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TABLE S.1 Comparison of State Government Under Ayub and Bhutto est Advanced jntry — Expansion of the capitalist Mose ot production. Industnia con Enretion 22 bg bustles nace —gieht modieation of Serta” Ble. SP aretucuon Rowah hy” conserve and orm and te Green Revohiton Tee denetion of the Festal mode tye coptalst mode Industry — The dominance of capita fas heckedsighly through the ldvelopment of the poblic vector and SMUTTOS POPULIST MOVEMENT | 9) ‘mediation between the various competing interests or clases. Bhutto was 5. ‘primarily motivated by animus dominand, that, through the aggandiernent apart Sate (Ayub) eee ears eae aos ener Pap aerator arenes ee in cir oe ome eee Be ie papemrenyy cei pupenepepetey ee Mer pgp tetra ble nbcoge Gate GE punter n ie wi weayoat imate ome a Popeye lemme Soap aetna SS ee eee Soe eae ee ns erg iin Oe ‘State Istruments Se af Sere ee So BES cs ae Sot nee caer eeget Sas ee eee ‘reser politi contol ans maa ‘One ao needs to analyze how Bhutto came to terms with the external See oe aay ne AM we ce ron an = saeutin of sme of the bse Metts Contain mode ot prota MOO ir got teen tered Rema (Ble te pate ctor ad ao Pet ithe aaonaied ecto Managets in public sector think Ske tins what hos emeaed onder Se Mtoatued setor form of st cain wer "hen torte mney ‘Site’ the conde expanded tote spss fnerpence of ml tough suid innate become Be prosperous Nascent class comslousness among the tenants and landlem. laborers ho freee minor benefits tom the Tato rnsne lke the oll price increase to his own advantage. It was true that Pakistan's boaknce of payment suffered asa esut of the increase in ol pies, but the conomie boom thatthe Middle East expenenced in the wake of the ol price increawe was captalized on by Pakistan th iy of increasing the ‘outflow of Pakistan labor to the Middle Cas strc Bhutto could aa cae credit for having been sucoesfl in trating Arab and Iaaninvestnents Before an atemp is made to evaluate fuly Bhutto's Bonapartist eyime an asestment wl be given of some of ls majoe polices auch at thote lating to land forms, industry, and laber. Polis sesgned to increase central contol ‘autonomy of the civil wervice rer the regions ar assed inthe next chaps AGRARIAN REFORMS. sacks Expansion ofthe police force and roman ofthe Federal Secunty Under Bhutto's land reforms, landholdings wer nied to 150 aces of /) irigated land nthe fat. phate (1972) anda 10-100_as nthe second! phase (1977). For unigaed lan, the ceiling was 300 acres in 1972 and 200 in 1977. The power and influence of the big and medium-daed landlords did not “The Bonaparte wants to domi undemg any drastic change because ofthese land reforms, The limts were fixed Sate stares ater ha ‘n ferms of the individeal and aot funy holdings, withthe result that any landlotds managed to get acoupd the Uittions on ing by transfeting land capita cases, to relatives. According o one ofthe charges Tey the martial [nw east tt, he and fis fray owned 2,200 acres of agdealtul land, Thi became %0 {2 | POLITICS INPAKISTAN posible because Bhutto transfered par of Ws land to some tuned and {pendable persons, making paper eansaction ‘Siniy, I ha been estimated tat if alowanees like tractor and tubewell allowances in terms of produce 1972, were taken into acount, Tan el sbowe the fixed cedings of 150 acres the following istics buat umber of scret Lyla 1208 Oktes vase os tor sitter 2400 That Mavetcpeh Die. khan Shawna Penawer Mircon litease Novsbah ‘Ths the way the big and ound the mater of land ce their suppor. Bhutto was also Ipumbet of small pensants and tenant, parila Upto their landlords a thei political fenders the and efor grou main REVE WE a a pind Satya effect levis pois! poe should remain in his hands. He was prepare eat tthe ae tne he wate 0 make a a fake the pine mnier, was he source of al beets and a necurd to them under the new reforms. In November 1975, the ae inter announced that small landowners owning up. 12 ats riahts payment of lind tevenve, Felting t land revenue. It A a cle omic Pa Sefauesoe mau Mort 35 on een ee a en be supa kat man. 18722 nes .ddition, Bhutto offered 5 marlas of land for building houses to ans, farm laborers, of tenants whb did not owt houses. 