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5 i 5+i 1 1 1
6 6
with Detailed Solutions 17. Thecriticalpointofthetransformz2+6z F(1) where F(X) is the distribution function
1)3 2) -3 of X.
1 1
1.Find the sum of the eigen values of A = 8. If A = fxx(a, b), B = fxy (a, b) and C = fyy (a, 3)2 4)6 1) 2 2) 3
3 10 5 b) then f(x, y) has minimum at (a, b) if fx 18. Ifonlythemagnitudeoftheangleispreservedthe 1 1
3) 4 4) 6
−2 −3 −4 =0,fy=0 and nthetransformis called
3 5 7 1)conformal 2)isomorphism 25. Ifarandomvariable‘X’hasthep.d.f.
1)AC<B2andA<0 2)AC>B2andA<0 𝑥+1
1) -3 2) 4 2
4)AC>B2andA>0 3)uniform 4)isogonal 𝑖𝑓 − 1 < 𝑥 < 1
3)AC<B andA>0 𝑓 𝑥 = 2
3) 7 4) 9
9. Form a partial differential equation 19. ThevalueofL(t2e-2t)is 0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
1 2 1 2 Findthemean
2.Let A =
3 1
. Then fromx2+y2+(z-c)2=a2 1)
s+2 2
s+2 2 2 1
3 2
1) A +3A -4I = 0 2) A4-3A2+4I=0 1)xq+yp=0 2)x+y+pq=0 2 2 1) 3 2) 3
3) 4) s+2
3)xpq+yq-2=0 4)yp-xq=0 s+2 3 4 1
3)4I+A+A2+A3=0 4)A2-2A-5I=0 3) 5 4) 4
1 20. s2L[f(t)]-sf(0)-f'(0)=
3.If all the eigen values of a matrix A of a 10. ∇ = 26. Momentgeneratingfunctionofabinomialdistri
𝑟 1) f'(0) 2) L(f''(0))
quadratic form are positive then the quadratic 1 butionaboutmeanis
1) r 2) r 3) L (f''(t)) 4) L(f(t))
form is 1)(qe-tp+petq)n 2)(pet+qet)np
r 21. FindL(sin3t)
1) Positive definite 3) −r 3 4) 0 3 s 3)(pet+qe-t)n 4)Noneofthese
2)Negativedefinite 1)s 2 +9 2)s 2 +9
11. IfFissolenoidalthencurlcurlcurlcurlF is 27. IfE(X)=2andE(X2)=4thenE(X-2)2=
1 3
3)PositiveSemidefinite 2 3) s 2 +9 4)s 2 +3 1)8 2)2
1)F 2)F
4)Negativesemidefinite 22. Theinverselaplacetransformforthedifferential 3)0 4)4
4.In a square matrix A of order 3, 3)∇2 F 4)∇4 F
equation y" + 2y' - 3y = sint given y=0, y'(0) 28. Iftheprobabilitydensityfunctionofarandomvar
a1 = sum of its leading diagonals 12. If F =(z+3y)i+(x-
= 0 when t = 0 iableXisf(x)=2x(0<x<1)thenvarianceofXis
a2=sumoftheminorsofitsleadingdiagonalsa3=| 2z)j+(x+az)kissolenoidalthena= 1
1) L-1 1)1 2)2
A|=determinant of A=detA 1)0 2)1 s+1 s+2 s+3 5 1
3)3 4)2 1 3)12 4)3
ThenthecharacteristicequationAis 2) L-1 (s−1)(s+3)(s 2 +1)
1)𝜆3-a1𝜆2+a2𝜆2-a3=0 13. ThetemperatureatanypointinspaceisgivenbyT 29. Abinomialdistributionhasmeanis4andvarianc
-1 1
2)𝜆2+a1𝜆2+a2𝜆1+a3=0 =xy+yz+zx.Determinethedirectionalderivativ 3) L eis3findn.
s+1 s−3 s2−1
3)𝜆2-a1𝜆2+a2𝜆+𝜆=0 eofTinthedirectionofthevector 3 i - 𝑠 2 +1 1)10 2)12
4) L-1
𝑠 2 −1 𝑠 3 +1 𝑠−1 3)121 4)16
4)a1+a2𝜆+a3𝜆2=0 4katthepoint(1,1,1) pth
2 2 23. Newtonsalgorithmforfindingthe rootofanu 30. Momentgeneratingfunctionofthepoissondistri
5.For the function 2(x2-y2)-x4+y4, the point (0, 0) 1) 5 2) − 5
is a mberNis butionis
2 2
3) 7 4) − 7 𝑝
𝑥 𝑘 +𝑁 1) 𝑒 𝜆 𝑒 𝑡 −1
2) 𝑒 𝑒
𝑡 −𝜆
1) maximum 2) minimum 1) 𝑥𝑘 + 𝑁 2) p −1
dz px k 𝜆𝑒 𝑡 −1
3)saddlepoint 4)noneofthese 14. Evaluate whereCis|z|= 1 3) 𝑒 4) 𝜆𝑒 𝑡 − 𝑒 𝜆
c 𝑧 2𝑒 𝑧 p−1 𝑥 𝑘 +𝑁
𝑝 𝑝
𝑝−1 𝑥 𝑘 +𝑁
6.Particular integral of (D2-4D+13)y=e2x 1)2πi 2)-2πi 3) 4) 𝑥𝑘+1 = 𝑝 −1
2p k 𝑝𝑥 𝑘
e 2x e 2x
1) 2) 3)3πi 4)πi 24. Suppose that the random variable ‘X'
9 3 z
ex 15. Findtheresidue z−2 2 of at z = 2 assumes three values 0,1 and 2 with
3) 4
4) ex z+1
7. Solve (D2-1)y = 0 1) 9 2) − 9
1. 3 2. 4 3. 1 4. 1 5. 3 6. 1 7. 3 8. 4 9. 4 10. 3
1) y = ex + c 2) y = ex + e2x 3) 3
4 3
4) 11 11. 4 12. 1 13. 2 14. 2 15. 1 16. 3 17. 2 18. 4 19. 3 20. 3
3)y=Aex+Be-x 4) y = 1 + x + ex 1+i 21. 1 22. 2 23. 4 24. 1 25. 2 26. 1 27. 1 28. 3 29. 4 30. 1
16. 0
𝑥 2 − iy dzalongthepathy= x
5 5
1) 6 2) 6 + i

1 2

=4(-4) – 0 =∇ × ∇ ×V=∇ (∇.V) - ∇2V

DETAILED SOLUTIONS =16<0 =∇ (∇.(∇×∇× F))-∇2V
1. (3) i.e.,AC-B2<0 =∇ (div(curl∇×F))-∇2V
Sumoftheeigenvalues=traceofA Therefore(0,0)isasaddlepoint. = -∇2V[∵ div curl F=0]
=sumofthemaindiagonalelementsofA 6. (1) =-∇2(-∇2F)
e 2x
=3+(-3)+7 P.I. = D 2 −4D+13 =∇4F
=7 12. (1)
𝑒 2𝑥
2. (4) = dz e −z dz
2 2 −4 2 +13 AvectorFissolenoidalif∇.F=0
c 𝑧 2𝑒 𝑧
CharacteristicpolynomialofA 𝑒 2𝑥 ∂ ∂ ∂ c 𝑧−02
= ∇×F = 𝑖 + ∂y 𝑗 + ∂z k
1−𝑥 2 9 ∂x Letf(z)=e-z
𝐴 − 𝑥𝐼 =
3 1−𝑥 7. (3) [(z+3y)i+(x-2z)j+ (x+az)k] f'(z)=-e-z
(1 -x)2-6=x2+ 1 -2x-6 Auxiliaryequationism2 – 1 =0= 0 ⇒m=±1 =0 f'(0)= -e-0=-1
=x2 – 2x – 5 ∴Solutionisy = Aex+Be-x ∂ ∂
⇒ ∂x z + 3y + ∂y 𝑥 − 2𝑧 + z=0liesinside|z|=1
ByCayley- 8. (4) ∴ByCauchy’stheorem

HamiltontheoremeverynonsingularmatrixAs f(x,y)hasminimumat(a,b)if fx=0,fy=0andAC- x + az = 0 e −2 dz f z dz
∂z =
atisfiesitscharacteristicequation. B2>0andA>0⇒ AC>B2and A>0 i.e.,0+0+ a =0 c 𝑧−0 2 𝑧−0 2

⇒A2 – 2A – 5l =0 9. (4) i.e.,a=0 = 2𝜋if’(0)

3. (1) x2+y2+(z-c)2=a2 … (1) 13. (2) = 2𝜋i(-1) = -2𝜋i
Thequadraticformispositivedefiniteifalltheei ∂z
T=xy+yz+zx 15. (1)
2x+2(z-c)∂x =0
genvaluesarepositive. ∂ ∂ ∂ lim
x+(z-c)p=0 ∇𝜙 = 𝑖 ∂x + j ∂y + k ∂z 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦𝑧 + 𝑧𝑥 Residueoff(z)atz=ais
4. (1) x
(z-c) = − p …(2) =i(y+z)+j(x+z)+k(x+y) ∴Residueat z=2 is
∇𝜙 (1,1,1)=2i+2j+2k lim 𝑧 2 2
𝜆3 − 𝑎1 𝜆2 + 𝑎2 𝜆 − 𝑎3 = 0 Alsodifferentiating(1)partiallyw.r.toy 𝑧 − 2 𝑧−2 𝑧+1 2 = =9
e=unitvectoralong 3i-4k z⟶a 2+1 2
5. (3) ∂z
2y+2(z-c)∂y =0 3𝑖−4𝑘
16. (3)
𝑢 = 2 𝑥2 − 𝑦2 − 𝑥4 + 𝑦4 = z=x+iy⇒dz=dx+idy
⇒y+(z-c)q=0 9+16
∂u 3𝑖−4𝑘 1+i 1+i
= 4x − 4x 3 ⇒ (z-c)=-
… (3) = 0
x 2 − iy dz = 0
x 2 − iy dx + idy
∂x q 5

∂2 u From(2)and(3) ∴Directionalderivativeat(1,1,1)inthedirection [puty=x;dy=dx]

= 4 − 12x 2 𝑥 𝑦 of3i-4k =
𝑥 2 − 𝑖𝑥 𝑑𝑥 + 𝑖𝑑𝑥
∂x 2 −𝑝 = −𝑞 0
∂u 3𝑖−4𝑘 1
= −4x + 4y 3 ⇒yp-xq=0 5 = 𝑥 2 − 𝑖𝑥 1 + 𝑖 𝑑𝑥
∂y 1
10. (3) =5(6-8) 0
∂2 u 1
= −4 + 12y 2 𝑟 −2 𝑥3 𝑥2
∂y 2 ∇𝑓 𝑟 = 𝑓 ′ 𝑟 = = 1+𝑖 −𝑖
𝑟 5 3 2
∂2 u ∴∇
14. (2) 0
=0 𝑟 𝑟2 𝑟 1 𝑖
∂x ∂y 𝑟 Cauchy’sintegralformulaforhigherderivatives = 1+𝑖 −
= − 𝑟3 3 2
∂2 u : 5 𝑖
𝐴 = 2 0,0 = 4 11. (4) = −
∂x Ifafunctionf(z)isanalyticwithinandonasimple
6 6
∂2 u ∇ × ∇ × F = ∇ ∇. F − ∇2 F closedcurveCandaisanypointlyinginit then
𝐵= 0,0 = 0 17. (2)
∂x ∂y = −∇2 F f'(a)=2πi
1 f z dz
Let W = f(z) = z2+6z
𝑧−𝑎 2
∂2 u (∵Fissolenoidal⇒∇. F=0) thenf'(z)=2z+6
𝐶 = 2 0,0 = −4 LetV=∇×∇×F
∂y Critizalpointsof w = f(z) is givenbyf'(z)=0
NowAC-B2 thenV=−∇2 F ⇒2z+6=0
Now∇×∇×∇ × ∇ ×F
3 4

