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liuuryl'hing Hhuul' Lord Hunumun

No matter what Bramha Ji has wrttten in our fate,

Hanuman Ji T5 away; there to rectify it H

Hume muhaw Chahsa wages shnppmg 3m "mad: Contact

Jai Hanuman .Ii

Hanuman Chahsal H W mm H 20.425 he: 0

Hanuman Chahsa ts e 40t+3jt hh 1 [3 me Page

‘WWW W At‘sadhh hehgue etehguege
shmflar to hhhot am My hgh ‘5 h ’merd Wes HHS
SeheKht: (Omposed oy EDSNam‘ Memes h
ttetse Dchhd Hanuman, eh zrieh‘t oeyetee
ot Lori Ram;
LC'G H. mew . hohe
. Hahumoh (halisa‘ h w: mm:
hemoh :ha‘sz r'mstoes, Rzghavendhz eh. h
ct Ypssss‘on em sup . S’HEE sumatham hath
hehurheh to U se tah: seeh \HS heho ot pray ~ S’HEE Mehahd w a- sh TemL
to Loto Rama m das hes NHtten the to t the st htueh esoheht to be€DmE o . Lord hammer hmoes
Rzma so that thew eh mess_ em photede by hehutheh, End eh Sp hthehy ht dEanm :o R
5y imam; the Stotra e java eh«.eys \Emmjs hhhseh otth_ gheatness :f Hanuman, h s ~ Ha’mma’v chat 52 h \(h v ([H
mm Lehgueoe
den) aha W5 mHefgh aga hst um ght s A set Dus oey hh gem thueh 5p htuet ~ Ha’mma’v chat 52 Mar r;
support h the W he D‘M‘ tght aga hst h s \mperfed: ,hs b. \‘Jc’
. Perth sKetthes otLom hammer
Paperba(k Krhme/paperbeek Music cu . CaniadUs
amammn amammn amazon,n . Pambankvags

h H ’Hman
k. :ha

Lord Hanuman
Lord Hanuman weH kHD‘M‘ tot \ eKtrethe oe oh t:
Lem RENE Leta hehmheh s ah’yavs oeoteteo W the :hu eh
fDMEHe a EFH ttrue ievoth End a sythteh of the
ottme \ oh aha (hastty
Lem HEmHhaH‘S dehcthch‘ t: Lem RENE s ehhooh:
4 oh oftheenhght ndmjua‘somt ward H
Maw st Wes h Y the Men ht~ atuhe teh the ta‘es :f Lotu
hehurheh pro (HY; devotees Lotu Rama End Hg H
h.ho seeK he othetm Shem Memes
ha ht the r' \dHEmHHaH‘Sg at
(heteeteh h- we devDUDn

Swami Tulsidas
Goswarm' Tu‘stdas a t of java
rh o~ hKe RaWKHaHtmaE End HEmHhaH c-ehse
Tu‘sdas mte HaHHman d'ahs; h reeoe:t t: hehhrheh a a hhe
om Hah‘umzn Chahsa rEmm ees cf Loro

Ly cs and meaning
h‘trodudch y :ohe
3hr Emu chateh Sahoo‘a'ra] Nua mehu Nukm; SHdhaaH
Ezrahau Rehuthere ahhehe v’asha Jo Dzyaka hhehe char

C‘eznsmg th erDr tthy m Nd mm the ou Dmhe Gum, : 1 \b2 the

hhohethtsheo ghoh . RENE, M1 ()1 hes , m huts . htght_oh5he :Dhehhe; meehth
tartha), P‘ezsuhe :Kamz: eho therzton W Kshe;
everej Sum, :herehe et, Saro‘
pzrtJeth hhe man hhdhthhre erC‘,
sthaaH::\ezn Hg etohyhg aetehe Desth R hubzra OfRaghu‘yamsha,LohdRama,
Meheehhouhtyahheh pure Jasu: ,ry Jo: hm“ :eeyeh b H'a\ hutcheet

wgfifiméfifimfifififli ll

Budh 'Heen "Yam eanmkzh’ Smhhoh Pavzna Kumzra

Ba‘arEujhee mdua : -oo mhee HahaMJ Ka‘esha mKeera

‘:~-snet Hg HHS person as h-tehhgehte \ess, : \emEmbE‘ Loto hehutheh Gwe me Ethengfl‘,
\gEHEE End KhoMeoge :me my bodv aHmEntS aha menta‘ mperfedons”

auuoht ‘59”,
kn0\‘.H‘g,SUm ra emambifir, pa»a\‘akuma who god, Hanuman
hteh gen(e, thv 32, 4 ,Haha“u:rem:ve
ar Keheseee hhehts ttKereeth r'e:ttohs]

chopavwfiwfimifiw I
woahhgmemh IIW
Ja Hanumzn gya“ gun szgzr
Ja Kat s (mun hot ujzgar

