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1. Incapacity to consummate the marriage within the meaning of Sec.

12 of the Hindu Marriage Act,

a) Can be physical
b) Can be mental
c) Either physical or mental
d) Only physical but not mental
2. A decree of nullity of marriage in cases of voidable marriages, annuls the marriage
a) From the date of the decree
b) From the date of the petition
c) From the date as directed by the court
d) From the date of the marriage
3. “Desertion” in the meaning of Sec.13(1) (ib) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, is constituted
a) There is a factum of separation
b) There is animus deserendi
c) Either (a) or (b) exists
d) Both (a ) and (b) co-exist
4. Conversion to another religion, under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
a) automatically dissolves the marriage
b) doesnot automatically dissolve the marriage
c) may or may not automatically dissolve the marriage depending on the facts and
circumstances of the case
d) Discretionary to the court to take the marriage automatically dissolved or not
5. . Bar to entertain a petition for divorce is contained in
a) Sec.14 Of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
b) Sec.15 Of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
c) Sec.19 Of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
d) Sec.23 Of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

6. Under the Hindu Law, in relation to illegitimate children

a) A court declaration is necessary to confer a status of legitimacy

b) Court declaration is not necessary to confer a status of legitimacy
c) Such a child becomes legitimate after reaching the age of 18 years
d) He cannot become legitimate

7. An order under Sec.24 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is an

a) An interlocutory order and no appeal lies against it.

b) It is an appealable order generally
c) It is an appealable order, but with the leave of the court only
d) Either (b) or (c)
8. Fine Prescribed under Sec.18 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 for child marriage has been
enhanced by the Hindu Marriage (Amendment) Act, 2007 from one thousand rupees to

a) Rs.10,000 b) Rs.15,000 C) Rs. 50,000 d) Rs.1,00,000

9. Sec.26 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides for

a) Custody of minor children

b) maintenance of minor children
c) education of minor children
d) (a) (b) and (c)

10. Sec.7 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, provides for

a) Requisites of a valid adoption

b) Capacity of a male Hindu to take in adoption
c) Persons capable of giving in adoption
d) Capacity of a female Hindu to take in adoption

11 Order of Permanent alimony under sec.25 of the Hindu Marrriage Act, 1955 can be varied ,
modified or rescinded

a) If the party in whose favour the order has been passed re-marries
b) If the party in whose favour the order has been passed is the wife, she has not remained
c) If the party in whose favour the order has been passed is the husband, he has had sexual
inter course with any other woman
d) All the above

12. A Hindu wife is not entitled to separate residence and maintenance from her husband if she is

a) Unchaste b) ceases to be a Hindu by conversion C) Both (a) and (b) d) either (a) or ( B)

13. Apostacy from Islam, before the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939, operated as a
complete and immediate dissolution of the marriage, if apostasy is committed by

a) husband b ) wife c) both husband and wife simultaneously d) either the husband or wife

14. In India, in Ithna Ashari law, the mother is entitled to the custody of her male child till the age of

a) 2 years b) 5 years C) 7 years d) puberty

15. In muta marriage, the wife

a) Has a right to leave the Husband before the expiry of the term only with the
permission of the Quazi
b) Has a right to leave the husband before the expiry of the term only with the
permission of the court
c) Has no right to leave the husband
d) Has a right to leave the husband before the expiry of the term

16. A muslim widow’s right of retention means

A ) a widow has a right to obtain possession of her husband’s estate if her dower remains unpaid

B) a widow lawfully in possession of her deceased husband’s estate is entitled to retain such
possession until her dower debt is satisfied

c) a widow has a right to create a specific charge on the deceased husband’s estate until her dower
debt is satisfied

d) a widow having been possession of her deceased husband’s estate by force or fraud, has a right to
retain such possession until her dower debt is satisfied.

17. Which of the following is not a revocable form of talaq

a) Talaq-ul-biddat B) Talak-ul-sannat c) Talak ahasan d) Talaq hasan

18. If the Husband or the wife dies during the period of iddat following upon the pronouncement of
an irrevocable divorce

a) each is entitled to inherit from the other

b) neither of them can inherit from the other

C) only the husband can inherit from the wife but not vice-versa

d) only the wife can inherit from the husband but not vice versa

19. . A marriage with a woman before completion of her Iddat is

(a) Irregular
(b) Void
(c) Voidable
(d) Neither (b) nor (c)

20. . Failing the mother, the custody of a boy under the age of seven years belongs to:
(a) Father
(b) Paternal uncle
(c) Brother’s wife

21. Under the constitution of India, all aspects of family law are under

a) Union List b) State List c) Concurrent List d) both (b) and (c)

22. Two persons are said to be related to each other by Uterine blood

a) When they are descended from a common ancestress by the same husbands
b) When they are descended from a common ancestress but by different husbands
c) When they are descended from a common ancestor, by same wife
d) When they are descended from a common ancestor, but by different wives

23. “A” marries “B”, the widow of his elder brother. The marriage is

a) Void b) Valiid c) Voidable (d) None of the above

24. A marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 must be solemnized in accordance with the
customary rites and ceremonies of

a) The Bride
b) The bridegroom
c) both the bride and the bride-groom
d) Either the bride and the bride-groom

