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SCH300R v 4.0.

04 Surrey Page: 1
Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

1 Congratulations! One of the top students in the Achievement
2 The outstanding work done in class shows a good Achievement
understanding of the concepts taught in each unit.
3 I am very pleased with the work that has been done. Achievement
4 Is very capable in this subject. Achievement
5 Has performed well in meeting the learning Achievement
outcomes of this course.
6 Excellent results on written tests/final exam. Achievement
7 Scored well on written tests/final exam. Achievement
8 Improvement in marks has been noted - continue Achievement
the effort.
9 Surpasses the expectations of this course. Achievement
10 Undertakes all assigned work with interest and Achievement
11 Produces good quality work. Achievement
12 Takes pride in doing quality work. Achievement
13 Shows an excellent understanding of the concepts Achievement
in this course.
14 Is meeting the learning outcomes of this course. Achievement
15 Satisfactory progress, although improved effort and Achievement
participation should lead to greater success.
16 Has a good understanding of the basic concepts. Achievement
17 Achievement and effort are adequate. Achievement
18 Acceptable progress is being made in this course. Achievement
19 Making satisfactory progress. Achievement
20 Minimally meeting the learning outcomes of this Achievement
21 Experiencing difficulty in this course but is trying Achievement
hard to improve.
22 Is having difficulty meeting the learning outcomes of Achievement
this course.
23 Has been successful on tests but poor class Achievement
assignments have led to a lower grade.
24 Class work was satisfactory but test results were Achievement
25 Scored poorly on written tests. Achievement
26 Student should take the opportunity to redo Achievement
assignments and/or retake tests to improve grade.
27 Please contact the teacher. Achievement
28 If a passing standard is to be achieved, much more Achievement
homework, studying and attention must be given to
this course.
29 The assignments and/or projects that have been Assign/Proj
completed show there is a great deal of interest in
the course.
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

30 Assignments and/or projects are well done. Assign/Proj
31 Assignments and/or projects are done neatly and Assign/Proj
32 Assignments and/or projects are done to a Assign/Proj
satisfactory level.
33 Work shows originality and imagination. Assign/Proj
34 A major assignment and/or project were very well Assign/Proj
35 Excellent project work. Assign/Proj
36 Good project work. Assign/Proj
37 Good use of class time on project work. Assign/Proj
38 Produces excellent reports and assignments. Assign/Proj
39 Reports and assignments well done. Assign/Proj
40 Needs Improvement: Assign/Proj
41 Assignments and/or projects have been poorly Assign/Proj
42 Assignments and/or projects are rushed; much more Assign/Proj
care is needed.
43 More time and effort are required to complete Assign/Proj
assignments and/or projects.
44 Assignments and/or projects have been turned in Assign/Proj
45 Assignments and/or projects have been handed in Assign/Proj
46 Some assignments and/or projects have not been Assign/Proj
handed in.
47 Must work outside of class time to catch up on Assign/Proj
missing work.
48 Failed to complete a major assignment and/or Assign/Proj
49 No written assignments were handed in. Assign/Proj
50 Does not use research time constructively. Assign/Proj
51 Did not submit a major project this term. As a Assign/Proj
result, the mark has decreased significantly.
52 Failed to complete # portion of a group project; Assign/Proj
therefore overall group evaluation suffered.
53 Poor quality work is the result of too little effort. Assign/Proj
54 Some project work has been incomplete, more effort Assign/Proj
and enthusiasm is needed.
55 Low mark due to incomplete minor/major project. Assign/Proj
56 Homework is not being done on a regular basis. Assign/Proj
57 Must learn to make use of home and/or class study Assign/Proj
58 Did not take advantage of bonus assignments. Assign/Proj
59 Student must complete and hand in all missing Assign/Proj
assignments to improve their grade.
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

60 Excellent attendance. Attendance
61 Always on time for class. Attendance
62 Consistently made up for work missed due to Attendance
63 Had perfect attendance for this term. Attendance
64 Newly enrolled student. It is too early to evaluate Attendance
65 Consistent attendance is critical to success in this Attendance
66 Attendance has been poor and this has resulted in Attendance
work missed and a low grade.
67 Poor attendance has affected achievement. Attendance
68 Has missed 5-10 total periods this semester. Attendance
69 Has missed 11-15 total periods this semester. Attendance
70 Has missed 16-20 total periods this semester. Attendance
71 Has missed more than 20 periods this semester. Attendance
72 Frequent lates disrupt the class and cause work to Attendance
be missed.
73 It is necessary to complete all work and evaluations Attendance
missed due to absences/late enrolment in course.
74 Enrolled late and is having difficulty in catching up. Attendance
75 Student has yet to attend class. Attendance
76 Has frequently been absent when tests are Attendance
scheduled and assignments are due.
77 Is often late for class. Attendance
78 Less than satisfactory attendance has caused this Attendance
student to fall far behind.
79 Poor attendance has affected progress. Attendance
80 Student must arrive prior to the bell as lateness is Attendance
81 Student's failure is a result of too many absences; Attendance
final mark does not reflect student's ability.
82 Extra effort has resulted in improved skills. Effort/Part
83 Effort to improve is commendable. Effort/Part
84 Effort has improved this term; keep up the good Effort/Part
85 Undertook extra work beyond course requirements. Effort/Part
86 Thank you for volunteering time for extra duties or Effort/Part
special events.
87 SHows keen interest in subject area. Effort/Part
88 Excellent participation in class; this extra effort is Effort/Part
much appreciated.
89 Excellent participation in group activities. Effort/Part
90 It is a pleasure to teach one who has such a Effort/Part
willingness to participate in all class activities.
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

91 Good participation in class. Effort/Part
92 Student is learning to cooperate and participate in Effort/Part
small groups.
93 This student participates constructively in class Effort/Part
94 Participates with interest and enthusiasm in all Effort/Part
aspects of the course.
95 A leader in class activities. Effort/Part
96 Co-operative and helpful to others in class. Effort/Part
97 Works well during group activities. Effort/Part
98 A leader in class activities. Effort/Part
99 A very talented and hardworking student. Effort/Part
100 Consistent effort is producing results. Effort/Part
101 Demonstrates excellent leadership skills in group Effort/Part
102 Models appropriate on task behaviour. Effort/Part
103 Participates actively in class activities. Effort/Part
104 Produces high-quality work and has an excellent Effort/Part
attitude towards learning.
105 Works hard at in-class assignments. Effort/Part
106 Student is learning to cooperate and participate in Effort/Part
small groups.
107 Student is learning to cooperate and participate in Effort/Part
small groups.
108 Volunteers to help with classroom tasks. Effort/Part
109 Student has participated to the best of # ability. Effort/Part
Thank you for the excellent effort!
110 A good effort is being made to complete class work Effort/Part
and to keep up with homework assignments.
111 Good Class participation. Effort/Part
112 Has made a consistent effort in # work. Effort/Part
113 Appears capable of succeeding with sufficient effort. Effort/Part
114 Has shown potential for doing better. Effort/Part
115 Ma kes an effort in class but finds the subject Effort/Part
116 A more confident attitude and approach to this Effort/Part
subject would result in higher achievement.
117 Recent improvement has been noted. Effort/Part
118 Satisfactory progress and participation. Effort/Part
119 Improved effort and enthusiasm will lead to Effort/Part
improvement in daily participation marks.
120 Demonstrates consistent participation, effort and a Effort/Part
positive attitude in each class.
121 Participates to the best of # abilities. Effort/Part
122 Should participate more frequently. Effort/Part
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

