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Capstone Business

Simulation Report 14/40


Rufino Luis Sebastian A. Galvez

Michael Omie F. Llaguno
Allessandro Martinno M. Muhlach
Elijah Luis B. Sumanga


La Salle Green Hills

October 2019
Introduction ………………………………………………

Vision – Mission ………………………………………………

Summary of Business Plan ………………………………………………

Environmental Analysis ………………………………………………

Implementation Report ………………………………………………

Human Resource ………………………………………………
Management …
Operations ………………………………………………

Marketing ………………………………………………

Financial Resources ………………………………………………

Innovation ………………………………………………

Evaluation of the Simulation ………………………………………………

Human Resource ………………………………………………
Management …
Operations ………………………………………………

Marketing ………………………………………………

Financial Resources ………………………………………………

Innovation Techniques ………………………………………………

Corporate Social ………………………………………………
Responsibility …

Challenges and Group Reflection ………………………………………………

Challenges ………………………………………………

Group Reflection ………………………………………………

Recommendations ………………………………………………

References ………………………………………………



MISSION *write your thoughts in a complete sentence. Expound on this as well -1

TyFlo Co. aims provide the finest service to the people with visual disability.
This can be achieved through the advancement of the technology of the contemporary
period. to create a world that supports the visually disabled where they are given the
tools to function as healthy people.

VISION *why is this an entire sentence? It use your punctuations properly. -1

The company aims to use business to inspire and implement solutions to the
people who have disabilities. Inspire the world with technologies integrated into the
lives of the disabled. Create products and designs catered to those disabled in pursuit
of creating equal functionality between the disabled and the fully able. Finally, open
blind minds to the needs of those less fortunate in life.

SUMMARY OF BUSINESS PLAN *where are your headings? Keep it. - 1

The company strives to find ways for the disabled to function better and equally as a
fully functioning human. The world, as TyFlo sees it, is changing and it is the company’s duty as
well to accommodate the company’s fellow man, whether they be without an eye, leg or any
other body part, in this developing world. Humans and social beings must create an
environment where all persons may function just as well as any other Human. TyFlo aspires to
create a business environment that caters to the needs of the disabled.
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TyFlo’s first ever product comes in the form of Braille Stickers. The product also teaches
Braille to Braille teachers in training and the visually disabled who do not understand Braille.
The product is important as even in the modern day, the visually disabled are disadvantaged in
their life and it is our job to help make their lives much more comfortable and accepting. The
company undertook the product as a means of improving the lives of the handicapped.
Business Tool (pakidagdag)
The company will use social media as a means of advertising. It aims to use social
media to build company reputation and spread awareness through different advertisements
created by the Marketing and Advertising Department.
Target Market
The company’s target market are the businesses and institutions looking to create a
more blind-friendly environment in which the blind may function as well as a non-disabled
person. An example of an institution within the company target market is the Philippine National
School for the Blind. The school is a special institution for blind people completing Elementary
and High School education.
There were no major findings or results as of yet. Experimentation and more research
on the subject of Braille and visually disabled should be done to have major results that would
contribute to our business. With Braille Stickers as the figurehead for future developments,
TyFlo will be able to utilize technology in improving the quality of life for all. *what part of the
paper is this?
*no target market? Specific business tools? -2


The environmental analysis for the business brought significant findings to the
different aspects of the company's environment. These aspects are Politico-legal, Economic,
Company name

Social, Technological, and Environmental.

Politico-legal *no citation and expound on this as well -1

Braille stickers addresses the Law and Policy for the P.W.D., specifically RA 7277,
an act for providing the rehabilitation, self-development, and self-reliance of disabled
persons and their integration into the mainstream of society and for other purposes.

Economic *no citation and expound on this as well -1

The product caters to the low to middle income portion of society by providing
cheap and affordable stickers. From the words of the World Health Organization, blind
adults have a much harder time finding work, and such, lose their self-esteem and social

Social *no citation and expound on this as well -1

the product caters to this by its marketing on social media and contact with the
assistants of the blind who the stickers are being sold to.

Technology *no citation and expound on this as well -1

The technology being used to produce these stickers is the embosser used to
make these stickers by printing out the different words needed on the sticker.

Environmental *no citation and expound on this as well -1

The Braille stickers however have no effect on the environment as this is meant
to be used in a business setting and for the identification of items.

