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GOMA There are 2 types of

Larong Goma

1. Dampa
2. Throw in the middle
1. This game consist only two

But I will just only discuss about 2. The arena must be in the gather
for the “goma” be able to fell.

3. You will be using your own

two hands to play this game.
By: Joseph O. Gonzales Jr.

STEM 11-15
7. After those, you will now start
the game by choosing who will be
4. Combine your two hands and
the first one to slap the ground and
form a mountain-like with a hole at the
for the “goma” to fell.
front edge like this:

8. When the pieces of “goma” has

already fallen, that pieces of “goma”
should be counted.
5. You will bet the same number
of “goma” as to your opponent.
9. After counting the pieces of
“goma” that has fallen, you will
determine wether the number of
6. After you and your opponent
“goma” that has fallen is odd or
done betting your own “gomas”, the
even. If it is odd, then the fallen
“goma” must be gather at one
pieces of “goma” will be own by the
position like this:
one who slap the ground. But if it is
even, then it will go to the opponent
who didn’t slap the ground.

10. And the game will continue

until all the none of the “goma” left.

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