3, Pakistan, roe vino were atin rte that the transfer remained-no-mo:e than & Index units allowable under the land reforms of amily of five members could possess rignted nei " Sing exlans ow Bhutto vas ble to mancin Shrew enough to eee that because 2 Iaee Sind, comtinued 1 fo imi tere to enforce Priced 1 to se the landlords a his political it very cleat othe small peasants ion farmers in Punjab, 1.74 milion in “Thus, by ths decision alone the prime 5 Marla Scherre BHUTTO'S POPULIST MOVEMENT / 93, ‘According to a goverment survey as many as 1.2 milion people were clipe fr aloument of such residential pls but he actual numberof persons ‘who applied foc such plos was slightly over 800,000 In Punjab, according 12 foverniment sources, over 600,000 plots were allotted to such applicants.” ‘Thus if the 7.27 milion cukivators who had been exempted from land revenue sud rouphly 700,000 artisans, farm laborers, and tenants who had been fiver reidenta plots a8 aed together, one could say there were over 8 lion direct bese saies fom these two messuten Te fnot being sugested that because ofthese benefits the peasants, enans, and other groups bad become totally committed supporters of the Bhutto Tepe. What being imped isthe extent of support that Bhutto had stated {or hime I may ao be plated out tata mere exemption fom land revenie ‘or the allotment of esienta pos or lands made aralabe to some thousands of farmers under the land reforms had not made any major dents nthe poverty ‘that existed inthe rural areas. But Bhuto's great comtubution was that he had suse both a ew hope and political conscoustes among these class tht, tren certain decane pois on the putt of the government, thei lot could femprove. Accoding tothe evidence produced by the supporter of the Bho regime, © province ke Sind the combined result of land reforms and other Pwovidons under which the landlord was required to pay the tenant’ share of land revenue Besies rowing seeds tothe tenant was wich thatthe cultivators income had doubled, ‘Table 5.2 indicates the numberof famiies who benefited from the various sgracian reform, It may be noted that when land way alloted tothe pesents ‘under the land reforms or residential plots/under the rasa cher each such tantee as given am official certificate that clearly sated that these bets had teen conferred on him because Zlfkar Ali Bhutto as chaman ofthe Paistsn People's party and a prime miaistr of Pakistan, ha fled the promises that tu had made to the peaants of Pakistan. The cerufcate also read that afte ‘TABLE S.2 Estimated Redistribution of Cultivable Land ‘Acres ‘Benefiting imitions) ‘Femiies Land eform, 1959 and 1972 14 130,000 Total ra seglatios, 1972 o4 40,000 Lind efor, 1977 0 40,000 Peasants cater, 1976 20 100,000 ‘Serer Tie furs ave bee Shin fom Fel Land Common wor BHUTTO'S POPULIST MOVEMENT / 95 NATIONALIZATION OF INDUSTRIES 4 | POLITICS INPAKISTAN cemuries of servitude, the peasant was able t0 enjoy such rights and benefits in dignity and honor? The parallel between this station and that described by Kar Mate in The Eghtoenth Bromaire of Lous Bonaparte is cevealng ‘ey (he peut} ae enue cpt of efor te fpr gegen ereg nies Ce ae cmaton. Thay cease repeat emacies hey Ua eral Choma ad Ceramics Corporation enter eae oe eee os ere = Feral Lit Engineering Corporation FLED) hed mutans an mthonty ver hem, ss an eimied governmental ‘Navionl Deg nda ert Corporation (NDISC) geese Pee an caper tran FC aera rst ma oot enc Devos Co on, ‘Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation (PASMIC) ae Sa conn Cope hat’ plan was 1 bing the ene network ofthe