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Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

Planning-date: 18/1/2010
Teaching -date: 20/1/2010
Class : 6 Total 26


Period 65: A1.
I. Objectives:
- At the end of the lesson pupils can:
- Buy food and drink.
- Talk about quantities and prices
- Express needs and wants
II.Preparation - A picture about A2.
- A sub board written on part A5 - Remember
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s & students’Activities The Contents
1. Warm up:
a) Check the old lesson: P1: Write new words.
- Gets 3 pupils to go board P2 + P3: Make and read a dialogue about the
b) Warmer: food that's the same C2.
- Get pupils to look at part A1-b and
guess meaning of these words.
- Call some pupils to say.
- Then teacher leads in to new lesson.
2. Presentation: I. New words:
Act 1 present new vocabulary 1. Bottle (n) chai
- Gets pupils to look at the picture in 2. Packet (n) gói
textbook and guess the situation of it (The 3. Box (n) hộp
situation is between a storekeeper and 4. Kilo (n) kg
Mrs., Vui - a customer). 5. Gram (n) gam
- Teacher reads and gets pupils to give out 6. Dozen (n) tá
new words. 7. Can (n) hộp, lon
- Guide pupils to get the use and meaning 8. Bar (n) bánh
of new words base on the pictures. 9. Tube (n) tuýp
- Teacher reads new words once. 10. Cooking oil (n) dầu ăn
- Guide pupils to read new words. 11. Chocolate (n) sô cô la
- Let them read new words in silence. 12. Beef (n) thịt bò
- Call some to read new words. 13. Egg (n) trứng
- Checks pupils reading. 14. Soap (n) xà phòng
15. Toothpastes (n) kem đánh răng
II. Practice:
3. Practice: 1. A1a - Listen and repeat. Then practice
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

- Teacher reads part A1a once. with a partner.

- Guide pupils to read once.
- Get them to read it in pairs in silence.
- Gets pupils to work in pair to read
- Get them to read it in pairs in silence
again and translate.
- Call some pairs to translate.
- Teacher corrects their translation. 2. A1b - Listen and repeat. Then practice
the dialogue using these words.
- Gets pupils to work in pairs to make + Can I help you?
new dialogue that's the same A1a using - Yes. A bottle of cooking oil, please
the words in A1b. - Yes. I'd like...
- Call some pairs to practice new - Yes. I need / want
dialogues before the class. P1: Can I help you?
- Teacher listens and corrects their P2: Yes. I'd like a box of chocolate please.
mistakes. P1: Here you are.
P2: Thank you

3. Further practice:
4. Consolidation: * What others would you like?
- Teacher can say some other sentences of * Do you want / need any thing else?
the storekeeper and then gets pupils to * Would you like any thing else?
make more dialogues using them and Mai: Can I help you?
names of foods and drinks they've learnt. Lan: Yes. I need a bar of soap.
- Gets pupils to take note all new words Mai: Here you are. Do you need anything
and phrases. else?
Lan: I want a bottle of cooking oil, please.
Mai: Here you are.
Lan: Thanks
5. Home work:
- Learn by heat all new words and phrases.
- Make a dialogue about yourself.
- Do exercises 1,2 (93)
- Prepare part A2 - A3.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

Planning-date: 19/1/2010
Teaching -date: 21/1/2010
Class : 6 Total 26
Period 66: A2, A3.
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson pupils can:
- Bay food and drink.
- Talk about quantities and prices
- Express needs and wants
II.Preparation - A picture about A2.
- A sub board written on part A5 - Remember
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s & students’Activities The Contents
1. Warm up:
a) Check the old lesson: P1: Write new words.
- Gets 2 pupils to go board. P2 + P3: Make a conversation that' s the
b) Warmer: same A1a.
- Teacher hangs the color picture on board
and introduces the dialogue between the
salesgirl and Ba.
2. Presentation: I. New words.
Act 1 present new vocabulary 1. How many: bao nhiêu
- Teacher reads first and gets pupils to give 2. How much: bao nhiêu
out new words. 3. Is there anything else? bạn cần gì nữa
- Guide pupils to get the use and meaning không?
of them. 4. Want (v): cần, muốn
- Teacher reads new words once.
- Guides pupils to read new words once or
- Let them read new words in silence. II. Structures:
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

