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Unit 1 Working Life

A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter
the head of development for a non-profit (organzination) called Robin Hood
the assistant captain of a volunteer fire company
supplement (v.) 補充
the second volunteer on the scene
CSI crime scene investigation
footrace (n.) 競賽
her house was in flames
was stunned with 目瞪口呆
wave me over: 揮手示意我過去
putting out the fire: 滅火
the master bedroom: 主臥室
payload (n.) 酬載
nemesis (n.) 勁敵 /ˈnem.ə.sɪs/ PLURAL nemeses
the valiant /ˈvæl.i.ənt/ effort: 不懈的努力/大膽的嘗試 (valiant /ˈvæl.i.ənt/ 英勇的)
a volunteer firefighter
on a monumental scale:大規模
mentor (n.) 精神導師

Unit 2 Trends
How to start a movement
be ridiculed
a crucial role
embrace sb. as an equal
take guts to = have the guts to
“three is a crowd,1 and a crowd is news”
an underestimated form of leadership
“Two is company, three is a crowd.”: 英文裡有這樣一句俚語,意思是說感情世界裡面只有兩個人就是互相的伴侶,
a lone nut
emulate (v.) /ˈem.jə.leɪt/ 模仿
momentum (n.) /məˈmen.t̬əm/ (推)動力
the tipping point = the tips
those that were sitting on the fence before
be part of the in-crowd
all of those that prefer to stick with the crowd
stick to sth.
recap some lessons
nurture (v.)
leadership is over-glorified 過度美化
take the initiative

private sector

Unit 3 Money
An escape from poverty
grapple with 盡力解決,設法對付,盡量克服 to handle, to deal with sth.
skill set: a set of skill(s); expertise
variable (adj.) /ˈver.i.ə.bəl/多變的,反復無常的 changeable
elucidated (adj.) [i'luːsɪdeɪt] 詳述的 detailed
shack (n.) /ʃæk/簡陋小屋,棚屋 slum
commensurate (adj.) /kəˈmen.sjɚ.ət/相當的,相稱的 considerable
a sewing machine
repurpose (v.) /ˌriːˈpɝː.pəs/重新利用 to reuse sth. for some purpose(s)
frothy confections
frothy (adj.) /ˈfrɑː.θi/起泡沫的 fancy
confection (n.) /kənˈfek.ʃən/ 甜食 desert, sweets
economic spectrum /ˈspek.trəm/ 經濟範圍 (社會階級)
literate: can read <-> illiterate
a set of / an article of furniture
 How do I grapple with poverty (ahead of time)?

Unit 4 Success
Don’t eat the marshmallow
What’s the most important factor/principle for success?
S. is equivalent to O.
one out of three….
the ability to delay gratification
self-discipline: the most important factor for success
Hispanic kids
cash register
in all walks of life
… because we have a big debt.

savings account
company pension plan (private sector)
pension (government)
national pension
decent salary
in decent condition

Unit 5 Marketing
3 ways to lose control of your brand
Reputations are Volatile. volatile: /ˈvɑː.lə.t̬ əl/ 不穩定的,易變的,易揮發的 unstable
Loyalties are fickle. fickle: /ˈfɪk.əl/ (意見或感情)反覆無常的,易變的, (情況)變幻莫測的 changeable
marketer: /ˈmɑːr.kə.t̬ ɚ/ 行銷人
hyper-connectivity 超連結性
transparency 透明性
24/7 => 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
collaborate with 與…一起工作,合作;協作,勾結;叛國
the band Radiohead 電台司令
pay-as-you-like 費用發生撥款制
exclusive 專用的,獨佔的,高檔的,獨家新聞/專訪
 The ultimate empowerment (授權,賦能) of customers is to ask them not to buy.
S. has its strengths and weaknesses.
prospective buyer 可能的買主 = potential customers
resole their shoes: (resole (vt.)換鞋底)
rational stance against consumerism 反對消費主義的理性立場
jeopardize /ˈdʒep.ɚ.daɪz/危及,損害
shared values 共同價值觀
set one’s own work schedules 設定自己的工作時間表
to launch a (political/business) campaign
wear a smile / make up / long hair
conduct studies / researches / surveys
en route 在途中,在路上的
complete occasional altruistic /ˌæl.tɹuˈɪs.tɪk/ tasks 完成偶然的利他任務
a rough day
a tough life
staying true to their true selves is the only sustainable value proposition
價值主張(Value proposition): 什麼是價值主張?
  在藍海戰略(Blue Ocean Strategy)中,價值主張是指企業或品牌所制訂的藍海戰略,需要達到市場消費訴求的興
openness is paramount [ˋpærə͵maʊnt] 開誠佈公是最重要的.
remain open to all possibility 保持開放的可能性

Unit 6 Communication
Talk nerdy to me
nerdy /ˈnɝː.di/ a person who is extremely interested in one subject, especially computers, and knows
a lot of facts about it 書呆子
Alice in Wonderland
Penn State 賓大
a communications teacher
unfolded /ʌnˈfoʊld/ to open or spread out something that has been folded 打開;展開;攤開
go down a/the rabbit hole 描述「進入一個截然不同的世界」般的感受
desperately /ˈdes.pɚ.ət.li/ extremely or very much 非常;極其
tackle = deal with = handle
talk nerdy (e.g. talk dirty to describe sexual acts to another person using rude words 說下流話)
engaging: pleasant, attractive, and charming 令人愉快的;有吸引力的;迷人的
engaging opening => academic writing
relevant to (relevance)
trabeculate: plural of trabecula specialized: a long, thin piece of tissue that provides support in an
organ, such as the heart
 trabeculae of bone. 骨小梁:骨松质中互相吻合的骨针,形成的网状结构,腔隙互通,内充
 trabeculae carneae cordis. 心肉柱:心室内壁大部被覆的肉嵴
mesh-like structure(機器零件)嚙合結構
osteoporosis /ˌɑː.sti.oʊ.pəˈroʊ.sɪs/骨質疏鬆(症)osteonecrosis
language barrier obstacle hinder
dumb down(尤指爲了更加普及而)使…簡化,將…通俗化
compromise /ˈkɑːm.prə.maɪz/妥協;折衷;讓步;和解
analogies /əˈnæl.ə.dʒi/類似;類比;比擬;類推
excite 激發(情感);使激動;使興奮
the bullet point(s)
overwhelmed /ˌoʊ.vɚˈwelm/ 排山倒海般的