25. G, a Hindu girl, aged 14 years, marries, B, a Hindu boy by exchanging garlands in a temple. Later
G, finds that B is impotent. G leaves the matrimonial Home and marries A. In the following situation

a) G cannot be punished for bigamy because her first marriage was not valid on account
of improper solemnization of marriage
b) G cannot be punished for bigamy
c) G cannot be punished for bigamy, because he r first marriage was not valid on
account of impotency by B
d) G can be punished for Bigamy

26. Children of annulled voidable marriages and of void marriages are

a) Heirs to their parents as well as to others in the family of their parents

b) Heirs to their parents and to none else
c) Neither the heirs of their parents nor to any one else
d) Either (b) or (c)

27. “ Onus” to prove reasonable excuse for withdrawal from society under Sec.9 of the Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955 is on the

a) Respondent b) Petitioner C) Either (b) or (c) d) varies with the circumstances of each case

28. Restitution of Conjugal rights can be claimed

a) When there is a withdrawal from the society of the other with an excuse
b) When there is a withdrawal from the society of the other without any absolute cause
c) When there is a withdrawal from the society of the other without any reasonable excuse
d) Both (b) and (c)

29. Sec.14 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, enacts a “fair trial”rule according to which

a) A couple can get divorce with in 6 months of their marriage

b) A couple can get divorce within 6 months of their marriage only in exceptional cases
c) A couple can get divorce within one year of their marriage
d) A couple can get divorce only after one year of their marriage except in exceptional cases
30. According to the decision in Rita Mago Vs. V. P. Mago, AIR 1977, Del.176, an order for interim
maintenance and expenses under sec.24 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 can be passed

a) During the pendency of the proceedings only

b) After the conclusion of trial and passing of the decree
c) both (a ) and (b) are correct
d) Either (a ) or (b)

31. The liability of heirs who take the property of the deceased to provide maintenance to dependant

a) Joint liability
b) Individual liability and is unlimited

c) individual liability of each heir in proportion of the value of the share of the estate taken by

c) either (a) or (B)

32. Supreme Court In Chandrashekhar Vs. Kulaindaivelu, AIR 1963 S C 185, has laid down that
the validity of an adoption is to be determined

a) By the temporal & devolution of property considerations

b) By the temporal consideration
c) By the spiritual rather than temporal consideration
d) By the devolution of property consideration

33. In an adoption made by a Hindu male, the consent of the wife can be dispensed with, if

a) The wife has ceased to be a Hindu

b) The wife has finally and completely renounced the world
c) The wife has been declared to be of unsoundmind by a court of competent jurisdiction
d) Either (a) or (b) or (c)

34. Where a Hindu has more than one wife and adoption has been made with their consent

a) The senior most in marriage shall be called the adoptive mother and the others shall be step
mothers of the child
b) All of them shall be called the adoptive mothers of the child
c) All of them shall be called the step mothers of the child
d) All of them shall be called the natural mothers of the child

35. Under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956, an illegitimate daughter can claim
maintenance from her

a) Putative father b) Natural mother c) only (b) but not (a) d) both (a) and (b)

36. Where the dower amount is not fixed, the customary or proper dower of a woman is to be fixed
a) With reference to the social position of the husband and his means
b) With reference to the social position of her father’s family and her own personal
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) Both (a ) and (b)

37. Talak-a-t afweez operates in law as

A) Divorce inpursuance of power delegated by the Husband to the wife

B) a talak of the husband by the wife
C) a talak by mutual consent
D) a talak by lla

38. Offsprings of “Zina” are

a) Illegitimate and can be legitimated by acknowledgment

b) Illegitimates and cannot be legitimated by acknowledgment
c) Legitimate
d) Either (a ) or (b)

39. Dower ranks as

a) An ordinary unsecured debt along with other creditors

b) A preferential debt

c) An ordinary debt having priority over other contractual debts

e) A secured debt

40. According to Shafi or Maliki law, a child born after the termination of marriage, is legitimate, if

a) with in 6 lunar months

b) With in 10 lunar months]
c) With in 2 lunar years
d) With in 4 lunar months

Q. A executed a will appointing B as the executor. A authorized his widow to adopt a son and she
adopts accordingly. The property of the deceased consists of a money-lending business. B orrowed
money from a bank for the conduct of money-lending business, which was necessary for the estate.
Later the adopted son repudiates the debt to the bank.. Decide with relevant case law on the point

Q. . “ We have not lost sight of the fact that the conduct of the husband is blame worthy in that he
married a second time and got a child during the pendency of the proceedings but that factor cannot be
blown out of proportion or viewed in isolation nor can deter this court to take a total and broad view of
the realities of the situation when we deal with adjustment of human relationships” In the light of the
above statement critically examine the case of Ashok Hurra Vs Rupa Bipin Zaveri , AIR 1997 SC 1266.
Q. Under the Shastric Hindu Law there is no limit of time within which a widow can make a valid
adoption to her deceased husband. The Privy council, however on grounds of public policy imposed a
limit upon the widow’s power of adoption. The limit is not a durational limit measured in years. It is a
contingent limit. Mention the contingencies in which the widow’s power of adoption comes to an
end.”. In the light of the above statement mention the law involved in the law of adoption with the
decided cases