- Call some pupils to read new words. * How much...? And How many...?
- Guide pupils to use "How much and How Example:
many". - How much beef do you want?
- Teacher gives an example. Two hundred grams.
- Get pupils to give out the use of "How - How many eggs do you want?
much and How many" A dozen, please.
- Teacher explains. + How much: dùng với N không đếm được
- Guide pupils to set up new form.
- Get pupils to translate the modern How much + N + do / does + S + want?
sentence. S + want / wants...
- Get them to give examples. + How many dùng với N đếm được số
How many + Ns + do / does + S + want?
S + want / wants...
II. Practice:
1. A2 - Listen and repeat. Then answer
3. Practice: questions.
- Teacher reads part A2 once. * Listen and repeat.
- Gets pupils to read it in pairs in silence.
- Call some pairs to read the dialogue.
- Gets pupils to work in pairs to reread the
dialogue, translate it, and compare their
translation with each other.
- Call some pairs to translate the dialogue
before the class.
- Then teacher corrects. * Answer the questions.
- Get them to work in pairs to reread the a/ Ba is at the food store
dialogue and answer the questions. b/ He wants some beef and some eggs
- Get them to compare the answer with c/ He wants two hundred grams of beef.
each other.
- Call some pairs to ask and answer before
the class.
- Then teacher corrects.
2. A3 - Listen. Match the names of the
- Teacher introduces part A3. people with the things they want.
- Get them to say the name of these things.
- Guide pupils to listen.
- Let them listen once first. - Cookie (n): bánh quy
- Teacher explains some words.
Phuong: d Mai: b
- Gets pupils to listen the tape carefully 3 Ly: e, a Nam: c
times again and then match. * Tape transcript.
- Get them to compare the answer with (Phuong wants a tube of toothpaste).
each other. (Ly wants a bar of soap and a box of
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

- Gets pupils to give out the answer. chocolates).

- Teacher plays the tape again once (Mai wants a can of soda).
(sentence by sentence) and check. (Nam wants a packet of cookies).
3. Further practice:
4. Consolidation: - A bottle of water.
- Gets pupils to make questions and answer How much water do you want
using form. I want a bottle of water.
- Gets pupils to take note all new words - 4 books.
and forms. How many books do you want?
I want 4 books

5. Homework:
- Learn by heat all new words and forms.
- Do exercises 3,4 (94)
- Prepare part A4 + A5.

Planning-date: 24/1/2010
Teaching -date: 26/1/2010
Class : 6 Total 26


Period 67: A4 + A5.
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson pupils can:
- Buy food and drink.
- Talk about quantities and prices
- Express needs and wants
II.Preparation - A picture about A2.
- A sub board written on part A5 - Remember
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s & students’Activities The Contents
1. Warm up: * Make questions and answer with
a) Check the old lesson: provided words, using the form of How
- Gets pupils to do written test 10' much / How many
1) Lan / some oranges
2) They / a kilo of meat
b) Warmer: 3) Mai / a bar of soap.
- Teacher gets pupils to look at the picture
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

and says some things about it (The

conversation is between Mom and Nam).
- Get pupils to guess the situation between
Mom and Nam.
- Then teacher leads in to new lesson.
2. Presentation: I. New words:
Act 1 present new vocabulary - Can you go to the store for me?
- Teacher reads first. - Half a kilo of + N(s): nửa cân
- Explain some words. - Half a dozen: nửa tá = 6

II. Structures:
* How much...? And How many...?
- Get pupils to repeat the use of "How Example:
much and How many" - How much rice do you want?
Two kilos.
+ How much: dùng với N không đếm được
How much + N + do / does + S + want?
S + want / wants...
- How many oranges do you want?
Half a dozen, please.
+ How many dùng với N đếm được số nhiều.
How many + Ns + do / does + S + want?
S + want / wants...
III. Practice:
3. Practice: 1. A4 - Read. Then write the shopping
- Teacher reads part A4 once. list in your exercise book.
- Gets pupils to read it in silence * Read.
- Call some pairs to read loudly.
- Gets pupils to read it in silence again,
work in pairs to translate and compare with
each other.
- Call some pairs to translate.
- Teacher corrects their translate. * Write the shopping list.
- Gets pupils to work in groups to write the a) A bottle of cooking oil.
shopping list and then compare with each b) Two kilos of rice.
other. c) Half a kilo of beef.
- Call some pupils to give out the answer. d) Half a dozen of oranges.
- Then teacher corrects their shopping list. 2. A5 - Remember:
4. Consolidation: - Can I help you? I'd like...
- Teacher gets pupils to take note some I need / I want.
forms that they've learnt in the lesson. much + N
How + do / does + S + want
many + Ns
S + want / wants +...
- A bottle / packet / box / can / bar / tube
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

