AutoCAD Practical File

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Generating graphics is one of the most exciting applications of computers. Most of the
interactions of the user with the computers happen via GUI (Graphical User Interface). The
field of generating graphics is not restricted to providing GUI but has been extended to work
with many simple and complex engineering graphics and fruitful results have been obtained
in designing many softwares centred on graphics that can be classified under a broad category
of graphics software.
Drafting softwares are a part of this classification and are of predominant interest to
most engineers working on product design and development. Starting from only 2D in mid-
70’s to now advance 3D options and also working around with finer points of generated
drawings like features, surfaces, textures, layers etc.
CAD stands for Computer Aided Drawing but also referred to as Computer Aided
Drafting sometimes. Sometimes integrated term CADD is used. The drafting is an integral
part of design. However, not only drawings in 2D and 3D, but many numerical techniques are
built in modules for further analysis of the drawing including simulation, animation etc.
AutoCAD is general CAD software for preparing 2D drawings and 3D models. It
provides a full range of drafting tools that allow creating accurate and realistic images. It is of
great use to Mechanical, Civil and Architectural engineers. As well it is used for art,
designing printing Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), tailoring and fashion designing purposes
Computer aided Drafting has many advantages over manual drawing. Some such
advantages are:
1) Capability of making drawings of any size
2) Excellent quality of drawing less dependent of skill of worker
3) Ease in editing at no cost of drawing’s quality etc.
4) Enlargement or reduction possible as per availability of any size of paper
5) Drawing can be magnified wholly or partially
6) Line thicknesses can be varied and consistently used as the requirement be
7) Commonly used components can be restored for use whenever required
8) Dimension ability in different units
9) Many hatching patterns available for representing different materials conventionally

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10) Repeated objects can be copied in large nos. easily
11) 3D drawings possible along with advanced features like simulation and animation etc.
12) CAD software can be integrated with manufacturing, process planning etc.
13) Drawings can be programmed to make them parametric using AUTOLISP or C
14) Drawings can be linked with design or manufacturing packages as ANSYS, PRO-E,
Result: The introduction to AutoCAD was successfully done.

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As visible from the main screen of AutoCAD, there are generally few toolbars that
appear automatically. As well the toolbars being mobile can be turned off by just clicking on
the ‘X’ close button on the right corner of toolbar (when it is floating in the window).
Toolbars can easily be turned on / off by either selecting / deselecting them from the toolbars
dialog box (obtained through Tools / View menu) or by selecting them from the list of
toolbars obtained by right-clicking on any tool. A brief description of general AutoCAD
toolbars is as under:
1. 3D Orbit Contains tools to control 3D views.
2. Dimension Contains commands for dimensioning the drawing objects.
3. Draw Contains commands for creating common objects as lines, circles etc.
4. Inquiry Contains commands for finding distances, point co-ordinates, areas etc.
5. Insert Contains tools for importing other drawings, raster images & OLE objects.
6. Layouts Contains commands for setting up layouts for viewing, printing & plotting.
7. Modify Contains commands for editing existing objects as copy, rotate, erase etc.
8. Modify II Contains commands for editing complex objects such as polylines,
multilines, 3D solids and hatchings etc.
9. Object Properties Contains commands for manipulating the properties of objects.
10. Object Snap Contains tools to select specific reference points on objects such as
endpoints, centre-points, perpendicular location etc.
11. Refedit Contains commands that allow changing symbols or background drawings
that are imported as external reference drawings.
12. Reference Contains commands that control cross referencing of drawings.
13. Render Contains commands to operate the rendering feature of AutoCAD.
14. Shade Contains tools to control the way 3D models appear.
15. Solids Contains tools for creating solids.
16. Solids editing Contains tools for editing 3D solids.
17. Standard Contains the most frequently used tools for view control, file management
& editing.
18. Surfaces Contains tools for creating 3D surfaces
19. UCS I Contains tools for setting up of plane on which to work, which is most
useful for 3D modelling and helpful in 2D drafting as well.
20. UCS II Contains tools for selection among pre-defined user coordinate systems.
21. View Contains the tools to monitor the way the 3D models are viewed.
22. Viewports Contains tools for creating and editing multiple views of the drawing.
23. Web It has the tools for accessing the world wide web.
24. Zoom Contains the tools for enlarging & reducing or moving the drawing.

