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Installing Juniper router OS JunOS 10.

1 in Qemu(VM) for GNS3

hello this the instruction and Steps by Steps video to install JunOS 10.1 in Qem
u for GNS3 for Juniper router simulation
Upgrade from 8.5R1.14 to 9.6R1.13 junos
GUI- jweb-9.6R1.13-signed.tgz -installation

Thanks developers for wonderful opportunity to play with Juniper in GNS3

UPDATE: There is a mistake in Qemu installation video:
You should use "yum install libpcap libpcap-devel" instead of "yum install libca
p libcap-devel" or you get this error message after "make" command:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpcap
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [qemu] Error 1
make: *** [subdir-i386-softmmu] Error 2

All my tutorials can be found here:

So I had a difficult time finding and gathering JunOS images to setup an Olive l
ab. It seems many of those posting blogs about how to configure Olive don't seem
to support the distribution of the images, but probably ended up finding it the
same way I did. So, having scoured the Internet I collected a nice chunk of Jun
OS images, particularly useful for setting up Olive (with the help of GNS3). I h
ope you find these useful.
If you only need to pick and choose a few files to download, the following are r
( You will also probably want to download: 4.11-RELEASE-i386-miniinst.iso
Available here:
s/i386/ISO-IMAGES/4.11/ )
By downloading the above files, you can then use the following instructions to s
etup your own lab:
(same information but easily downloadable at: )
Please do not use the comments for tech supponrt on configuring Olive; just goog
le around or ask in more appropriate forums.
Filename Size
-------- ----
jinstall-6.4R2.4-export-signed.tgz 52319033
Jinstall-7.3r2.7-Domestic-Signed.tgz 68352609
jinstall-7.3R3.6-domestic-signed.tgz 68394574
jinstall-7.4R1.7-domestic-signed.tgz 71184053
jinstall-7.4R1.7-export-signed.tgz 69045945
Jinstall-7.4r3.4-Domestic-Signed.tgz 71273426
jinstall-7.6R1.10-domestic-signed.tgz 76335896
jinstall-7.6R4.3-export-signed.tgz 73490302
jinstall-8.1R1.5-export-signed.tgz 91914211
jinstall-8.3-20071208.0-domestic-signed.tgz 98082681
jinstall-8.3R1.5-domestic-signed.tgz 97955497
jinstall-8.3R2.8-domestic-signed.tgz 97989149
jinstall-8.3R2.8-export-signed.tgz 94927919
jinstall-8.3R4.3-domestic-signed.tgz 98090469
jinstall-8.4R1.13-domestic-signed.tgz 114329348
jinstall-8.4R3.3-domestic-signed.tgz 114897376
jinstall-8.4R4.2-domestic-signed.tgz 114900497
jinstall-8.5-20081219.0-domestic-signed.tgz 160084156
jinstall-8.5R1.14-domestic-signed.tgz 159714183
jinstall-8.5R4.3-domestic-signed.tgz 160039672
jinstall-9.0R1.10-domestic-signed.tgz 164711626
jinstall-9.1R1.8-domestic-signed.tgz 174688154
jinstall-9.2R2.15-export-signed.tgz 185562724
jinstall-9.6R1.13-domestic-signed.tgz 282523881
jinstall-9.6R1.13-export-signed.tgz 276783205
jbundle-9.2R2.15-export-signed.tgz 180980175
jinstall-10.1R1.8-domestic-olive.tgz 309685668
jinstall-ex-3200-9.6R1.13-domestic-signed.tgz 103672669
jinstall-ex-3200-10.0R2.10-domestic-signed.tgz 107966826
jweb-8.4R4.2-signed.tgz 3963333
jweb-8.5R1.14-signed.tgz 4241947
jweb-8.5R2.10-signed.tgz 4238723
jweb-9.0R1.10-signed.tgz 4749299
jweb-9.6R1.13-signed.tgz 6681751
jweb-10.1R1.8-signed.tgz 7469549

Download the required software
1. JunOS 10.X (use Torrents may OS Image are available from there i also got) Li
2. Download FreeBSD 4.11 as base OS for Router Download
3. Download Qemu 0.11.0 from GNS3 web site Download
4. Need to Software to create CD ISO image. ex: Deep Burner
Time to Start
Step 1
download all the given files above
Step 2
Extract Qemu in a folder
Step 3
open cmd and navigate to extracted folder
step 4
create a HDD image to install JunOS of 4GB
qemu-img.exe create j.img -f qcow2 4GStep 5
Step 5
Start the Qemu with Free BSD CD and Created HDD
qemu.exe -L . -m 256 -hda j.img -boot d -localtime -cdrom ..\
Step 6
Install Free BSD in Qemu
Skip Kernel configuration
Choose standard installation
With fdisk, press A to allocate entire disk for bsd
Select: install a standard MBR
Create partition (with C)
512M for /
1024M for swap partition
128M for /config
and the rest for /var
Choose installation type: user, and select No for FreeBSD ports
X to Exit the menu and install from CD/DVD
Wait until it's done
Yes for chance to set any last options
Type root password
Select 'X' to Exit the installation, it will reboot
while it's rebooting, exit from Qemu by pressing Ctrl-Alt-2,
then type: q
Step 7
Make JunOS ready to transfer in guest OS
Create a CD Image (ISO) of junOS (using deepburner or any of it kind) and save i
n Qemu Folder with name like j8.iso
Step 8
Make JunOS Ready for Installation
qemu -L . -m 512 -boot c -hda j.img -cdrom j8.iso
We need to untar the signed jinstall file first:
#mount /cdrom
#cd /var/tmp
#mkdir junos
#cd junos
#tar zxvf /cdrom/jinstall-10.1R1.8-domestic-olive.tgz
Then untar the unsigned image:
#mkdir jinst
#cd jinst
#tar zxvf ../jinstall10.1R1.8-domestic.tgz
Extract the pkgtools.tgz file and replace the checkpic binary inside with /usr/b
in/true :
#mkdir pkgtools
#cd pkgtools
#tar zxvf ../pkgtools.tgz
#cd bin
#cp /usr/bin/true ./checkpic
#cd ..
Create tar for pkgtools then remove the directory:
#tar zcvf ../pkgtools.tgz *
#cd ..
#rm -rf pkgtools
Create tar for the new jinstall package with modified checkpic
#tar zcfv /var/tmp/j.tgz *
Then install the new jinstall with bsd pkg_add tool:
#pkg_add -f /var/tmp/j.tgz
It will ask to reboot to continue the installation.
One installation is finished and prompt is returned press Crtl+Alt+2 then type q p
ress enter
Step 9
Install JunOS in Guest VM
qemu -L . -m 512 -hda j.img -serial telnet:,server,nowait,nodelay lo
open new cmd and do telnet to to enjoy the watching installtion proces
s of JunOS
Once Prompt appear type cli to start junOS configuration
Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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