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Module -1 Industrial Relations

1.1 INTRODUCTION The term "industrial relations" refers to the complex of human
The term 'Industrial Relations' denotes relationships between relationships which emerges in work situations. These situations
management and workers in the industry. It has roots in the bring people together for services which are bought and sold at a
economic and social changes occurred from time to time. Therefore, price. Let us examine the concept of industrial relations with the
help of some definitions so as to understand the dimensions of the
the term should not be restricted to mean merely the relations
subject better.
between the union and the management, but a vast complex of
relationship between the union and the management, management In a work setting, those who offer their services are workers and
and employers, union and employees and between employees those who utilise these are the employers. Between them there are
themselves. interpersonal or individual relationships, and also the relations
However, the major parties to Industrial Relations are the workers between the two groups. Their economic interest primarily brings
and the management. Both the parties have a common interest in workers to work for wages, and the employers hire their services as
industry, but many times they are found to be pulling in different a factor contributing to production. Industrial relations in any work
situation go beyond these economic aspects and involves several
directions, which lead to industrial unrest. Therefore, it has become
elements of human relationships in which one individual interacts
necessary to secure co-operation of both the parties to improve and adjusts with the other, and one group understands and
Industrial Relation, which is a pre-condition to growth and stability cooperates with the other. It is equally likely that the relationship
of industry. may give rise to friction and conflict of interests.

Meaning of industrial Relation: Definition of Industrial Relations

The term ‘Industrial Relations’ comprises of two terms: ‘Industry’
and ‘Relations’. “Industry” refers to “any productive activity in As per Dale Yoder Industrial relations refers to the relationship
which an individual (or a group of individuals) is (are) engaged”. between management and employees, or employees and their
organisation , that arises out of employment.
By “Relations” we mean “The relationships that exist within the According to Armstrong __” IR is concerned with the systems and
industry between the employer and his workmen.” procedures used by unions and employers to determine the reward
for effort and other conditions of employment, to protect the
The term industrial relations explains the relationship between interests of the employed and their employers and to regulate the
employees and management which stems directly or indirectly from ways in which employers treat their employees”
union-employer relationship.

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Module -1 Industrial Relations

Thus, Industrial relations refers the relationship that exists between

the employer and employees in the day-to-day working of an 3. Employee-employers relationship: Without the existence of the
organization. minimum two parties, industrial relationship cannot exist such as :

Scope of Industrial Relations:  Workers and their organizations.

Based on above definitions of IR, the scope of IR can easily been  Employers or management of the enterprise.
delineated as follows:  Government are the three participants or parties in the
industrial relations.
1. Labour relations, i.e., relations between labour union and
management. 4. It is a product: Industrial relations are the product of economic,
social and political system arising out of the employment in the
2. Employer-employee relations i.e. relations between management industrial field.
and employees.
5. Development of healthy labour management: The important
3. The role of various parties’ viz., employers, employees, and state purpose of industrial relations is development of healthy labour-
in maintaining industrial relations. management or employee-employer relations, maintenance
industrial peace, avoidance of industrial strife, development and
4. The mechanism of handling conflicts between employers and growth of industrial democracy etc.
employees, in case conflicts arise.

Nature / Features/Characteristics of Industrial Relations

1. Dynamic and Developing Concept: The concept of “Industrial

Relations” is a dynamic and developing concept. It is described as a
relationship between employers and management of the enterprise
and the employees or among employees and their organizations or
employers, employees and their trade unions and the government.

2. It is a set of functional: Industrial relations do not constitute a

simple relationship, but they are a set functional, inter-dependent
complexities involving various factors or various variables such as
economic, political, social, psychological, legal factors or variables.