The various drawing tools as such, are available on the drawing toolbar.

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The tools serve functions as follows:
1. Line Used to draw open or closed line entities.
2. Construction Line Used to draw an infinity length reference line in any direction.
3. Polyline Used to draw open or closed irregular polygons just as by line
4. Polygon Used to draw regular polygons of 3 to 1024 number of sides.
5. Rectangle Used to draw rectangles.
6. Arc Used to draw incomplete circles or arcs.
7. Circle Used to draw circles.
8. Rev Cloud Used to draw revolution clouds.
9. Spline Used to draw splines.
10. Ellipse Used to draw ellipses.
11. Elliptical arc Used to draw incomplete arcs i.e. elliptical arcs.
12. Insert Block Used to insert an existing block into the drawing.
13. Make Block Used to create Blocks of existing entities.
14. Point Used to insert points on the drawing at desired locations.
15. Hatch Used to add hatching in any object.
16. Region Used to define a specific region in the drawing area.
17. Text Used to add text blocks in the drawing.

Result: The purpose of various toolbars of AutoCAD was successfully understood.

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To start working with AutoCAD, either the icon on the windows desktop is doubled-
clicked or the program is chosen from the start menu. As per the version of AutoCAD, it
displays either the AutoCAD GUI screen at the instant (AutoCAD 2004) or the Startup
Dialog Box (AutoCAD 2000). The startup dialog box can be turned on optionally in the
AutoCAD 2004 also.

The Startup Dialog Box (AutoCAD 2004)

The startup dialog box displays four buttons at upper left corner giving options for setting a
new drawing or selecting an existing drawing or using templates or wizards. The middle
portion displays information, depending on the active button out of four. To begin a new
1. The ‘Start from Scratch’ button is pressed.
2. The units are chosen from the setting appearing in middle portion.
3. Accepting the OK button, the AutoCAD GUI screen appears.
The AutoCAD screen is divided in the following areas:
1. Title Bar. The title bar along the top of the window, in general, shows the name of
the program and the name of current file on the left. On the right corner of the title bar, three
buttons for Minimize, Restore Maximize or Close the window are available.

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Title Bar

Menu Bar

Toolbars Draw Toolbar

Cross Hair Cursor

Drawing Area / Document


UCS Icon

Command Box
Status Bar

The Graphical User Interface of AutoCAD2004

2.Menu Bar. Located just below the title bar, it provides pull down menus containing
various commands for use.
Pull-Down Menus contain most of the commands for use in software and are
arranged in a hierarchical manner. For example, the commands for opening, closing, saving
or plotting a file are available in File menu and commands for drawing objects are available
in Draw menu. An underlined character in menu or command name corresponds to access
key, which may be pressed to serve the function. For invoking menu bar, ALT key is pressed
3. Toolbars (Standard, Object Properties, Draw or Modify etc.). The pull-down
menus offer a full range of the commands to be used. However, they require an effort to
navigate. Hence, quick, single click access to commonly used commands is available through
toolbars. Toolbars are mobile i.e. they can float anywhere in window or docked against the
top or side borders.

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To help the user understand or know the function served by a particular tool, a Tool
Tip appears just below a tool as one scrolls mouse over it, indicating the tool name and
simultaneously, the status bar displays the function it serves.
4. Drawing Area or Document Window. This area extends just similar to a drawing
board in drawing hall, where, some drawing can be prepared and worked on. By default, on
the drawing area, two elements are viewed: User Coordinate System (UCS) icon & Cross-
Hair Cursor. The UCS icon, in lower left corner, tells orientation of drawing. The Cross-Hair
Cursor is default appearance of the mouse cursor on screen. The cursor appearance changes
depending on command in use. The cross–hair cursor has a plus sign with a box at its centre.
The intersection point of cursor position corresponds to a specific point within the drawing.
The box (called pick box) selects various objects.
5. Command Window. It is located below the drawing area. Here, commands are
conveyed to AutoCAD through keyboard. i.e. A command is typed in & enter is pressed to
execute it.
6. Status Ba. Status bar displays cursor position and status of various modes. It has
SNAP, GRID, ORTHO, POLAR Tracking, Object SNAP etc. modes, that can be toggled
on/off by clicking them.
Result: The introduction to AutoCAD was successfully done.

