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Effects of Light in Photosynthesis, Respiration

and Transpiration Rate

Decio, John Ave T.

Agri 31 – U1L

Submitted to:

Professor Lenie A. Quiatchon


Proper management of crop production and improvement of crop productivity are both
associated with the process of photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration. These processes
involve biochemical reactions. Firstly, it's important to distinguish that photosynthesis,
respiration and transpiration are different processes. Photosynthesis is the process used by plants
to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, using absorbed sunlight.
Photosynthesis mainly occur mainly occur in the leaves containing stoma and mesophyll cells.
The process has two components the light and dark reaction. Light reaction is the process of
photosynthesis that converts energy from the sun that was absorbed by chlorophyll molecules
into chemical energy in the form of NADPH and ATP. NADPH and ATP mainly act as the fuel
that makes the dark reaction or Calvin cycle possible. The reactions of the Calvin cycle add
carbon (from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere) to a simple five-carbon molecule called RuBP.
These reactions use chemical energy from NADPH and ATP that were produced in the light
reactions. The final product of the Calvin cycle is glucose. The process of respiration involves
using the sugar produced during the photosynthesis plus oxygen to produce energy for plant
growth, at the same time, oxygen is released to the atmosphere as the process remains.
Respiration is the apparent opposite of photosynthesis but there are salient differences in the two
processes. Photosynthesis only occurs with plants while respiration occurs in all living
organisms. As with photosynthesis, plants get oxygen from the air through the stomata.
Respiration takes place in the mitochondria of the cell in the presence of oxygen, which is called
"aerobic respiration". In plants, there are two types of respiration: dark respiration and photo
respiration. The first kind occurs in the presence or absence of light, while the second occurs
exclusively in the presence of light. Transpiration is the process by which the plant uptakes and
transports water and nutrients to different plant parts. The water in liquid form used in the
process of transpiration is converted to vapor and released to the atmosphere. It maintains the
favorable turgor pressure for the transport of nutrients absorbed by the roots from the soil.
Transpiration keeps the plant hydrated and it also cools the plant.

An experiment was conducted for the students to discuss and relate the role of
photosynthesis and plant organs to yield formation; apply the principles of different methods
used in the estimation of photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration. Students are tasked to
estimate the net photosynthesis and respiration of corn plant and the transpiration rate of an
herbaceous leafy shoot.


A. Photosynthesis, Respiration, and Yield

The experiment was aimed to measure the essentiality of light to the growth and yield of
corn. To have a measurement and comparable rate of photosynthesis, respiration and yield, two
light treatments were used. First sample group were grown was grown under the full sunlight and
the other one was grown in partial or artificial light which has 40% light reduction using two
layers of black netting. Each group is required to measure 0.6 meter in a row per treatment and
get the plants within such length. 3 plants were obtained for each row, treatment and stage. 3
corn plants are required for every treatment. As for the comparability purposes, only one ear per
plant shall be recognized and the additional shall be removed right away.

After weeks of observation, the labeled plants were uprooted and cleaned without destroying the
roots. Samples were then brought to the laboratory for another data accumulation. Each ear that
corresponds to every plant was labeled accordingly, removed from the plant and husks were also
removed and kept for another purpose. The number of kernels, kernels per row, fresh weight and
dimensions were then collected. After the data collection of the fresh ears, ears were then cut into
pieces and placed into labelled paper bags then dried for 1 week in an oven with 80ºC

The remaining earless plants were then used to estimate gross and net photosynthesis as well as
the respiration rate. Fresh weight of the organs of the earless plants were also collected and cut
categorically. Earless samples were also dried for 1 week at 80ºC temperature. The weight of
both dried ear and earless corn plant were then measured.

All the data gathered will be used for the calculation of gross photosynthesis. Gross
photosynthesis is the sum of net photosynthesis and amount of photosynthesis utilized for
respiration. Since respiration is 33% of gross photosynthesis, then the net photosynthesis is 67%
of gross photosynthesis. We can easily estimate gross photosynthesis and respiration given a
sample dry weight. To further explain, the dry weight is divided to .67 to get the value of gross
photosynthesis and the value of gross photosynthesis is multiplied to .33.