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Participants/Partners in Industrial Relations

There are three participants/players in industrial relations. They are:

1. Employer and their Associations: Employer plays an important

role in industrial relations. He hires the employees, pay them wages,
provides allowances, he regulates the working relations through
various rules,regulations and laws and at same time expects the
workers to follow them. The bargaining power of the employers is
weakened in comparison to that of trade unions, though they have
high bargaining power when compared to that of employees. So,
they form into associations to equate their bargaining power with
trade union, and these associations protect the employer by putting
pressure on government and trade unions.
2. Workers and their Associations: Workers plays a crucial role in
industrial relation. Worker as a whole includes his working age,
educational background, social and family background,
psychological traits, talents, skills, culture, attitude towards others
work. Workers form into their associations called “Trade Unions” to

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Module -1 Industrial Relations

get their problems solved. The trade unions work for workers 6. Avoid unnecessary interference of the government, as far as
economic interest through collective bargaining by bringing the possible and practicable, in the matters of relationship between
pressure on the management through economic and political workers and management.
7. Establish and nurse industrial democracy based on labour
3. State/Government: Government plays a balancing role in
partnership in the sharing of profits and of managerial decisions.
industrial relations. Government has its influence on industrial
relations through industrial relations policy, labour policy, labour
8. Socialise industrial activity by involving the government
law implementation, acting as a mediator in the process of
participation as an employer.
conciliation and adjudication. Government regulates the behaviour
of both the employer association and workers organizations.
According to Krikaldy, industrial relations in a country are
Objectives of IR: influenced, to a large extent, by the form of the political government
The primary objective of industrial relations is to maintain and it has. Therefore, the objectives of industrial relations are likely to
develop good and healthy relations between employees and change with change in the political government across the countries.
employers or operatives and management. The same is sub- divided
into other objectives. Accordingly, Kirkaldy has identified four objectives of industrial
relations as listed below:
1. Establish and foster sound relationship between workers and
management by safeguarding their interests. 1. Improvement of economic conditions of workers.

2. Avoid industrial conflicts and strikes by developing mutuality 2. State control over industrial undertakings with a view to
among the interests of concerned parties. regulating production and promoting harmonious industrial
3. Keep, as far as possible, strikes, lockouts and gheraos at bay by
enhancing the economic status of workers. 3. Socialisation and rationalisation of industries by making the state
itself a major employer.
4. Provide an opportunity to the workers to participate in
management and decision making process. 4. Vesting of a proprietary interest of the workers in the industries in
which they are employed.
5. Raise productivity in the organisation to curb the employee
turnover and absenteeism. Note : for further objectives refer class notes

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Importance of Industrial Relation High morale

 Good industrial relations
Uninterrupted production
improve the morale of the employees. Employees
 The most important benefit of industrial work with great zeal with the feeling in mind that
relations is that this ensures continuity of the interest of employer and employees is one and
production. This means, continuous employment for the same, i.e. to increase production. Every worker
all employees who contribute to production process, feels that he is a co-owner of the gains of industry.
ie., from chief executive officer to floor workers to The employer in his turn must realize that the gains
pantry boy. The resources including raw materials of industry are not for him along but they should be
and time are fully utilized, resulting in the maximum shared equally and generously with his workers. In
possible production. other words, complete unity of thought and action is
the main achievement of industrial peace. It
There is uninterrupted flow of income for all. increases the place of workers in the society and
Smooth running of an industry is of vital importance their ego is satisfied. It naturally affects production
for several other industries; to other industries if the because mighty co-operative efforts alone can
products are intermediaries or inputs; to exporters if produce great results.
these are export goods; to consumers and workers,
if these are goods of mass consumption. Mental Revolution
Reduction in Industrial Disputes  One of the main objects of
industrial relation is a complete mental revolution of
 Good industrial relations reduce the industrial workers and employees. The industrial peace lies
disputes. Disputes are reflections of the failure of ultimately in a transformed outlook on the part of
basic human urges or motivations to secure both. It is the business of leadership in the ranks of
adequate satisfaction or expression which are fully workers, employees and Government to work out a
cured by good industrial relations. Strikes, lockouts, new relationship in consonance with a spirit of true
go-slow tactics and grievances are some of the democracy. Both should think themselves as
reflections of industrial unrest which do not spring partners of the industry and the role of workers in
up in an atmosphere of industrial peace. It helps such a partnership should be recognized. On the
promoting co-operation and increasing production. other hand, workers must recognize employer’s