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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT *expound on your duties, don’t just have

it in a sentence or two - 2

As a partnership, Tyflo Co. assigns Michael Llaguno as the Operations Manager,

he oversees operations in the production of the product, Braille stickers, and ensures
no halts in production. This involves the acquiring of required equipment, hiring of
employees, implementing of company rules and policies, and overseeing of the
operations itself. Elijah Sumanga is assigned as the Financial Manager, he oversees the
distribution of financial resources in the acquiring of several assets such as equipment
needed by the company. This includes the approval of budgets, control over company
purchases, and control over the company bank account. Sebastian Galvez is assigned
as the Public Relations Officer, he oversees the meeting with establishments such as
schools, groceries and other business firms looking to buy the product. This involves
keeping a positive relationship with the company’s business partners, ensuring that the
name and integrity of the company is protected, and the proper handling of situations
such as scandals and legal issues, Allessandro Muhlach is assigned as the Marketing
and Advertising Head, he oversees the marketing campaigns aimed at spreading
awareness of the product and need for Braille stickers. This involves the creation of
different advertisements to spread awareness on why Braille literacy is important for
the blind, spreading of these advertisements on social media and television.


First step in operation would be embossing of Braille on the stickers. In putting these
Braille to the sticker Tyflo Co. will use a machine that is called an embosser. After embossing of
Company name

stickers, Second step of the operation would be to organize the stickers, by organizing Tyflo Co.
is going to cut this stickers into an appropriate size that would fit into the packaging. Third step
is quality control. In quality control Tyflo Co. will ensure that the stickers manufactured are not

defective. Fourth step is the packaging of the stickers, it would be packed in a box. One box
contains 15 stickers. Fifth and final step is to sell the stickers. It would be sold to the assistant
of the visually impaired.

MARKETING *keep your headings (all 4Ps) and again, don’t just state it,
discuss thoroughly -2
The Price of the Braille Stickers starts at P165 -P199 depending on the customization of
the Braille Stickers.
The Place would be direct from the Tyflo Company and the target market would be
Philippine National School for the Blind (PNSB) and other blind or visually impaired institutions.
Other institutions or businesses include but are not limited to supermarkets, groceries, office
work spaces and more. The reason for the company choosing these types of places is the
companys goal to encourage and support blind-friendly environments whether is be in a
shopping setting, work setting and other areas.
The Main Product is the Braille Stickers, advanced Braille Stickers leading edge
performance high quality stickers and very affordable. This product aims to allow the blind to
better identify the different brands of items or contents of a container which they hold. These
include soda brands, sachet packs, flasks, food containers, ketchup bottles, mayonnaise bottles,
and other such items.

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The Promotion would be widespread launch in social media, radio advertising and word
of mouth by going to blind or visually impaired institutions. This is to provide more background

into the situation of the blind and why Braille stickers are needed. The goal of promotion is to
convince the target market to purchase and partner with the company.

FINANCIAL RESOURCES *keep your headings and discuss each heading

thoroughly -2

The Product Cost of the Braille Stickers is P150 to produce, 10 pesos to produce each
Braille Stickers, sold in packs of 15 Braille Stickers *breakdown?. The Tyflo Co. distribution
channel is the Manila Box Distribution and the Deployment Cost is P70 Flat.
The Marketing Cost for advertising is free because the Tyflo Co. is using the social
media platform and personal selling by going to the Blind and visually impaired institutions.
The Tyflo Co. is providing an address for the location of the company, email address and
telephone numbers for the customer’s concerns and feedback.


The product is new to the Philippine Market because Braille is only used for reading text
and education purposes. The Braille Stickers are used to identify surroundings, label
condiments, bottles, personal belongings and other things that the customers wants to label.
Compared to the other assistive devices, Tyflo Co.’s product uses the knowledge of the blind
into beneficial use.

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HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT *evaluate the roles in detail -1

Michael Llaguno President of Operations performed excellent in the overseeing of the

production of the stickers and packaging of these stickers. Elijah Sumanga, President of Finance
performed well in managing the company's funds and resources to aid operations in operating
efficiently. Sebastian Galvez, President of Public Relations he related well to the customers and
was able to convince businesses and schools such as the Philippine National School for the Blind
to partner with the company and has continued to maintain a good relationship with these
companies. Sandro Muhlach, President of Marketing and Advertising marketed the stickers to
the target market well which aided Public Relations in convincing customers to buy the product.

All departments performed exceptionally well in their respective fields. Public Relations
and marketing performed well in the selling of the stickers. Operations and Finance were able
to ensure a smooth flow of production and distribution of resources. Overall the company did
well throughout the development and production of the stickers.