⇒z+3=0 f'(x)=pxp-1 1 4
= 𝑥. 2𝑥𝑑𝑥 ∴𝑛=
⇒z=-3 Newton’sformula: 0
18. (4) 𝑓 𝑥𝑘 1 4
𝑥𝑘+1 = 𝑥𝑘 − =2 𝑥 2 𝑑𝑥 =
Ifonlythemagnitudeoftheangleispreservedthenthetr 𝑓 ′ 𝑥𝑘 1/4
ansformiscalledisogonal. 𝑥𝑘𝑝 − 𝑁 1 = 4 × 4 = 16
= 𝑥𝑘 − 𝑥3
19. (3) 𝑝𝑥𝑘𝑝−1 =2 30. (1)
3 0
Formula: MomentgeneratingfunctionforPoisson distribution
𝑝 − 1 𝑥𝑘𝑝 + 𝑁 1 2
L[e-aif(t)]=F(s+a)where = =2 = =Mx(t)=e𝜆(et-1)
𝑝𝑥𝑘𝑝−1 3 3
F(s)=L[f(t)] 1
Heref(t)=t2 24. (1)
𝐸 𝑥2 = 𝑥 2 𝑓 𝑥 𝑑𝑥
2 F(x)= P(X≤x) 0
∴L(f[t))=s 3 1
∴F(1)= P(X≤1)
2 = 𝑥 2 2𝑥𝑑𝑥
∴ 𝐿 𝑒 −2𝑡 𝑡 2 = 3
=P(0)+P(1) 0
𝑠+2 1 1 1 1 Join Us on FB :
20. (3) = + = =2 𝑥 3 𝑑𝑥
3 6 2
L[f''(t)]=s2L[f(t)]-sf(0)-f'(0) 25. (2) 0
21. (1) 1 𝑥4 English – Examsdaily
Mean= −1
xf x dx =2
L(sinat)=s 2 +a 2 1
4 0 Tamil – Examsdaily Tamil
3 = 𝑥 𝑥 + 1 𝑑𝑥 1 1
∴ L (sin 3t) = s 2 +32 2 −1 =2 =
4 2
3 1 Variance(X)=E(X2)-(E(X))2 Whatsapp Group
= 2 = 𝑥 2 + 𝑥 𝑑𝑥
𝑠 +9 2 −1 2 1 2
22. (2)
1 𝑥3 𝑥2
1 = −
3 2
y"(t)+2y'(t)-3y(t)=sint = + 2 1 8−3 English - Click Here
2 3 2 −1
TakingLaplacetransform = − =
1 1 1 −1 1 3 4 12
L(y"(t))+2L(y'(t))-3L(y(t)) = L(sin t) = + − + 5
⇒ s2L[y(t)]-s y(0)-y'(0)+2[s L[y(t)]-y(0)]-3L[y(t)] 2 3 2 3 2 = Tamil - Click Here
1 1 1 12
1 = + 29. (4)
= 2 2 3 3
𝑠 +1 1 2 Mean=np = 4 … (i)
⇒s2L[y(t)]+2sL[y(t)] - 3L[y(t)] = × variance=npq=3 … (ii)
1 2 3
= 2 1 𝑖𝑖
𝑠 +1 = ⇒
1 3 𝑖
⇒(s2+2s-3)L[y(t)]=𝑠 2 +1 26. (1) 𝑛𝑝𝑞 3
1 m.g.f. ofabinomialdistributionaboutmean 𝑛𝑝 4
𝐿𝑦 𝑡 = 2
𝑠 + 2𝑠 − 3 𝑠 2 + 1 =(qe-tp+petq)n 3
1 ⇒𝑞=
27. (1) 4
𝑠 − 1 𝑠 − 3 𝑠2 + 1 E(X-2)2=E(X2-2X+4) ∴𝑝 = 1−𝑞
1 =E(X2)-2E(X)+E(4) 3
∴ 𝑦 𝑡 = 𝐿−1 = 1−
𝑠 − 1 𝑠 + 3 𝑠2 + 1 =4-2×2+4 4
23. (4) [∵E(4) = 4] 1
Letx= N =8 4
∴ (1) ⇒
Xp=N 28. (3)
1 np = 4
Letf(x)=XP-N E(X)= f x dx

5 6

1 2
17. FindthefixedpointsofW= z−1 3 4
with Detailed Solutions 3)25 4)25
1) z=1 2) z=0
25. Forthefollowingdensity function f(x)=ae-|x| -
cos 3x x cos 3x 3)z=2 4)z=5
1. Findtheproductofeigenvaluesofthematrix 1) 2) – ∞ <x<∞,findthemean
6 6 18. Ifuandvareconjugateharmonicfunctions,then
−2 2 −3 x cos 3x x sin 3x 1)0 2)1
𝐴= 2 1 −6 3)
uvis 1
3)3 4)2
−1 −2 0 1 1 1)harmonic 2)notharmonic
8. Letu=x3y2(1-x-y)At , , uattains
1) 45 2) -45 2 3 3)constant 4)noneofthese 26. VarianceoftherandomvariableXis9.Itsmeanis
3) 40 4) 65 1)zero 2)minimum 19. Findf(z)wheref(z)=u+ivandv=3x2y-y3 2.ThenE(X2)=
2. One of the eigen values of A = 3)maximum 4)noneofthese 1)z2+c 2)z3+c 1)13 2) 8
𝑥 𝑦 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢
cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃 9. If u = sin-1 + tan-1 then x + 𝑦 𝜕𝑦 4
3)z +c 4)z+c 3)10 4) 12
is 𝑦 𝑥 𝜕𝑥
− sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃 20. TheFouriersinetransformof f(x)=e-ax is 27. Findthemomentgeneratingfunctionofarando
1) cos𝜃+ cos2𝜃 2) cos𝜃-sin𝜃 =
2 s π 1
3)sin𝜃-sin2𝜃 4) tan𝜃-cosec𝜃 1) 0 2) 1 1)
π a 2 +s 2
3 a 2 +s 2 1
4) x2+y2
𝑓 𝑥 = 3 , −1 < 𝑥 < 2
3. IfalltheeigenvaluesofamatrixAofaquadrilaticf 3) uxy
∂ x,y s 2 a
ormarenegativethenthequadraticformis 10. If x=r cos 𝜃; y=r sin 𝜃 then ∂ r,θ
= 3) s+1 4) 0, otherwise
π s 2 +a 2
1)positivedefinite e 2t −e −t e −t +e 2t
1) 𝜃 2) r 21. Theiterationformulagivenby Newton- 1) 2)
t t
2)negativedefinitie 1
3) r2 4) rθ Raphsonmethodtofindtheroot-oftheequation 1 e 2t −e −t
3)positivesemidefinite 3) 3 4) None of these
xsinx+cosx=0is 𝑡
4)negativesemidefinite 11. Evaluate c 𝑧−2
whereCisthecircle|Z|=1 x n sin x n +cos x n 28. Theprobabilitydistributionofadiscreterandom
10000 1) xn+1 = xn – x n cos x n
1)1 2)0 variableXisgivenby
01000 3)-1 4)2 2) xn+1 = xn – x
x n cos x n
x -2 2 5
4. Findtherankofthematrix 00100 n sin x n +cos x n
12. Ifu(x, y)=ex(xcosy- x n sin x n +cos x n P(X=x) 1/4 1/4 ½
00010 3) xn+1 = xn –x Then4E(X2)-Var(2X)=
ysiny)thentheanalyticfunctionf(z)is n cos x n +2 sin x n
00001 25
1) 1 2) 2 1)zez+c 2)z2+c 4) xn+1 = xn-xn cosxn + 2sinxn 1)25 2) 4
3) 3 4) 5 3)ez+c 4)z+c 22. LetF(s)bethecomplexFouriertransformoff(x), 29
3) 4)58
13. Whenthefunctionf(z)=u+ivisanalytic,'thenu= i.e., 2
5. IfAisa10×15matrixthen
F[f(x)]=F(s)thenF[xnf(x)]= 29. The mean and variance of a
1)RankofA≤10 2)Rankof A≥15 constantandv=constant are 4
dn 𝑛 𝑑
binomialdistribution are 4 and . Find
3)RankofA≤10 4)RankofAis150 1)Orthogonal 2)Parallel 1) ds n F s 2) −𝑖 𝐹 𝑠 3
𝑑𝑠 𝑛
6. Theconditionforthefunctionz=f(x,y)tohaveae 3)Similar 4)Noneofthese d s P(X≥1)
3) F s 4) 0
F s ds
ds 1)0.998 2)0.34
xtremumat(a,b)is 14. c
log zdzwhereCistheunitcircle|z| = 1 is
∂z ∂z 23. ApplyLagrange'sfarmulatofindf(x) 3)0.001 4)0.0119
= 0 and =0 1)2𝜋i 2)-2𝜋i x 0 1 4 5
∂x ∂y 3)1 4)0
30. Momentgeneratingfunctionofabinomialdistri
f(x) 4 3 24 39
∂2 z ∂2 z dz
𝐴 = 2 ;B = 15. Evaluate c 𝑧 2 +1 𝑧 2 −4
where C is thecircle 1)2x3+x2-3x 2) 2x2-4x+6 1)(p+q)nt+1 2) (p-q)1-nt
∂x ∂x ∂y 2
3 3) 2x -3x+4 4)3x2-4x+5 t n
3)(q+pe ) 4)(pet-p)qt
∂2 z |z| = 2 ∞ −2t
𝐶 = 2 ; ∆= 𝐴𝐶 − 𝐵 2 24. Thevalueof 0 e sin t dt is
∂y 1)2𝜋 2) 4𝜋
Thenthefunctionzhasamaximumvalueat(a.b)if ANSWERS
3)0 4)8
1)A>0,∆>0 2)∆>0,A<0 1. 1 2. 2 3. 2 4. 4 5. 1 6. 2 7. 2 8. 3 9. 1 10. 2
16. Evaluate 𝑐
𝑧−𝑎 𝑑𝑧 𝑛 ≠ −1 where C 11. 2 12. 1 13. 1 14. 1 15. 3 16. 2 17. 3 18. 1 19. 2 20. 1
3)∆<0,A<0 4)∆<0,A>0
is thecircle |z-a| =r 21. 1 22. 2 23. 3 24. 4 25. 1 26. 1 27. 3 28. 1 29. 1 30. 3
7. Particularintegralof(D2+9)y=sin3xis
1)2𝜋i 2)0

