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I. Pronunciation
A. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the other.
1. a. academic b. analytical c. awareness d. apprentice
2. a. tertiary b. doctoral c. institute d. tutorial
3. a. scholarship b. mechanic c. school d. chocolate
4. a. appreciate b. social c. racial d. academic
B. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others
1. a. diploma b. compulsory c. vocational d. institute
2. a. curriculum b. bachelor c. graduate d. internship
3. a. mandatory b. apprentice c. respective d. vocational
4. a. schedule b. access c. require d. broadren
Choose the best answer which best fits each space in each sentence
1. In response to the need to improve access to ____________ education,
universities are increasingly implementing online delivery solutions.
a. tertiary b. secondary c. primary d. distance
2. ___________ education is connected with the skills, knowledge, etc. that you
need to have in order to do a particular job.
a. distance b. vocational c. compulsory d. full time
3. What are the university entry ________ for international students in the UK?
a. needs b. qualifications c. requirements d. conditions
4. There are also ___________ courses, which allow young people to pursue
further education while working.
a. part-time b. full- time c. intensive d. overtime
5. A/ An __________ student goes to a foreign country to study for a period as
part of a programme between two institutes
a. undergraduate b. exchange c. d. campus- based
6. This is Javi’s last week at the school so ____________ goodbye to all his
new friends for the last three days.
a. he says b. he said c. he’s said d. he’s been
7. So far, during her time at International House Bristol, Tchior ___________to
six pancake parties and fifteen barbecues.
a. came b. comes c. has come d. has been
8. You look really great! ____________ at the fitness centre lately?
a. Have you been b. Have you c. Did you d. Do you exercise
exercising exercised exercise
9. I __________ the same car for more than ten years. I am thinking about
buying a new one.
a. have been having b. have had c. had d. had had
10. Ann: Do you think you’ll get the job? – Mary: ___________
a. I know so b. Well, I hope so c. I think not d. Yes, that’s right
1. Two of the players from the Yankees has been chosen to participate in the All
Star game. => have
2. Even a professional psychologist may have difficulty taking calm and
logically about this own problem. => calmly
3. For the past few years, researchers have perfecting their control over the
movements of cell and microbes => have perfected
by using low- power laser beams.
4. Allowing children to help plan and prepare family meals provides enjoyable
learning experiences that later encouraging them to eat the foods they have
prepared. => encourage
5. According to many economists, international specialization in the production
of some goods, such as cars and computers, increases world efficiency and
output, makes all nations richer. => increasing
Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space
Oxford University is an association of over 35 colleges, varying in (1)
_________of foundation from medieval to more recent times.The colleges also
(2) ________ in wealth, in character and in architecture.
Some (3) _______ imposing buildings and grounds, (4) ________ almost
intimate in their scale.Most colleges can boast well-known (5) ________
students- Oxford is the place where (6) _______ as diverse as Margaret
Thatcher, Mrs. Gandhi, Michael Palin and Evelyn Waugh were educated.
Most (7) ________ will want to see a college and one or more of the University
buildings, such as the Bodleian Library or the Ashmolean Museum.
The University has supported the (8) _________ of The Oxford Story
Exhibition, in Broad Street- now recognized as the best short (9) ________ to
Oxford University. Here, during an entertaining ride, through of recreated (10)
_________and events, Magnus Magnusson offers an informed (11) ________of
Oxford’s past and present. Special materials for children and foreign (12)
_______ commentaries are also available.
1. a. place b. date c. manner d. form
2. a. vary b. alter c. change d. mix
3. a. live b. reside c. exist d. occupy
4. a. occupy b. else c. those d. others
5. a. former b. last c. late d. elderly
6. a. characters b. cartoons c. caricatures d. participants
7. a. commuters b. spectators c. visitors d. guides
8. a. discovery b. creation c. expectation d. education
9. a. history b. beginning c. introduction d. past
10. a. postcards b. maps c. paintings d. scenes
11. a. gift b. view c. guarantee d. admission
12. a. custom b. currency c. phrase d. language
Complete the sentences, using the word given, so that it has a similar
meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words
1. The company has decided to replace this model.
 It’s the company’s intention to replace this model.