123 Consistent participation and effort will lead to Effort/Part
greater success.
124 Lacks self-motivation and self-discipline. Effort/Part
125 Consistent in-class participation is necessary for Effort/Part
success to be achieved.
126 Satisfactory progress, although improved effort and Effort/Part
participation should lead to greater success.
127 Student's ability to concentrate is improving. Effort/Part
128 This student is attentive during instruction, but has Effort/Part
not completed all assigned work.
129 Works well in class but finds this subject difficult. Effort/Part
Regular daily review is necessary.
130 Taking advantage of individual assistance has Effort/Part
resulted in improved marks.
131 Has made a very good effort but finds the subject Effort/Part
difficult. Extra help is available.
132 Made a definite effort to improve. Effort/Part
133 More productive use of class time and more effort in Effort/Part
completing assignments has been noted.
134 Seems capable of better work with more effort and Effort/Part
attention to class work and homework.
135 Recent work shows improvement. Effort/Part
136 Student's participation in group work is satisfactory. Effort/Part
137 Student is now bringing necessary supplies to class. Effort/Part
Good effort.
138 Daily effort fluctuates; @ needs to work more Effort/Part
139 Effort has diminished this term. Effort/Part
140 Effort has been minimal or nonexistent. Effort/Part
141 Is capable of much better work than mark indicates. Effort/Part
142 Has demonstrated a negative attitude that has Effort/Part
hampered satisfactory progress.
143 Does not work well independently. Effort/Part
144 Must come prepared to work. Effort/Part
145 Needs to do corrections so that the quality of work Effort/Part
will improve.
146 Rarely participates in class. Effort/Part
147 Demonstrates lack of interest in this subject area. Effort/Part
148 Inconsistent use of class time. Effort/Part
149 Demonstrates disruptive behavior in class. Effort/Part
150 Constant supervision required to curb disruptive Effort/Part
151 Behaviour seriously hinders student from performing Effort/Part
to the level of # abilities.
152 Class participation needs improvement. Effort/Part
153 Disruptive behaviour is affecting progress and Effort/Part
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

classroom atmosphere.
154 Disruptive during group work. Effort/Part
155 Inattentive in class. Must pay closer attention to Effort/Part
work and lessons.
156 Insufficient work is completed during class time. Effort/Part
157 Lack of success is due to poor work habits and lack Effort/Part
of commitment.
158 Less socializing and more initiative is needed. Effort/Part
159 Must set a higher standard for the quality of work Effort/Part
160 Participates well only when closely supervised. Effort/Part
161 Poor time management is hindering progress. Effort/Part
162 Relies too much on other students when doing Effort/Part
group work. Needs to take more initiative.
163 Should review more frequently. Effort/Part
164 Student needs to develop concentration skills. Effort/Part
165 Student needs to work on organizational skills. Effort/Part
166 This student has missed some important Effort/Part
assignments because @ did not make good use of
class time.
167 Work habits and study skills need improvement. Effort/Part
168 Makes unproductive use of class time; therefore Effort/Part
does not complete assignments in required time.
169 Level of achievement is due to lack of effort, not Effort/Part
lack of ability.
170 To improve, needs to show more consistent Effort/Part
participation and effort.
171 A more consistent effort is required. Effort/Part
172 Student must learn to organize work, in order to Effort/Part
minimize wasted time.
173 Congratulations on excellent End of Crse
achievement/performance in this course.
174 Consistently produced high-quality work throughout End of Crse
the course.
175 Has shown a special aptitude and should be End of Crse
encouraged to continue in this field.
176 Produced good quality work throughout the course. End of Crse
177 Student's effort and attitude have contributed to # End of Crse
178 Congratulations! Excellent performance on the final End of Crse
179 Scored well on the final exam. End of Crse
180 Has demonstrated above average effort and End of Crse
181 Congratulations! One of the top students in the End of Crse
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

182 Excellent attitude and contribution throughout the End of Crse
year. Well done!
183 Class work on par with class average. End of Crse
184 Test scores reflect class average. End of Crse
185 Student has met the learning outcomes for this End of Crse
186 Student has met learning outcomes at a minimal End of Crse
187 Poor performance on final exam has affected final End of Crse
188 Did not write the final exam. End of Crse
189 Eligible for summer school. End of Crse
190 Scored poorly on final exam. End of Crse
191 Student has not met the minimal course End of Crse
192 Student failed to meet summer school requirements End of Crse
and must repeat course.
193 Must develop a more serious attitude toward # End of Crse
studies in this course to be successful at the next
194 Lack of continuous progress and lack of constant End of Crse
effort throughout the semester have resulted in
195 Homework is always completed. Well done! Homework
196 Homework is almost always completed. Homework
197 A great deal of time and effort has been placed into Homework
homework assignments.
198 An excellent display of sound study habits is Homework
199 Completing all homework assignments would have Homework
improved achievement.
200 Homework is occasionally incomplete. Homework
201 Should review frequently in this subject. Homework
203 Homework must be completed daily. Homework
204 Must take responsibility for making up work missed Homework
when absent from class.
205 Insufficient evidence of home study. Homework
206 Daily home study and review are expected in Homework
addition to the completion of assignments.
207 @ is not meeting the course requirements and an `I' Incomplete
has been assigned.
208 Incomplete - Must meet requirements outlined in Incomplete
the 'I' Report.
209 An 'I' Report has recently been issued to this Incomplete
210 Incomplete - Improvement is necessary to ensure Incomplete
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

211 Shows an excellent understanding of literature. Lang Skills
212 Reading responses demonstrate excellent and Lang Skills
insightful comprehension.
213 Doing well in reading comprehension. Lang Skills
214 Has displayed a definite talent for writing. Lang Skills
215 Has demonstrated strong composition skills. Lang Skills
216 Excellent progress in the written language. Lang Skills
217 Good progress in the written language. Lang Skills
218 Excellent listening comprehension skills. Lang Skills
219 Good listening comprehension skills. Lang Skills
220 Student displays exceptional oral communication Lang Skills
221 Good progress in using the spoken language. Lang Skills
222 Spontaneous oral work is well done. Lang Skills
223 Has done well when presenting orally. Lang Skills
224 Takes part orally and tries to do all of the work. Lang Skills
225 Consistently used the language being studied Lang Skills
during small-group oral work.
226 Pronunciation is very good. Lang Skills
227 Student has achieved satisfactory standing in this Lang Skills
228 Student has demonstrated talent in creative writing. Lang Skills
229 Student has demonstrated advanced composition Lang Skills
230 Writing is sophisticated, convincing and Lang Skills
exceptionally impressive.
231 Reading comprehension skills need improvement. Lang Skills
232 Reading skills could be improved through increased Lang Skills
effort and practice.
233 Should apply more effort to learning vocabulary. Lang Skills
234 Weak English skills are hindering progress. Lang Skills
235 Spelling skills need to be improved. Lang Skills
236 Has difficulty writing a complete sentence. Lang Skills
237 Written work requires increased effort. Lang Skills
238 General language knowledge is very basic. Lang Skills
239 Must learn to organize ideas and improve writing Lang Skills
240 Has difficulty writing with clarity and unity. Lang Skills
241 Composition skills need improvement. Lang Skills
242 The use of a dictionary in # first language is Lang Skills
243 Listening comprehension skills need improvement. Lang Skills
244 Speaking skills require more effort. Lang Skills
245 Consistent use of the spoken language is necessary Lang Skills
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