- A kilo of.../ Half a kilo of.
- Please, thank you
3. My shopping list.
1) Half a kilo of meat.
- Gets pupils to write their shopping list 2) Some tomatoes.
and then work in pair to make a 3) A kilo of potatoes.
conversation that's the same the dialogue 4) A can of peas
of part A4. 5) A kilo of apples.
P1: Can I help you?
P2: I'd like some eggs.
P1: How many eggs do you want?
P2: I want a dozen eggs
- Gets pupils to use the forms to make etc
dialogues and write on their exercise book.
5. Home work:
- Revise part "remember"
- Do exercise 5 (94)
- Prepare part B1 - B3 (Unit 11).

Planning-date: 26/1/2010
Teaching -date: 27/1/2010
Class : 6 Total 26


Period 68: B1 ,3,4
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson pupils can:
- Know the names of some food.
- Talk about quantities and prices
- Express about their needs and wants
II.Preparation - A picture about B1.
- A picture written on the menu of B5.
- A sub board written on part A5 remember
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s & students’Activities The Contents
1. Warm up: Salesgirl: __________________________
a) Check the old lesson: You: I want some rice
- Gets 2 pupils to go board and complete Salesgirl: __________________________
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

exercise 5 (94) You: I want some oranges

- Teacher gets pupils to remark and then Salesgirl: __________________________
teacher gives mark. You: Two kilos of rice.
Salesgirl: __________________________
You: A kilo, please.
b) Warmer:
- Gets pupils to say again the use of "How
much" and then teacher introduces the
other use of it: How much is also used to
ask about price.
2. Presentation: I. New words:
Act 1 present new vocabulary 1. Sandwich (n) bánh sen guých
- Teacher introduces content of new lesson. 2. Glass (n) cốc, ly
- Introduces some new words. 3. Lemon juice (n) nước chanh
- Teacher reads once first. 4. Lunch (n) bữa trưa
- Guide them to read new words twice or 5. Dinner (n) bữa tối
more. 6. Breakfast (n) bữa sáng
- Let them read new words in silence.
- Call some to read new words. 1. Canteen (n) căng tin
- Check pupils reading 2. Plate (v) cái đĩa
- Guide pupils to use "How much ". 3. Fry → fried (n) rang, rán
- Teacher gives an example. 4. Bowl (n) cái bát
- Teacher explains. 5. Ice - cream (n) kem
- Guide pupils to set up new form. 6. Cake (n) bánh
- Get pupils to translate the modern
sentence. II. Structures:
- Get them to give examples. * Ask and answer about price:
- How much are they?
Two thousand five hundred dong
3. Practice: = They are two thousand five hundred
How much + tobe + S?
- Teacher hangs the color picture on board S + tobe + ... thousand...hundred
and gets pupils to remember the names of dong.
- Gets pupils to work in groups to write the III. Practice:
letter of each picture, and then compare B1 - Write the letter of each picture and
with each other. the word in your exercise book.
- Get them to work in pairs: One says - one
writers the name of each picture on board. a. Rice g. Orange
- Call some pupils to read all these words b. Noodles h. Banana
again. c. Meat i. Orange juice
- Teacher corrects. d. Chicken j. Milk
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

- Teacher introduces the situation part B1 e. Fish k. Soda

- Teacher reads part B1 once first. f. Vegetables l. Water
- Get them to read it in pairs in silence.
- Call some pairs to read.
- Checks pupils reading

- Gets some pairs to practice the modern

dialogue then make new dialogues are the B3 - Ask and answer.
same as the old one. Example:
- Teacher listens and corrects pupils' P1: What would you like for dinner?
mistakes. P2: I'd like fish and rice etc.