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LINE: A line is probably the most commonly used object in engineering/machine drawing. A
line, in general, is the shortest distance between two points in space.
CIRCLE: A circle is locus of a point, such that it remains at a fixed distance from a fixed
point, called its centre.
ARC: An arc is a portion of a circle. Hence, an arc is also locus of a point, such that it
remains at a fixed distance (radius) from a fixed point called its center, but does not meet
itself after revolving round the center.
POLYGON: A polygon is termed as a polyline object, in general. In AutoCAD, the polygon
command is used to create regular polygons of 3 to 1024 sides.

Procedure: LINE: Choose Line button on toolbar or through draw menu or key in ‘line’
or ‘l’ in command box.
1) Specify the start point. Specify starting point of line with mouse or through keyboard
2) Complete the line segment by specifying an endpoint. To undo the previous line segment
during the LINE command, enter ‘u’.
3) Specify the endpoints of any additional line segments.
4) Press ENTER or ESC to end or ‘c’ to close a series of line segments.
CONTINUE: Continues a line from the endpoint of the recently drawn line or arc.
Specify first point: Press ENTER to continue from the last drawn line or arc.
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: Specify another point i.e. end point of this line. The line
such drawn will be tangential to, if the previous object is arc.
Recently drawn line Recently drawn arc
End point of arc, start
Last end point of line, point of
Start point of new line new line

Continue Method
CLOSE: Joins current point with the start point, which forms a closed loop of line
segment. It is used having drawn a series of two or more segments.

At here, press ‘c’

Starting point IInd point

Close Method

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Different modes of drawing a line:
Absolute Coordinate Mode: In this mode, the format of 2.8,2.25
entering the command value is (x,y) i.e. all points or 3.7,2
coordinates values refer back to the origin (0,0) & every
point is described as its displacement from x and y axis. 1,1 3,1
Polar Coordinate Mode: In this mode, the format of
entering the command value is @ Length of line < @0.8<52
Angle. Here, the @ symbol resets the previous point as
the origin (0,0) and the length sought extends through
the angle specified after the symbol ‘<’. 0,0 @1<0
Relative Coordinate Mode: This mode is combination
of the above both. Here, the format of entering the @0,1 @2,0
command value is @ x,y. @ symbol resets the previous
point as origin (0,0) and the next point is described as by
its coordinate value relative to the point achieved earlier. 5,5 @2,0

CIRCLE: Specifying the centre and radius method is the default method of drawing a
circle. However, there are other methods to draw a circle as:
 Specifying centre and diameter
 Specifying two points – endpoints for the diameter
 3 points on circumference that are tangent to three existing objects
 Generating a circle specifying a radius tangent to two objects

From the draw toolbar, or from menu, or from the command box, circle command is chosen.
At this, AutoCAD prompts : Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr(tan tan radius)]:
 3P – specify 3 points on circle ● 2P – specify 2 points on circle

Choosing requisite option : 3P or 2P or Ttr or the centre-point coordinate value is keyed in at

this, to continue with drawing the circle.
Radius Diameter 3P 2P Ttr
Radius/Diameter method: Then radius or diameter(after entering ‘d’) should be specified.
3 Points method : Three points on the periphery of the circle are specified.
2 Points method : Two points on the periphery of the circle are specified.

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[Ttr] Tangent method : Key in ‘Ttr’ in the command box, or only ‘t’ and select two
objects to which the circle be tangent and specify radius of circle.
The circle is drawn and the commands ends.
ARC: In AutoCAD, the default method to draw an arc is to specify 3 points – Start
point, second point and an end point. The basic modes of drawing arc are discussed as below:

3-points method: 3 points are specified to obtain an arc passing through them.
3P Start, Center Start, End Center, Start Continue
Start, Center method: Here start point, center point are specified first. Then, either
end point of the arc; or the angle subtended by arc or the
length of the chord of arc is specified to get arc.
Start, End method: In this method, starting point and end point are specified first
and the arc is completed by specifying angle subtended by
the arc or the direction from the start point to the end point or
the radius of the arc.
Center, Start method: In this method center point and the starting point of the arc
are specified first. Then the arc is completed by specifying
either end point or the angle subtended by the arc or the
length of its chord.
Continue method: This is the method, in which arc is drawn tangent to and
extending from the last object drawn in the drawing, just
similarly to continue method of drawing a line.
A polygon is drawn as by entering ‘Polygon’ command. Then :
Enter number of sides <current>: Enter a value between 3 and 1024 or press ENTER to
accept the current value
Specify center of polygon or [Edge]: Specify a point or enter e
Center of Polygon: Defines the center of the polygon.
Enter an option [Inscribed in circle/Circumscribed about circle] <current>: Enter i or c or
press ENTER to accept the current value
Inscribed in Circle: Specify the radius of circle on which all vertices of
the polygon lie.

