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Sadeeq Motion Production

Hadi Yusuf Salisu

Youth entrepreneurship development programme

Implemented by:
Central bank of Nigeria (CBN)
In conjunction with
Heritage Bank Nigeria PLC
June/July 2016

Executive Summary

Sadeeq Motion Production is a film production business company located

at No. 1 Akija Hotel, along Katsina Road, Kano, Fagge Local Government
opposite Triumph Pub. Company. The business was formally set up due to
high demand of movies in the state and country in general. Sadeeq Motion
Production unlike a typical café, will provide a unique forum for
communication and entertainment through the medium of the movie.
Sadeeq Motion Production is the answer to increasing demand. The public
wants; (1) access to the methods of communication and volumes of
information now available on the movies, and (2) access to a cost they can
afford and in such a way that they aren’t socially, economically, or
politically isolated (3) provides its customer with other service such as
events coverage (i.e wedding, turbaning naming ceremonies etc),
documentary, series, hire a sound, light and other movies materials. Sadeeq
Motion Production's goal is to provide the community with a social,
educational, services, entertaining and atmosphere for worldwide movies

This business plan is prepared to obtain financing in the amount of

N37,658.000.00 the supplemental financing is required to begin expansion
work on business premises preparation and modifications, equipment
purchases, and to cover expenses in the first year of operations. So far, the
business has total equity of N960,000.

The financing, in addition to the capital contributions from the owner, it

will help Production to successfully open and maintain operations through
year one. The large initial capital investment will allow Sadeeq Motion
Production to provide its customers with a full featured movies and
materials.. a unique, upscale and innovative environment is required to
provide the customer with an atmosphere that will spawn socialization.

Successful operation in year one will provide Sadeeq Motion Production's
with a customer base that will allow it to be self-sufficient in year two and
year three.

1.1 Objectives

Sadeeq Motion Production objectives for the three years of operation


• The creation of a unique, upscale, innovative environment that will

differentiate Sadeeq Motion Production from local production
• Educating the community on what the movie has to offer.
• The formation of an environment that will bring people with diverse
interests and backgrounds together in a common forum.
• Good movie and other production services at a reasonable price.
• Affordable access to the resources of our materials and other
production services.
1.2 Keys to Success

The keys to the success for Sadeeq Motion Production are:

• The creation of a unique, innovative, upscale atmosphere that will

differentiate Sadeeq Motion Production from other local production
• The establishment of Sadeeq Motion Production as a community
hub for enlighten, educate, socialization and entertainment.
• The creation of an environment that won’t intimidate the notice user.
Sadeeq Motion Production will position itself as an educational
resource for individuals wishing to learn about the benefits the
production has to offer.
1.3 Mission

As the popularity of the movie (film production) continues to grow at an
exponential rate, easy and affordable access is quickly becoming a
necessity of life. Sadeeq Motion Production provides communities with the
ability to access the quality and good movie to enjoy and share the
experiences in a comfortable environment. People of all ages and
backgrounds will come to enjoy the unique, upscale, educational and
innovative environment that we provide.

1.4 Risks

The risks involved the starting Sadeeq Motion Production are:

• Will there be a demand for the services offered by Sadeeq Motion

Production in Fagge Local Government Kano?
• Will the popularity of the movie continue to grow, or is the movie a
• Will individuals be willing to pay for the service Sadeeq Motion
Production offers?
2.0 Company summary

Sadeeq Motion Production is located in Akija Hotel opposite Triumph

Publishing Company and will offer the community easy and affordable
access to the movies and production materials. Sadeeq Motion Production
will provide full access to different types of drone, cameras, tripod, bum-
mics and other movies equipments and materials.

Sadeeq Motion Production will appeal to individuals of all ages and

backgrounds. The instructional movie tutorials and the helpful staff that
Sadeeq Motion Production provides, will appeal to the audience that does
not associate themselves with the production age. This educational aspect
will attract younger and elderly members of the community who are rapidly
gaining movie in the unique requires that enlighten and entertainment have

to offer. The Akiya complex will provide business people with convenient
access to their movie needs.

2.1 Company Ownership

Sadeeq Motion Production is a sole proprietorship business which is own

by Sadik S. Hussain and also efficiently manage by him. Sadiq S. Hussain
is a graduate of Aminu College of Islamic and Legal Studies department of
School of Arts and Social Sciences which he was known with
entrepreneurship spirit and has ability to get things done through others.

