Chemistry 1st Semester Exam Study Guide Answers+Questions

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1. The study of matter and the changes it undergoes describes the science of ______?
1. Chemistry

2. The _____ is the fundament unit of matter?

2. Atom

3. The atom is composed up of three subatomic particles know as ___, ___, and ___?
3. Protons, Electrons and Neutrons

4. Protons are ___ charged particles found in the nucleus of an atom?

4. Positively

5. Electrons are ___ charged particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom?
5. Negatively

6. Neutrons are ____ particles found in the nucleus of an atom?

6. Neutral

7. An ion is an atom or molecule that ____?

7. Is an atom or molecule where the total number of electrons is not equal to the total
number of protons.

8. Write the symbol for a cation of hydrogen.

8. H+

9. The atomic number of an atom or element describes the number of ___?

9. Protons

10. Weight is best described as ______?

10. Pull of gravity on a matter and amount of matter.

11. Atoms of any one type of element, such as gold all possess the same number of ____?
11. Protons

12. Two or more elements that combine as a result of a chemical reaction form a ____?
12. Compound

13. An example of a mixture would be ______?

13. Salt water

14. The least dense and most energetic of the three states of matter is _____?
14. Gas

15. Density is a physical property that refers to _____?

15. Mass relative to volume.

16. A kilogram is equal to _____ grams.

16. 1000

17. There are _____ centimeters in a meter.

17. 100

18. Measurements are ___ because of equipment error and human judgment?
18. Inconsistent/Incorrect/Inaccurate

19. The number 226 written in scientific notation is ____?

19. 2.26 * 102

20. The figure 0.005 written in scientific notation is _____?

20. 5 * 10-3

21. Elements are arranged on the periodic table in the order of increasing ___?
21. Atomic Number + Electron Configuration

22. The ___ is the standard unit for measurement of length?

22. Meter

23. Anything that has mass and takes up space is ____?

23. Matter

24. What is the measurement of matter whose value is depends on the force of gravity?
24. Weight

25. Chemists who specialty is determining the composition of chemicals work in the field
of __?
25. Analytical Chemistry

26. Chemists who study the chemistry of living organisms work in the field of?
26. Biochemistry

27. The general term for a systematic approach in scientific study is?
27. Scientific Method

28. The type of data that is descriptive in nature is?

28. Qualitative Method

29. What is the name given to set of controlled observations that test a proposed
29. An Experiment

30. The variable that you plan to change during the course of an experiment is?
30. Independent

31. A judgment based upon the results of an experiment is?

31. Control

32. When an explanation has been supported by many experiments, the explanation is a?
32. Theory

33. What is the name given to research that is undertaken to solve a specific problem?
33. Applied Research

34. In the Lab, why do we tie our long hair?

34. So you hair doesn’t catch on fire, and get your way.

35. In the SI systems of measurements that are seven ___ units?

35. Base
36. What is the prefix, abbreviation, and power of 10 for the following: Mega, Deci,
Centi, and Micro?
36. Mega 106, Deci 10-1, Centi 10-2, and Micro 10-6

37. Arrange the following list in increasing order by volume: milliliter, centiliter,
Microliter, and kiloliter, and liter.
37. Microliter, Milliliter, Centiliter, Liter, Kiloliter

38. What scale provides the base unit for temperature in the SI system?
38. Kelvin

39. Which of the following have 4 significant figures: .004, 0.06309, 4200, 6730.
39. .044

40. Express the sum of 4.824 + 2.03 + 4.72319 + 111.1 to the proper Sig. Fig.
40. 246.1338

41. Perform the indicated mathematical operations and report the answer to the proper
Sig. Fig. (21.55 x 4.12)/42.42
41. 2.09

42. How many milliliters are there in 1.0 Microliter?

42. .001 Milliliters

43. What volume is occupied by 16.4 g of mercury? The density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL.
43. 1.21 mL

44. The closeness of an experimental value to an accepted value is ____?

44. Percent Error

45. A measure of the closeness of a series of measurements to the theoretical value is __?
45. Accuracy

46. What is the percent error if a measure value is 24.59 g/ml and the accepted value is
24.49 g/mL?
46. 96.5%

47. A characteristic that can be observed or measured without changing the sample’s
composition is a ____ property?
47. Physical

48. Properties that are dependent on the amount of substance present are ____ properties?
48. Extensive

49. When one substance changes identity, its exhibits a(n) ___ property?
49. Chemical

50. Which of the following is not a chemical property? Freezing of water, rusting of iron,
placing iron in HCL and producing hydrogen gas, burning a piece of wood.
50. Freezing of Water

51. What type property is observed when milk sours?

51. Chemical

52. Which of the following is not a state of matter: solid, liquid, gas, density?
52. Density
53. A form of matter that has a fixed shape and occupies a fixed volume is?
53. Solid

54. A vapor is a ___?

54. Gas

55. In the following chemical reaction, are hydrogen and oxygen reactants or products?
55. Reactants

56. The statement, “Mass can neither be created nor destroyed” is the ___?
56. Law of Conservation of Mass

57. How would you read the following chemical reaction 2Cu + 02  2CuO?
57. 2 Moles of Copper reacts with 1 mole of Oxygen to make 2 Moles of Copper (II)

58. How can you tell when the following reaction is balanced? 2Cu + 02  2CuO
58. When it has the same number of Copper’s on both sides, and when it has the same
number of Oxygen atom’s on both sides.

59. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture: sugar, sugar in water, samples of
nitrogen and oxygen in the same container, samples of argon and iron in same container?
59. Argon and Iron in the same container.

60. What is the smallest particle of a compound that maintains the properties of that

61. What is the negatively-charged particle in an atom?

61. Electron
62. Which subatomic particle has a mass that is almost has the mass of a proton?
62. Neutron

63. What is the name for atoms of an element that have different masses?
63. Isotope

64. The atomic number of an element is defined by its number of ___?

64. Protons

65. How many protons are present in an atom of potassium-39?

65. 19 Protons

66. The sum of the protons and neutrons in a nucleus is ___?

66. Mass Number

67. A proton is about ____ times more massive that an ____?

67. 1835, Electron

68. Which scientist determined that almost all of an atom’s mass is located in its nucleus?
68. Rutherford

69. An atom of an element contains eight electrons. What is the identity of this element?
69. Oxygen

70. An atom that has the same number or protons has a ___ charge?
70. Neutral
71. Atomic number= number of __= number of ___?
71. Protons, Electrons

72. All hydrogen isotopes have the same number of ____ and _____ but different number
of ____?
72. Protons, Electrons, Neutrons

73. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that ____?

73. It is impossible to define both the exact momentum and the position of a particle at
the same moment in time.

74. The lowest energy state of an atom is called the _____ state?
74. Ground

75. The ground state of hydrogen corresponds to the ____ energy level?
75. First

76. The concept that all moving particles have wave characteristics is attributed to __?
76. Plank

77. How many electrons can an orbital contain?

77. 2

78. In the periodic table, the principle quantum number corresponds to the _____?
78. Period

79. All the ___ orbitals are spherically shaped.

79. S

80. What is the symbol of the element that has the following electron configuration?
80. Cl

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