Flipped Lesson - Lesson Plan

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Food Chain Vocabulary Lesson Plan

Meghan Stover
Computers Across Curriculum
Thomas College

Food Chain Vocabulary

60 Minute Lesson Plan.

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to inform students on the food chain vocabulary, which
would lead into a bigger topic of discussion later on in the unit. This lesson will be over the
course of one class period, where we will further discuss what was talked about in the flipped
lesson from the night before. The purpose of giving the flipped lesson is so that they’ll have an
idea of what the discussion is on the next day. The students will put their brains to work while
learning about topics that would typically be learned in the classroom. Students get the chance to
have a head start so they won’t be completely lost the next day of class. Say I give the class the
assignment to watch the flipped lesson on Monday night. We will be spending Tuesday on
exploring the definitions and the meanings in relation to the food chain. This is also when I plan
on showing the video that I played a clip of in the flipped lesson. The most important part of this
lesson is to inform the students on the definitions and terms they will be using in the future unit.
This is just the start to the days lesson.

To continue after learning terms, they will be able to create their own ways to remember the
terms by putting their creative skills to the test. This book will serve as the summative
assessment for the lesson of the day, but as a formative assessment for the unit as a whole. The
point of making their own definition book is so the students can remember the terms in their own
way. I will expect the books to be creative, meaningful and relevant to our topic. In class while
we are first going deeper into the definitions and terms, students will have the chance to ask
questions, clarify any confusion and gain a clear understanding of the topic.

Why: I have decided to do this lesson because the food chain is a natural occurrence in life,
which every living organism is a part of in one way or another. Us as humans are natural
predators of foods, and animals are natural prey for us. I find it important for students to
understand the process of gathering food for not us humans, but also for other living organisms,
such as animals and plants.

Appropriate Timing: Learning about the food chain is a good entrance into a science lesson.
Students have been involved with science lessons throughout their short educational career so
far, but studying the food chain will help them become more involved with authentic lessons. I
say authentic because I find the food chain to be more relevant to a student more than another
science lesson which could involve topics such as minerals or gravity. This lesson will allow
students to become aware of the process in which they receive their food. Next Generation
Science Standard 3-LS3-2 states “use evidence to support the explanation that traits can
be influenced by the environment”. In this case, the students will be able to use their creative
books to support the traits of the food chain in the environment.


Prior/ Post Lesson: Prior to the star of our lesson for the day, students will have watched the
flipped lesson the night before class. I have hopes that the flipped lesson will provide a sense of
understanding to what the next day of class includes. They will come into class with the general
idea of food chain vocabulary and be ready to proceed into our lesson for the day. After this
lesson, students will be able to apply their knowledge of the food chain into future lessons. We
will also continue on with the unit to learn more about the process and other details of the food
chain. The definition books can be used throughout the unit or school year.

What the rest of the plan for the day is, briefly;

8:00-8:30           Morning Meeting Time

8:35-9:35         Science- Food Chain Vocab/ Flocabulary Video
9:40-10:05        Recess/ Snack time
10:10-11:10       ELA- Food Chain Book Creation
11:15-12:15      Lunch
12:20-1:20        Specials (P.E., Music, Spanish, Art, and Science)
1:25-2:00          Math- Animal Multiplications
2:05             Pack Up and Dismissal

NGSS Standards:

3-LS3-2. Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the

5-LS2-1. Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants, animals,

decomposers, and the environment.


SWBAT: Define the 6 Food Chain vocabulary terms provided.

SWBAT: Illustrate their own meaning of Food Chain vocabulary.
SWBAT: Collect information to create a list of vocabulary terms in their own words.
SWBAT: Design their own book of Food Chain vocabulary.



 Vocabulary Flash Cards

 Electronic Device for playing of video
 Paper
 Markers/ Crayons/ Colored Pencils
 Book Making Materials

Anticipatory set: At the beginning of the science portion of the day, I will reintroduce the
vocabulary that was on the flipped lesson from the night before, and gather the student’s
thoughts on them. From there, I will play the rest of the video that I showed on the flipped
lesson. This will serve as the actual anticipatory set for the lesson that day.

Teaching Strategy/Procedure/Activity:

Time Student is doing Teacher is doing

60 Minutes- In 10 Minutes: Students will be 10 Minutes: Having students
class lesson seated in their place of choice settle in after making the
after flipped down in our circle. They will be transition into our science portion
lesson. listening to the teacher explain of the day. I will start explaining
and ask questions about the what is going to happen during
previous nights flipped lesson. science today. I will explain the
They will already know how to vocabulary terms, how we will
act while the teacher is talking learn them and what is going to
and going over instructions. happen after that.
5 Minutes: Transitioning into 5 Minutes: I will make sure they
finishing the video they watched are listening, let them know this
a part of during the flipped video is important to be paying
lesson. Again, they should know attention to. They will need to
appropriate behavior in these reference in later on into our
situations. lesson for the day.
25 Minutes: They will still be 25 Minutes: Transition into the
seated in our circle while we review of the vocabulary terms. I
transition from the video to will ask them what they thought
learning more about the terms. about the video, what they found
They will answer the questions or interesting and what they
responses on what they thought of remember the most.
the video, what they found This is where the large index
interesting and what they cards are going to come into play
remember the most. They will with definitions to help the learn.
listen and repeat the 6 terms Show them the flash cards one at
which are on the large cards a time, explain the definition.
which are being show to them. Have them repeat to you the
They have the chance to ask any meanings of the 6 terms, so we
questions for a more specific know they are still focused. I will
definition and examples. They let them ask questions and explain
will continue to sit and listen for anything that may be confusing. I