an equation: ( Science – (Jargon + Bullets)

) x passion = understanding


Take your science, subtract (減去) your bullet points and your jargon, divide by (除以) relevance,
meaning share what’s relevant to the audience, and multiply it by the passion that you have for this
incredible work that you’re doing, and that is going to equal incredible interactions that are full of

Review 3
2012 Thai Public Information Commercial—Smoking kids

Unit 7 Experience
What I’ve learned from my autistic brothers
orator /ˈɔːr.ə.t̬ ɚ/ someone who is good at public speaking 演說家(善於公開演說的人)
unconditionally /,ʌnkənd'ɪʃnəli/ 無條件的,無限制的 conditional offer
impeccable memory 完美的,無可挑剔的 flawless
weeing on my arm (v.) /wiː/排尿,小便; (adj.)小的;很小的
be bypassed
strengthen one’s soul
autism – a complex brain disorder that affects social communication, learning and sometimes physical skills.
manifest [ˋmænifest] 表明,顯示,表露;證明,證實 verify
lived and reigned 主宰 in his own world rule
tantrum(s) /ˈtæn.trəm/耍(孩子)脾氣
individuality /ˌɪn.də.vɪdʒ.uˈæl.ə.t̬ i/ 個性;特徵,特質
 the pursuit of normality is the ultimate sacrifice of potential
妥瑞症(英語:Tourette Syndrome、TS),又稱抽动症、托雷氏症、杜雷氏症
注意力不足過動症(英語:attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,縮寫为 ADHD),涵蓋注意力缺

Unit 8 Seeing the future

A skateboard, with a boost

Unit 10 The environment

How we can eat our landscape

Todmorden 托德摩登是英格蘭的一個城鎮和民政教區,位於西約克郡,距曼徹斯特有 17 英里。2001 年

有人口 14,941 人,2011 年增加至 15,481 人。
sprout up /spraʊt/ 出現 sprout 發(芽)
propaganda gardening
edible canal towpaths: canal towpaths 運河拖道; towpath(舊時河流或運河邊馬拉船隻時走的)纖路,纖道,
sprouting cemeteries 發芽的公墓
vegetable tourism 蔬菜觀光業
poke around 搜索,翻找,閒逛
raised beds 高設苗床
find a unifying language that cut across 找到一種跨語言的統一語言
replicate /ˈrep.lɪ.keɪt/使複現,重複,複製
come up with 想出,提出(主意或計劃)
three plates (板塊): a community plate, a learning plate, and a business plate (phase)
proposition (通常指商業上的)提議,建議,主張;觀點;見解,要求與(某人)發生性關係,向…提出猥褻的要求
engage in 參加;參與
a heck of a roller coaster: a heck of a sth/sb (用於強調)非常…,令人驚訝的好人(或好事)
roller coaster:雲霄飛車,過山車,(局勢的)急轉突變,變幻莫測;(情緒的)大起大落
a seed swap 種子交換
a strip on the side of our main road
a dog toilet 狗公廁
vegetable beds 蔬菜(苗)床
prickly plants /ˈprɪk.li/多刺的;刺痛的;癢的
provided you get planning permission and you do it in Latin and you do it in triplicade 如果您獲得了計劃許
可, (請)使用拉丁文,並且使用一式三份 (in triplicade: 一式三份)
to be growing fish and vegetables in an orchard with bees 在有蜜蜂的果園裡作魚菜共生
be keen on V.ing: keen: (adj.) 熱切的,熱衷的;熱心的;渴望的,強烈的,激烈的,敏銳的;敏捷的;鋒利的;寒風
刺骨的; (尤指因某人死去而)慟哭
an edible landscape 可食地景
fundraise 募捐,(尤指)慈善捐款
blackboards 黑板
market trader 市場交易員
scribble /ˈskrɪb.əl/ 匆匆地寫,亂塗亂畫
congregate around it 聚集在它周圍
launch a campaign 組織商品推銷活動
amuse /əˈmjuːz/ (尤指透過幽默的言行)逗樂,逗笑;給…提供消遣(或娛樂)
stylized map 程式化的,格式化的,按固定的傳統風格處理的地圖
upped the amount of flocks 增加了羊群的數量
free range birds 散養雞隻(即「走地雞」)
meat birds 肉雞
upped their flocks and rare breed pigs 增加了他們的羊群和稀有品種的猪 flock /flɑːk/ 羊群,鳥群,人群
doing pastries and pies pastry /ˈpeɪ.stri/ 油酥糕點;油酥點心,茶點,點心
market stalls 市場攤位
bottom line 重要事實;錢,損益表底線;盈虧一覽結算線
It’s not rocket science: 並不太難;並非特別複雜
inclusive (價格或數量)包括一切的, 包括首尾兩天(或兩個數字)的

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