Society sd/- Guenter Butschek CEO & Managing Director (DIN 07427375)
sd/- Om Prakash Bhatt, Non-Executive, Independent Director (DIN 00548091) (Chairman
CSR Committee) Mumbai, May 23, 2018

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:249 This is mainly due to change in the political leadership, which has d……
(480:4865 [480:5160]) - D 6: TATA ANN
This is mainly due to change in the political leadership, which has demonstrated strong
commitment to strengthening institutional integrity-especially state owned enterprises-
reaching out both to business and labor, and pronouncing the intention to build a new social
compact in the country.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:250 TML has a 100% subsidiary TMF Holdings Ltd which in turn has two oper……
(483:6169 [483:6976]) - D 6: TATA ANN
TML has a 100% subsidiary TMF Holdings Ltd which in turn has two operating Companies
Tata Motors Finance Ltd and Tata Motors Finance Solutions Ltd. Through Tata Motors Finance
Ltd, it provides financing services to purchasers of its vehicles through independent dealers,
who act as the Company’s agents for financing transactions, and through the Company’s
branch network. Tata Motors Finance Solutions Ltd provides funding in the Used Vehicle
Finance space and is also in the Business of extending loans to TML Dealers and Vendors.
Revenue from the Company’s vehicle financing operations (on consolidated basis as per Ind
AS) increased by 8.4% to `2,632.18 crores in Fiscal 2018 as compared to `2,429.23 crores in
Fiscal 2017, which was mainly driven by growth in the commercial vehicle segment.

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0 Codes

6:251 Principal Sources of Funding Liquidity The Company finances its capit……
(494:2539 [494:2888]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Principal Sources of Funding Liquidity The Company finances its capital expenditures and
research and development investments through cash generated from operations, cash and cash
equivalents, debt and equity funding. The Company also raises funds through sale of
investments, including divestment in stakes of subsidiaries on a selective basis.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:252 The manufacturing partnership with Magna Steyr, an operating unit of……
(494:4279 [494:4954]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The manufacturing partnership with Magna Steyr, an operating unit of Magna International
Inc, to build vehicles in Graz, Austria was announced in July 2015. Jaguar E Pace was the first
vehicle to be produced as a part of Jaguar Land Rover’s contract manufacturing agreement
with Magna Steyr, Austria in late 2017 and it will be joined by Jaguar I Pace from 2018. The
Company expects to meet most of its investments out of operating cash flows and cash
liquidity available. In order to meet the remaining funding requirements, the Company may be
required to raise funds through additional loans and by accessing capital markets from time to
time, as deemed necessary.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:253 Each rating should be evaluated separately of any other rating: CARE……
(495:523 [495:1285]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Each rating should be evaluated separately of any other rating: CARE ICRA CRISIL S&P
Moody’s Long-term borrowings AA+ AA AA BB+ Ba1 Short-term borrowings A1+ A1+ A1+
— — The Company believes that it has sufficient liquidity available to meet its planned capital
requirements. However, the Company’s sources of funding could be materially and adversely
affected by an economic slowdown, as was witnessed in Fiscal 2009, or other macroeconomic
factors in India and abroad, such as in the United Kingdom, the United States, Europe, Russia
and China, all of which are beyond the Company’s control. A decrease in the demand for the
Company’s vehicles could affect its ability to obtain funds from external sources on acceptable
terms or in a timely manner.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:254 The proceeds have been used for refinancing and supporting the fundin……
(495:2177 [495:2276]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The proceeds have been used for refinancing and supporting the funding requirements of the

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0 Codes

6:255 To achieve this, the Company has established the Tata Motors Academy,……
(503:4865 [503:5378]) - D 6: TATA ANN
To achieve this, the Company has established the Tata Motors Academy, which addresses
development needs of various segments of its workforce through a structured approach. The
Tata Motors Academy focuses on three functional pillars – customer excellence, product
leadership, and operational excellence – and one pillar on management education, all of which
are aligned with the Company-level strategic objectives. The emphasis of functional academies
is to strengthen knowledge, skills and expertise with an

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:256 132 in depth approach, within respective function, and the emphasis o……
(504:1 [504:267]) - D 6: TATA ANN
132 in depth approach, within respective function, and the emphasis of management education
is developing general management and leadership skills. Tata Motors Academy also provides
executive education opportunities in the areas of B.Tech, M.Tech, Executive MBA.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:257 Around a quarter of the employees are actively working towards a form……
(504:3684 [504:3985]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Around a quarter of the employees are actively working towards a formal academic or
professional qualification at all levels from apprenticeship to doctorate. The Company has also
up-skilled 7,000 engineers with Master-level education since our Academy technical
accreditation scheme began in 2010.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:258 In addition, investors’ reactions to economic developments or a loss……

(506:896 [506:1765]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In addition, investors’ reactions to economic developments or a loss of investor confidence in
the financial systems of other countries may cause volatility in Indian financial markets and
indirectly, in the Indian economy in general. Any worldwide financial instability, including
increased protectionist measures and withdrawal from trade pacts by countries in which the
Company operate, could also have a negative impact on the Indian economy, including the
movement of exchange rates and interest rates in India. In the event global economic recovery
is slower than expected, or if there is any significant financial disruption, this could have a
material adverse effect on the Company’s cost of funding, portfolio of financing loans,
business, prospects, results of operations, financial condition and the trading price of the
Company’s Shares and ADSs.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:259 The sale of the Company’s commercial and passenger vehicles is heavil……
(513:3284 [513:3775]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The sale of the Company’s commercial and passenger vehicles is heavily dependent on funding
availability for its customers. Rising delinquencies and early defaults have contributed to a
reduction in automobile financing, which, in turn, has had an adverse effect on funding
availability for potential customers. This reduction in available financing may continue in the
future and have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition and
results of operations.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:260 Terrorist attacks, civil disturbances, regional conflicts and other a……
(514:6112 [514:6903]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Terrorist attacks, civil disturbances, regional conflicts and other acts of violence, particularly in
India, may disrupt or otherwise adversely affect the markets in which the Company operate,
the Company’s business and the Company’s profitability. India has from time to time
experienced social and civil unrest and hostilities and adverse social, economic or political
events, including terrorist attacks and local civil disturbances, riots and armed conflict with
neighboring countries. Events of this nature in the future could influence the Indian economy
and could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, as well as the market for
securities of Indian companies, including the Company’s Shares and ADSs. Such incidents
could also create a greater perception

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:261 The Company provide post-retirement and pension benefits to its emplo……
(516:4492 [516:4944]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company provide post-retirement and pension benefits to its employees, including defined
benefit plans. However, lower returns on pension fund assets, changes in market conditions,
interest rates or inflation rates, and adverse changes in other critical actuarial assumptions, may
impact its pension liabilities or assets and consequently increase funding requirements, which
could materially decrease the Company’s net income and cash flows.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:262 Under the arrangements with the trustees of the defined benefit pensi……
(516:5344 [516:6803]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Under the arrangements with the trustees of the defined benefit pension schemes, an actuarial
valuation of the assets and liabilities of the schemes is undertaken every three years following
the most recent valuation, as at April 05, 2015. Jaguar Land Rover agreed to a schedule of
contributions with the trustee of the schemes which, together with the expected investment
performance of the assets of the schemes, is expected to eliminate the deficit by 2025. In line
with the schedule of contributions, the current ongoing contribution rate to the defined benefits
scheme is 31% of pensionable salaries in the UK. Deficit reduction payments also continue to
be paid in line with this schedule of contributions. The funding deficit and on going
contribution rates are expected to reduce following the completion of the 2018 statutory
valuation during 2019. Following consultation with employees earlier in the year, on April 03,
2017, Jaguar Land Rover approved and communicated to its defined benefit schemes’
members that the defined benefit schemes’ rule were to be amended with effect from April 06,
2017. As a result, among other changes, future retirement benefits would be calculated each
year and revalued until retirement in line with a prescribed rate rather than based upon a
member’s final salary at retirement. As a result of the remeasurement of the schemes’
liabilities, a past service credit of £437 million has arisen and

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:263 Lower return on pension fund assets, changes in market conditions, ch……
(517:377 [517:744]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Lower return on pension fund assets, changes in market conditions, changes in interest rates,
changes in inflation rates and adverse changes in other critical actuarial assumptions, may
impact its pension liabilities or assets and consequently increase funding requirements, which
will adversely affect the Company’s financial condition and results of operations.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:264 The Companies Act has effected significant changes to the existing In……
(520:4468 [520:6446]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Companies Act has effected significant changes to the existing Indian company law
framework, such as in the provisions related to the issue of capital, disclosures in offering
documents, corporate governance norms, accounting policies and audit matters, related party
transactions, class action suits against companies by shareholders or depositors, prohibitions on
loans to directors and insider trading, including restrictions on derivative transactions
concerning a company’s securities by directors and key managerial personnel. The Companies
Act may subject the Company to higher compliance requirements, increase its compliance
costs and divert management’s attention. The Company is also required to spend, in each
financial year, at least 2% of the company’s average net profits during the three immediately
preceding financial years, calculated for Tata Motors Limited on a standalone basis under Ind
AS, toward corporate social responsibility activities. Furthermore, the Companies Act imposes
greater monetary and other liability on the Company and its directors for any non-compliance.
Due to limited relevant jurisprudence, in the event that the Company’s interpretation of the
Companies Act differs from, or contradicts with, any judicial pronouncements or clarifications
issued by the Government of India in the future, the Company may face regulatory actions or
be required to undertake remedial steps. In addition, some of the provisions of the Companies
Act overlap with other existing laws and regulations (such as corporate governance provisions
and insider trading regulations issued by SEBI). SEBI promulgated the SEBI (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, or the Listing Regulations,
which are applicable to all Indian companies with listed securities or companies intending to
list its securities on an Indian stock exchange, and the Listing Regulations became effective on
December 1, 2015.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:265 Remuneration of Directors: Non-Executive Directors • A sitting fee o……

(527:428 [527:1335]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Remuneration of Directors: Non-Executive Directors • A sitting fee of `60,000/- for attendance
at each meeting of the Board, Audit Committee, Executive Committee of the Board, NRC and
for Independent Directors Meeting; `20,000/- for attendance at each meeting of Stakeholders’
Relationship Committee; Safety, Health & Sustainability Committee, the Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee, Risk Management Committee and other special need based
committees, is paid to its Members (excluding Managing Director and Executive Directors)
and also to Directors attending by invitation. The sitting fees paid/payable to the Non Whole-
time Directors is excluded whilst calculating the limits of remuneration in accordance with
Section 197 of the Act. The Company also reimburses out-of-pocket expenses to Directors
attending meetings held at a city other than the one in which the Directors reside.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:266 - Oversee compliances in respect of dividend payments and transfer of……

(529:3503 [529:3658]) - D 6: TATA ANN
- Oversee compliances in respect of dividend payments and transfer of unclaimed amounts and
shares to and from the Investor Education and Protection Fund.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


cons…… (531:612 [531:1123]) - D 6: TATA ANN
constituted by the Board in accordance with the Act to: a. Formulate and recommend to the
Board, a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which shall indicate the activities to be
undertaken by the Company as specified in Schedule VII of the Act; b. Recommend the
amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities referred to in clause (a); and c. Monitor
the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company from time to time.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:268 The CSR Policy is uploaded on the Company’s website as required under……
(531:1126 [531:1320]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The CSR Policy is uploaded on the Company’s website as required under the provisions of
Section 135 of the Act and Rule 9 of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy)
Rules, 2014.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:269 RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (RMC) The Committee is constituted and

func…… (531:2081 [531:2620]) - D 6: TATA ANN
RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (RMC) The Committee is constituted and functions as
per Regulation 21 of the SEBI Listing Regulations. The Committee comprises of 1
Independent Director, 1 Executive Director, 1 Managing Director and the CFO. The terms of
reference enumerated in the Committee Charter are as follows: - Principles and objectives inter
alia include assisting the Board in overseeing the Company’s risk management process and
controls, risk tolerance, capital liquidity and funding etc. and its periodic update to the Board.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:270 164 Transfer of unclaimed / unpaid amounts to the Investor Education……

(536:1 [536:759]) - D 6: TATA ANN
164 Transfer of unclaimed / unpaid amounts to the Investor Education and Protection Fund
(IEPF): (i) Pursuant to Sections 124 and 125 of the Act and the Investor Education and
Protection Fund (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (“IEPF Rules”), all
unclaimed/unpaid dividend, application money, debenture interest and interest on deposits as
well as principal amount of debentures and deposits, sale proceeds of fractional shares,
redemption amount of preference shares, etc. pertaining to the Company remaining unpaid or
unclaimed for a period of 7 years from the date they became due for payment, are liable to be
transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority, established by the
Central Government.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:271 The Business Responsibility Report illustrate the Company efforts tow……
(545:831 [545:1478]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Business Responsibility Report illustrate the Company efforts towards creating enduring
value for all stakeholders in a responsible manner. This Report is aligned with National
Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business
(NVG-SEE) released by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and is in accordance with Regulation
34(2)(f) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations 2015 (SEBI Listing Regulations). This report provides an overview
of the activities carried out by the Company under each of the nine principles as outlined in

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:272 2. Vidyadhanam (Education): This initiative aims to improve the quali……

(545:4547 [545:4825]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Vidyadhanam (Education): This initiative aims to improve the quality of education in
schools by offering scholarship to meritorious and needy secondary school students, organizing
Business Responsibility Report (PURSUANT TO REGULATION 34(2)(f) OF SEBI LISTING

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:273 174 special coaching classes to improve academic performance in Clas……

(546:1 [546:289]) - D 6: TATA ANN
174 special coaching classes to improve academic performance in Class X Board exam,
supporting school infrastructure and organizing co-curricular activities for well-rounded
personality development. In Fiscal 2018, 1,01,454 students have been benefitted through the
education program.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:274 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 175 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPOR…… (547:1 [547:497]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 175 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY REPORTS 66-
184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 2. Principle-wise (as per NVGs) BR Policy/policies
(Reply in Y/N) The National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic
Responsibilities of Business released by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has adopted nine
areas of Business Responsibility. These are as follows: P1 – Businesses should conduct and
govern themselves with Ethics, Transparency and Accountability.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:275 Principle 2 Product Life Cycle Sustainability 1. List upto 3 of your……

(550:1189 [550:1372]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Principle 2 Product Life Cycle Sustainability 1. List upto 3 of your products or services whose
design has incorporated social or environmental concerns, risks and/or opportunities.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:276 The Company is a leading automobile manufacturer of India and has pla……
(550:1375 [550:2553]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company is a leading automobile manufacturer of India and has played a significant role
over the years in contributing to economic growth through its commercial vehicles and
passenger cars which transport people, goods and help deliver services on time. The Company
realizes its responsibility as a growth enabler and endeavors to create vehicles which will
promote entrepreneurship. The Company is also cognizant of the environmental impacts
caused during production and lifecycle of its products and continually strives to innovate to
reduce such impacts. The Company has become the first Indian Manufacturer to commercially
deploy Series Hybrid Technology in India, through the delivery of 25 ‘Tata Starbus Hybrid
Electric Bus’ with Full Low Floor configuration, to the Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Development Authority (MMRDA). The Company has also delivered the first set of Tigor
Electric Vehicles (EVs) to state-run Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) as part of their
initiative to procure 10,000 electric vehicles. Below are few of the products which have been
designed to address social or environmental concerns, risks and/or opportunities.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:277 Product Social or Environmental benefits Buses for Public Transport –……
(550:2556 [550:2772]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Product Social or Environmental benefits Buses for Public Transport – Tata Starbus Hybrid
Electric Bus Runs on dual power i.e diesel and electric and is hence, economically viable, safe
and environmentally friendly.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:278 Yes. The Company’s AA policy is specially designed to address the soc……
(552:2696 [552:2965]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Yes. The Company’s AA policy is specially designed to address the socially disadvantaged
sections of the society, Scheduled Castes and Tribes. Within the broader stakeholder group of
communities, the Company works towards women empowerment and education of children.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:279 Our CSR programmes and projects are aimed at serving the needy, deser……
(552:3288 [552:3601]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Our CSR programmes and projects are aimed at serving the needy, deserving, socio-
economically backward and disadvantaged communities aimed at improving the quality of
their lives. Under TAAP, the Company continues to serve the SC and ST communities in inter
alia Education, Employability and Entrepreneurship.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:280 Area Stakeholder (SC/ST community) Benefits Education In Fiscal 2018,……

(552:3604 [552:4068]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Area Stakeholder (SC/ST community) Benefits Education In Fiscal 2018, more than 20000
SC/ST students were benefited from the CSR Vidyadhanam programme. The projects include
IIT-JEE & competitive exams coaching; co-curricular activities; financial aid program for
Engineering Students at IIT Bombay; Scholarships for Secondary school students and Govt.
Engineering College at Pune, School Infra Improvement and Special Coaching classes in Std.
8th, 9th and 10th.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:281 Sustainability is built into the Company business processes through w……
(553:1215 [553:1543]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Sustainability is built into the Company business processes through well-defined Sustainability
Policy. This policy reaffirms value system committed to integrate environmental, social and
ethical principles into our business and innovate sustainable mobility solutions with passion to
enhance quality of life of communities.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:282 Through adoption of Tata Group Affirmative Action (AA) Policy, the Co……
(555:2516 [555:2805]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Through adoption of Tata Group Affirmative Action (AA) Policy, the Company works toward
inclusion of socially disadvantaged and marginalized sections of society (Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes). The AA interventions focus on Education, Health, Employability and
1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:283 Area Partners Involved Education Action Aid, Agastya International Fo……
(555:3787 [555:6088]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Area Partners Involved Education Action Aid, Agastya International Foundation, Avanti
SANAND, Center for Youth Development & Activities, Children’s Movement for Civic
Awareness, College of Engineering Pune, GANATAR, Global Education Trust, Gram Vikas
Kendra, IIT Bombay Alumni Association, Manav Seva Education Trust, Moinee Foundation,
Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Rotary Club of Nigdi, Samaj
Vikas Kendra, Samata Shikshan Sanstha, SANAND LIONS FOUNDATION TRUST, Seva
Sahyog Foundation, Shanti Seva Nidhi Trust, Shiksha Prasar Kendra, SHRI SHAKTI
KELAVNI UTTEJAK TRUST, Society for Human Environmental Development, Suprabhat
Mahila Mandal, Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Swaroopwardhinee, Tata Institute of
Social Sciences, Tata Motors Gruhini Social Welfare Society, The Jai Narayan Charitable
Trust, Urmee Charitable Trust, Vidya Poshak, Vikas Samities Employability Ahmedabad Dist.
Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd, Ambika Motor Driving School, Centre for Civil
Society, CII, Gram Vikas Kendra, LAURUS EDUTECH LIFE SKILLS PVT LTD, Manikbag
Automobile Pvt Ltd, MITCON Foundation, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Prasad
Chikitsa, Pratham Education Foundation, Ramkrishna Mission Sakwar, Samaj Vikas Kendra,
Sambhav Foundation, SANAND EDUCATION TRUST, Shashwat, Skill For Progress,
SUVIDHA, Vedanta Foundation, Vigyan Ashram (IIE), Vikas Samities Health Action Aid,
CHETNA, Family Planning Association of India, Gram Vikas Kendra, Jan Parivar Kalyan
Sansthan, Manav Seva Education Trust, NAMASTE LIFE, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Parivar
Kalyan Sansthan, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Prasad Chikitsa, Seth G S Medical
College and KEM Hospital, Sneh Foundation, Snehdeep Jankalyan Foundation, Sumant
Moolgaonkar Development Foundation, Sterling Hospital, Swadhar, Vikas Samities
Environment Bansilal Ramntath Agarwal Charitable Trust, Bombay Natural History Society,
Vikas Kendra, Green Thumb, Manav Seva Education Trust, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan
Samiti, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Sarvodhaya Maha Sangh, Terre Policy Center, Tree Public
Foundation, Vikas Samities, Wildlife Research and Conservation Society

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:284 2. Vidyadhanam (Education) supporting for infrastructure, skills deve……

(556:1132 [556:1266]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Vidyadhanam (Education) supporting for infrastructure, skills development, training and
Institutionalized need based scholarships.
1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:285 The Company provided its customers with the best in class after sales……
(556:2851 [556:3072]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company provided its customers with the best in class after sales service. We hear our
customers through various mediums such as 24X7 Call center toll free no, website, social
media, Tata Motors Service Connect App.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:286 iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be……
(559:4170 [559:4314]) - D 6: TATA ANN
iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts, required to be transferred, to the Investor
Education and Protection Fund by the Company.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:287 25. Other financial liabilities – non-current (` in crores) As at M…… (593:1606

[593:3191]) - D 6: TATA ANN
25. Other financial liabilities – non-current (` in crores) As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31,
2017 (a) Derivative financial instruments - 0.55 (b) Liability for financial guarantee contracts -
995.08 ( c) Liability towards employee separation scheme 82.26 71.84 (d) Others 129.02 62.76
Total 211.28 1,130.23 26. Other financial liabilities – current As at March 31, 2018 As at
March 31, 2017 (a) Current maturities of long-term borrowings (refer note below) 2,208.06
512.37 (b) Liability for financial guarantee contracts 977.26 1,050.00 ( c) Interest accrued but
not due on borrowings 500.06 449.73 (d) Liability for capital expenditure 129.86 120.63 (e)
Deposits and retention money 186.44 206.26 (f) Derivative financial instruments 1.29 9.38 (g)
Deferred payment liability - 70.08 (h) Liability towards Investors Education and Protection
Fund under Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 not due (i) Unpaid dividends 10.73 13.48
(ii) Unpaid matured deposits and interest thereon 11.88 14.09 (iii) Unpaid debentures and
interest thereon 0.18 0.18 (i) Others 65.40 39.74 Total 4,091.16 2,485.94 Details of Current
maturities of long-term borrowings : (i) Non Convertible Debentures (Unsecured) (refer note I
(ii) (b)) 1,089.86 450.00 (ii) Non Convertible Debentures (Secured) (refer note I (ii) (a))
500.00 - (iii) Finance lease obligations 5.78 8.36 (iv) Loans from Banks (refer note I (i) (d))
112.42 34.94 (v) Buyer’s line of credit (Capex) (refer note I (i) (b)) 500.00 19.07 Total
2,208.06 512.37 Notes Forming Part of Financial Statements

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:288 36. Other expenses Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31,……
(598:551 [598:2680]) - D 6: TATA ANN
36. Other expenses Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017 (a) Processing
charges 1,240.88 1,004.45 (b) Consumption of stores & spare parts 639.35 653.61 (c) Power
and fuel 545.12 483.48 (d) Freight, transportation, port charges etc. 1,703.15 1,536.77 (e)
Publicity 720.18 848.36 (f) Warranty expenses 766.18 493.33 (g) Information
technology/computer expenses 711.95 762.39 (h) Allowances made/(reversed) for trade and
other receivables (109.19) 133.72 (i) Assets Scrapped/ Written Off 995.47 141.45 (j) Works
operation and other expenses (note below) 2,021.18 2,278.34 Total 9,234.27 8,335.90 Note:
Works operation and other expenses include: (a) Auditors’ Remuneration (excluding service
tax): # (i) Audit Fees 7.34 8.16 (ii) Audit Fees for financial statements as per IFRS (including
SOX certification) 3.72 3.59 (iii) In other Capacities : Tax Audit / Transfer Pricing Audit 0.89
0.75 Taxation Matters 0.45 0.08 (iv) Other Services * 4.47 1.51 (v) Reimbursement of
travelling and out-of-pocket expenses 0.86 0.88 * Includes payment to an affiliate firm of
statutory auditors # The above amount includes ` 10.84 crores paid to predecessor Auditor,
Deloitte Haskins and Sells LLP and its affiliates for the year ended March 31, 2018. 4.10 0.56
(b) Cost Auditors’ Remuneration (excluding service tax) : (i) Cost Audit Fees 0.20 0.20 (ii)
Reimbursement of travelling and out-of-pocket expenses 0.01 - (c) Works operation and other
expenses for the year ended March 31, 2018 includes ` 21.44 crores (` 25.94 crores for the year
ended March 31, 2017) spent by Tata Motors Ltd on standalone basis excluding interest in the
joint operations, towards various schemes of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as
prescribed under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013. No amount has been spent on
construction / acquisition of an asset of the Company. The prescribed CSR expenditure
required to be spent in the year 2017-18 as per the Companies Act, 2013 is ` Nil, in view of
average net profits of the Company being ` Nil (under section 198 of the Act) for last three
financial years.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:289 The Company determines the amount of capital required on the basis of……
(602:233 [602:604]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company determines the amount of capital required on the basis of annual operating plans
and long-term product and other strategic investment plans. The funding requirements are met
through equity, non-convertible debentures, senior notes and other long-term/short-term
borrowings. The Company’s policy is aimed at combination of short-term and long-term

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:290 The Company also constantly monitors funding options available in the……
(611:1046 [611:1190]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company also constantly monitors funding options available in the debt and capital
markets with a view to maintaining financial flexibility.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:291 iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts to the Investor……
(629:3068 [629:3341]) - D 6: TATA ANN
iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts to the Investor Education and Protection
Fund by the Holding Company and its subsidiary companies, joint operations, associates and
jointly controlled entity incorporated in India during the year ended 31 March 2018.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:292 26. Other financial liabilities – non-current As at March 31, 2018…… (674:2299
[674:3304]) - D 6: TATA ANN
26. Other financial liabilities – non-current As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 a)
Derivative financial instruments 2,450.20 11,259.57 b) Liability towards employee separation
scheme 85.22 72.36 c) Others 203.72 77.65 Total 2,739.14 11,409.58 27. Other financial
liabilities – current As at March 31, 2018 As at March 31, 2017 a) Current maturities of long-
term borrowings 10,956.12 4,114.86 b) Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 1,095.72
943.24 c) Liability towards vehicles sold under repurchase arrangements 4,423.58 2,828.38 d)
Liability for capital expenditure 8,219.45 3,120.40 e) Deposits and retention money 202.29
201.50 f) Derivative financial instruments 6,207.66 14,257.95 g) Deferred payment liability -
70.08 h) Liability towards Investors Education and Protection Fund under Section 125 of the
Companies Act, 2013 (IEPF) not due 22.79 27.75 i) Others 139.88 70.67 Total 31,267.49

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:293 Assumption Change in assumption Impact on defined benefit obligation……

(688:582 [688:1858]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Assumption Change in assumption Impact on defined benefit obligation Impact on service cost
and interest cost Discount rate Increase / decrease by 0.25% Decrease/increase by ` 4,074.37
crores Decrease/increase by ` 74.75 crores Inflation rate Increase / decrease by 0.25%
Increase/decrease by ` 3,468.98 crores Increase/decrease by ` 88.59 crores Mortality rate
Increase / decrease by 1 year Increase/decrease by ` 2,219.45 crores Increase/decrease by `
47.99 crores Jaguar Land Rover contributes towards the UK defined benefit schemes.
Following the April 5, 2015 valuations, it is intended to eliminate the pension scheme funding
deficits over the 10 years following the valuation date. As at 31 March 2018, there is no
additional liability; however, following the changes to the defined benefit schemes’ rules in
April 2017, an additional obligation may arise in the future. The current agreed contribution
rate for defined benefit accrual is 31% of pensionable salaries in the UK. Deficit contribution
levels remain in line with the schedule of contributions agreed following the 2015 statutory
valuation. Both the ongoing and deficit contribution rates these are expected to reduce
following the completion of the 2018 statutory valuation during 2019.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:294 The Company determines the amount of capital required on the basis of……
(691:1270 [691:1663]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company determines the amount of capital required on the basis of annual operating plans
and long-term product and other strategic investment plans. The funding requirements are met
through equity, convertible and non-convertible debt securities, senior notes and other long-
term/short-term borrowings. The Company’s policy is aimed at combination of short-term and
long-term borrowings.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:295 In its financing business, the Company enters into transactions with c……
(699:3610 [699:4006]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In its financing business, the Company enters into transactions with customers which primarily
result in receivables at fixed rates. In order to manage this risk, the Company has a policy to
match funding in terms of maturities and interest rates and also for certain part of the portfolio,
the Company does not match funding with maturities, in order to take advantage of market

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:296 The Company also constantly monitors funding options available in the……
(702:1 [702:145]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company also constantly monitors funding options available in the debt and capital
markets with a view to maintaining financial flexibility.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:297 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 357 to Unpaid Dividend Account of the Comp……
(729:1 [729:404]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 357 to Unpaid Dividend Account of the Company, are liable to be
transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF). The shares in respect of such
unclaimed dividends are also liable to be transferred to the demat account of the IEPF
Authority. In view of this, members are requested to claim their dividends from the Company,
within the stipulated timeline.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:298 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 363 Details of Directors seeking appointme……
(735:1 [735:684]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 363 Details of Directors seeking appointment / re-appointment at
the Annual General Meeting [Pursuant to Regulations 26(4) and 36(3) of the SEBI Listing
Regulations and Secretarial Standards on General Meetings] Particulars Mr Guenter Butschek
Ms Hanne Birgitte Sorensen Director Identification Number (DIN) 07427375 08035439 Date
of Birth / Age October 21, 1960 57 years September 18, 1965 52 years Date of first
appointment on the Board February 15, 2016 January 3, 2018 Educational Qualification Mr
Butschek graduated in Business Administration and Economics with a diploma from the
University of Cooperative Education Stuttgart, Germany.

