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Curriculum Development (Educt.

2nd Sem SY 2019-2020


I. Reflect

1. How would you describe a school curriculum where the intended outcomes do
not match with the implemented activities and achieved outcomes?

I would describe a school curriculum where the intended outcomes do not match with
the implemented activities and the achieved outcomes as an unplanned, unassisted,
unevaluated properly and a kind of ridiculous curriculum. It is not studied carefully.
How would you make a school curriculum where the goals and objectives, the
activities implemented and the achieved outcome are not match? Would you imagine
that?!Where can you find that kind of curriculum? It is just a product of being lazy, not
wise and not quality work.

2. In writing your lesson plan, would you consider matching the intended,
implemented and achieved curriculum? Why?
Yes, because if you will not match intended, implemented and achieved curriculum,
you will never accomplished your desired outputs. In order for you to obtain your
goals and objectives and get the learning outcomes you are targeting, you should
master it with the activities you are going to implement. 

II. Reflect

1. What is your concept about criteria and criteria for curriculum assessment?

Criteria area a sets standards to be followed in assessment. Specifically, as they

apply to curriculum, criteria are set of standards upon which the different elements of
the curriculum are being tested. The criteria will determine the different levels of
competencies or proficiency of acceptable task performance.

2. What do you mean by your concept on criteria?

What I mean in my concept on criteria is that it serves as a guidelines or basis on

standards to be followed for decision making.
3. Were there some areas you have examined to get your ideas? How did you

There were some areas that I have examined to get the idea about criteria in curriculum
assessment, like for examples in areas of subject like, Principle of Teaching 1 and 2,
educational technology 1 and 2 and such, wherein they always consider all things about
curriculum which is one of the major factor for the success of teaching and learning
process. Another example is the Educational Technology, now that we are in 21st
century they integrate the technology in teaching and learning process. In that way how
to conceptualizes ideas.

4. Is there another way to think about the criteria for curriculum assessment?

Yes, I believe that there still another way to think about the criteria for curriculum
assessment is because everything continually changing.

5. How are your concepts different from others?

My own concept and the concept of other are not different from each other. There are
many similarities although there is still a minimal difference. The reason why I say this is
because we are all depends on the basic or primary knowledge in a curriculum
development. We based on the given information of it.

III. Reflect
1. What is your definition and description of assessment strategies and tools in
assessing curriculum?

According to Lucas and Corpus (2007), assessment as a process of gathering

information about students’ learning and then analyzing and interpreting them for the
purpose of making decisions. They further assert that assessment may involve, among
others, activities such as administering different kinds of written observation of behaviour
or performance, examination of work samples, use of checklist, and interview. Okano, as
cited in Cohen et al. (1997) stresses that assessment is being used, on the one hand, for
educational improvement, increase school effectiveness and curriculum reforms, and on
the others, for political control of teachers, students and curricula, centralized policy
making, narrow accountability, credentials, educational selection, and the determination
of life chances in competitive markets. Through the use of above information as a
foundation of our learning, we define assessment strategies as a process, methods, or
techniques that can be used to determine the quantity and quality of students’ learning
development in terms of three domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor).

2. What do you mean by your own definition and description?

What I mean in my definition and description of assessment strategies and tools, is,
assessment strategies are the structure through which students’ skills and knowledge
are assessed. To do this, you have to utilize different tools. The selection of strategy is
determined both by what is to assessed and the reasons or purposes for the
assessment. And also, assessment strategies is somehow similar to some teaching
3. How did you arrive at your definition and description?

Arrive to this definition and description by depending on the general facts or primary

information about curriculum assessment. And also, I depend on knowledge that I gain

from the other subject areas and other sources.

4. What does your description imply in terms of your beliefs and values?

My definition and description implies that in assessing curriculum, you should not only
base on cognitive-based assessment but also to affective-based assessment. You
should also consider the affective characteristics and or qualities as factors towards a
comprehensive assessment.
5. How do your definitions and description differ from the rest of the group?

We have some similarities, because, we all depend on fixed information, general facts
and truths about curriculum development through our experiences, observations, and
also because of different resources.

6. How else can you describe the different assessment strategies and tools?

The quality of any assessment depends first and foremost on the clarity and
appropriateness of the definitions of the achievement target to be assessed it cannot
assess academic achievement effectively if we do not know and understand what that
valued target is.

1. What do you think would be the consequences if :

a) Curriculum does not relate to instruction?
b) Instruction does not relate to assessment?
c) Assessment does not relate to curriculum?

Assessments do not function in isolation; an assessment’s effectiveness in improving

learning depends on its relationships to curriculum and instruction. Ideally, instruction is

faithful and effective in relation to curriculum, and assessment reflects curriculum in such

a way that it reinforces the best practices in instruction. In actuality, however, the

relationships among assessment, curriculum, and instruction are not always ideal. Often

assessment taps only a subset of curriculum and without regard to instruction, and can

narrow and distort instruction in unintended ways (Klein, Hamilton, McCaffrey, and

Stecher, 2000; Koretz and Barron, 1998; Linn, 2000; National Research Council [NRC],


2. In your experience as a learner, does your curriculum provide this connection or

matching? What is the implication of this lesson to your becoming a teacher?

Yes , it provides  Appropriate assessment needs to be incorporated into

the learning process so that teachers and students can determine whether

the learning goals are being achieved - in time to do something about shortcomings

before the course is over. As a future educator it is very  important for educators to

understand the differences in their students' learning styles, so that they can implement

best practice strategies into their daily activities, curriculum and assessments.


1. If you are at present a classroom teacher, what innovation in curriculum will

you introduce? Describe the innovation. Why will you introduce it?

If I were a teacher now I will make most innovative and creative classrooms. I will focus
on some of the most creative and innovative areas I've practiced or have seen over the
past decade across classrooms. To create an innovative, open, creative and trustworthy
place for students to grow, take risks, and feel comfortable in their own patterns of
learning, there are a few key actions teachers can take to create a more innovative and
entrepreneurial classroom. The ability for students to connect, grow and innovate not
only with class content, but also with each other, the world around them and with me,
was the culture I developed in the classroom.

2. Can you give justification why future teachers like you would welcome

Because Innovation in education involves constant collaboration with colleagues -- a

total last-minute redo of a teacher's lesson plan because there was something else out

there that he or she just had to try, a change in the direction of a class because the

students are driving the instruction,Innovation in education is about more than just

technology. It's about how you can use technology to empower students to become

lifelong learners who are agents of change.

There is no single definition of innovation in education. One thing is for sure: Innovation

has a very important place in education.

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