to improve fluency.
246 Should put more effort into speaking the language Lang Skills
during small-group oral work.
247 Has been reluctant to present material orally. Lang Skills
248 Pronunciation needs improvement to make Lang Skills
communication clear.
249 Unable to participate in discussions due to limited Lang Skills
knowledge of the language.
250 Makes little effort to participate in class oral work. Lang Skills
251 Strongly recommend course be repeated before Lang Skills
further language courses are attempted.
252 Too much English is spoken in an immersion Lang Skills
253 Always displays an excellent attitude and effort. Personality
254 A student with a mature attitude. Personality
255 A student with a positive attitude. Personality
256 A cooperative student. Personality
257 A conscientious and responsible student. Personality
258 A creative student with good imagination. Personality
259 A pleasure to have in class. Personality
260 A dependable student. Personality
261 A polite and respectful student. Personality
262 A resourceful and self-motivated student. Personality
263 Displays evidence of good self-evaluation skills. Personality
264 Responds quickly to suggestions. Personality
265 Shows initiative and imagination. Personality
266 Displays sensitivity and self-awareness. Personality
267 Demonstrates ability to give positive reinforcement Personality
to peers.
268 Reliable, cooperative and friendly, this student is an Personality
asset to the class.
269 Student has strong concentration skills. Personality
270 Student is an excellent classroom citizen. Personality
271 Student is demonstrating strong leadership skills in Personality
the classroom.
272 There has been a positive change in attitude this Personality
273 This student demonstrates excellent leadership Personality
skills and is well respected by peers.
274 Produces high-quality work and has an excellent Personality
attitude towards learning.
275 Needs to show a more cooperative attitude. Personality
276 Should not give up so easily; a positive attitude Personality
could improve achievement.
277 A more responsible attitude is necessary. Personality
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Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

278 A more mature attitude is needed. Personality
279 Has trouble getting started on projects. Personality
280 Confidence in ability is low. Personality
281 There is little respect for the rights of other students. Personality
Behaviour needs to improve.
282 Capable but too easily distracted in class. Personality
283 Talkative and inattentive. Less social activity and Personality
more focus on course material needed.
284 A parent-teacher conference is requested. Special
285 @ has audited this course. Special
286 This is a year-long course that meets every other Special
287 Excused for medical reasons. No letter grade Special
288 Extensive absence due to medical reason. Letter Special
grade assigned on basis of work completed at
289 Extensive absence due to medical reason. Letter Special
grade assigned is estimated on basis of marks
290 Needs extra instruction. I am available outside of Special
class time to assist students who request
291 Student failed to meet summer school requirements Special
and must repeat course.
292 School mark - final mark dependent on Provincial Special
Exam outcome.
293 Student has withdrawn during this reporting period. Special
294 Excellent work habits and attitude have combined to Wrk/Stdy Hab
produce this grade.
295 An excellent student leader, offering support and Wrk/Stdy Hab
encouragement to all of # peers.
296 Demonstrates the ability to work well with others. Wrk/Stdy Hab
297 Demonstrates the ability to stay on task. Wrk/Stdy Hab
298 Works well independently. Wrk/Stdy Hab
299 Makes full use of class time. Wrk/Stdy Hab
300 Spends spare time productively. Wrk/Stdy Hab
301 Uses equipment in a responsible manner. Wrk/Stdy Hab
302 Has made a sincere effort to obtain additional help. Wrk/Stdy Hab
303 Demonstrates good research skills. Wrk/Stdy Hab
304 Uses resources extensively. Wrk/Stdy Hab
305 Maintains a well-organized, tidy, up-to-date Wrk/Stdy Hab
306 A good effort is being made to complete exercises Wrk/Stdy Hab
and to keep a neat notebook.
307 Constantly strives for excellence. Wrk/Stdy Hab
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

308 Current mark is a result of hard work. Wrk/Stdy Hab
309 Mark has improved as a result of coming in for extra Wrk/Stdy Hab
310 Work is done methodically but slowly. Wrk/Stdy Hab
311 Finds the work difficult. Wrk/Stdy Hab
312 Has shown improvement in study and work habits. Wrk/Stdy Hab
313 Student is slowly developing research skills. Wrk/Stdy Hab
314 Very slow to begin the work assigned in class. Wrk/Stdy Hab
315 Insufficient work is completed during class time. Wrk/Stdy Hab
316 Must make more of an effort to work independently. Wrk/Stdy Hab
317 Spends too much time socializing and not enough Wrk/Stdy Hab
time on class work.
318 # behaviour has a negative effect on the learning Wrk/Stdy Hab
319 Needs to learn to focus attention. Wrk/Stdy Hab
320 Needs to stay on task until class work is completed. Wrk/Stdy Hab
321 Needs to listen more carefully so that directions and Wrk/Stdy Hab
assignments are clearly understood.
322 Must come to class prepared with all necessary Wrk/Stdy Hab
equipment and supplies.
323 Should review more frequently in this subject. Wrk/Stdy Hab
324 Needs to ask for help when having difficulties. Wrk/Stdy Hab
325 Needs extra instruction; tutorial time is available Wrk/Stdy Hab
outside of class time to assist students.
326 Needs to develop better study and learning skills Wrk/Stdy Hab
327 Notebook organization needs to be improved. Wrk/Stdy Hab
328 More careful work is needed. Wrk/Stdy Hab
329 Attentive during instruction but does not complete Wrk/Stdy Hab
assigned work.
330 Out-of-school commitments seem to have affected Wrk/Stdy Hab
331 Classroom behaviour does not demonstrate a Wrk/Stdy Hab
desire to learn.
332 Has failed to apply the concepts learned in class to Wrk/Stdy Hab
tests, and consequently has poor test results.
333 Must learn to work at a steady pace rather than Wrk/Stdy Hab
rushing to complete assignments at the end of the
334 This student has a good attitude and works hard to Art/Graphics
do # very best in art class.
335 This student is a very creative individual and uses Art/Graphics
imagination well in project work.
336 The outstanding work done in art class shows a Art/Graphics
good understanding of the concepts taught in each
337 This student is an asset to the art class. @ displays Art/Graphics
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

a willingness to help others, making the class a
more pleasant learning experience.
338 I am very pleased with the work being done by this Art/Graphics
student. @ is very capable in art.
339 Outstanding craftsmanship in project work. All Art/Graphics
assignments have been completed to a very high
340 This student is a pleasure to have in art class. @ is Art/Graphics
respectful of others and their work.
341 Demonstrates good art critiquing skills. Art/Graphics
342 Student is demonstrating excellence in digital Art/Graphics
343 Demonstrates an excellent working understanding Art/Graphics
of the elements and principles of layout design.
344 Student is very talented and should continue with Art/Graphics
the study of art.
345 Practical work is satisfactory but more time must be Art/Graphics
spent on theory.
346 Student is developing creativity in making Art/Graphics
photographic images.
347 Student should be encouraged to continue in art. Art/Graphics
348 Shows a good understanding of the principles and Art/Graphics
element design.
349 Good imagination and creativity are reflected in Art/Graphics
completed art work.
350 Student displays an interest in 3D media. Art/Graphics
351 More participation is needed in helping with the Art/Graphics
clean-up of the classroom at the end of each
352 A more confident attitude and approach to the art Art/Graphics
class would result in a higher grade.
353 The student must learn to become more responsible Art/Graphics
when using supplies and materials in the art class.
354 This student needs to give more thought to planning Art/Graphics
of art projects.
355 Seems content to hand in the minimum of work. A Art/Graphics
little extra effort could produce more impressive
356 Student should come in to use computer lab after Art/Graphics
school in order to complete all assignments.
357 Student needs to budget time more effectively Art/Graphics
during photography sessions and in the classroom.
358 Student needs to participate more in clean-up; Art/Graphics
improvement is needed.
359 Student's work will be improved by more careful Art/Graphics
attention to quality control.
360 Does not seem to grasp the basic concepts of art. Art/Graphics
361 Low mark due to incomplete minor/major art Art/Graphics
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