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:299 Memberships/ Chairmanships of committees across companies • Tata M……

(735:1914 [735:2165]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Memberships/ Chairmanships of committees across companies • Tata Motors Ltd. - Member of
Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee, Risk Management Committee, Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee and Safety, Health and Sustainability Committee.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:300 (B) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditors’……
(755:2078 [755:3195]) - D 6: TATA ANN
(B) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditors’ Report in accordance with
Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of
our information and according to the explanations given to us and based on the consideration
of the report of the other auditor on separate financial statements of a joint operation, as noted
in the “Other Matter” paragraph: i. The standalone financial statements disclose the impact of
pending litigations as at 31 March 2019 on the financial position of the Company and its joint
operations. Refer note 39 to the standalone financial statements; ii. Provision has been made in
the standalone financial statements, as required under the applicable law or Ind AS, for
material foreseeable losses, on long-term contracts including derivative contracts. Refer note
49 (iv) to the standalone financial statements; iii. There has been no delay in transferring
amounts to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company or its joint operations
incorporated in India during the year ended 31 March 2019.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:301 How the matter was addressed in the audit The audit procedures applie……
(781:1176 [781:1553]) - D 6: TATA ANN
How the matter was addressed in the audit The audit procedures applied by the auditor of the
component (JLR Group) included: – Funding assessment: Evaluated JLR Group’s financing
terms; – Key dependency assessment: Assessed sufficiency of JLR Group’s resources to repay
the debt falling due in at least the 18 months from the date of approval of the financial

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:302 iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts to the Investor……
(783:5094 [783:5367]) - D 6: TATA ANN
iii. There has been no delay in transferring amounts to the Investor Education and Protection
Fund by the Holding Company or its subsidiary companies, joint operations, associates and
jointly controlled entities incorporated in India during the year ended 31 March 2019.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:303 13. Members are requested to note that, dividends if not encashed for……
(817:2856 [817:3359]) - D 6: TATA ANN
13. Members are requested to note that, dividends if not encashed for a consecutive period of 7
years from the date of transfer to Unpaid Dividend Account of the Company, are liable to be
transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund ('IEPF'). The shares in respect of
such unclaimed dividends are also liable to be transferred to the demat account of the IEPF
Authority. In view of this, members are requested to claim their dividends from the Company,
within the stipulated timeline.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:304 Memberships/ Chairmanships of Statutory Committees of other public co……

(822:4270 [822:4459]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Memberships/ Chairmanships of Statutory Committees of other public companies and listed
entities Chairman of Tata Consultancy Services Limited (Corporate Social Responsibility

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:305 Since early 2015, Ms Bhandarkar has dedicated her time to corporate b……
(823:2169 [823:2550]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Since early 2015, Ms Bhandarkar has dedicated her time to corporate boards and social
enterprise, serving as independent director on several corporate boards, and as a volunteer,
fundraiser and board member of the Jai Vakeel Foundation, an institution focused on children
and adults with intellectual disability. She also serves as a part time member of the Banks
Board Bureau.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:306 Ms Bhandarkar’s leadership skills and business acumen are demonstrate……

(823:3043 [823:3347]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Ms Bhandarkar’s leadership skills and business acumen are demonstrated by her success in
managing large enterprises. Her rich and wide experience enables her to provide valued
insights and perspectives on a broad range of business, social and governance issues that are
relevant to large corporations.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:307 Memberships/ Chairmanships of Statutory Committees of other public co……

(823:3631 [823:4229]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Memberships/ Chairmanships of Statutory Committees of other public companies and listed
entities Chairperson of Audit Committees of Tata Motors Finance Limited and Tata Sky
Limited; Stakeholders’ Relationship Committees of Tata Motors Finance Limited, Tata Motors
Finance Solutions Limited and L&T Infotech Limited; Corporate Social Responsibility
Committees of Tata Motors Finance Limited, Tata Motors Finance Solutions Limited and Tata
Sky Limited; Risk Management Committee of Tata Motors Finance Solutions Limited; and
Asset Liability Committee of Tata Motors Finance Solutions Limited.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:308 Information Technology Services Machine Tools & Factory Automatio……

(4:1097 [4:1367]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Information Technology Services Machine Tools & Factory Automation Services Tata Daewoo
Commercial Vehicles Tata Motors Finance Limited Jaguar Land Rover Tata and other brands

1 Codes:
0 Codes


CAR MANU…… (6:1184 [6:2356]) - D 6: TATA ANN
MANUFACTURER 213 #1 Vision 'We are entering the largest, fastest industrial revolution
ever, driven by decarbonisation, air quality, digitisation, connectivity, automation and
technology. Against this backdrop we see endless exciting opportunities to create a world in
which we will live safer, better, more connected and mobile lives.' EXPERIENCES PEOPLE
SUCCESS JLR’S VALUES JLR’S STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 'Our strategic priorities act as a
road map towards delivering on our vision and blueprint. They guide the actions we need to
take around resources, investment, innovation and product creation.' JLR’s Business Blueprint

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:310 Jaguar Land Rover’s Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, including aut……
(7:1032 [7:1331]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Jaguar Land Rover’s Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, including autonomous emergency
braking and park assist, are its stepping stones to full autonomy. Through technologies like
CloudCar and Connected Car diagnostics, Jaguar Land Rover is pioneering the use of real-time
data from its vehicles.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


PRODUCT DEVE…… (28:1 [28:284]) - D 6: TATA ANN
(CV); capture higher payload and better TCO (total cost to ownership) requirements.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


MANAGEMENT…… (29:257 [29:2270]) - D 6: TATA ANN
further strengthen its market share and increase its scale across diverse segments which are less
cyclical • TML continues to strengthen its other business operations (vehicle fnancing, spare
part sales, service and maintenance contracts, sales of aggregates for non-vehicle businesses,
among others) to reduce the impact of industry cyclicality ORGANISATIONAL
EFFECTIVENESS • TML has undertaken a structure change exercise with key guiding
principles of Empowerment to the Business Units with clear accountability for business results
• Delayered the organisation to 5 managerial levels • TML is growing market share across
Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar • Dominant market
position across Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka • Identifed transactional roles for transition to
shared services, and thereby focusing on core activities COST MANAGEMENT
INITIATIVES • TML focuses on technology sharing among diferent businesses. Indica’s diesel
engines were modifed for use in the Ace platform to reduce project cost • Focused on Australia
and ASEAN countries; in the preceding two years the Company entered Indonesia, Malaysia
and the Philippines • Primarily with operations in the UK, JLR is also expanding its global
footprint in Brazil, China and India • Platform sharing for the manufacture of pickup trucks
and UVs, reducing capital investment • Reduction of labour costs and rationalisation of other
fxed costs • JLR is streamlining purchasing processes and building on its strong relationships
with suppliers, while increasing employee deployment and fexibility across sites • A new
facility is coming up in Slovakia • Tied up with Magna Steyr for contract manufacturing in
Austria • JLR continues to increase its use of new modular aluminium architecture across
vehicle platforms

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:313 The year 2016-17 has been a landmark year when we launched several c……
(35:1 [35:191]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The year 2016-17 has been a landmark year when we launched several commercial and
passenger vehicles, which exemplified our product innovation, advanced design and
technology excellence.

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:314 JLR’s ambition is to be a global leader in Connected Autonomous Vehic……

(36:592 [36:987]) - D 6: TATA ANN
JLR’s ambition is to be a global leader in Connected Autonomous Vehicles. Its Advanced
Driver Assistance Systems, including autonomous emergency braking and park assist, are
already stepping stones to full autonomy. JLR envisages the development of an intelligent
vehicle in another 10 years, which will be cleaner and safer, with greater car-to-car and car-to-
infrastructure connectivity.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


manufacturing a…… (37:1734 [37:2085]) - D 6: TATA ANN
REVAMPING THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS The change in the manufacturing
approach primarily concerns two aspects - achieving commonality in the bill of materials
across PVs and shifting to an advanced modular platform where the same line can be used to
make multiple products. The cost-structure analysis is being driven internally by ImpACT

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:316 Some of TML’s futuristic technology programmes comprise: M-Flex MMS

T…… (40:1234 [40:1954]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Some of TML’s futuristic technology programmes comprise: M-Flex MMS Technology for
modular car platform FUTURISTIC TECHNOLOGY Internet of Things (IoT) and associated
technologies on connectivity such as apps, telematics, diagnostics, analytics, among many
others Adaptive Ride Control with Advanced Suspension Dual Stage Damper Technology with
Electronics Switches for City and Power modes Next generation infotainment system with 6.5”
TFT touch screen with advanced features like Google Android Auto, Apple Car Play, in-car
voice alerts, premium acoustic experience with 8 speakers has been delivered for the Osprey
platform Focusing on technology to combine automotive and consumer grade products.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:317 With its advanced Driver Assistance Systems, including autonomous

eme…… (41:1409 [41:1586]) - D 6: TATA ANN
With its advanced Driver Assistance Systems, including autonomous emergency braking and
park assist, the Company is aiming to be a global leader in Complete Autonomous Systems.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


DESIGNS…… (41:2432 [41:2863]) - D 6: TATA ANN
JLR is using the latest vehicle-to- vehicle communications technology to develop ways for
future connected cars to work together autonomously to make lane changing and crossing
junctions easier and safer.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:319 Roadwork Assist Currently investigating advanced driver assistance t……

(41:3970 [41:4138]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Roadwork Assist Currently investigating advanced driver assistance to guide the vehicle to the
centre of narrow roadwork lanes, reducing driver workload and stress.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:320 Partly funded by the British Government, JLR’s TRANSCEND programme

ai…… (46:1386 [46:1987]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Partly funded by the British Government, JLR’s TRANSCEND programme aims to rebuild the
UK’s transmission production through investment in processes to develop lighter components
as well as more energy-efcient manufacturing production. This is an advanced research project
that aims to create lightweight, eight-speed transmission with an ultra-wide ratio spread of 20,
which is more than double that of a conventional eight-speed automatic. Weighing around 20
kgs less than existing eight-speed automatics, TRANSCEND could be used in longitudinal
rear-wheel drive and all-wheel drive vehicles.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:321 Besides, large quantity of water is used for non-industrial activities……

(53:228 [53:414]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Besides, large quantity of water is used for non-industrial activities owing to our large
workforce. Water productivity is also one of the key criteria for selecting any new technology.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:322 In addition to his professional career at Tata, Mr Chandrasekaran was……

(73:4970 [73:5296]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In addition to his professional career at Tata, Mr Chandrasekaran was also appointed as a
Director on the Board of India’s Central Bank, the Reserve Bank of India in 2016. He has also
served as the Chairperson of the Information and Communication Technology Industry
Governors at the World Economic Forum, Davos in 2015-16.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:323 However, output remained below potential in a number of other advance……

(84:228 [84:710]) - D 6: TATA ANN
However, output remained below potential in a number of other advanced economies, notable
in the European area. The picture of emerging market and developing economies remained
much more diverse. The growth rate in China was a bit stronger than expected, supported by
continued policy stimulus. Activity was weaker than expected in some Latin American
countries such as Brazil, whereas, activity in Russia was slightly better than expected, in part
refecting frmer oil prices.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
INITIATIVES I…… (91:1911 [91:2459]) - D 6: TATA ANN
INITIATIVES Information Technology Initiatives The Company has been a pioneer in
adopting Information Technologies to enable business processes and deploying efcient &
secure information technology. The Company has been working towards implementing the
components of its IT roadmap to create a digital ready organization. The Company leverages
its strong partnerships with product and services companies to harness the potential of
Information Technology towards competitive advantage.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:325 The major highlights from IT at the Company are: Major technology upg……
(91:2462 [91:2669]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The major highlights from IT at the Company are: Major technology upgrades undertaken in
the ERP, CRM, analytics systems to make the systems current and leverage new versions’
mobile friendly capabilities.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:326 Tata Technologies Limited (TTL): TTL has invested in new technologies……
(92:995 [92:1401]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Tata Technologies Limited (TTL): TTL has invested in new technologies and practices both on
software and hardware front with strong focus on its business goals and customer
requirements. The digital tools and systems continue to be enhanced and upgraded as per
customer needs. It continued its new technology evaluation process to support the delivery
teams with efective and optimal hardware systems.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


aimin…… (92:2343 [92:2962]) - D 6: TATA ANN
towards meeting upcoming emission regulations by multifaceted approach of adapting cleaner
technologies for internal combustion engines and by working on new technologies in the
domains of xEVs, Hybrids and Fuel Cell. The Company intends to reduce the emissions from
vehicles through various powertrain as well as vehicle level measures. Some of the key
initiatives in this direction are mentioned below: Fuel efciency improvement in diesel SCVs by
implementation of fuel control unit based FIE system on twin cylinder turbo diesel engine.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


EXCHANGE EARN…… (93:2074 [93:2406]) - D 6: TATA ANN
EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO The information on conservation of energy,
technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings and outgo stipulated under Section
134(3)(m) of the Act, read along with Rule 8 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, is
annexed as Annexure - 2.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:329 Jamshedpur Plant received CII-GreenCo Best Practices Award 2016 for i……
(105:4001 [105:4667]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Jamshedpur Plant received CII-GreenCo Best Practices Award 2016 for its’ Innovative Project
INNOVATION (i) Eforts made towards technology absorption, adaptation and innovation
Presently automotive industry is facing unprecedented volatility in the technology environment
coming from regulations, from emergence of new business models and the way in which the
customer will access the future mobility solutions. The Company is working in technology
domain of domains of xEVs, Hybrids and Fuel Cell in addition to technology upgrades on
conventional IC engines to be able to meet regulations.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:330  Advanced technologies for vehicle NVH refnement  Internet of thing……

(106:865 [106:1038]) - D 6: TATA ANN
 Advanced technologies for vehicle NVH refnement  Internet of things (IoT) and
associated technologies on connectivity like Apps, telematics, diagnostics, analytics, etc.

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:331 Technology For Status 1 Development of Connected car Technology and

C…… (106:1827 [106:3223]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Technology For Status 1 Development of Connected car Technology and Cyber security
Development in Progress 2 Development of Advanced Driver Assistance with 360 degree
surround sense, surround view and parking assist Development in Progress 3 Mofex MMS
Structural Technology Validation in progress 4 Development of ESP-Electronic Stability
Program with Advanced Super Drive Modes & State-of-the-art features Implemented 5 Fuel
Pump with Integrated Filter Technology for Increased Filter Life and Improved Fuel Economy
Implemented 6 Hydrogen recirculation blower system for Fuel cell system Under
implementation 7 Electric Trolley Bus system Development in progress 8 In-house
development of parallel hybrid technology Implemented 9 Development of Advanced Driver
Assistance Safety Systems LDWS, AEBS Testing in Progress 10 In house development and
demonstration of parallel PHEV technology Development in Progress 11 Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD) Proof of Concept is ready 12 Development of Automatic transmission on
SUV platform Implemented 13 Reduced Cost of Ownership through development of fuel flter
with pressure switch on Nexon Implemented 14 Software features such as cruise control,
vehicle acceleration management, load based speed control & gear down protection in
M&HCV trucks Implemented 15 Development of Ultra Electric Bus and electric drive train

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:332 For example, some of the forward-looking R&D programs that the
Compan…… (107:2641 [107:3278]) - D 6: TATA ANN
For example, some of the forward-looking R&D programs that the Company is concentrating
on are:  M-Flex MMS Technology for modular car platform,  Next generation infotainment
system with 6.5” TFT touch screen with advanced features like Google Android Auto, Apple
Car Play, In-car voice alerts, premium acoustic experience with 8 speakers had been delivered
for Osprey platform  Selective ADAS technologies for market specifc implementation like
Forward Collision Warning with Camera - Pedestrian, 2 Wheeler, 4 Wheeler detection (Day
and Night detection), Seat Belt Reminder using ODS (Occupant Detection Sensor) sensor, etc.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:333  Series Hybrid Bus with new generation 5L engine with advanced featu……
(108:1352 [108:1580]) - D 6: TATA ANN
 Series Hybrid Bus with new generation 5L engine with advanced features for eco-friendly
operation as well as best in class features for comfort and convenience of commuter especially
elderly and physically challenged people.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:334  Advanced automated manual transmission for Buses & Trucks for
optim…… (108:1583 [108:1711]) - D 6: TATA ANN
 Advanced automated manual transmission for Buses & Trucks for optimum fuel economy
and ease of driving and fatigue reduction.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:335  Advanced safety features such as collision mitigation, lane departu……

(108:1714 [108:1821]) - D 6: TATA ANN
 Advanced safety features such as collision mitigation, lane departure warning to improve the
road safety.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:336 As per the advance estimates, in Fiscal 2017, India’s GDP increased b……
(120:1186 [120:2143]) - D 6: TATA ANN
As per the advance estimates, in Fiscal 2017, India’s GDP increased by 7.1%, as compared to
an increase of 7.9% in Fiscal 2016 (based on second advanced estimate data from the Ministry
of Statistics and Programme Implementation). Agriculture sector registered a 4.4% growth in
Fiscal 2017 as compared to 0.8% in Fiscal 2016. According to the new base year (2011-12), the
Index of Industrial Production (IIP) recorded 5.0% growth in Fiscal 2017, as compared to 3.4%
in Fiscal 2016. Signifcant factors infuencing IIP growth in Fiscal 2017 included a 4.9%
increase in the manufacturing sector, compared to 3.0% in Fiscal 2016, which was due to a
better performance of sectors like motor vehicles, other transport equipment and
pharmaceuticals. The IIP of the mining & quarrying sector increased by 5.3%, compared to
4.3% in Fiscal 2016, and electricity services recorded moderate increase of 5.8% in Fiscal
2017, as compared to 5.7% in Fiscal 2016.

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:337 WORLD The below par performance of global economy was refected in a……
(120:3032 [120:3756]) - D 6: TATA ANN
WORLD The below par performance of global economy was refected in a continued
slowdown in growth in most of the emerging and developing markets. Activity rebounded
strongly in the United States in second half of 2016 after a weak frst half. However, output
remained below potential in a number of other advanced economies, notable in the euro area.
The picture for emerging market and developing economies remained much more diverse. The
growth rate in China was a bit stronger than expected, supported by continued policy stimulus.
However, activity was weaker than expected in some Latin American countries such as Brazil.
Activity in Russia was slightly better than expected, in part refecting frmer oil prices.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:338 International competitors bring with them decades of international ex……

(122:219 [122:652]) - D 6: TATA ANN
International competitors bring with them decades of international experience, global scale,
advanced technology and signifcant fnancial resources. Consequently, domestic competition is
likely to further intensify in the future. There can be no assurance that the Company will be
able to implement the Company’s future strategies in a way that will mitigate the efects of
increased competition on the Indian automotive industry.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:339 The Company is exposed to operational risks, including risks in conne……

(130:5304 [130:5428]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company is exposed to operational risks, including risks in connection with the
Company’s use of information technology.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:340 Notice Board’s Report Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate
Gover…… (131:1 [131:995]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Notice Board’s Report Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report
Business Responsibility Report 129 internal systems and processes, from either internal or
external events. Such risks could stem from inadequacy or failures of controls within internal
procedures, violations of internal policies by employees, disruptions or malfunctioning of
information technology systems, such as computer networks and telecommunication systems,
other mechanical or equipment failures, human error, natural disasters or malicious acts by
third parties. Any unauthorized access to or misuse of data on the Company’s information
technology systems, human errors or technological or process failures of any kind or any
failure in its protection measures could severely disrupt the Company’s operations, including
its manufacturing, design and engineering processes, and could have a material adverse efect
on the Company’s reputation, fnancial condition and results of operations.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:341 The Company’s other operations business segment mainly includes infor……
(137:506 [137:654]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s other operations business segment mainly includes information technology
services, and machine tools and factory automation services.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:342 Electric and Hybrid Bus range: Tata Motors launched two variants of i……
(137:2106 [137:2400]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Electric and Hybrid Bus range: Tata Motors launched two variants of its emission-free, ultra-
quiet and efcient STARBUS ELECTRIC buses and the STARBUS HYBRID diesel-electric
hybrid bus. The STARBUS HYBRID is the most advanced bus in India Hexa: Contemporary
SUV was launched in January 2017.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:343 The Company is intensifed eforts to review and realign its cost struc……
(141:1919 [141:2624]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company is intensifed eforts to review and realign its cost structure through a number of
measures such as reduction of labour costs and rationalization of other fxed costs The Jaguar
Land Rover business continues to focus on cost management initiatives, such as streamlining
its purchasing processes and building on its strong relationships with suppliers while increasing
employee deployment and fexibility across its sites. In addition, Jaguar Land Rover continues
to increase its use of its new modular aluminium architecture across vehicle platforms, which it
expect will result in the use of common technology more widely across products lines and a
reduction in engineering complexity.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:344 Continuing to invest in technology and technical skills: The Company……

(141:5452 [141:5698]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Continuing to invest in technology and technical skills: The Company believes it is one of the
most technologically advanced indigenous vehicle manufacturers in India. Over the years, the
Company has enhanced its technological strengths through

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:345 Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 140 72nd An……
(142:1 [142:418]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 140 72nd Annual Report 2016-17
extensive in-house research and development activities. Further, the Company’s research and
development facilities at its subsidiaries, such as TMETC, TDCV, TTL and Trilix, together
with the two advanced engineering and design centers of Jaguar Land Rover, have increased its
capabilities in product design and engineering.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:346 Improving infrastructure and robust growth prospects compared to othe……

(145:3637 [145:4814]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Improving infrastructure and robust growth prospects compared to other mature markets has
attracted a number of international companies to India that have either formed joint ventures
with local partners or have established independently owned operations in India. Global
competitors bring with them decades of international experience, global scale, advanced
technology and signifcant fnancial resources, and, as a result, competition is likely to further
intensify in the future. The Company has designed its products to suit the requirements of the
Indian market based on specifc customer needs such as safety, driving comfort, fuel-efciency
and durability. The Company believes that its vehicles are suited to the general conditions of
Indian roads and the local climate. Its vehicles have also been designed to comply with
applicable environmental regulations currently in efect. The Company also ofers a wide range
of optional confgurations to meet the specifc needs of its customers and intends to develop and
is developing products to strengthen its product portfolio in order to meet the increasing
customer expectations of owning world-class products.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:347 Other Operations Overview The Company’s other operations business

seg…… (147:3879 [147:4364]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Other Operations Overview The Company’s other operations business segment mainly
includes information technology services, machine tools and factory automation services. The
Company’s revenue from other operations before inter-segment eliminations was R3,184.06
crores in Fiscal 2017, an increase of 7.8% from R2,953.89 crores in Fiscal 2016. Revenues
from other operations represented 1.2% and 1.1% of total revenues, before inter-segment
eliminations, in Fiscal 2017 and 2016.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:348 Series Hybrid Bus with new generation 5L engine with advanced feature……
(148:3065 [148:3292]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Series Hybrid Bus with new generation 5L engine with advanced features for eco-friendly
operation as well as best in class features for comfort and convenience for commuter especially
elderly and physically challenged people.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:349 Advanced automated manual transmission for Buses & Trucks for
optimum…… (148:3295 [148:3421]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Advanced automated manual transmission for Buses & Trucks for optimum fuel economy and
ease of driving and fatigue reduction.
1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:350 Advanced safety features such as collision mitigation, lane departure……

(148:3424 [148:3529]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Advanced safety features such as collision mitigation, lane departure warning to improve the
road safety.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:351 The Company has established processes to encourage improvements

throu…… (151:4846 [151:5357]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has established processes to encourage improvements through knowledge
sharing among it’s vendors through an initiative called the Vendor Council, which consists of
the Company’s senior executives and representatives of major suppliers. The Vendor Council
also helps in addressing common concerns through joint deliberations. The Vendor Council
works on four critical aspects of engagement between the Company and the suppliers: quality,
efciency, relationships and new technology development.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:352 Notice Board’s Report Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate

Gover…… (153:1 [153:438]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Notice Board’s Report Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report
Business Responsibility Report 151 and information technology services, contributed to its
revenue from international markets. Improved market sentiment in certain countries to which
the Company exports and the strong sales performance of Jaguar Land Rover has enabled the
Company to increase its sales in these international markets in Fiscal 2017.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:353 Fiscal 2017 Fiscal 2016 Change (%) Total revenue (` in crores) 3,184……
(154:310 [154:1061]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Fiscal 2017 Fiscal 2016 Change (%) Total revenue (` in crores) 3,184.06 2,953.89 7.8%
Earning before other income, interest and tax (` in crores) 471.90 436.24 8.2% Earning before
other income, interest and tax (% to total revenue) 14.8% 14.8% The other operations business
segment includes information technology, machine tools and factory automation solutions. In
Fiscal 2017, revenue from other operations before inter-segment eliminations was R3,184.06
crores compared to R2,953.89 crores in Fiscal 2016. Results for the other operations business
segment before other income, fnance cost, tax and exceptional items (before inter-segment
eliminations) were R471.90 crores in Fiscal 2017 as compared to R436.24 crores for Fiscal