2.2 Start-Up Summary

Sadeeq Motion Production’s start-up costs will cover movie equipment,

site renovation and modification, capital to cover losses in the first year,
and the communications equipment necessary to get its customer with

The equipment necessary to provide Sadeeq Motion Production’s

customers with a quality movie and other equipment has to offer make up
a large portion of the start-up costs. These costs will include the cameras,
drones and all costs associated with other materials (equipments). Costs
will also be designated for the purchase of those materials, location and
payment of crew and artists.

2.3 Company locations and Facilities

A site has been chosen at Akija Hotel complex Katsina Road. This site was
chosen for various reason, including:

• Proximity to the business community

• Proximity to Katsina Road, parking availability
• High population
• Nearest to school and government institutions

• High visibility

All of these qualities are consistent with Sadeeq Motion Production's goal
of providing a central hub of entertainment, enlighten and communication
for the community.

3.0 Services

Sadeeq Motion Production will provide enough movies and production

equipment. We also provides with the following services such as wedding,
turbaning, naming coverage, documentaries will also be available to the
customer. Sadeeq Motion Production will also provide customers with a
unique and innovative environment for enjoyment.

3.1 Competitive Comparison

Sadeeq Motion Production is the first movie production company in the

environment of Akija Hotel, Fagge Local Government. Sadeeq Motion
Production come into being as result of customers need. It was observed
that the Katsina Road is one of the largest area in centre of city with almost
750% of the area population, with all the markets potentiality Katsina Road
doesn't any production company were you buy movie, hire production
equipment, etc. with no access to any materials of shooting movie,
documentary etc, so if someone wanted to do anything that has to do with
movie he/she has to go out to nearby area such as 'Yankura Market, Bata
market etc in order to satisfy his need. So Sadeeq Motion Production has
differentiated it's with other production company by providing good movie,
equipment etc at Katsina Road.

3.2 Service Description

Sadeeq Motion Production will provide its customers with good movie,
qualitative equipment. Some of the equipments (materials) available to
Sadeeq Motion Production are listed below:

• Good and blockbuster movies.

• Cameras: Mac 3 Canoon, Z7, Black Magic Ursa mini pro 4.6k will
be available.
• Quadcopter Drone etc, will be available
• Different types of Lens
• Any types of Tripod
• Any types of Radio Mic and Bum Mic etc
• Any types of Light
• Costumes
• Experience Crews

Sadeeq Motion Production will also provide its customers with access to
introductory film production classes. These classes will be held in the
weekly. By providing these classes, Sadeeq Motion Production will build
a client base familiar with its services.

3.3 Fulfillment

Sadeeq Motion Production will obtain computer registration from

Corporation Affairs Commission. And a registered member of Arewa Film
Markers Association (AFMA)

3.4 Technology

Sadeeq Motion Production will invest in high-qualities equipment to

provide its customers with a good and efficient materials. The equipments
will be reliable and fun to work with. Sadeeq Motion Production will
continue to upgrade and modify the equipments to stay current with

modern technology. One of the main attractions associated with movie in
the state of the art equipment available for use.

3.5 Future Services

As Sadeeq Motion Production grows, more entertainment system will be

added. The possibility of additional units has been accounted for in the
current floor plan. As the demand for quality movie increases, along with
the increase in competition, Sadeeq Motion Production will continue to add
new materials and services to keep its customer base coming back for more
available things.

4.0 Market Analysis

Sadeeq Motion Production is faced with the exciting opportunity of being

the first-mover in the Katsina Road area. The consistent popularity of
production company, combined with the growing interest in the movie
industry, has been proven to be a winning concept in other markets and
will produce the same results in state and country as the whole.

4.1 Target Market Segment Strategy

Sadeeq Motion Production intends to cater to people who want a guided

tour on their first spin around the film equipments and to experienced users
eager to indulge their passion for movie in a social setting. Furthermore,
Sadeeq Motion Production will be a magnet for local and traveling who
desire to watch a movies.