aatn esonomy Sis HetyEagneering nd Machine To Corporation SHE fol Caprtin SHE & TC) ander the control of the government. Between the ur ling, cotton ginning Seas fe, Earring sd Ma snd ice hasking mill, which numbered nearly 2000 throughout the county Refinery an Peiochpmical Corpration PERAC) ind the milionsofeultvators stood the arti (middleman, who made his prof ‘Tis meant tht tobe Be se of captl-ntensine nature like ron and sce, re fScng ach rodacs an ping tem om fo the mis The bi nd tase neta, han exper SESE Sie ht oduct wey tthe mals. The gat majo ofthe Irate, cia eeernt: ee sme sono asenbly snd Sn cuned by pate cps, hough some wee ao owed by heb Tm nce SEB a mace cma, precy inset eyes of Bhat, ich meen shoul een, Pete scot wa th retied manly fo ek Mt oe a Tone, be ummecnoed that the goremment would nationalize cotton gonig facture of paper and consumer goods Indus mcho senso eas) sing mills and thse four ming operons tat diated maybe sen fo Ta tha he pu eco ds re i hcugh tne provstonlng nem. Mite dered at ‘eaten of the pole sector eas “ar ger thus at of he atonal SF andensng nthe indutalsctor in 1972" wih a uno g peat 1 on ropes" Mh ro osd concoions emerge from ths ana of Bh rapes The fst cnc that Bhutto es Lg to es dl ‘Meier i wns the landlord or the small pesat or the tenant othe at Peat and Public Sector, TPS inte up tothe ures beneath ha a pes, curtent price) SEP cE nd fo imal Sopp ol be ge. Sod, ple ee ee ee tee Sosa mae that fry water ws the lune TABLE $3 Industrial Investment (in millions of roe ‘Pubte ivetnent as all peasant of the tenant of the landless laborer, received some ber z Mipere, iPheakes |. roa | rammed Tus the antagonism that might have been arowied between these ae eh trcnuse of his hetois were modified or Kept under contro by the way. Parente Bi. ones ss find veforms were implemented, AS seen, even though the size ofthe aa BY tia0 a ings had been drastically reduced, the landlords were allowed to retain tore egy 2 gies date 2 thei lands within tei fabs theough various Ioophoes and evasion. I Wisse ane, cee 5 true that ol many peasants, tenants and landless laborers had bes Tee ag ies cage Sam % (dec from these and reforms, but they could find some satisfaction i eno + fnew benefits that wete made avaiable inthe form of residential plots Sure: Dae obit tom Sais Dion, Mini of ime ‘exemption of land venue sj roumies nranistan "Tc fe ; he? rom as high as 93 percent of total industrial investment in 1 starting fe ndusal investment in 1976-77. This decine Gecined to 29 percent of toa separate venient wns largely caused by the contin fe ve anatsaion tr spite of government assurances tothe contrary after the ist rant of eaonatzations in 1972, otbet sector Uke shipping banking, and ttle pee were nationalaed in subsequent years Another constant ceeatint UF the prmatesecor wat thé rapid cost inflation brought about by ier wage demands and lower labor productivity. Following these rational saarens and the erosion of confidence on the part of the priate sector, there ‘Rok plac considerable fight of capita othe Midle East and Britain. he objectives of the fist major nationalizations of basic nase a nate deca My Goverment i committed to eliminate the concentration of Tonos power in order that a0 singe entrepreneur or a ouP of Should obtain control 9f the strate eights of the dominant poston againet the publi terest. of Furter tnteprenear 1 was significant that Bhutto's declaration was couched in negative terms, that ty Re was thinking maily in terms of denying to the prte sector she ‘Bivol of the strategic eights of the economy. He was not thinking i terms Sr'the pub sector occupying the commanding heights of the economy with ew te determining the diection of the rest of the esonomy along certain evelopment lines THe pronouncements often crested the impression that he and his aise hd noc Unoopht the srtegy through, As has een sugested earber, the Bona is