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Specify radius of circle: Specify a point or enter a value
Specifying the radius determines the rotation and size of the polygon. Specifying the radius
with a value draws the bottom edge of the polygon
at the current snap rotation angle.

Circumscribed about Circle: Specify the distance from the center of the
polygon to the midpoints of the edges of the polygon.
Specify radius of circle: Specify a distance. This determines the rotation
and size of the polygon.
Defines a polygon by specifying the endpoints of the first edge.
Specify first endpoint of edge: Specify a point (1) 2
Specify second endpoint of edge: Specify a point (2)
Result: The phenomena of drawing a line was successfully studied.

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Having drawn an object, it generally needs alteration or modification. That is done
with the help of modifying commands.
Command Action
Erase Delete selected objects
Undo Undo the previous activities in reverse order
Redo Undo the action performed by Undo command
OOPS Restore the last erase operation
COPY Copy selected objects to other locations
MOVE Move selected objects to other location
MIRROR Draw symmetric (mirror) copy of selected objects about specified axis
OFFSET Draw parallel objects of same shape as selected object at specified distance
ARRAY Create multiple copies of objects in rectangular or circular matrix
ROTATE Rotate selected objects to new orientation about a selected point
SCALE Modifying size of objects through a scale factor
STRETCH Stretch or shrink selected portion of drawing
LENGTHEN Stretch or shrink selected object by specified distance or percentage
TRIM Part off selected objects at specified cutting boundary
EXTEND Extend the selected object to meet a specified boundary
BREAK Break an entity at specified points
CHAMFER Chamfer two adjacent surfaces with specified distance
FILLET Rounds of sharp corners through specified radius
EXPLODE Breaks an object in separate entities
DIVIDE Puts points at specified intervals on an entity
PROPERTIES Modifies properties
MATCH PROP Makes properties of selected objects similar
PEDIT Edits a polyline
DDEDIT Displays an edit box to edit text
Erase: Select erase tool or enter erase or ‘e’ in command box.
Select objects: Select objects desired for erasing and press ENTER.
Move: Select move tool or enter move in command box.
Select objects: Select objects and press ENTER.
Specify base point or displacement: Specify a base point for reference.
Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>: Specify
destination point relative to reference point.
Copy: Select copy tool or enter copy in command box.
Select objects: Select objects and press ENTER
Specify base point or displacement or [Multiple]: Specify a point for a single copy or enter m
for multiple copies.
Base Point or Displacement: Makes a single copy.

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Specify second point of displacement or <use first point as displacement>: Specify a point or
press ENTER
If you specify two points, AutoCAD uses the first point as a base point and places a single
copy relative to that base point. The two points you specify define a displacement to
determine how far the selected objects are moved and in what direction.
If you press ENTER at the Specify Second Point of Displacement prompt, the first point is
interpreted as a relative X,Y,Z displacement. For example, if you specify 2,3 for the base
point and press ENTER at the next prompt, the object moves 2 units in the X direction and 3
units in the Y direction from its current position.
Mirror: Select mirror tool or enter mirror in command box.
Select objects: Select objects and press ENTER
Specify first point of mirror line: Specify a point
Specify second point of mirror line: Specify a point
The two specified points become the endpoints of a line about which the selected objects are
Delete source objects? [Yes/No] <N>: Enter y or n
Yes Places the reflected image into the drawing and deletes the original objects.
No Places the reflected image into the drawing and retains the original objects.
Offset: Select offset tool or enter offset in command box.
Specify offset distance or [Through] <current>: Specify distance for offset
Select object to offset or <exit>: Select an object to offset
Specify point on side to offset: Specify a point on desired side of object
Through: Creates an object passing through a specified point.
Select object to offset or <exit>: Select object
Specify through point: Specify a point through which you want the offset object to pass
Array: Select array tool or enter array in command box.
Depending on version of AutoCAD, either keyboard entry is required to define array or an
Array dialog box appears.
Select objects: Select the objects desired to be arrayed
Type of array [Rectangular/Polar]: Opt for desired array
Rectangular Creates an array of defined rows and columns
AutoCAD keeps selected object in the lower-left corner and generates array to the up-right.
Number of rows : Enter no. of rows desired
Number of columns: Enter no. of columns desired