362 Possible failure imminent in this art course due to Art/Graphics
lack of work.
363 Student is unable to cope with the less-structured Art/Graphics
work environment of art.
364 Written as well as practical assignments must be Art/Graphics
365 Student has strong potential in photography; Art/Graphics
however, too many assignments are not completed
or are late.
366 Has failed to complete the necessary assignments Art/Graphics
to be successful in this art course.
367 Does not take art seriously enough to achieve a Art/Graphics
passing grade.
368 Gives up too easily. Needs to refocus, plan, follow Art/Graphics
through, and not give up.
369 Finds setbacks and difficulties as challenges, and Art/Graphics
tries even harder to complete projects.
370 Use of storyboard when filming a great asset. Art/Graphics
371 Needs to determine role in group during project. Art/Graphics
Examples: Lighting, sound, directing, editing, and
follow through with job.
372 Very adept at working in a group, filling in gaps Art/Graphics
where needed to make the production work.
373 Needs to stay on task with group or work alone to Art/Graphics
complete projects that are doable and achievable.
374 As a director, works well with peers and crew to Art/Graphics
achieve exactly what @ wants.
375 Needs to stay on task with crew and not wonder off Art/Graphics
as may lose privilege of leaving classroom.
376 Equipment must be returned exactly as given 10 Art/Graphics
minutes before bell goes, in order to keep privilege
of signing it out.
377 More time needs to be spent on Pre-Production Art/Graphics
378 Needs to spend more time on storyboard prior to Art/Graphics
379 Excellent storyboarding skills. Art/Graphics
380 Scriptwriting skills are outstanding. Art/Graphics
381 Good scriptwriting skills. Art/Graphics
382 Demonstrates excellent leadership skills on Art/Graphics
383 Had difficulty leading others on directing projects. Art/Graphics
384 Needs to only import best shots as computer Art/Graphics
memory gets too full.
385 Needs to save projects in own block, own folder, Art/Graphics
own group name, and project name as has lost
386 Needs to handle firewire equipment with greater Art/Graphics
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

387 Very careful handling of all equipment appreciated. Art/Graphics
388 Needs to spend time outside of class to learn how to Art/Graphics
use editing programs.
389 Needs to create own music or use copyright music Art/Graphics
for projects.
390 Personal style and vision in editing is very creative Art/Graphics
and interesting.
391 Must spend more care and time during the editing Art/Graphics
392 Editing techniques are excellent. Art/Graphics
393 Demonstrates a good knowledge of basic editing Art/Graphics
394 Letter grade indicates pass/fail on an adapted BASES
395 Requires adult assistance to complete work. BASES
396 This course has been modified to meet the BASES
requirements of the student's IEP.
397 Skills are limited but displays enthusiasm and effort. BASES
398 Skills are limited but effort is commendable. BASES
399 Please see attached comment. BASES
400 This is a modified senior B.A.S.E.S. course; no BASES
course credit granted.
401 Is adapting to new social and environmental BASES
402 Shows some academic strength, but is unable to BASES
transport skills from one task to another.
403 Needs to work more independently and with less BASES
404 Is only able to work under constant supervision from BASES
a teacher or SEA.
405 Shows strong practical skills and initiative. BASES
406 Needs to develop cooperation skills. BASES
407 Parent signature is still required on this student's BASES
408 Needs to be more respectful of personal space and BASES
409 Behaviour seriously hinders student from performing BASES
to the level of # abilities.
410 Student is learning functional academic skills for BASES
greater personal independence.
411 Student needs to be more self-motivated in BASES
initiating and completing tasks.
412 Participates well in group work. BASES
413 Needs to develop cooperation skills. BASES
414 Familiarity with internet and search strategies has BASES
415 Is more familiar with work processing applications. BASES
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

416 Student is developing independence skills. BASES
417 Student's listening skills need to improve. BASES
418 Communication skills have improved. BASES
419 Pronunciation is improving. BASES
420 Good oral participation. BASES
421 Student's listening skills have improved. BASES
422 Social role playing is required to improve community BASES
423 Student shows the ability to make an insightful BASES
comment during discussion.
424 Student is making progress with multi-media BASES
425 Student is using computer to reinforce skills. BASES
426 Student is learning stress management strategies. BASES
427 Student is learning lifestyles management skills. BASES
428 Needs to work on developing independence skills. BASES
429 Student is learning functional academic skills for BASES
greater personal independence.
430 This student's English vocabulary and BASES
comprehension would be improved by reading every
431 Reading at home on a consistent basis would BASES
significantly benefit this student.
432 Gaining more confidence and success at vocational BASES
433 Gaining more confidence and job skills at work BASES
434 Enthusiasm to learn is helping to push student's BASES
performance beyond # limitations.
435 Volunteer work on weekends and/or during summer BASES
would greatly benefit this student.
436 Demonstrates a strong ability to work with money BASES
437 Is showing improvement in the BASES Math BASES
438 Student needs more practice working with money. BASES
439 This student is making good progress in the BASES
modified Math program.
440 This student is more familiar with money skills (i.e. BASES
recognition, value, budgeting).
441 This student's math skills would be improved by BASES
being involved in shopping and banking activities at
442 Parent contact with a CLBC facilitator would be BASES
highly recommended for this student.
443 Student should apply for post secondary program BASES
for students with disabilities.
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

444 Student is returning to Kwantlen Park for an over- BASES
age year.
445 Demonstrates good articulation of various points of BC First Nat
view as they relate to First Nations' issues.
446 Demonstrates good grasp of land issues. BC First Nat
447 Displays awareness and appreciation of First BC First Nat
Nations' Art and art projects.
448 Has been able to integrate literature and art through BC First Nat
First Nations' projects.
449 Excellent progress in Accounting considering limited Business Ed
English skills.
450 Good progress in Accounting considering limited Business Ed
English skills.
451 Accounting workbook is not being kept up to date. Business Ed
Assigned work must be completed on time.
452 Accounting concepts are understood and applied Business Ed
very well.
453 Poor basic math skills have hindered progress in Business Ed
this business course.
454 More care is needed when checking for Business Ed
mathematical errors.
455 The student should consider further studies in Business Ed
456 Has excellent keyboarding skills and uses the Business Ed
correct typing technique.
457 Demonstrates correct keyboarding technique. Business Ed
458 Keyboarding technique and accuracy have Business Ed
improved. Good effort.
459 Must use proper posture and technique. Business Ed
460 Keyboard watching is hindering progress. Business Ed
Continuous effort and practice are required to be
461 Assignments are completed in an organized and Business Ed
efficient manner.
462 Has a good understanding of topics covered in Business Ed
Information Technology.
463 Student should consider further studies in Business Ed
Information Technology.
464 Student has difficulty completing Information Business Ed
Technology assignments during class. Additional
computer time is available.
465 Must use computer access wisely during class time. Business Ed
Computer time in class is often used
466 Was very successful during the web design unit of Business Ed
this course.
467 Student did not complete term or final assignment. Business Ed
468 Must complete all incomplete assignments, to meet Business Ed
the prescribed learning outcomes of this course.
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

