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Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol.

2 (51) - 2009
Series IV: Philology and Cultural Studies




Abstract: In a highly mediatized world, where the new media have the
great potential to change existing cultural languages, one might assume that
differences in communication tend to become levelled off. Or with the
emergence of an apparently chaotic network of individual voices, a more
thorough insight into the elements of different identities as well as into the
verbal and non-verbal components of intercultural communication proves

Key words: cultural identities, plurality of identities, multifaceted identity.

1. Introduction multiculturalism. Moreover, to highlight this

strong unity one can bring forth the idea of
In the process of communication in the Pentagon itself - a building, an
general, and intercultural communication in institution, a symbol - the headquarters of the
particular, for a proper decoding of the United States Department of Defence, one of
messages it is of paramount importance to the world’s largest office buildings, virtually
recognize to what an extent people’s identity a city in itself where both military and
contributes to formulate and convey the civilian employees contribute to the planning
information. and execution of the U.S. defence.
As the United States of America with its Architecturally the building is so well
tremendous ethnic diversity has always conceived that despite its 17.5 miles of
proved a most exciting terrain for linguistic corridors, it takes only seven minutes to walk
research, the cornerstones of between any two points of the building. As
multiculturalism and the impact of such, figuratively speaking, equipped with a
intercultural relations on linguistic wider knowledge and empathy towards any
development and language use could be individual, in the myriad of the present-day
considered a first step in presenting the media channels, easy access to understand
impact of identity on communication. Based the Other is fully facilitated. With these facts
on the model of the Ethno-Racial Pentagon in mind, a new pentagon model (Hortobágyi,
borrowed from Hollinger (1995), the five 2004) can be designed, where ethnicity,
main blocks, namely the Euro-American, identity, discourse, language and education
African-American, Asian-American, form a permeable unit based on a common
Hispanic (Latino) and Indigenous Peoples core, namely the omnipresence of the
(Native American) can be replaced with linguistic element, which is by all means the
items that form an indivisible unity within most expressive mirror of one’s identity.
the interdisciplinary field of

University of Pannonia, Institute of English and American Studies, Veszprém, Hungary.
258 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series IV

2. From E Pluribus Unum to E Pluribus communication but also as a marker of the

Plures speaker’s cultural identity. A speech
community may decide to maintain the
According to Kallen (Steinberg, 2000), commonly agreed rules and norms, but
the United States is less importantly a may just as well decide to gradually
union of states than it is a union of ethnic, change them according to the
racial, and religious groups – a union of communication environment. In addition,
otherwise unrelated “natives”. The Great in all communities there is a certain
Seal of the United States carries the motto individual deviation from the norms, as not
E pluribus unum, “from many, one”, which all the members of a speech community
seems to suggest that manyness must be communicate in the same way in a specific
left behind for the sake of oneness. Once situation or interaction.
there were many, now they have merged In a multicultural setting, when engaging
or, in Israel Zangwill’s classic image, have into a conversation, one has to presuppose
been melted down into one. But the Great that the members of a speech group usually
Seal also presents a different image: the share the same code and an entire system
American eagle holds a sheaf of arrows. of symbols, signs and meanings. By
Here there is no merger or fusion but only definition, we speak about intercultural
a fastening, a putting together: many-in- communication when the participants who
one. The adjective American seems to communicate represent a different
describe this kind of oneness and would communication system. Differences, which
point rather to the citizenship than nativity may often lead to clashes or even conflicts,
or nationality. The history of the American occur both at verbal level – certain
society has proved a pluralism, in which expressions can be employed to assert
there is no movement from many to one, belonging to a group or on the contrary to
but rather simultaneity and coexistence, a discriminate and exclude – and at non-
group affiliation so remarkably expressed verbal level, when for instance eye-
by the motto of the 21st century: E contact, gestures, turn taking can be
pluribus plures, “from many, many”. determined by the speaker’s identity.
In the complex background of the rapidly
2.1. Identity – a Monolithic or a evolving political, socio-economic and
Dynamic Category? financial world, cultural identities become
multifaceted, thus often displaying
Presently one can choose one’s roots different degrees of ambiguity. In the
freely, bearing in mind that the United process of socialization, under the
States is endowed with a non-ethnic influence of the above mentioned factors,
ideology of the nation, has a the cultural groups reflect the surrounding
predominantly ethnic history and can reality; consequently they are continuously
create for itself a post-ethnic future in negotiating, re-enforcing or on the contrary
which affiliation on the basis of shared redefining their cultural and ethnic
descent is more voluntary than prescribed. identities to fit societal needs. This process
In each ethnic, racial, cultural or gender- of reshaping also depends on the amount
related speech community language use is of personal history and experiences
of vital importance. Although each embedded in the current socio-economic
individual community has its own norms, realities of each society.
codes and forms of communication, In the turmoil of new types of regional
language is used not only as a means of conflicts, as early as 1993 Samuel P.
Hortobagyi, I.: The Role of Identity in Intercultural Communication 259