(tom to Hanuman who ts H (eeh of W soorh eho mues mtoty t: the kmg Mohheys
h.ho ‘5 \Hum hethg three hehos‘

:Jzya:w:torv g‘orv,.nz;na: NSij,§|Hna:»Ht eeh,Kaoeee\ a:ng

~ M Key :Hanuman,(H‘UZthhee, \ok; ummzto‘]

Ram doote tha‘dhama
Anjazn rputra Pavan sut heme

0H ate the messenge‘ Rama tto snejpoh ahethe abod hooteohe

etso :aHEd km the names Amafl putte h omhjehe] EH1 Pavzna suta‘ :soh ot who goth“
(E:\hessengeh tuht nezsurejy athhta: hhhe
Ahjeh :omh‘ehe, outte

wwwohfi m
Vahabh atKreth aehehg
Kurhatt h »a\ SHmaU Ke eehgt

‘Oh mhghtvua‘oh us he :fteflfKieeiswh y orgehs ate as strong as D‘Emond the

heeooh ofGod the‘ Cme rhy bzd rhtho thteh tthose mth tu good1nm'

a emehu, ehg adv pens,

Kmhe eoed h-tehect, h ha‘ me :heeh, destrcu, suhtettegooo thtehhgehte Le,
sehgt thtehtoh


Keh:heh yeteh y ra‘ Eubesa

Keheh Kuhja‘ Kuh:htt Keshe

”"CH ate gohoeh , you are Shmmg H‘ vow bezuufm etthe m heye bezuufm eeht Hg
vow ear End (UHV he re

Keeh:heh 7 Men, oereheehue, bhejeeteso oeht, shh-h-g, subas=*

s, Kahah t, KHnda‘ W'rmgs Kuhehtta my, Keshe he r]

omxihoaoha um.

hath ‘ya‘ra Aur D‘ank \rHaje

K znd\‘e \Y‘OOHJJEH
“‘ya‘rayudha gthete: ehofle ate shh-h-g H‘ y \Hznd o mzde :f Munja grass
adoms . r Shem
worm heemg~
[hath End, Eehaema omr'ut as ha‘rzyudha ot mathoh yau:a\‘d,dh‘/E]a:flag
b\rzj teKettete, kaahjhe umers thuh; rassJah‘eo :szwtathrezd,s
(mead, Ea];

hmwmw ”EH

nkzr SHVEH Keeh NaMan

prztaap Nah; jag >ah‘d2n

‘0 pzma‘ m:amath ‘ t MEJESIV t erej tv

the hh eh. ho
mow tear‘mgw
[shehhetee oe NE, Keszfl:ng eh, father ot Hanumzn, uehuehe: 13v gtyet,
Shme gtehohe Pratap prowess, Ma" t Jaga:y‘.‘0\HybzndaFa hotsho:


\.'dya‘/EEH DUN
Ram kg] Kehoe h

‘Oh ohe \eeh-eo H1 5“ \y oyae, ohe m

worm heemg~
[smeyet .he who h _ awed ‘u‘dyaiy th av Hg anES att:»ew,(hatura
Kaa‘ ask, h \k, KaHb 0mg 4: K ,eeture: zger

uyafiagfiéfirfim I
Wwfimwafifim mu

rtaou (HaHU
Rem LaH‘an sue MEN Ezsw;
0H ehr v hetehh-g L r1 Ram: 5 Stew Lem RENE, Lakshman em Etta oe HY vow heatt“
mow tear‘mgw
[rtaohh o, :Harm;:storv hte w, euh be:hezr ko:to, Ras Va:]C‘/,Ma\‘a:m Nd
Ea yeetest stav]


Sukshma p dhaH s yeht a khba

‘mkzt r 1HEH \ahk‘arzha
essuththg th smehest hh vousamt» tedfiflta Assummgt gzntK fawn vou turht 1th-
th_ Lahka‘
Naomi” heemg~
[sookshmz rhmo, hhhu _, tohh, bodv, dhaH Hmmg, teKh-g,styeht:5tte,
mhaye ah shat ohhohe Lehheesmehha eraau burned

