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Up and Running with DB2 for Linux

Identify the features and functionality of DB2 Universal Database, version 8, fo
r the Linux operating system with the goal of installing,
configuring and administering a DB2 instance and its included databases to an mi
nimum accuracy of 70%.
The following knowledge objectives are the enabling objectives in support of the
primary course objective above.
1. Identify the basic components and functions of the DB2 Universal Database (ve
rsion 8) for the Linux operating system.
2. Identify environmental requirements for DB2.
3. Identify the requirements and methods for enabling parallelism using DB2.
4. Identify the requirements for installing client and server portions of DB2.
5. Identify the considerations for a multiple-partition installation of DB2.
6. Identify the considerations and parameters for configuring the DB2 instance.
7. Identify the requirements and methods for creating a new database.
8. Identify the requirements, methods and for migrating instances and databases
to DB2 version
9. Identify the requirements, methods and tools for performing database backup a
nd recovery.
10. Identify the methods and tools for reorganization and statistic collection f
or table and index reorganization.
11. Identify the process of data movement using EXPORT, IMPORT and LOAD.
12. Identify the process of scheduling jobs using DB2.
13. Identify the methods and tools for monitoring DB2 performance.
14. Identify the integrated tools and wizards available for DB2.
15. Identify the methods for developing applications to function with DB2.
These five quizzes and course examination are provided for you to use at your co
nvenience. The questions are intended to approximate the types of questions your
students may face on an IBM Certification examination, and should be helpful in
preparation for such a test. However, there is no implied guarantee that these
questions will or will not appear on any such examination.
Individual quizzes are provided for chapters 1, 2, 3, and 5. A single quiz is pr
ovided for the combination of chapters 4, 6, 7, and 8. There are several justifi
cations for this structure, including chapter size, the type of material in each
chapter, and the relevance of knowledge-type questions to the material.
A quick review shows that chapters 4, 6, 7, and 8 are comparatively small chapte
rs. They deal primarily with screen captures of various graphic user interfaces
or with activities that will be used infrequently or by a limited number of user
s. For those reasons they were grouped together for purposes of the practice qui
You may wish to consider reorganizing classroom presentation materials to match
this sequence. For continuity purposes you might want to cover material in chapt
er 5 prior to chapter 4. Because the material in chapter 4 (Migration) responds
to the unique situation of upgrading from an older version of DB2 to version 8,
it is not necessary to cover the material prior to chapter 5 (Administering Data
Each of the questions is in the multiple choice format with a stem, correct resp
onse, and three distractors. In the instructor s key the correct response is displ
ayed along with the page of the book from which the question was drawn.
The enabling objectives presented here are all knowledge based. From the perspec
tive of the Bloom Taxonomy, these are first-level (knowledge) competencies. Subs
equent courses should be developed which will entail higher-level competencies i
ncluding problem determination and resolution.
Successful completion of the overall course objective should also include practi
cal hands-on laboratory activity as well. Because each school environment varies
tremendously, we have not provided specific performance objectives and exercise
s. We encourage each instructor to design and implement such a practical applica
tion component for the classroom.

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