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:354 Other Expenses includes all works operations, indirect manufacturing……

(155:757 [155:2060]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Other Expenses includes all works operations, indirect manufacturing expenses, freight cost,
fxed marketing costs and other administrative costs. These expenses have decreased marginally
to R55,430.06 crores in Fiscal 2017 from R55,683.75 crores in Fiscal 2016. Each line item
includes the element of foreign currency translation favourable impact of Jaguar Land Rover
operations of approximately R6,007.94 crores in aggregate in Fiscal 2017. The breakdown is
provided below: Fiscal 2017 Fiscal 2016 Change (` in crores) Processing charges 1,172.03
1,110.68 61.35 Consumption of stores and spare parts 2,419.11 2,096.19 322.92 Freight,
transportation, port charges, etc. 9,754.71 9,754.67 0.04 Power and fuel 1,159.82 1,143.63
16.19 Warranty and product liability expenses 8,064.00 6,791.49 1,272.51 Publicity 8,698.68
8,768.46 (69.78) Information technology/ computer expenses 2,202.51 2,379.90 (177.39)
Allowance for fnance, trade and other receivables 104.78 885.62 (780.84) Engineering
expenses 4,273.72 6,514.76 (2,241.04) MTM (gain)/loss on commodity derivatives 918.40
(1,155.53) 2073.93 Works operation and other expenses 16,662.30 17,393.88 (731.58) Other
Expenses 55,430.06 55,683.75 (253.69) The changes are mainly driven by volumes and the
size of operations.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:355 Other Expenses includes all works operations, indirect manufacturing……

(163:1287 [163:2220]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Other Expenses includes all works operations, indirect manufacturing expenses, freight cost,
fxed marketing costs and other administrative costs. These expenses have increased by 5.9% to
R8,697.42 crores in Fiscal 2017 from R8,216.65 crores in Fiscal 2016. The breakdown is
provided below: Fiscal 2017 Fiscal 2016 Change (` in crores) Processing charges 1,522.44
1,507.21 15.23 Consumption of stores & spare parts 579.09 519.37 59.72 Freight,
transportation, port charges, etc. 1,541.88 1,296.71 245.17 Power and fuel 440.03 430.77 9.26
Warranty expenses 486.27 492.11 (5.84) Information technology/ computer expenses 762.37
631.93 130.44 Publicity 848.36 670.01 178.35 Allowance for fnance, trade and other
receivables 133.72 138.79 (5.07) Works operation and other expenses 2,383.26 2,529.75
(146.49) Other Expenses 8,697.42 8,216.65 480.77 The changes are mainly driven by volumes
and the size of operations.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:356 VII. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, GoI, is promoting and assist……
(202:2698 [202:3089]) - D 6: TATA ANN
VII. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, GoI, is promoting and assisting technology
development for GHG reduction by way of increased usage of Biodiesel. The Company is
engaged in this initiative of GoI and currently running number of engine and vehicle programs
to commercialize usage of Biodiesel as soon as the same is made available to the general
public by oil marketing companies.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:357 Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements F-80 (Cons……

(284:1 [284:637]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements F-80 (Consolidated) 72nd Annual
Report 2016-17 1. Background and operations Tata Motors Limited and its subsidiaries,
collectively referred to as (“the Company” or “Tata Motors”), designs, manufactures and sells
a wide range of automotive vehicles. The Company provides fnancing for the vehicles sold by
dealers of the Company in certain markets. The Company also manufactures engines for
industrial and marine applications, aggregates such as axles and transmissions for commercial
vehicles and factory automation equipment, and provides information technology services.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


Pension plans…… (328:2437 [328:3856]) - D 6: TATA ANN
asset allocation by category is as follows: (R in crores) As at March 31, As at April 1, 2017
2016 2015 Quoted* Unquoted Total Quoted* Unquoted Total Quoted* Unquoted Total Equity
Instruments Information Technology 1,149.04 - 1,149.04 1,193.15 - 1,193.15 1,090.90 -
1,090.90 Energy 493.60 - 493.60 505.90 - 505.90 647.14 - 647.14 Manufacturing 841.55 -
841.55 935.43 - 935.43 887.51 - 887.51 Financials 1,327.06 - 1,327.06 1,699.05 - 1,699.05
1,701.06 - 1,701.06 Others 3,649.43 - 3,649.43 4,174.79 - 4,174.79 3,858.20 - 3,858.20
7,460.68 - 7,460.68 8,508.32 - 8,508.32 8,184.81 - 8,184.81 Debt Instruments Government
23,709.13 - 23,709.13 24,722.15 - 24,722.15 24,951.95 110.94 25,062.89 Corporate Bonds
(Investment Grade) 161.84 16,758.23 16,920.07 1,508.15 13,945.58 15,453.73 351.31
11,075.37 11,426.68 Corporate Bonds (Non Investment Grade) 995.30 3,350.03 4,345.33
1,574.96 2,672.66 4,247.63 499.22 4,400.57 4,899.79 24,866.27 20,108.26 44,974.53
27,805.26 16,618.25 44,423.51 25,802.48 15,586.88 41,389.36 Property Funds UK - 1,537.45
1,537.45 639.54 1,097.70 1,737.24 1,211.08 1,044.67 2,255.75 Other - 1,262.33 1,262.33
725.44 458.17 1,183.61 480.73 157.17 637.90 - 2,799.78 2,799.78 1,364.98 1,555.87 2,920.85
1,691.81 1,201.84 2,893.65 Cash and Cash equivalents 752.54 - 752.54 1,622.69 - 1,622.69
1,201.83 - 1,201.83

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:359 The Company’s other segment comprises primarily activities relating to……
(349:1169 [349:1326]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s other segment comprises primarily activities relating to information
technology or IT services, machine tools and factory automation solutions.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:360 Sr No Name Age Yrs Designation Gross Renumeration Net Renumerat……

(362:1 [362:4129]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Sr No Name Age Yrs Designation Gross Renumeration Net Renumeration Qualifcations Exp
Yrs Date of Joining Nature of emloyment Last Employment - Designation - Period 1 A K
Mukhopadhyay 56 Vice President - Business Planning 10,533,585.48 7,092,020.08 M.COM,
FICWA, ACA, ACS 34 07.06.2001 Permanent Steel Authority Of India Ltd - Bokaro Steel
Plant, Finance / Price Panel- 18 yrs 2 A. K. Saxena* 60 Vice President (Purchasing)
10,160,337.93 4,510,372.93 ICWA 40 02.07.1976 Permanent - 3 Abhijit Gajendragadkar* 54
Sr. VP - Business Planning & Controlling 15,302,735.23 9,438,122.83 CA 31 21.07.2004
Permanent Accenture India Pvt Ltd,- 15 yrs 4 Ajit Kumar Jindal 59 Head Engineering (Comm.
Vehicles - ERC) 13,260,884.84 7,972,620.64 BE (Mechanical),Phd 33 22.07.2005 Permanent
Eicher Motors Ltd,Design- 8 yrs 5 Ajoy Behari Lall 55 Head - Jamshedpur Plant
10,654,823.65 7,041,515.05 PG Diploma in Management 32 05.08.1985 Permanent - 6
Amalendu Haldar* 60 AGM(OF & Sys- SCM, P&SC) 1,930,500.45 1,443,124.75 MSC Engg,
MBA 39 03.07.1980 Permanent Utkal Machinery Ltd.,- 1 yrs 7 Anil Kumar Sinha 53 Vice
President - Mfg Operations - PVBU 11,777,858.60 7,684,720.60 PG Diploma in Mgmt
(Management) 32 15.11.2011 Permanent New Holland FIAT India Ltd,- 14 yrs 8 Anupkumar
Trilokchandra Jain* 60 Head (Quality Assurance) 6,454,354.14 3,678,058.94 MBA 37
18.08.1979 Permanent - 9 Ashesh Dhar 48 National Sales Head (South & East) 10,394,657.60
7,170,339.60 BE 26 11.08.2011 Permanent Mahindra First Choice Wheels Ltd,Sales &
Marketing- 5 yrs 10 Bhimsen Raghavendra Galgali* 60 Quality Head (CVBU Pune)
6,023,644.96 3,386,404.36 ME(Metallurgy) 37 08.10.1979 Permanent - 11 C Ramakrishnan^
61 President- Group CFO 25,715,407.00 16,287,859.00 SSLC(Science), B.Com, CA 37
27.11.1980 Contractual Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd,Finance / Price Panel- 1 yrs 12
Chandrashekhar Keshav Tilak* 60 Dy General Manager (Auto Projects) 5,017,907.70
2,912,564.45 B E Mechanical 38 01.07.1978 Permanent - 13 Chaugule Rajesh Manku* 46
Assistant Manager -Crash Safety 1,050,825.87 949,001.87 Diploma 25 27.08.1991 Permanent
- 14 Delna Avari* 39 Head (Marketing Communication & Services) 3,452,958.81 2,542,279.90
BA, PG Diploma in Mgmt (Marketing) 15 01.07.2002 Permanent TAS,- 1 yrs 15 Dilip
Bindumadhav Huddar 57 Head (Purchase and Supplier Quality) 11,286,424.96 6,879,275.16
BE (Mechanical) 36 27.06.2010 Permanent Asia Motor Works,- 2 yrs 16 Dinesh Bhasin 58
Head - Customer Support (PVBU) 10,877,307.84 7,257,545.84 BE (Mechanical), MBA 17
30.06.2011 Permanent Hyundai Motor India Ltd,After SS / Dealer Mgt- 1 yrs 17 Dr. Timothy
Andrew Leverton^ 58 Head, Advanced and Product Engineering 39,844,416.02 25,158,128.02
BSc Engg(Mechanical), MBA, Phd 7 01.04.2010 Permanent - 18 Fernando Rodriguez Martin^
53 Vehicle Line Director - X4 17,694,508.51 11,279,255.51 ME ( Aeronautical) 29 08.02.2016
Permanent Renault Sas,Manuf/Prodn/ Operations- 27 yrs 19 G Ramasamy* 60 Assistant
General Manager (Materials) 3,895,695.09 2,302,923.59 B Com, PG Diploma in Management
40 01.08.1979 Permanent Patel Construction,- 3 yrs 20 G S Pavana Kumar* 50 AGM-Central
Control Financial Reporting 1,043,814.25 983,449.75 B Com,ICWA 15 19.03.2001 Permanent
- 21 Gajendra Chandel^ 55 Chief Human Resources Ofcer 23,131,105.92 14,007,778.72
BA(Arts),MA 25 08.04.2014 Permanent Tata Autocomp Systems Ltd, HR / PSD / Safety / IR-
9 yrs 22 Girish Arun Wagh 46 Sr.Vice President - PPPM, PVBU 14,601,072.63 8,840,857.03
BE (Mechanism), PG Diploma in Mgmt (Management) 25 15.07.1992 Permanent - 23 Gordon
Calder 52 Sr. GM- Head body & Trim Engg. 11,752,230.19 7,566,289.19 BE(Mechanical) 28
18.06.2012 Permanent EDAG,- 3 yrs 24 Guenter Butschek^ 56 CEO & Managing Director
158,487,760.52 100,559,463.52 Grad in Busi Admin & Economics, Diploma, Germany 36
15.02.2016 Permanent Airbus, Manuf/Prodn/Operations- 4 yrs TATA MOTORS LIMITED

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6:361 53 Sanjeev Garg 50 Global Head (Customer Care - CVBU) 14,178,239.05……

(364:1 [364:3781]) - D 6: TATA ANN
53 Sanjeev Garg 50 Global Head (Customer Care - CVBU) 14,178,239.05 9,427,108.05 B
Tech (Agriculture), PG Diploma in Mgmt 28 02.12.2011 Permanent Force Motors Ltd,Sales &
Marketing- 1 yrs 54 Satish Borwankar^ 64 Executive Director (Quality) 25,387,951.83
15,391,105.83 B Tech(Mechanical) 43 02.08.1974 Permanent - 55 Sibendra Nath Barman 55
Vice President - Sales 12,782,390.56 7,603,597.12 B Tech 26 14.10.2015 Permanent
MSIL,Manuf/Prodn/Operations- 25 yrs 56 Simanchala Panigrahy* 60 Head FMQ and
Customer Quality 11,700,623.06 6,315,809.51 B Tech 36 02.01.1981 Permanent - 57 Sowmya
Ramanujam* 29 LTF Lead (Sales & Marketing ) CVBU 857,994.09 756,462.09 PG Diploma
in Management 3 23.06.2014 Permanent Phyzok Learning Solutions,- 1 yrs 58 Sudhakar
Mohan Singh* 56 Deputy General Manager (Plant Services) 1,324,237.03 1,310,921.23 BE 19
25.09.1997 Permanent - 59 Suresh Pratap Singh Tanwar* 60 Vice President - SHE &
Sustainability 5,459,658.01 4,153,326.01 BSc Engg (Environment Science) 39 15.02.2011
Permanent Essar Steel Ltd,HR / PSD / Safety/ IR- 4 yrs 60 Sushant Chandrakant Naik 47
National Head (Government Afairs) 11,990,354.84 7,829,810.84 MMS(Management) 6
25.03.2014 Permanent EMC West Asia JLT (Dubai ),- 3 yrs 61 T George* 60 General Manager
- ERC - Jamshedpur 3,541,444.44 2,147,001.24 BE, PG in Tool, Die & Mould Design 35
23.09.1981 Permanent - 62 T N Umamaheswaran 55 Chief Technology Ofcer 10,674,751.04
7,015,928.84 B Tech, M Tech 32 16.09.2015 Permanent TTL,Manuf/Prodn/Operations- 18 yrs
63 Tilak Raj Ahuja 43 Head - Supply Chain Management 10,379,434.08 7,140,171.08
Executive Management Program (Management) 24 28.05.2013 Permanent General Motors
India Pvt Ltd,- 4 yrs 64 Udaysing Mansingrao Shinde* 60 Asst General Manager (CPED)
3,039,437.04 2,039,004.44 BE 34 01.06.1982 Permanent - 65 V S Noronha* 60 Vice President
- Defence Business 14,690,292.85 8,026,818.25 BE 37 01.07.1979 Permanent - 66 Vijay B
Somaiya 57 VP & Head, Treasury & Investor Relations 12,797,911.30 7,814,819.30 CFA 35
12.07.1982 Permanent - 67 Yugesh Sachanand Israni* 60 Vehicle Line Director, Light Trucks
4,910,529.55 2,549,875.40 BTech(Electrical) 38 01.07.1978 Permanent - B) Particulars of
employees posted and working in a country outside India Name Age Yrs Designation Gross
Renumeration Net Renumeration Qualifcations Exp Yrs Date of Joining Nature of
Employment Last Employment - Designation - Period 1 Abhay Padmakar Bawale 55 CFO &
Managing Director 7,392,446.00 7,096,549.99 BCom(Accounts), CS 32 27.08.2013 Premanent
Fiat India Automobiles Ltd,Finance / Price Panel- 5 yrs 2 Biswadev Sengupta 47 Head -
PTTMI 7,819,824.40 7,150,598.79 BE (Automobile) 25 01.07.1992 Premanent - 3 Bobby
Salwan* 45 Area Manager - East Africa 807,393.54 779,634.54 - 21 15.01.2003 Premanent
New Hooland Ford,Sales & Marketing- 2 yrs 4 Joseph B* 44 Area Customer Care Manager
SA-M&HCV & Southern Africa) 693,771.93 683,607.72 - 19 01.07.1997 Premanent - 5
Sanjay K Mishra 48 CEO - Tata Motors (Thailand) Ltd 7,618,019.80 7,311,623.79 PG
Diploma in Mgmt 26 01.07.1991 Premanent - 6 Wali S S* 60 Regnl Customer Support
Manager (Europe) 1,428,203.83 973,572.33 - 42 09.08.1974 Premanent - Notes: a) * are
employees employed with the Company for part of the year b) None of the employees by
themselves or along with their spouse or dependant children held 2% or more of the paid up
share capital of the Company c) None of the employees are related to any of the Directors of
the Company d) ^ are the top 10 employees receiving remunernation in the Company under
Section 197(12) of the Act read with Rules framed thereunder On behalf of the Board of
Directors N CHANDRASEKARAN Chairman (DIN: 00121863) Mumbai, May 23, 2017

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6:362 At the Tata Motors Group, we stay ahead of the future. With our contin……
(372:1680 [372:2106]) - D 6: TATA ANN
At the Tata Motors Group, we stay ahead of the future. With our continued investments in
hybrid and Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) technologies, we are actively working on
innovation by bringing ingenuity into the areas of vehicle engineering and development. Our
keen eye for digitisation, connectivity, automation and advanced regulations compliance is
helping us deliver exciting innovations to our customers worldwide.

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6:363 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 5 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65

STAT…… (377:1 [377:1605]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 5 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPORTS 66-184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 Our centres for innovation and
design 1 Whitley, Global Headquarters, Engineering & Design, UK 2 Coventry, Special
Vehicle Operations Technical Centre, UK 3 Gaydon, UK National Sales Centre, Design and
Engineering Centre and Test Centre UK 4 Warwick Manufacturing Group Advanced Research
Centre, UK and Tata Motors European Technical Centre (TMETC) 5 Jamshedpur, India 6
Pune, India 7 Gunsan, South Korea 8 Portland, US 9 Trilix, Italy Total Tata Motors Group sales
in FY18 1 After inter-segment elimination 2 After intra-segment elimination *These revenues
are gross of excise duty Revenues – Automotive operations (J in Crores) Tata and other brand
vehicles JLR Total2 66,620.38 226,964.86 293,453.33 Segment-wise revenues (J in Crores)
Automotive operations Others Total1 293,453.33 3,252.36 295,409.34 43 ,394 59 ,593 49,68 1
4 4 46,393 ,992 51 ,356 Geography-wise Revenues* FY18 (J in Crores) 20.2% 16.8% 14.7%
17.4% 15.2% 15.7% China UK US Rest of Europe Rest of the world India Our dealer/retailer
networks (As on March 31, 2018) TML JLR 746 PV sales touchpoints 576 PV service
touchpoints 19,972 CV retailers 1,571 Retailers/dealers Tata and other brands TML 219,274
PVs 456,552 CVs *Including CJLR JLR 614,309 Total Retail Sales 108,759 129,319 133,592
150,116 92,523 JLR Geography- wise Retail (%) 21.75% 24.44% 15.06% 21.05% 17.70%
Europe China* Overseas North America UK

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6:364 TML’s upcoming offerings The key leading-edge powertrain technologies……

(385:520 [385:1476]) - D 6: TATA ANN
TML’s upcoming offerings The key leading-edge powertrain technologies that TML is
prepared with include: • New-gen family of powertrains with best-in-class fuel efficiency,
performance, durability and reliability. The powertrains have multi-fuel capability, including
CNG/LPG, ethanol, bio-diesel and bio-CNG • Advanced powertrains (xEVs) for Tigor EV and
Diesel Hybrid Bus, India’s first fuel cell bus • Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system for
its Medium to Heavy Commercial Vehicles (MHCV), helping adhere to BS IV standards, while
investing in BS VI powertrains • Range of manual and automatic transmissions for a wide
gamut of applications, including reliable, rugged and efficient drivelines TML’s range of
Electric Vehicles (EVs) include IRIS EV, Magic EV, 12 m Urban Electric Bus, Tiago EV, Tigor
EV and RaceMo EV, along with the EVision Concept Electric Vehicle showcased at the
Geneva International Motor Show in March 2018.

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6:365 → JLR revealed the first voice-activated Artificial Intelligence (AI)……

(386:2387 [386:2645]) - D 6: TATA ANN
→ JLR revealed the first voice-activated Artificial Intelligence (AI) based connected steering
wheel of the future – Sayer – at London. This is a step towards the FUTURE-TYPE Concept,
JLR’s advanced research project for on-demand cars in 2040 and beyond.

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6:366 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 15 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65

STA…… (387:1 [387:282]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 15 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPORTS 66-184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 October → TML showcased the new
safety technology, Electronic Stability Control (ESCsmart™), for the range of PRIMA and
SIGNA trucks at an event in Chennai.

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6:367 I am encouraged to note that Jaguar Land Rover continues to set new s……
(391:1111 [391:1575]) - D 6: TATA ANN
I am encouraged to note that Jaguar Land Rover continues to set new standards for engineering
excellence with the introduction of new automotive technologies and advanced design. This is
reflected by the multiple awards for its various models. Jaguar Land Rover continues its
investment for growth, launched exciting new products and landmark partnerships during the
year. The company also announced its electrification roadmap to address diesel challenges.
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6:368 We will continue to invest in new products, technology and capacity t……
(393:3244 [393:3349]) - D 6: TATA ANN
We will continue to invest in new products, technology and capacity to drive long-term
profitable growth.

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6:369 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 23 Outcomes Impact on stakeho……

(395:1 [395:258]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 23 Outcomes Impact on stakeholders Output
Business value chain Designing new products and solutions Judicious investment in
technology and R&D, together with an understanding of market trends and customer needs.

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6:370 S1 and S5 New technologies developed LTIFR TML ranked second in J D……
(395:1996 [395:3158]) - D 6: TATA ANN
S1 and S5 New technologies developed LTIFR TML ranked second in J D Power 2017 India
Customer Service Index (CSI) Study JLR Retailers invested £ 3 Billions in Arch sites, a
customer experience game changer Reduction in specific water consumption Reduction in
specific GHG emissions (%) CSR beneficiaries Diversity Patents granted Designs registered
TML – India’s first bio-methane engine for buses JLR – CloudCar and Connected Car
technology TML – 3% women workforce JLR – 24 % increase in the proportion of women in
workforce since 2014 66,620 TML Vehicles sold (Consolidated) 12,21,124 80 TML 0.08 TML
15.91% TML (y-o-y) 4% TML (y-o-y) 39% JLR (since 2007) 46% JLR (since 2007) 6,44,000
TML 1.2 Million JLR 23 TML 2,26,965 JLR Revenue (in H Crores) Vehicles Manufactured
PVs, CVs, SUVs, EVs More on Page 6-12 > > 1 2 3 4 5 6 S1 Focus on new product
development S2 Expanding international business S3 Mitigating cyclicality S4 Customer focus
S5 Organisational efficiency and cost management More on Page 26 > EBIT (in H Crores)
11,846 Growth in PBT 20% PBT (in H Crores) 11,155 (Consolidated)

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6:371 New technologies and return on investments from IT Globally, automo……

(396:1626 [396:2052]) - D 6: TATA ANN
New technologies and return on investments from IT Globally, automobile manufacturers are
making huge investments in R&D for innovation such as autonomous driving and
electrification that represent a huge opportunity to change a hyper- competitive playing field.
However, the global automotive industry is moving towards ACES vehicles and this
technology shift requires huge investments from development to testing.

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6:372 Tata Motors has been gearing up for the change though the right techn……
(396:3502 [396:3737]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Tata Motors has been gearing up for the change though the right technology adoption,
manufacturing innovations, testing and validation process improvements. Overall, it is fully
prepared for a seamless transition to the new regime.

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6:373 26 Our strategic framework Our objective TML To develop a range of……
(398:1 [398:2601]) - D 6: TATA ANN
26 Our strategic framework Our objective TML To develop a range of exciting and
contemporary products and services across the PV and CV segments to match and surpass
customer expectations JLR • Producing and delivering vehicles that create experiences, which
customers love, for life • Embracing technologies on ACES while delivering products of the
highest quality • Delivering a fully emissions-compliant portfolio • Moving towards Modular
Longitudinal Architecture (MLA) - scalable architecture that is agnostic to propulsion system
and will optimise commonality and reduce complexity, while managing costs Key initiatives
and actions TML The Company launched a number of models during FY18: • Launched the
next-generation Compact Utility Vehicle (CUV) – Nexon • Rolled out the first batch of Tigor
EV as part of the prestigious EV car tender floated by EESL • Enhanced customer experience
with exciting design and features (including Automated Manual Transmission [AMT] and
smart connectivity) • Introduced a number of new CV models, including the new XL range of
small commercial cargo vehicles and a number of new products on the Prima and Signa ranges
• Unveiled a number of new products during the Auto Expo 2018, including the new-
generation Tata H5X and 45X concepts, Intra compact truck, Ultra T7 light truck and the
SIGNA 4323, India’s first six-axle rigid truck Focus on new product development JLR •
Awarded the World Car Design of the Year award at the 2018 World Car Awards for Range
Rover Velar, a luxury performance SUV • Launched E-PACE, Jaguar’s first compact SUV,
which has a five-star Euro NCAP rating, confirming it to be among the safest vehicles in the
market • Introduced I-PACE, the first fully electric premium SUV in the world in early 2018,
giving JLR a true competitive advantage and helping the Company attain a leadership position
among EVs • Launched plug-in hybrid variants of Rang Rovers and Range Rover Sports,
offering customers 31 miles of electric-only range and combined fuel economy and CO2
emissions of up to 91.1 mpg and as low as 72g/km • Continued investment in new models that
cater to the technology needs of ACES and helps the Company remain competitive in the
marketplace — its new factory in Slovakia is slated to commence production by the end of
2018 Looking ahead TML • TML is leveraging modular approach state-of- the-art architectures
both in CV and PV, while developing a number of new products and variants to enhance the
range of choices for its expanding customer base.

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6:374 32 Risks and opportunities Rapid technology change Evolving custo……

(404:1 [404:250]) - D 6: TATA ANN
32 Risks and opportunities Rapid technology change Evolving customer demands There is a
paradigm shift in the automobile marketplace with rapid advances being made in new
technologies such as electrification and autonomous cars, among others.

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6:375 TML successfully worked towards its goal of manufacturing cleaner and……
(406:1146 [406:1459]) - D 6: TATA ANN
TML successfully worked towards its goal of manufacturing cleaner and more efficient
vehicles using advanced technologies. TML showcased its all-new electric EVision car at the
Geneva International Motor Show in March 2018. The EVision uses the OMEGA architecture
and was developed in collaboration with JLR.

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6:376 Architecture approach for new launches TML is prepared to launch two……
(417:941 [417:1320]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Architecture approach for new launches TML is prepared to launch two new platforms –
Optimal Modular Efficient Global Advanced (OMEGA-ARC) and Agile Light Flexible
Advanced (ALFA-ARC) – by 2019. The two innovative architectures were unveiled at the
Auto Expo (India) 2018. The ALFA-ARC will bring about high commonality across
architecture for both hatchbacks and sedans.

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6:377 There has been a 24% increase in the proportion of women in the Compa……
(431:1590 [431:1967]) - D 6: TATA ANN
There has been a 24% increase in the proportion of women in the Company’s workforce since
2014 and a 21% increase in the proportion of women in its management grades in the same
period. In 2017, JLR recruited more women than men (55% female) for its Advanced
Apprentice programme. Women also comprised 29% of the total hires joining the graduation
programme, in the year.