Huntington’s in his paper entitled “The speaking, cultural identities usually

Clash of Civilizations?”, which led to his encompass both race and ethnicity, two
famous book “The Clash of Civilizations categories which develop during the
and the Remaking of New World Order” individual’s early socialization and
recognized the paramount need to redefine constitute the core of a person’s drive for
and reinterpret the role of civilizations in an ethnocentric interpretation of the
general and the role of the individual in world. Race is generally interpreted as a
particular. Accordingly, with the end of the classification of an arbitrary selection of
Cold War, “the Velvet Curtain of culture has physical characters which separate
replaced the Iron Curtain of ideology” people into value-based categories,
(Huntington, 1993, 31) in a world where defined in relation to common descent
conflicts are usually spreading along the and heredity. Along this line, ethnicity
fault lines separating the major civilizations, seems to be an extension, an elaborate
namely Western, Confucian, Japanese, prolongation of race, as ethnic identity is
Islamic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin primarily a cultural marker that mirrors
American and African civilizations, which not only ancestral origins, shared
are basically differentiated from each other heritage, race and traditions, but also
by history, language, culture, tradition and economic, cultural, religious and
religion. The members of these civilizations linguistic background. Identified
also display largely different views on the historically or psychologically, ethnicity
basic relations between God and the is more an emotional bond shared by the
individual, the individual and the group, members of a group. Since it is
parents and children, husband and wife, the extremely difficult to trace the sharp
state and the citizen, rights and delimitation of these two categories,
responsibilities, liberty and authority, from the end of the 1990s the terms
equality and hierarchy. Although identities ethnicity and race have been less
are basically negotiated and re-negotiated in commonly employed, instead the term
the communication process, cultural cultural identity has been preferred.
characteristics and differences are less
mutable, thus less easily open to 3. Plurality of Identities
compromise than political and economic
ones. In a world which is currently In communication and daily
experiencing ideological realignment, an interactions people define who they are
individual might chose to change political and negotiate their identities with people
affiliation (sometimes even switching who are similar to them or different from
between two extremes), might have to get them.
along with an altered economic status, but
cannot and would not deny his/her national 3.1. Types of Identity
identity. “In class and ideological conflicts,
the key question was “Which side are you Each person has multiple dimensions of
on?”… In conflicts between civilizations, identities, usually depending on the nature
the question is “What are you?” of the social interaction. The sources of
(Huntington, 1993, 27). identity range as follows (Huntington,
As mentioned above, cultural identities 2004, 27):
are in fact manifestations of social Ascriptive (age, ancestry, gender, kin
reality. But what does the concept of (blood relatives), ethnicity (extended kin),
“cultural identity” cover? Generally race);
260 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series IV

Cultural (clan, tribe, ethnicity (way of usually overtly expressed in language);