the next 5 minutes as the learn will have the last 5 minutes be an
what about what they are going to explanation of what those terms
use these terms for. are going to be used for during the
15 Minutes: This is when they ELA portion of the day.
will head back to their seats to 15 Minutes: Have them transition
brain storm definitions for each of back to their seats. I will let them
the 6 terms we had gone over. know it is time to brain storm (on
They will be able to respectfully paper) so ideas for their terms. I
and quietly collaborate on terms will let them know that if they are
with each in partners if they wish. quite and respectful, they will be
5 Minutes: They will quickly able to collaborate with one
give out some examples of what another on their terms.
they came up with for definitions. 5 Minutes: Have them give some
They will pack up their things quick examples of what they
from science and get ready for came up with. Let them know it’s
snack/ recess times. snack/ recess time.

25 Minute Snack/ Recces

25 Minute Snack/ Recess
60 Minutes- 10 Minutes: Regroup after snack 10 Minutes: Let them unwind for
ELA portion of and recess. They will gather a minute as they regroup and
our flipped materials they may need to create gather any materials they may
lesson. their books so they will be on the need for their books which are
table ready for use. being created.
30 Minutes: They will write out 30 Minutes: Have students focus
and draw their terms and on creating the pages in their
definitions. They can use colorful books. Have them make pages of
paper, plain white paper, markers, terms with definitions and
or colored pencil. Most media drawings that match their writing.
will be acceptable for them to use Let them know what kinds of
at this point. They will be quietly, media they can use in this project.
but not necessarily silently, Such as, colorful paper, plain
focusing on their pages. They can paper, colored pencils, markers.
collaborate and communicate on Be around to help them with any
their individual projects with one definition trouble they may have
another if they please. They will during the process and I will let
know that I am here to help if them know I have no problem
need be. being of assistance.
15 Minutes: Students will start to 15 Minutes: Make sure they are
put their books all together. Any all set to put their books together.
glue can be used by them and I Let them know that I am here for
will be there for help with any any creations issues or stapling of
challenges with putting it together pages. Let them know that all
or any staples. Their final project expectations of term, pictures and
should include all 6 food chain creative should be met by the time
vocabulary terms, a picture with they are finished with putting the


each one, all in a colorful and book all together.

creative personal book. 5 Minutes: I will have them clean
5 Minutes: Students will be up their supplies from creating
cleaning up their supplies they their books, while encouraging
used while making the books. them that they all did a great job.
They will hand them in and then Collect the books to be graded
continue to get ready for the next and used in the future for this
part of the day. The books will be unit. Have them get ready for the
used more in future lessons in this next part of the day.

Closure: At the end of the class, I will encourage students that they all did a great job with
creating their books and making the definitions. They will hand in their books to be graded, and
we will use them again in the future for this unit.

Assessment: Formative Assessment; The book they are creating with the terms, pictures and
definitions is considered their formative assessment. They will hand this in, and will be used
again in the unit of learning the food chain.

Homework/follow-up assignment:

No homework or follow- up assignments.


IEPS in your class: For the flipped lesson, I will have captions created on the video that may
help them understand better with what is being learned and help them better understand. I expect
to leave extra time in the unit for them to complete their books if need be, or create an alternate
way for the project to be done. This could include creating an electronic version or even a power

Student with dyslexia: The audio from the flipped lesson is going to help students who may
have dyslexia and that may be preventing them from reading the captions or slides. I will be able
to give them feedback about their terms and definitions to insure they are doing what they should
be in the correct way. They should be able to excel in the illustration portion of this lesson, and
can focuses mainly on that if need be.

Student with mild autism: I am expecting to help those with mild autism as much as I can,
without turning my back on the other students. I can accommodate with their learning styles by
simply adjusting the way we go about the final product. These students with autism can take a
break or work in their area of comfort where they can focus the best and block out any
distractions that may come about.


Student with ADHD and anxiety: There should always be an area of comfort for students in the
classroom. This is where they should go to work if students with ADHD or anxiety are in the
room. Those with anxiety can work with me one-on-one during the work shop or make
accommodations to have extra time to work by their selves if it comes to that point. It is
important to keep students with ADHD away from distractions and focused on the task at hand.
The student(s) will be provided a seat cushion or resistance bands on the legs of chairs to help


 Appendix A for flipped lesson outline

Plan B: If this lesson isn’t working out for one reason or another, I plan to keep the theme of the
food chain but modify the difficulty or easiness. To make this project more difficult I will add
more vocabulary terms which is directly related to the food chain. On top of that, I will add the
choice of creating a different kind of media such as a poster or power point. In the unlikely event
that this too difficult, I will minimize the vocabulary list and/ or have them focus the majority of
their time and effort on the images of the project. If the students finish too quickly with this
project, I will ask them what else they can add to make it better than it was before. If there is no
other way to improve their projects, we will watch another Flocabulary video or have an
anticipatory mini lesson to prepare us for the next day.

Appendix A





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