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If you specify one row, you must specify more than one column and vice versa.
Distance between rows or specify unit cell : Specify distance between rows or define directly
a unit cell of the array desired
Distance between columns: Specify distance between columns
To add columns to the left, specify a negative value for the distance between columns.
Angle: Array can be defined at an angle relative to the object.
Polar Creates an array defined by specifying a center point or base point about which
AutoCAD replicates the selected objects.
Center point of array: Specify center point for array
Number of items in the array: Enter no. of copies of object required
Angle to fill: Enter angle in CCW rotation or negative angle for a CW rotation
Angle between items: Enter angle in CCW rotation or a negative angle for a CW rotation
Rotate arrayed objects? <Y>: Enter y or n to rotate or not the objects copied in array.
Trim : Select trim tool or enter trim at command line.
Current settings: Projection = current Edge = current
Select cutting edges...: Select the objects that define the cutting edges to trim an object
or press ENTER to select all objects as potential cutting edges.
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or [Project/Edge/Undo]: Select an object to trim
or opt any option
Extend: Select extend tool or enter extend in command box.
Select boundary edges...: Select objects as boundary upto which objects be extended
Select object to extend or shift-select to trim or [Project/Edge/Undo]:Select objects to extend
or opt any option
Fillet: Select fillet tool or enter fillet in command box.
Current settings: Mode = current(Trim/No Trim), Radius = current
Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/Trim/mUltiple]: Select an object or opt an option
to check and/or modify the setting of the same
First Object: Select the first of two objects required to define a 2D fillet or the edge
Select second object: Click on the second one.
FILLET does not trim circles; the fillet arc meets the circle smoothly.
Chamfer: Select chamfer tool or enter chamfer at command line.
(TRIM mode) Current chamfer Dist1 = current, Dist2 = current

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Select first line or [Polyline/Distance/Angle/Trim/Method/mUltiple]: Specify the first of two
edges required to define a two-dimensional chamfer or opt any option to check and/or modify
its characteristic
Select second line: Select the second one.
Distance: Sets the distance of the chamfer from the endpoint of the selected edge.
Specify first chamfer distance <current>: Give the chamfer distance to be set for 1st line
Specify second chamfer distance <current>: Give the chamfer distance to be set for 2nd line
Angle: Sets the chamfer distances using a chamfer distance for the first line and an angle for
the second line.
Specify chamfer angle from the first line <current>: Give the chamfer angle
Explode: Select explode tool or enter explode in command box.
Select object to explode: Click on any polyline object to explode it.

Result: The phenomena of using general modifying commands was successfully studied.

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Dimensioning is marking and showing of sizing of particular objects. As a drawing is
created in AutoCAD, all the relevant information about each entity remains stored in the
drawing file itself. By dimensioning, the information of the selected entity is retrieved from
the file and displayed at the location specified by the user. Attaining the relevant values of
dimension, the elements of dimensions i.e. the extension lines, a pair of arrows, a dimension
line and the text (numerals) are automatically placed on the drawing at the specified location.
Various dimensioning commands are as follows:
DDIM Displays Dimension Style Manager Dialog Box.
DIM Starts dimensioning mode
DIM1 Uses a single dimensioning command
QDIM Puts a dimension quickly
STYLE Sets a style of dimensioning
DIMLINEAR Used for linear horizontal or vertical dimensioning
DIMALIGNED To dimension inclined objects
DIMORDINATE Dimensions as an ordinate type from a specific base point
DIMRADIUS Dimensions radius of arcs or circles
DIMDIAMETER To dimension diameter of a circle
DIMANGULAR To dimension an angle
DIMBASELINE Dimensions from base line
DIMCONTINUE Dimensions in continuation to a linear dimension
LEADER Draws an arrow with annotation text
TOLERANCE Puts geometric tolerances
DIMCEMTER Puts a center mark for an arc or a circle
DIMEDIT Modifies the dimension text (move or rotate text)
NEWTEXT Modifies the text in dimension mode
DIMOVERRIDE Overrides the dimension system variables
DIMUPDATE Updates a dimension in current settings of dimension style & units
Procedure: Dimensioning command is activated by:
1) Selecting the type of dimension from Dimension menu.
2) Clicking the appropriate icon on the Dimension toolbar.
3) Keying in DIM or DIM1 at the command line. DIM command lets user in
dimensioning mode after dimensioning an object, while DIM1 command executes
a single dimensioning each time.