2. In the next few years, we’ll probably hear a lot more about environmental
 We’re likely to hear a lot more about environmental pollution in the next
few years
3. The teachers agreed to introduce the new methods
 There was an agreement among the teachers to introduce new methods.
4. He failed his exam because he missed classes so often.
 As a consequence of missing classes so often, he failed his exam.
5. Steve definitely didn’t write that essay.
 That essay mustn’t have been written by Steve.

I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. a. entrance b. diploma c. exchange d. apply
2. a. pursue b. curtain c. furniture d. further
3. a. admission b. profession c. passion d. passive
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. a. diploma b. doctorate c. internship d. scholarship
2. a. b. university c. baccalaureate d.
undergraduate accommodation
III. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence
6. Further education courses are usually described as either
_____________or vocational.
a. academic b. practical c. learning d. technical
7. The International Baccalaureate is also now offered by more schools in
the UK as a(n) __________to A- levels.
a. choice b. substitution c. alternative d. option
8. In some institutions, A- levels can also be awarded in combination with
other _________, such as International Baccalaureate certificates.
a. examinations b. qualifications c. courses d. levels
9. IB students can select subjects so that they specialize in a particular
academic field, but mathematics, native language and theory of knowledge
are ___________ subjects.
a. optional b. elective c. compulsory d. certain
10. As well as studying on ____________ in the UK, you can also choose to
study outside the UK- for example by distance learning.
a. campus b. accommodation c. building d. dormitory
11. The teachers at Edinburgh College encourage students to __________
with others, experiment with arts and find their own ideas.
a. help b. improve c. involve d. collaborate
12. University __________in Vietnam can decide their own criteria for
enrolling international students.
a. principals b. rectors c. headmasters d. managers
13. Depending on your nationality, you may be ____ for a loan or financial
support from the UK government.
a. legal b. capable c. able d. eligible
14. That university ____________ the Advanced Programme with the aim to
enroll around 500 international students for a decade.
a. implemented b. will c. has been d. will be
implemented implemented implementing
15. A Bachelor’s degree is a three- year or four- year course you take in
undergraduate higher education after you ___________ further education.
a. have finished b. have been c. had finished. d. had been
finishing finishing
IV. Choose the word among a, b, c, or d that best fits the blank in the
following passage
Further education in Britain means education after GCSE exams (1)
_________ around the age of 16. It includes courses of study (2) _________
to A- levels which students do at their school or college. Some students go
(3) ___________ to a college of further education which (4) __________ a
wide range of full or part-time courses. Further education also includes
training for professional (5) __________ in nursing, accountancy, and
management and in (6) ________ such as arts and music. The term
(7)_________ education is used to refer to degree courses at universities.
The British government is keen to (8) __________ more young people to
remain in education as (9) _______as possible in order to build up a more
highly (10) ___________, better educated workforce.
1. a. taken b. made c. performed d. participated
2. a. led b. linked c. leading d. linking
3. a. ahead b. right c. straight d. forward
4. a. give b. offers c. supports d. presents
5. a. degree b. diploma c. certificate d. qualifications
6. a. skills b. fields c. topics d. respects
7. a. high b. tertiary c. secondary d. main
8. a. ask b. make c. remind d. inquire
9. a. soon b. long c. well d. much
10. a. skilled b. valued c. devoted d. talented
V. Read the passage and choose the best answer a, b, c, or d
If you want to go to a university, you usually apply during your last year at
school, when you are 17- 18. You can apply to study at any university in
Britain and most people choose a university that is not in their own town. So,
university students usually live away from home. Students get a grant from
the government to study. At the beginning of your last year at school, you
receive an application form. On this form, you choose up to five universities
that you would like to go to. The form is sent to those universities with
information from your school about you and your academic record. If they
are still interested after the interview, they will offer you a place.
Any offer, however, is only conditional at this stage. Applications and
interviews take place several months before students do their A- level
examinations. These are the exams that you do at the end of your time at
school. So, when a university makes an offer, it will tell you the minimum
grades that you will have to get when you do your A-level exams. If you
don’t obtain those grades, then, you will not be able to get the place. It will
be offered to someone else and you must apply again to another university.
You don’t have to accept your place immediately. Some students don’t want
to go straight from school to university. So, after they have taken their A-
level, they take a year out to work or travel.