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6:378 • The Company became the first Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)……
(440:1288 [440:1653]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• The Company became the first Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in India to deploy
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) systems in its PRIMA and SIGNA range. This
package included Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Automatic Traction Control (ATC), Hill
Start Aid (HSA), a Collision Mitigation System (CMS) and a Lane Departure Warning System

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6:379 – The special PRIMA 4930.S technology demonstrator which displayed so……
(440:2951 [440:3294]) - D 6: TATA ANN
– The special PRIMA 4930.S technology demonstrator which displayed some of our latest
advanced safety features like LDWS, Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS), HSA
and rear view cameras – The ULTRA T.7, an elegant 4.2 ton payload LCV with a 1.9-meter
wide cabin for easier maneuverability on the narrow roads of urban and rural India.

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6:380 Some of the key highlights of Fiscal 2018: • All new Land Rover Disco……
(442:1543 [442:4403]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Some of the key highlights of Fiscal 2018: • All new Land Rover Discovery launched in the
US and China in May 2017 • The new Jaguar XF Sportbrake unveiled in June 2017 with sales
following shortly • The Range Rover Velar commenced retail sales in July 2017 (Winner of
World Car Design of the Year) • Jaguar’s new compact performance SUV, the E-PACE,
commenced sales from November 2017 • Refreshed Range Rover and Range Rover Sport
models (including plug in hybrids) were launched at the end of calendar 2017 • Production of
the new long wheel base Jaguar XEL commenced at our China Joint Venture and went on sale
in December 2017 • JLR announced that all models would offer an electrified option from
2020 • The Range Rover Velar, Jaguar F-PACE and E-PACE were all awarded a 5 star Euro
NCAP rating in Fiscal 2018 • JLR’s first battery electric vehicle, the Jaguar I-PACE was
launched in March 2018 • Production of JLR’s 4 cylinder 2 litre ingenium petrol engine
commenced production at our China joint venture in July 2017 for locally manufactured JLR
vehicles in China • Construction of the manufacturing plant in the city of Nitra in Slovakia
advanced during Fiscal 2018 and the all new Discovery will be the first vehicle to be produced
at the new plant from the end of calendar year 2018 • InMotion Ventures announced $25m
investment in rideshare company LYFT in June 2017 • JLR is taking part in the UK’s first road
tests for autonomous vehicles • Long term strategic partnership with Waymo announced in
March to develop a self-driving I-PACE for Waymo’s driverless transportation service, with
20,000 units joining Waymo’s fleet over 2020 and 2021 • JLR confirmed plans to open a
software engineering centre and create 150 jobs in Shannon, Republic of Ireland, in 2018
Commercial Vehicles Company Limited (TDCV) during Fiscal 2018 sold 8,870 commercial
vehicles, lower by 14.0% over Fiscal 2017, mainly due to decrease in domestic sales. TDCV
sold 6,859 commercial vehicles in the domestic market lower by 22.0% as compared to sales in
Fiscal 2017, primarily due to lower industry volumes and aggressive discounting and
marketing strategies of importers considering their higher ordering level. The market share for
both HCV and MCV segments put together was 26.5% as compared to 29.6% in Fiscal 2017.
The export market scenario continued to remain challenging in Fiscal 2018 with factors like
local currency depreciation against the US Dollar, continuing statutory regulations to reduce
imports, the slowdown in Chinese economy impacting commodity exporting countries and
increased dealer inventory. However, TDCV could increase its export sales to 2,011
commercial vehicles, 32.1% higher compared to 1,522 commercial vehicles in Fiscal 2017.

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INITIATIVES a…… (446:1789 [446:2352]) - D 6: TATA ANN
INITIATIVES a. Information Technology Initiatives The Company has been a pioneer in
adopting Information Technologies (IT) to enable the processes and create efficiencies in its
systems. It has been working towards implementing the components of its IT roadmap to
create a digital ready platform for transformation. It leverages its strong partnerships with
product and services companies to harness the potential of IT for ensuring execution of
business initiatives towards a competitive advantage.

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6:382 • Digital initiatives like e-guru mobile app for dealers’ sales force……
(446:2690 [446:3683]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• Digital initiatives like e-guru mobile app for dealers’ sales force has helped create customer
awareness about our products • Focus on Supplier Relationship Transformation (SRT) through
implementation of Supplier systems and inauguration of SRT training centre • Continued
greater collaboration with subsidiaries leveraging IT leadership • Strengthening information
security through multiple initiatives such as Network Access Control and preparation for
ISO27000 framework • IT team has led the Tata Group CIO Forum enabling synergies across
Tata companies in the areas of Digital, Information Security and procurement In the Company,
IT was all about digital. Right from conception of programs such as high fidelity technology
backends to connected vehicle roadmaps, the span of technology has never been this vast. All
of it was geared towards constant evolution in the mobility (commute) space and providing the
best in class technology experience to our end customers.

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6:383 CAE tools for load body analysis, NVH assembly model creation, BIW st……
(447:328 [447:763]) - D 6: TATA ANN
CAE tools for load body analysis, NVH assembly model creation, BIW static stiffness,
structural connectivity, frequency response and harmonic fatigue, spot-weld failure prediction,
axle bracket weld, etc, are few such examples. During concept evaluation phase of the product,
advanced concept evaluation tool had been introduced and by this, various design concepts,
including sections, shapes and load paths had been optimized.
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6:384 TTL continued to augment and enhance the Virtual Desktop Infrastructu……
(447:4033 [447:4448]) - D 6: TATA ANN
TTL continued to augment and enhance the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure setup for
engineering users to improve network and information security. It has also deployed Unified
Communication Technology as part of enhanced collaboration platform. The deployment of
Hyper Converged Infrastructure has resulted in better performance and high availability
computing for enterprise applications hosted on hybrid cloud.

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EXCHANGE EARN…… (449:502 [449:836]) - D 6: TATA ANN
EXCHANGE EARNING AND OUTGOING The information on conservation of energy,
technology absorption and foreign exchange earnings and outgo stipulated under Section
134(3)(m) of the Act, read along with Rule 8 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, is
annexed as Annexure - 2.

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6:386 Significant findings of the Fiscal 2018 Board effectiveness evaluation……

(450:3889 [450:4661]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Significant findings of the Fiscal 2018 Board effectiveness evaluation included providing
regular updates to the Board on projects undertaken to support cost and productivity
improvements along with a monthly information report thereon, inclusion of educative topics
in the agenda on technology, governance, regulations which could impact business and
continuing efforts to balance the Board agenda with focus on budgets, strategic issues. Critical
suggestions to improve the Company’s business included, augmenting the succession pipeline,
harmonizing interactions and integrating synergies that could be derived between the Company
and JLR Group. The Board also monitors action taken on the findings and suggestions made in
the process of the Board evaluation.

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6:387 Key areas of technology engagement in line with global and Indian tre……
(463:1300 [463:2746]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Key areas of technology engagement in line with global and Indian trends: • Advanced HMI
technologies for improved user experience • Advanced occupant safety and driving
convenience adapted to Indian driving conditions • Advanced connectivity architecture to
support future mobility driven features • Advanced vehicle with improved efficiency through
light-weighting of body and chassis structures and use of higher efficiency aggregates The
Company believes in bringing academia and the industry together for advancements in
automotive research. Recent research with various leading technical institutes include: •
Development of full vehicle multi-body dynamic model for simulation of PAT targets for
engine mounting system • Brake disc temperature rise simulation for multi-stop applications •
Tire component target cascading simulation for vehicle ride and handling (ongoing) (Customer
Delight) • Engine vibration frequency calculation and simulation in ADAMS for improved
NVH • A new approach for powertrain multi-attribute target development & balancing for
vehicle integration • To develop a mathematical model of powertrain for the passenger vehicle
with Front Wheel Drive(FWD) to address torsional vibrations The main endeavor of the
Company has been to continuously scan for innovative projects in the third and second horizon
to integrate the promising ones to the main stream projects in the first horizon.

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6:388 (ii) Benefits derived as a result of the above efforts The Company co……
(463:3101 [463:3777]) - D 6: TATA ANN
(ii) Benefits derived as a result of the above efforts The Company continued to strengthen its
capabilities across technology by careful selection of advanced engineering and future
technology portfolio, with intent to capitalize and bookshelf the developed technology into the
future products for making them more exciting and more attractive to the end customers. The
Company wishes to mitigate all future risks related to technology by timely having appropriate
emerging technology on emissions, FE enhancement, powertrain, safety, connectivity,
infotainment, telematics, green initiatives etc., to meet and exceed all future emissions and
vehicular safety norms.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:389 Technology For Status 1 E-Viscous fan for cooling systems on medium……
(463:4438 [463:5201]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Technology For Status 1 E-Viscous fan for cooling systems on medium duty vehicles
Implemented 2 Development of connected car Technol- ogy and Cyber Security Proof of
Concept Ready 3 Development of Advanced Driver Assis- tance with 360 degree surround
sense, surround view and parking assist Validation in progress 4 Moflex MMS Structural
Technology Proof of Concept Ready 5 Development of domain controllers for cockpit
electronics Development in Progress 6 Development of low cost Electronic Parking Brake
Proof of Concept Ready 7 Light Weighting of BIW and Chassis Structures Development in
Progress 8 Development of efficient HVAC system with Coandavents and Electronically
variable displacement compressor Development in Progress

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:390 Technology For Status 9 Fuel cell vehicle based on small com- mercia……
(464:15 [464:1967]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Technology For Status 9 Fuel cell vehicle based on small com- mercial vehicle Development in
progress 10 Hydrogen recirculation blower system for Fuel cell system Under implemen-
tation 11 Battery management system for EV bus/car and car hybrids Development in progress
12 Brake blending systems for improving regenerative brake energy capture in electric and
hybrid vehicles Development in progress 13 In-house patented hybrid powertrain development
Development in progress 14 Exhaust energy recovery through Va- pour-ejector refrigeration
systems Development in progress 15 Electric Trolley Bus system Development in progress 16
Ultra capacitor based energy storage system for hybrid vehicles Development in progress 17
Development of induction motor with copper rotor Development in progress 18 Development
of DC-DC converter for fuel cell vehicles Development in progress 19 Traction motor control
algorithm devel- opment for xEVs Development in progress 20 In-house development of
battery packs for electric and hybrid vehicles Development in progress 21 Development of
Fuel Cell/Battery EV controller for fuel cell / Battery Electric vehicles Development in
progress 22 Design and development of Automotive fuel cell Stack Development in progress
23 Design and development of Traction motor controller hardware Development in progress 24
Design and development of DC-DC converters and On-board chargers Development in
progress 25 Design and development of Induction Traction motors based Development in
progress 26 Light-weight material for Acoustic Insu- lation of Trimmed Body of Tiago
Implemented 27 In house development and demonstra- tion of parallel PHEV technology
Development in progress 28 Development of Advanced Driver Assis- tance Safety Systems
LDWS, AEBS Testing in Progress (iii) b) Major Technology Imports includes (preceding 3
financial years): Sr.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:391 Technology for Year of Import Status 1 A door seal pressure measur……
(464:1975 [464:2126]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Technology for Year of Import Status 1 A door seal pressure measurement rig 2014-15
Commissioned and being used for new passenger vehicles Sr.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:392 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 93 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY

REPORT…… (465:1 [465:817]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 93 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY REPORTS 66-
184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 The Company commitment to its customers
ensures that its products remain fresh, exciting and class leading. The next generation
ConnectNext platform, adapted the Android automotive operating systems to bring consumer
world into the car infotainment system. In line with connected mobility and smart city
initiatives, the Company was working with on connected infrastructure with Microsoft and
mobility provider offering affordable telematics solutions to target vehicle segment. The
Company strengthened its commitment on occupant safety by investing in Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems (ADAS). Visual and audible alerts were provided to the drivers to warn
them of an imminent hazard and so on.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:393 In CV developments include, new Tata INTRA - the stylish, feature loa……
(465:3123 [465:3684]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In CV developments include, new Tata INTRA - the stylish, feature loaded, compact truck that
is set to re-define the SCV segment in the country was unveiled. Demonstrating it’s capability
in promoting smart and safe public transportation, the Company displayed the 12-m Electric
Bus and passenger carriers- the Magic EV and the Iris EV in Auto Expo 2018. SIGNA 4323 –
Highest tonnage rigid trucks with 6-axle and 30-ton payload, the Prima 3718 with advanced
rubber Suspension system and the Prima 4930.S with latest, advanced safety and driving

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:394 The Company’s other operations business segment mainly includes infor……
(481:780 [481:928]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s other operations business segment mainly includes information technology
services, and machine tools and factory automation services.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:395 Slump sale of value added Segment of Defence vehicles business and sp……
(481:1057 [481:1522]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Slump sale of value added Segment of Defence vehicles business and specialized Defence
projects (excluding FICV) to Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL). Sale of Aerospace
business unit of TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd (TAL) via 100% Share sale to TASL. The
Company has also classified its investment in Tata Technologies Ltd, Tata Hitachi Construction
Machinery Company Private Ltd, Tata Steel Ltd and Tata Chemicals as held for sale / current

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:396 The sales of the Company’s commercial vehicles in India outperformed……

(483:1256 [483:2247]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The sales of the Company’s commercial vehicles in India outperformed the industry with a
growth rate of 23.3% to 399,821 units in Fiscal 2018 from 324,175 units in Fiscal 2017. The
Company’s sales in the M&HCV category increased by 15.5% to 134,455 units in Fiscal 2018,
as compared to sales of 116,403 units in Fiscal 2017. The Company’s sales in the ILCV
segment increased by 35.6% to 46,343 units in Fiscal 2018, from 34,166 units in Fiscal 2017.
The sales in SCV & Pickups segment increased by 37.3% to 166,746 units in Fiscal 2018 from
121,411 units in Fiscal 2017. However, the CV Passenger segment remained flat with a growth
of 0.2% to 52,277 units in Fiscal 2018 from 52,195 units in Fiscal 2017. There has been
positive customer response to the superior range of BS4 vehicles complemented by the success
of the Company’s innovative SCR technology led to this growth. The new products introduced
like the Ultra range trucks, ACE XL range have seen very strong response.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:397 Improving infrastructure and robust growth prospects compared to othe……
(484:1419 [484:2607]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Improving infrastructure and robust growth prospects compared to other mature markets has
attracted a number of international companies to India that have either formed joint ventures
with local partners or have established independently owned operations in India. Global
competitors bring with them decades of international experience, global scale, advanced
technology and significant financial resources, and, as a result, competition is likely to further
intensify in the future. The Company has designed its products to suit the requirements of the
Indian market based on specific customer needs such as safety, driving comfort, fuel-
efficiency and durability. The Company believes that its vehicles are suited to the general
conditions of Indian roads and the local climate. Its vehicles have also been designed to
comply with applicable environmental regulations currently in effect. The Company also offers
a wide range of optional configurations to meet the specific needs of its customers and intends
to develop and is developing products to strengthen its product portfolio in order to meet the
increasing customer expectations of owning world-class products.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:398 Other Operations Overview The Company’s other operations business

seg…… (486:643 [486:1128]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Other Operations Overview The Company’s other operations business segment mainly
includes information technology services, machine tools and factory automation services. The
Company’s revenue from other operations before inter-segment eliminations was `3,252.36
crores in Fiscal 2018, an increase of 2.1% from `3,184.06 crores in Fiscal 2017. Revenues from
other operations represented 1.1% and 1.2% of total revenues, before inter-segment
eliminations, in Fiscal 2018 and 2017.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:399 Fiscal 2018 Fiscal 2017 Change (%) Total revenue (` in crores) 3,252……
(487:2724 [487:3205]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Fiscal 2018 Fiscal 2017 Change (%) Total revenue (` in crores) 3,252.36 3,184.06 2.1%
Earning before other income, interest and tax (` in crores) 422.32 471.90 (10.5%) Earning
before other income, interest and tax (% to total revenue) 13.0% 14.8% The other operations
business segment includes information technology, machine tools and factory automation
solutions. The reduction in Earning before other income, interest and tax is mainly due to Tata
Technologies Ltd.

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:400 10,742.12 9,754.71 987.41 Power and fuel 1,308.08 1,159.82 148.26 Wa……
(488:4073 [488:4394]) - D 6: TATA ANN
10,742.12 9,754.71 987.41 Power and fuel 1,308.08 1,159.82 148.26 Warranty and product
liability expenses 7,700.07 8,106.37 (406.30) Publicity 8,968.59 8,698.68 269.91 Information
technology/ computer expenses 2,143.18 2,202.51 (59.33) Allowance for finance, trade and
other receivables 57.87 104.78 (46.91)

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:401 Other Expenses includes all works operations, indirect manufacturing……

(497:1004 [497:2020]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Other Expenses includes all works operations, indirect manufacturing expenses, freight cost,
fixed marketing costs and other administrative costs. These expenses have increased by
10.8%to `9,234.27 crores in Fiscal 2018 from `8,335.90 crores in Fiscal 2017. The breakdown
is provided below: Fiscal 2018 Fiscal 2017 Change (` in crores) Processing charges 1,240.88
1,004.45 236.43 Consumption of stores & spare parts 639.35 653.61 (14.26) Freight,
transportation, port charges, etc. 1,703.15 1,536.77 166.38 Power and fuel 545.12 483.48 61.64
Warranty expenses 766.18 493.33 272.85 Information technology/ computer expenses 711.95
762.39 (50.44) Publicity 720.18 848.36 (128.18) Allowances made/ (reversed) for trade and
other receivables (109.19) 133.72 (242.91) Assets scrapped/ written off 995.47 141.45 854.02
Works operation and other expenses 2,021.18 2,278.34 (257.16) Other Expenses 9,234.27
8,335.90 898.37 The changes are mainly driven by volumes and the size of operations.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:402 Closing the gender gap and a digital call for the worlds brightest an……
(504:3988 [504:5234]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Closing the gender gap and a digital call for the worlds brightest and best Jaguar Land Rover
has focused on attracting women into engineering and advanced manufacturing through
programmes such as our Young Women in the Know initiative for female students aged 15 to
18. With fewer women than men in senior roles and a majority of men in production operations
in factories, the gender gap can be hard to close. Traditionally, a lower number of women
coming into the industry and flourishing within it has made this even harder. However, the
Company is committed both to equality and encouraging a diverse workforce, and things are
changing for the better. There has been a 21% increase in proportion of women in our
management grades since 2014. In 2017, Jaguar Land Rover recruited more women than men
(55% female) onto their Advanced Apprentice Programme. The Company has also developed
new ways to seek out tomorrow’s innovators, partnering with virtual band Gorillaz to find the
next generation of software engineering brilliance, through code-breaking puzzles that test
curiosity, persistence, lateral thinking and problem-solving. Those who have cracked them
were interviewed by Jaguar Land Rover and the best were hired.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:403 International competitors bring with them decades of international ex……

(507:2180 [507:2606]) - D 6: TATA ANN
International competitors bring with them decades of international experience, global scale,
advanced technology and significant financial resources. Consequently, domestic competition
is likely to further intensify in the future. There can be no assurance that the Company will be
able to implement its future strategies in a way that will mitigate the effects of increased
competition on the Indian automotive industry.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:404 Customer preferences, especially in many of the more mature markets,……

(508:3433 [508:4014]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Customer preferences, especially in many of the more mature markets, have trended towards
smaller and more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles. Climate change
concerns, increases in fuel prices, certain government regulations (such as CO 2 emissions
limits and higher taxes on SUVs) and the promotion of new technologies encourages
customers to look beyond standard purchasing factors (such as price, design, performance,
brand image and features) to differentiation of the technology used in the vehicle or the
manufacturer or provider of this technology.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:405 In addition, climate change concerns and the promotion of new technol……
(510:1662 [510:2109]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In addition, climate change concerns and the promotion of new technologies encourages
customers to look beyond standard factors (such as price, design, performance, brand image or
comfort/features) to differentiation of the technology used in the vehicle or the manufacturer or
provider of this technology. This could lead to shifts in demand and the value-added
parameters in the automotive industry at the expense of the Company’s products.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:406 The Company is exposed to operational risks, including cybersecurity……

(517:747 [517:886]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company is exposed to operational risks, including cybersecurity risks in connection with
the Company’s use of information technology.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:407 Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or fai……
(517:889 [517:2406]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people
and systems or from external events. This includes, among other things, losses that are caused
by a lack of controls within internal procedures, violation of internal policies by employees,
disruption or malfunction of IT systems, computer networks and telecommunications systems,
mechanical or equipment failures, human error, natural disasters, security breaches or
malicious acts by third parties (including, for example, hackers). The Company is generally
exposed to risks in the field of information technology, since unauthorized access to or misuse
of data processed on the Company’s IT systems, human errors associated therewith or
technological failures of any kind could disrupt the Company’s operations, including the
manufacturing, design and engineering processes. In particular, as vehicles become more
technologically advanced and connected to the internet, the Company’s vehicles may become
more susceptible to unauthorized access to their systems. Like any other business with
complex manufacturing, research, procurement, sales and marketing and financing operations,
the Company is exposed to a variety of operational risks and, if the protection measures put in
place prove insufficient, the Company’s results of operations and financial condition can be
materially adversely affected. In addition, the Company would likely experience negative press
and reputational impacts.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:408 VIII. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, GoI, is promoting and assis……
(554:4637 [554:5021]) - D 6: TATA ANN
VIII. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, GoI, is promoting and assisting technology
development for GHG reduction by way of increased usage of Biodiesel. We are engaged in
this initiative of GoI and currently running number of engine and vehicle programs to
commercialize usage of Biodiesel as soon as the same is made available to the general public
by oil marketing companies.

1 Codes:

0 Codes


Background…… (638:1 [638:612]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Background and operations Tata Motors Limited and its subsidiaries and joint operations,
(collectively referred to as “the Company” or “Tata Motors”), designs, manufactures and sells
a wide range of automotive vehicles. The Company provides financing for the vehicles sold by
dealers of the Company in certain markets. The Company also manufactures engines for
industrial and marine applications, aggregates such as axles and transmissions for commercial
vehicles and factory automation equipment, and provides information technology services.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:410 35. Other expenses Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31,……
(678:644 [678:1740]) - D 6: TATA ANN
35. Other expenses Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017 (a) Processing
charges 1,339.08 1,172.03 (b) Consumption of stores & spare parts 2,210.56 2,419.11 (c)
Power and fuel 1,308.08 1,159.82 (d) Information Technology (IT) related/Computer expenses
2,143.18 2,202.51 (e) Engineering expense 5,278.84 4,273.72 (f) MTM (gain)/loss on
commodity derivatives 214.63 918.40 (g) Warranty and product liability expenses 7,700.07
8,106.37 (h) Freight, transportation, port charges etc. 10,742.12 9,754.71 (i) Publicity 8,968.59
8,698.68 (j) Allowances/(reversal) for trade and other receivables 14.57 132.93 (k)
Allowances/(reversal) for finance receivables 43.30 (28.15) (l) Works operation and other
expenses (note below) 20,221.19 16,619.93 Total 60,184.21 55,430.06 Note Works operation
and other expenses : Year ended March 31, 2018 Year ended March 31, 2017 (i) Auditors'
remuneration (i) Audit fees 55.59 59.28 (ii) Tax Audit fees 1.62 2.70 (iii) All other fees 4.72

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:411 Pension plans asset allocation by category is as follows: (` in crore…… (687:1

[687:1658]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Pension plans asset allocation by category is as follows: (` in crores) As at March 31, 2018
2017 Quoted * Unquoted Total Quoted * Unquoted Total Equity Instruments Information
Technology 1,218.16 - 1,218.16 1,149.04 - 1,149.04 Energy 516.79 - 516.79 493.60 - 493.60
Manufacturing 885.93 - 885.93 841.55 - 841.55 Financials 1,393.50 - 1,393.50 1,327.06 -
1,327.06 Others 3,848.27 - 3,848.27 3,649.43 - 3,649.43 7,862.65 - 7,862.65 7,460.68 -
7,460.68 Debt Instruments Government 35,169.67 - 35,169.67 23,709.13 - 23,709.13
Corporate Bonds (Investment Grade) 184.57 16,943.46 17,128.03 161.84 16,758.23 16,920.07
Corporate Bonds (Non Investment Grade) - 5,389.42 5,389.42 995.30 3,350.03 4,345.33
35,354.24 22,332.88 57,687.12 24,866.27 20,108.26 44,974.53 Property Funds UK - 1,522.70
1,522.70 - 1,537.45 1,537.45 Other - 1,476.55 1,476.55 - 1,262.33 1,262.33 - 2,999.25
2,999.25 - 2,799.78 2,799.78 Cash and Cash equivalents 2,010.94 - 2,010.94 752.54 - 752.54
Other Hedge Funds - 3,285.33 3,285.33 - 3,261.02 3,261.02 Private Markets 18.46 2,325.57
2,344.03 - 1,407.98 1,407.98 Alternatives 4,337.38 1,974.89 6,312.27 2,646.04 3,066.81
5,712.85 4,355.84 7,585.79 11,941.63 2,646.04 7,735.81 10,381.85 Derivatives Foreign
exchange contracts - 9.23 9.23 - 137.56 137.56 Interest Rate and inflation - 2,104.10 2,104.10 -
9,159.98 9,159.98 - 2,113.33 2,113.33 - 9,297.54 9,297.54 Collateralised debt obligations -
(11,877.03) (11,877.03) - (6,821.43) (6,821.43) Total 49,583.67 23,154.22 72,737.89 35,725.53
33,119.96 68,845.49 * determined on the basis of quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities
in active markets.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:412 The Company’s other segment comprises primarily activities relating to……
(705:1168 [705:1325]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s other segment comprises primarily activities relating to information
technology or IT services, machine tools and factory automation solutions.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:413 Growth eased to 7.3% in the subsequent quarter due to rising global v……
(744:3413 [744:3816]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Growth eased to 7.3% in the subsequent quarter due to rising global volatility, largely from
financial volatility, normalized monetary policy in advanced economies, externalities from
trade disputes, and investment rerouting. Further, the Indian rupee depreciated because of the
crude price shock, and conditions exacerbated as recovery in some advanced economies caused
faster investment outflows.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:414 • ILCV volumes registered a strong growth of 23% in the FY 2018-19.……

(746:579 [746:1345]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• ILCV volumes registered a strong growth of 23% in the FY 2018-19. Tata Motors reinforced
its position through the introduction of the Ultra 1518.T, Ultra 1412, Ultra T.7 with smaller
cabin design suitable for intercity operations in domestic and international markets. In addition
the launch of LPT407/27 FE, LPT 1412SLP, LPT 1212CRX, LPT1512 CRX, SFC 909, LPT
909/49 CNG and India’s first 13.8T CNG vehicle LPT1412 CNG in the regular ICV range
helped Tata Motors establish itself as No. 1 in ICVs sub-segment. Tata Motors also launched
specialized e-commerce containers range with advanced features like surveillance cameras,
OTP based Lock, Load sensors etc. in the year. Tata Motors market share in the segment was
up by 0.5% compared to FY 2017-18.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:415 • Entire shareholding in TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited ('TAL')……

(749:1641 [749:1840]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• Entire shareholding in TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited ('TAL') sold to Tata Advanced
Systems Limited with effect from March 29, 2019 after acquisition of the non-aerospace
business from TAL.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:416 Transfer of Defense Undertaking to Tata Advanced Systems Limited: The……

(749:2530 [749:3023]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Transfer of Defense Undertaking to Tata Advanced Systems Limited: The Company proposes
to transfer the value added segment of Defence vehicles business and specialized Defence
projects (excluding FICV) ('Defense Undertaking') pursuant to a Scheme of Arrangement as a
going concern on a slump sale basis to Tata Advanced Systems Limited ('TASL'), a wholly
owned subsidiary of Tata Sons Private Limited, at an enterprise value of `209.27 crores arrived
at using the Net Asset Value Method.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:417 (ii) During the year ended March 31, 2019, the Company has sold invest……
(767:1549 [767:1699]) - D 6: TATA ANN
(ii) During the year ended March 31, 2019, the Company has sold investment in TAL
Manufacturing Solutions Limited to Tata Advanced Systems Ltd (TASL).