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authority. It will naturally have impact on production According to Section 2 (k) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the
because they recognize the interest of each other. term ‘industrial dispute’ means “any dispute or difference between
employers and employers or between employers and workmen, or
between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the
employment or non- employment or the terms of employment and
Reduced Wastage conditions of employment of any person”.
 Good industrial relations are
maintained on the basis of cooperation and The main causes of Industrial Disputes
recognition of each other. It will help increase
production. Wastages of man, material and (1) Economic causes: Really, the most common causes of industrial
machines are reduced to the minimum and thus disputes are economic causes. These are as follows:
national interest is protected. (a)Wages: The demand for wage increase is the prime most cause of
the industrial disputes. A large number of strikes are being organised
Thus, it is evident that good industrial relations is to raise a voice against the rise in prices and cost of living. The real
the basis of higher production with minimum cost and wages of the workers decline faster and they feel dissatisfied with
higher profits. It also results in increased efficiency of their present emoluments and struggle for the improvement in
wages. By having a cursory glance on the history of industrial
workers. New and new projects may be introduced for
disputes; it becomes clear that cause of most of the industrial
the welfare of the workers and to promote the morale disputes was wages. The Indian employer has no clear-cut and
of the people at work. An economy organized for enlightened wage policy. Most of the industrial disputes were the
planned production and distribution, aiming at the result of a demand for higher wages.
realization of social justice and welfare of the massage (b)Dearness allowance and bonus: Increase in cost of living was
can function effectively only in an atmosphere of the main cause of the demand of dearness allowance by the workers
industrial peace. If the twin objectives of rapid to equate their wages with the rise of prices. Bonus also plays an
important role as a cause of industrial dispute. Both the quantum and
national development and increased social justice are the method of bonus payment have led to a number of disputes.
to be achieved, there must be harmonious relationship There is an increasing feeling among the workers that they should
between management and labor. have a greater share in the profits of the concern and this fact has not
been recognised by the employees and non- acceptance of this fact
Meaning of Industrial Disputes has been a source of friction among employers and employees.

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(2)Managerial causes of industrial disputes : These causes

© High industrial profits: During and after the world wars, prices include autocratic managerial attitude and defective labour polices
of the commodities went up and the industrialists earned a huge etc.
profit. In order to get share in the prosperity of the industry it (a) Denial of recognition to trade unions: Failure on the part of
naturally led to the resentment on their part. The increased profits the employer to recognise the trade unions or to recognise the rival
also led to the demands of higher wages and bonus. Now in the union for representation, insult of trade union leaders by the
changing world, concept of labour has changed considerably. They employers are some of the examples of autocratic managerial
think themselves as a partner of the industry and demand their share attitude worth mentioning as the causes of industrial disputes. The
in the profits. attitude of employers towards the labour association had never been
sympathetic. They want to divide them and rule.
(d) Working condition and working hours: The working (b)Defective recruitment policies: The recruitment practices in
conditions in Indian industries are not hygienic. There is not ample Indian industries are defective. Recruitment is generally made by the
provision of water, heating, lighting, safety etc. Working hours are contractors who exploit the workers and suppress their individuality.
also greater. The demand of pallatable working conditions and The defective promotion, demotion, transfer and placement policies
shorter hours of work are also responsible for labour disputes. encourage dissatisfaction among workers.
© Irregular lay off and retrenchment: Lay-off and retrenchment
(e) Modernisation and Automation of Plant and Machinery: The are reasons to be mentioned for encouraging industrial disputes.
attempt at modernisation and introduction of automatic machinery to Indian employers follow the policy of 'Hire and Fire'. As a matter of
replace labour has been the major cause of disputes of India. practice, workers are not made permanent for a pretty long time to
Workers go on strike, off and on, to resist rationalisation and deprive them of their legitimate rights.
automation. A strike in cotton textile industry in Kanpur in 1955 is (d) Defiance of agreements and codes: The employers' regularly
an example of such disputes. Workers in Life Insurance Corporation defy the provisions of collectives- bargaining agreements and code
went on strike recently against introducing computers in the of conduct and code of discipline with a view to harass or exploit the
corporation. employees and just encourage strife.
(e) Defective leadership : Inefficient leadership is also one of the
(J) Demand for other facilities: Demand for other facilities for causes of disputes. Leadership from the management and from the
meeting out their basic needs such as medical, education, housing, workers are quite incompetent to induce the workers to get them
etc. encourage the workers to resort to direct action because such worked. . Defective management leadership ignored the labour
facilities were denied by the employers. problems and inefficient labour leadership could not coordinate the
efforts of their fellow members, so disputes arise.
(f) Weak trade unions: In our country, trade unions are weak.
According to labour Commission (1969), only 24% of all workers

