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Characteristic Normal finding/s Actual Finding Implication Interpretation
Color Yellow, amber, nearly Yellow Checking the color and Based on the actual
colorless or transparent clarity of the urine sample is findings, the patient’s urine
the first test performed. The color is normal.
urine sample is visually
examined for color, with
"yellow," "straw," or "nearly
colorless" being typical
normal values. Abnormal
colors are possible: orange
can be a side effect of a
prescription medication,
brown and pink may indicate
the presence of blood, and
dark yellow can mean
Appearance Clear clear Infection may cause urine to Based on the actual
become cloudy, giving it a findings, the patient’s urine
hazy appearance. appearance is clear, which
is a normal finding.
Sugar negative negative Finding glucose in the urine Based on the actual findings
is not a normal finding. the patient’s urine is
Typically, this is found in negative for sugar which is a
patients with diabetes. normal finding.
Mucous negative negative Mucus in the urine indicates Based on the actual finding,
Bacterial Infection. the patient is negative for
mucous, which is a normal
Pus cells negative negative Pus cells in the urine The patient’s urine is
indicate infection. negative for pus cells, which
is a normal finding
RBC negative negative Significant numbers of RBC The patient’s urine is
in the urine typically indicate negative for RBC, which is a
the presence of infection. normal finding.
Bacteria negative Negative The presence of bacteria The patient’s urine is
may indicate an infection or negative for bacteria, which
contamination of the sample. is a normal finding.
pH 7.35-7.45 4.5 Urine become increasingly Encourage the patient to
acidic as the amount of increase fluid intake and
sodium and excess acid food intake such us citrus
retained by is increasing. fruits and green leafy
Specific gravity 1.010-1.025 1.020 This portion of the test Based on the actual
determines how findings, the patient’s urine
concentrated the urine is. If specific gravity is in normal
the patient is dehydrated, for range.
example, the specific gravity
will be high. If the person is
very well-hydrated, a lower
result is expected.
Albumin negative negative Finding protein in the urine Based on the actual
is not a normal finding. findings, the patient is
Seriously elevated levels negative for albumin which
may indicate that there is a is a normal finding.
problem with kidney
Characteristics Normal Finding/s Actual Finding/s Implication/s Interpretation
Hgb Concentration 135-160 139 g/l A decrease Hgb indicates Based on the actual
anemia, severe findings, patient’s
hemorrhage, cancer, kidney hemoglobin concentration is
disease and splenomegaly. within normal range.
Increased Hgb indicates
polycythemia vera,
dehydration, COPD and
high altitudes.
Leucocytes 4.5 - 10 10.2 Elevated leucocytes usually Based on the actual findings
indicates infection, tissue the patient’s leucocytes are
inflammation or tissue slightly elevated but still it
necrosis. A decreased should be referred to the
leucocyte indicates a attending physician.
decrease in production or
an increased destruction of
the cells.
Segmenters 0.55 - 0.65 0.47 Segmenters increases The patient had decreased
during a bacterial infection. Segmenters. This abnormal
Decrease Segmenters finding should be referred to
increases the risk of the patient’s attending
bacterial infection. physician because decrease
Segmenters increases the
risk of bacterial infection.
Lymphocytes 0.25 - 0.40 0.44 Elevated lymphocyte The patient had increased
indicates a viral infection lymphocytes. This abnormal
and chronic infection. finding should be referred
Lowered lymphocytes immediately to the patient’s
usually indicate attending physician because
immunodeficiency disease. this may indicate that the
patient had an infection or
ongoing infection.
Monocytes 0.02 - 0.06 0.08 Elevated Monocytes The patient had increased
indicates inflammatory Monocytes. This abnormal
disorders: viral infection finding should be referred
such as mononucleosis, immediately to the patient’s
tuberculosis, chronic attending physician because
ulcerative colitis and this may indicate that the
parasites such as those patient had an infection.
associated with malaria.
Monocytes can be
decreased in prednisone
therapy, overwhelming
infections, aplastic anemia
and HIV infection.
Eosinophils 0 - 0.04 0.01 Elevated eosinophils indicate Based on the actual
parasitic infections, allergic findings, the patient’s
reaction, eczema, leukemia eosinophils are within
and autoimmune diseases. normal range.
Eosinophils will decrease if
there is an increase of
adrenosteroid production.
Thrombocytopenia 150 - 300 238 g/L Increased thrombocytopenia Based on the actual
indicates polycythemia vera, findings, the patient’s
post Splenectomy thrombocytopenia is within
syndrome, rheumatoid normal range.
arthritis and can occur in
malignant disorders.
Decrease thrombocytopenia
indicates hemorrhage and
can occur in idiopathic
thrombocytopenic Purpura,
leukemia, chemotherapy,
DIC and increased use or
destruction of platelet.
Hematocrit 0.39 – 0.49 0.46 Low hematocrit indicates Based on the actual
anemia, normal pregnancy, findings, the patient’s
hemorrhage and leukemia. hematocrit is within normal
Elevated Hct indicates range.
polycythemia vera,
Eclampsia, dehydration and

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