Unit 5 Words 4

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REVISION U 5 Word File/Words Name:

Say in German:
1. harmful .....................................................................
2. fattening .....................................................................
3. revolting .....................................................................
4. artificial .....................................................................
5. nutritious .....................................................................
6. tasty .....................................................................

Say in English:
1. obwohl .....................................................................
2. Kochkunst .....................................................................
3. loswerden .....................................................................
4. bereitstellen, hergeben .....................................................................
5. übergewichtig .....................................................................
6. erbrechen .....................................................................
7. zunehmen .....................................................................
8. Gewohnheiten .....................................................................
9. nicht mögen .....................................................................
10. Ernährung .....................................................................
11. Essstörung .....................................................................

Words in context

Circle the correct options to complete the dialogue.

Marie I’m just looking at the ingredients in this orange drink. It’s full of (1)artificial /
nutritious / tasty things – there’s nothing natural in it at all!
Tessa Yes, you’re right. I think these things are (2)harmful / filling / healthy for our
bodies – they aren’t doing us any good. I want to try to eat (3)harmful /
fattening / healthy food, which is good for us.
Marie Yes, let’s make an effort to do that. Instead of drinking this orange drink, I’m
going to eat an orange! That’s much more (4)nutritious / filling / revolting
because it’s full of minerals and vitamins. Also it’s (5)fattening / artificial / fresh
because it hasn’t been kept in a tin for ages.
Tessa I think fruit is (6)harmful / artificial / tasty as well – it’s much more delicious
than those soft drinks! Also, an orange is more (7)fattening / filling / revolting,
which means that I won’t be tempted to snack before my next meal!
Marie What else can we do?
Tessa I know! We should avoid junk food because it’s (8)artificial / nutritious /
fattening – I don’t want to put on weight and become unhealthy.
Marie I hate junk food. Yuck! I think it’s (9)healthy / tasty / revolting!

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