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Writing Assignment3

Thomas Huckaby III

Angela Kennedy

US-College Reading & Writing

4 October 2010

My Life with Technology

In this day and age our lives are revolved around the usage of technology. From sun up to

sun down, we each use technology for many different reasons. We’ve become so accustomed to

using technology that now it’s considered a necessity to many, but who are we to blame? A lot of

us were raised around technology. Technology has made its self a part of our lives, and some

more than others. Technology is continuing to change the world. With advancements in

technology occurring every day, every enhancement produces more satisfaction creating the urge

to use it more. Such as; cell phones, video games, and computers. It’s even a tool used

academically. Technology is being used everywhere, and after so much usage it slowly becomes

habitual. I’d say that I’m one of the many who have been the usage of technology Not only has

technology been a part of my school and social life, but it has also become an essential element

in the field of work that I am pursuing.

In all the classes I am currently taking the usage of technology is required. From

checking your grades to taking online tests, technology has become very essential to academics.

“Our schools are even being judged based on the ratio of students to computers.” “This ratio has
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been used to determine the ability of schools to provide “quality” education.” Technology has

become such a major role in school that the amount of technology a school provides decides

whether it’s a good school or not. Although this nothing new, the amount of time we spend using

it in school is. Almost everything we do requires some usage of it. This includes typing papers,

communicating with the teacher, and doing home work. Never in my life did I think that I’d be

sending in homework instead of simply handing it in. Many people think that it’s taking away

from going to school, and I agree. It does take away the traditional feel of school, but I think that

this is a good thing. This is preparing us for the future. In the years to come technology will be

used even more. There are currently many efforts to increase the usage of technology in school,

and many of these goals are being accomplished. Throughout my academic career Technology

has always been implemented in my classes, but now it gradually taken over.

Not only has Technology made its way into Academics, but it’s also a big factor in my

social life. Without technology there would be no way to communicate with friends. Yes you can

mail a letter, but when you need to communicate fast with someone Technology is needed.

Without my cell phone it feels like I’m disconnected from the world. Having a cell phone has

become a necessity. I know I could do without it and at the same time I don’t think I can. In

order for things to go smoothly I need a cell phone with me at all times. Another social tool I use

is Facebook. Not only does Facebook let me chat with people, it also allows me to say what’s on
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my mind. These are my basic tools in my social life. I also use Skype and oovoo to communicate

with friends. Without technology none of this would be possible. I could do without all of this,

but when you’re used to having something taking it away isn’t always the easiest thing. If I

wasn’t introduced to technology not having any of this wouldn’t be a problem. Since I was,

going without technology would be tough because it’s the only thing I know. This is one of the

reasons why it’s major in my life. Not only has technology shaped my pat, but it’s also shaping

my future.

Ever since my senior year I’ve known what I want to pursue in life, and that is Audio

engineering. Audio engineering is basically the control of music playback, and the production of

music. Music and technology have always been passions for me, so when deciding what I

wanted to be I looked for something I could do that would incorporate both. Technology is being

used more and more in music. Form auto tune to mixing music, technology is a key part to the

creation of music. Audio engineering not only requires an ear for music, but it also asks for some

knowledge of technology. You’d have to be able to follow directions technically while knowing

what sounds right. I think this is the perfect field for me because I can do both. I also think that

being in this line of work would make me happy. I’d be doing something I enjoy while getting

paid for it. What more could you ask from a career. Audio engineering wouldn’t get old to me

either, with so many possible ways of doing things there would always be something new.
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When it comes to technology in our future many people think of a space age vehicles and

teleportation devices. This may seem like a long way away, but every day we come closer to

these dreams. Technology is tied to everything, and as time goes on its usage will sky rocket. It’s

influencing every aspect of our lives. From saving lives to giving life, it continues to pave the

way towards a better world. Soon it will be used in ways unimaginable. With all these

advancements more knowledge will be asked from us. That’s why it’s important to learn how to

use it now because in the future 9 out of 10 jobs will require some technical experience. Our

world is becoming so dependent on technology that soon technology will be our main means for

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Dr. Allison Druin . Classroom of the Future . . 12-12-10


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