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:418 (iii) The Company has entered into an agreement for transfer of its De……
(767:1702 [767:2585]) - D 6: TATA ANN
(iii) The Company has entered into an agreement for transfer of its Defence undertaking, which
had a value of `209.27 crores as at December 31, 2017 to Tata Advanced Systems Ltd
(transferee company), for an upfront consideration of `100 crores and a future consideration of
3% of the revenue generated from identified Specialised Defence Projects for upto 15 years
from the financial year ended FY 2020 subject to a maximum of `1,750 crores. The future
consideration of 3% of revenue depends on future revenue to be generated from the said
projects by the transferee company. On account of the same, the Company has recognised a
provision of `109.27 crores, which may get reversed in future once projects start getting
executed from FY 2020 onwards. The assets related to defence undertaking are classified as
“Held for Sale” as they meet the criteria laid out under Ind AS 105.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:419 Post the sale of investments of TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd. (TAL)……
(769:4289 [769:4724]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Post the sale of investments of TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd. (TAL) to Tata Advanced
Systems Ltd. (TASL), the Company has continued its performance guarantee amouting to
`691.49 crores (USD 100 million) in respect of TAL's obligations to its customer to cover the
event post the share sale, against a back-to-back indemnity by TASL to the Company. Steps are
currently underway to transfer the said guarantee to TASL in due course.

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:420 Details of significant transactions are given below: Name of Related……

(773:1359 [773:2124]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Details of significant transactions are given below: Name of Related party Nature of
relationship Year ended March 31, 2019 Year ended March 31, 2018 i) Bill discounted Tata
Capital Ltd Tata Sons Pvt Ltd, its subsidiaries and joint arrangements 5,493.78 4,135.03 ii)
Dividend Income TML Holding Pte Ltd, Singapore Subsidiaries 1,336.25 789.85 iii) Sale of
Investments Tata Advanced Systems Ltd. Tata Sons Pvt Ltd, its subsidiaries and joint
arrangements 533.35 - Compensation of key management personnel: Short-term benefits 36.35
39.49 Post-employment benefits* 0.68 1.88 Employees stock option plan 0.44 - The
compensation of CEO and Managing Director is `26.32 crores and `26.42 crores for the year
ended March 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:421 Post the sale of investments of TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd. (TAL)……
(800:1698 [800:2134]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Post the sale of investments of TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd. (TAL) to Tata Advanced
Systems Ltd. (TASL), the Company has continued its performance guarantee amounting to
`691.49 crores (USD 100 million) in respect of TAL's obligations to its customer to cover the
event post the share sale, against a back-to-back indemnity by TASL to the Company. Steps are
currently underway to transfer the said guarantee to TASL in due course.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:422 Details of significant transactions are given below: Particulars Natu……

(805:1631 [805:2497]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Details of significant transactions are given below: Particulars Nature of relationship Year
ended March 31, 2019 Year ended March 31, 2018 i) Services rendered Chery Jaguar Land
Rover Automotive Company Limited Joint ventures 765.32 1,207.72 ii) Bill discounted Tata
Capital Tata Sons Pvt Ltd, its subsidiaries and joint arrangements 5,493.78 4,135.03 iii) Sale of
Investment in a Subsidiary company Tata Advanced Systems Ltd. (TASL) Tata Sons Pvt Ltd,
its subsidiaries and joint arrangements 533.35 - Compensation of key management personnel:
Particulars Year ended March 31, 2019 Year ended March 31, 2018 Short-term benefits 63.39
79.84 Post-employment benefits* 5.46 1.76 Share based payment 0.44 - The compensation of
CEO and Managing Director is `26.32 crores and `26.42 crores for the year ended March 31,
2019 and 2018, respectively.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:423 (g) During the year ended March 31, 2019, the Company has sold investm……
(810:2622 [810:2771]) - D 6: TATA ANN
(g) During the year ended March 31, 2019, the Company has sold investment in TAL
Manufacturing Solutions Limited to Tata Advanced Systems Ltd (TASL).

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:424 ( i) The Company has entered into an agreement for transfer of its Def……
(810:3151 [810:4448]) - D 6: TATA ANN
( i) The Company has entered into an agreement for transfer of its Defence undertaking, which
had a value of `209.27 crores as at December 31, 2017 to Tata Advanced Systems Ltd
(transferee company), for an upfront consideration of `100 crores and a future consideration of
3% of the revenue generated from identified Specialised Defence Projects for upto 15 years
from the financial year ended FY 2020 subject to a maximum of `1,750 crores. The future
consideration of 3% of revenue depends on future revenue to be generated from the said
projects by the transferee company. On account of the same, the Company has recognised a
provision of `109.27 crores, which may get reversed in future once projects start getting
executed from FY 2020 onwards. The assets related to defence undertaking are classified as
“Held for Sale” as they meet the criteria laid out under Ind AS 105 (j) The Company has a
process whereby periodically all long term contracts (including derivative contracts) are
assessed for material foreseeable losses. At the year end, the Company has reviewed and
ensured that adequate provision as required under any law/ accounting standards for material
foreseeable losses on such long term contracts (including derivative contracts) has been made
in the books of account.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:425 Particulars of experience, attributes or skills that qualify the cand……

(822:2494 [822:3275]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Particulars of experience, attributes or skills that qualify the candidate for Board Chairmanship
Under the leadership of Mr Chandrasekaran, TCS became one of the largest private sector
employer in India with the highest retention rate in a globally competitive industry. Under Mr
Chandrasekaran’s leadership, TCS was rated as the world’s most powerful brand in IT services
in 2015 and was recognised as a Global Top Employer by the Top Employers Institute across
24 countries. A technopreneur known for his ability to make big bets on new technology, Mr
Chandrasekaran shaped TCS’s strong positioning in the emerging digital economy with a suite
of innovative digital products and platforms for enterprises, some of which have since scaled
into sizeable new businesses.

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Created by work on 3/9/2020

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Created by work on 3/9/2020

131 Quotations:

6:1 Pioneering Connected Autonomous Vehicles Jaguar Land Rover is working……

(7:796 [7:1029]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Pioneering Connected Autonomous Vehicles Jaguar Land Rover is working towards global
leadership in Connected Autonomous Vehicles. Unrivalled driving experiences and vehicle
performance and capability remain central to its strategy.

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6:2 12 CORPORATE OVERVIEW Dear Shareholders, When I joined almost a

year…… (14:1 [14:602]) - D 6: TATA ANN
12 CORPORATE OVERVIEW Dear Shareholders, When I joined almost a year and a half ago,
there was an immediate need to launch a transformation journey, setting the long-term
priorities for the organisation, redefning the MVV (Mission, Values, and Vision), laying down
the blueprint for CV & PV business strategy till 2020, and launching our strategic game plan
with high impact projects for bottom-line/ top-line improvement – all leading to a robust
business plan for the FY 16-17. With this background, we set ourselves towards aspirational
targets in terms of market share and fnancials.

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6:3 2017-18 launches: • 10 product launches in medium, heavy and • Exte……

(28:287 [28:3085]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2017-18 launches: • 10 product launches in medium, heavy and • Extensive in-house research
and development activities, which is further supported by research and development facilities
at subsidiaries, such as TMETC, TDCV, TTL, and Trilix, together with the two advanced
engineering and design centres • The Company runs several innovation projects in the • TML
monitors quality performance and implements corrections to improve product performance,
thereby improving customer satisfaction • Focused initiatives at both sales and service touch
points to enhance best-in-class customer experience intermediate commercial vehicles • XL
family in SCV, Yodha Range in 4*4 pickups • Wide range of transport solutions PASSENGER
VEHICLES • With the launch of Nexon SUV in the compact SUV segment, opportunities of
the premium market, including developing sustainable technologies • Jaguar Land Rover
currently ofers hybrid technology on some of its models such as the Range Rover and Range
Rover Sports • Jaguar Land Rover is also developing more efcient powertrains and other
alternative propulsion technologies. This includes smaller and more efcient 2.0-litre diesel and
gasoline • Moved to the second ranking in J.D. Power Asia Pacifc 2016 India Customer
Service Index (CSI) Study score • Rolling out JLR Corporate Identity Programme to almost
900 of its retailers in the next 12 months • Presenting a consistent image and premium
customer experience in existing stores, addressable market grows from 60% to 75% • Launch
of products from Advance Modular Platform • Reduction in platforms (from 6 to 2) JLR • To
launch Range Rover Velar, XF Sportbrake, and major facelifts on Range Rover and Range
Rover Sports; Jaguar E-Pace, engines (now available across the majority of model range), stop
start, mild and plug-in hybrids as well as battery electric vehicles the Company will also be
opening new Jaguar Land Rover Boutiques • JLR’s customers across 1500 retailers in 85
countries can use ‘virtual reality’ to see new products before their arrival • JLR online
customer advisory board allow it to interact directly with the customers on the improvements
in products and services Planned K 400 billion in capacity expansion, new products launches
and technology adoptions for FY 2017-18 domains of light weighting, xEVs and Hybrids,
Connected vehicles and ADAS features • Company is gearing up to be ready with the
upcoming Bharat Stage VI regulations in India • Jaguar Land Rover is committed to
investments in new technologies to develop products that meet the challenges and Jaguar I-
Pace (Battery Electric SUV) among others • By 2020, half of JLR’s models will have the
option of electrifcation

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6:4 Business Strategy and Operating Efciencies Volatile Global Economi……

(30:2105 [30:2273]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Business Strategy and Operating Efciencies Volatile Global Economic and Geopolitical
Environment Environmental Regulations and Compliances 28 CORPORATE OVERVIEW

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6:5 The Company has also laid down a clear strategic roadmap for its fut……
(31:1152 [31:1314]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has also laid down a clear strategic roadmap for its future product and business
strategy in India to mitigate the efect of increased competition.

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6:6 International expansion exposes the Company and its subsidiaries to……
(32:972 [32:1139]) - D 6: TATA ANN
International expansion exposes the Company and its subsidiaries to increased diversity and
complexity of legal and other frameworks in a variety of jurisdictions.

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6:7 Brand Positioning We strengthen our brands by creating greater brand……

(33:950 [33:1135]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Brand Positioning We strengthen our brands by creating greater brand association through
innovation and technological advancement into our expanding product portfolio and services.
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6:8 Expansion in the Commercial Vehicles space Huge opportunities lie in……
(33:1358 [33:1763]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Expansion in the Commercial Vehicles space Huge opportunities lie in front of us to
signifcantly expand our commercial vehicles market share by leveraging our leadership
position in CVs, addressing the product gaps in white spaces, further strengthening our
dealership and distribution network and expanding our international footprint with the new-
generation products in commercial vehicles.

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6:9 Expansion of the volumes and market share in the Passenger Vehicle s……
(33:2614 [33:3001]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Expansion of the volumes and market share in the Passenger Vehicle segment Considering the
strong outlook for the Indian economy and resulting increase in the private consumption and
per capita income, with the low penetration levels (~30 Cars per 1000 people), Indian
passenger vehicle industry has a potential to show a signifcant jump in volumes in the medium
to long-term.

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6:10 BUILDING A NEW ROADMAP IN THE CV SPACE A comprehensive strategy has

b…… (37:1064 [37:1316]) - D 6: TATA ANN
BUILDING A NEW ROADMAP IN THE CV SPACE A comprehensive strategy has been
developed in CVs to build on the leadership position. This involves : • Investments planned
across product segments leading to regular and class-leading product interventions.

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6:11 Transformation Journey As part of our transformation journey, we are……
(43:152 [43:620]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Transformation Journey As part of our transformation journey, we are focused on
implementing next-generation advanced modular platform for all our Future Passenger
Vehicles , enabling a faster time-to-market approach. With this transformation, we aim to roll
out more nameplates per platform and reduce complexities of our production process. Our
strategy is to deliver 7-8 product variants from two platforms for greater coverage and sizable
economies of scale.

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6:12 Similarly, Jaguar Land Rover aims to achieve the ‘operational excelle……
(43:1127 [43:1841]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Similarly, Jaguar Land Rover aims to achieve the ‘operational excellence’ goals and optimise
business efciency through a major business transformation. To improve our efciency and
quality, our manufacturing strategy focuses on: • Building fexibility across lines • Integrating
sales and production plan to better demand management • Productivity Improvement/ DIFTR •
World-class Quality • Control on manufacturing cost • Team competence and capability
building While implementing state-of-the-art facilities and new technologies for increasing
efciency and efectiveness across the Company, JLR builds process excellence using ‘The
Jaguar Land Rover Way’ and the 'Tata Business Excellence Model' (TBEM).

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6:13 With environmental innovation embedded in its product development str……

(45:1997 [45:2232]) - D 6: TATA ANN
With environmental innovation embedded in its product development strategy, Jaguar Land
Rover is focusing on vehicle light-weighting, powertrain right-sizing and increasing the
application of electrifcation in its propulsion systems.

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6:14 72nd Annual Report 2016-17 49 RELATIONSHIP WITH SUPPLY CHAIN
PARTNERS…… (51:1 [51:811]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Initiatives on building sustainable relationships with our supply chain partners Jaguar Land
Rover’s supply chain is complex and growing in line with our international expansion In FY
2017, TML has engaged with 105 top suppliers who have reported on their environmental,
social and governance performance. In addition, we conducted site assessment of 52 suppliers
and the combined performance is given below: Our ‘Project Sankalp’ benefts bottom-of-the-
pyramid supplier partners in the areas of quality, productivity and proftability through
capability building, elimination of waste (rework, rejections, transit damages, etc.)
conservation of resources and a better work environment thereby ensuring business continuity.

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6:15 Depending upon stakeholder engagement outcomes and materiality

assess…… (52:217 [52:592]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Depending upon stakeholder engagement outcomes and materiality assessment, we formulate
our Sustainability Strategy and prioritise actions towards addressing the Material
Environmental Issues. Our eforts on environmental conservation are governed by the Board-
level Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Committee, which monitors and reviews our
environmental performance.

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6:16 72nd Annual Report 2016-17 53 In line with the Tata Group Policy on C……
(55:1 [55:603]) - D 6: TATA ANN
72nd Annual Report 2016-17 53 In line with the Tata Group Policy on Climate Change, Tata
Motors has articulated its Climate Change Policy, which articulates a three-pronged approach
to our carbon emissions mitigation strategy: JLR achieved a 32% reduction in its European
feet’s average tailpipe CO2 emissions in just eight years. In the same period, it has driven a
38% improvement in its operational CO2 emissions. Through a combination of low-emission
technologies and electrifcation, JLR’s target is to reduce its European feet’s average tailpipe
CO2 emissions by a further 25% by 2020.

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6:17 We employed Accenture to study the current structure, strategy and pe……
(56:961 [56:1099]) - D 6: TATA ANN
We employed Accenture to study the current structure, strategy and people, and benchmark
against the world’s most competitive companies.

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6:18 72nd Annual Report 2016-17 57 CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Mr Ratan N Tata

COR…… (59:1 [59:1506]) - D 6: TATA ANN
72nd Annual Report 2016-17 57 CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Mr Ratan N Tata CORPORATE
INFORMATION SHARE REGISTRARS TSR Darashaw Limited 6-10, Haji Moosa Patrawala
Industrial Estate, 20 Dr E Moses Road, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai - 400 011 Tel: +91-22-66568484
Fax: +91-22-66568494 Email: csg-unit@tsrdarashaw.com Website: www.tsrdarashaw.com
AUDITORS Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP (Registration No. 117366W/W-100018) ExCOM
Mr Guenter Butschek CEO and Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director
and Chief Operating Ofcer Mr C Ramakrishnan Group Chief Financial Ofcer Mr Girish Wagh
Head - Commercial Vehicles Business Unit Mr Mayank Pareek Head - Passenger Vehicles
Business Unit Dr Timothy Leverton Chief Technology Ofcer Mr Gajendra Chandel Chief
Human Resource Ofcer Mr Shailesh Chandra Head - Corporate Strategy and Business
Transformation Mr Thomas Flack Chief Purchasing Ofcer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr N
Chandrasekaran Non Executive Director and Chairman Dr R A Mashelkar Non Executive,
Independent Director Mr N Munjee Non Executive, Independent Director Mr V K Jairath Non
Executive, Independent Director Ms Falguni Nayar Non Executive, Independent Director Mr
O P Bhatt Non Executive, Independent Director Dr Ralf Speth Non Executive Director Mr
Guenter Butschek CEO and Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and
Chief Operating Ofcer Mr Ravindra Pisharody Executive Director (Commercial Vehicles)

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6:19 Short term strategy: Based on the recommendation of the NRC, the Boar……
(78:4827 [78:5411]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Short term strategy: Based on the recommendation of the NRC, the Board at its recently held
meetings held on May 23, 2017 and May 31, 2017 critically reviewed the performance for the
fnancial year 2016-17 and have made major leadership and organisational changes as also set
the tone for a turnaround plan with emphasis on the main business of the Company – the
domestic commercial vehicle business, by bringing focus on sales and service, cost control,
rigor in capital allocation with careful calibration and rebuilding the credibility with customers,
dealers and investors.

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6:20 This transformation initiative under their leadership will comprehens……

(79:242 [79:683]) - D 6: TATA ANN
This transformation initiative under their leadership will comprehensively cover all areas of the
Company’s operations - Company strategy, platform and product strategy, manufacturing,
supply chain, employee and managerial productivity, cost reduction & efciency improvements,
improved efectiveness in sales & marketing and customer satisfaction / relationships and
breakthrough improvements in achieving world class quality standards.

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6:21 The Board proposes to review the agreed actions pertaining to the tur……
(79:686 [79:1216]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Board proposes to review the agreed actions pertaining to the turnaround plan on a
monthly basis with the management monitoring the same at various levels on a daily basis.
These are expected to result in substantially improving the Company’s fnancial performance –
both in terms of revenues and proftability as also, market share in various sub segments of the
automotive industry. These steps are being seen by the management as only a beginning in a
deeper and long term strategy for growth and a sustainable future.

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6:22 Long term strategy: As has been reported in the previous year the Com……
(79:1219 [79:1605]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Long term strategy: As has been reported in the previous year the Company has embarked
upon a transformation journey which is expected to take another 1 or 2 years which will help
the Company achieve signifcant growth, improve market share in all our segments, be amongst
the top in India in terms of quality through cost efcient operations and a highly motivated and
engaged team.

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6:23 3. Expected increase in productivity and profts in measurable terms:……

(79:4900 [79:5695]) - D 6: TATA ANN
3. Expected increase in productivity and profts in measurable terms: With the various
initiatives taken to improve performance, particularly on cost reduction and sales enhancement
as under the Company is confdent that with efective implementation of its turnaround strategy
there would be substantial increase in productivity and proftability to turnaround the Company
within the next 2 years:  Cost reduction: Focused approached on reduced direct material cost,
renegotiating commodity price increases, major cost reduction drive review of fxed marketing
expenses with the view to drop avoidable events, review of engineering expenses, improve
spares revenue and Notice Board’s Report Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate
Governance Report Business Responsibility Report 77

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6:24 Organized the Prima Truck Racing Championship Season 4, which drew in……
(85:3008 [85:3561]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Organized the Prima Truck Racing Championship Season 4, which drew in over 30,000
spectators. The highlights this year were the inclusion of FIA’s European Truck Racing
Championship (ETRC) drivers in addition to the current crop of racers from the British Truck
Racing Association (BTRA), the frst female truck driver and an expansion of the Indian Truck
Driver Racing Training Program called the “T1 Racer Program”. The T1 Racer Program (TRP)
is a program started in 2016 to identify regular Indian truck drivers and train them to become

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6:25 In Fiscal 2017, the Company successfully bagged and executed several……
(86:3262 [86:4095]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In Fiscal 2017, the Company successfully bagged and executed several prestigious orders
including 553 units Xenon pickups for PoS, Malaysia; 537 units of buses to Ivory Coast as a
part of their public transportation system; 25 units of Prima in Oman to Al Tasneem; 25 units
of ULTRA trucks in Bangladesh to Pran RFL; 32 units of ULTRA trucks in Malaysia to PoS
and 39 units of ULTRA Buses in Nepal to Mahanagar Yatayat. Some of the key events in Fiscal
2017 were the launch of Tata ULTRA Trucks in Kenya and Tanzania; ULTRA Bus in Tanzania;
Tata Prima in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Bhutan. As a part of its strategy to expand its
global footprint, the Company also launched the Commercial Vehicle brand in Vietnam and
Bolivia. In Fiscal 2017, the Company achieved a key milestone of 1,000 Ultra retails in export

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6:26 RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Committee (RMC) comprising of

fou…… (88:731 [88:1386]) - D 6: TATA ANN
RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Committee (RMC) comprising of four
Independent Directors, has been entrusted with responsibility to assist the Board in (a)
overseeing the Company’s risk management process and controls, risk tolerance and capital
liquidity and funding (b) setting strategic plans and objectives for risk management and review
of risk assessment of the Company (c) review the Company’s risk appetite and strategy relating
to key risks, including credit risk, liquidity and funding risk, market risk, product risk and
reputational risk, as well as the guidelines, policies and processes for monitoring and
mitigating such risks.

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6:27 Selection and procedure for nomination and appointment of Directors……

(94:3986 [94:4362]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Selection and procedure for nomination and appointment of Directors The NRC is responsible
for developing competency requirements for the Board based on the industry and strategy of
the Company. The Board composition analysis refects in-depth understanding of the Company,
including its strategies, environment, operations, fnancial condition and compliance

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6:28 The Company is also working on various other areas to support connect……
(105:4670 [105:5006]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company is also working on various other areas to support connected vehicles and
creating value for customers which would make the vehicle oferings attractive. With an
overarching theme to support all upcoming regulations and technology developments to
support future products, the Company has a well-defned technology strategy.

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6:29 Technology For Status 1 ESP (Electronic Stability Programme) for Xeno……
(107:202 [107:2638]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Technology For Status 1 ESP (Electronic Stability Programme) for Xenon Euro V vehicle
2012-13 Implemented 2 Average Fuel Economy Display for HCV and LCV platform 2012-13
Implemented 3 A door seal pressure measurement rig 2014-15 Commissioned and being used
for new passenger vehicles 4 Synthetic road shells on a chassis dynamometer 2015-16
Implemented 5 A Noise Test Cell for engine and drivelines 2015-16 Implemented 6
Combustion analyser and knock sensors 2015-16 Implemented 7 Miniature shakers [from
USA]—needed for Accurate Transfer Path Analysis of vibrations of engine To vehicle-body
2016-17 Implemented 8 Master air fow calibration rig 2016-17 Implemented 9 Climatic
chamber with gasoline emission facility 2016-17 Implemented (iv) Research and Development
Particulars (` in crores) Expenditure incurred on research and development: 2016-17 2015-16
(a) Revenue Expenditure - charged to Proft & Loss Statement 508.26 563.11 (b) Revenue
Expenditure – capitalized 1,526.34 1,573.20 (c) Capital Expenditure 65.59 80.80 Total
2,100.18 2,217.11 Income from Operations 49,100.41 47,383.61 R&D cost as a % to Income
from Operations 4.3% 4.7% Specifc areas in which R & D carried out by the Company One of
the main areas in which the Company’s R&D is carried out is to innovate technology solutions
to create exciting products as per pre- defned business strategy. In addition to this, the
Company also runs several innovation projects in the domains of light weighting, xEVs and
Hybrids, Connected vehicles, ADAS features. While all its current products comply with the
existing emission norms, the Company is gearing up to be ready with the upcoming BSVI
regulations in India. Product competitiveness for the Company engines/vehicles is targeted
through customer value propositions such as best-in- class fuel efciency, superior performance,
better total low cost of ownership, increased service interval, reduced downtime & turn-
around time. Application specifc technology selection & duty cycle based performance
optimization are key enablers to achieve these goals. Enhanced fuel efciency and thereby
reduction in carbon footprint is planned to be achieved through various powertrain as well as
vehicle level measures. The Company is investing signifcantly in development eforts, capital
equipment and in infrastructure to meet BSVI requirements for all our products over next 2 to
3 years.
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6:30 Development of export markets As a part of the strategy to expand its……

(109:1064 [109:1573]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Development of export markets As a part of the strategy to expand its global footprint, the
Company also launched the Commercial vehicle brand in Vietnam and Bolivia in Fiscal 2017.
The new markets in ASEAN are the Company’s focus region for future growth – Indonesia,
Philippines and Malaysia are slowly and steadily picking up as the Tata Motors brand is
becoming more visible in the market. Vehicle assembly, which commenced in Vietnam in
Fiscal 2016 has seen steady growth of retails in Fiscal 2017.

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6:31 Competitors could use consolidation or alliances as a means of enhanc……

(122:1315 [122:1766]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Competitors could use consolidation or alliances as a means of enhancing their
competitiveness (including through the acquisition of technology), which could also materially
adversely afect Company’s business. Further the Company’s growth strategy relies on the
expansion of the Company’s operations in less mature markets abroad, where the Company
may face signifcant competition and higher than expected costs to enter and establish

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6:32 If the Company is unable to efectively implement or manage the Compan……

(122:1769 [122:1941]) - D 6: TATA ANN
If the Company is unable to efectively implement or manage the Company’s strategy, it’s
operating results and fnancial condition could be materially and adversely afected.

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6:33 As part of its strategy, the Company may open new manufacturing, rese……
(122:1944 [122:2819]) - D 6: TATA ANN
As part of its strategy, the Company may open new manufacturing, research or engineering
facilities, expand existing facilities, add additional product lines or expand its businesses into
new geographical markets. There is a range of risks inherent in such a strategy that could
adversely afect its ability to achieve these objectives, including, but not limited to, the potential
disruption of the Company’s business; the uncertainty that new product lines will generate
anticipated sales; the uncertainty that a new business will achieve anticipated operating results;
the diversion of resources and management’s time; the cost reduction eforts, which may not be
successful; the difculty of managing the operations of a larger Company; and the difculty of
competing for growth opportunities with companies having greater fnancial resources than the
Company has.