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The Dimension Toolbar

The AutoCAD has a variety of dimensioning styles of use in almost all engg. fields.
As per requirement, the user friendly software offers various styles and options of extension
lines, arrow heads, dimension lines, text etc. The DDIM commands displays the Dimension
Style Manager dialog box, where one can choose or modify the style of dimensioning.

Dimension Style Manager Dialog Box

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Components of a Dimension

As shown below, the components of dimensioning (shown in figure above) are

available in hierarchical manner in the New Dimension Style Dialog Box or Modify
Dimension one (if option Modify… chosen in DDIM dialog box). They can be altered as per
user’s suitability.

New Dimension Style Dialog Box

Result: The phenomenon of dimensioning was successfully understood.

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Co-ordinates, in general, refer to location of a point in space as related to another
reference point called origin. A Cartesian Coordinate System (CCS) has three axis namely X,
Y & Z axis. When a coordinate value is entered, the user indicates the distance of a point in
any particular units (+ve or –ve) along the X, Y and Z axis relative to Origin – the point
having all axis values as Zero, represented as (0,0,0).
The default appearance of AutoCAD screen shows a drawing area with the World
Coordinate System (WCS), having a Horizontal - X axis, a Vertical - Y axis and another
perpendicular to these both - Z axis.
The term User Coordinate System (UCS) indicates that one can define a different
coordinate system with its own origin and axis relative to it, hence called UCS. A UCS is
defined in terms of WCS. The user can use a template with UCS to start a drawing not based
on WCS.


-2,0 -1,0 0,0 1,0 2,0 X-axis



The Cartesian Co-ordinate System
As shown, thick horizontal and vertical lines are called X and Y axes respectively.
The intersection of these two is called the origin (0,0). The thin lines are equally spaced
distances from the origin. In basic, the origin is starting reference point of coordinate system
and all points refer relative to it. The coordinates are not must to be whole numbers, they may
be fractions or decimal values. AutoCAD doesn’t show grid usually and shows plain drawing
area (grid option available).
In Polar coordinate system, point is defined by its distance and angle relative to
previous point, may it be the origin or some other point i.e. deviating from 0,0 origin.

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Relative Coordinate system too deviates from the 0,0 origin, as here, points are
defined by coordinate values irrelative to origin but relative to the previous point.
In AutoCAD, all new drawings open with WCS, which is fixed one. Instead UCS can
be moved or rotated in any direction. Objects in both 2D & 3D are created with various
orientations. There are two toolbars available for controlling UCS phenomena namely UCS

The UCS Toolbar

The tools on the UCS Toolbar are :
 UCS: Invoke the UCS command (asking for option sought about
 Display UCS Dialog: Shows UCS dialog box
 UCS Previous: Enables previous UCS setting
 World UCS: Matches UCS with WCS
 Object UCS: Creates UCS based on selected object
 Face UCS: Creates UCS based on selected face of the object
 View UCS: Matches UCS with screen, taking XY plane parallel to screen
 Origin UCS: Defines a new UCS by shifting the origin
 Z axis vector UCS: Creates UCS based on new positive direction of Z axis
 3 points UCS: Specifies new UCS origin and direction of X & Y axis
 X axis rotate UCS: Rotates current UCS about X axis
 Y axis rotate UCS: Rotates current UCS about Y axis
 Z axis rotate UCS: Rotates current UCS about Z axis
 Apply UCS: Applies current UCS to a selected viewport

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The UCS II Toolbar
The UCS II tools are :
 Display UCS Dialog: Shows UCS dialog box
 Move UCS Origin: Moves the defined UCS to new location
 Drop down options list: Sets screen as particular view of solids

Result: The phenomena of using UCS was successfully observed.