1 2

∂u −x 𝑥𝑦 ByMilne’sThomsonmethodtofindf(z)whereuis
𝑦 = −
∂x 𝑦2 − 𝑥2 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 given
Adding(1)and(2) 𝑓 𝑧 = 𝜙1 𝑧, 0 − 𝑖𝜙2 𝑧, 0 𝑑𝑧 + 𝑐
𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢
DETAILED SOLUTIONS ∴ P.I.of(D +9)y=sin 3x
2 𝑥 +𝑦 =0
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 = 𝑒 𝑧 𝑧 + 1 𝑑𝑧 + 𝑐
1. (1) −𝑥 cos 3𝑥 10. (2)
ProductofeigenvaluesofA 2×3 x=rcos𝜃;y=r sin𝜃 = 𝑧𝑒 𝑧 + 𝑒 𝑧 𝑑𝑧 + 𝑐
−2 2 −3 −𝑥 cos 3𝑥
= ∂x ∂x
= 𝐴 = 2 1 −6 6 = 𝑧𝑒 𝑧 − 𝑒 𝑧 + 𝑒 𝑧 + 𝑐
∂ x, y
−1 −2 0 8. (3) = ∂r ∂θ = 𝑧𝑒 𝑧 + 𝑐
∂ r, θ ∂y ∂y
=-2(-12)-2(-6)-3(-4+l) u = x3y2(1-x-y) 13. (1)
∂r ∂θ
=24+12+9 Whenf(z)=u+ivisanalytic,thenu=constantandv
2 2
= 3x y (1-x-y)-x y 3 2
cos 𝜃 −𝑟 sin 𝜃
=45 ∂x =
∂2 u sin 𝜃 𝑟 cos 𝜃 =constantareorthogonal.
2. (2) = 6xy2(1-x-y)-6x2y2 = r cos2𝜃 + r sin2𝜃 14. (1)
∂x 2
Characteristicequation ∂u =r |z| =1
= 2x3y(1-x-y)-x3y2
11. (2) ⇒z= ei𝜃⇒dz=iei𝜃 d𝜃
cos 𝜃 − 𝜆 − sin 𝜃 = 6x2y(1-x-y)-2x3y-3x2y2 Forthecircle𝜃variesfrom0to 2𝜋
= =0 ∂x ∂y
− sin 𝜃 cos 𝜃 − 𝜆 ∂2 u 2𝜋
⇒(cos𝜃-𝜆)2-sin2𝜃 =0 = 2x3(1-x-y)-4x3y ∴ log 𝑧𝑑𝑧 = log 𝑒 𝑙𝜃 𝑖𝑒 𝑙𝜃 𝑑𝜃
∂y 2
⇒(cos𝜃-𝜆-sin𝜃)(cos𝜃-𝜆+sin𝜃]= 0 ∂ u 1 1 −1 2 𝐶 0
⇒ [𝜆-(cos𝜃-sin𝜃)[𝜆-(cos𝜃+sin𝜃)]= 0 𝐴=
, =
∂x 2 2 3 9 = 𝑖𝜃𝑖𝑒 𝑙𝜃 𝑑𝜃 ∵ log 𝑒 𝑥 = 𝑥
∴Eigenvaluesare ∂2 u 1 1 −1 0
𝜆=cos𝜃-sin𝜃and𝜆=cos𝜃-sin𝜃 𝐵= , = 2𝜋
∂x ∂y 2 3 12 =− 𝜃𝑒 𝑙𝜃 𝑑𝜃
3. (2) ∂2 u 1 1 1 Cauchy’sintegraltheorem: 0
𝐶= 2 , =− 𝑖𝜃 2𝜋
AquadraticformiscalledNegativedefiniteifalltheeig ∂y 2 3 8 Iff(z)isanalyticinsideandonasimpleclosedcurve 𝑒 𝑒 𝑖𝜃
envaluesarenegative. =− 𝜃 −
Clearly AC – B2 = +ve Cthen f z dz = 0 𝑖 𝑖2 0
4. (4) Also A < 0 z
Letf(z)=z−2 (integrationbyparts)
Result: 1 1
∴ At 2 3
, uattainsmaximum. Clearlyf(z)isnotanalyticatz=2.Butz=2liesoutsid
9. (1) 15. (3)
GivenmatrixisI5 e|z|=1
𝑥 𝑦 Cauchy’sResiduetheorem
∴RankofI5=5 u = sin-1 + tan−1 ∴f(z)isanalyticinsideandon|z|=1
𝑦 𝑥 Iff(z)isanalyticatallpointsinsideandonasimplecl
5. (1) ∴ByCauchy’sintegraltheorem
∂u 1 1 1 −y osedcurveC,exceptatafinitenumberofpoints z1,
Foranym×nmatrixA = . + . zdz
∂x x 2 y y 2 𝑥2 …, znwithinC,then
1+ 1+ f z dz = 0 ⇒ =0
C 𝑧−2
RankofA≤min(m,n) y x C
∴RankofA≤min(10,15)=10 𝑓 𝑧 𝑑𝑧 ×
1 𝑦 12. (1) 𝑐
∴RankofA≤10 = − 2 u=ex(xcosy-ysiny) 2𝜋𝑖 ×sumoftheresiduesoff(z)atz1, z2, ...zn
𝑦 −𝑥 2 𝑥 + 𝑦2
6. (2) ∂u
∂u x 𝑥𝑦 ϕ1 (x, y) = ∂x = cos y xex + ex − y sin yex
f(x,y)hasmaximumat(a,b)if 𝑥 ∂x = − 𝑥 2 +𝑦 2 … (1)
𝑦 2 −𝑥 2
ϕ1(z, 0) = cos 0 (zez+ez) – 0sin 0ez
AC-B2>0,A<0 ∂u 1 x 1 1
𝐴𝑙𝑠𝑜 = . + 2.
= zez + ez
i.e.,A>0andA<0 ∂x x 2 y2 y 𝑥
1+ y 1+ ϕ1 (x, y) =
= ex −x sin y − sin y −
7. (2) x ∂x
sin ax −x cos ax −x 𝑥𝑦 ycosy
P.I. of (D2+a2) y = sinax is = = +
D 2 +a 2 2𝑎
𝑦 𝑦2 − 𝑥2 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 ϕ1(z, 0) = 0

3 4

2𝜋 20. (1) 𝑠 2 + 1 . 0 − 1.2𝑠 2𝑠
= 𝑖𝑟 𝑒𝑖 𝑛+1 𝜃
𝑑𝜃 =− = 2
Fouriersinetransformof 𝑠2 + 1 2 𝑠 +1 2
∞ −2t
𝑖 𝑛 +1 𝜃 2𝜋 2 ∞ e t sin tdt,
𝑒 f(x)isF(s)= f x sinsxdx In 0
= 𝑖𝑟 π 0 ∞
𝑖 𝑛+1 −2𝑡
2×2 4
0 ∴Sinetransormof e-axis ∴ 𝑒 𝑡 sin 𝑡𝑑𝑡 = =
𝑟 𝑛+1 𝑖2 0 22 + 1 2 25
𝑛+1 𝜋 2 ∞
= 𝑒 −1 𝐹 𝑠 = 𝑒 −𝑎𝑥 sinsxdx 25. (1)
𝑛+1 𝜋 0

𝑟 𝑛+1 Giventhat −∞
f x dx= 1
= cos 2 𝑛 + 1 𝜋 + 𝑖 sin 2 𝑛 + 1 𝜋 2 𝑒 −𝑎𝑥

𝑛+1 = −𝑎 sin 𝑠𝑥 − 𝑠 cos 𝑠𝑥 ∞
1 𝜋 𝑎2 + 𝑠 2 0 ⇒ 𝑎𝑒 − 𝑥 𝑑𝑥 = 1
Let f(z) = −1 −∞
z 2 +1 z 2 −4
1 𝑟 𝑛+1 ⇒ 2𝑎
∞ −𝑥
𝑒 𝑑𝑥 = 1[∵ e-|x|isanevenfunction]
= 𝑥 1 + 0𝑖 − 1 2 𝑒 −𝑎𝑥 0
= 𝑛+1 =− −𝑎 sin 𝑠𝑥 − 𝑠 cos 𝑠𝑥 ∞
∞ −𝑥
𝑧 + 𝑖 𝑧 − 𝑖 𝑧2 − 4 𝜋 𝑎2 + 𝑠 2 0
⇒ 2𝑎 𝑒 𝑑𝑥 = 1 [in (0, ∞) e-|x| = e-x]
=0 0
Polesarei,-i,2,-2. ⇒-2a(e-x)0∞ = 1
3 17. (3) 2 𝑠
Clearlythepolesz=i,-iliesinside|z|=2 3z−4 = −0 + 2 ⇒ −2𝑎 𝑒 −∞ − 𝑒 0 = 1
f(z) = 𝜋 𝑎 + 𝑠2
lim z−1 ⇒ 2a(0-l)=1
Residueatthepolez=ais z−a f z fixedpointsaregivenby
z⟶a ⇒2a=1
Residueatz=i f(z)=z 2 𝑠
= 1
lim 1 3𝑧 − 4 𝜋 𝑎2 + 𝑠 2 ⇒𝑎=
= z−i ⇒ =𝑧 2
z⟶a z + i z − i z2 − 4 𝑧−1 21. (1) ∞ ∞ 1
Mean= −∞ xf(x)dx= −∞ x 2 e− x dx
1 1 1 ⇒3z-4=z(z-1) NewtonRaphsonmethodis
= = = 3z-4=z2-z =2
1 ∞
𝑥𝑒 − 𝑥 𝑑𝑥 = 0 [∵xe-|x|isanodd
𝑖+1 𝑖 2−4 2𝑖 × −5 −10𝑖 f xn
Xn+1 = 𝑥𝑛 − f ′ −∞
Residueatz=-i ⇒z2-4z+2=0 xn
lim 1 ⇒ (z-2)2 – 0 f(x)=xsinx+cosx 26. (1)
= z+i ⇒z=2 f’(x)=sinx+xcosx – sinx
z ⟶ −i z + i z − i z2 − 4 E(X)=mean=2
1 18. (1) =xcosx∴xn+1=Xn-(XnSinXn+CosXn/XnCosXn) Givenvariance=9
−𝑖 − 𝑖 −𝑖 2 − 4 Ifuandvareharmonicfunctions,thenuvisalsohar 22. (2) Byformula
1 1 monicfunction. Formula: variance=E(X2)-(E(X))2
= = 𝑖
−2𝑖 × −5 10 19. (3) IfF[fx)]=F(s),then ⇒9=E(X2)-(2)2
v=3x2y-y3 dn
F[xnf(x)]=(-i)nds n F(s) =E(X2)-4
∴ 𝑓 𝑧 𝑑𝑧 ∂v
𝑐 𝜙1(x,y)= =3x2-3y2 23. (3) ⇒E(X2)=9+4=13
= 2𝜋i×sumoftheresiduesofpolesinside|z| = Considerf(x)=2x2-3x+4 27. (3)
2 𝜙1 (z,0)=3z2-0=3z2
1 1 ∂v thenf(0)=0-0+4=4 m.g.f.foracontinuousrandomvariable‘X’is
= 2𝜋𝑖 + 𝜙2(x, y)=∂x =6xy ∞
−10𝑖 10𝑖 f(1)=2(1)2-3(1)+4=3 Mx(t) = −∞ etx f x dx
𝜙2 (z, 0)= 0 2
=0 f(4)=2(4)2-3(4)+4=24 1
ByMilne’sThomson method. = 𝑒 𝑡𝑥 . 𝑑𝑥
16. (2) f(5)=2(5)2-3(5)+4=39 −1 3
Given |z-a| = r Requiredpolynomialis2x2-3x+4 1 𝑒 𝑡𝑥

⇒ z-a = rei𝜃 f(z) = ϕ1 z, 0 + iϕ2 z, 0 dz + c 24. (4) =

∞ 3 𝑡 −1
∴ dz = riei𝜃 d𝜃 = 3𝑧 2 + 0𝑖 𝑑𝑧 + 𝑐 L(f(t)= 0 e−st f(t)dt
x −st
1 𝑒 2𝑡 𝑒 −𝑡
Now z−a n
dz e tsintdt=L(tsint)= = −
C 3𝑧 3 Consider 0
1 3 𝑡 𝑡
2𝜋 = +𝑐 −𝑑 −𝑑 1
= 𝑟 𝑛 𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝜃 𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝜃 𝑑𝜃 3 = 𝐿 sin 𝑡 = 1 𝑒 2𝑡 − 𝑒 −𝑡
=z3+c 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑠 𝑠 2 + 1 =
0 3 𝑡

5 6

28. (1) Momentgeneratingfunctionofabinomialdistribu

E(X) = xp x tionaboutorigin.
1 1 1 =(q+pet)n
= −2 × + 2 × + 5 ×
4 4 2
1 1 5
=− + +
2 2 2
E(X2) = x 2 p x
1 1 1 Join Us on FB :
= 4 × + 4 × + 25 ×
4 4 2
2 English – Examsdaily
Tamil – Examsdaily Tamil
29 5 2 33
= − =
2 2 4
var(2X)=4var(X) Whatsapp Group
∴ 4E(X2)-var(2x)
=4× − 33
2 English - Click Here
29. (1)
Tamil - Click Here
Mean=np=4 … (1)
Variance=npq=3 … (2)
2 𝑛𝑝𝑞 4/3
⇒ =
1 𝑛𝑝 4
1 2
∴𝑝=1− =
3 3
1 ⇒𝑛=
= =6
x n-x
P(X=x) = nCxp q
∴𝑝 𝑋 ≥1 =1−𝑝 0
2 0 1 6
= 1 − 6𝐶0
3 3
1 6
= 0.998
30. (3)