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6:34 More specifcally, the international businesses of the Company face a……
(122:2822 [122:4844]) - D 6: TATA ANN
More specifcally, the international businesses of the Company face a range of risks and
challenges, including, but not limited to, the following: language barriers, cultural diferences,
difculties in stafng and managing overseas operations, inherent difculties and delays in contract
enforcement and the collection of receivables under the legal systems of foreign countries, the
risk of non-tarif barriers, regulatory and legal requirements afecting the Company’s ability to
enter new markets through joint ventures with local entities, difculties in obtaining regulatory
approvals, environmental permits and other similar types of governmental consents, difculties
in negotiating efective contracts, obtaining the necessary facility sites or marketing outlets or
securing essential local fnancing, liquidity, trade fnancing or cash management facilities,
export and import restrictions, multiple tax regimes (including regulations relating to transfer
pricing and withholding and other taxes on remittances and other payments from subsidiaries),
foreign investment restrictions, foreign exchange controls and restrictions on repatriation of
funds, other restrictions on foreign trade or investment sanctions, and the burdens of
complying with a wide variety of foreign laws and regulations. Furthermore, as part of global
activities, the Company may engage with third-party dealers and distributors, which the
Company do not control but which, nevertheless, take actions that could have a material
adverse impact on the Company’s reputation and business; the Company cannot assure you
that it will not be held responsible for any activities undertaken by such dealers and
distributors. If the Company is unable to manage risks related to its expansion and growth in
other parts of the world and therefore fail to establish a strong presence in those higher growth
markets, its business, results of operations and fnancial condition could be adversely afected or
its investments could be lost.
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6:35 The Company’s competitors may gain signifcant advantages if they are……
(123:1897 [123:2372]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s competitors may gain signifcant advantages if they are able to ofer products
satisfying customer needs earlier than the Company is able to, which could adversely impact
the Company’s sales, results of operations and fnancial condition. Unanticipated delays or cost
overruns in implementing new product launches, expansion plans or capacity enhancements
could also materially and adversely impact the Company’s fnancial condition and results of

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6:36 The Company and Jaguar Land Rover, relies on the United Kingdom, Chin……
(125:4649 [125:5237]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company and Jaguar Land Rover, relies on the United Kingdom, Chinese, North
American and continental European markets. Any decline in demand for the Company’s and
Jaguar Land Rover’s vehicles in these key markets may signifcantly impact the Company’s
business, growth prospects, fnancial position and results of operations. Further, decreased
demand for the Company’s and Jaguar Land Rover’s products may not be sufciently mitigated
by new product launches and expansion into growing markets, which could have a signifcant
adverse impact on the Company’s fnancial performance.

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6:37 The Company’s business and future growth depend largely on the skills……
(130:2665 [130:3202]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s business and future growth depend largely on the skills of its workforce,
including executives and ofcers, and automotive designers and engineers. The loss of the
services of one or more of the Company’s personnel could impair the Company’s ability to
implement its business strategy. In view of intense competition, any inability to continue to
attract, retain and motivate the Company’s workforce could materially and adversely afect the
Company’s business, fnancial condition, results of operations and prospects.

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6:38 Going forward, the Company expects to focus on proftable growth oppor……
(136:866 [136:1264]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Going forward, the Company expects to focus on proftable growth opportunities in its global
automotive business through new products and market expansion. Within automotive
operations, the Company continues to focus on integration and synergy through sharing of
resources, platforms, facilities for product development and manufacturing, sourcing strategy
and mutual sharing of best practices.

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6:39 The Company’s Strategy The Company intends to further strengthen its……
(137:657 [137:937]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s Strategy The Company intends to further strengthen its position in the Indian
automobile industry by launching new products, investing in research and development,
strengthening Company’s fnancial position and expanding its manufacturing and distribution

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6:40 The Company have pursued a strategy of increasing its presence in the……
(137:940 [137:1129]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company have pursued a strategy of increasing its presence in the global automotive
markets and enhancing its product range and capability through strategic acquisitions and

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6:41 The Company’s goal is to position itself as a major international aut……

(137:1132 [137:1707]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s goal is to position itself as a major international automotive company by
ofering products across various markets by combining its engineering and other strengths as
well as through strategic acquisitions. The Company’s strategy to achieve these goals consists
of the following elements: Continued focus on new product development: The Company’s
recent product launches and anticipated product launches include the following: Xenon Yodha
Pickup: The Xenon Yodha is a reliable new Pick- up range, with high levels of performance at
a low operating cost.

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6:42 Jaguar Land Rover has invested to enhance its technological expertise……
(138:1339 [138:1854]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Jaguar Land Rover has invested to enhance its technological expertise through in-house R&D
activities, including the development of its engineering and design centers, which centralize
Jaguar Land Rover’s capabilities in product design and engineering. Furthermore, Jaguar Land
Rover participates in advanced research consortia that bring together leading manufacturers,
suppliers and academic specialists in the United Kingdom and are supported by funding from
the UK Government’s Technology Strategy Board.

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6:43 Environmental performance: Jaguar Land Rover’s strategy is to invest……

(139:3632 [139:3942]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Environmental performance: Jaguar Land Rover’s strategy is to invest in products and
technologies that position their products ahead of expected stricter environmental regulations
and ensure that they beneft from a shift in consumer awareness of the environmental impact of
the vehicles driven by customers.

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6:44 The Company also believe that Jaguar Land Rover are leaders in automo……
(139:3945 [139:4376]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company also believe that Jaguar Land Rover are leaders in automotive green technology
in the United Kingdom. Jaguar Land Rover’s environmental vehicle strategy focuses on new
propulsion technology, weight reduction and reducing parasitic losses through the driveline.
They have developed diesel hybrid versions of the Range Rover and Range Rover Sport,
without compromising the vehicles’ of road capability or load space.

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6:45 Expanding the Company international business: The Company’s internati……

(140:2402 [140:3641]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Expanding the Company international business: The Company’s international expansion
strategy involves entering new markets where it has an opportunity to grow and introducing
new products to existing markets in order to grow its presence in such markets. The
Company’s international business strategy has already resulted in the growth of its
international operations in select markets and chosen segments over the last fve years. Based
on the Company’s internal assessments, in recent years, it has grown its market share across
various African and Middle East markets such as Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, United Arab
Emirates and Qatar in addition to maintaining its dominant market position in the South Asian
markets of Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka based on data compiled by Company’s country
managers. In keeping with the Company’s strategy to enter and grow in new regions, it has
focused on business in the ASEAN countries, where in the recent years the Company entered
Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Tunisia has been an example of a success
story in a new market where over the last two years, the Company has entered and rapidly
ramped up retails and is now a major player in the pickup segment.

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6:46 Expanding customer fnancing activities: With fnancing a critical fact……

(141:4302 [141:5317]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Expanding customer fnancing activities: With fnancing a critical factor in vehicle purchases
and in light of the rising aspirations of consumers in India, the Company intends to expand it’s
vehicle fnancing activities to enhance its vehicle sales. In addition to improving its
competitiveness in customer attraction and retention, the Company believes that expansion of
its fnancing business would also contribute toward moderating the impact on it’s fnancial
results from the cyclical nature of vehicle sales. To spur growth in the small commercial
vehicles category, the Company has teamed up with various public sector and cooperative
banks and Grameen banks to introduce new fnance schemes. TMFL has increased its reach by
opening a number of limited services branches in tier 2 and 3 towns. This has reduced
turnaround times and, the Company believes, improved customer satisfaction. TMFL’s channel
fnance initiative and fee-based insurance support business have also helped improve

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6:47 As part of the Company’s strategy to become a value for money vehicle……
(150:2169 [150:2743]) - D 6: TATA ANN
As part of the Company’s strategy to become a value for money vehicle manufacturer, it has
undertaken various initiatives to reduce its fxed and variable costs. The Company uses an e-
sourcing initiative to procure supplies through reverse auctions. The Company uses external
agencies such as third-party logistics providers. This has resulted in space and cost savings.
The Company’s initiatives to leverage information technology in supply chain activities have
resulted in improved efciency through real-time information exchanges and processing with its

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0 Codes

6:48 The Company has pursued a strategy of increasing exports of Tata and……
(152:4894 [152:5147]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has pursued a strategy of increasing exports of Tata and other brand vehicles to
new and existing markets. The performance of the Company’s subsidiary in South Korea,
TDCV, and TTL, its specialized subsidiary engaged in engineering, design

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6:49 Capital expenditure (net) was at R30,413.49 crores in Fiscal 2017, co……
(160:712 [160:931]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Capital expenditure (net) was at R30,413.49 crores in Fiscal 2017, compared to R31,344.15
crores, related mainly to capacity/ expansion of facilities, quality and reliability projects and
product development projects.

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0 Codes

6:50 The Company monitors compliance with its fnancial covenants on an ong……
(162:1616 [162:1844]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company monitors compliance with its fnancial covenants on an ongoing basis. The
Company also reviews its refnancing strategy and continues to plan for deployment of long-
term funds to address any potential non-compliance.

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0 Codes

GAAP)…… (168:4129 [168:4731]) - D 6: TATA ANN
GAAP) During Fiscal 2017, TMFL earned a total income of R2,721.25 crores compared to
R3,228.57 crores earned in Fiscal 2016, refecting a decrease of 15.7%. The expansion of spoke
branches (Tier 2 and 3 towns) has helped in reaching out to the customer more quickly and in
improving customer satisfaction. The loss before tax was R698.56 crores in Fiscal 2017 as
compared to a proft of R301.64 crores in Fiscal 2016. The loss after tax was R1,182.29 crores
in Fiscal 2017, as compared to a proft of R267.03 crores in previous year.

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huma…… (169:4068 [169:4840]) - D 6: TATA ANN
HUMAN RESOURCES / INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Company considers its human
capital a critical factor to its success. Under the aegis of Tata Sons and the Tata Sons promoted
entities, the Company has drawn up a comprehensive human resource strategy, which
addresses key aspects of human resource development such as: The code of conduct and fair
business practices; A fair and objective performance management system linked to the
performance of the businesses which identifes and diferentiates employees by performance
level; Creation of a common pool of talented managers across Tata Sons and the Tata Sons
promoted entities with a view to increasing their mobility through job rotation among the
entities; Evolution of performance based compensation packages to

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6:53 In line with the Company human resource strategy, it has implemented……
(170:339 [170:1880]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In line with the Company human resource strategy, it has implemented various initiatives in
order to build better organizational capabilities that the Company believe will enable it to
sustain competitiveness in the global marketplace. The Company’s focus is to attract talent,
retain the better and advance the best. Some of the initiatives to meet this objective include:
Development of an agile organization through process modifcation, delayering and structure
alignment and increase in customer facing roles; Changed organization structure has
empowered teams, across each product lines, which will manage the product lifecycle and be
accountable for the Proft and Loss; Extensive process mapping exercises to benchmark and
align the human resource processes with global best practices; Outsource transactional
activities to an in house back ofce (Global Delivery Center), thereby reducing cost and time of
transaction; Talent management process redesigned with a stronger emphasis on identifying
future leaders; Build strategic partnerships with educational institutions of repute to foster
academia based research and provide avenues for employees to further their educational
studies; Enhance company’s image and desirability amongst the target engineering and
management schools, to enable it to attract the best; Functional academies setup for functional
skills development; and Skill development of all Blue collared workforce to enable them to
efectively meet the productivity and quality deliverables.

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6:54 COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board has constituted a set of

Committees…… (174:1067 [174:3141]) - D 6: TATA ANN
COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board has constituted a set of Committees with specifc
terms of reference/scope to focus efectively on the issues and ensure expedient resolution of
diverse matters. The Committees operate as empowered agents of the Board as per their
Charter/terms of reference. Targets set / actions directed by them as agreed with the
management are reviewed periodically and mid-course corrections are also carried out. The
Board of Directors and the Committees also take decisions by circular resolutions which are
noted at the next meeting. The minutes of the meetings of all Committees of the Board are
placed before the Board for discussions/noting. An Organisation Chart depicting the
relationship between the Board of Directors, the Committees and the senior management
functions as at March 31, 2017 is illustrated below: SHAREHOLDERS CEO & MANAGING
BUSINESS COMMITTEES CV & PV Business Unit Steering Committee# CV & PV Product
Review Committee Investment Review Committee# Risk Oversight Committee Sourcing
Council# IT Governance Committee Commercial Vehicles (ED) Quality (ED) Passenger
Vehicles CTO (Chief Technology Ofcer) Group Chief Financial Ofcer Chief Human Resource
Ofcer Chief Purchasing Ofcer Corporate Strategy and Business Transformation Corporate
Communications** Audit Committee Executive Committee of the Board Nomination &
Remuneration Committee Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee Safety, Health &
Environment Committee Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Risk Management
Committee Special Need Based Committees OTHER DIRECT REPORTS TO MD *The CEO
& MD chairs the ExCom ** associated member of ExCom # Business Committees are chaired
by related ExCom member where indicated, otherwise by the CEO & MD Chief Internal
Auditor Company Secretary Government Afairs Corporate Legal Chief Information Ofcer
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 172
72nd Annual Report 2016-17

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0 Codes

6:55 Oversee HR philosophy, HR and people strategy and efcacy of HR practi……

(177:1976 [177:2214]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Oversee HR philosophy, HR and people strategy and efcacy of HR practices including those
for leadership development, rewards and recognition, talent management and succession
planning (specifcally for the Board, KMP and executive team).

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0 Codes

6:56 http://www.tatamotors.com/investors/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-in……

(191:754 [191:1354]) - D 6: TATA ANN
http://www.tatamotors.com/investors/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-independent-
directors.pdf Unpaid Dividend Account Details Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts to
be transferred to the IEPF http://www.tatamotors.com/investor/iepf/ Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy The policy outlines the Company’s strategy to bring about a positive
impact on society through programmes focusing on Health, Education, Employability and
Environment interventions for relevant target groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference
to needy and deserving communities inhabiting urban India.

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0 Codes

6:57 5. List of activities in which expenditure in 4 above has been incurr……

(193:3984 [193:4361]) - D 6: TATA ANN
5. List of activities in which expenditure in 4 above has been incurred: - The Company has
been regularly conducting a community engagement strategy, which revolves around four
focus themes: i) Arogya (Health): The focus is to work on addressing child malnutrition, health
awareness for females. This initiative provides preventive & curative health services to

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0 Codes

6:58 Please refer ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ section of Company’s A……

(194:1350 [194:1620]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ section of Company’s Annual Report FY 2016-
17 and Company’s Annual CSR Report 2016-17 for detailed community engagement strategy
and key initiatives. The reports are available on the Company’s website www.tatamotors.com.

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0 Codes

6:59 The Company has been publishing annual Sustainability Reports in acco……
(197:705 [197:1302]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has been publishing annual Sustainability Reports in accordance with globally
renowned Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework. These reports also serve as the
Company’s Communication on Progress (COP) as part United Nations Global Compact
(UNGC) signatory reporting obligations and have been aligned with the National Voluntary
Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business, released by
Ministry of Corporate Governance. The Company also published Annual CSR Report this year
to highlight the community engagement strategy and performance.

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0 Codes

6:60 2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations for the adva……
(202:3524 [202:4252]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations for the advancement or
improvement of public good? Yes/ No; if yes specify the broad areas (drop box: Governance
and Administration, Economic Reforms, Inclusive Development Policies, Energy security,
Water, Food Security, Sustainable Business Principles, Others) The Company, through various
industry associations, participates in advocating matters advancement of the industry and
public good. It supports various initiatives of the SIAM which include aspects of product
safety, alternate fuel vehicles, environment, fuel policies, customer information and education,
to name a few. The Company’s AA policy is a progressive step towards inclusive development.

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0 Codes

6:61 Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community developmen……

(202:4430 [202:5287]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community development strategy. Ankur, the
Company’s community engagement strategy, is percolated to each manufacturing plant through
a detailed community development plan. The plant specifc plan addresses the local needs and
the corporate cell drives some company-wide strategic community development initiatives
such as driver training. The initiatives primarily focus on Arogya (Health), Vidyadhanam
(Education), Kaushalya (Employability) and Vasundhara (Environment). Seva, the employee
volunteering initiative provides the Company’s employees with a platform to be a part of its
community initiatives. The Company along with its employees also supports Sumant
Moolgaonkar Development Foundation (SMDF) Corporate Overview Statutory Reports
Financial Statements 200 72nd Annual Report 2016-17

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6:62 Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2016-17’ and ‘Community……
(203:407 [203:2916]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2016-17’ and ‘Community Development’
section of Tata Motors Sustainability Area Partners Involved Education Action Aid, Agastya
International Foundation, Avanti Fellows, Block Resource Centre EDUCATION DEPT.(SSA),
CATHEDRAL CHURCH SANAND, Center for Youth Development & Activities, Children’s
Movement for Civic Awareness, College of Engineering Pune, GANATAR, Global Education
Trust, Gram Vikas Kendra, IIT Bombay Alumni Association, Manav Seva Education Trust,
Moinee Foundation, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Rotary
Club of Nigdi, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Samata Shikshan Sanstha, SANAND LIONS
FOUNDATION TRUST, Seva Sahyog Foundation, Shanti Seva Nidhi Trust, Shiksha Prasar
Kendra, SHRI SHAKTI KELAVNI UTTEJAK TRUST, Society for Human Environmental
Development, Suprabhat Mahila Mandal, Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement,
Swaroopwardhinee, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Tata Motors Gruhini Social Welfare
Society, The Jai Narayan Charitable Trust, Urmee Charitable Trust, Vidya Poshak, Vikas
Samities Employability Ahmedabad Dist. Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd, Ambika
Motor Driving School, Centre for Civil Society, CII, Gram Vikas Kendra, LAURUS
EDUTECH LIFE SKILLS PVT LTD, Manikbag Automobile Pvt Ltd, MITCON Foundation,
Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Prasad Chikitsa, Pratham Education Foundation,
Ramkrishna Mission Sakwar, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Sambhav Foundation, SANAND
EDUCATION TRUST, Shashwat, Skill For Progress, SUVIDHA, Vedanta Foundation, Vigyan
Ashram (IIE), Vikas Samities Health Action Aid, CHETNA, Family Planning Association of
India, Gram Vikas Kendra, Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Manav Seva Education Trust,
NAMASTE LIFE, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Paryawaran Evam Jan
Kalyan Samiti, Prasad Chikitsa, Seth G S Medical College and KEM Hospital, Sneh
Foundation, Snehdeep Jankalyan Foundation, Sumant Moolgaonkar Development Foundation,
Sterling Hospital, Swadhar, Vikas Samities Environment Bansilal Ramntath Agarwal
Charitable Trust, Bombay Natural History Society, COLLEGE OF SOCIAL WORK
Manav Seva Education Trust, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Samaj Vikas Kendra,
Sarvodhaya Maha Sangh, Terre Policy Center, Tree Public Foundation, Vikas Samities,
Wildlife Research and Conservation Society Report FY 2016-17 for detailed community
engagement strategy and key initiatives.

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0 Codes

6:63 The Company’s new Hozionext philosophy puts customer at the core of t……
(204:3229 [204:3989]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s new Hozionext philosophy puts customer at the core of the business strategy.
Customer engagement processes have been aligned across the value chain to monitor customer
satisfaction and feedback. Regular customer satisfaction surveys are conducted to assess
customer satisfaction levels and benchmark the Company’s performance with industry peers.
The Passenger Vehicle business uses globally renowned J.D.Power survey scores to assess
overall customer satisfaction and benchmark with industry peers. The Commercial Vehicle
business conduct customer satisfaction survey (eQ scores) through External Agency AC
Nielsen every year. The eQ i.e. CEI scores conducted by AC Nielsen are in line with the
Company’s internal satisfaction scores.

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6:64 However, the Company believes that due to the long-term nature of the……
(326:3019 [326:3286]) - D 6: TATA ANN
However, the Company believes that due to the long-term nature of the plan liabilities and the
strength of the supporting group, a level of continuing equity type investments is an
appropriate element of the Company’s long term strategy to manage the plans efciently.

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6:65 25 Hemalakshmi T Raju* 44 Head - (L&D) Tata Motors Academy 1,755,822.3……

(363:1 [363:4488]) - D 6: TATA ANN
25 Hemalakshmi T Raju* 44 Head - (L&D) Tata Motors Academy 1,755,822.37 1,476,886.37
BA, MA, & Diploma in Management 19 10.12.2008 Permanent Reliance Industries Ltd,HR /
PSD / Safety / IR - 3 yrs 26 Hoshang K Sethna 53 Company Secretary 12,254,291.12
7,507,244.92 B Com, LLB, CS 30 03.07.1995 Permanent Tata Oil Mills Co,- 1 yrs 27 Jagdish
Chandra Belwal* 44 Chief Information Ofcer 10,473,670.54 6,390,851.54 BE 23 01.07.1994
Permanent - 28 Johnny Oommen 48 Head - International Business (PCBU) 10,529,960.40
7,242,075.40 BA(Economics), MA (Economics), MBA 22 18.10.2010 Permanent Al Jenaibi
International Automobiles LLC, Manufacturing / Productions / Operations- 6 yrs 29 Karl-
Heinz Servos^ 58 Project Director (Vehicle Line Director Q5) 21,739,286.76 13,954,889.76
Diploma (Physics) 29 01.10.2011 Permanent VW/ Audi,- 9 yrs 30 M K Dubey* 55 Head -
Business Excellence,TMML 5,489,423.70 3,932,816.70 B Sc Engg, Diploma in Management
29 04.08.1987 Permanent - 31 M S Sheshadri* 60 Asst General Manager - Govt Afairs
3,932,852.42 2,283,625.52 Diploma in Mechanical 38 18.11.1978 Permanent - 32 Madhukar
Krishnarao Hampiholi* 60 Senior Manager (Foundry Technology) 887,660.34 827,856.34
Diploma in Mechanical 40 01.08.1976 Permanent - 33 Marcus Hotblack 63 Studio Chief
Designer - Interior 10,357,700.49 7,134,528.49 BA, MA 39 04.04.2013 Permanent RMIT
University,Design- 2 yrs 34 Mayank Pareek^ 56 President-Passenger Vehicle Business Unit
29,952,058.40 19,276,781.80 PG Diploma in Mgmt (Management) 26 01.10.2014 Permanent
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd,- 23 yrs 35 Minari Shah* 48 Head (Corporate Communications)
7,589,477.09 5,442,316.09 BA(History),MA 21 17.06.2013 Permanent Hongkong & Shanghai
Banking Corp Ltd,P R / Mass Comm - 1 yrs 36 Mukund Vyankatesh Guttikar* 60 Maintenance
Lead-Closure Area 1,156,191.73 1,043,164.08 Diploma in Industrial Electronics 36 15.09.1980
Permanent - 37 N S Kulkarni* 60 Head (Corporate Planning) 8,011,761.78 3,885,728.13 BE
Mechanical, PG Diploma in Management 38 01.07.1978 Permanent - 38 Nagesh Dinkar
Pinge*^ 58 Vice President (Internal Audit) 16,967,455.04 10,737,706.24 PG Diploma in
Management 33 27.01.2009 Permanent JSW Group,Internal Audit / Material- 1 yrs 39 Prakash
Govindlal Sharma* 60 Head, Planning, CVBU 7,907,816.21 4,050,184.81 BSc (Mathematics),
BE 37 11.05.1981 Permanent Bajaj Tempo Limited,- 1 yrs 40 Prasad MSRK* 55 Head Human
Resources - TMML 2,060,530.65 1,688,689.35 BA(Economics), MA 29 05.08.2009 Permanent
Hindustan Unilever Ltd,HR / PSD / Safety / IR - 2 yrs 41 Prasann Kumar Chobe 59 Sr Vice
President (Head Mfg Opns- CVBU) 14,390,293.45 8,685,895.25 BTech(Mechanical) 39
01.07.1978 Permanent - 42 Prem K Verma 59 CEO - TMFSL 14,973,174.61 8,783,798.41
Mcom (Commerce), DIPLOMA (Marketing) 40 25.10.2000 Permanent Philips India Ltd,- 19
yrs 43 R Manoj* 60 Head (STU) - Mumbai 5,844,128.60 3,220,535.70 BSc (Physics),
Diploma 38 01.09.1978 Permanent - 44 R Ramakrishnan 53 Sr VP,Product Strategy &
Planning & Cust.Value 16,252,502.69 9,844,682.49 BE 32 08.11.1985 Permanent - 45 R T
Wasan 51 Vice President, Sales & Marketing (CVBU) 12,129,624.13 7,385,550.13
SSLC(Others), BE (Mechanical), PG Diploma in Engg, MBA 26 03.05.1993 Permanent J N
Marshall Ltd,- 2 yrs 46 Raghuvar Seth* 29 Marketing Manager (SCV Pickups) 905,396.98
796,170.98 PG Diploma in Management 2 23.06.2014 Permanent - 47 Rajendra M Petkar 50
Vice President - ERC 10,431,117.64 6,921,389.64 BE, M Tech 29 16.09.2015 Permanent TATA
Technologies Ltd., Manufacturing / Production / Operation - 17 yrs 48 Ramesh Dorairajan 53
Head - RCFI & Business Excellence 10,780,722.86 7,441,072.86 BA(Economics), Executive
Management Program, PG Diploma in Mgmt 27 18.08.2011 Permanent JCB India Ltd,Finance
/ Price Panel- 4 yrs 49 Ranjiv Kapur 55 Sr.General Manager ( PVBU ) 11,253,456.32
7,237,701.32 Bcom (Commerce), PG Diploma in Management 34 21.10.2013 Permanent
Samsung India,Sales & Marketing- 5 yrs 50 Ravindra Pisharody^ 61 Executive Director
(Commercial Vehicles) 29,543,042.00 17,770,223.00 Alumnus of IIT, Kharagpur and IIM,
Kolkata 38 17.09.2007 Permanent BP Singapore Ltd,Sales & Marketing- 3 yrs 51 Richard
Winsor* 48 Studio Chief Designer - Exterior 10,280,256.60 7,135,078.60 MA 21 02.04.2013
Permanent Nissan,Design- 1 yrs 52 Sunil Kumar Gupta* 60 Head (Finance & Business
Planning ) -IB 10,317,399.34 5,439,574.84 ICWA 37 02.06.1980 Permanent Crescent Iron &
Steel Corp Ltd.

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6:66 The shareholders of the Company may not expect dividend in the follow……
(366:2105 [366:2587]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The shareholders of the Company may not expect dividend in the following circumstances,
subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors: • the Company has inadequacy of profts or
incurs losses for the Financial Year; • the Company undertakes /proposes to undertake a
signifcant expansion project requiring higher allocation of capital; • the Company
undertakes /proposes to undertake any acquisitions or joint arrangements requiring signifcant
allocation of capital.

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0 Codes

6:67 Assurance statement Assurance on financial statements has been provid……

(373:3067 [373:4669]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Assurance statement Assurance on financial statements has been provided by independent
auditors BSR & Co. and non-financial statements by TUV India Private Limited. The
assurance report issued by TUV India Private Limited is available on our website
www.tatamotors.com Chairman’s message →18 Transforming today for tomorrow →46 For a
sustainable future →60 Forward-looking statements Certain statements in this Report
regarding our business operations may constitute forward-looking statements. These include all
statements other than statements of historical fact, including those regarding the financial
position, business strategy, management plans and objectives for future operations. Forward-
looking statements can be identified by words such as ‘believes’, ‘estimates’, ‘anticipates’,
‘expects’, ‘intends’, ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘plans’, ‘outlook’ and other words of similar meaning in
connection with a discussion of future operating or financial performance. Forward- looking
statements are necessarily dependent on assumptions, data or methods that may be incorrect or
imprecise and that may be incapable of being realised, and as such, are not intended to be a
guarantee of future results, but constitute our current expectations based on reasonable
assumptions. Actual results could differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking
statements due to various events, risks, uncertainties and other factors. We neither assume any
obligation nor intend to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of
new information, future events or otherwise.