4.1.1 Market Trends

A market survey was conducted in the fall of 2016. Key questions were
asked of fifty potential customers. Some key findings include:

• 35 subjects said they would be willing to buy a plate CD for home

• 200 naira per 1 plate of CD.
• 24 subjects use cinema for regular basis.
• For hire a movie equipments and other service we provides,
customer fully ready to pay for the services.
4.1.2 Market Needs

Factors such as current trends, addiction and historical sales plate CD

ensure that the high demand for films will remain constant over the next
five years. The rapid growth of the movie services, that has been witnessed
worldwide, is only the tip of the iceberg. The potential growth of the movie
is enormous. Being the first film production company in Katsina Road,
Sadeeq Motion Production will enjoy the first-mover advantages of name
recognition and customer loyalty. Initially, Sadeeq Motion Production will
hold a 100 percent share of the Sadeeq Motion Production market in its
business location. In the next five years, competitors will enter the market.
Sadeeq Motion Production has set a goal to maintain greater than a 50
percent market share.

4.2 Market Segmentation

Sadeeq Motion Production's customers can be divided into two groups. The
first group is familiar with the movie and desires a progressive and inviting
atmosphere where they can watch at home or offices and enjoy themselves.
The second group; a few is not fully familiar with the movie, yet, and is
just waiting for the right opportunity to get the access of the movie. Sadeeq
Motion Production's target market falls anywhere between the ages of 18
and 50. This extremely wide range of ages is due to the fact that movie
appeal to a variety of people. In addition to these two broad categories,
Sadeeq Motion Production's target market can be divided into more
specific market segments. The majority of these individuals are women

(housewives), youths and even a layman. See the Market Analysis chart
and table below for more specifics

4.3 Business Analysis

The movie business in the state experienced rapid growth at the beginning
of the decade and is now moving into the mature stage of its life cycle.
Many factors contribute to the large demand our businesses.

Due to intense competition, business company owners must look for ways
to differentiate their place of business from others in order to achieve and
maintain a competitive advantage. The founder of Sadeeq Motion
Production realizes the need for differentiation and strongly believes that
combining a production with complete movies services is the key to
success. The fact that no productions companies are situated in Katsina
Road before, presents Sadeeq Motion Production have already got the
chance to enter the window of opportunity and enter into a profitable niché
in the market.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

The main competitors in our business such as Bata Market, Wambai

Market, etc. These businesses are located in main markets of the city, and
target a similar segment to Sadeeq Motion Production's (i.e. buys and sales,
production etc).

Competition from productions providers comes from locally-owned

businesses as well as national firms. This number is expected to growth
with the increasing demand for movies access.

Business Participants

There are many productions companies in Fagge Local Government as the
whole. The Competition in both channels creates an even amount of
bargaining power between client in extremely competitive pricing.

4.3.2 Distributing a Service

The dual product/service nature of Sadeeq Motion Production's business

faces competition on two levels. Sadeeq Motion Production competes not
only with other productions companies but also with shops and malls
whose are not limit their business only to sale of provisions and other
goods. The good news is that Sadeeq Motion Production does not currently
face any direct competition from other productions in the state.

5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary

Sadeeq Motion Production has three main strategies. The first strategy
focuses on attracting movie-lover. By providing a good movie, Sadeeq
Motion Production hopes to enlighten, educated and entertain a customer
with satisfaction.

The second and most important, strategy focuses on pulling in filmmakers.

Filmmakers have knowledge and experience that in film attractive and

The third strategy focuses on building a social environment for Sadeeq

Motion Production customers. Once on location at Sadeeq Motion
Production, these customers that came for the more standard entertainment
offerings, will realize the potential entertainment value the Internet can

5.1 Strategy Pyramid

The following subtopics provide an overview of Sadeeq Motion
Production's three key strategies. Strategy pyramid graphics are presented
in the appendix of this plan.

5.1.1 Attract Power Internet Users

Sadeeq Motion Production second strategy will be focused on attracting

movies maker. Filmmakers provide an important function at Sadeeq
Motion Production. Sadeeq Motion Production plans on attracting this type
of customer by:

• Providing the latest in digital filmmaking.

• Providing digital equipments.
• Providing access to other world film industry.

5.1.2 Social Hub

The third strategy focuses on building a social environment for Sadeeq

Motion Production customers. A social environment, that provides
entertainment, will serve to attract customers that wouldn’t normally think
about film making. Once on location at Sadeeq Motion Production, these
customers that came for the more standard entertainment offerings, will
realize the potential entertainment value the movie can provide.

5.2 SWOT Analysis

The SWOT analysis provides us with an opportunity to examine the

internal strengths and weaknesses Sadeeq Motion Production must
address. It also allows us to examine the opportunities presented to Sadeeq
Motion Production as well as potential threats.