- What would you like for + breakfast /

- Guide pupils to learn part B3. lunch / dinner?
- Teacher gives an example. I'd like... for breakfast / lunch / dinner.
- Teacher explains.
- Guide pupils to set up new form.
- Get pupils to translate the modern
- Get them to give examples.

- Teacher explains the use of the form. a. This pen / 1,500 đ.

- Gets pupils to work in pairs to ask and How much is this pen?
answer using the form. It is one thousand five hundred dong.
b. These apples / 10,000đ
4. Consolidation: How much are these apples?
- Gets pupils to take note the use and They are ten thousand dong.
meaning of all new words and form. II. Practice.
- Gets pupils to work in pair to make 1. B4 - Listen.
questions and answer using provided 1= e; 2= b; 3= i; 4= c; 5= f; 6= j; 7= h; 8= l
words. * Tape transcript:

1. Fish 5. Vegetables
2. Noodles 6. Milk
3. Orange juice 7. Bananas
4. Beef 8. Water
5. Home work:
- Learn by heat all new words and form
- Do exercise 1, 2 (95)
- Prepare parts B4 - B6.

Planning-date: 26/1/2010
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

Teaching -date: 28/1/2010

Class : 6 Total 26


Period 69: B2,5,6
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson pupils can:
- Know the names of some food.
- Talk about quantities and prices
- Express about their needs and wants
II.Preparation - A picture about B1.
- A picture written on the menu of B5.
- A sub board written on part A5 remember
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s & students’Activities The Contents
1. Warm up:
a) Check the old lesson. P1: Write the form of asking about the price
- Gets 2 pupils to go to the board. and answer. Then make question and
answer using given words.
A sandwich / 1,500đ.
- Gets pupils to remark and teacher P2: Write the form of asking and answering
corrects pupils' mistakes. about food for meal then make examples.

b) Warmer:
- Hang picture of part B2 on the board and
gat pupils to repeat the name for each
picture. Then teacher leads in to new B2 - Listen and repeat. then practice the
lesson. dialogue with a partner.
2. Presentation:
- Teacher reads part B5 once.
- Introduces some new words.
- Teacher reads new words once. Example:
- Guide pupils to read twice or more. P1: Can I help you?
- Gets pupils to read new words in silence. P2: Yes. I'd like a bread and an ice -
- Call some pupils to read new word. cream.
3. Practice: P1: Here you are.
- Teacher hangs on the color picture of part P2: Thanks. How much are they.
B1. P1: Two thousand five hundred dong.
- Get pupils to give out the name of each
- Guides pupils how to listen.
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

- Let them listen once first.

- Then teacher turns on the tape and gets
pupils to listen three times and do
exercises. 2. B5 - Listen and read. Then ask and
- Get them to compare the answer with answer with a partner. Use.
each other.
- Gets pupils to give out the answer. How much + tobe + S?
- Gets pupils to listen again once and check S + tobe + ... thousand dong
the answer. hundred
- Teacher hangs on the picture written on
the menu of part B5 and says some things
about it. P1: How much is a fried rice?
- Teacher reads it once P2: (It is) two thousand five hundred dong.
- Get pupils to read in silence. P1: How much is a bowl of noodles?
- Call some pupils to read. P2: (It is) three thousand dong.
- Checks pupils reading. P1: How much is a sandwich?
- Teacher guides pupils how to practice P2: It is one thousand five hundred dong.
- Gets pupils to work in pairs to make P1: How much is a cake?
questions and answer. P2: It is one five hundred dong.
- Call some pairs to practice. P1: How much is an orange juice?
- Teacher listens and then corrects their P2: It is one thousand eight hundred dong.
mistakes. P1: How much is a lemon juice?
P2: It is one thousand dong.
P1: How much is an ice - cream?
P2: It is two thousand.

3. Further practice:
P1: Can I help you?
P2: Yes. I'd like a sand wish and an ice -
P1: Here you are.
P2: Thank you. How much are they?
- Gets pupils to work in pairs read B2 again P1: They are three thousand five hundred
and then make new dialogue as B2. dong
- Gets pupils to toke note "tobe" and "S" P2: Thank you
4. B6 - Remember:
How much is...?
It is...
One thousand eight hundred
Two thousand.
a. A cake / 2000đ.
4. Consolidation: b. These book / 5.500đ.
- Gets pupils to take note all new words.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

- Teacher hangs the sub - board written on

part "remember" and gets pupils to take
note the grammar.
- Get two pupils to go to the board and do
more exercises, others write in their
5. Home work:
- Revise part remember.
- Do exercise 4 on page 96 in workbook.
- Prepare part grammar practice.