B. Determination of Transpiration

In the experiment conducted, a leafy branch/shoot was used. The leafy branch/shoot was
mounted into a potometer. A potometer is a device that measures the rate at which a plant draws
up water. Since the plant draws up water as it loses it by transpiration, you can measure the rate
of transpiration. We determine the rate of transpiration in a potometer by observing the distance
travelled by the bubble in centimeters per unit time interval(min) in the capillary tube with a
ruler and timer. In the experiment Rosal plant was used and different conditions were involved as
the independent variables or factors that affect the rate of transpiration. The potometer with the
Rosal was exposed in in condition such as, Still air + lowlight, still air + strong light, with
fanning + low light, and with fanning + strong light.
Results and Discussion

Table 3.1 Characteristics of corn ears harvested from plants grown under full sunlight and partial
shade at blister stage

Full Sunlight Partial Shade
1 2.1 2.2 3 Ave 1 2 3 Ave
Number of days to silk 48 48 48 48 56 56 56 56
Number of days to pollen 48 48 48 48 53 53 53 53
Ear Length (cm) 48.0 48.00 62.00 34.00 48.00 22.50 22.00 20.0 21.50
0 0
Ear Width (cm) 2.80 4.66 4.80 4.40 4.17 2.00 1.60 1.90 1.80
Number of Kernel rows 13 12 12 13 13 13 8 12 11
Number of kernel/rows 35 32 36 39 36 38 28 37 34.3
Ear fresh weight 102 429 200 243.6 26 13.9 22.3 20.7
3 0
Ear dry weight 32.5 170.80 85 96.10 2.80 2.10 3.60 2.83
Other observations The corn plant no. 2 has two ears.

On an average basis, Table 3.1 shows that the replicates of corns which were grown under full
sunlight which have 48 days to silk appearance and 48 days to pollen appearance, have 48 cm of
ear length; 4.17 cm of ear length; 13 kernel rows; 36 kernel per rows; Ear fresh weight of 243.63
g and the ear dry weight is 96.10 cm. While the other replicates which were grown under partial
shade which have 56 days to silk appearance and 53 days to pollen appearance, have 21.5 cm of
ear length; 1.80 cm of ear length; 11 kernel rows; 34.3 kernel per rows; ear fresh weight of 20.7
g and the ear dry weight is 2.83 cm. And two ears were observed in the corn plant no. 2

The quantitative data about the ears with the dimension results that are anchored to the
parameters show how sunlight directly affects the yield of the plant.
Table 3.2 Gross photosynthesis, net photosynthesis, and respiration of corn plants grown under
full sunlight and partial shade at blister stage.

Full Sunlight Partial Shade
1 2 3 Ave 1 2 3 Ave
Fresh weight (g) 832.7 932.50 549.60 771.60 114.80 160.90 121.10 132.27
Net photosynthesis (g) 284.4 623.00 305.40 404.27 20.80 32.00 24.40 25.73
Gross photosynthesis (g) 424.4 929.85 455.82 603.38 31.04 47.76 36.42 38.41
Respiration (g) 140.0 306.85 150.42 199.12 10.24 15.76 12.02 12.67

On an average basis, Table 3.2 shows that the corn which was grown under full sunlight has a
fresh weight of 771.60 g; net photosynthesis is 404.27 g; gross photosynthesis and the respiration
is 603.38 g and 199.12 g respectively.

While the corn that was grown under partial shade has a fresh weight of 132.27 g, showed a net
photosynthesis of 25.73g; 38.41 g for gross photosynthesis and 12.67 g respiration. The 2 light
treatments resulted into noticeable growth difference base on the weight results.

Table 3.3 Transpiration rates at different light and wind conditions.


A. Still air + low light .248 cm/min
B. Still air + strong light .264 cm/min
C. With fanning + low light .17 cm/ min
D. With fanning + strong light .12/min

Table 3.3 shows that the transpiration rate of the leafy shoot at still air + low light is .248
cm/min; .264 cm/min at still air + strong light; .17 cm/min with fanning + lowlight; and .
12cm/min with fanning + strong light.

The weight technically proves how sunlight is essential to the photosynthesis that is
constituted to the growth and yield of the corn plants. Based on the data results of the
experiment, the corn which was grown under the full sunlight provides the better values of length
and weight that were used to determine the rate of photosynthesis and respiration. Corn plants
which were grown under full sunlight yielded more bigger ears compared to the plants grown in
partial shade. More gross photosynthesis rate has also resulted with the full sunlight having an
average value of 603.8 g compared to 38.41 g of plants grown in partial shade.

On the part of the transpiration experiment, one of the notions says and believes that more wind
will result into higher rate of transpiration. But in the happened experiment, the data appeared to
be erroneous. The presence of higher wind made the transpiration rate lower than the plant with
lower wind presence. The erroneous data might be caused by how the potometers were set up.
There are requirements of setting up the potometer to obtain valid results. First, the plant shoot
must be fresh and healthy. Second, the plant shoot must be cut under water. Third, there must be
no air bubbles in the apparatus. Lastly, leaves must be dry.

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