1 e t +e 3t e −t −e −4t
MODEL QUESTION PAPER – 3 3) 3 4)1 1) 2)
2 2
with Detailed Solutions 17. Find the image of |z-3I| = 3 under the
e t +e 3t
e −t −e 3t
1 5 2
mappingw= z
25. E(X2)=276and variance = 20thenE(X) is
1. A and B are symmetric. If AB is also 𝜕2𝑧 𝜕2𝑧 1)u+v=0 2)6v+l=0 1)0 2)16
2 2
;𝐵 =
symmetricif and only if 𝜕 𝑥 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 3)v+3=0 4)6u+v=0 3)20 4)256
cot πz
1)AB=BA 2)AB+BA=0 𝜕2𝑧 18. Oneof thepoleof is 26. Assumingthattheprobabilityofachildbeingamal
3)A-B=0 4)A2+B2=0 𝐶 = 2 ; ∆= 𝐴𝐶 − 𝐵 2 z−6 5
𝜕𝑦 1 eandbeingafemalearethesameandtheprobability
2. Everydiagonal,elementofaHermitianmatrixis 1)5 2) 2i
Thenthefunctionzhasaminimumvalueat(a,b)if thatInafamilyofnchildren
3 4i
1)purelyimaginary 2)purelyreal 1)∆<0,∆<0 2)∆<0,A>0 3) ± 4) ± 5
(n-1)arefemale is29 .Whatisthevalueofn?
7𝑖 9
3)0 4)1 3)∆>0,A>0 4)∆>0,A<0 2
19. Themappingw=z +z+1 is 1)9 2)11
3. AsquarematrixAisnilpotentoforder5then 𝑥 +𝑦 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢
10. Ifu=sin-1 then 𝑥 = 𝜕𝑥 + 𝑦 𝜕𝑦 = 1)conformaleverywhere 3)10 4)8
1)A10=0 2)A6=0 𝑥+ 𝑦
2 tan u 2)notconformalatz=-2 1
3)A =0 4)A5=0 1)
2) tan u 27. Themomentgeneratingfunctionofp(x)= 2x ; x=1,
4. Ifatleastoneeigenvalueiszeroandtheremaininga sin u cos u 3)notconformalatz=1 2
3) 2
4) 2 20. 4)notconformalatz=0
repositive,thenthequadraticformis 1) et 2) e-t
11. If F =(axy-z )i+(x +2yz)j+(y -axz)k2 2 2
is 20. IfL[f(t)]==F(s)thenL[tf(t)]=
1)positivedefinite e𝑡 et
irrotational then a= −d d 3) 2−e t 4) 2+t
2)negativedefinite 1) ds F(s) 2)ds 𝐹 𝑠
3)positivesemidefinite 1) 0 2)1 s
28. Abagcontains7white,6redand5blackballs.Twob
3)2 4)3 3)ds F(S+a) 4) 0
F s ds allsaredrawnatrandom.Findthe
𝑠 probabilitythattheywillbothbewhite.
1 1 1 12. r . dr = 21. FindL-1
c s + 2 2 +4 6 4
5. Rankofthematrix 1 1 1 1) 23 2) 53
1)0 2)1 1)cos2t+sin2t 2)e-2tcos2tsin2t
1 1 1 -2t 7 7
3)2 4)3 3)e ,(cos2t-sin2t) 4)Noneofthese 3) 47 4) 51
1)0 2) 1
3)2 4) 3 13. 2 xdy − ydx = 22. Given e0 = 1, e1=2.72, e2=7.39, 29. MeanandvarianceofaPoissondistributionIs
e3=20.09,e4=54.60. Find the approximate 1)Mean=𝜆;Variance=𝜆2
6. Letu=2(x-y)2-x4-y4.At( 2,− 2),uattains 1)thevolumeenclosedbythecurveC
4 x
1)maximum 2)0 value of 0
e dx. 2)Mean=1;Variance=𝜆
2)minimum 3)1 1)53.8733 2)43.8523 3)Mean=𝜆;Variance=𝜆
3)neithermaximumnorminimum 4)theareaboundedbyasimpleclosedcurve 3)24.1321 4)68.3348 4)Mean=𝜆;Variance𝜆!
4)noneofthese 14. Find F. dr where F =x2i+xyj taken round 23. IfL[f(t)]=F(s)thenL[e-atf(t)] = 30. 10coinsarethrownsimultaneously.Findtheproba
𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 c
x 3 +y 3 1)F(sa) 2)F(s) bilityofgettingatleast7heads.
7. u=e , then 𝑥 𝜕𝑥 + 𝑦 𝜕𝑦 = the square in the xy plane whose sides are x=0,
𝑠 11 13
1)logu 2)e u y=0, y=a is 3) 𝐹 𝑎
4) F(s+a) 1) 26 2) 27
a3 a3 1 11 11
3)3ulogu 4)3ueu 1) 2) 24. FindL-1 3) 27 4) 25
8 2 𝑠+1 𝑠+3
8. Particularintegralof(D2-4D+3)y=cos2xis a3 a3
8 sin 2x+cos 2x sin x+cos 2x 3) 4) ANSWERS
1) 2) 4 5
−65 64 Sin 3z
1. 1 2. 2 3. 4 4. 3 5. 2 6. 1 7. 3 8. 1 9. 3 10. 1
8 sin x+8 cos 3x 8 sin 2x−cos x 15. Evaluate c 𝜋 dz where Cisthecircle|z|=5 11. 3 12. 1 13. 4 14. 2 15. 1 16. 1 17. 2 18. 1 19. 2 20. 1
3) 4) 𝑧+
65 −65 2
21. 3 22. 1 23. 4 24. 4 25. 2 26. 3 27. 3 28. 4 29. 3 30. 1
9. Theconditionforthefunctionz=f(x,y)tohaveaext 1)2𝜋i 2)𝜋i
remumat(a,b)is 3)34i 4) -2𝜋i
∂z ∂z 1−e 2z
= 0 and =0 16. Findtheresidueof
∂x ∂y −4 2
1) 2)
3 3

1 2

𝜕 𝜕 sin 𝑢 [∵ the given square is in the xy plane. n =

=𝑥 sin 𝑢 + 𝑦 sin 𝑢 =
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 2 perpendicular unit normal to xy ∴n = k]
a a

𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 tan 𝑢 ydxdy
⇒𝑥 +𝑦 =
DETAILED SOLUTIONS 7. (3) 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 2 c 0
3 +y 3 𝑎 𝑎
1. (a) u=ex 11. (3)
x 3 +y 3 = 𝑦𝑥 0 𝑑𝑦 = 𝑎 𝑦𝑑𝑦
IfAandBarcsymmetricthenABisalsosymmetrici Letf=logu=loge =x3+y3 A vector F is irrotational if ∇×F= 0
0 0
fandonlyifAB=BA. ∴fisahomogeneousfunctionofdegree3. 𝑖 𝑗 𝑘 𝑎
2. (2) 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 𝑦2 𝑎2 𝑎3
ByEuler’stheorem ∇×𝐹 = =𝑎 =𝑎 =
EverydiagonalelementofaHermitianmatrixispu 𝜕𝑓 𝜕𝑓 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 2 0
2 2
relyreal. 𝑥 +𝑦 = 3𝑓 𝑎𝑥𝑦 − 𝑧 2 𝑥 2 − 2𝑦𝑧 𝑦 2 − 𝑎𝑥𝑧 15. (1)
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
3. (4) ∂ ∂ log u =0
i.e.,x∂x (logu)+y =3logu
AsquarematrixAisnilpotentoforder5thenA5=0 ∂y ⇒ i(2y-2y)-j(-az+2z)+k(2x-ax) = 0
4. (3) 𝑥 𝜕𝑢 𝑦 𝜕𝑢 Coefficient of i, j, k=0
⇒ . + = 3 log 𝑢
Ifatleastoneeigenvalueiszeroandtheremainingei 𝑢 𝜕𝑥 𝑢 𝜕𝑦 ⇒-az+2z=0
𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢
genvaluesarepositivethenthequadraticformispo ∴ 𝑥 𝜕𝑥 + 𝑦 𝜕𝑦 =3ulogu ⇒a=2
sitivesemidefinite. 12. (1)
8. (1)
5. (2) cos 2x 𝑖 𝑗 𝑘
Clearly|A|=0 P.I. = d 2 −4D+3
𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 Cauchy’sintegralformula
cos 2𝑥 cos 2𝑥 ∇×𝑟 = Iff(z)isanalyticinsideandonasimpleclosedcurve
= = 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
AlsoAisnotazeromatrix − 2 2 − 4𝐷 + 3 −4 − 4𝐷 + 3 𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 Candz0isanypointinsideC
∴RankofA=1 cos 2𝑥 − cos 2𝑥 =0 then
= = 1 f z dz
6. (1) −4𝐷 − 1 4𝐷 + 1 By Stokes theorem f(z0) = 2πi c 𝑧−𝑧0
− cos 2𝑥 4𝐷 − 1
u=2(x-y)2-x4-y4 = × Letf(z)=sin3z
∂u 4𝐷 + 1 4𝐷 − 1 r . dr = ∇ × r . ndS
=4(x-y)-4x3 − cos 2𝑥 4𝐷 − 1 −𝜋 −3.14
s 𝑧0 = =
∂2 u 16𝐷2 − 1 2 2
= 4 − 12x 2 −4𝐷 cos 2𝑥 + cos 2𝑥
=0 =-1.57
∂x 2
∂u = 13. (4) −π
Clearlyz0= 2 =-1.57
=-4(x-y)-4y3 −16 2 2 − 1 By Green’s theorem deductions
8 sin 2𝑥 + cos 2𝑥 liesinside|z|=5
∂2 u = The area bounded by a simple closed curve C
= −4 − 12y 2 −65 ∴ByCauchy’sintegralformula
∂y 2 9. (3) 1
∂2 u = 𝑥𝑑𝑦 − 𝑦𝑑𝑥 f z sin 3z
= −4 The function z=f(x, y) has a minimum at (a, b) 2 dz = 𝜋 dz
∂x ∂y if 𝑠 𝑧 − 𝑧0 𝑧+2
14. (2) c c
∂2 u 2 AC-B2>0, A>0 𝜋
𝐴= 2, − 2 = 4 − 12 2 = −20 𝑖 𝑗 𝑘 = 2𝜋i 𝑓 − 2
∂x 2 i.e., ∆>0, A>0 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 −𝜋
∂2 u 10. (1) ∇×𝐹 = = 2𝜋i × sin3
𝐵= 2, − 2 = −4 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 2
∂x ∂y x+y −3𝜋
Let f=sin u=
x+ y 𝑥2 𝑥𝑦 0 = 2𝜋i × sin
∂2 u 2 2
𝐶= 2, − 2 = 4 − 12 − 2 = −20 Clearly f is a homogeneous function of degree = yk 3𝜋
∂y 2 1
= -2𝜋i × sin
2 By strokes theorem
NowAC-B =400-16=384>0 2 a a = -2𝜋i(-1)
AlsoA=-20<0 𝜕𝑓 𝜕𝑓 1
By Euler’s theorem 𝑥 +𝑦 = 𝑓 yk . k dxdy = 2𝜋i
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 2
∴At( 2, − 2),uattainsmaximum c 0
16. (1)

3 4

Formula: ∴Wisnotconformalatz=
−1 1 7×6
2 ∴ 𝐿−1 = 1×2
18 ×17 =
Residueatapoleofordermis 𝑠+1 𝑠+3 1×2
20. (1)
𝑙𝑡 1 𝑑 𝑚 −1 𝑚
1 1
29. (3)
= 𝑧−𝑎 𝑓 𝑧 Formula: 2 2
𝑧 ⟶ 𝑎 𝑚 − 1 𝑑𝑧 𝑚 −1 = 𝐿−1 − In a poisson distribution
If L[f(t)] =F(s) 𝑠+1 𝑠+3
1−e 2z −d mean =λ
In ,z=0isapoleoforder4 thenL[tf(t)]= ds F(s)
z4 1 −1 1 1
= 𝐿 − 𝐿−1 variance = λ
∴Residueatz=011 21. (3) 2 𝑠+1 𝑠+3 30. (1)
𝑙𝑖𝑚 1 𝑑 4−1 Formula: 1
= 𝑧 = 𝑒 −𝑡 − 𝑒 −3𝑡 In tossing a coin
𝑧 ⟶ 𝑎 4 − 1 ! 𝑑𝑧 4−1 d
L-1[sF(s)]=dt L-1[F(s)] 2 1 1
25. (2) p =2; q = 2
1−𝑒 = L-1
𝑠 𝑑
= 𝑑𝑡 𝐿−1
−0 4
𝑠+2 2 +4 𝑠+2 2 +4 Variance=E(X2)-E(X))2 n = 10
𝑧4 20=276-(E(X))2 P (X=x) = nCx px qn−x
𝑑 1
3 = 𝑒 −2𝑡 𝐿−1 2
𝑙𝑖𝑚 1 𝑑 𝑑𝑡 𝑠 + 22 [E(X)]2=276-20 P (getting atleast 7 heads)
= 1 − 𝑒 2𝑧
𝑧 ⟶ 𝑎 3! 𝑑𝑧 3 𝑑 −2𝑡 sin 2𝑡 =256 = P (x ≥7)
1 𝑙𝑖𝑚 = 𝑒
= = −8𝑒 2𝑧 𝑑𝑡 2 ∴E(X)=16 = P (7) + P (8) + P (9) + P (10)
6 𝑧⟶0 1 26. (3) 1 7 1 3 1 8 1 2
−4 = 2𝑒 −2𝑡 cos 2𝑡 + sin 2𝑡 𝑒 −2𝑡 −2 = 10C7 + 10C8 +
2 2 2 2 2
= LetPbetheprobabilityofachildbeingfemale
1 9 1 1 1 10
3 -2t
= e (cos 2t – sin 2t) 1 10C9 + 10C10
17. (2) ∴ p =q = 2 2 2 2
22. (1) 1
1 1 BinomialdistributionP(X=x)= Cxp q n x n-x
= 210 10C7 + 10C8 + 10C9 + 10C10
1 X 0 1 2 3 4 𝑛
1 𝑛 5 𝑛 5 10 =
120 + 45 + 10 + 1
∴ |z – 3i| = 3⇒ − 3i = 3 𝐶1 = ⇒ = = 210
w y=ex 1 2.72 7.39 20.09 54.6 2 29 2𝑛 29 210 176 11
⇒|1-3iw| =3|w| 1 ∴n=10 = 210 = 26
⇒|1-3i(u+iv)|=3|u+iv| 27. (3)
4 x h
⇒|1+3v-3iu|=3|u+iv| 0
e dx=3 [y0+y4+2y2+4(y1+y3)] Mx(t) = E(etx)