Planning-date: 1/2/2010
Teaching -date: 2/2/2010
Class : 6 Total 26
Period 70
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson pupils can:
- Remembers all knowledge that they've learnt.
- Apply their knowledge to do all exercises well.
- A sub - board written on the forms of simple present and present progressive.
- Sub - board written on exercises of part 1.
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s & students’Activities The Contents
1. Warm up:
- Teacher gets pupils to say again some Tall - short - long.
adjectives. Fat - thin - full.
Light - heavy + strong - weak
2. Practice: Hungry - full.
- Teacher hangs the sub - board written on 1. Present simple - tense.
the forms of simple present tense. + S + V/vs, es + O.
- Gets pupils to take note the use of V/vs. - S + don't / doesn't + Vin + O.
Ves and do/does. ? Do / does + S + Vin + O?
- Gets pupils to say again the way of Yes, S + do / does + No + S + do / does.
adding "s and es".
- Get pupils to do exercise in pairs, and a/ ............ like ...?
then compare with other pairs. ... like ...
- Call some to give the answer. Do... like...?
- Then teacher corrects. like ...
b/ Does ..... like ...?
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010 ...
Do... like...?
.... Doesn't like...
2. A / an / some / any.
- Gets pupils to say again the use of a, an, + A / an stands before countable singular
some, any nouns.
+ A stands before words that begin with a
+ An stands before words that begin with a
+ Some and Any stand before uncountable
noun and countable plural nouns.
Some: in affirmative sentences
Any: in negative and interrogative
a/ ... any ...
- Get pupils to do exercise in pairs, and ... any ... some.
then compare with other pairs. ... an ...
- Call some to give the answer. b/ ... any ...?
- Then teacher corrects. some fruit
c/ ... any ...?
... some
... can.
3. Adjectives:
- Get pupils to repeat some adjectives that - Tính từ đứng sau tobe và đứng trước N.
they learned. a. short e. full
- Get pupils to do exercise in pairs, and b. thin f. cold
then compare with each other. c. strong g thin
- Call some to give the answer. d. light . long
- Then teacher corrects. h
- Gets pupils to repeat the meaning, using,
of some question words. 4. Question words.
- Teacher gets pupils to look at the color Where, what, when, How much, How old /
picture and describe the position of Bi and How many, who,
- Get pupils to do exercise in pairs, and 1. Who 4. What
then compare with other pairs. 2. What 5. Where
- Call some to give the answer. 3. How
- Then teacher corrects.

- Teacher hangs the sub - board written on 5. Present progressive tenses.

the forms of present progressive tense. + S + tobe + V-ing + O.
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

- Gets pupils to say again the way of - S + tobe + not + V-ing + O.

adding "V - ing". ? Tobe + S + V-ing + O?
- Gets pupils to give out the use of "tobe" * Omit "e"
* Double consonant.
- Get pupils to do exercise in pairs, and
then compare with each other. a. is eating. d is going.
- Call some to give the answer. b. are drinking. . is getting.
- Then teacher corrects. c. is siding. e. is traveling.
P1: Lan drinks coffee.
P2: She is drinking coffee now.
3. Further practice: P1: Mary walks to school.
- Get pupils to do some more exercises. P2: She is walking to school now est.
6. Further practice:
Complete the following sentences.
a, He (watch) .......... television.
b, ..........she (like) .......... bananas?
c, I want (a/an) .......... orange.
4. Consolidation: d, She isn't short. She is ..........
- Gets pupils to take note more sentences e, .......... are you doing?
using simple present and present f, They are .......... (play) soccer now.
progressive tenses.
5. Home work:
- Revise all knowledge and read part grammar practice.
- Prepare to do written test.