469 Assignments have not been completed or Business Ed
470 Has made no effort to complete missed Business Ed
assignments or tests.
471 Student shows a definite aptitude for this subject. Business Ed
Student should consider taking a follow-up course.
472 Possesses great organizational skills pertaining to Business Ed
the layout & presentation of computer-based
473 Needs to be more organized re: naming and saving Business Ed
drives and files and the appearance of computer-
based assignments.
474 Keeps computer-based assignments up to date and Business Ed
takes pride in creating presentations.
475 ttitude and focus on computer based assignments Business Ed
needs improvement.
476 Excellent progress in Marketing considering limited Business Ed
English skills.
477 Good progress in Marketing considering limited Business Ed
English skills.
478 This letter grade and work habit mark are the final Business Ed
overall mark for all 3 classes in Lifeskills 8.
479 Grade will be assigned once Work Experience Business Ed
documentation has been received.
480 Work experience mark is given in second reporting Careers
period only.
481 Evaluation is based on pre-placement classroom Careers
482 Fundamental, personal management and teamwork Careers
skills are developing satisfactorily.
483 Employability skills are developing. Fundamental Careers
skills need improvement.
484 Employability skills are developing. Personal Careers
management skills need improvement.
485 Emloyability skills are developing. Teamwork skills Careers
are weak.
486 Has demonstrated outstanding employability skills Careers
and qualities required for the workplace.
487 Has shown initiative and enthusiasm in work Careers
experience placement.
488 Accepts assigned responsibilities willingly. Careers
489 Communicates well with fellow employees. Careers
490 Career Preparation written assignments are Careers
incomplete resulting in lower grade.
491 Career Preparation written assignments have been Careers
well done.
492 Work Experience hours have been completed. "I" Careers
will stand until Work Experience written
assignments have been completed.
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

493 Work Experience hours have not been completed. Careers
"I" will stand until hours have been completed.
494 The student's work experience placement has been Careers
terminated for various reasons. Please contact the
Career Education Department Head.
495 Some lack of understanding of business/industry Careers
policy is apparent.
496 Final grade is a failing grade as student has not Careers
completed mandatory work experience hours and/or
written assignments.
497 Student has opted for a SG mark and will receive Careers
four credits towards Graduation. The SG does not
affect the student's Grade Point Average.
498 All the best with your future endeavours. Careers
499 Takes pride in doing fine quality dramatic work. Drama
500 Provides good ideas and strong leadership for Drama
group work.
501 Needs to work harder at improving drama skills. Drama
502 Shows a serious commitment to developing drama Drama
503 Needs to increase participation in course activity. Drama
504 Student has a strong stage presence. Drama
505 Student has a vivid and creative imagination. Drama
506 Very good at pantomime. Drama
507 Student's dramatic skills have been improving. Drama
508 Student's enunciation is improving. Drama
509 Good solid dramatic work throughout the semester. Drama
510 Improvisational skills are good. Drama
511 Improvisational skills are excellent. Drama
512 Student must work on projection. Drama
513 Student's enjoyment of drama is obvious. Drama
514 Student enjoys building a character. Drama
515 Projection and enunciation are excellent. Drama
516 Has dramatic ability. Drama
517 Doing good work in extra curricular activities. Drama
518 Very coordinated in mime activities. Drama
519 Displays imagination and creativity in drama Drama
520 Speaking voice shows good tone and expressions. Drama
521 Displays leadership qualities when working in a Drama
522 Can improvise a wide range of characters. Drama
524 Listens well to instructions and team members. Drama
525 Should be more conscious of voice projection. Drama
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526 Student demonstrates a capability to develop, Drama
commit and maintain a role.
527 Good participation. I have enjoyed this student's Drama
efforts in both theatre sports and improvisations.
528 Demonstrates an ability to make creative choices in Drama
the context of drama activities.
529 Demonstrates a good understanding of the use of Drama
movement and voice as communication tools.
530 Is making greater efforts to become involved with Drama
drama activities.
531 Shows a serious commitment to developing drama Drama
532 Dramatic skills have been improving. Drama
533 Improvisational skills are excellent. Drama
534 Improvisational skills are good. Drama
535 jEnoyment of drama is obvious. Drama
536 Has dramatic ability. Drama
537 Could participate more in improvisation. Drama
538 Excellent voice work and projection. Drama
539 Needs to work on speaking loudly and clearly on Drama
540 Characterisation is excellent. Drama
541 Needs to focus more on characterisation. Drama
542 Understands the need for practice and rehearsal. Drama
543 Scene work requires more practice and rehearsal. Drama
544 Very talented and hardworking. Drama
545 A positive attitude towards drama is reflected in the Drama
student's sincerity and commitment.
546 This student demonstrates a positive attitude Dance
towards Dance.
547 Good technique is developing as this student listens Dance
carefully and applies him/herself wholeheartedly.
548 Excellent technique. Dance
549 Good technique is developing. Dance
550 This student listens and applies him/herself. Dance
551 A positive attitude towards Dance is reflected in this Dance
student's sincerity and commitment.
552 A greater effort will enable this student to reach # Dance
potential in Dance.
553 Commitment to good attendance and wholehearted Dance
participation are top priorities for success in Dance.
554 Student has excellent composition skills. English
555 Student writes exceptional poetry. English
556 Student has exceptional essay writing skills. English
557 Student excels at writing fiction. English
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558 Student has an exceptional vocabulary. English
559 Student writes exceptional journals. English
560 Student has exceptional creative writing skills. English
561 Student has demonstrated strong composition skills. English
562 Student has a talent for writing poetry. English
563 Student has strong essay writing skills. English
564 Student possesses a strong vocabulary. English
565 Student writes very good journals. English
566 Student has been recommended to communications English
567 Student has been recommended to communications English
568 Student has demonstrated satisfactory composition English
569 Student has satisfactory essay writing skills. English
570 Student possesses a limited vocabulary. English
571 Student writes satisfactory journals. English
572 Written work requires increased effort English
573 Student has difficulty writing with clarity and unity. English
574 Student has difficulty writing a complete sentence. English
575 Student is lacking fundamental grammar skills. English
576 Student has not handed in several written English
577 Student must make an effort to improve vocabulary. English
578 Student's journals are incomplete. English
579 Student shows an excellent understanding of English
580 Student is an extremely enthusiastic reader. English
581 Student demonstrates insightful comprehension. English
582 Student has a good understanding of literature. English
583 Student clearly enjoys reading. English
584 Student has a satisfactory understanding of English
585 Student is a capable reader. English
586 Student has difficulty understanding literature. English
587 Student needs to read outside of class time. English
588 Reading skills could be improved with increased English
effort and practice.
589 Reading comprehension is limited. English
590 Student is reluctant to engage in silent reading. English
591 Student rarely brings silent reading novel to class. English
592 Student has exceptional oral communication skills. English
593 Student is an eloquent and persuasive speaker. English
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594 Student has strong oral communication skills. English
595 Student demonstrates good public speaking skills. English
596 Student has satisfactory communication skills. English
597 Student has demonstrated satisfactory public English
speaking skills.
598 Student needs to improve oral communication skills. English
599 Student is reluctant to present material orally. English
600 Student needs to increase oral participation. English
601 Student is an attentive and enthusiastic listener. English
602 Student demonstrates excellent listening skills. English
603 Student demonstrates good listening skills. English
604 Student demonstrates satisfactory listening skills. English
605 Student has difficulty paying attention when others English
are speaking.
606 Student has difficulty following verbal instructions. English
607 Student has difficulty focusing during group work. English
608 Student tends to be off-task during group work. English
609 Student tends not to complete assigned portion of English
group work.
610 Student has made no arrangements to write one or English
more missed tests.
611 This ESL student's work has been adapted to suit # ESL
limited use of English.
612 This ESL student is auditing this class for language ESL
experience only. No mark given.
613 This ESL student needs to put more effort and ESL
concentration in to learning English.
614 This ESL student's acquisition of oral, written, and ESL
reading skills in English is satisfactory.
615 This ESL student's acquisition of oral, written, and ESL
reading skills in English is very good.
616 This ESL student's acquisition of oral, written, and ESL
reading skills in English is excellent.
617 This ESL student's lack of motivation is slowing ESL
618 This ESL student is working hard and progressing ESL
but level of English is not at grade level.
619 This ESL student's level of English proficiency has ESL
improved greatly over the year. Congratulations!
620 This Intermediate student continues to improve # ESL
level of English.
621 This Beginner ESL student continues to improve # ESL
level of English.
622 This ESL student is a recent arrival to Canada and ESL
@ is adjusting well.
623 This ESL student needs minimal support in ESL
predicting, evaluating, interpreting or inferring.
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