Sadeeq Motion Production has a valuable inventory of strengths that will

help it succeed. These strengths include: a knowledgeable and friendly

staff, state-of-the-art movie equipments, and a clear vision of the market
need. Strengths are valuable, but it is also important to realize the
weaknesses Sadeeq Motion Production must address. These weaknesses
include: a dependence on quickly changing technology, and the cost factor
associated with keeping state-of-the art movie equipments.

Sadeeq Motion Production’s strengths will help it capitalize on emerging

opportunities. These opportunities include, but are not limited to, a growing
population of movie-lover, and the growing social bonds fostered by the
new movie communities. Threats that Sadeeq Motion Production should
be aware of include, the rapidly falling cost of movies plate CD and
emerging local competitors.

5.2.1 Weaknesses
1. A dependence on quickly changing technology. Sadeeq Motion
Production is a place for people to experience the new technology.
The technology that is the movie equipment changes rapidly.
Product lifecycles are measured in months not years. Sadeeq Motion
Production needs to keep up with the new equipments because a lot
of the Sadeeq Motion Production experience is for new icons.
2. Cost factors associated with keeping equipment. Keeping up with
new equipments is an expensive undertaking. Sadeeq Motion
Production needs to balance equipments needs with the other needs
of the business. One aspect of the business can’t be sacrifice for the
5.2.2 Opportunities
1. Growing of population daily movie-lover and handset with quality
video apps. As the population of daily internet users increases, so
will the need for the services Smart cyber café offers.

2. Social bonds fostered by the new world of movie. The cellular is
bringing people from across the world together unlike any other
communication medium. These programs will be designed to build
customer loyalty.
5.2.3 Threats
1. Rapidly falling cost of plate CD. The cost of plate CD for home users
is dropping rapidly. Movie on CD or even in download kiosk may
become so cheap and affordable that nobody will be willing to pay
more for getting it. Sadeeq Motion Production is aware of this threat
and will closely monitor pricing.
2. Emerging local competitors. Currently, Sadeeq Motion Production
is enjoying a first-mover advantage in the production market at the
Katsina Road. However, additional competitors are on the horizon,
and we need to be prepared for their entry into the market. Many of
our programs will be designed to build customer loyalty, and it is
our hope that our quality service and up-scale ambiance won’t be
easily duplicated.
5.2.4 Strengths
1. Knowledgeable and friendly staff. We’ve gone to great lengths at
Sadeeq Motion Production to find people with a passion for teaching
and sharing their filmmaking experiences. Our staff is both
knowledgeable and eager to please.
2. State-of-the art equipment. Part of the Sadeeq Motion Production
experience includes access to state-of-the art movie equipment. Our
customers enjoy beautiful quality equipments.
3. Upscale ambiance. When you walk into Sadeeq Motion Production,
you’ll feel the technology. High backed mahogany booths with new
modern cameras. Large round tables with displays viewable from
above provide a forum for larger gatherings and friendly “how-to”
became a filmmaker. Aluminum track lighting and art from local
artists sets the mood. Last but not least, quality cappuccino machines
and a glass pastry display case provide enticing refreshments.
4. Clear vision of the market need. Sadeeq Motion Production knows
what it takes to build an upscale production company. We know the
customers, we know the equipment, and we know how to build the
service that will bring the two together.
5.3 Competitive Edge

Sadeeq Motion Production will follow a differentiation strategy to achieve

a competitive advantage in the film market. By providing good production,
Sadeeq Motion Production separates itself from all other production in
Kano. In addition, Sadeeq Motion Production provides a comfortable
environment, distinguishing itself from other production providers in state
as the whole.

5.4 Marketing Strategy

Sadeeq Motion Production will position itself as an upscale production

company. It will serve high-quality movie at a competitive price. Due to
the number of production in Eugene, it is important that Sadeeq Motion
Production sets fair prices for its production. Sadeeq Motion Production
will use advertising as its main source of promotion. Ads placed in The
Register Guard, Eugene Weekly, and the Emerald will help build customer

5.5 Sales Strategy

As a retail establishment, Sadeeq Motion Production employs people to

handle sales transactions. Filmmaker is a requirement for Sadeeq Motion
Production employees. If an employee does not possess basic filmmaking
when they are hired they are trained by our full-time experiences. Our full-

time filmmaker is also available for customers in need of assistance.
Sadeeq Motion Production’s commitment to friendly, helpful service is one
of the key factors that distinguishes Sadeeq Motion Production from other
film production company.


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