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Dear NAME REDACTED and Staff,

Our school can always improve with culture and extracurricular activities. We believe
that having a student council can help with that! We students communicate well with one
another, and we think that if we had a council, we could provide beneficial insights into the
students’ favorite topics and trends.
Providing the option of a student council for a student’s learning will make their
experience at this school even more intriguing. Our school is a college preparatory school.
Having a student council will help the school live up to its name. Not only would a student
council improve our school with more extracurricular options, but it would look great on a future
scholar’s college resume. Student council will help scholars meet the school’s high expectations
by empowering us to take responsibility for improving the school and using our voice. A student
council would help with not only student insights, but we would also help with fundraising,
events and dances, and even new electives. We have even told some teachers about this idea and
they support us. Ms. Sumnani is willing to sponsor us. We’re actually wanting to start this
council because of the community issue advocacy websites we did in her class. We picked an
issue that matters to us and researched ways to bring light to it. We want to advocate for our
school experience too.
Our school is a proficient and organized school, so having a student council would be
great for our school. We thought that our council should not be too small, yet not too large either,
so we think the parameters of the council size should only include eleven students in The
Council; three students from each grade level class, and then NAME REDACTED and me. We
believe that The Council should be selected by an application process. We would make forms for
interested students to fill out and we would work with teachers to cross-check students’ RIGHT
reports. The students who are passing classes and have good behavior, coupled with the quality
of their application, will be considered to be part of The Council. We ask that if you do grant us
this opportunity, to let us announce it at Community Circle two weeks from your approval.
Students who really want to be a part of The Council will be encouraged to raise their grades, but
also to improve their behavior. Our first designated project will be to fundraise for a gym here
and we also plan to have conversations around starting a dialogue about policy changes at the
school. Meeting times can be arranged as to when you think this would be best.
We hope that you grant us this great opportunity for a potential student council. Please
reach out if you have any questions concerning The Council.



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