624 This ESL student needs significant support in ESL
predicting, evaluating, interpreting or inferring.
625 This is a Reception ESL student ESL
626 This is an Emerging Beginner ESL student. ESL
627 This is a Beginner ESL student. ESL
628 This is a Developing Intermediate ESL student. ESL
629 This is an Expanding Intermediate ESL student. ESL
630 This is an Advanced ESL student. ESL
631 This ESL student's pronunciation is improving. ESL
632 This ESL student's pronunciation is very good. ESL
633 This ESL student is not able to contribute to class ESL
and group discussions.
634 This ESL student can understand some class ESL
discussion. Oral comprehension is improving.
635 This ESL student is able to contribute to class and ESL
group discussions.
636 This ESL student should apply more effort to ESL
learning vocabulary.
637 Consistent use of the spoken language by this ESL ESL
student is necessary to improve fluency.
638 This ESL student should put more effort into ESL
speaking the language during small-group oral
639 This ESL student has been reluctant to present ESL
material orally.
640 This ESL student should practice reading, writing, ESL
and speaking English at home.
641 This ESL student has done well when presenting ESL
642 This ESL student takes part orally and tries to do all ESL
of the work.
643 This ESL student makes little effort to participate in ESL
class oral work.
644 This ESL student must practice speaking English in ESL
the classroom and at home.
645 This ESL student has good listening comprehension ESL
646 Listening and watching English news on radio and ESL
television would be very helpful to this ESL student.
647 This ESL student needs frequent help to understand ESL
verbal instructions and oral presentations.
648 This ESL student is usually able to understand ESL
verbal instructions and oral presentations.
649 This ESL student should read for fun daily in order ESL
to develop vocabulary and improve progress.
650 This ESL student's development in this subject area ESL
would improve with daily review of new vocabulary.
651 This advanced ESL student continues to improve # ESL
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level of English. Recreational reading is
652 This ESL student is able to read and answer ESL
comprehension questions.
653 This ESL student is able to read aloud but is unable ESL
to answer comprehension questions.
654 This ESL student should practice saying vocabulary ESL
words daily.
655 This ESL student's spoken English is improving ESL
656 This ESL has difficulty completing reading ESL
657 This ESL student is able to complete reading ESL
assignments in usual allotted time.
658 This ESL student is able to complete reading ESL
assignments with some additional time.
659 This ESL student's reading skills could be improved ESL
through increased effort and practice.
660 This ESL student is beginning to compose short ESL
661 This ESL student needs to have appropriate ESL
translation dictionary at all times.
662 This ESL student does not compose complete ESL
663 This ESL student is able to print words correctly. ESL
664 This ESL student's writing shows few errors in tense ESL
agreement, word choice, spelling or mechanics.
665 This ESL student shows good progress in the ESL
written language.
666 This ESL student has minimal difficulty with ESL
vocabulary or idioms.
668 This ESL student's writing shows errors in tense, ESL
agreement, word choice, spelling or mechanics.
669 this ESL student's writing contains a variety of ESL
sentence structures.
670 This ESL student's writing contains only a limited ESL
number of simple sentence structures.
671 This ESL student's writing contains frequent ESL
fragments or run-on sentences.
672 This ESL student must use a dictionary at all times ESL
to improve spelling and vocabulary.
673 This ESL student must study spelling words daily. ESL
674 The Graduation Transitions Standards program is a Grad Trans
graduation requirement set by the Ministry of
Education of British Columbia.
675 Students must complete both the Graduation Grad Trans
Transitions Package and Final Exit Interview in
order to receive four graduation credits and a RM on
their transcript.
676 One or more modules of the student's Grad Grad Trans
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Transition package are missing evidence,
incomplete or not up to standard.
677 A parent or guardian's signature is required for each Grad Trans
module of the Graduation Transition document
678 One or more reflections for one or more of the Grad Trans
Graduation Transitions modules are missing,
incomplete or not up to standard.
679 One or more of the application documents of the Grad Trans
Graduation Transitions package have not been
680 One or more of the career documents of the Grad Grad Trans
Transitions package have not been submitted, are
incomplete or do not meet the standard.
681 Has successfully completed the Grad Transition Grad Trans
682 Has successfully completed the Grad Transitions Grad Trans
Program final presentation.
683 Has not completed the Grad Transitions Package Grad Trans
and/or final presentation required for graduation.
684 Has successfully completed the Grad Transitions Grad Trans
Package and final presentation required for
685 Has performed well in meeting the learning HACE
outcomes of Health and Careers 8/9.
686 Has not met the learning outcomes of Health and HACE
Careers 8/9 and an 'I' has been assigned.
687 Has met the learning outcomes of Health and HACE
Careers 8/9.
688 Practical work is good but theory and written work Home Ec
require more effort.
689 Practical work tends to be sloppy; more attention Home Ec
must be paid to detail.
690 Lab work is satisfactory; however, several written Home Ec
assignments have not been completed.
691 Tendency to rush through projects. More time and Home Ec
care required.
692 Poor use of lab time resulted in work far below Home Ec
student's ability.
693 Directions given during demonstrations need to be Home Ec
694 A late start on project work has hindered progress. Home Ec
695 More practice is needed to improve skills. Home Ec
696 Greater cooperation with lab partner(s) is required. Home Ec
697 Should ask teacher for help when problems arise Home Ec
before attempting further project work.
698 Greater effort in lab cleanup is required. Home Ec
699 Requires constant monitoring to ensure responsible Home Ec
and safe behavior in the lab.
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

