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— Project Management Framework curren two 32 Which of the following statements BEST describes how stakeholders are involved on a project? A. They determine the project schedule, deliverables, and requirements. B. They help to determine the project constraints and product deliverables. . They determine the resource needs and resource constraints on the project. , They help provide assumptions, the WBS, and the management plans ‘Two project managers have just realized that they are in a weak matrix organization and that their power as project managers is quite limited, One figures out that he is really a project expediter, and the other realizes he is really a project coordinator. How isa project expediter different from a project coordinator? A, The project expediter cannot make decisions. B. The project expediter can make more decisions. C. The project expediter reports to a higher-level manager. D, The project expediter has some authority. In a projectized organization, the project team: A. Reports to many bosses. B. Has no loyalty to the project. Reports to the functional manager. D. Will not always have a “home” [A project manager is trying to complete a software development project, but cannot get enough. attention forthe project. Resources re focused on completing process-related work, and the project manager has little authority to assign resources. What form of orgenization must the project manager be working in? ‘A, Functional B, Matrix C. Expediter D. Coordinator [A project manager has very little project experience, but he has been assigned as the project ‘manager of a new project. Because he will be working in a matrix organization to complete his project, he can expect communications to be: A. Simple. B. Open and accurate . Complex. D, Hard to automate. . A project team member is talking to another team member and complaining that many people are asking him to do things. If he works in a functional organization, who has the power to give direction to the team member? ‘A. The project manager B. The functional manager ©. The team D. ‘The PMO (© 2017 RG Publcatos, ne» 952.848.4484 «intempo.» wanacmerect com 10. LL. charren two Project Management Framework == ‘Who has the MOST power in a projectized organization? A, The project manager B. The functional manager C. The team D. They all share power All ofthe following are characteristics ofa project EXCEPT: A. Itis temporary. B, Ithasa definite beginning and end. . Ithas interrelated activities. D. Itrepeats itself every month. All ofthe following are parts ofthe team’ stakeholder management effort EXCEPT: A. Giving stakeholders extras. B. Identifying stakeholders . Determining stakeholders’ needs, [D. Managing stakeholders’ expectations. ‘A manager and the head of engineering discuss a change to a major work package. After the ‘meeting, the manager contacts you and tlls you to complete the paperwork to make the change. ‘This isan example of: ‘A. Management attention to scope management. B, Management planning, C. A project expediter postion, D. A change control system. “The project is in planning when three stakeholders come to the project manager asking for information on the company’s new project management methodology. They want to know ‘where it came from and why itis different from the way they currently manage projects. These stakeholders are also friends of the project manager, and the entire group has worked together for ‘years. The project is using new terms like “corrective action’ that are making some stakeholders nervous, as they are unsure whether the way the project will be managed is going to change along ‘with new terms. What should the project manager do? ‘A. Advise the stakeholders that she will keep them in the communication loop for the project, B, Supply alist of new terms and their definitions. . Notify the project management office (PMO). D. Make sure she maintains her authority as the project manager even though the stakeholders are her friends, [A project manager is managing his second project. It started one month after the first and both are in process. Though his first project is small, this one seems to be growing in size every day. ‘As each day passes, the project manager is beginning to feel more and more in need of help. The project manager has recently heard that there was another project inthe company last year that is siuuilarw his Second project. What should he do? A. Contact the other project manager and ask for assistance. 8, Obtain historical records and guidance from the project management office (PMO). CC. Wait to see ifthe project is impacted by the growth in scope. . Make sure the scope of the project is agreed to by all the stakeholders. (© 2011 ANC Publications, nc «952.846.4484 «inx@meprectcom + wr mcprjectcam 33 =—— Project Management Framework curreatwo 13, “The project lifecycle differs from the product lfe cycle in that the project life cycle ‘A. Does not incorporate a methodology. B, Is different for each industry. . Can spawn many projects. D. Describes project management activities. 14, Management by objectives works only if: A. Itis supported by management. B. The rules are written down. . The project does not impact the objectives , The project icludes the objectives in the project charter. 15, Your management has decided that all orders will be treated as “projects” and that project ‘managers will be used to update orders daily, to resolve issues, and to ensure the customer formally accepts the product within 30 days of completion. Revenue from the individual orders ccan vary from US $100 to US $150,000. The project manager will not be required to perform planning or provide documentation other than daily status. How would you define this situation? ‘A. Because each individual order is a “temporary endeavor” each order is a project. 'B, This is program management since there are multiple projects involved. . This isa recurring process. D, Orders incurring revenue over $100,000 would be considered projects and would involve project management, 16. The previous project manager for your project managed it without much project organization. “There is a lack of management control and no clearly defined project deliverables. Which ofthe following would be the BEST choice for getting your project better organized? ‘A. Adopt a lifecycle approach to the project. B, Develop lessons learned for each phase. C. Develop specific work plans for each work package. , Develop a description ofthe product ofthe project. 17. A project team is working on manufacturing a new product, but they are having difficulty creating. ‘project charter. What is the BEST description of the real problem? A, They have nat identified the project objective. B. They are working on a process and not a project. . The end date has not been set. . They have not identified the product of the project. 18, One of your team members informs you that he does not know which of the many projects he is working on is the most important. Who should determine the priorities between projects in a company? A. The project manager B. The project management team . The project management office (PMO) D. The team 19, A market demand, a business need, and/or legal requirement are examples of: ‘A. Reasons to hire a project manager. B, Reasons projects are initiated. C. Reasons people or businesses become stakeholders. . Reasons to sponsor a project. 34 (©2011 ANC Pbcabns, ne 952.848.4484» infoOrmepoetcon » a 22, 23, 24, 25. curteatwo Project Management Framework —= Operational work is different from project work in that itis: A. Unique. B. Temporary. . Ongoing and repetitive D. A part of every project activity. Company procedures require the creation of a lessons learned document, Which ofthe following is the BEST use oflessons learned? A. Historical records for future projects B, Planning record forthe current project . Informing the team about what the project manager has done D. Informing the team about the project management plan Lessons learned are BEST completed by: A. The project manager, B, The team, . The sponsor. D. The stakeholders, ‘Consideration of ongoing operations and maintenance is crucially important to products of projects. Ongoing operations and maintenance should ‘A, Be included as activites to be performed during project closure B, Have a separate phase inthe project lf cycle, because a large portion of lifecycle costs is devoted to maintenance and operations. ©. Not be viewed as part of a project. D. Be viewed as a separate project. What is program? A An initiative setup by management B. A means to gain benefits and control of related projects C. A group of unrelated projects managed ina coordinated way D. A government regulation ‘ is making an effort to improve its project performance and create historical records of ‘past projects. What is the BEST way to accomplish this? ‘A. Create project management plans. B, Create lessons learned. reate network diagrams. D. Create status reports. (© 2011 AMVC Pubes, ne» 952.645.4484» intormeprectcom * waw.smepoectcom 35

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