Latest Pte Essay Topics

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1. Design of a building is important whether it is for office or

residence. How far do you agree with this statement?
2. Teaching ethics along with the other subjects in schools. Do you
agree or disagree?
3. Usage of credit cards is getting more popular than cash transaction
these days. Which one do you think is better and why?
4. Teenagers are influenced by cinema, music, and sports. They
consider the people involved in these as super heroes. How far do
you agree with this statement?
5. Should children be given access to financial management at an
early age?
6. Should the schools encourage the use of library or the digital
7. Some people think that formal schooling is not needed as
experience teaches us well, Whereas, the rest think otherwise.
What is your stand?
8. Typewriting vs handwriting. Should the schools focus on teaching
typing or on improving the handwriting of students?
9. Should the government spend money on alternative mode of
transport or make more roads?
10. Should the libraries be modernized or more books to be added?
11. Average life span of people is increasing, so there are more old
people in the world. Is it a blessing or a boon?
12. Is cashless society good? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of a cashless society?
13. Does too much time on job affect your personal and private life?
What is your opinion about it? How will it affect you and what are
its solutions?
14. Prisons should be helping convicts to obtain skills that allow them
to re-enter society as productive citizens. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement?
15. Some institutions require students to wear a uniform. What are
the advantages and disadvantages of such a policy?
16. Increasing number of people are becoming vegetarians for both
environmental and health reasons. Do you think the government
should encourage all adults to become vegetarians?
17. Movie stars and celebrities should be good role models and use
their fame to promote worthy causes. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement?
18. Individuals today have more information about health than any
time in the past. Yet people are increasingly suffering from fitness
and diet -related diseases.
19. Why do you think this is happening? What can be done to
prevent it?
20. Some people say that self-driving cars will be a benefit to society,
while others believe they will cause more harm than good. Discuss
both the views and give your opinion.
21. Using the internet, teenagers are able to access more
information than any previous generation. Should this access be
restricted in any way? What might be the result if it is not
22. Gambling is an activity which causes more harm than good and
so should be made illegal in all countries. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement?
23. Advanced medical care has led to increased life expectancy of
people. So, there is more aged population in society. Do you think
this trend has more advantages or disadvantages?
24. Governments should allocate more funds for science projects. Do
you agree or disagree?
25. Spending too much time at work may impact personal life. What
problems does it cause and what solution do you offer?
26. Some people believe that life experience is better than formal
university education and reading books. Do you agree or disagree?
27. In towns and cities large shopping malls should replace the small
local shops. Do you agree or disagree?

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