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The scattered light technique provides a feasible alternative to
conventional methods in solving plane-stress problems under
transieJ;lt loading. Its primary advantage is that a given stress
component can be found directly without the determination of
other components. The numerical procedure involved is simple
and sufficiently accurate as long as reasonable fringe density can
be maintained. In cases where complete stress information is
desired, three photographs, taken at different orientations, will
provide acceptable results provided the event is sufficiently re-

This work was supported in part by the National Science
Foundation, Grant GK-3264. Mr. J. Schmidt of Northwestern
Fig. 2 Sca!te{ed light photograph 76 microsec after 80 milligrams of lead
deserves special mention for his help with the experiments.
azide was exploded
1 DureIli, A. J., Dally, J. W., and Riley, W. F., "Developments in
the Application of the Grid Method to Dynamic Problems," JOURNAL
OF ApPLIED MECHANICS, Vol. 26, No.4, TRANS. ASME, Vol. 81,

dynamic load was produced using lead azide, a primary explosive, Series E, 1959, pp. 629-634.
2 Riley, W. F., al].d Durelli, A. J., "Applications Moire Methods
with the load being applied at the midpoint of the top edge as to the Determination of Transient Stress and Strain Distributions,"
shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows a typical dynamic scattered light JOURNAL OF ApPLIED MECHANICS, Vol. 29, No.1, TRANS. ASME,
photograph which was taken 76 microsec after an 80 milligram Vol. 84, Series E, 1962, pp. 23-29.
charge of lead azide was detonated. The light enters from the 3 Flynn, P. D" and Frocht, ·M. lVI., "On the Photoelastic Separa-
tion of Principal Stresses Under Dynamic Conditions by Oblique In-
right and propagates in the x-direction. The normal stresses in cidence," JOURNAL OF ApPLIED MECHANICS, Vol. 28, No.1, TRANS.
the v-direction (u yy ) can be found everywhere in the model by ASME, Vol. 83, SeriesE, 1961, pp. 144-145.
taking the gradient of the fringes in the x-direction and applying 4 Dally, J. W., "Data Analysis in Dyn;tmic Photoelasticity,"
equation (2). Expe"imental Mechanics, Vol. 7, No.8, '1967.
5 Holloway, D. C., "Holography and Its Application to Photo-
In order to show the validity of the method, data from two elasticity," T & AM Report No. 329, University of Illinois, June,
scattered light photographs were compared with that taken from 1969.
one transmitted light photograph. All three photographs were 6 Hemann, J. H., and Becherer, R. J., "A Study of the Scattered
taken 70microsec after detonation of the explosive. The ele- Light Technique in Two-Dimen,sional Problems," paper was pre-
sented at SESA Fall Meeting, Boston,' Mass., October 18-22, 1970.
ment shown in Fig. 1 represents the state of stress at a point along 7 Weller, R" "A New Method for Photoelasticity in Three-Dimen-
the vertical axis of symmetry where the shear stress T %y is zero. sions," Joumal of AppliedPhysic$, Vol. 10, No.4, 1939.
The isochromatic data from a transmitted light photograph yields 8 Srinath, L. S., and FI'ocht, M. M., "Potentialities of the Method
the quantity (u U v), The scattered light photograph with light
of Scattered Light," PTOccedings of the Int01'national Symposium on
Photoelasticity, Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, 1962.
propagating in the x-direction yields u y' The scattered light 9 Taylor, C. E., and Hemann, J. H., "A Photoelastic Study 0
photograph with light propagating in the x'-direction yields u v"~ Stress Waves in Solids Using Scattered Light," SME 1967 Semi-In-
By using a stress transformation on the axis of symmetry it can be ternational Symposium, Sellt. i967, Tokyo.
shown that u y' = (u + rT y)/2. Subtracting the scattered light

data u y from the scattered light data rT y' yields (rT u y)/2 which
% -

is just one half of the value obtained from the transmitted light
photograph. In .terms of the fringes the following relationship is
found: .

oN' bN
Nz (3)
ox' ox AGeneralized Isotropic Yield Criterion
for a thickness of 0.5 in. W. F. HOSFORDI
Fig. 1 shows the results of applying equation (3) to data col-
lected from the three fringe photographs. Scattered light fringes A generalized isotropic yield criterion of the form,
N were obtained by passing light in the x-direction; scattered
light fringes N' were obtained by passing light in the x'-direction, [(eTl - eTz)n + (eT2;- eTa)n + (eTl - eTa)nJln y
and the isQcbromatics N z were obtained by passing light through
the model in the usual fashion.
Agreement of the two curves in Fig. 1 indicates that the scat- where eTl ~ eTZ ~ eTa and 1 ~ n ~ co, is proposed. The correspond-
tered light method is valid if the model i~ assumed to be in plane ing flow rules, Lode variables, and effective strain functions are pre-
sented. Experimental and theoretical data on yielding under
stress. The agreement shown in Fig. 1 also indicates that the
combined stresses can be described by a single parameter, n.
scattered light method can produce results of reasonable accuracy.
It is note~orthy that equation (3) i'eqtlires that the difference in THE two most widely used isotropic yield criteria are the von
two large numbers (scattered light data) must 'be subtracted. Mises criterion z
Therefore the accuracy in these quantities individually must be
qtlite good. Data are not plotted behind the fringe order peak in 1 Professor of Metallurgical Engineering, Department of Materials
Fig. 1 because the scattered light data become muddled in this and Metallurgical Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann
region of high stress gradients. This difficulty is caused by the Arbor, Mich. .
large thickness of the model in a high gradient region and the z Also called the Huber, Hencky, octahedral shear stress, J2, or
distortional energy criterion.
difficulty can be reduced or eliminated by decreasing the model Manuscript received by ASl'4E Applied Mechanics Division,
thickness. May 26, 1971.