700 Missed labs resulted in a lower grade. Home Ec
701 Student needs to work on cooperation with # group Home Ec
and must share the responsibility to clean up the
kitchen after labs.
702 Student needs to watch all demonstrations to help Home Ec
with completion of lab expectations.
703 This student has difficulty working productively in Home Ec
group lab work. Poor effort and lack of interest
reflect on the group's success.
704 Food preparation and organization is excellent. Home Ec
705 Food preparation and organization is poor. Home Ec
706 Hope to see you in future Home Economics classes. Home Ec
707 A more mature and serious attitude is essential Home Ec
during Food labs.
708 Should ask for help when problems arise in the Home Ec
sewing class.
709 Achieved high standards of workmanship. Home Ec
710 Creative expression is evident in work. Student Home Ec
likes to add own ideas to personalize the project.
711 In a lab course, student needs to be in class Home Ec
regularly in order to complete the basic criteria of
the course.
712 Please refer to the attached Inter-A reports. INTER-A
713 An 'I' has been assigned for this continuous INTER-A
progress course.
714 Comes prepared with assignments. LST
715 Does not come prepared to work. LST
716 Needs to be monitored closely. LST
717 Course objectives/requirements are modified to LST
meet student's needs.
718 Course objectives and requirements have been LST
adapted to meet the student's individual needs.
719 Student is making good use of tutorial block to LST
complete, correct and study homework.
720 Student is not making consistent use of tutorial to LST
complete, correct and study homework.
721 Organizational skills need constant attention. More LST
time must be spent at home studying/organizing.
722 Student should take better advantage of in-class LST
and/or drop-in support.
723 See attached comments in regard to the student's LST
progress toward their IEP goals.
724 Course objectives/requirements are modified to LST
meet student's needs, therefore a NM has been
725 Course objectives and requirements have been LST
adapted to meet the student's individual needs.
726 Student would benefit from regular attendance at LST
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the Homework club.
727 Extra help in Mathematics is available after school. Math
It is recommended that student attends these
teacher directed tutorials.
728 Student would benefit from the assistance of a Math
private math tutor.
729 Homework must be completed by writing out all Math
questions, showing all work and checking final
730 Student needs to spend time understanding the Math
process, other than just striving to get the correct
731 Difficulty is being experienced with Mathematics due Math
to weak basic skills.
732 An exceptional level of comprehension of math Math
concepts has resulted in excellent progress.
733 A high level of comprehension of math concepts has Math
resulted in good progress.
734 An acceptable level of comprehension of math Math
concepts has resulted in satisfactory progress.
735 A poor level of comprehension of math concepts Math
has resulted in unsatisfactory progress.
736 Must repeat Mathematics 8. Student has not Math
successfully met the learning outcomes for this
737 Must repeat Mathematics 9. Student has not Math
successfully met the learning outcomes for this
738 Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 10 is Math
739 Foundations of Mathematics & Pre-Calculus 10 is Math
740 School mark is 80% and Provincial exam is 20%. Math
Final mark dependent on Provincial exam outcome.
741 Student is at risk of not meeting the learning Math
outcomes for this course. Final mark is dependent
on Provincial exam mark.
742 Must repeat a Mathematics 11 course. Student has Math
not successfully met the learning outcomes for this
743 Workplace and Apprenticeship Mathematics 11 is Math
744 Foundations Mathematics 11 is recommended. Math
745 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 11 is recommended. Math
746 Student has passed the course and should proceed Math
to the next grade level in the current Mathematics
747 Must repeat a Mathematics 11 course (Principles, Math
Applications or Essentials). Student has not
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successfully met the learning outcomes for this
748 Student should keep instrument and accessories in Music
better repair.
749 Regular practice is needed to maintain the level of Music
skill and ability necessary to perform at a senior
750 A positive influence on the school's music program. Music
751 Absence from scheduled concert(s) has affected Music
this student's mark this term.
752 A minimum of 30 minutes of practice a day is Music
753 Greater participation in class and extra-curricular Music
events would enhance course enjoyment.
754 Is making excellent progress in personal musical Music
755 A very responsible and dependable music student. Music
756 Failure to hand in monthly practice records has Music
lowered grade.
757 Absence from specially scheduled rehearsals Music
outside of class time has affected this student's
mark this term.
758 Absence from scheduled concert(s) has affected Music
this student's mark this term.
759 Student's disruptive behavior requires extra Music
supervision during class time.
760 Lack of punctuality impairs rehearsals and has Music
lowered letter grade.
761 Frequent absences have impeded student's ability Music
to perform to class standards.
762 Recent improvement in musical skill has increased Music
763 Is making excellent progress in personal musical Music
764 Is making excellent progress since last Report Card. Music
765 Failure to hand in written evaluations/assignments Music
has resulted in lowered letter grade.
766 Has shown outstanding ability. Able to perform a Music
part with accuracy and a good sense of ensemble.
767 Has contributed to the overall success of the music Music
768 Has shown much improvement in usual ability Music
769 A talented student and a pleasure to teach. Music
770 Failed to hand in written assignment. Music
771 Failure to hand in speed drills/quizzes has resulted Music
in lowered letter grade.
772 Shows a dedication necessary to becoming a fine Music
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773 Singing skills would improve with daily practice. Music
774 Student should be conscious of voice projection. Music
775 Student has good voice projection in choir. Music
776 Demonstrates a good understanding of the use of Music
the voice.
777 Frequent absences to class has lowered choir Music
778 More time must be spent on learning the lyrics to Music
the music.
779 Student must come to class with pencil and music Music
780 This course is based largely on participation. Music
Missing too many classes has therefore negatively
affected grade.
781 Models appropriate on-task behaviour. Peer Tutor
782 Plans the tutorial effectively. Peer Tutor
783 Displays a combination of empathy and firmness in Peer Tutor
the tutorial setting.
784 Reveals a strong aptitude in basic counselling and Peer Tutor
communication skills.
785 Displays knowledge of time management, note- Peer Tutor
taking and test-taking skills.
786 Has been requested to attend tutorial sessions but Peer Tutor
has not shown up.
787 Less socializing and more initiative is needed. Peer Tutor
788 Student displays leadership and an effective attitude Peer Tutor
towards tutoring peers.
789 Student is not assisting classroom teacher in an Peer Tutor
effective way.
790 Student needs to display a better understanding of Peer Tutor
helping and leading other peers.
791 Incomplete assignments and homework are Planning 10
reflected in poor achievement
792 Must complete Grade 10 components of the Grad Planning 10
Transitions Program
793 Career Research project must be completed. Planning 10
794 Career Research project was well done and has Planning 10
improved mark.
795 Student must complete the Resume assignment Planning 10
796 Student needs to complete 30 hours of career- Planning 10
related experience to fulfill graduation requirements.
797 Student needs to continue working on the Transition Planning 10
Plan in future years to fulfill graduation
798 Successful completion of this course requires that Planning 10
students do not fall behind on assignments.
799 There is no final exam for this course so it is Planning 10
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imperative that students complete all in-class
800 Excellent attitude, ability and performance level. PE
801 Gives maximum effort and is mindful about the PE
feelings and rights of others in the class.
802 Is an example of an excellent student leader. Offers PE
support and encouragement to all of # peers.
803 A good athlete who works well in class and is a PE
pleasure to teach.
804 Good attitude, ability and performance level. PE
805 Contributes to a positive learning environment by PE
volunteering to set up and take down equipment.
806 Student works to the best of # ability in both unit and PE
fitness activities.
807 Achievement throughout semester has been PE
808 Effort has been average. An improvement in effort PE
will improve grade.
809 Skilled athlete; however, cooperation and attitude PE
must improve.
810 Demonstrates an acceptable level of participation PE
only when supervised closely.
811 Does not bring gym strip to class regularly. Must PE
come to class with gym strip prepared to actively
812 Failure to consistently wear appropriate PE strip has PE
resulted in lower grade.
813 Failure to participate on a regular basis has resulted PE
in lower grade.
814 At times refuses to participate PE
815 Level of achievement is due to lack of effort; NOT PE
lack of ability.
816 Due to several unexcused absences, this student's PE
grade has been negatively affected.
817 Frequent lates have negatively affected # grade. PE
818 Failure to display proper etiquette, fair play, respect PE
for others and equipment has resulted in a low
819 Participation in unit activities is good. Overall grade PE
would be increased by improving effort in fitness
820 Outstanding effort during the 5 km Training PE
821 More effort during the 5 km Training Program would PE
improve both fitness level and grade.
822 Missed runs have not been made up - these are a PE
requirement of the course.
823 Because of frequent/continued absences, fitness PE
level and continuity of the course are hindered.
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824 Needs to improve self-discipline. PE
825 Frequently disturbs class with inappropriate PE
826 Although labs and assignments are satisfactory, test Science
marks are low. More preparation is required.
827 Very insightful questions and comments during Science
science discussion are a positive contribution to the
828 Recommended for Science and Technology 11. Science
829 Showing good progress in Science. Keep up the Science
good work!
830 Geography assignments need improvement. Social Stud
831 Exhibits keen interest and understanding of world Social Stud
832 Has the ability to organize historical data Social Stud
competently, leading to soundly based opinions.
833 Has trouble acquiring a basic historical perspective. Social Stud
834 This student is able to clearly state opinions with Social Stud
835 This student has a good understanding of physical Social Stud
836 This student has demonstrated excellent Social Stud
understanding of course content.
837 This student has demonstrated unsatisfactory Social Stud
understanding of course content.
838 Has produced excellent work in Social Studies Social Stud
throughout the year.
839 Output in Social Studies has been below this Social Stud
student's overall ability.
840 Achievement is excellent. Social Stud
841 Average for this reporting period is over 90%. Social Stud
842 Excellent work on Current Events Project. Social Stud
843 Other interests seem to interfere with learning. Social Stud
844 Outstanding achievement in class debates. Social Stud
845 Failed to participate in class debates. Social Stud
846 Final project was very well done. Social Stud
847 Failed to hand in final project. Social Stud
848 Failed to hand in Current Events project. Social Stud
849 School mark is 80% and Provincial exam is 20% of Social Stud
student's final mark.
850 Has done excellent job in presenting work before Social Stud
851 Student needs to make better use of research time Social Stud
in the library.
852 Has produced excellent work in Geography Social Stud
throughout the course.
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