⇒ (1+3v)2+9u2=9(u2+v2) 1
=3[55.60+14.78+4(2.72+20.09)] 1
⇒ 1+9v2+6v+9u2=9u2+9v2 = 𝑒 𝑡𝑥 Join Us on FB :
1 2𝑥
⇒ 1+6v=0 = [70.38+91.24] 1
3 ∞ 𝑥
18. (1) =53.8733 𝑒𝑡
= English – Examsdaily
cot πz cos πz 23. (4)Formula: 2
Letf(z)= z−6 5 = 1
𝑧−6 2 sin 𝜋𝑧
IfL[f(t)]=F(s)then L[e-atf(t)]=F(s+a) Tamil – Examsdaily Tamil
𝑒𝑡 𝑒 𝑒 3𝑡 2𝑡
(z-6)3=0⇒z=6isapoleoforder3 24. (4) = + 2 + 3 +⋯
sin𝜋z=0⇒z=0,±1,±2,...aresimplepoles 2 2 2
1 A B et et et 2
∴z=5isoneofthepoleoff(z) = + = 1+ + +⋯ Whatsapp Group
s+1 s+3 s+1 s+3 2 2 2
19. (2) A s+3 +B s+1 et 1
Amappingf(z)isanalyticand = = et
𝑠+1 𝑠+3 2 1−
2 English - Click Here
f'(z)≠0,thenthemapw=f(z)isconformal ⇒ 1=A(s+3)+ B(s+1) et 2
Letf(z)=w=z2+z+l 1 =2 2−e t
put s = -1 ⇒ A = 2
f'(z)= 2z+1 = 0 et Tamil - Click Here
1 =2−e t
f'(z)=0⇒ 2z+1=0 put s = -3 ⇒ B = − 2
28. (4)
⇒𝑧= Required probability = 18C2
2 2
Clearly𝑓 ′ 2 = 0

5 6

MODEL QUESTION PAPER – 4 1) 2 2) 2𝜋i 25. A is known to hit the target in 2 out of 5 shots
3) 4𝜋i 3) 0 where B is known to hit the target in 3 out of 4
with Detailed Solutions z 3 −3
16. Evaluate ∫c 𝑑𝑧 where c is the circle |z| = shots. Find the probability of the target being
𝑧−2 3 hit when they both try?
1. If atleast one eigen value is zero and the sin 𝑥 sin 𝑦 3 1 3
3) 𝑓 , =0 1) 20 2)20
sin 𝑦 sin 𝑧
remaining are negative then the quadratic form 1) 𝜋i 2) 2𝜋i
cos 𝑥 cos 𝑦 11 17
is 4) 𝑓 , =0 3) 12𝜋i 4) 0 3) 20 4) 20
cos 𝑦 cos 𝑧
1) positive definite 8. Particular integral of (D2+ 16)y=cos4x is 17. The Image of the circle |z-1|=1 In the complex 26. Three machines I, II and III manufacture
x x 1
2) negative definite 1) 8 cos 4x 2)8sin 4x plane under the mapping w = z respectively 0.4, 0.5 and 0.1 of the total
3) positive semidefinite 1) straight line 2) circle production. The percentage of defective items
3) x cos 4x 4) x sin 4x
4) negative semidefinite 3) square 4) ellipse produced by I, II and III is 2, 4 and 1 percent
1 2 3 π respectively. For an item is chosen at random.
2. Find the rank of the matrix A= 2 4 6 is 9. Particular integral of (D2+ 1)y=e-x is 18. Find the residue at z= 2 for f(z)=tan z
ex e −x What is the probability it is defective?
3 6 9 1) 2) 1) 0 2) 1
2 2 1) 0.029 2) 0.29
1) 0 2) 2 e −x ex 3) -1 4) 2
3) 4) 3) 0.1124 4) 0.322
3) 1 4) 3 −2 −2 19. Singularity of ze1/z3 at z=0 is of the type
2 27. A manufacturer knows that the condensers he
3. A square matrix A is said to be non-singular if 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑧 1) isolated singularity
10. If z=log (e +e ) then 𝜕𝑥 2 . 𝜕𝑦 2 −
x y
= makes contain on the average 1% of
1) 0 2) |A| =0 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦
2) removable singularity
1) 4 2) 3 defectives. He packs them in boxes of
3) |A|≠0 4) Scalar matrix 3) essential singularity
3) 2 4) 0 100.What is the probability that a box picked
4. If A is a non singular matrix of order 4 then 4) isolated and removable singularities
11. If ax i+by j+cz k where a, b, c are constrants, at random will contain 3 or more faulty
Rank of A = sin 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 ∞ sin 𝑡
20. Let𝐿 = tan−1 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 ∫0 𝑑𝑡 = 0 condensers.
1) 3 2) 4 then ∬S F . n ds where S is the surface of the 𝑡 𝑠 𝑡
1) at 2) st 1) 0.08025 2) 0.00931
3) 2 4) 1 unitsphere is
5. If three points (xr, ys), r= 1, 2, 3 are vertices 3) 𝜋/2 4) 0 3) 0.01413 4) 0.2848
1) (a+b+c) 2) p(a+b+c) 1 28. M.G.F. of normal distribution is
𝑥1 𝑦1 1 4π 21. Find L-1 𝑠 2 +4
3) (a+b+c) 4) 0 t2σ 2
ofan equilateral triangle then 𝑥2 𝑦2 1 has 3 sin 2t cos 2t 1) eμt+ 2 2) et +eμ

𝑥3 𝑦3 1 12. Find the directional derivative of 𝜙=2xy+ 1) 2

2) 2 μ2σ2 μt 2 −σ 2
5yz+zx at the point (1, 2, 3) in the direction 3i- 1 1 3) eμt + e 4) e
rank 3) 4)
cos t sin 2t 29. With the usual notation find ‘P’ for a binomial
1) 2 2) 1 1 dx
22. By evaluating ∫0 by a numerical random variable X if n = 6 and
3) 3 4) 0 1) -2 2 2) 2 1+𝑥 2
integration method we obtain an approximate 9P(X=4)=P(X=2)
6. The function f(x, y) has a maximum at (a, b) 3) 3 2 4) 2 2 1 1
𝜕𝑓 𝜕𝑓 value of 1) 2)
= 0, 𝜕𝑦 =0and 2 3
13. The value of ∫C 5ydx + 6xdy over the circle 1) loge2 2) 𝜋/4 1 1
2 2 3) 4 4) 5
𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 x +y =1
1) . + = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 <0 3) e 4) log 100
𝜕2𝑥 𝜕2𝑦 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥 2 1) 3𝜋 2) 4𝜋 30. A urn contains nine balls two of which are red,
2 23. The scheme
𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 three blue and four black. Three balls are
2) 𝜕𝑥 2 . 𝜕𝑦 2 − > 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 <0 3) 𝜋 4) 𝜋2 a+2h h
𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥 2 ∫a f x dx = [f(a) + 4f(a+b) + f(a + 2b)] drawn from the urn at random. What is the
𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓
𝜕2𝑓 14. ∭v dv = is
3) 𝜕𝑥 2 . 𝜕 2 𝑦 − > 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 >0 probability, that the three balls are ofdifferent
𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥 2 1)Volume of the given surface 1) Trapezoidal rule 3) Simpson’s rule colours?
𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓
4) 𝜕𝑥 2 . 𝜕𝑦 2 − 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 > 0 2)Area of cross section 2) Simpson's rule 4) Weddle’s rule 1) 7
2) 7
3)1 24. Find the z transform of 2k, k≥0
7. Solve: p tan x+q tan y = tan z 2 5
4) 0 z z 3) 7 4) 7
1) f(tan x, tan y) = 0 1) z−2 , z > 2 2) z+2 , z < 2
z 4 +z 3 +z 2 +z+1
2) f(cos x, cos y) = 0 15. 15. Evaluate: ∫c 𝑑𝑧 where C is 3)
, z <1 4)
, z >1
z+1 z−1
the circle |z| = l

1 2

ANSWERS −𝑒 𝑦 +𝑥 13. (3)

1. 4 2. 3 3. 3 4. 2 5. 3 6. 2 7. 3 9. 2 8. 2 10. 4 𝑒𝑥 + 𝑒𝑦 2 By Green’s theorem
11. 3 12. 1 13. 3 14. 1 15. 4 16. 3 17. 1 19. 3 18. 3 20. 3 Now
21. 1 22. 2 23. 2 24. 1 25. 4 26. 1 27. 1 29. 3 28. 1 30. 3 2
∂N ∂M
∂2 z 𝜕 2 𝑧 𝜕2𝑧 Mdx + Ndy = − dx dy
DETAILED SOLUTIONS dx dy dz . 2− ∂x ∂y
= = 2
∂x 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 c R
1. (4) tan x tan y tan z
𝑒 𝑥 +𝑦 𝑒 𝑥 +𝑦 𝑒 𝑥 +𝑦 ∴ 5𝑦𝑑𝑥 + 6𝑥𝑑𝑦
If atleast one eigen value is zero and the From first two equations = . − =0
𝑒 𝑥 +𝑒 𝑦 2 𝑒 𝑥 +𝑒 𝑦 2 𝑒 𝑥 +𝑒 𝑦 𝑐
remaining are negative then the quadratic form dx dy dx dy
= =ʃ =ʃ = ʃcotxdx = ʃcotydy 11. (3)
tan x tan y tan x tan y
is Negative Semidefinite. ∂ 6x ∂ 5y
sin 𝑥 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 = − 𝑑𝑥𝑑𝑦
2. (3) ⇒ sin 𝑦 = 𝑐1 =logsinx=cosxsiny+cosc ∇. 𝐹 = 𝑖 +𝑗 +𝑘 𝑎𝑥𝑖 + 𝑏𝑦𝑗 ∂x ∂y
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 𝑅
Clearly |A| =0 From last two equations + 𝑐𝑧𝑘
Also determinant of any submatrix of order 2 dy dz = 6 − 5 𝑑𝑥𝑑𝑦
= = a+b+c
iz 0. tan y tan z By Gauss Divergence theorem 𝑅
Also A is not a zero matrix ⇒log siny = log sinz+log c2
∴Rank = 1 sin 𝑦 = 𝑑𝑥𝑑𝑦
⇒ = 𝑐2 = F . nds = ∇. F dv
3. (3) sin 𝑧 𝑅
A square matrix A is non-singular if |A| ≠ 0 ∴solution is Area of the circle x2+y2 = 1
4. (2) sin 𝑥 sin 𝑦
⇒𝑓 , =0 = 𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐 𝑑𝑣
If A is a nonsingular matrix of order 4, then sin 𝑦 sin 𝑧 ∵ 𝑑𝑥𝑑𝑦 = Area of the curve C
rank of A = 4 8. (2)
= (a + b + c) ∭ dv 𝑅
5. (3) Formula: = (1)2=𝜋(1)2
cos ax x sin ax
= (a+b+c) (volume of the unit sphere)
(xr, yr) r=1, 2, 3 are vertices of a triangle area P.I. of (D +a )y = cos ax is D 2 +a 2 =
2 2
4π =𝜋
2𝑎 = (a+b+c)× 3 (1)3
of the triangle ∇≠0 P.I. of (D2 + 16) = cos 4x 14. (1)
New area of the triangle 4 𝑎+𝑏+𝑐 𝜋
𝑥 sin 4𝑥 = ∭v dv = volume of the given surface
= 3
1 𝑥1 𝑦1 1 8
= 𝑥2 𝑦2 1 ≠ 0 12. (1) 15. (4)
2 𝑥 𝑦 1 9. (2)
𝜙 = 2xy+5yz+zx Cauchy’s integral theorem:
3 3 e −x e −x 𝑒 −𝑥
𝑥1 𝑦1 1 P.I. = = = 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 If f(z) is analytic and f’(z) is continuous inside
D 2 +1 −1 2 +1 2 ∇𝜙 = 𝑖 𝜕𝑥 + 𝑗 𝜕𝑦 + 𝑘 𝜕𝑧 (2xy+5yz+zx)
⇒ 𝑥2 𝑦2 1 ≠ 0 10. (4) and on the curve C, then ∫c f(z)dz = 0
𝑥3 𝑦3 1 = (2y+z)i + (2x+5z)j + (5y+x)k
z = log(ex+ey) z 4 +z 3 +z 2 +z+1
𝑥1 𝑦1 1 ∇𝜙(1, 2, 3) = (2(2)+3)i +(2(D+5(3))j+(5(2)+ Let f(z) =
∂z ex z+4
⇒ 𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑥2 𝑦2 1 𝑖𝑠 3 = 𝑥 1)k
∂x 𝑒 + 𝑒 𝑦 Clearly f(z)is not analytic at z=-4
𝑥3 𝑦3 1 = 7i+17j+11k
∂2 y ex + ey e x − ex . ex z=-4 lies outside the circle |z| = 1
6. (2) = e = Unit vector in the direction of 3i-5j+4k
∂x 2 𝑒𝑥 + 𝑒𝑦 2 ∴By Cauchy’s theorem
The function f(x, y) has a maximum at (a, b) if 3𝑖 − 5𝑗 + 4𝑘 3𝑖 − 5𝑗 + 4𝑘 z 4 +z 3 +z 2 +z+1
2 𝑒 𝑥+𝑦 = = ∫c f(z)dz = ∫c dz
∂f ∂f 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 𝜕2𝑓 = 𝑥 9 + 25 + 16 5 2 𝑧+1
= 0, ∂y = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 . − >0 𝑒 + 𝑒𝑦 2
∂x 𝜕𝑥 2 𝜕𝑦 2 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 ∴ Directional derivative =0
𝜕2𝑓 𝜕𝑧 𝑒𝑦
and 𝜕𝑥 2 < 0 = 𝑥 = ∇𝜙.e 16. (3)
𝜕𝑦 𝑒 + 𝑒 𝑦 3𝑖−5𝑗 +4𝑘
𝜕2𝑧 𝑒 𝑥+𝑦 = (7i + 17j + 11k). 5 2
7. (3) = 𝑥
𝜕𝑦 2 𝑒 + 𝑒𝑦 2 21 − 85 + 44
P tanx+q tany = tan z =
𝜕2𝑧 −𝑒 𝑦 . 𝑒 𝑥 5 2
Solution is given by = 𝑥 −20 −4
𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 𝑒 + 𝑒𝑦 2
= = = −2 2
5 2 2
3 4