veime wat more intrested in amassing, power and denying it 10 its aorem than hnking wht sould do wth the amassed power. From the an) of industries that were assigned tothe 10 sector corporations, one could tee that they were all heny,eaptalntenive industries and therefore not ely iS pamvrte much employment. By the end of December 1976, the rota employ: ‘eeht ofthe 10 sector corporations beloaging tothe BIM group was 61,731. One ‘ula ste the slaivelyinagifieantcontbution thatthe corporations made to fhe overall employment situation in Pakstan when the annul incase in the ruts lbor force was supposed tobe aun 600 00. Sina, it has been SRiumaed thatthe biggest public sector project, the Karachi Steel Mil with a al cost of $14 talon, and fertizer projects costing $200 malin eacy itr so capital intensive thatthe ivestmeat cost per job amounted to $100, $300 000. ‘One would aio expet that one ofthe major social bene created byt public sector industis would be the provision of inexpensive consumer Por the common man. The private sector in a country Uke Pakistan was kly to inate or invest in industries producing inexpensive consumer gods BHUTTOS roPULIsT MOVEMENT / 97 ‘8 eed rominny aheMeof pne ers eo te low profit margins in such industries. Therefore it was rasa hes eto ad svat connie’ Yo te women an ee arcs ‘were made available for the betterment of the re cation cat rrincome groups. One could see that with its concent pete ini, pe wr wt x Uy pay machetes oo oe Act. promotion of heavy industries and the overriding ene veloping an industry like steel created the impression that Avior) donated by ivi an nwt nye owe 1 ethane Pastas national pate sad poe create jobs for profesional and mi SM ft otetonl and midlet groups ie leven, engine, Sahil practic a abd pnp ih song on Eve though the bom of decom of enrpicssuiomiscl 1) abolished, shareholders still continued to have thelr pee inate cpa, State cpa wo Aonapae ad wouldnt nd to say © the sect. From the ey es oul be ro along sound alized management and the {led mataenes an he manent ol ole ul eb = id corporate planning. In the early stages, Reine cae "pertaining to labor ad employment te Beams she atom. hy ua ‘ve een 1 eur hd of the Naoal Fees Corporation ex ted lop bot ec smaunizedecnibetion nd dl ld abou eaance ihe power of te wl gs a nb ey ‘twas sted tha the teeters ont te ander which tee would be dere Apes anda the sme ine theo ation autor nan eps? sn | FOLITICS IN PAKISTAN ace an nxdemialy uae tie you make Bim seit You ute satis more and ote out ese and et heh YO cadualy a a vigion and develop hi into «anager ada eal om and then fly ao #09 Manse, O86 fee ams ew and ies about more and BO atc pates and hs sate aia became ile with state beara prats 2 ‘et lng he coon of rcmaard manne, Mae a soc otros ing to expen and opr pat eames wes ans be mms te opr iad eon A an fed tothe ger authorities inthe stor : ra ane ts tan fed coon, ee na any une oH Managemen 5m ete ta eiaon” and, management, they tended to ct) st ato tie noe an aces of th pate entree ate. The cae vslon was thal the eat sector almost aWays Ope 1 therefore was efficient, whereas the publi sector BHUTTO'S POPULIST MOVEMENT J 99 In sway, Bhutto had tied the political balance in favor of soca and nationalization of industries. If socialism and astionaliation of indstis had ot brought about many tangible benefits to industrial labor and lower ncome UPS at least expectations had been aroused thatthe state could take ver ferlain sectors of the economy to ensure 4 more equitable distbution of Fesourees and economic power. Again, a8 rent ofthe zhetorc of arc Socialism and the discomfort the business and industal groups faced following the nationalization of industries, there had taken pce in Pakistan a polaiaton between the consertive partes lke the Muslin League, the Jamat sam nd the Tehrklstaglal and other less conservative and even rales! groups ‘that existed within the