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The engineering drawing, drafting & designing concepts generally involve viewing of
the objects from different angles. So, a 3D object is generated and viewed accordingly. 3D
command in AutoCAD creates 3-dimensional polygon mesh objects in common geometric
shapes including Box, Cone, Dish, Dome etc. And View toolbar gives optional commands to
view particular views or orbital views of 3D objects.
Although 3D modelling is difficult than creating 3D views, but it is advantageous as:
1) View ability from any point rather than particular face
2) Can generate reliable standard & auxiliary 2D views automatically
3) Create 2D profiles
4) Removal of hidden lines
5) Ease in checking interferences
6) Exporting the model to create animations
7) Ease in performing engineering analysis
Procedure: 3D command may be chosen through:
Through Surfaces Toolbar

Surfaces Toolbar
Menu: Surfaces► 3D surfaces
Command Line: 3D
The 3D command is activated and the AutoCAD prompts:
Enter an option [Box/Cone/Dish/Dome/Mesh/Pyramid/Sphere/Torus/Wedge]: At this, a
suitable option is opted to create the solid object desired by keying in its name or the capital
letter in its name.
A Box is created as:
1. Box command is opted from any source (menu, tool or command line).

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Other solids can also be created just following similar operation in their commands.
AutoCAD supports 3 types of 3D modelling: Wireframe, Surface & Solid.
WIREFRAME MODEL: It is a skeletal description of 3D object. It doesn’t show any
surfaces but points, lines and curves that describe edge of object.
SURFACE MODEL: It is more sophisticated than wireframe one, as it defines 3D
surfaces. It defines faceted surfaces using a polygonal mesh. As faces of mesh are planar, the
mesh can just approximate the curved surfaces.
SOLID MODEL: It is the easiest type of 3D modelling to use. In it, basic 3D
shapes are made as Cuboids, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres etc.
Two Dimensional objects are often used to create 3D models. Solids are created from basic
solid shapes of box, cone, cylinder, sphere etc. can just be drawn in 2-dimensions, or
otherwise Extruding a 2D object along a path also creates 3D objects.
Creating a solid may be followed by combining solids to attain more complex solids. Solids
can be Joined, Subtracted from each other. AutoCAD also provides commands to find
overlapping of solids etc. and to slice solids to obtain internal 2D cross-sections. Solids can
be further modified by Fillet, Chamfer etc. commands.
Having created 3D drawings, it is needed to view them from different angles. The basic point
of reference in WCS is top view or plan. i.e. For creating 3D object, plan (2D) is drawn and

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View Toolbar
There are 10 standard viewpoints in AutoCAD on View Toolbar, as well, named views
option is available, where one can save and view its own defined viewpoint. The camera
button on this toolbar also stands for defining viewpoint.
DDVPOINT: This command in AutoCAD is also available in View>3D Views>Viewpoint
Presets… dialog box. Using this command the viewing can be accurately set to absolute or
relative decimal degree angles.

Viewpoint Presets Dialog Box

In addition to the options stated above, 3DORBIT command helps to view 3D solid by
rotating it freely with mouse cursor. (3D orbit toolbar).

Result: The phenomena of drawing and viewing different types of 3D modelling entities in
AutoCAD was successfully understood.

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Extrude: It creates solid primitives by extruding existing two dimensional objects. With
extrude, the solids are created by extruding (adding thickness to) selected objects. The objects
can be extruded along a path by specifying a height value & tapered angle.
The extrude can be used to create a solid from a common profile of an object such as a gear or
sprocket. Extrude is particularly useful for objects that contains fillets, chamfers and other details
that might be difficult to reproduce except in profile. If the file is created using lines or arc, then
the profile is to be joined by the command ‘PEDIT’, so that the profile become s a single
polyline object or make them into a region before using extrude.
The planar 3D faces, closed polylines, polygons, circles, ellipses, closed splines, donuts and
regions. The objects contained within a block or polylines that have crossing of self intersecting
segments cannot be extruded. A polyline must contain at least 3 but not more than 500 vertices.
The AutoCAD ignores the width of the selected polyline and it extrudes from the center of the
polyline path.
Rendering Rendering can make a design clearer than a simple hidden line or shaded image
can. Traditional rendering of architectural, mechanical and engineering drawings involves water
colors, colored crayons and inks and air brush techniques to produce a final presentation –
quality rendering. Rendering often requires the most computer time in a 3D project.