1 ∞
⇒ u= sin 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 Probability of the target being hit when they
⇒ 𝑒 −𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑡 = tan−1 both try =
⇒ 2u-1 = 0 𝑡 𝑠
0 P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B)-P(A∩B)
The above equation is a straight line. Putting a=1 and s⟶0 = P(A)+P(B)-P{A).P(B)
18. (3) ∞
sin at 2 3 2 3
f(z) = tan z dt = tan−1 ∞ = + − .
sin 𝑧 𝑡 5 4 5 4
= 0 2 3 6
cos 𝑧 𝜋 = + −
= 5 4 20
cos z = 0 2 8 + 15 − 6
f(z) = z3-3 𝜋 21. (1) =
⇒𝑧= 20
f’(z) = 3z2 – 1 2 Formula:
𝜋 17
f”(z) = 6z Residue at z = 2 𝑎 =
𝐿−1 = sin 𝑎𝑡 20
By cauchy’s integral formula 𝑙𝑖𝑚 𝜋 𝑠 2 + 𝑎2 26. (1)
=𝑧⟶𝜋 𝑧− 𝑓 𝑧 Now
𝑛! 𝑓 𝑧 𝑑𝑧 2 Defective item produced by
2 1 1 2
𝑓"(𝑎) = 𝜋 𝐿−1 = 𝐿−1 2 2 0.8
Machine I = 100 ×0.4=100
2𝜋𝑖 𝑧 − 𝑎 𝑛+1 𝑙𝑖𝑚 𝑧 − sin 𝑧 0 𝑠2 + 4 2 𝑠 + 22
z 3 −z
=𝑧⟶𝜋 2
𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚 1 Defective time produced by
dz = ∫
𝑓 𝑧 𝑑𝑧 cos 𝑧 0 = sin 2𝑡
𝑧−2 3 𝑧−2 3
2 2 4 2
𝜋 Machine II = 100 × 0.5 =100
2𝜋𝑖 𝑧 − 2 cos 𝑧 + sin 𝑧 22. (2)
= 𝑓"(2) = i Defective item produced by
2! − sin 𝑧 dx 1 0.1
2𝜋𝑖 (By LHospital’s rule) = tan−1 𝑥 1
Machine III = 100 ×0.1 =100
= ×6×2 𝜋
1 + 𝑥2
2 0 + sin 2 0 Total defective items
= 12𝜋i = 𝜋 = tan−1 1 − tan−1 0 0.8 2 0.1 2.9
− sin 2 𝜋 = + + = = 0.029
17. (1)
= 100 100 100 100
1 = −1 4 0.029
Required probability = 1 = 0.029
𝑤= 23. (2)
𝑧 19. (3)
1 1 27. (1)
⇒ 𝑢 + 𝑖𝑣 =
Formula: Simpson’s 3 rule 1
𝑥 + 𝑖𝑦 p = 1% = 100 = 0.01
𝑧 𝑧2 𝑧3 24. (1)
1 𝑥 − 𝑖𝑦 𝑒 =1+ + + +⋯ 𝜆 = np = 100 × 0.01 = 1
= × 1! 2! 3! Formula
𝑥 + 𝑖𝑦 𝑥 − 𝑖𝑦 1
z3 ∞ Poisson distribution P(X=x)
𝑥 − 𝑖𝑦 Let f(z) = ze 𝑓 𝑘
𝑍𝑓 𝑘 = 𝑒 −𝜆 𝜆𝑥
= 2 1 1 2 1 3 𝑧𝑘 =
𝑥 + 𝑦2 𝑧3 𝑧3 𝑧3 𝑘=−∞ 𝑥!
𝑥 −𝑦 = 𝑧 1+ + + +⋯ ∞ ∞ 𝑘
𝑢= 2 ;𝑦 = 2 1! 2! 3! 2𝑘 2 P(x faulty condensers)
𝑥 + 𝑦2 𝑥 + 𝑦2 ∴ 𝑍 2𝑘 = = 𝑒 −1 1𝑥 𝑒 −1
𝑧𝑘 𝑧 = =
|z-1| = 1 1 1 1 𝑘=0 𝑘=0
= 𝑧+ + + +⋯ 𝑥! 𝑥!
⇒ |x+iy-1| = 1 𝑧 2 2𝑧 5 6𝑧 8 2 2 2 2 3 P (3(or) more faulty condensers)
1 =1+ + + +⋯
⇒ |(x-1)+iy| = 1 Principal part (powers of z ) contains infinite- 𝑧 𝑧 𝑧 = P(3)+P(4) + P(5) + ... + P(100)
1 2
⇒ 𝑥 − 1 2 + 𝑦2 = 1 number of terms. Therefore z = 0 is an = 2 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 <1 = 1-[P(0)+P(1) + P(2)
1−𝑧 𝑧
⇒ (x-1)2+y2 = 1 essential singularity. 𝑒 −1 𝑒 −1 𝑒 −1
𝑧 = 1− + +
⇒x2+yz-2x = 0 20. (3) = 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑧 >2 0! 1!! 2!
⇒x2+y2 = 2x Formula: 𝑧−2 1
sin 𝑎𝑡 𝑎 25. (4) =1−𝑒 1+1+
𝑥 1 2
⇒ 2 = 𝐿 = tan−1 2
𝑥 + 𝑦2 2 𝑡 𝑠 P(A) = 5 = 1-e-1×2.5
3 = 1-0.3679×2.5 = 0.08025
P(B) = 4

5 6

28. (1)
M.G.F. of a normal distribution
t2σ 2
Mx(t) = eμt+ 2 Join Us on FB :
29. (3)
P(X=x) = nCxqxqn-x English – Examsdaily
Tamil – Examsdaily Tamil
9P(X=4) = P(X=2)
⇒ 9 × 6C4p4q2 = 6C2p2q4
⇒ 9 ×p2 = q2 Whatsapp Group
⇒ 9p2 = (1-q)2
= 1 +p2-2p
⇒ 8p2+2p-1 = 0 English - Click Here
−2 ± 4 + 32
2×8 Tamil - Click Here
−2 ± 6
−2 − 6 −2 + 6
∴𝑝= 𝑜𝑟
16 16
−1 1
⇒𝑝= 𝑜𝑟
2 4
Since P is positive
30. (3)
If three balls are of different colours, then one
will be red, one will be blue and one will
∴ Required probability
2𝐶1 × 3𝐶1 × 4𝐶1


∂u 1 ∂v ∂u ∂v 25. Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule are ued to

= .
r ∂θ
∂v −1 ∂u ∂v ∂u find
with Detailed Solutions = = −r ∂θ
∂r 𝑟 ∂θ ∂r 1)Numerical integration
∂u 1 ∂u ∂u 1 ∂v
3) ∂θ = r 2 ∂r 4) = 2)Numerical partial differentiation
1. Find the sum of the eigen values of 𝐴 = ∂2 f ∂2 f ∂2 f ∂2 f ∂r r ∂r
3) ∂x 2 . ∂y 2 − ∂x ∂y < 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 >0 ∂v 1 ∂u ∂v 1 ∂v 3)Curve fitting
−2 2 −3 ∂x 2 = r 2 ∂r =
∂θ ∂θ r ∂θ 4)Interploting polynomial
∂2 f ∂2 f ∂2 f ∂2 f
2 1 −6 4) ∂x 2 . ∂y 2 − ∂x ∂y < 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 >0 18. The function f(z)= r is
∂x 2 26. What is the chance that a leap year selected at
−1 −2 0
8. Solve: yq-xp=z 1)analytic random will contain 53 Sundays
1) -1 2) -2
𝑦 2)nowhere differentiable 1 4
3) -3 4) 5 1) f(x2,y2)=0 2) 𝑓 𝑥𝑦, 𝑧 = 0 1) 7 2) 7
3)analytic at 0 2 1
2. Two eigen values of a 3×3 non singular matrix 3) f(x2+y2, p2)=0 4) None of these 3) 7 4) 365
4) none of these
A are 2, 3 and |A| =36. Then the third eigen dx dy z
9. Eliminating x from + 2y = 0, - 2x = 0 is 19. Find the residue of f(z)= z 2 +4 at z =2i 27. A husband and wife appear In an Interview for
value dt dt
d2y d2y two vacancies in the same post. The
1) 5 2) 6 1) dt 2
+ 4y = 0 2) dt 2
− 4y = 0 1) 2 2) 1
3) 7 4) 8 dy dy 3) 0 4) 2
1 probability of husband selection is7 and wife’s
3) dt
+ 4yx = 0 4) dt
+x+y= 0 1
3. If some of the eigen values of a matrix A of 20. Error in the trapezoidal rule is of the order selection is5. Find the probability of only one
the quadratic form are positive and others are 10. The equation (ey + l)cosx dx+eysinxdy = 0 is
1) h 2) h2 of them will be selected.
negative then the quadratic form is 1) exact 2) variable separable 1 2 1
3) linear 4)solvable for x 3) h3 4) 2 1) 7 2) 7
1)positive definite
1 6 4
2)indefinite 11. The vector F = yzi + 2xj +xyk is 21. Simpson’s 3 rule is called 3) 7 4) 5
3)positive semidefinitive 1) irrotational 2) solenoidal 1) open formula 2) regular formula 28. If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then
4)negative semidefinitive 3) 0 4)1 3) indefinite formula 4) closed formula P(A∪B)=
4. Final k so. that the rank of the matrix 12. If r =xi+yj+zk and r = |r| then ∇r5 = 1 𝐴 𝐵
22. In Simpson’s rule the interval must 1) 𝑃 2) 𝑃
2 1 −1 1) 5𝑟 3 𝑟 2) 4r2r 3 𝐵 𝐴
1 4 2 is 2 bedivided into an ____number of subintervals 3) P(A) + P(B) 4) None of these
3) 5r r
4) 6r5r
of width h. 3 1 2
3 5 𝑘 13. If A and B are irrotationalthen A × B is 29. P(A+B) = ; P(AB)= and P(A) = Find P(B)
1) odd 2) 5 4 4 3
1) 2 2) 4 1 2
1) solenoidal 2) irrotational 1 1) 3 2) 3
3) 4 5) 1 3) even 4) 3
3) 1 4)0 3 4
5. Find the nature of the quadratic form 3) 4 4) 5
14. Find the directional derivative of 𝜙=x2+y2+z2 23. Find the interpolation formula for
6x2+3y2+14z2+4yz+18xz+4xy 30. A book contains 100 misprints distributed
at the point (2, 2, 1) in the direction of x 0 1 2 5
1) positive definite f(x) 2 3 12 147 randomly throughout its 100 pages. Assuming
2) indefinite 1) x3+x2+X+2 2) x2+x+2 Poisson distribution of the number of
1) 3 2) 6
3) negative definite 3) x3+x2-x+2 4) x4+x3-x2+x-2 misprints in a page, find the probability that a
3) 9 4) 12
4) positive semidefinite 1
cos πz 2 24. By Simpson’s rule to get a close page observed at random contains atleast 2
1 ∂2 u ∂2 u ∂2 u 15. Evaluate dz where C is thecircle 3
6. If u= r ; r =x +y +z then ∂x 2 + ∂y 2 + ∂z 2 =
2 2 2 2 c 𝑧−1 𝑧−2
approximation h will be misprints.
3 2 2
1) 0 2) 1 |z| = 2 1) very large 2) 0 1) 1 + 𝑒 2) 1 − 𝑒 2
3) 2 4) 3 1) 2𝜋 i 2) 𝜋 i 3) 1 4) very small 2 2
3) 1 − 𝑒 4) 1 + 𝑒
7. The function f(x, y) has a minimum at (a, b) if 3) -3𝜋 i 4) 0
= 0, ∂y = 0 and 16. Find the residue of f(z)=cot z at the pole z=0
∂x 1. 1 2. 2 3. 2 4. 4 5. 2 6. 1 7. 3 8. 2 9. 1 10. 1
1) 10 2) 3
∂2 f ∂2 f ∂2 f 11. 1 12. 1 13. 1 14. 2 15. 1 16. 4 17. 1 18. 2 19. 4 20. 2
1) ∂x 2 . ∂y 2 − ∂x ∂y < 0 3) 5 4) 1
21. 1 22. 3 23. 3 24. 4 25. 1 26. 3 27. 1 28. 3 29. 2 30. 3
∂2 f ∂2 f ∂2 f
2 17. Polar form of Cauchy-Riemann equation of
2) ∂x 2 . ∂y 2 − ∂x ∂y
<0 f(z) = u+ivis

