Lesson Plan 6

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Teacher: Joyce Cucksey, Ashley Ellis 

Grade Level: 6-8 
Lesson Plan # 3: Day 6 
Lesson Title: Action 
Date Taught: March 14, 2020 
Date Revised: Spring, 2020 
Theme/Overarching curriculum goals: 
Our goal is for students to take away an understanding of empowerment and that their voice, thoughts 
and actions count. This is relevant as it is an important skill they can take away and use throughout 
their lives. Social issues and changes will be a constant part of life and having the skills to deal with 
and understand these issues can result in a better tomorrow. As an emerging young adult, finding a 
voice and knowing how to use it can be a powerful revelation. Exploring the world and coming into 
more knowledge and understanding about what is going on today is an impactful time of life.  
Lesson Rationale: 
In this lesson, students will make a tunnel book reflecting their past book cover that they made in the 
previous lesson. They will depict a scene using three panels that they carve out and layer on top of 
each other to create depth and using their knowledge of negative space that goes along with their 
book cover that explores the theme of empowerment through activism, using their voice to correlate 
their scene into an action.  
Lesson Objectives: Students will…  
Conceptual/Affective/Expressive Objective (creative/critical thinking processes to be developed): 
o Students will begin with mind mapping in their sketch book about their social issue of their choice 
to gather their ideas and narrow down their thoughts to make imagery for their book cover. We will 
do another review about how mind mapping works with a short warm up exercise with word 
o Students will plan their carving panels by sketching out a rough draft in their sketchbooks based 
off of their mind maps.  
o Students will be able to understand vocab such as book covers, composition, symbolism, imagery, 
and fonts. 
o Students will create work that encompasses their issue as a whole and how they communicate 
symbolism through an art piece with an idea. 
Productive Objective (what students will physically learn to make/do): 
● Students will use their photoshop image as inspiration to create visual representation about this issue that 
they choose by creating a 3D tunnel book with 3 x acto cut out panels layered for foreground, midground 
and background. 
● Students will explore representation through use of symbolism, for example using imagery to portray a 
meaning or feeling behind it.   
● Students will learn about negative space and layering images to make a whole picture.  
● Students will make a book that reflects an issue they are passionate about 
Multicultural/Historical/Interdisciplinary Objective (aspects of culture/history/another subject that students will
learn about):
● Students will learn about the artists who use paper as a medium such as Kiri Ken, ​Rogan Brown, and 
Calvin Nichols 
● Students will explore topics such as activism, empowerment, climate change, gender equality, 
discrimination, and humanitarianism, etc.  
State Visual Arts Goals met by the lesson objectives: 
● ART.VA.I.7.5 Produce and exhibit a final product that demonstrates quality
craftsmanship and technique at an emerging level.
● ART.VA.III.7.6 Identify personal and community experiences within works of art at an
emerging level. 

Activism - The action of campaigning to bring about social and political change. 
Symbolism - The use of image to represent an idea. 
Empowerment - The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially when fighting for 
one’s right. 
Expression - The process of making one’s thoughts and feelings known. 
Mind Mapping - ​a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts 
Color Theory - ​a set of principles used for working with colors that involves mixing colors, considering 
the visual effects of color, and creating pleasing ​ c
​ olor combinations 
Layering -  
Color pop - Making a photo black & white, but keeping one object in colour 
Composition - placement or arrangement of visual elements 
Perspective - appearance to the eye of objects in relative distance and position.  
Tunnel book- m ​ ade up of a series of pages that are held together by folded strips of paper on each side 
Negative Space- ​the space around and between the subject of an image 
Carving- ​ ​design cut from a hard material as an artistic work
Foreground-the part of a view that is nearest to the observer
Midground- the middle distance of a painting or photograph
Background- the area or scenery behind the main object of contemplation, especially when perceived as
a framework for it
Climate change - a change in global or regional climate patterns. 
Gender equality- the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender. 
Discrimination - ​unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on 
the grounds of race, age, or sex.  
Humanitarian - Seeking to promote human welfare for all. 
Teacher Provided Materials: (__21_ students plus demos) 
Demo materials: 
o Sketchbook  
o Xacto knife 
o white Card stock paper cut out to 8’’ x 8’’ 
o Scissors 
o Elmer's Glue 
o Paint Brushes for glue 
For Student: 
o Sketchbook  
o Xacto knife 
o white Card stock paper cut out to 8’’ x 8’’ 
o Scissors 
o Elmer's Glue 
Learner Provided Materials: 
(materials students have been asked to bring in) 
● N/A 