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were members of trade unions. In some undertakings, there is no

union and in some other undertakings, there are more than one The outsiders who become union leaders by making wild promises
union. Both the situations weaken the trade union movement. The to workers make excessive demands on employers. When employers
workers in non-union undertakings resort to direct action instead of do not accept their demands conflicts arise spoiling the employer-
collective bargaining which can be a better course of action if there employee relations climate in the country.
is a proper trade union.

Fostering and maintaining good industrial

3. Social Causes: relation /
How to improve Industrial Relations Situation/
Uninteresting nature of work is the main social cause. Factory
Requisites for good IR
system and specialisation have made worker a subordinate to the
machine. Worker has lost sense of pride and satisfaction in the job. The following measures may be adopted to achieve
Tensions and conflicts in society break up of joint family system, better industrial relations:
growing intolerance have also led to poor employer-employee  Strong and Stable Union:
relations. Dissatisfaction with job and personal life culminates into
industrial conflicts. A strong and stable union in each industrial enterprise
is essential for good industrial relations. The
4. Psychological Causes: employers can easily ignore a weak union on the plea
Lack of job security, poor organisational culture, non- recognition of that it hardly represents the workers. The agreement
merit and performance, authoritative administration and poor with such a union will hardly be honored by a large
interpersonal relations are the psychological reasons for section of workforce. Therefore, there must be strong
unsatisfactory employer- employee relations.
and stable unions in every enterprise to represent the
5. Political Causes: majority of workers and negotiate with the
management about the terms and conditions of
Political nature of trade unions, multiple unions and inter-union
rivalry weaken trade union movement. In the absence of strong and
responsible trade unions, collective bargaining becomes ineffective.  Mutual Trust:
The union’s status is reduced to a mere strike committee.

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Both management and labor should help in the as the union reacts by engaging in pressure tactics.
development of an atmosphere of mutual cooperation, The approach must be of mutual “give and take rather
confidence and respect. Management should adopt a than “take or leave.” The management should be
progressive outlook and should recognize the rights of willing to co-operate rather than blackmail the
workers. Similarly, labor unions should persuade their workers.
members to work for the common objectives of the  Sincere Implementation
organization. Both the management and the unions of Agreements
should have faith in collective bargaining and other The management should sincerely implement the
peaceful methods of settling disputes. settlements reached with the trade unions. The
 Workers’ Participation agreements between the management and the unions
in Management: should be enforced both in letter and spirit. If the
The participation of workers in the management of the agreements are not implemented then both the union
industrial unit should be encouraged by making and management stop trusting each other. An
effective use of works committees, joint consultation environment of uncertainty is created. To avoid this,
and other methods. This will improve communication efforts should be made at both ends to ensure the
between managers and workers, increase productivity follow up of the agreements.
and lead to greater effectiveness.  Sound Personnel
 Mutual Accommodation Policies:
. The employers must recognize the right of collective The following points should be noted regarding the
bargaining of the trade unions. In any organization, personnel policies. The policies should be:
there must be a great emphasis on mutual  Formulated in
accommodation rather than conflict or consultation with the workers and their
uncompromising attitude. One must clearly representatives if they are to be implemented
understand that conflicting attitude does not lead to
amicable labor relations; it may foster union militancy

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 Clearly stated so
that there is no confusion in the mind of anybody.
 Implementation of the
policies should be uniform throughout the
organization to ensure fair treatment to each
o Government’s Role:
The Government should play an active role for
promoting industrial peace. It should make law for the
compulsory recognition of a representative union in
each industrial unit. It should intervene to settle
disputes if the management and the workers are
unable to settle their disputes. This will restore
industrial harmony.
o Progressive Outlook:
There should be progressive outlook of the
management of each industrial enterprise. It should
be conscious of its obligations and responsibilities to
the owners of the business, the employees, the
consumers and the nation. The management must
recognize the rights of workers to organize unions to
protect their economic and social interests.

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