1 2

Formula: 1 𝑑2 𝑦 = ∇𝜙.e
⇒ + 2𝑦 = 0
𝜕2𝑦 𝜕2𝑦 𝜕2𝑢 2𝑓 ′ (𝑟) 2 𝑑𝑡 2 = (4i + 4j + 2k).
2𝑖+2𝑗 +𝑘
+ 2 + 2 = 𝑓"(𝑟) + 2
𝑑 𝑦 3
DETAILED SOLUTIONS 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 𝑟 1 18
⇒ 2 + 4𝑦 = 0
1. (a) 2 2 −1 𝑑𝑡 = 8+8+2 =
= 3+ 3 3
Sum of the eigen values = trace of A 𝑟 𝑟 𝑟2 10. (1)
= sum of the main diagonal elements of A 2 2 Compare with Mdx+Ndy
= 3− 3=0 15. (1)
= -2 + 1+0 𝑟 𝑟 M=(ey+1)cosx; N=eysinx
= -1 7. (2) ∂M ∂N
= ey cos x = = 𝑒 𝑦 cos 𝑥
2. (2) The function f(x, y) has a minimum at (a, b) if ∂y ∂x
2 ∂M ∂N
∂f ∂f ∂2 f ∂2 f ∂2 f
Product of eigen values of a matrix A = |A| = 0, ∂y > 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 . − >0 clearly =
∂x ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x
Let a be the third eigen value
∂2 f ∴Given equation is exact
then 2×3×α = 36 and ∂x 2 > 0
11. (1)
36 8. (2)
⇒𝛼= =6 𝑖 𝑗 𝑘
6 Formula: ∂ ∂ ∂
3. (2) -xp+yq = z ∇×𝐹 =
∂x ∂y ∂z
If some eigen values are positive and some 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧 𝑦𝑧 𝑧𝑥 𝑥𝑦
eigen value are negative then the quadratic =⇒ = Cauchy’s Residue theorem:
−𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 i(x-x)-j(y-y)+k(z-z) = 0
form is called indefinite. If f(z) is analytic at all points inside and on a
From first two equations ∴F is irrotational simple closed curve C except at a finite
4. (4) 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧
= = 12. (1) number of points z1, …, zn within C, then
If rank of 3×3 matrix is 2 then |A| =0 −𝑥 𝑦 𝑧 Formula:
2 1 −1 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 f(z)dz = 2 7𝜋i × sum of the residue of
i.e. 1 4 2 = 0 ⇒− = ∇rn = nrn-2r c
𝑥 𝑦 ∇r5 - 5r3r f(z) at z1, …, zn
3 5 𝑘
⇒log x = log y-log a cos 𝜋𝑧 2
⇒2(4k-10)-l(k-6)-l(5-12)=0 13. (1) Let f(z)dz =
𝑧−1 𝑧−2
= 8k-20-k+6-5+12=0 ⇒xy = a A and B are irrotational poles = z= 1, 2
= 7k-7=0 ⇒ k = 1 From last two equations 3
⇒∇×A = 0 and ∇×B = 0 z=1 lies inside |z| = 2
5. (2) 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧
= Now ∇.(A×B) = B.(∇×A)-A(∇×B) = 0
6 2 9 𝑦 𝑧 Residue of f(z) at z = 1
Matrix of the quadratic form A= 2 3 2 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑧 ∴A×B is solenoidal. 𝑙𝑖𝑚
⇒ = = 𝑧−1 𝑓 𝑧
9 2 14 𝑦 𝑧 14. (2) 𝑧⟶1
Consider the principal sub determinants 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 𝑙𝑖𝑚 cos 𝜋𝑧 2 cos 𝜋 1 2
⇒log y = log z+log b ∇𝜙= 𝑖 𝜕𝑥 + 𝑗 𝜕𝑗 + 𝑘 𝜕𝑧 (x2+y2+z2) = 𝑧−1 =
D1 = |6| = 6 > 0 𝑦 𝑧⟶1 𝑧−1 𝑧−2 1−2
⇒ =𝑏 𝜕 𝜕
6 2 𝑧 = 𝑖 𝜕𝑥 (x2 + y2 +z2) + 𝑗 𝜕𝑦 (x2+y2+z2) + −1
D2 = = 18-4= 14>0 = =1
2 3 𝑦 𝜕 −1
The solution is f 𝑥𝑦, = 0 𝑘 𝜕𝑧 (x2+y2+z2)
= 6(42-4)-2(28-18)+9(4-27) 𝑧
f z dz = 2𝜋i× sum of residues
= 218-20-207 9. (1) = 2xi+2yj+2zk
𝑑𝑦 = 2𝜋i× 1 = 2𝜋i
= -9<0 - 2x = 0 ∇𝜙 (2, 2, 1) = 2(2)i+2(2)j+2(1)k = 4i+4j+2k
𝑑𝑡 16. (4)
D1>0, D3<0 and D2>0 1 𝑑𝑦 e = unit vector in the direction of 2i+2j + k
⇒𝑥= Formula:
Hence the quadratic form is indefinite. 2 𝑑𝑡 2𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 𝑘 ϕ z
= Iff(z)=ψ where
6. (1) Now 𝑑𝑡 + 2𝑦 = 0 4+4+1 z
1 2𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 𝑘
f(r) = u = r 𝑑 1 𝑑𝑦 ψ(a)=0 but 𝜙(a)≠0
1 ⇒ . + 2𝑦 = 0 3 ϕ a
f'(r) = − 𝑑𝑡 2 𝑑𝑡 Directional derivative of 𝜙 in the direction
then Residue at z=a is ψ a
f"(r) = r 3 2i+2j+2k

3 4

Let f(z) = cot z =

cos z
ϕ z
In Simpson’s
rule the interval must be 1 4 6 1
sin z ψ z 3 = . + .
7 5 7 5
ψ(z) = sin z divided into an even number of subintervals of 4 6 10 2
= + = = Join Us on FB :
ψ'(z) = cos z width h.
35 35 35 7
Now ψ(0) = sin 0 = 0 23. (3) 28. (3)
(0) = cos 0 = 1≠ 0 Consider f(x)=x3+x2-x+2 If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then English – Examsdaily
∴Residue of f(z) at z=0 f(0) = 0 + 0-0 + 2 = 2 P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B)
f(1) = 1 + 1-1+2 = 3 Tamil – Examsdaily Tamil
𝜙 0 1 29. (2)
= ′ = f(2) = 23+22-2+2 = 12 2 1
ψ 0 cos 0 P(A) = l-P(A) = l-3 = 3
1 f(5) = 53+52-5 + 2 = 147 Whatsapp Group
= =1 ∴ Required polynomial is f(x) = x3+x2-x+2 Now P(A+B) = P(A) + P(B)-P(AB)
1 3 1 1
17. (1) 24. (4) ⇒ = +𝑃 𝐵 −
The smaller h is, the closer will be the 4 3 4
Polar form of Cauchy-Rieman equation is 3 1 1 2 English - Click Here
1 ∴𝑃 𝐵 = − + =
∂u 1 ∂v approximation in Simpson’s 3 rule.
= . 4 3 4 3
∂r r ∂θ 25. (1) 30. (3)
∂u −1 ∂v Tamil - Click Here
= . Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule are used in 100
∂r r ∂θ 𝜆= =1
numerical integration. 100
18. (2) 𝜆 𝑥
26. (3) P(X=x) = 𝑒 −𝜆 𝑥!
f(z) = z= x + iy = x - iy
A leap year contains 366 days. In 366 days
∴ u=x; v=-y P(X≥2) = 1-(P(X=0)+P(x=l)
there are 52 full weeks (hence 52 Sundays 𝑒 −𝜆 𝜆0 𝑒 −𝜆 𝜆1
∂v ∂v
= 0; = −1 definitely) and =1− +
∂x ∂y 0! 1!
∂u ∂v
2 more days.
Clearly ∂x ≠ ∂y = 1 – [e-𝜆 + 𝜆e-𝜆]
Those 2 days will be
= 1 – e-1 (1+1)
∴Cauchy - Riemann equation is not Satisfied. i) Monday andTuesday
So f(z) = zis nowhere analytic. ii) Tuesday and Wednesday =1−
19. (4) iii) Wednesday and Thursday
Formula: iv) Thursday and Friday
𝑧 𝑧 v)Friday and Saturday
𝑓 𝑧 = 2 =
𝑧 +4 𝑧 + 2𝑖 𝑧 − 2𝑖 vi)Saturday and Sunday
lim vii) Sunday and Monday
Residue at z=a is z−a f z
z⟶a Out of these 7 cases (vi) and (vii) are two
lim z
∴Residue at z=2i is z − 2i z+2i z−2i favourable cases.
z⟶a 2
2𝑖 2𝑖 1 ∴ Required probability = 7
= = =
2𝑖 + 2𝑖 4𝑖 2 27. (1)
20. (2) Let A and B be the event that the husband and
Error in the trapezoidal rule is of the order h2. wife selection.
21. (1) 1 1
1 P(A) =7and P(B) = 5
Simpson’s rule is called a closed formula. 1 6
P(A) = 1 - 7 = 7
Since the end point indicate also enter the
1 4
formula. P(B) = 1 - =
5 5
22. (3) Required probability
= P(A)P(B) + P(A)P(B)

