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For Chapter 1, it is divided into many parts. It comes first with Introduction.

In this part,
it discusses significant ideas which are the topic, importance of the topic, reasons for choosing
the topic, and the purpose of the study. Next to it is the Background of the Study. It is an outline
of elements or issues which leads to the problem and may consists of historical significance
relative to the research problem. Statement of the Problem, on the other hand, consists of general
statement of the entire problem which comprises with specific questions or sub problems into
which the general problem is broken up. Next is the Theoretical Framework is a greatly related
theories and principles that were formed and proven by authorities. This explains what has been
accomplished or what has been stated on the topic or problem that is being investigated. Along
with Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework is an indefinite explanation of the problem
and serves as the basis for the formulation research hypotheses. It becomes the central theme of
the study and a guide in conducting investigation. A Paradigm is a diagrammatic illustration of a
conceptual framework. For Scope and Delimitations, it includes (a) brief statement of the general
purpose of the study, (b) the subject matter and topics researched and discussed (c) the locale of
the study, (d) the population from which the respondents were selected, (e) the period of the
study. Limitations of the study is the weaknesses of the study beyond the researcher’s control.
Next is the Significance of the Study. Herein shows the individuals or groups that will benefit the
research and the possible contribution of the research to the fund of knowledge. Lastly, the
Definition of Terms. Reflected herein are the list of terms and are defined by how they are being
used in the research.

For Chapter 2 known as the Review of Related Literature, this will be the foundation of
the research. This will include foreign and local studies, references, articles, etc. that are related
to the research that are being summarized or paraphrased and not directly copied from the
sources. It ends with the Conclusion. For the conclusion, it discusses how the researcher resolves
the conflict among opposing research findings and this should provide a closure for the review.

For Chapter 3 known as the Methodology, it discusses the in profound detail how the
research is conducted, the research design, and the techniques being used in data gathering. For
the Research Design, it tells what design the researcher used in the research whether it may be
descriptive, instrumental, etc. For the Data Collection, it tells what data collection the researcher
used in the research whether it may be descriptive survey or so. The Sample, on the other hand,
is usually obtained from the population. It tells how the sample accurately signify the population.
This comprises the Ethical Considerations. This involves the letters of permission to conduct the
research and letters of invitation to partake with attached consent forms.

For Chapter 4 known as the Analysis of Data, this comprises the Results of the Study,
Summary of Findings, and the Conclusion. For the Results of the Study, the researcher shall
present all the data gathered in a form of tables or graphs and each shall have interpretation in it.
This will be the basis for the Summary of Findings. This summarizes the interpretation of all the
data gathered given and shall directly answer the statement of the problem presented in chapter
1. In Conclusion, this section serves as the transition and will orient the reader to chapter 5 as
well as summarize the findings in chapter 4.

For Chapter 5 known as the Summary, Discussion, and Conclusion, it comprises with
Summary, Discussion and Recommendation. The objective of the Summary is to refresh the
reader’s understanding about the results and findings of the research. For the Discussion, this is
the part where the researcher states the possible reasons, causes and factors for the results stated
in summary. The researcher shall explain to the reader clearly and will have a better
understanding of the research. Lastly, the Recommendations. This section shall be specific,
logical, and relevant. It should be directing to individuals, organizations and the like, that are
concerned with the issues or to the organizations that can immediately apply the recommended
solutions or more so, present a related topic that is very relevant to the present study that can be
investigated furtherly by the future researchers.
Hello, Babi! Just wanna say I
love you so much. I know u r
tired and stressed out already,
just wanna say how strong and
brave u r in situations u are
currently in right now.
Everything will be fine babi ha.
Smile na diyan 😊 I love you so
much in all ways.

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