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6:68 In the passenger car segment, your company focused on improving custo……
(391:1906 [391:2179]) - D 6: TATA ANN
In the passenger car segment, your company focused on improving customer experience and
providing “best in class” features, which is driving changes in the brand perception. The
company will continue to focus on product development, network expansion and cost

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6:69 As we embark on the next phase of our strategy, let me reaffirm our p……
(393:3352 [393:3537]) - D 6: TATA ANN
As we embark on the next phase of our strategy, let me reaffirm our pledge: that we will
continue to produce and deliver vehicles that create experiences customers will love, for life.

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0 Codes

6:70 More on Page 50 Employees We strive to attract, develop, retain and……

(395:684 [395:863]) - D 6: TATA ANN
More on Page 50 Employees We strive to attract, develop, retain and reward talent and build a
diverse workforce to draw requisite skills to drive our future strategy needs.

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0 Codes

6:71 A robust global strategy is in place to navigate through the challeng……

(396:1531 [396:1623]) - D 6: TATA ANN
A robust global strategy is in place to navigate through the challenging operating context.

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6:72 Key capitals deployed S1 Strategy 1 (398:3817 [398:3852]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Key capitals deployed S1 Strategy 1

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6:73 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 27 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65

STA…… (399:1 [399:582]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 27 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPORTS 66-184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 Our objective The focus of this
strategy is to identify new international markets based on the demographical and socio-
economical features of specific regions, which include the aspects of: • Regulatory landscape •
Geopolitical landscape • Competitive landscape Expanding international business Key capitals
deployed Key initiatives and actions TML • Shipments to ASEAN doubled in FY18 as
compared to last year, making it the fastest growing region.

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6:74 • JLR is also working on further expansion of its manufacturing footpr……

(399:2750 [399:2848]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• JLR is also working on further expansion of its manufacturing footprint in China through its

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6:75 S2 Strategy 2 (399:2894 [399:2906]) - D 6: TATA ANN

S2 Strategy 2

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6:76 S3 Strategy 3 (400:2697 [400:2709]) - D 6: TATA ANN

S3 Strategy 3
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6:77 S4 Strategy 4 (401:3511 [401:3523]) - D 6: TATA ANN

S4 Strategy 4

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6:78 Our strategic framework S5 Strategy 5 (402:2789 [402:2826]) - D 6: TATA ANN

Our strategic framework S5 Strategy 5

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6:79 Through innovation and technological advancement, our product portfol……

(404:2300 [404:2447]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Through innovation and technological advancement, our product portfolio and services can be
developed according to the changing consumer demands.

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0 Codes

6:80 Risk Risk We are committed to the introduction and expansion of our……
(405:1069 [405:1314]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Risk Risk We are committed to the introduction and expansion of our electrified fleet across
the product portfolio and the continued refinement of our internal combustion engines and
production flexibility in our Engine Manufacturing Centre.

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0 Codes
6:81 Furthermore, its expansion plans present opportunities to invest in w……
(405:2300 [405:2418]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Furthermore, its expansion plans present opportunities to invest in world-class facilities and
enhanced capabilities.

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0 Codes

6:82 Also, Tata Motors closely monitors global geo-political and macroecon……
(407:2140 [407:2368]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Also, Tata Motors closely monitors global geo-political and macroeconomic developments.
JLR is continuing expansion in new geographies like Slovakia and is trying to maintain a
balanced retail sales profile across key regions.

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0 Codes

6:83 36 The Tata Motors Group is all set to embrace the future Our stra…… (408:1
[408:166]) - D 6: TATA ANN
36 The Tata Motors Group is all set to embrace the future Our strategy sets the course of our
actions for today and tomorrow. Our concerted efforts have led to:

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6:84 • Compensation Benchmarking Study, Rewards Strategy and Benefits Stra……

(413:498 [413:591]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• Compensation Benchmarking Study, Rewards Strategy and Benefits Strategy have been

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0 Codes

6:85 Sales enhancement TML is focussing on bringing in different vehicle……

(417:457 [417:774]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Sales enhancement TML is focussing on bringing in different vehicle models – from small
hatchbacks to SUVs – in order to cover different customer segments, while enhancing network
coverage with an improved dealer network, reinforced channel engagement and channel
capability and intensified marketing strategy.

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0 Codes

6:86 Our today… 614,309 Retail sales 3.8% EBIT reported 16% Revenue i……
(421:1471 [421:2043]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Our today… 614,309 Retail sales 3.8% EBIT reported 16% Revenue invested in new models,
technology and capacity ….is leading the way for our future To attain the medium-to-long term
EBIT targets of: JLR is focussing on the following profit improvement drivers: • Growing
premium segments • Introducing new and exciting products • Improving operating leverage •
Driving cost efficiencies • Building a modular architecture strategy • Concentrating on ACES
4-7% (Post Product Development Cost Policy changes) between FY19 and FY21 7-9% Over
the long-term

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0 Codes

6:87 While the strategy for electrified vehicles has been defined, there a……
(423:2691 [423:3047]) - D 6: TATA ANN
While the strategy for electrified vehicles has been defined, there are challenges on the way.
There are geopolitical issues, especially in Europe and the UK, and higher taxes on diesel, that
may throw a spanner in the works. However, JLR is quite optimistic that with its premium,
advanced vehicles, it can continue its profitable sustainable growth.

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0 Codes
6:88 TML partners with premier technology institutions to develop technica……
(428:503 [428:1282]) - D 6: TATA ANN
TML partners with premier technology institutions to develop technical talent at multiple
levels in the organisation. ‘T-talk’ is an initiative in which TML employees interact with the
student community about the industry and areas of learning. TML’s employer brand-building
programme, titled Mind Rover, engages with students through a case study competition that
invites solutions to challenging real-world problems that the Company currently faces or has
faced in the past. TML also invites eminent faculty members from various institutes to
participate in its research programmes. TML’s ‘Talent on Demand’ initiative is a pull-based
strategy where employees, particularly from the departments with high attrition, are trained to
build talent pipelines on demand.

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0 Codes

6:89 52% Of permanent unionised workforce with which the management

engag…… (429:1555 [429:2383]) - D 6: TATA ANN
52% Of permanent unionised workforce with which the management engages frequently
Accelerating changes with engagement TML is one of the first Tata group companies to launch
a long-term ESOP. The underlying intent of launching the ESOP was: → To drive ongoing
commitment towards the Turnaround 2.0 strategy and to ensure that TML achieves consistent,
competitive and cash-accretive growth over the medium-to-long → To channelise management
focus on sales enhancement, rigorous cost reduction, supply de bottlenecking and timely
product launches, which will lead to market share enhancement and bottom-line growth → To
ring fence the TML leadership team, it motivates and selects high-potential employees,
ensuring to create an ownership mindset that is aligned to the interests of shareholders
Incentive plans

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0 Codes


STATEMEN…… (437:1 [437:2300]) - D 6: TATA ANN
STATEMENTS 185-353 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) Chairman Emeritus Mr
Ratan N Tata Board of Directors Mr N Chandrasekaran Non-Executive Director and Chairman
Mr Nasser Munjee Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Vinesh Kumar Jairath Non-
Executive, Independent Director Dr Ralf Speth Non-Executive Director Ms Falguni Nayar
Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Om Prakash Bhatt Non-Executive, Independent
Director Ms Hanne Sorensen Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Guenter Butschek CEO
and Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
Registered Office Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91 22 6665
8282 Fax: +91 22 6665 7799 Email: inv_rel@tatamotors.com Website: www.tatamotors.com
Corporate Identity Number L28920MH1945PLC004520 Executive Committee Mr Guenter
Butschek CEO and Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and Chief
Operating Officer Mr P B Balaji Group Chief Financial Officer Mr Girish Wagh President -
Commercial Vehicles Business Unit Mr Mayank Pareek President - Passenger Vehicles
Business Unit Mr Rajendra Petkar Chief Technology Officer Mr Gajendra Chandel Chief
Human Resource Officer Mr Shailesh Chandra President - Electric Mobility Business &
Corporate Strategy Mr Thomas Flack Chief Purchasing Officer Company Secretary Mr H K
Sethna Auditors BSR & Co. LLP (Registration No. 101248W/W–100022) Share Registrars
TSR Darashaw Limited 6-10, Haji Moosa Patrawala Industrial Estate, 20, Dr E Moses Road,
Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400 011 Tel: +91 22 6656 8484 Fax: +91 22 6656 8494 Email: csg-
unit@tsrdarashaw.com Website: www.tsrdarashaw.com Bankers Allahabad Bank Andhra Bank
Bank of America Bank of Baroda Bank of India Bank of Maharashtra Central Bank of India
Citibank NA Corporation Bank Deutsche Bank Federal Bank HDFC Bank Hongkong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation ICICI Bank IDBI Bank Indian Bank Kotak Mahindra Bank
Karur Vysya Bank Punjab National Bank Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of India Union
Bank of India United Bank of India WORKS Jamshedpur Pune Lucknow Pantnagar Sanand
Dharwad Corporate information

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0 Codes

6:91 The year 2017 saw global economy accelerating although UK economy evi……
(438:3273 [438:3976]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The year 2017 saw global economy accelerating although UK economy evidently slowed
down, while the US economy continued to grow at a modest pace. The Chinese economy
continued to grow strong, however, the Euro zone and Japan showed signs of acceleration like
many of the major emerging economies such as Turkey and Russia. The US economy grew at
2.7% in 2017, supported by broad-based strength in domestic demand, especially investment.
The Eurozone grew at a faster rate then in a decade, in 2017 by 2.4%, highest since 2007,
reflecting the strong consumption, investment, and exports. The UK by contrast, was growing
by 1.8% in 2017, down from 2016’s 1.9% rate and the weakest expansion since

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:92 – Abby’s – Best use of Digital media – Bronze Award for Best use of D……
(440:4640 [440:5186]) - D 6: TATA ANN
– Abby’s – Best use of Digital media – Bronze Award for Best use of Digital display
advertising – Digital Industry Awards 2017 - Best Use of Social Media in a Digital Campaign
for Tata T1 Prima Truck Racing Championship 2017 for the year’s Digital Industry Awards –
Use Dipper At Night Campaign – an innovative campaign to bring awareness amongst the
truck driver community of safe practices continues to be extremely well received and
acknowledged winning the Silver WARC Prize for Asian Strategy and award for the Best
Channel Thinking.

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0 Codes

6:93 RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Committee (RMC) is entrusted

with…… (443:2216 [443:2824]) - D 6: TATA ANN
RISK MANAGEMENT The Risk Management Committee (RMC) is entrusted with
responsibility to assist the Board in (a) overseeing the Company’s risk management process
and controls, risk tolerance and capital liquidity and funding (b) setting strategic plans and
objectives for risk management and review of risk assessment of the Company ( c ) review the
Company’s risk appetite and strategy relating to key risks, including credit risk, liquidity and
funding risk, market risk, product risk and reputational risk, as well as the guidelines, policies
and processes for monitoring and mitigating such risks.

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0 Codes

6:94 Achievements through various initiatives are listed below: • 35 new k……
(446:4965 [446:5429]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Achievements through various initiatives are listed below: • 35 new knowledge based
engineering applications were designed and implemented across various product design and
safety domains. They were integrated with various tools such as to predict problematic
reflections for driver and analyze different parameters for driver comfort, defining datum
strategy ensuring first time right panel datum information for tooling and dimensional variation

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0 Codes

6:95 Selection and procedure for nomination and appointment of Directors……

(450:434 [450:630]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Selection and procedure for nomination and appointment of Directors The NRC is responsible
for developing competency requirements for the Board based on the industry and strategy of
the Company.

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0 Codes

6:96 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 91 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY

REPORT…… (463:1 [463:605]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 91 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY REPORTS 66-
ADAPTATION AND INNOVATION (i) Efforts made towards technology absorption,
adaptation and innovation The Company used a three-horizon strategy for managing its
engineering and technology initiatives. The first-horizon involved products that the Company
is working on currently, to bring to the market. The second-horizon involves researching
known technologies that the Company may not be entirely familiar with at present, but are
needed for our future products.

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0 Codes

6:97 The shareholders of the Company may not expect dividend in the follow……
(478:2453 [478:2935]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The shareholders of the Company may not expect dividend in the following circumstances,
subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors: • the Company has inadequacy of profits or
incurs losses for the Financial Year; • the Company undertakes /proposes to undertake a
significant expansion project requiring higher allocation of capital; • the Company
undertakes /proposes to undertake any acquisitions or joint arrangements requiring significant
allocation of capital.

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0 Codes

6:98 The Eurozone grew at its faster rate in a decade in 2017, by 2% highe……
(480:2934 [480:3873]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Eurozone grew at its faster rate in a decade in 2017, by 2% highest since 2007, reflecting
the strong consumption, investment, and exports. Amid continued monetary policy stimulus,
growth is projected to be 2.1% in 2018. The Eurozone is in the midst of a broad cyclical
expansion, after years of economic stagnation and rolling crisis, fueled by recovery confidence
and monetary stimulus from the European Central Bank. The UK by contrast, has grown by
1.8% in 2017, down from 2016’s 1.9% rate and the weakest expansion since 2012, mainly
reflecting the impact of higher inflation in the wake of the 2016 Brexit vote and weaker
investment from Companies due to uncertainty of future trade arrangements. The United
Kingdom is expected to grow at 1.4% in 2018. The economies in Spain, Italy and France has
shown better prospects with GDP rate. Germany accounted for 28% of the Euro area economy
with steady growth of 2% GDP.

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0 Codes

6:99 (Source : Global Economic Prospects, Wold Bank) Business Summary The……
(480:5163 [480:6156]) - D 6: TATA ANN
(Source : Global Economic Prospects, Wold Bank) Business Summary The Company primarily
operates in the automotive segment which include all activities relating to the development,
design, manufacture, assembly and sale of vehicles including vehicle financing, as well as sale
of related parts and accessories. Through Jaguar Land Rover business, the Company operates
in the premium car market segment wholesaling vehicles in developed markets such as the
United Kingdom, the United States, Europe and China as well as several emerging markets
such as Russia, Brazil and South Africa amongst others. The Company expects to focus on
profitable growth opportunities in its global automotive business through new products and
market expansion. Within automotive operations, the Company continues to focus on
integration and synergy through sharing of resources, platforms, facilities for product
development and manufacturing, sourcing strategy and mutual sharing of best practices.

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0 Codes

6:100 The Company has pursued a strategy of increasing exports of Tata and……
(486:3710 [486:5898]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has pursued a strategy of increasing exports of Tata and other brand vehicles to
new and existing markets. However, in Fiscal 2018, the revenue of the Company’s subsidiary
in South Korea, TDCV, has been lower due to lower industry volumes and aggressive
marketing strategy from the competitors. Similarly for TTL, its specialized subsidiary engaged
in engineering, design and information technology services, had reported lower revenue and
profits due to adverse movement in exchange rates of major currencies as average rate of
US$/INR declined by 3.9% in Fiscal 2018 compared to Fiscal 2017, while average rate of
GBP/INR declined by 2.5% during the above period. TTL also suffered decline in revenue in
Europe and North America mainly due to completion of vehicle programs with its key clients
and delayed start of new programs due to client plan changes. The decline in Europe and North
America were partially offset by growth in revenue in Asia Pacific region. Improved market
sentiment in certain countries to which the Company exports and the strong sales performance
of Jaguar Land Rover has enabled the Company to increase its sales in these international
markets in Fiscal 2018. However, due to unfavorable currency translation from GB£ to INR
and also growth in revenue in India in Fiscal 2018, the proportion of the Company’s net sales
earned from markets outside of India decreased to 79.8% in Fiscal 2018 from 82.5% in Fiscal
2017. The following table sets forth the Company’s revenues from its key geographical
markets and the percentage of total revenues that each key geographical market contributes for
the periods indicated: Revenue Fiscal 2018 Fiscal 2017 (` in crores) % (` in crores) % India
59,593.18 20.2% 47,101.21 17.2% China 43,394.13 14.7% 41,369.40 15.1% UK 51,356.29
17.4% 50,588.18 18.4% United States 44,991.88 15.2% 42,935.31 15.6% Rest of Europe*
46,393.27 15.7% 47,122.48 17.2% Rest of World* 49,680.59 16.8% 45,375.54 16.5% Total
295,409.34 274,492.12 * The Rest of Europe market is geographic Europe, excluding the
United Kingdom and Russia. The rest of The World market is any region not included above.

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0 Codes

6:101 • Capital expenditure (net) was at `35,048.62 crores in Fiscal 2018,……

(494:1176 [494:1397]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• Capital expenditure (net) was at `35,048.62 crores in Fiscal 2018, compared to `30,413.49
crores, related mainly to capacity/ expansion of facilities, quality and reliability projects and
product development projects.

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:102 The Company monitors compliance with its financial covenants on an on……
(496:1138 [496:1368]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company monitors compliance with its financial covenants on an ongoing basis. The
Company also reviews its refinancing strategy and continues to plan for deployment of long-
term funds to address any potential non-compliance.

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0 Codes

6:103 HUMAN RESOURCES / INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Company considers its

huma…… (503:865 [503:1897]) - D 6: TATA ANN
HUMAN RESOURCES / INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS The Company considers its human
capital a critical factor to its success. Under the aegis of Tata Sons and the Tata Sons promoted
entities, the Company has drawn up a comprehensive human resource strategy, which
addresses key aspects of human resource development such as: • The code of conduct and fair
business practices; • A fair and objective performance management system linked to the
performance of the businesses which identifies and differentiates employees by performance
level; • Creation of a common pool of talented managers across Tata Sons and the Tata Sons
promoted entities with a view to increasing their mobility through job rotation among the
entities; • Evolution of performance based compensation packages to attract and retain talent
within Tata Sons and the Tata Sons promoted entities; and • Development and delivery of
comprehensive training programs to impact and improve industry- and/or function- specific
skills as well as managerial competence.

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0 Codes

6:104 • In line with the Company human resource strategy, it has implemente……
(503:1900 [503:2139]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• In line with the Company human resource strategy, it has implemented various initiatives in
order to build better organizational capabilities that the Company believe will enable it to
sustain competitiveness in the global marketplace.

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0 Codes

6:105 JAGUAR LAND ROVER Jaguar Land Rover has always focused on the safety,
…… (504:2961 [504:3557]) - D 6: TATA ANN
JAGUAR LAND ROVER Jaguar Land Rover has always focused on the safety, security,
wellbeing and development of the people. The Company nurture and retain talent through the
Jaguar Land Rover Academy, an environment offering accredited learning for the employees at
every stage of their career. Actively shaping education and contributing to the skills
development available to our communities is part of our long-term recruitment strategy. So too
is continuing our successful apprentice and graduate programme, working closely with
academic partners such as the Warwick Manufacturing Group.

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0 Codes

6:106 Designing, manufacturing and selling vehicles is capital intensive an……

(507:2609 [507:3720]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Designing, manufacturing and selling vehicles is capital intensive and requires substantial
investments in manufacturing, machinery, research and development, product design,
engineering, technology and marketing in order to meet both consumer preferences and
regulatory requirements. If the Company’s competitors consolidate or enter into other strategic
agreements such as alliances, they may be able to take better advantage of economies of scale.
The Company believe that competitors may be able to benefit from the cost savings offered by
consolidation or alliances, which could adversely affect the Company’s competitiveness with
respect to those competitors. Competitors could use consolidation or alliances as a means of
enhancing their competitiveness (including through the acquisition of technology), which
could also materially adversely affect the Company’s business. Further, the Company’s growth
strategy relies on the expansion of its operations in less mature markets abroad, where it may
face significant competition and higher than expected costs to enter and establish itself.

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0 Codes

6:107 If the Company is unable to effectively implement or manage its growt……

(507:4625 [507:4796]) - D 6: TATA ANN
If the Company is unable to effectively implement or manage its growth strategy, its operating
results and financial condition could be materially and adversely affected.

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0 Codes

6:108 As part of the Company’s growth strategy, it may open new manufacturi……
(507:4799 [507:5805]) - D 6: TATA ANN
As part of the Company’s growth strategy, it may open new manufacturing, research or
engineering facilities, expand existing facilities, add additional product lines or expand its
businesses into new geographical markets. There is a range of risks inherent in such a strategy
that could adversely affect the Company’s ability to achieve these objectives, including, but not
limited to, the following: the potential disruption of the Company’s business; the uncertainty
that new product lines will generate anticipated sales; the uncertainty that it may not be able to
meet or anticipate consumer demand; the uncertainty that a new business will achieve
anticipated operating results; the diversion of resources and management’s time;the Company’s
cost reduction efforts, which may not be successful; the difficulty of managing the operations
of a larger company; and the difficulty of competing for growth opportunities with companies
having greater financial resources than the Company have.

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0 Codes

6:109 136 regulations. Furthermore, as part of the Company’s global activit……

(508:1 [508:719]) - D 6: TATA ANN
136 regulations. Furthermore, as part of the Company’s global activities, it may engage with
third-party dealers and distributors, which it does not control but which, nevertheless, take
actions that could have a material adverse impact on its reputation and business; the Company
cannot assure you that it will not be held responsible for any activities undertaken by such
dealers and distributors. If the Company is unable to manage risks related to its expansion and
growth in other parts of the world and therefore fail to establish a strong presence in those
higher growth markets, its business, results of operations and financial condition could be
adversely affected or its investments could be lost.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:110 The Company’s operations may be significantly impacted if it fail to……

(508:4353 [508:5036]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s operations may be significantly impacted if it fail to develop, or experience
delays in developing, fuel-efficient vehicles that reflect changing customer preferences and
meet the specific requirements of government regulations. The Company’s competitors may
gain significant advantages if they are able to offer products satisfying customer needs earlier
than we are able to, which could adversely impact its sales, results of operations and financial
condition. Delays or cost overruns in implementing new product launches, expansion plans or
capacity enhancements could also materially and adversely impact its financial condition and
results of operations.

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0 Codes

6:111 As part of the Company’s growth strategy, it may open new manufacturi……
(510:2233 [510:3250]) - D 6: TATA ANN
As part of the Company’s growth strategy, it may open new manufacturing, research or
engineering facilities, expand existing facilities, add additional product lines or expand the
Company’s businesses into new geographical markets. There is a range of risks inherent in
such a strategy that could adversely affect the Company’s ability to achieve these objectives,
including, but not limited to, the following: the potential disruption of the Company’s business;
the uncertainty that new product lines will generate anticipated sales; the uncertainty that it
may not be able to meet or anticipate consumer demand; the uncertainty that a new business
will achieve anticipated operating results; the diversion of resources and management’s time;
the Company’s cost reduction efforts, which may not be successful; the difficulty of managing
the operations of a larger company; and the difficulty of competing for growth opportunities
with companies having greater financial resources than the Company have.

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0 Codes

6:112 More specifically, the Company’s international businesses face a rang……

(510:3253 [510:5292]) - D 6: TATA ANN
More specifically, the Company’s international businesses face a range of risks and challenges,
including, but not limited to, the following: language barriers, cultural differences, difficulties
in staffing and managing overseas operations, inherent difficulties and delays in contract
enforcement and the collection of receivables under the legal systems of foreign countries, the
risk of non-tariff barriers, regulatory and legal requirements affecting the Company’s ability to
enter new markets through joint ventures with local entities, difficulties in obtaining regulatory
approvals, environmental permits and other similar types of governmental consents, difficulties
in negotiating effective contracts, obtaining the necessary facility sites or marketing outlets or
securing essential local financing, liquidity, trade financing or cash management facilities,
export and import restrictions, multiple tax regimes (including regulations relating to transfer
pricing and withholding and other taxes on remittances and other payments from subsidiaries),
foreign investment restrictions, foreign exchange controls and restrictions on repatriation of
funds, other restrictions on foreign trade or investment sanctions, and the burdens of
complying with a wide variety of foreign laws and regulations. Furthermore, as part of the
Company’s global activities, it may engage with third-party dealers and distributors, which it
do not control but which, nevertheless, take actions that could have a material adverse impact
on the Company’s reputation and business; the Company cannot assure that it will not be held
responsible for any activities undertaken by such dealers and distributors. If the Company is
unable to manage risks related to its expansion and growth in other parts of the world and
therefore fail to establish a strong presence in those higher growth markets, the Company’s
business, results of operations and financial condition could be adversely affected or its
investments could be lost.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:113 Any inability to implement the Company’s growth strategy by entering……

(511:5733 [511:5862]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Any inability to implement the Company’s growth strategy by entering new markets may
adversely affect its results of operations.