Planning-date: 1/2/2010
Teaching -date: 3/2/2010
Class : 6 Total 26
Period 71
A. Objectives:
To test pupils knowledge that they're learnt to find out who are good, normal, bad
pupils. From that I can choose the best method of teaching to teach my pupils.
B. Contents:
I. Choose the best answer:
1. She .................... a teacher
A. am B. is C. are d. tobe
2. I .................... short.
A. am B. is C. are d. tobe
3. They .................... soccer.
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

A. plays B. playing C. play d. are play

4. Does she
A. likes B. likees C. likeing d. like
5. Lan is .................... to school now.
A. going B. go C. goes d. gos
6. I would like .................... orange, please.
A. two B. the C. a d. an
7. She isn't short. She is ....................
A. thin B. light C. tall d. long
8. .................... are you doing?
A. Where B. What C. Who d. How
9. Do you have ................... bananas? I don't have any bananas.
A. a B. an C. some d. any
10. I have .................... oranges.
A. a B. some C. an d. any

II. Put the verbs in present simple tense . (1.0)

1) ....................he (like) ....................chickens?
No, he (not like) ....................chickens.
2) ....................they (go) school by bus?
Yes. They (go) school by bus.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in to present progressive tense (1.5m)

He (watch) television now. → He is watching television now.
1) She (drive) ....................her car to the hospital.
2) They (do) ....................their exercises.
3) He (get) ........................up now.

IV. Complete the open dialogue with the words or phrases provided (1.25).

(much, a pen, you are, thousand, afternoon)

Mrs. Lan: Good .............................. Can I help you?
Nga: Yes. I want .............................. please.
Mrs. Lan: Here.............................
Nga: Thanks. How .............................. is it?
Mrs. Lan: It is ten .............................. dong. Thank you.

V. Tìm từ ở cột B trái nghĩa với từ ở cột A: (1.25)

Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

1. Tall a, Strong
2. Fat b, Full
3. Heavy c, Short
4. Weak d, Thin
5. Hungry e, Light

Planning-date: 2/2/2010
Teaching -date: 4/2/2010
Class : 6 Total 26
Period 72
A. Objectives:
To point out pupil's mistake in order to help them to do the next test better.
B. Contents:
- Teacher repeats some main structures and corrects the test.
+ The simple present tense.
S + tobe + O.
S + V / Vs / Ves + O.
+ The present continuous tense.
S + tobe + Ving + O.
+ How much...?
+ A / an / some / any.
+ Adjectives.
I. Choose the best answer: (5.0)
1. She .................... a teacher
A. am B. is C. are d. tobe
2. I .................... short.
A. am B. is C. are d. tobe
3. They .................... soccer.
A. plays B. playing C. play d. are play
4. Does she
A. likes B. likees C. likeing d. like
5. Lan is .................... to school now.
A. going B. go C. goes d. gos
6. I would like .................... orange, please.
A. two B. the C. a d. an
7. She isn't short. She is ....................
A. thin B. light C. tall d. long
8. .................... are you doing?
A. Where B. What C. Who d. How
9. Do you have ................... bananas? I don't have any bananas.
Giáo án Tiếng Anh -Lớp 6 Năm học 2009 - 2010

A. a B. an C. some d. any
10. I have .................... oranges.
A. a B. some C. an d. any

II. Put the verbs in present simple tense. (1.0)

1) Does he (like) like chickens?
No, he (not like) doesn't like chickens.
2) Do they (go) go to school by bus?
Yes. They (go) go to school by bus.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in to present progressive tense (1.5m)

Example: He (watch) television now. → He is watching television now.
1) She (drive) is driving her car to the hospital.
2) They (do) are doing their exercises.
3) He (get) is getting up now.
IV. Complete the open dialogue with the words or phrases provided (1.25).

(much, a pen, you are, thousand, afternoon)

Mrs. Lan: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Nga: Yes. I want a pen please.
Mrs. Lan: Here you are.
Nga: Thanks. How much is it?
Mrs. Lan: It is ten thousand dong. Thank you.

V. Tìm từ ở cột B trái nghĩa với từ ở cột A: (1.25)

1. Tall a, Strong
2. Fat b, Full
3. Heavy c, Short
4. Weak d, Thin
5. Hungry e, Light

1. Tall > < Short 3. Heavy > < Light

2. Fat > < Thin 4. Weak > < Strong
5. Hungry > < Full



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