W$WW hgou

EMF"; p dhaH asm sehghete

Rama:ha\‘dra Ke kg] szmare
WWW; a teh b\e tohh ycu s‘ayej mans ”0H mzde L \d Rama 5 he eestet‘
mow tear‘mgw
[E“EE\ha:te\r\b‘ey pa:formy EhaH:assum Hg, Asuha:1 h0n,samha\:destmv
Ramzdwanira:Rama r' hme tram Wznage, make htezsv, EaHh’


Leye Sehhyeh LeKheh Jwave

shh Raghuvr Har _ tut \aye

‘vm brcught SanJeEhHH mcuntam to seye Lakshmzna s the . o RENE emote you H‘
:heayeebreught aetheeyeh herbU' (brmgs ta the deed
LaM‘an:Lakshmzn,J yeye awed, heghhbheestey Rzghu 2m, 4 Rem,
Hzrash M(h]0y,U\z heth Lave gey_,orought]

ywfi'flufifimmfi um

Rzghupzt Kthht tehut bada

Tum mam ohye share, rsam H‘ah

o Rama prahsed vou yehy htueh SEVHY; 0H ate «eat to me hKe my ttother Ehetata“
Raghupath:Kng ot Keghu cheh, Bahut:verv htueh Ezdaayh:p\a\ied *uth: :uhwerhaethy,
m he, ohy eat, Ehetetaebrother Rams, \‘h:hke, Sam qhehshe rotheh 1

wfifiwfimfinfi um

“May the thousand heeoeo setoeht Adhshesha SH‘g of me g‘ow‘ Sewn; U Lotu Rama
mo , em?
[eehes \‘Dusznj t jar aymhhhe hes :su essfl
theheh ehho rpat hu_teho ofGodj shteeotLeK
Legeye mbra<é:


hKedhtK Brahmaad Muheese

HahadrSarzd sahtt eheesa

‘Sahaka, Brahma aha heyeh szges Hem, aeteet


[Seheh age seheKe, ea he b\a‘VHa atch Brzhma, Aad\:and

wheee a:R:ua\ seges, Hahaia:SagE Nzrad sheteoeee ddzss sahzs‘ykahy Sehteethehmhg,

WW 3 U fififiat
wfaafifizfifiw—cia "WI

Vam KubEh mgoeeh Izhan

KewhoytoKehtse Kehehte

r gheatness oreoet h“

suhes, :tKoeehes sofs ohetttohs,

_hg_ , Keht ,Keh

whammwzéisl uzzu

Tum hoKet Sugteeyehth keenha

Rzm m‘ave \ajpai 4 1h;

u made hhh h ehas wth Ram; M‘Kh geye hhh h s Kthgshto back‘
worm heemg~
u, Upakzzra ,Sugteeyeeh'they Km; Sugr e, KHWH omhhheeyeetheue (Hem
meet ,Raj;pada:kwgsh o, E‘mha:ga»e]

Wwwmm Imam

mhh mzrma th ha“ maana

LehKeshhet aheye Subjzg Jana

‘mbheeshehe ;: _ teo vow Suggeshon He became the mg of Lanka betause :f

who‘e mom K tt‘
[nhhet our, mantr ,‘yhbheeshzn ht the MR; yeh h.ho fought ~Kethe‘ sme,
Meehe 3 __L121, Lankae‘haha:ng otLehKe, Saba aHyeaga homo, Jaana:k\


"Hg sahastr; JO‘EH pzr Ehehu

Leehyo teht mzdhur phat Janu

“ch He»: towarjs the suh M1: 5 th Asanis ofvezrs otVoJehae ehay (“H‘kmg :f h rh as a sweet


["Hg; , Sa\'zsr ah‘teof10'15kmysmflehit mstagreed ut h

metehee pa‘a:a\azvy shehuesuh, Majhuha "eet, th‘a:frmtyeanu:kn0fl Hg, (Hmkng


htebhh mum he me“ muKh rhehee

Jemht hehght geye a(hha] he

‘Puttm; the hhg 1 REM; W your mouth, vou ‘umped End .Dveh ceeeh to LehKe, thete ts ho
rtt se h that“

Zvrethu u, huh haehhg, rheh :HY

Leehghtgey Amped A(Haha];

wmflafi um

Durgaam kzjjagath
Sugam znugraha turhhr

“AH the a mutt taeKs H‘ the #:0th t2<0me eaSy \fthere s vim gra(e”
worm heemg~
[Durgama utteuht, Ka‘a to K, J; word K thehv,3h;ama:eesy,
ehhoreheegteee Tumhahe:v:ur t e ts:


Ram ataeer tum rakhuare

. t he egye bHHJ pz‘ia‘e

“Vour the joorkeeper , Ram; _ LAN: mthout your t_th ,h hot 1v (En eh _ Rama 5

ipuat 1DDr (um pet, hote -,e, hehhg,

.hthoutyagyaa .booy, tetse eh _ , _.he w]

mmwfiww mu

Sub suKh \a'ze (HWHEH sar he

*uth \zkshzk Kehu Ko dzr Haa

AH hepp hess slaw mth those Mt: take \efuge H‘ ”cm are the tto tot MW be anew ‘
worm heemg~
Saba: Hysukh app hess, theesur Lahah stayytumhan:nv:ur \a efuge,
(uma:v:u, \zks eheeoro tat, hehoo Ko: yhy‘ or r'h.hoth,oeteheeoe afrahd

mwfifiafi um

Aspzn ta] Samham eetat

Teehhoh hehK te Kehtet

eh (emetut otters ehthre_ ohms tremb‘e HY fear“

:eeoet pom, germ _ U y, Apah:you, rh-o thhee L hands,
\ hKe feet, Kate


ptsem u hat hehh- eeyet

Mahav r‘ab ~eem suhayee

“EM Spmts eho Shosts m heme \S heard 0 ghezt c hegeous :he‘

mow tear‘mgw
Eh a:Ev\Spwt5 ptsheeeheeghost, htKeteeth hehtedoh‘t
a»a\:(DmE mahabHa theheebheegteetweye, Jaba:whefl naam ame, sunzta :hezri]


hahze _ t peera
eapzt hhehtet hehutheht L eta
“D se 5 mt be ehueu, eh paws M“ be t he, When a oe Unuous‘v \epeats HaHHman
the ttave s hathe‘
worm heemg~
~o 124m», hsezse, Ha\a\:end, dose, 53o h, Feera:pams msezses,
Keep reteethg, r hembermg, hhehtet \‘tH‘uoHs‘ufieer; reye]

wwwmfivfimfi man

Sahkat se Hanumzn :hujavze

Ma“ Keteth ‘yadwah‘ oyeh ‘0 Lee
“Ha“umzn mu teteesethosehorh ttohbtes ‘M‘ Uh t hhh H‘ theh hhho a( 5 aha
L’r 0rd
worm heemg~
,dffimmes, (e:flomy CHM‘daavahde‘e ,rhet rhthjmerhaeeet
d5,1hyah‘a:medhtate,E:\‘temp‘ate, ,\\‘D,La»ah:app\v, a bh Hg]

fia$mm§nw "?le

53o par Ram tap ee ‘215

TV! Ke kg] seKeh um 53];

“Rama Kh-o osz, he ‘5 the Mn; ofvoghs Vou rhehegeu eh h _ asks‘ :t H‘ the
ttehshett ‘He M‘Deve‘ teKes refuge H‘ Rama vcu h: H mah‘age eh theh (as
me am¢9~
53o h, oeteeoh, Tet austermes, Ra‘s th Tna h.hose,KeeJe ork,

fiafifiafiafimwfi Huh

Am manorath‘o Ko heye
‘\ EHHI‘EEVEH phat oeye

e»e\ ohhgs maHV oftheH h: shes to ,they mu getummhtei thhts“

worm heemg~
[aw YEHyy m h‘ehetetheethehteh mshes iEEVE
ethteethth te, 3 yeheehte, oheheehuts, pavah:gety \E

Chamn w; partap tumhzra
het oetstoh ‘gatu‘wzra

Hr uugas,V'm 9 ~ these 5 yehy ietheusthmgheut the who end

thuhhhestheh. w
worm heemg~
m, Juga:vugz ,pt apa:g\orvy tmhhete ,phzshdih :famcms
Jagata ~ \d, uhyete HHmHYEj, soteeo:

zdhn saht Um RaH‘hkahe
Asur htKehdah Ram du‘hahe
guahdhzn 'Se hte End Good the Von wee dezr t: Rzma‘
worm heemg~
[aeohu good oeothe thths,5hhohe ohe, Sam eh-t, he
_ _ , guetoteh, e_ the: emDnS, mKehoehe dear]


Ashtari dht HE» htdht Ke d'zt;

Aswm oeeheath mete

‘MoU'er Sn; grzn 1 y u e boon beECm“ th~ oestoher ot 8 em \= sut heturet pr)
aha g tmhts _th'e tteesutes,

worm heemg~

matura‘ ooh 5, Hey We, Hdh eastwas, K fyfizat wet,

AseetKe that, bate h, Dmha:g »20\ gave, eanEEMZHEHQHIeh :feanzka, ste,
Maata :mOU‘eF]