life), language, nationality, religion, Spiritual identity (depending on the
civilization); culture and context, spiritual identity can
Territorial (neighbourhood, settlement, be more or less apparent, this identity may
country, geographical area, hemisphere, sometimes lead to severe conflicts);
etc.); Class identity (which usually influences
Political (faction, clique, leader, interest the way individuals communicate with
group, movement, party, ideology, state, each other. Often this identity is noticed
etc.); only following an encounter with a person
Economic (job, occupation, profession, representing another social class);
work group, employer, industry, economic National identity (a person’s citizenship
sector, labour union, class); of a nation, which often might be dominant
Social (friends, club, team, colleagues, over the individual’s cultural identity –
leisure group, status). racial and/or ethnic);
Regional identity (which may carry
3.2. Properties of Identity positive, negative, real or presumed
generalizations about people living in a
When dealing with the properties of specific region of a country, often this
identity, we distinguish two basic elements identity is stronger than the national
i.e. avowal (how a person perceives himself identity).
or herself) and ascription (how others Relations among identities are complex
perceive and communicate a person’s and often carry strong elements of
identity). As far as the modes of expression differentiation. Occasionally an individual
are concerned, identity expresses itself residing and working in a multicultural
through core symbols, names and labels, and background has to manage the conflict
norms. The core symbols manifest between family identity and job identity.
themselves in the form of cultural beliefs, Broader identity (national, cultural) might
which are actually people’s interpretation of include narrower identities (territorial,
the world and of the functioning society. In religious), which at times could be
addition, cultural groups, which share these exclusive. People may assert dual
core symbols, create norms for proper nationality, sometimes dual citizenship, but
conduct and appropriate behaviour in very rarely dual religiosity.
relational contacts. In the process of communication all the
Social and cultural identities may just as manifestations of a person’s identity are
well be classified according to the expressed either through verbal or non-
following taxonomy: verbal means. Rarely do people internalize
Gender identity, which is influenced by that non-verbal communication is a most
the way people are treated in every culture. powerful form of communication.
In each society there are shared norms Multicultural differences in body language,
according to which communication and facial expression, use of space, and
interactions are considered either feminine especially, gestures are often prone to
or masculine. Nowadays the media misinterpretation. According to a study
influences what is considered feminine or concluded at UCLA up to 93 percent of
masculine identity; communication effectiveness is determined
Age identity (cultures treat people of by nonverbal cues. Another study indicates
different ages in different ways; deep that the impact of a performance was
respect or on the contrary lack of respect is determined 7 percent by the words used,
Hortobagyi, I.: The Role of Identity in Intercultural Communication 261

38 percent by voice quality, and 55 percent reveals how languages are socially
by the nonverbal communication. constructed, but that speech events,
(Heathfield, 2009). activities, participants and context display
unpredictable modes of expression.
3. Identity and Discourse It is also worth mentioning that much
research was consecrated to the
A critical post-modern analysis of racial exploration of verbal and discourse genres
and ethnic categories of difference points and practices which constitute for instance
to the multilayered and fractured the African American speech community.
construction of individual identities. Ethnic Discourse genres refer to language and
identity is socially constructed and can be communication styles which commonly
reformed in discourse and political occur in socially, culturally and politically
struggle. Racial identities are unstable and defined contexts. In contrast, verbal genres
have shifted according to the drifts of refer to the speaker’s use of culturally
political trends. For instance once defined significant varieties and styles which
by the U.S. Census Bureau by race, mediate, constitute and construct contexts.
Hispanics are now identified by ethnic Thus, while both discourse and verbal
categories as Central American, Mexican- genres may co-construct various contexts,
American, Cuban and so on. verbal genres can conflict with strongly
Giroux (Hortobágyi, 2004)) tackles the framed discourse norms eroding or
radical post-modern notion that identities are disrupting well-defined social contexts.
shaped in discourse through language use and How can we exploit the advantages of a
the content of what for instance students are multicultural or intercultural background?
allowed to voice in the classroom. By In the process of developing conscious
stressing the importance of the self, Giroux sensitivity to decode the message-
argues that little space is available for human carrying elements of identity, it is very
action. In the social context of urban important to presuppose their
schooling, it is clear that much pedagogical omnipresence. The first step would be to
practice rests on the assumption that ethnic admit and recognize the complexity of
dialects interfere in the goal of assimilation people’s cultural identity in terms of how
for minority students. Many students of they want to represent themselves. In
multiple cultural background, for example, case of a person who comes from a
immigrants and Mexican-American students country whose society is complex and
in border towns and states, are therefore multifaceted, the layers and the depth of
silenced or forced to make a choice of such a complex society are as a rule
survival, rejecting one of the multiple visible, thus will be shown in
identities in favour of assimilation. Clearly, communication as well. In these societies
individual identities are woven in discourse, the identity is not only multifaceted but is
privileging specific use of language and also continuously shifting. Consequently,
silencing other uses. in order to understand the complexity of
Research on African-American an event, one has to look at it from
discourse, verbal genres and interactions different angles.
has been copious, covering the fields of
linguistics, folklore, anthropology, 3. Conclusion
sociology, psychology, education, and
literary criticism. The way African Successful intercultural communication
Americans talk to each other not only should grow from an understanding of
262 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 2 (51) - 2009 • Series IV

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