Q. On what grounds the constitutional validity of Muslim women ( Protection of Rights on

Divorce) Act, 1986 was challenged and what are the principles laid down by the Supreme Court in
Danial Laiff Vs. Union of India AIR 2001, S. C. 3958

Q. A sole surviving coparcener executed a will under which he authorized his wife to adopt a boy to
him. Under the same will he gave certain property to his wife and also to his daughter. After his
death his widow adopted a boy. Can he challenge the bequests:

(i) If the property bequeathed was the testator’s separate property;

(ii) If it was his ancestral property. Would it make any difference if the testator himself made
the adoption during his life time

Q. In Shamim Ara Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh, A.I.R,2002 S.C.3551, Supreme Court observed
that “ A mere plea taken in the written statement of a divorce having been pronounced
sometimes in the past cannot, by itself, be treated as effecting talaq on the date of the delivery of
the copy of the written statement”. In the light of the above observation critically examine the above
said case

Q. Discuss briefly the grounds for judicial separation under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. How does
a decree of judicial separation affect the marital status of the parties ?

PPT Name : HINDU MARRIage act………..from the slide no 87 …

Q. Whether a muslim woman can divorce her husband under muslim law? What is the effect of
divorce upon the wife and husband after divorce ? Elucidate the grounds available to a muslim
married woman under the provisions of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939

Subba Rao- 645- 648.

Short questions

a) Difference between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga - pg- 62-63

b) Ante-ado0ption Agreement Pg- 376
c) Ceremonies incidental to a Christian marriage PPT
d) Doctrine of Factum Valet Pg-334
e) Difference between Khula and Mubarat PPT
f) Powers of the Testamentary guardian pg- 435
g) Muta marriage
h) Dower Under Mulim Law
i) De facto guardian pg- 435-441
j) Changes made in the law of guardianship by Hindu Minority ad Guardianship Act, 1956 pg-421
k) Difference between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga - pg- 62-63
l) Ante-ado0ption Agreement Pg- 376
m) Ceremonies incidental to a Christian marriage PPT
n) Doctrine of Factum Valet Pg-334
o) Difference between Khula and Mubarat PPT
p) Powers of the Testamentary guardian pg- 435
q) Muta marriage
r) Dower Under Mulim Law
s) De facto guardian pg- 435-441
t) Changes made in the law of guardianship by Hindu Minority ad Guardianship Act, 1956 pg-421

Q. A executed a will appointing B as the executor. A authorized his widow to adopt a son and she
adopts accordingly. The property of the deceased consists of a money-lending business. B orrowed
money from a bank for the conduct of money-lending business, which was necessary for the estate.
Later the adopted son repudiates the debt to the bank.. Decide with relevant case law on the point

Q. . “ We have not lost sight of the fact that the conduct of the husband is blame worthy in that he
married a second time and got a child during the pendency of the proceedings but that factor cannot be
blown out of proportion or viewed in isolation nor can deter this court to take a total and broad view of
the realities of the situation when we deal with adjustment of human relationships” In the light of the
above statement critically examine the case of Ashok Hurra Vs Rupa Bipin Zaveri , AIR 1997 SC 1266.

Q. Under the Shastric Hindu Law there is no limit of time within which a widow can make a valid
adoption to her deceased husband. The Privy council, however on grounds of public policy imposed a
limit upon the widow’s power of adoption. The limit is not a durational limit measured in years. It is a
contingent limit. Mention the contingencies in which the widow’s power of adoption comes to an
end.”. In the light of the above statement mention the law involved in the law of adoption with the
decided cases

Q. On what grounds the constitutional validity of Muslim women ( Protection of Rights on

Divorce) Act, 1986 was challenged and what are the principles laid down by the Supreme Court in
Danial Laiff Vs. Union of India AIR 2001, S. C. 3958

Q. A sole surviving coparcener executed a will under which he authorized his wife to adopt a boy to
him. Under the same will he gave certain property to his wife and also to his daughter. After his
death his widow adopted a boy. Can he challenge the bequests:
(i) If the property bequeathed was the testator’s separate property;
(ii) If it was his ancestral property. Would it make any difference if the testator himself made
the adoption during his life time

Q. In Shamim Ara Vs. State of Uttar Pradesh, A.I.R,2002 S.C.3551, Supreme Court observed
that “ A mere plea taken in the written statement of a divorce having been pronounced
sometimes in the past cannot, by itself, be treated as effecting talaq on the date of the delivery of
the copy of the written statement”. In the light of the above observation critically examine the above
said case

Q. Discuss briefly the grounds for judicial separation under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. How does
a decree of judicial separation affect the marital status of the parties ?

PPT Name : HINDU MARRIage act………..from the slide no 87 …

Q. Whether a muslim woman can divorce her husband under muslim law? What is the effect of
divorce upon the wife and husband after divorce ? Elucidate the grounds available to a muslim
married woman under the provisions of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939

Subba Rao- 645- 648.

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