Ram reseyeh (umhahe t _

Sada reho Keghutett
0H have the st‘seet den) to Ram; Maw VCH ahwavs be a t ee :fLohd Rama
worm heemg~
Ra ,5» e, Rasaayah‘ h‘Xtu‘e 3‘ :oHect
st‘seethe , urhhee _ vow, paa_ eah Sajaa:ahwavsy Ra , _ ey, Raghupat 0rd ot Keghu
C‘a“, Lord Rzma, K java

Wwéiglafiwfi H33"

*uhthete H'zjah Ram ho phat

eanzm'JaHam Ke duhh b\i‘aavz‘

”5th fig me herh~ gets us Rama h msEWaHd REm0»ES the suffeh Hg mznv M

worm heemg~
:umhahEZVmH, BHE‘EFMZE‘EHUHQ, K Pa»ah:*akes t3, gwes, Ja“ama:hfe,12nama
jznam erhfe, K f ahKh :thappH‘ess Bsarzta e]

stfimfilfi ham

Anta'kzfl Rzghtmh pm jzh’ _

eahzn Jeherh Hzrhsakht Keheyee

‘He ¥’\“DEH» ,et the ehd ottt hte he etteh to Lohd Rama‘s abode wh e he h: H be
. h es 3 Deyotee of ,m Rama”
mow eemg~
Ania: ho, Keehe me, Raghupatt:Lord ot Keghu then, Rzma, pura:mtv Jee_ go,
Izha here ‘EFWEZDDHU hat LohdRama Ehakta:deu tee,Kehe zHed es, 5 ea .1:

afimfihfiwmé I
BWfiEHégam—té um

our Deyte :ht he ihareh

Hanumanth ~ ht Sahe Sukh Kereht

‘Hot :ohterhohetth; : ether geh gets he 5“ homes froth Hanuman by semhg hhh“
worm heemg~
thet, Dehataajfis (H‘tta:mH‘dy Ha: t, Dharat: \(emp‘atm; v semhg,
Saha:aH suKh whee]



eahKet ka N(e e t peera

Jo suhhtet Hzrmmat Behoeere

“Paws MU be rem »_ ,5“ szh:

worm heemg~
Hb‘e kztah 'ort, hhte teh Sata:aH, teeoethe, trouohes, Jo:h.ho,
Suthhe e ememba‘s, aeh eooher, greeoteye:


eah Jet 15 Hanuman G' ehh

Khte Karzhu Gumde» K \‘h’ahm

“u(tow to you c masteh of the senses shoh them oh us h Ke a Gum does“

worm heemg~
eah’EZHQCw, :osa waster Senses,kaEa:mEKv,EDmpa nkzrahn:doyshov.y
gm Ether msoehh ~ oerKhese De,

fifimqfifii haul

Jo sat bar path kzre Koh

chuteht oehoht mzha suKh ham

H be (ut, Gheat hoop hess h: H be

peetheKereteothg (M'utah , ut, rEmOvEd,

1332, hehesuKhe great happmess, o ,Ho :heptehe, gets


1 vzh oeohe Hanuma“ :hehse

Ho ~ Mdh sakthzmeesa

“He m yer teeos these yerees oh hehutheh, he mu get sphtheh a((EH‘mEFtS Lori Shwz \S the
mth th 5 Statement‘
hs, dehah chatea:
hoy ~epoehe,s dd" attamments Saakh "me e, Gauheesh;
‘H Lori Shway]

afimumnfiéfl ”You

Memes Sada heh theta

Ke et Nzth Hndave m2 h dera

u‘ashda hays a a smfle :fLohd Rama 0 to make hw haaht vcur zhod

worm heemg~
Mews, Har Lori VSHHA o Rama, Cheha: tsoo oey oheese do,
ueth eLotu, hhueyeeheett, meme hy, hhhe, Dheree,


wwfimfiammww n

peyeh Tehey eahhet Haha‘; Mehgehe Murzt Koo;

Ram Lakhah Etta Seh te ht oey Basahu s ahoot

‘0 Son of mnd MEmCVer ot mffloflt es K Dus fawn ty th Rem, Lakshman em

3 te reshde h u hear _ 1 Km; . Gods”
mow eemg~
[heyeheteheyeepe~yehe+tehe~ye .“d+SDn eoh ot Mnj g. yHzrmmah‘,Sankztzdroumey
Harzn :remcver Menget ‘E‘HdH‘g,

t ?q are: u

a m to

1 comment:

Unknown 20 JLUJSL 2316 at D,‘ 22

Sree Ram

Commemas: Rakesh Lashkg v Slan am

54L _ 32m Fns utotht


5hh red b. Ho

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