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Individual Assignment 30%

Create a case study from a company/ firm of your choice. You are appointed a manager for International
expansion of the company/firm. You will have to convince the CEO and Board of Directors that
international expansion is vital to the company

Week 14


Coursework Details

Contribution to the final grade 30% of the module final mark


Create a case study from a company/firm of your choice. You are appointed a manager for International
expansion of the company/ firm. You will have to convince the CEO and Board of Directors that
international expansion is vital to the company. For the purpose of expansion you will have to provide in
a written form your analysis, focusing on the following:

Country profile overview on the Country you intent to expand (i.e. focus on costs and benefits of
expanding to the chosen Country)

Critically address the Cultural implications (i.e. elements of culture).

Provide the mode of penetrating the market (i.e. export, franchise, offshore production etc.)

By using the knowledge gained during the course, critically asses the pertinent issues in the case of your

Learning outcome

Upon completion of the coursework , you will be able to:

Implement principles and tools of International Business Management

Cultural implications when considering expanding cross-border

Conduct economic, social, and demographic analysis

Formulate penetration strategy

Detailed Description

Front Page: Presenting a title for the coursework and the name of the student/ID number

Abstract: One paragraph Maximum 180 words The mode of expansion Results achieved Any other
relevant information

Table of content: Incorporate all titles and subtitles of the coursework

Introduction: Up to 1 page Brief introduction, focus on international/cross border expansion Briefly
describe the analysis by briefly explaining each title/subtitle

Company profile

Present a clear description of the company and their potential for expansion. Make sure that the
opportunity for cross-border expansion stands out Estimation of financial implications 1/2 page to 1

Literature Review Up to 3 pages Make sure that you clearly synthesize, compare and contrast on the
matter: “Country profile overview on the Country you intent to expand (i.e. focus on costs and benefits
of expanding to the chosen Country)

Critically address the Cultural implications (i.e. elements of culture). Provide the mode of penetrating
the market (i.e. export, franchise, offshore production etc.)”

Cross-border expansion justification 1 to 2 pages Based on the literature, what prospects will expansion

Cross –border expansion implementation 1 to 2 pages Provide the steps to be taken into consideration
for cross-border expansion

Conclusion Up to 1 page Bring together all information presented in the analysis Provide a clear
recommendation for the company.

References At least 10 references Harvard reference style should be used

*Note; the coursework should be in the limit of 3500 to 4000 words excluding: first page, abstract, table
of contents and references.


Students are expected to submit the coursework prior to the 14th week of lectures.


Failure to acknowledging the authorship of another’s work or ideas is a breach of ethical standards,
(Imperial College London, 2017) and plagiarism is taken very seriously at PECB University

Citing Sources and References

In line with Academic Ethical Standards, citing sources is a critical element when writing academic
papers. It is very important that every section that is borrowed from any kind of external source
(literature), either directly or indirectly; or even ‘getting an idea’ by reading some literature must be
cited right away. An exhaustive list of all cited sources is to be listed in the Bibliography section of the
Proper referencing:

1. Proves that the paper is well documented and based on sufficient credible academic sources.

2. All ideas, direct/indirect citations can be traced back to its origin, ensuring its credibility and quality.
3. Failure to acknowledging the authorship of another’s work or ideas is a breach of ethical standards,
(Imperial College London, 2017) and plagiarism is taken very seriously at PECB University.

The referencing model to be used in this course is the Harvard Citation Style, APA or MLA (as advised by
the course instructor)

MS Word (version 2007 and above) has a very user-friendly referencing method; found under the
‘References’ tab. From there, ‘Insert a Citation’ provides the opportunity to add new sources or cite the
same source multiple times (if applicable); and will also automatically list the Bibliography by simply
clicking Bibliography and clicking one of the formats.

For assistance on how to cite sources properly, please contact

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