OPERATIONS *what about? You did not evaluate your Operations. You just
stated it. -2

First step in operation would be embossing of Braille on the stickers. In putting these
Braille to the sticker Tyflo Co. will use a machine that is called an embosser. After embossing of
stickers, these pack of stickers were handled very well in order for these stickers to be

Second step of the operation would be to organize the stickers, by organizing Tyflo Co.
is going to cut this stickers into an appropriate size that would fit into the packaging. In
organizing the stickers, dimensin
Company name

Third step is quality control. In quality control Tyflo Co. will ensure that the stickers
manufactured are not defective. Fourth step is the packaging of the stickers, it would be packed

in a box. One box contains 15 stickers. Fifth and final step is to sell the stickers. It would be
sold to the assistant of the visually impaired.

MARKETING *keep your headings and evaluate each heading thoroughly -2

The proper promotion and implementation of the stickers succeeded and was very
effective because of the Marketing department. The stickers may be able to penetrate the
Philippine market if this continues to do so. The encouragement of the use of Braille labels in
the different businesses may also happen if marketing continues to be efficient. Customers liked
the affordability of the product. The Philippine National School for the Blind is one of the top
customers of the company. The promotion as said, was successful due to the marketing
department. The stickers were received well by the public and is said to aid the blind population

FINANCIAL STATEMENT *keep your headings and evaluate each heading

thoroughly -2

The Financial Statement for the Braille Stickers is a little bit expensive for a production
cost because the company pays 150 Pesos for 30 stickers and we sell it for 165 Pesos to 199
Pesos depending on the customization of the Braille Stickers. The company’s goal is to give the
blind and the visually impaired an affordable product for them, the company can earn profit but
it will be slow due to low pricing.

INNOVATION TECHNIQUES *no content for this? -3

The innovation that was incorporated is the putting of stickers into Braille.
Based on the prototype that was made to be used for experimentation in Practical
Research 2, it showed that the stickers are very effective in identifying the objects
presented to the sample. With the help of Resources of the Blind the product was
made possible due to their Braille Embosser.


The company chose the Philippine National School for the Blind as its beneficiary. The
school will make use of the Braille sticks for educational purposes. The company chose the
Philippine National School for the Blind because of the assistance received by the school during
the development and research of the product. The company wishes to aid the school with it's
product. The goal of the company in regards to corporate social responsibility is to have a
partnership agreement between the company and the school. The stickers will aid the blind in
identifying different items such as soda brands, sachet brands, and other items with different
branding. The company advocates the use of these stickers in pursuit of an environment where
the blind will be able to function just as efficiently as a non-disabled person.

Company name

*present the internal challenges that you had
as well -1

The company faced different challenges throughout the development of the Braille
stickers. Each member of the company had trouble with putting time and effort into the
company as their personal lives would interrupt meeting times and coordination. These
problems however were overlooked. The designing of the stickers was one initial problem the
researchers had. However, through consultation with the principal of the Philippine National
School of the Blind, the company was able to create a design that can be easily used by the
blind. Another challenge the company faced was the initial decision to produce the product
through 3D printing. This proved to be expensive however when the company consulted with a
3D printing store, the company found that the price for a single unit would have been more
than 700 pesos and would take a week to produce. As an alternative, the company decided to
use a Braille embosser to lessen the costs of production. These challenges were difficult for the
company however, each issue received the appropriate solution.

The company had to do extensive research on the product. The company went to Pasay
city and the Cubao area to finalize the design of the stickers. It was a tedious process but the
company was able to complete the task and build a bond throughout the development process.
The company also felt more connected with it's beneficiaries when the research and experiment
was performed. The company was able to interact with students of the Philippine National
School for the Blind. The school was very courteous and helpful when the company asked for
assistance in understanding Braille. The company feels more motivated to aid the blind with its
product. The company hopes to gain more opportunities to bond and interact with the blind.
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RECOMMENDATIONS *mind your spacing
The recommendations of the researchers for opportunities, is to go for a larger
community of blind people, such as those found in different countries and organizations. The
researchers also recommend forming a partnership with different organizations, businesses, and
schools that sponsor the visually impaired. The researchers recommend as well to make the
products made in other papers to be cheap for the blind as some of them can’t afford that

Threats that the researchers recommend taking a look into is new Braille technology
that would affect any braille or blind product of upcoming papers. Another threat the
researchers recommend looking into are the Braille companies in the country and around the
world, as they may hamper any development of Braille-related products since there is a
possibility the companies have something better.

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World Health Organization (2017, July 20). Socio economic aspects of blindness and visual
impairment. Retrieved from

National Council on Disability Affairs (n.d.). RA 7277 – An Act Providing For The Rehabilitation,
Self-Development And Self-Reliance Of Disabled Person And Their Integration Into The
Mainstream Of Society And For Other Purposes. Retrieved from

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