PPP. The PPP was being attacked becuse was nos Eni opinion bat a pry hs as cng une neigh of the landowning groups. : ‘a LawoR PoLicy ‘Sind bres cs mites rane onfored inte nomad pis con ot en orate that th BM ihre bth om he tes ope Corpstion ube! of ae pn na beeen Corin mune re one ek efter psa, Ae seein at ot pret ok ce i dram nt Ne of prem gy of potion Mb sn ee ed unger tcp One nn a sig tt tpn sade re nPu eig SN ton Wh en ated a the 196 cu et pdt n aan 19664 nol amc ha in nto 04 pcm we men rien Sa rf eal tht dered Pitan i Par onc us on ocrerenecee D rances se ym i le ma Ms it eee cetera eg 7M nn ea Se mmmy aa ng i oo ston om sein paying pict compat woe owe nerf ons nL Payal Ge 171) ae pgen een eng anon ge as an an, Te oe carmen on pb rl ae ath ny eae exper, The ana Aa Ka ings si Jareaycrats “who have not served in factories in their entte practh = i ae mre be said that as a result of the policies aaa a Seay he soe ma cen eM Pe Table SA indicates the mumber of workers employed in the principal ‘ndustal seas of Pakistan in 1970-71. The table shows that workers woe concentrated in the industrial cies of Karachi, Lahore, Faulaba, Multan, Sitame : ade pias Jn Karachi and Lahore, thee were two des ~ Landhi Koran in Kr areas — Landh Kran in Karachi sd Kot Lakpath in Lahore ~ tht emerged atthe main centers of both labor concentration and potential abr turbulence, It may be oted that there wats step increase in oth the number of trade unions andthe membership daring ‘he Bhutto perod, 197277. In 1972, there were 4452 trade unions wih 525,052 members, whereas in 1976 thee were as many as 8611 trade unions See Seep of Paka’ econ 2 RUT ie deges of ube stl over doy a ca tem nibanes tren andecnons Tg too j POLITICS IN PAKISTAN sean a mempentp of 7162331, Some, of he te eon Eee wih a EPMA? fhe hd po Unk. wo ei lai a on vers ough i Inks wih ie er ea fr the akan People's party the a ten cee BS Me comes De Eten DLY LUIS ATIC’ nit 0 ndtv nroduced aor egation eth ws ES Fen penton TO Inns A tk SOP ey ke mee nee agar gia say tmTDACN Of SOT sce, 2 ST da 19727 Unie the Lab On were made sl rin name Nae 12 A eth Reo te uns, nd adions eon A, worker wat are ng rth coeine DRAIN EEC oma St pe or coun theca of spend MTF OS Tabor disputes. dare if ayae coven ot Wn, ea al Bs Te art nd rng tmnt yeah a § alt OFS Petar Pa ease ince conten at ry ould etre 2 Rad oso gh amazes raitancy tn don, eS * ema oni hr, Tire ws wll One tos trad been unduly rote ty the government 10 eect Consumes and expo ome of the ade un fenders, was constant ‘hase bis wealth through hard wor ena Hed whose. plferage of pobbally,Povec! ory fad ao, toes aeons ae eto, bal owes See nfanay 1972 number inte wee sono pu wc one forme TS (ne eo ues (ie ln Na sed Ca a) 208 ot a pcaed nd being take cso om wo itt waxed coqunnton ibe set of th Bae syne Ma ayy ston oy. VA ne ea NY ned ams and sre ofthe conceasOs eie et saute Books or inthe proces of being ected, sarge of gerao (orl concent of Ow camp workers wt they aged to ther dean fry by weteroed PPP gover, the works tow a SO Unde weapon oc een doy actos and nual PORT, hens ang the scceplance of tet demands foe NEN SIN etectnin wegne.They meobaly fo fed Pe Suction because the conpicvous consume Of avert ante aiisson of the prenous £o¥ ae ed eed in eendng nl 0 i voli acon thet the system was based o oth OIA jood, in a radical departure from fi no phenomenon of Pakistan. in the ‘earlier works, rointory light of the colonial experience, The British, No forces as well tho establishment of Pakistan and during Its early yours, pitor the neo Tho Ayub regime is soon a colonial dimension, BN In conclusion, fityation in Pakistan and the imperatives of the ex ables, auggasting that “cartain fundamental changes are afoot The Nature and Direction of Change Pakistani niverwitin, but also a wick, OURO Organization, Gover he Fonative Pi a 2 & & 6 8 a ee SNe

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