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Example of two MOSS book pages

Chapter 5: Squirrels and their nuts.

(The Normal Distribution)

Squirrels lovvvvvveeeee eating nuts. Because of their love for nuts, they often stash nuts for
winter. Each squirrel has its own special hole in a tree where it can safely stash its nuts.
Nuts come in all shapes and sizes. Some are………….. and some are …….in size. But most
nuts are of ………. size. So the nuts a squirrel collects could vary in size from ……...
If the squirrels collected all the nuts in the forest and puts them into ………. sizes, then put
them together in a pile so that …………………., the pile of nuts would look like ………. This is
called the normal distribution of nuts.
115 words
Chapter 6 : The …….. steals the squirrels’ nuts.
(Sampling Distribution of the Mean)

Lots of squirrels have been very busy collecting nuts and stashing them in holes all over the
forest. Some squirrels work really hard and fill their trees full of nuts. Others are lazy and
sleep most of the day so they do not have many nuts in their tree. Most squirrels collect
just enough nuts for the winter.
In the local town lives …………. who sells nuts at …………………... He is very lazy and instead of
collecting his own nuts, he steals them from the helpless squirrels. He climbs up each tree
in the entire forest and empties all the nuts from each hole into ……………. When he then
goes to the market where he stacks the sacks …………….. Light sacks at …………….. and really
heavy sacks…....... But because most squirrels collect just enough nut to stash in tress, most
sacks ……………………………..
The shape these sacks ………..………… than the piles of individual nuts. The shape the sacks
form is called a sampling distribution.
194 words

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