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The annual School Experience Survey for LAUSD presents survey items organized by three categories: Academics, Social Emo onal Learning, and School Climate. The responses by survey items
show the percent of responses from "Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree," as well as, aggregate percentages for the top two most posi ve responses (Agree/Strongly Agree). To begin, select the
school from the dropdown menu. Then select the group and category to view the visualiza ons. District (LAUSD) and Local District will be available soon. Survey items with an asterisk are not
included in the overall percentages for the content area.

School Group Category Response Rates

Farmdale El Parents Academics
Staff School Climate 100% 100%
Students Social and Emo onal Learning

Students Parents Staff Teachers

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

Total Number of SCHOOL % Agree or

Content Area Survey Item
Responses Strongly Agree

A. I can change my intelligence with hard work 18% 34% 44% 114 78%

B. I can increase my intelligence by challenging myself 11% 37% 45% 114 82%

Growth C. I am capable of learning anything 16% 33% 44% 115 77%

D. I can do well in a subject even if I am not naturally good at it 14% 44% 37% 115 81%

Overall Growth Mindset 15% 37% 42% 115 80%

A. I can earn high marks/grades in my classes 7% 15% 41% 35% 114 76%

B. I can do well on all my tests, even when they're difficult 8% 23% 40% 25% 114 66%

Self-efficacy C. I can master the hardest topics in my classes 17% 25% 35% 18% 109 53%

D. I can meet all the learning goals my teachers set 23% 42% 28% 111 70%

Overall Self-efficacy 9% 21% 40% 27% 114 67%

A. I came to class prepared 13% 31% 55% 118 86%

B. I remembered and followed direc ons 22% 38% 39% 116 77%

C. I got my work done right away instead of wai ng un l the

22% 35% 37% 116 72%
Self- last minute
management D. I paid a en on, even when there were distrac ons 10% 28% 36% 23% 117 59%

E. I stayed calm even when others bothered or cri cized me 6% 26% 32% 30% 115 63%

Overall Self-management 22% 34% 37% 118 71%

A. I o en complimented others' accomplishments 7% 13% 27% 33% 20% 119 53%

B. I got along well with students who are different from me 11% 57% 27% 118 84%

C. When others disagreed with me, I was respec ul of their

8% 12% 51% 27% 119 78%
Student Social views
Awareness D. I was able to clearly describe my feelings 9% 8% 16% 45% 22% 117 68%

E. I carefully listened to other people's points of view 13% 51% 32% 120 83%

Overall Student Social Awareness 7% 16% 47% 26% 120 73%

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