Journal of Applied Mechanics Copyright © 1972 by ASME J UNE 197 2 / 607

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crx/r (J.

Fig. 2 Lode variable diagram showing curves calculated for various

n-values. Points calculated for random bcc metals (4) and some experi-
mental points ( ° ) ore indicated.

fee- Bishop a Hill Proposed Yield Criterion
A simple generalized form of an isotropic yield criterion that
can be used to approximate experimental and theoretical results
more closely t h a n the von Mises or Tresca criteria is

"(0-1 - 0"2)" + (r/a - 0-3)" + (0-1 - 0-3)

Fig. 1 Plane-stress (az =; 0) sections of several isotropic yield loci. (4)
Loci corresponding to equation (4) with various n-values are s h o w n .
Calculated points for randomly oriented fee (3) and bcc (4) metals are
indicated. where

at > o"2 > 0-3 and 1 < n <

Oi - <r2)2 + (<r2 - (7zY + (0-3

sSf = Y (1)
The exponent, n, need not be an integer. This criterion re-
duces to the von Mises criterion for n = 2, and to the Tresca
criterion for n = 1.
and the Tresca criterion 3 Fig. 1 shows a <rz = 0 section for the locus for various values of
n between 1 and 2.767. Calculated points for random fee and
Cl o-3 Y, (J\ > 0"2 > (73 (2) bcc metals are also shown. For n-values above 2.767 the loci
repeat shapes found at lower n-values. In fact n — 4 and n = <»
where o-i, o"2, and a% are the principal stresses and Y is the yield reproduce the von Mises and the Tresca criteria, respectively.
stress in uniaxial tension. I n principal stress-space, the Tresca The associated flow rules, found by applying the principle of
criterion plots as a hexagonal prism inscribing the circular cylin- normality [7],
der corresponding to the von Mises criterion. Other isotropic
criteria are physically reasonable. Qne example is the criterion
den = d\ (5)
based on the sum of the diameters of the two" largest Mohr's dffu
circles [ l ] . 4
where detj are the incremental plastic strains, reduce to these
(Ti — 1/2 (cr2 + era) = Y for (cri — o-2) > (cr2 — cr3) for von Mises for n = 2 or 4 and for Tresca for n — 1 or co.
and (3) The Lode variables,
l/2(o-i + o-2) — 0-3 = Y for (<7i — o-2) < (<r2 — a3) 2o- 2 — (0-1 + 0-3) 2e2 - (ei + e) 3
M = and v
where ci > o"2 > 0-3. This criterion forms in principal stress- 0-1 — 0-3 €l — €3
space a hexagonal prism escribing the von Mises cylinder. I t
provide very critical tests of the relation between stress-state
and the Tresca criterion form extreme bounds for all physically
and resulting strain. Fig. 2 is a plot of JJ. versus v for various
reasonable pressure-insensitive isotropic criteria, [2]. However,
n-values. Experimental Lode value measurements [8-10] can
most experimental results lie between the Tresca and von Mises
be closely approximated by n values in the range of 1.6 to 1.7.
loci, and somewhat closer to the latter. The same is true for
Hutchinson's calculated values for random bcc metals fall near
theoretically derived loci for randomly oriented fee [3] and bcc
n = 1.6.
[4] metals. Although yield criteria based on combinations of
the J 2 and Js stress invariants have been suggested for fitting
Effective Strain
intermediate experimental results, [5, 6], they are quite complex.
An equivalent, or effective strain di may be defined such t h a t
Also called the Coulombor maximum shear stress criterion.
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of Note. dw adl = ffidei + (Tides + 0"3<fe (6)

608 / J U N E 19 7 2 Transactions of the AS ME

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The author wishes to acknowledge the work of students in his
M M 5 2 3 / M E 5 5 2 class a t T h e University of Michigan who
worked on several aspects of this problem as part of an examina-
tion in December, 1970, and to Professors McClintock, Caddell,
and Atkins for stimulating discussions. Professor McClintock
had earlier suggested a criterion equivalent to equation (4) in
class work at M.I.T.