1. The main idea of the passage is ____________
a. how to be accepted to a university. b. how to take an
A-level examination.
c. studying at a university. d. what to do after
leaving school.
2. The maximum number of universities that a student can apply for is
a. two b. threee c. four d. five
3. If the university is interested in the application, ___________.
a. the student will be offered a place b. the student will have to
attend an interview
c. the student will go straight to the university d. the student will take an A-
level examination
4. Students do their A-level examination ___________.
a. at the beginning of their last year at school b. before they send the
application forms to the universities
c. at the end of their time at school d. right after they receive an
application form
5. If the student’s score is below the minimum grades announced by the
university, _________.
a. the place will be offered to someone b. he must take a year out
c. he mustn’t apply to any other university d. he will be able to get the
VI. Read the passage and choose the best answer a, b, c, or d.
Distant education is rapidly developing approach to instructions throughout the
business. The approach has been widely used by business, industrial, and
medical organizations. For many years, doctors, veterinarians, pharmacists,
engineers, and lawyers have used it to continue their professional education.
Recently, academic instructions have been using distant education to reach a
more diverse and geographically disperse audience not accessible through
traditional classroom instructions.
The distinguishing characteristics of distant education is the separation of the
instructor and students during the learning process. The communication of the
subject matter is primarily to individuals rather than groups. As a consequence,
the course content must be delivered by instruction media.
The media may be primarily printed , as in the case of traditional
correspondence course. Audiocassettes, videotapes, videodisc, computer- based
instructions, and interactive video courses can be sent to individual students. In
addition, radio, broadcast television, tele lectures, and interconferences are
untilized for “live” distant education. The latter two delivery systems allow for
interactive between the instructor and students.
1. “Distant educations is a rapidly developing approach to instructions
throughout the business” means_______.
a. distant education is a form of the on-the- job business training.
b. distant educations develops rapidly into an approach to give instructions
throughout business.
c. on-the-job training is rapidly developed for business students.
d. distant education is another form of traditional classroom instructions
throughout business.
2. The individuals who take part in distant education are often ___________.
a. too busy to participate in the evening class
b. unable to access classroom- based education
c. able to participate in classroom- based education in their free time
d. too busy to participate in computer-based education.
3. The striking characteristics of distant education is that ___________.
a. the instructors and their students are separated during the training
b. the instructors shouldn’t meet their students during the training
c. the cooperation between the instructors and students during the lesson process
is face-to-face communication.
d. the instructor has no contact with the students during the lesson process
4. The course content must be delivered ________.
a. by express mail b. by travelling a long distance of the instructor
c. by using instructional media d. by any means of communication
5. Telelectures and teleconferences allow for _________.
a. no interactive instructions between the instructor and students
b. one-way instruction between the instructor and students
c. traditional correspondence course delivered by instructional media
d. interactive instructions between the instructor and students
VII. Complete the following sentences with the present perfect and present
perfect continuous.
1. David who (enter) has entered employment since leaving school will go to
university soon.
2. Maria (take) has taken two A-levels and one AS-level in English, Maths and
Physics so far.
3. They (use) has been using the Internet to look for the courses which offer
full scholarship.
4. Cambridge University (set) has set the standards for the A-level subjects for
more than 80 years.
5. Our principal (teach) has been teaching A-levels and IB in top academic
schools in the USA and South America for more than 20 years.
VIII. You would like to apply for an English course in England, and ask for
more information. Write sentences, using the words and phrases given.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
1. I/ Vietnamese high school student/ who/ wish / improve/ my English/
I am a Vietnamese high school student who wishes to improve my English in

2. I/ study / England/ because/ I eager/ know / more / Bristish people/ culture

and / way/ life.
I would like to study in England because I am eager to know more about
British people, their culture and way of life.
3. I/ grateful/ if you/ let/ me/ know/ whether/ there/ English Language courses/
year round/ international students.
I would be grateful if you could let me know whether there are English
Language courses all year round for international students.
4. Could you/ please/ tell/ if/ I/ apply online/ courses/ and/ when/ I/ get/
outcome/ my application?
Could you please tell me if I can apply online for courses and when I can get
(the) outcome of my application?
5. I/ looking forward/ your reply soon.
I am looking forward to your reply soon.
Your faithfully,
Le Hoang

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