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0 Codes

6:114 The Company’s growth strategy relies on the expansion of its operatio……
(511:5865 [511:7231]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s growth strategy relies on the expansion of its operations in emerging markets
such as ASEAN, SAARC and Latin American countries and North and West Africa and other
parts of the world which feature higher growth potential than many of the more mature
automotive markets in developed countries. The costs associated with entering and establishing
the Company in new markets, and expanding such operations may, however, be higher than
expected, it may face significant competition in those regions. In addition, the Company’s
international business faces a range of risks and challenges, including language barriers,
cultural differences, difficulties in staffing and managing overseas operations, inherent
difficulties and delays in contract enforcement and the collection of receivables under the legal
systems of foreign countries, the risk of non-tariff barriers, regulatory and legal requirements
affecting the Company’s ability to enter new markets through joint ventures with local entities,
difficulties in obtaining regulatory approvals, environmental permits and other similar types of
governmental consents, difficulties in negotiating effective contracts, obtaining the necessary
facility sites or marketing outlets or securing essential local financing, liquidity, trade financing
or cash management facilities, export and

1 Codes:

0 Codes
6:115 140 import restrictions, multiple tax regimes (including regulations…… (512:1
[512:869]) - D 6: TATA ANN
140 import restrictions, multiple tax regimes (including regulations relating to transfer pricing
and withholding and other taxes on remittances and other payments from subsidiaries), foreign
investment restrictions (including restrictions on incentives offered by foreign governments for
investment in their jurisdictions), foreign exchange controls and restrictions on repatriation of
funds, other restrictions on foreign trade or investment sanctions, and the burdens of
complying with a wide variety of foreign laws and regulations. If the Company is unable to
manage risks related to its expansion and growth in other parts of the world and therefore fail
to establish a strong presence in those higher growth markets, its business, results of operations
and financial condition could be adversely affected or the Company’s investments could be

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:116 TML and Jaguar Land Rover rely on the United Kingdom, Chinese, North……
(512:1032 [512:2252]) - D 6: TATA ANN
TML and Jaguar Land Rover rely on the United Kingdom, Chinese, North American,
continental European and Indian markets. Although demand remains relatively solid, a decline
in demand for the Company’s vehicles in these major markets may in the future significantly
impair its business, financial position and results of operations. Softening of the UK economy
would be expected to impact the Company’s growth opportunities in that country, which is an
important market for us. Any decline in demand for the Company’s vehicles in these major
markets may in the future significantly impair its business, financial position and results of
operations. Further, decreased demand for the Company’s and Jaguar Land Rover’s products
may not be sufficiently mitigated by new product launches and expansion into growing
markets, which could have a significant adverse impact on the Company’s financial
performance. In addition, the Company’s strategy, which includes new product launches and
expansion into growing markets may not be sufficient to mitigate a decrease in demand for its
products in mature markets in the future, which could have a significant adverse impact on the
Company’s financial performance.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:117 The Company’s business and future growth depend largely on the skills……
(516:3803 [516:4333]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company’s business and future growth depend largely on the skills of its workforce,
including executives and officers, and automotive designers and engineers. The loss of the
services of one or more of the Company’s personnel could impair its ability to implement the
Company’s business strategy. In view of intense competition, any inability to continue to
attract, retain and motivate its workforce could materially and adversely affect the Company’s
business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:118 THE COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board has constituted a set of
Commit…… (524:1099 [524:4003]) - D 6: TATA ANN
THE COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD The Board has constituted a set of Committees with
specific terms of reference/scope, to focus effectively on the issues and ensure expedient
resolution of diverse matters. The Committees operate as empowered agents of the Board as
per their Charter/terms of reference. Targets set / actions directed by them, as agreed with the
management are reviewed periodically and mid-course corrections are also carried out. The
Board of Directors and the Committees also take decisions by circular resolutions which are
noted at the next meeting. The minutes of the meetings of all Committees of the Board are
placed before the Board for discussions/noting. An Organisation Chart depicting the
relationship between the Board of Directors, the Committees and the senior management
functions is illustrated below: AUDIT COMMITTEE The Audit Committee functions
according to its Charter that defines its composition, authority, responsibility and reporting
functions in accordance with Section 177 of the Act, Regulation 18(3) read with Part C of
Schedule II of the SEBI Listing Regulations and US regulations applicable to the Company
and is reviewed from time to time. Whilst, the full Charter is available on the Company’s
website, given below is a gist of the responsibilities of the Audit Committee: i. Reviewing with
the management, quarterly/annual financial statements before submission to the Board,
focusing primarily on: - The Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its
financial information, including earnings, press release, to ensure that the financial statements
are correct, sufficient and credible; SHAREHOLDERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CEO &
ExCom (1) BOARD COMMITTEES (2) CV & PV Business Unit Steering Committee(3)
Chief Operating Officer Audit Committee CV & PV Product Review Committee Commercial
Vehicles Executive Committee of the Board Investment Review Committee (3) Passenger
Vehicles Nomination & Remuneration Committee Risk Oversight Committee Group Chief
Financial Officer Stakeholders’ Relationship Committee Sourcing Council(3) Chief Human
Resource Officer Safety, Health & Sustainability Committee IT Governance Committee Chief
Technology Officer Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Chief Purchasing Officer Risk
Management Committee E-Mobility Business & Corporate Strategy Special Need based
Committees Corporate Communications (4) OTHER DIRECT REPORTS TO MD Chief
Internal Auditor Company Secretary Government Affairs Corporate Legal Chief Information
Officer (1) The CEO & MD chairs the ExCom (2) The Company Secretary acts as the
Secretary for all Board constituted Committees (3) Business Committees are chaired by related
ExCom member where indicated, otherwise by the CEO & MD (4) Associated member of the

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0 Codes

6:119 - Oversee HR philosophy, HR and people strategy and efficacy of HR pr……

(526:4768 [526:5012]) - D 6: TATA ANN
- Oversee HR philosophy, HR and people strategy and efficacy of HR practices including those
for leadership development, rewards and recognition, talent management and succession
planning (specifically for the Board, KMP and executive team).

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0 Codes

6:120 http://investors.tatamotors.com/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-indepe……

(542:2398 [542:2995]) - D 6: TATA ANN
http://investors.tatamotors.com/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-independent- directors.pdf
Unpaid Dividend Account Details Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts to be
transferred to the IEPF https://www.tatamotors.com/investors/iepf/ Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy The policy outlines the Company’s strategy to bring about a positive
impact on society through programmes focusing on Health, Education, Employability and
Environment interventions for relevant target groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference
to needy and deserving communities inhabiting urban India.

3 Codes:

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0 Codes

6:121 Please refer “Presence across markets” section of the Company’s Annua……
(545:3496 [545:4544]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer “Presence across markets” section of the Company’s Annual Report FY 2017-18
for complete list of markets served Section B: Financial Details of the Company 1. Paid up
Capital (INR): `679.22 Crores 2. Total Turnover (INR): `57258.60 Crores (Standalone basis
without joint operations) 3. Total Profit After Taxes (INR): Loss of `1266.19 crores
(Standalone basis without joint operations) 4. Total Spending on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) as percentage of profit after tax (%): Total expenditure reported is `21.44
crores (Standalone basis without joint operations) 5. List of activities in which expenditure in 4
above has been incurred: - The Company has been regularly conducting a community
engagement strategy which revolves around four focus themes: 1. Arogya (Health): The focus
is to work on addressing child malnutrition, health awareness for females. This initiative
provides preventive & curative health services to community. In Fiscal 2018, 3,81,110
members benefited from our health initiatives.

2 Codes:

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0 Codes

6:122 Please refer ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ section of the Company……

(546:1377 [546:1641]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ section of the Company’s Annual Report FY
2017-18 and Company’s Annual CSR Report 2017-18 for detailed community engagement
strategy and key initiatives. The reports are available on our website www.tatamotors.com.

2 Codes:

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0 Codes

6:123 The Company has been publishing Annual Sustainability Reports in acco……
(549:1770 [549:2428]) - D 6: TATA ANN
The Company has been publishing Annual Sustainability Reports in accordance with globally
recognized Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. These reports also serve as the
Company’s Communication on Progress (COP) as part of United Nations Global Compact
(UNGC) signatory reporting obligations and have been aligned with the National Voluntary
Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business, released by
Ministry of Corporate Governance. The Company also published Annual CSR Report this year
to highlight the community engagement strategy and performance. The Company’s CSR
Report can be viewed at https://www.

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0 Codes

6:124 2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations for the adva……
(555:692 [555:1341]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations for the advancement or
improvement of public good? Yes/ No; if yes specify the broad areas (drop box: Governance
and Administration, Economic Reforms, Inclusive Development Policies, Energy Security,
Water, Food Security, Sustainable Business Principles, Others) The Company, through various
industry associations, participated in advocating matters advancement of the industry and
public good. It supports various initiatives of the SIAM which include aspects of product
safety, alternate fuel vehicles, environment, fuel policies, customer information and education,
to name a few.

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0 Codes

6:125 Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community developmen……

(555:1641 [555:2513]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community development strategy. Ankur, the
Company’s community engagement strategy, is percolated to each manufacturing plant through
a detailed community development plan. The plant specific plan addresses the local needs and
the corporate cell drives some company-wide strategic community development initiatives
such as driver training. The initiatives primarily focus on Arogya (Health), Vidyadhanam
(Education), Kaushalya (Employability) and Vasundhara (Environment). Seva, the employee
volunteering initiative provides our employees with a platform to be a part of our community
initiatives. Tata Motors along with its employees also supports Sumant Moolgaonkar
Development Foundation (SMDF) towards implementing Amurtdhara, a National Drinking
Water Project to provide safe drinking water to communities.

2 Codes:
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0 Codes

6:126 Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2017- 18’ and ‘Communit……
(555:3209 [555:3414]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2017- 18’ and ‘Community Development’
section of Tata Motors Sustainability Report FY 2017-18 for detailed community engagement
strategy and key initiatives.

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:127 However, the Company believes that due to the long-term nature of the……
(684:1439 [684:1709]) - D 6: TATA ANN
However, the Company believes that due to the long-term nature of the plan liabilities and the
strength of the supporting group, a level of continuing equity type investments is an
appropriate element of the Company’s long term strategy to manage the plans efficiently.

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0 Codes

6:128 1 Chairman Emeritus Mr Ratan N Tata Board of Directors Mr N Chandr……

(741:1 [741:2150]) - D 6: TATA ANN
1 Chairman Emeritus Mr Ratan N Tata Board of Directors Mr N Chandrasekaran Non-
Executive Director and Chairman Mr Nasser Munjee Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr
Vinesh Kumar Jairath Non-Executive, Independent Director Dr Ralf Speth Non-Executive
Director Ms Falguni Nayar Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Om Prakash Bhatt Non-
Executive, Independent Director Ms Hanne Sorensen Non-Executive, Independent Director Ms
Vedika Bhandarkar Non-Executive, Independent Director Mr Guenter Butschek CEO and
Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
Registered Office Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street Mumbai 400 001 Tel: +91 22 6665
8282 Email: inv_rel@tatamotors.com Website: www.tatamotors.com Corporate Identity
Number L28920MH1945PLC004520 Executive Committee Mr Guenter Butschek CEO and
Managing Director Mr Satish Borwankar Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer Mr P
B Balaji Group Chief Financial Officer Mr Girish Wagh President - Commercial Vehicles
Business Unit Mr Mayank Pareek President - Passenger Vehicles Business Unit Mr Rajendra
Petkar Chief Technology Officer Mr Thomas Flack Chief Purchasing Officer Mr Shailesh
Chandra President - Electric Mobility Business & Corporate Strategy Mr Ravindra Kumar G P
President & Chief Human Resource Officer Company Secretary Mr H K Sethna Auditors BSR
& Co. LLP (Registration No. 101248W/W–100022) Share Registrars TSR Darashaw
Consultants Private Limited 6-10, Haji Moosa Patrawala Industrial Estate, 20, Dr E Moses
Road, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai 400 011 Tel: +91 22 6656 8484 Fax: +91 22 6656 8494 Email:
csg-unit@tsrdarashaw.com Website: www.tsrdarashaw.com Bankers Australia & New Zealand
Banking Group Limited Bank of America Bank of Baroda Bank of India Citibank NA
Deutsche Bank Federal Bank HDFC Bank Limited Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation ICICI Bank Indian Bank Kotak Bank Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of
India Union Bank of India WORKS Jamshedpur Pune Lucknow Pantnagar Sanand Dharwad
Board of Directors & Corporate Information

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0 Codes


STAT…… (745:1 [745:766]) - D 6: TATA ANN
STATEMENTS (04-74) rebound in private fixed investment helped offset a decline in public
infrastructure and other state spending. However, industrial production and export growth have
decelerated, reflecting easing global manufacturing activity. Japan’s economy also saw
annualized growth of 0.8% due to bad weather and natural disasters. The GDP rate of Russia
slowed down to 0.8% in 2018. At a growth rate of 1.2%, South Africa’s economic expansion
would still be above the 0.8% level at which the economy expanded in 2018. The Middle East
economy growth looks uncertain with the cut in oil production in compliance with OPEC+
deal and geopolitical risks will continue to cap the growth.

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0 Codes

6:130 8 74th Annual Report (Abridged) 2018-19 Tata Motors (SA) (Pty) Limit……
(748:1 [748:166]) - D 6: TATA ANN
8 74th Annual Report (Abridged) 2018-19 Tata Motors (SA) (Pty) Limited ('TMSA') achieved
its highest ever sales in FY 2018-19 due to expansion of production range.

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0 Codes

6:131 Since January 2016, Ms Bhandarkar has been engaged as a senior leader……
(823:614 [823:1207]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Since January 2016, Ms Bhandarkar has been engaged as a senior leader in India with
Water.org a not-for-profit organization, overseeing the organization’s strategy, growth and
water and sanitation program expansion in the country. In India, Water.org continues to scale
WaterCredit through direct partnerships with financial and non- financial organizations,
collaborating with enabling partners and engaging with the Government’s Swachh Bharat
Mission. Working with implementing partners, Water.org has helped reach 1 crore people in the
country with access to water and/or sanitation.

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Created by work on 3/9/2020

0 Quotations

Created by work on 3/9/2020

0 Quotations

Created by work on 3/9/2020

28 Quotations:

6:6 International expansion exposes the Company and its subsidiaries to……
(32:972 [32:1139]) - D 6: TATA ANN
International expansion exposes the Company and its subsidiaries to increased diversity and
complexity of legal and other frameworks in a variety of jurisdictions.

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0 Codes

6:56 http://www.tatamotors.com/investors/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-in……

(191:754 [191:1354]) - D 6: TATA ANN
http://www.tatamotors.com/investors/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-independent-
directors.pdf Unpaid Dividend Account Details Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts to
be transferred to the IEPF http://www.tatamotors.com/investor/iepf/ Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy The policy outlines the Company’s strategy to bring about a positive
impact on society through programmes focusing on Health, Education, Employability and
Environment interventions for relevant target groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference
to needy and deserving communities inhabiting urban India.

3 Codes:

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0 Codes

0 Codes

6:120 http://investors.tatamotors.com/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-indepe……

(542:2398 [542:2995]) - D 6: TATA ANN
http://investors.tatamotors.com/pdf/ familiarisation-programme-independent- directors.pdf
Unpaid Dividend Account Details Statement of unclaimed and unpaid amounts to be
transferred to the IEPF https://www.tatamotors.com/investors/iepf/ Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy The policy outlines the Company’s strategy to bring about a positive
impact on society through programmes focusing on Health, Education, Employability and
Environment interventions for relevant target groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference
to needy and deserving communities inhabiting urban India.

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0 Codes

0 Codes

6:137 Number of employees (Consolidated): 79558 Employee Benefts & Wages……

(26:2949 [26:3305]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Number of employees (Consolidated): 79558 Employee Benefts & Wages (Consolidated): B
28,332.89 crores TML: • Training on safety, diversity Human Rights Policies and concerns,
over and above functional training • Conducting Sessions like SAFE20 JLR’s spend on
training: More than GBP 100 million a year into training, education and skills INPUTS

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6:147 72nd Annual Report 2016-17 55 DIVERSITY As a part of the Tata Group,……
(57:1 [57:398]) - D 6: TATA ANN
72nd Annual Report 2016-17 55 DIVERSITY As a part of the Tata Group, we uphold the
Group’s core values and provide equal growth opportunities to people from diferent social
segments. To enhance workplace diversity, we increased the intake of blue-collared women
workers on the shop foor across the company in FY 2016-17. We also focused our campus
hiring eforts to target women graduates.

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6:164 Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 114 72nd An……
(116:1 [116:1815]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements 114 72nd Annual Report 2016-17
ANNEXURE - 6 Annual Report on CSR Activities [Pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies
Act, 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rule 2014] A brief
outline of the Company’s CSR policy, including an overview of projects or programmes
proposed to be undertaking and a reference to the web-link to the CSR Policy and projects or
programmes: 1. Overview: (i) Outline of CSR Policy - As an integral part of the Company’s
commitment to good corporate citizenship, the Company believe in actively assisting in
improvement of the quality of life of people in communities, giving preference to local areas
around the Company’s business operations. Towards achieving long-term stakeholder value
creation, the Company shall always continue to respect the interests of and be responsive
towards its key stakeholders - the communities, especially those from socially and
economically backward groups, the underprivileged and marginalized; focused on inter alia the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and the society at large. In order to leverage the
demographic dividend of its country, Company’s CSR eforts shall focus on Health, Education,
Environment and Employability interventions for relevant target groups, ensuring diversity and
giving preference to needy and deserving communities inhabiting urban India. CSR at the
Company shall be underpinned by ‘More from Less for More People’ philosophy, which
implies striving to achieve greater impacts, outcomes and outputs of its CSR projects and
programmes by judicious investment and utilization of fnancial and human resources, engaging
in like-minded stakeholder partnerships for higher outreach beneftting more lives.

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0 Codes

6:245 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 101 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPOR…… (473:1 [473:1671]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 101 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY REPORTS 66-
184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 1. A brief outline of the Company’s CSR policy,
including an overview of projects or programmes proposed to be undertaking and a reference
to the web-link to the CSR Policy and projects or programmes: I. Overview: (i) Outline of CSR
Policy - As an integral part of the Company’s commitment to good corporate citizenship, the
Company believes in actively assisting in improvement of the quality of life of people in
communities, giving preference to local areas around the Company’s business operations.
Towards achieving long-term stakeholder value creation, the Company shall always continue
to respect the interests of and be responsive towards its key stakeholders - the communities,
especially those from socially and economically backward groups, the underprivileged and
marginalized; focused on inter alia the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and the society
at large. In order to leverage the demographic dividend of its country, Company’s CSR efforts
shall focus on Health, Education, Environment and Employability interventions for relevant
target groups, ensuring diversity and giving preference to needy and deserving communities
inhabiting urban India. CSR at the Company shall be underpinned by ‘More from Less for
More People’ philosophy which implies striving to achieve greater impacts, outcomes and
outputs of its CSR projects and programmes by judicious investment and utilization of
financial and human resources, engaging in like-minded stakeholder partnerships for higher
outreach benefitting more lives.

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0 Codes

6:370 S1 and S5 New technologies developed LTIFR TML ranked second in J D……
(395:1996 [395:3158]) - D 6: TATA ANN
S1 and S5 New technologies developed LTIFR TML ranked second in J D Power 2017 India
Customer Service Index (CSI) Study JLR Retailers invested £ 3 Billions in Arch sites, a
customer experience game changer Reduction in specific water consumption Reduction in
specific GHG emissions (%) CSR beneficiaries Diversity Patents granted Designs registered
TML – India’s first bio-methane engine for buses JLR – CloudCar and Connected Car
technology TML – 3% women workforce JLR – 24 % increase in the proportion of women in
workforce since 2014 66,620 TML Vehicles sold (Consolidated) 12,21,124 80 TML 0.08 TML
15.91% TML (y-o-y) 4% TML (y-o-y) 39% JLR (since 2007) 46% JLR (since 2007) 6,44,000
TML 1.2 Million JLR 23 TML 2,26,965 JLR Revenue (in H Crores) Vehicles Manufactured
PVs, CVs, SUVs, EVs More on Page 6-12 > > 1 2 3 4 5 6 S1 Focus on new product
development S2 Expanding international business S3 Mitigating cyclicality S4 Customer focus
S5 Organisational efficiency and cost management More on Page 26 > EBIT (in H Crores)
11,846 Growth in PBT 20% PBT (in H Crores) 11,155 (Consolidated)

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6:426 Integrity Teamwork Accountability Customer Focus Excellence Speed……

(5:1619 [5:1771]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Integrity Teamwork Accountability Customer Focus Excellence Speed Values 2nd Largest

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6:427 27 ISO 14001 compliant 23 OHSAS 18001 compliant 8 ISO 14001- In p……
(51:1632 [51:2448]) - D 6: TATA ANN
27 ISO 14001 compliant 23 OHSAS 18001 compliant 8 ISO 14001- In process 5 OHSAS
18001 - In process 540322.54 GJ Total energy consumption 95315.82 tCO2e Scope 1 & Scope
2 emission 12 Lost Time Injury (LTI) 0 Fatalities 3 Suppliers using renewable energy
288980.26 m3 Water consumption 83086.31 MT Waste 7.5% female workers Gender diversity
2 Incidents of non-compliance (Legal compliance) 7 Employee unions at suppliers 25 suppliers
with near-miss monitoring Around 72% of JLR’s suppliers participated in the CDP Supply
Chain survey in 2015-16, which compares well with the CDP average of 51%. The Carbon
Disclosure Project (CDP) Supply Chain programme is an important global platform for
engaging with suppliers to help businesses decarbonise and strengthen their own resilience.

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6:428 Although our Indian manufacturing facilities are not located within t……
(54:635 [54:941]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Although our Indian manufacturing facilities are not located within the vicinity of any
identifed or notifed bio-diversity hotspots or protected water bodies, the extended positive
impacts of our water conservation eforts are evident with the variety of avian fauna seen at our
water harvesting ponds.

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6:429 WASTE MANAGEMENT BIODIVERSITY (54:1815 [54:1844]) - D 6: TATA ANN


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6:430 With Mr Borwankar alongwith the Senior Leadership Team’s broad functi……
(80:797 [80:1412]) - D 6: TATA ANN
With Mr Borwankar alongwith the Senior Leadership Team’s broad functional, general
management skills and wide international experience, they would provide Tata Motors with
profound knowledge in complex restructuring/ turnaround programmes, provide inputs on
robust world- class process know-how in operations and accelerate transformation to a high
performance culture by onboarding employees and creating ownership in the organization. The
Board is of the view, that this leadership creates international, multinational teams and fosters a
culture of cross-functional teamwork, agility and accountability.

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0 Codes

6:431 Circular economy, natural capital evaluation of key dependencies, des……

(90:934 [90:1207]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Circular economy, natural capital evaluation of key dependencies, design for environment,
biodiversity assessment, life cycle assessment of products, climate adaptation study were some
of the other initiatives the Company has taken in sustaining its business and planet.

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0 Codes

6:432 GOVERNANCE GUIDELINES During the year under review, the Company
adher…… (94:3417 [94:3983]) - D 6: TATA ANN
GOVERNANCE GUIDELINES During the year under review, the Company adhered to the
Governance Guidelines on Board Efectiveness. The Governance Guidelines cover aspects
related to composition and role of the Board, Chairman and Directors, Board diversity,
defnition of independence, Director term, retirement age and Committees of the Board. It also
covers aspects relating to nomination, appointment, induction and development of Directors,
Director remuneration, Subsidiary oversight, Code of Conduct, Board Efectiveness Review
and Mandates of Board Committees.

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0 Codes

6:433 2. Qualifcations of Directors Boards will ensure that a transparent b……

(110:3515 [110:3711]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Qualifcations of Directors Boards will ensure that a transparent board nomination process is
in place that encourages diversity of thought, experience, knowledge, perspective, age and
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6:434 Devise a policy on Board diversity. (177:402 [177:436]) - D 6: TATA ANN

Devise a policy on Board diversity.

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6:435 2 About Tata Motors Group Vision As a high-performance organisation……

(374:1 [374:1138]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2 About Tata Motors Group Vision As a high-performance organisation, we are, by FY19: •
Among the top three in global CV and domestic PV • Achieving sustainable financial
performance • Delivering exciting innovations Mission We innovate mobility solutions with
passion to enhance quality of life Values Integrity Teamwork Accountability Customer Focus
Excellence Speed Tata Motors Group (Tata Motors) is a $45 Billion organisation and a part of
the $100 Billion Tata group. It is a leading global automobile manufacturing company. Its
diverse portfolio includes an extensive range of cars, sports utility vehicles, trucks, buses and
defence vehicles. Tata Motors is India’s largest and the only Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) offering an extensive range of integrated, smart and e-mobility solutions. We have
operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand, South Africa, Indonesia, Austria and Slovakia
through a strong global network of 97 subsidiaries and nine associate companies, four Joint
Ventures (JVs) and two joint operations, including Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) in the UK and
Tata Daewoo in South Korea.

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6:436 73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 59 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65

STA…… (431:1 [431:1027]) - D 6: TATA ANN
73rd Annual Report 2017-18 (Integrated) 59 INTEGRATED REPORT 1-65 STATUTORY
REPORTS 66-184 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 185-353 TML believes that with diversity and
inclusion on the shop floor, it can leverage the multiplicity of skillsets needed in all its
operations. The Company has established policies and integrated capacity-building systems for
providing a supportive work environment, especially for its female employees as well as
employees from different backgrounds and ethnicities. The Company recruits trainees from
villages and small towns, especially from economically disadvantaged regions. Its ‘GearUp’
initiative for mid-level women managers is designed to provide management development
inputs focussed on leadership skills enhancement. TML has in place a programme for the
employment of returning mothers. Its comprehensive Human Resource (HR) policy
framework, including maternity leave, sabbatical and half-day-half-pay policy and flexible
timings, helps employees establish a work-life balance.

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0 Codes

6:437 JLR JLR proactively balances the risks and opportunities associated w……
(435:1745 [435:2313]) - D 6: TATA ANN
JLR JLR proactively balances the risks and opportunities associated with biodiversity,
protected species and habitats, both within its sites and across the wider landscape. At its Fen
End Special Vehicle Operations facility in the Weat Midlands, UK, there has been significant
ecology mitigation of ponds and badger tunnels. The bunds at the location reused the
excavated soil from building excavation and 35% of the materials used for construction were
from recognised highly responsible manufacturers (BES 6001 Very Good, Forestry
Stewardship Council (FSC)).

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6:438 • A net gain in biodiversity was delivered through: − Creation of 8.5……

(435:2572 [435:2942]) - D 6: TATA ANN
• A net gain in biodiversity was delivered through: − Creation of 8.5 hectares of new high-
value habitat features; − Planting over 38,000 trees; and − Improvement of 8 hectares of
existing habitat, including Runway Woodland (a community woodland that was planted onsite
next to the entrance by local residents and a local school prior to our ownership of the site).

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0 Codes

6:439 Circular economy, natural capital evaluation of key dependencies, des……

(445:480 [445:753]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Circular economy, natural capital evaluation of key dependencies, design for environment,
biodiversity assessment, life cycle assessment of products, climate adaptation study were some
of the other initiatives the Company has taken in sustaining its business and planet.

1 Codes:
0 Codes

6:440 78 Guidelines cover aspects related to composition and role of the B……
(450:1 [450:431]) - D 6: TATA ANN
78 Guidelines cover aspects related to composition and role of the Board, Chairman and
Directors, Board diversity, definition of independence, Director term, retirement age and
Committees of the Board. It also covers aspects relating to nomination, appointment, induction
and development of Directors, Director Remuneration, Subsidiary oversight, Code of Conduct,
Board Effectiveness Review and Mandates of Board Committees.

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0 Codes

6:441 2. Qualifications of Directors • Boards will ensure that a transparen……

(467:3797 [467:3996]) - D 6: TATA ANN
2. Qualifications of Directors • Boards will ensure that a transparent board nomination process
is in place that encourages diversity of thought, experience, knowledge, perspective, age and

1 Codes:

0 Codes

6:442 Board Diversity: To ensure that a transparent Board nomination proces……

(524:154 [524:793]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Board Diversity: To ensure that a transparent Board nomination process is in place that
encourages diversity of thought, experience, knowledge, perspective, age and gender, the
Board has adopted a Diversity Policy, formulated by the Nomination & Remuneration
Committee (“NRC”), wherein it is expected that the Board has an appropriate blend of
functional and industry expertise. Whilst recommending the appointment of a Director, the
NRC considers the manner in which the function and domain expertise of the individual
contributes to the overall skill-mix of the Board and is supported by the Group Human
Resources in this regard.

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0 Codes
6:443 - Devise a policy on Board diversity. (526:3165 [526:3201]) - D 6: TATA ANN
- Devise a policy on Board diversity.

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0 Codes

6:444 Given her global experience and the Company’s adherence to policy on……
(731:2347 [731:2748]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Given her global experience and the Company’s adherence to policy on diversity, gender and
geographical, the Board considers it desirable and in the interest of the Company to have Ms
Sorensen on the Board of the Company and accordingly the Board recommends the
appointment of Ms Sorensen as an Independent Director as proposed in the resolution set out at
Item No. 4 for approval by the members.

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0 Codes

6:445 Given her experience and the Company’s adherence to policy on Board D……
(820:1928 [820:2306]) - D 6: TATA ANN
Given her experience and the Company’s adherence to policy on Board Diversity, the Board
considers it desirable and in the interest of the Company to have Ms Bhandarkar on the Board
of the Company and accordingly the Board recommends the appointment of Ms Bhandarkar as
an Independent Director as proposed in the resolution set out at Item No. 4 for approval by the

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