1 Hill, R., Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 41, 1950, pp. 733-744.
2 Mendelson, A., Plasticity, Macmillan Co., 1968, p. 87.
3 Bishop, J. F . W., and Hill, R., Philosophical Magazine, Vol.
42, 1951, pp. 414-427 and 1298-1307.
4 Hutchinson, J. W., Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids,
Vol. 12, 1964, pp. 25-33.
5 Prager, W., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 16, 1945, p. 837.
TBANS. ASME, Vol. 71,1949, p. 349.
7 Drucker, D. C , Proceedings of the 1st V. S. National Congress
of Applied Mechanics, 1951, p. 487.
Fig. 3 Calculated variation of the effective strain de with strain state. 8 Lode, W., Zeitschrift fur Physik, Vol. 36, 1926, pp. 913-939.
Here dei and den are, respectively, the absolutely largest and the abso- 9 Taylor, G. I., and Quinney, H., Philosophical Transactions of
lutely smallest principal strains. For example, if 0 < a < 1 / 2 , dei = the Royal Society, Series A, Vol. 203, 1931, pp. 323-362.
dei, d e n — de2, and if 1 / 2 < a < 1 , dei = — des and d e n — de?.. 10 Davis, E . A., JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS, Vol. 10,
TEANS. ASME, Vol. 65, 1943, pp. A187-A196.
11 Lubahn, J. D., and Felgar, R. P., Plasticity and Creep, Wiley,
1961, pp. 286-287.
12 Alexander, J. M., and Brewer, R. C , Manufacturing Proper-
ties of Materials, Von Nostrand and Co., 1963, pp. 196-197.
where clw is t h e incremental plastic work per volume and <7 is 13 Alexander, J. M., Recent Progress in Metal Working, Illiffe
the effective stress function, which a t yielding equals Y in equa- Books Ltd., 1964, pp. 6-7.
tion (4). I t follows from equations (5) and (6) t h a t

2"*[(1 - a)» + a " + 1] "

di/dti (7)
(1 - a ) » - i + 1
A Remark on the Thermomechanical
Coupling Behavior in a
de 2 /(fe =
(1 - o p " - ' + « ' • -
Viscoelastic Medium
(1 - a ) " " 1 + 1

(72 — OS
I N this Note, a method is introduced to analyze t h e thermal
effects in a viscoelastic medium subjected to cyclic loading. We
0~i — OS
found that for some problems the governing equations for wave
motion can b e reduced to simpler forms where the W K B tech-
Although de cannot readily be expressed as an explicit function
nique can be applied to find t h e approximate solutions. T h e
of dii and det/dei for noninteger values of n, the dependence can method is mathematically simple. A more accurate solution
be evaluated numerically, Fig. 3, from equations (7) and (8). can also be obtained by including higher-order terms.
The resulting equivalent strain values, which are intermediate
To illustrate t h e method, we consider an infinitely axially
between those corresponding to the Tresca and von Mises cri-
symmetric medium with a circular cavity subjected to oscillatory
teria can be utilized together with t h e corresponding effective
shear stress, Fig. 1. The only nonvanishing displacement is the
stress to correlate stress-strain curves from different loading
longitudinal displacement us. T h e nonvanishing stress and
paths. strain components are r „ and y„, and
I t may be noted t h a t for t h e Tresca criterion {n = 1), t h e
effective strain, de, from equation (7) reduces to de = dti, rather d2Mz
than to de = 2/3 (61 — e3) as has been suggested [11-13]. This
latter expression for de can be seen to be incorrect since i t does
dr +
not satisfy equation (6) which is the defining relation for t h e
where p indicates t h e mass density and t the time. For the
effective strain.
specified oscillatory boundary conditions, t h e stress and strain
Another form of generalized yield criterion can be formed by can be expressed as the real parts of Trz = re" 0 ' and yrz — ye"*1,
using variable exponents in equation (3). respectively, where T and 7 are slowly varying functions of time
\/m due to dissipative heating. If t h e material is assumed to be
(<Ti - o-3)m + ( > ! - <Ti)"'
= Y for o-i > <T2 —
OS thermorheologically simple, we have

y = J*(aTo))r = [Ji(aTio) — iJi{aTu))]T, (2)

"(0-1 - a3)m + (<72 - 0-3)"' 11/m where aT{r, t) is a temperature-dependent shift factor, Hence>
Y for <n - < 0"2 — ( 7 3
the equation of motion (1) becomes
A range of loci are produced by values 1 < m < °=, which lie Assistant Professor, School of Aeronautics, Astronautics, and
Engineering Sciences, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.
between t h e Tresca (m = co) and t h e outer bound (m = 1). Manuscript received by ASME Applied Mechanics Division, May
The loci here corners a t a = 1/2 for all finite values of m. 1971; final revision, January 6, 1972.

Journal of Applied Mechanics JUNE 1 9 7 2 / 609

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