853 Missed at least one test and made no arrangement Social Stud
to write it.
854 Should provide a signed note for absences. Social Stud
855 Is not completing Current Events assignments. Social Stud
856 Student works in a safe and productive manner. Tech Ed
857 Student is very observant during demonstrations, Tech Ed
and makes the most from time spent in class.
858 Must be more attentive during demonstrations. Tech Ed
859 Safety in the shop is dependent on your responsible Tech Ed
860 Must pass all safety tests before power tools can be Tech Ed
861 Behaviour is often immature and unsafe in the shop. Tech Ed
862 Student works hard and has excellent metal Tech Ed
fabrication skills.
863 Student has excellent layout and welding skills. Tech Ed
864 Student has excellent 2d and 3d visualization skills. Tech Ed
865 A high level of detail in projects has been achieved. Tech Ed
866 Student has excellent modeling and design skills. Tech Ed
867 Student has excellent design and drafting skills. Tech Ed
868 Student has excellent hand and power tool skills. Tech Ed
869 Excellent attitude, technical ability and hands on Tech Ed
performance level.
870 Solves technical problems creatively and Tech Ed
871 Student demonstrates a high level of workmanship. Tech Ed
872 Ability to follow plans and diagrams is improving. Tech Ed
873 Has difficulty following plans and diagrams. Tech Ed
874 Machine skills are reaching industry standards. Tech Ed
875 Machine skills need improvement, pay more Tech Ed
attention to machine operation.
876 Student has special aptitude in this field and great Tech Ed
potential for a rewarding hi-tech career.
877 Satisfactory attitude, ability and performance level. Tech Ed
878 You are using shop time productively. KEEP IT UP! Tech Ed
879 Makes good use of shop time. Tech Ed
880 Should use shop time more productively in order to Tech Ed
receive a satisfactory grade.
881 Has ability to work independently and capably with Tech Ed
hands on projects.
882 The quality of your project work will improve with Tech Ed
your closer attention to assignments.
883 Tendency to rush through projects. More time and Tech Ed
care required, take pride in your work!
884 Project work must be completed in order to pass Tech Ed
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Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

this course.
885 Poor progress is due to an inability to follow shop Tech Ed
routine and lack of class time ownership.
886 In order to successfully complete this course, you Tech Ed
will need to begin the work.
887 Does not cooperate in general cleanup. Tech Ed
888 Extra shop time and help is available after school. Tech Ed
889 Student owes money for project materials. Please Tech Ed
pay the teacher as soon as possible.
890 Recommended for Design and Drafting 9/10. Tech Ed
891 Recommended for Design and Drafting 11. Tech Ed
892 Recommended for Design and Drafting 12: Tech Ed
Architecture and Habitat Design.
893 Recommended for Tech General 9/10. Tech Ed
894 Recommended for Engineering and Design 11. Tech Ed
895 Recommended for Engineering and Design 12. Tech Ed
896 Recommended for Wood Work 9/10. Tech Ed
897 Recommended for Carpentry and Joinery 11. Tech Ed
898 Recommended for Carpentry and Joinery 12. Tech Ed
899 Recommended for Carpentry and Joinery 12: Tech Ed
Woodcraft products.
900 Recommended for Carpentry and Joinery 12: Tech Ed
Furniture Construction.
901 Recommended for Metal Work 9/10. Tech Ed
902 Recommended for Metal Fabrication and Machining Tech Ed
903 Recommended for Metal Fabrication and Machining Tech Ed
904 Recommended for Metal Fabrication and Machining Tech Ed
12: Advanced Welding.
905 Recommended for Metal Fabrication and Machining Tech Ed
12: Advanced Fabrication.
906 Recommended for Metal Fabrication and Machining Tech Ed
12: Art Metal.
907 Letter grade and work habit are representative of LIFESKILLS
student's performance in the Technology Education
component of Lifeskills 8.

908 Letter grade and work habit are representative of LIFESKILLS

student's performance in the Information
Technology component of Lifeskills 8
909 Letter grade and work habit are representative of LIFESKILLS
student's performance in the Home Economics
component of Lifeskills 8
910 The letter grade, percentage and work habit are LIFESKILLS
representative of student's final mark in Technology
Education, Information Technology and Home
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Report Card Comments - October 2012
Kwantlen Park Sec Run Date: 03 Oct 2012 08:13 AM

Comment Number Comment Statement Category Subject Level

Economics components of Lifeskills 8.
911 Recommended for Electronics 9/10 TECH ED
Recommended for Electronics 10.
912 Recommended for Art Metal 9/10 TECH ED

909 Total Comments

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