It generally involves four steps:

1) Preparing models for rendering includes following proper drafting techniques, removing
hidden surfaces, constructing meshes for smooth shading and setting view resolution.
2) Illuminating includes creating and placing lights and creating shadows.
3) Adding colors include defining the reflective qualities of materials and associating these
materials with the visible surfaces.
4) Rendering usually includes rendering objects at intermediate steps to check the proportion,
illumination and colors.
Result: The phenomenon of Sanctioning & Rendering of solids in AutoCAD was successfully

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Intersection Intersection, in general, means common objects in different sets. In AutoCAD,
it exists in context to 3D solids, that overlap or whose masses interfere with each other. The
common volume in such solids is called their intersection.
Once having created a solid, one can create more complex shapes by combining
solids. This is done by joining or subtracting solids from each other or knowing the
intersection of solids. Union or Subtraction processes of overlapping solids are called
Boolean operations (meaning use of logical functions as addition or subtraction).
There are three Boolean operations as such: Addition (UNION command); Subtraction
(SUBTRACT command) and Intersection (INTERSECT / INTERFERE command).
Region command in AutoCAD is used for defining a region area from existing objects. It can
be used for:
 Applying hatching and shading
 Analyzing properties, such as area, using MASSPROP
 Extracting design information, such as the centroid

Some shapes that form regions in AutoCAD

As visible, such region objects are created with Boolean operations.
Intersect, in particular is used as:
With intersect command, one creates a composite solid from the common volume of two or
more overlapping solids. INTERSECT removes the non-overlapping portions and creates a
composite solid from the common volume.

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Intersect command is activated from Solids Editing Toolbar, or from Modify > Solids Editing
> intersect menu command or keying in “intersect” at command line.

Then a set of objects be selected to know the intersection.

1. Choose intersect command.
2. Select one region of the intersection.
3. Select another intersecting region.
Regions or solids should be selected in any order to find their intersection.

4. Continue selecting regions or press ENTER to end the command.

AutoCAD converts the selected regions to a new region defined by the intersection of the
selected regions.

The selection set can contain regions and solids that lie in any number of arbitrary planes.
AutoCAD divides the selection set into subsets and tests for intersections within each subset.
The first subset contains all the solids in the selection set. The second subset contains the first

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selected region and all subsequent coplanar regions. The third subset contains the next region
that is not coplanar with the first region and all subsequent coplanar regions, and so on until
all regions belong to a subset.

Result of Interfere command

INTERFERE command also performs the same operation as INTERSECT, but it keeps the
original two objects.

Result: The phenomenon of intersection of solids in AutoCAD was successfully


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Surface modeling is more sophisticated than wireframe modeling in that it defines not only
the edges of a 3D object but also its surfaces. The AutoCAD surface modeler defines faceted
surface surfaces using a polygonal mesh because the faces of the mesh are planer, the mesh
can only approximate curved surfaces. With Mechanical Desktop, the true curved surfaces
can be created. To differentiate these two types of surfaces, AutoCAD calls faceted surfaces,
meshes. A mesh represents an object’s surface using planer faces. The mesh density or
number of faces is defined in terms of matrix M and N vertices, similar to grid consisting of
columns and rows. M and N specifies the column and row position, respectively of any given
vertex. The meshes in both 2D and 3D can be created respectively but they are used primarily
for 3D. the meshes are used when hiding, shading and rendering capabilities are needed
which wire frames don’t provide. Meshes are also useful if we have to create geometry with
unusual mesh patterns such as 3D to topographical model of mountains terrain. A mesh can
be opened or closed. A mesh is open in a given direction if the start and the end edges of the
mesh do not touch.
1. Rectangular mesh
(a) From the draw menu, choose surfaces 3D mesh or write 3Dmesh in command
(b) Specify the M size, using an integer from 2 to 256
(c) specify the vertex points as prompted. Specify the last vertex point completes
the mesh.

2. Polyface mesh

The PFACE command produces a polyfaces(polygon) mesh, with each face capable of
having numerous vertices. Creating a polyface mesh is similar to creating rectangular mesh.
To create a polyface mesh, the cocordinate of eth vertices are to be specified, then each face if
to be defined by entering vertex number for all the vertices of that face.

Result: The phenomenon of Sanctioning & Rendering of solids in AutoCAD was

successfully understood.

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