Motivation/Activities and Prompts: 
Discussion presentation/board  
o We will present on how to use a Xacto knife safely. 
o In our presentation we will talk about how composition plays an effect on imagery 
o We will talk about negative space and its impact on a piece, how it can add visual variety.  
o We will talk about different symbolism that is used to portray meaning in works of art by 
showing examples in the presentation. 
​ ​ Interactive demos  
o Demo of Xacto knife cutting  
o Demo on folding the paper slots to put the carved panels in to create the tunnel 
o Demo of sketching a good composition.  
o A hand out will be given out going step by step through the directions for students to reference 
as they go about the project. 
​ ​Handouts (list)  
o Instructions for creating the folds, the panels and placement. 
o safety instruction 
Historical/Multicultural/Interdisciplinary exemplars  
● We will show works from Kiri Ken, ​Rogan Brown, and Calvin Nichols 


Classroom Layout/Physical Set-up: 
● Expectation Posters 
● Cell phone rules and guidelines. 
● Door welcome sign 
o With 21 students present in the classroom, having 5 students at three of the tables and then 
having six students at one accommodates all the students. 
o Utilizing the space outside the classroom, students can freely sit at the tables if they need more 

o Material cart (Storage) 
o Front of the class 
o At tables or utilizing the outside room and tables for space if needed.  
o In the classroom at student tables.  
o Tables assigned for students 

SKETCHBOOK/JOURNAL: (​_10_​ minutes) 
o They will be prompted to continue to carve out their panels and pick up where they left off last 
o The students who were absent last class will be prompted to begin sketching out 2 panels in 
their sketch book.  
FOCUSING EVENT: (​ 10​ minutes) 
o Reviewing last week's powerpoint, going over that we are making tunnel books and carving 
out our panels.( Refer to Day 5 Powerpoint) 
o We will remind them of what we are looking for in the tunnel books such as a social or political 
stance told in a story.  
DEMO: (​_10_​ minutes) 
o Once the image is cut out, we will show them how to fold the two 3’’ panels into the accordion 
so they can glue the panels in. (See Tunnel Book handout) 
o We will demo on how to assemble the panels into the folded slots.  
o We will demo on how to make the stabilizer pieces to insert with the folded paper and the 
o We will demo on how to evenly spread the glue out with  
WORKSESSION: (​_75_​ minutes) 
o Once they have carved out their three panels, they will start folding another piece of cardstock 
to create the holders 
o We will prompt them to fold their card stock crisply so that the panels fit snuggly. 
o They will insert the panels into the folded pieces with elmers glue with a paint brush.  
CLEAN UP: (​5​ minutes) 
● Students will put away writing and art supplies in their homes 
● We will openly discuss what we learned today, as well as talk about anything they enjoyed or 
found difficult with the project. 
CLOSURE: (​5​ minute)  
o We will talk about what they liked most about their panels 
o We will talk about the difficulties they have had with carving 
o We expect students to be completely done with their tunnel books 
Formative: Throughout the class students will be asked how they are progressing in their research, they will be 
asked guided questions to ensure they are staying on task. We will also monitor the class and see what needs 
to be changed in regards to seating, classroom behavior, and classroom expectations. 
Special Needs Accommodations:​ ​(Describe at least 2 specific ways in which you might adapt this lesson for 
students with special needs.) 
1. ADHD: Check in with the student personally, ask them how they are doing, keep things moving 
and have minimum downtime for them so they can stay active.  
2. Down syndrome: Respectful of personal space, get to know them, sit by them so they have 
some one on one time 
3. Hearing impairment: Have the student sit up front close to the speaker, have a buddy sit next 
to them if they did not hear or have a question they can ask their friend, and also check in with 
them afterwards to make sure they fully understand what the class is doing. 
Time allotted for lesson (_120__ minutes total for class): 
Activity Minutes
Sketchbook 10 mins.
Focusing Activity 20mins.
Discussion 0mins.


Demonstrations 20mins.
Worksession 55mins.
Clean-up 10mins.
Assessment/Closure 5mins.

Preparation Time:  

Activity Time
Writing lesson  1 hour
Gathering materials/resources 15mins
Set-up (before classes) 1 hour
Making an example 3 hour
Making presentations/boards/handouts 1 hour
Revising lesson  30 mins

TOTAL 45 mins/ 6 hours

(ATTACH: all supplementary materials for the lesson, such as handouts, powerpoints, images of 
exemplars, etc.) 


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