5 6

MODEL QUESTION PAPER – 6 17. Find the bilinear transformation that maps the drawn from the urn at random. What is the
points z1 = ∞, z2=i and z3=0 into thepoints probability that the three balls are of thesame
with Detailed Solutions
w1=0,w2=i and w3=∞ colour?
1 1 2 3
1) w=-z 2) w=z 1) 7 2)7
1. For a 2×2 matrix A sum of the eigen values is 3) AC-B2<0, A<0 4) AC-B2<0, A>0 2 5 7
0 and product of eigen values = -36. Then the 9. Solve: xdx+ydy = a(x2+y2)dy 3) w=z+2 4) w=z 3) 84 4) 85
eigen values are 1) ex2+y2 = x+c 18. The function f(z)=|z|2 is
26. A random variable X has the
1) ± 3 2) 4 2) log (x+y) = x2+y2+c 1) analytic 2) not analytic
followingprobability function
3) ± 6 4) ±7 3) log (x2+y2) = 2ay+c 3) analytic at 0 4) none of these
Valu 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
z 2 −sin z 2
2. A square matrix A and its transpose AT have 4) none of these 19. For f(z) = z=0 is a e of
1) same eigen values 10. Form partial differential equation from z=f(x2- 1)essential singular point
2) distinct eigen values y2) p(x) a 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
a a a a a a a a
3) cannot compare 1) xq+yp=0 2) xp+p=0 3)removable singular point Determine the value of ‘a’
4) none of these 3) x+y+pq=0 4) p + q=0 4)not a singular point 1 1
3 5 6 11. If p = 3x+2y-z 1) 31 2) 61
20. A river is 80 feet wide the depth d in feet at a
3. If A= 0 4 1 then the eigen values of A-1 q = x-2y+z 3) 71
4) 81
distance x feet from one bank is given by the
0 0 7 r = x+2y-z
are following table. 27. For a normal variable which Is normally
∂ p,q,r
1 1 1 1 1 1 then∂ = x 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 distributed with mean 50, given thatP(x<60)=5
1) 3 , 4 , 7 2) 3 , 5 , 6 x,y,z
d 0 4 7 9 12 15 14 8 3
1 1 1 1 1) 1 2) 2 then P(50<X<60) =
3) 3 , 1, 6 4) 6 , 1, 7 Find approximately the area of cross section of
1 3
3) 3 4) 0 1) 2 2) 10
4. For a 3×3 matrix sum of eigen values = the river.
12. The minimum value of x2+y2+6x+12 is 2 2
product of eigen values. Then the eigen values 1) 710 sq. feet 2) 820 sq. feet 3) 5 4) 41
1) 1 2) 3
are 3) 210 sq. feet 4) 535 sq. feet
3) 2 4) 4 𝑠
28. If X is a random variable having polsson
1)3, 4, 5 2) 1,2,3 13. Find the directional derivative of a function 21. Let L f(t) = F(s) and L f(at) = k 𝐹 then k = distribution such that P(X=1) = 0.3 and
3)5, 7, 8 4)10,11,12 1
f(x, y, z)=x2+xy+z2 at the point A(1, -1, -1) in 1) a 2) P(X=2)=0.2 then 𝜆=
5. Find the sum of eigen values of a 28 4
the direction of the line AB where B has 3) a2 4) sa 1) 2)
cos 𝜃 − sin 𝜃 coordinates (3, 2, 1)
9 3
A= 1 3 1
− sin 𝜃 − cos 𝜃 1 3 22. Find𝐿−1 3) 4 4)3
1) 17 2) 17 𝑠−1 𝑠+3
1) 4 2) 2 e t +e −3t e t +e 3t
1 36
29. A machine manufacturing screws is known to
3) 0 4) -2 3) 4) 1) 4
2) 4
17 41 produce 5% defective. In a random sample of
1000 e t e 3t
14. Find a unit normal to the surface 3) 4) None of these 15 screws. What is the probability that there
2300 4
6. Find the Eigen values of A = are x2+3y2+2z2=6 at (2, 0, 1) are exactly three defectives
4560 23. Find the z-transform of nCk (0≤k≤n)
6789 1)
1) (1+z)n 2) (1+z-1)n 1) 15C3 (0.5)3 (9.5)12
2 3
1) 1, 2, 4, 6 2) 3, 4, 5, 7 i+k i+j 3) (1-z)n
4) (1-zn) 2)15C3(0.05)3(0.95)12
3) 7, 6, 8, 9 4) 1, 3, 6, 9 3) 4) 3)15C3(0.005)3(0.095)12
2 7 24. If the Fourier transform of f(x) and g(x) are
7. Discuss the nature of the quadratic form 2x1x2 15. ∇(log r) = F(s) and g(s) respectively, 4)None of these
+ 2x2x3-2x1x3 r r ∞ 30. A large consignment of electric bulbs 10% are
1) r 2) 𝑟 2 then −∞ F S G S ds =
1) Definite 2) Positive definite ∞ ∞ defective. A random sample of 20 Is taken for
3) r 3
4) r 4 1) −∞
f x g x dx 2) −∞
f x + gx dx
3) Negative definite 4) Indefinite inspection. Find the probability that all are
3) 0 4) 1 good bulbs.
8. If A=fxx(a, b), B=fxy (a, b) and C=fyy (a, b) then 16. The vector F= yi + zj + xk is
f(x, y) has maximum at (a, b) if fx=0, fy=0 and 25. An urn contains nine balls two of which are 1) (0.9)20 2) 20(0.1)2 (0.9)2
1) solenoidal 2) irrotational
1) AC-B2>0, A<0 2) AC-B2>0,A>0 red, three blue and four black, three balls are 3) 20(0.1)3(0.9)3+ 4) 20(0.1)20 (0.9)0
3) ∇2F =0 4) None of these

1 2

1. 3 2. 1 3. 1 4. 2 5. 3 6. 4 7. 4 8. 1 9. 3 10. 1 DETAILED SOLUTIONS 2300
11. 4 12. 2 13. 3 14. 3 15. 2 16. 1 17. 1 18. 2 19. 3 20. 1 1. (3) 4560
21. 1 22. 1 23. 2 24. 1 25. 3 26. 4 27. 2 28. 2 29. 2 30. 1 Let the eigen values be 𝛼 and 𝛽
Clearly A is a triangular (lower) matrix.
Thensum= 𝛼 + 𝛽= 0
∴ Eigen values = 1, 3, 6, 9
⇒𝛼 =-𝛽
7. (4)
Product of eigen values
The matrix of the quadratic form is
= -36 0 1 −1
⇒𝛼𝛽 = -36 𝐴= 1 0 1
(-𝛽)𝛽 =-36 −1 1 0
𝛽2 =36 𝐷1 = 0 = 0
∴𝛽2 = ±6 0 1
𝐷2 = = 0 − 1 = −1 < 0
If 𝛽=6 then 𝛼 = -6 1 0
0 1 −1
If 𝛽 = -6 then 𝛼 = 6 𝐷3 = 1 0 1
∴Eigen values are ± 6 −1 1 0
2. (1) = 0 – 1(1) – 1(1)
A and AT have same eigen values. = -2<0
3. (1) Hence D1 = 0, D2< 0, D3< 0
For a triangular matrix the eigen values are the Therefore the quadratic form is indefinite
diagonal elements 8. (1)
3 5 6 If a function f(x, y) is maximum at (a, b)
𝐴 = 0 4 1 is ∂f ∂f
If ∂x = 0, ∂y = 0
0 0 7
a triangular matrix ∂2 f ∂2 f ∂2f ∂2 f
and ∂x 2 . ∂y 2 − > 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 <0
∴Eigen values = 3, 4, 7 ∂x ∂y ∂x 2
1 1 1 i.e., fxx.fyy-(fxy) >0 and fxx<0
Therefore eigen values of A-1 are 3 , 4 , 7
i.e., f(x, y) is maximum at (a, b)
4. (2)
If AC-B2> 0 and A < 0
Consider 1, 2, 3
9. (3)
Sum = 1+2+3 = 6 xdx + ydy
Product = 1×2×3 = 6 = ady
x2 + y2
∴ Sum = product 1
𝑑 𝑥2 + 𝑦2
∴ Required eigen values are 1, 2, 3 ⇒2 = 𝑎𝑑𝑦
5. (3) 𝑥2 + 𝑦2
Sum of eigen values of A = Trace of A 𝑑 𝑥2 + 𝑦2
⇒ = 2𝑎𝑑𝑦
= Sum of main diagonal elements of A 𝑥2 + 𝑦2
= cos 𝜃 + (-cos 𝜃) 𝑑 𝑥2 + 𝑦2
= 2𝑎 𝑑𝑦
=0 𝑥2 + 𝑦2
6. (4) ⇒ log(x +y ) = 2ay+c
2 2

For upper or lower triangular matrices the 10. (1)

eigen values are nothing but the diagonal z = f(x2-y2)
elements 𝑝= = 𝑓 ′ 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 2𝑥 … (1)

3 4

= 𝑓 ′ 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 −2𝑦 … (2) ∂2 = 2xi+6yj+4zk 19. (3)
𝜕𝑦 𝐴= −3, 0 = 2
∂x 2 Normalvector at (2, 0, 1), 𝑧 2 − sin 𝑧 2
𝑝 2𝑥
1 ÷ 2 ⇒ = ∂2 = ∇𝜙 2,0,1 = 4𝑖 + 4𝑘 𝑧6
𝑞 −2𝑦 𝐵= −3,0 = 0
∂x ∂y Unit normal vector at (2, 0, 1) 1 2 𝑧2 3 𝑧2 5
⇒ 𝑥𝑞 + 𝑦𝑝 = 0 = 𝑧 𝑧2 − + +⋯
∂2 f 4𝑖 + 4𝑘 1 𝑧6 3! 5!
11. (4) 𝐶 = 2 −3, 0 = 2 = = 𝑖+𝑘
∂p ∂p ∂p ∂y 16 + 16 2 1 𝑧 6 𝑧10 𝑧14
= 3; = 2; = −1 Now 15. (2) = − +
∂x ∂y ∂z 𝑧 6 3! 5! 7!
AC-B2 = 4-0>0 Formula:
∂p ∂p ∂q 1 𝑧4 𝑧8
= 1; = −2; =1 Also A = 2>0 ∇f(r) = f'(r)
= − + …
∂x ∂y ∂z 𝑟 3! 5! 7!
∴ (-3, 0) gives minimum
∂r ∂r ∂r ∴ ∇log r =
1 r
= 𝑟2
r Now limz→o f z
= 1; = 2; = −1 minimum value = (-3)2+(0)2+6(-3)+12 r 𝑟
∂x ∂y ∂z 1 𝑧4 𝑧5
∂ p,q,r = 9-18+12=3 16. (1) = lim − + …
𝑧→0 3! 5! 7!
Now ∂
x,y,z 13. (3) 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
∇. 𝐹 = 𝑖 +𝑗 +𝑘 𝑦𝑖 + 𝑧𝑗 + 𝑥𝑘 1 1
∂p ∂p ∂p Let 𝜙 = x2+xy+z2 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 = =
∂ ∂ ∂ 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 3! 6
∂x ∂y ∂z
∇𝜙 = 𝑖 + j + k 𝑥 2 + 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑧 2 = 𝑦 + 𝑧 + 𝑥 The limit exists
∂q ∂q ∂q ∂x ∂y ∂z 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
= Therefore z=0 is a removable singular point.
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂ x 2 + xy + z 2 ∂ x 2 + xy + z 2 = 0+0+0
20. (1)
∂r ∂r ∂r =𝑖 +j
∂x ∂y =0
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂ x 2 + xy + z 2 ∴ F is solenoidal.
3 2 −1 +𝑘 17. (1)
= 1 −2 1 = (2x+y)i+xj+2zk Consider W= − 𝑧
1 2 −1 ∇𝜙 (1, -1, -1) By Simpson’s rule
= 3(2-2)-2(-1-1)-1(2+2) when z1 = ∞ then 80
= (2(1)+(-1)i + (1)j+2(-1)k −1 Area of cross-section= 0
= +4-4 𝑤1 = =0
= i+j-2k ∞ h
=0 = 3 [(y0+y8)+2(y2+y4+y6)+4(y1+y3+y5+y7)]
AB = (3i+2j+k)-(i-j-k) when z2 = i then
12. (2) 10
= (2i+3j+2k) −1 = 3 + 2 33 + 4 36
Let f = x2+y2+6x+12 𝑤2 = =𝑖 3
e = unit vector along 𝑖
∂f = 710 sq. feet.
= 2x + 6 2i + 3j + 2k 2𝑖 + 3𝑗 + 2𝑘 when z3 = 0
∂x AB = = −1 21. (1)
∂2 f 4+9+4 17 then w3 = 0
=∞ Formula:
=2 Directional derivative at the point (1, -1, -1) in −1
∂x 2 ∴ w = - is the required bilinear form. IfL[f(t)] = F(s), then
∂f the direction of the line AB z
1 𝑠 1
= 2y 2𝑖 + 3𝑗 + 2𝑘 18. (2) 𝐿 𝑓 𝑎𝑡 = 𝐹 ∴𝑘=
∂y = 𝑖 + 𝑗 − 2𝑘 . 𝑎 𝑎 𝑎
Let f(z) = u + iv = |z|2 = x2+y2
∂2y 17 22. (1)
=2 1 ⇒ u=x2 + y2; v = 0
∂y 2 1 A B
= 2+3−4 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 = +
∂ f 17 = 2𝑥; = 2𝑦 s−1 s+3 s−1 s+3
=0 1 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
∂x ∂y A
= 𝜕𝑣 𝜕𝑣 =
∂f ∂f 17 = 0; =0 (s + 3) + B s − 1
For extremum, ∂x = 0, ∂y = 0 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
14. (3) ⇒ 1 = A(s+3)+B(s-1)
2x+6=0 ⇒ x=-3 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑣
Let𝜙=x2+3y2+2z2-6 ≠ put s=1⇒ 1 = 4A
2y=0 ⇒ y=0 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
∇𝜙 = 𝑖 +𝑗 +𝑘 𝑥 2 + 3𝑦 2 + 2𝑧 2 ∴So Cauchy Riemann equation is not satisfies 𝐴=
∴The point is (-3, 0) 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 4
∴ f(z) is not analytic.
−6 put s=-3⇒ 1 = -4B

5 6

1 60
=0.1 = P(none are defective)
𝐵=− 4 100
4 f x dx = = P(0) = 20C0(0.1)0(0.9)20
1 5 q = 1-p = 0.9
∴ 𝐿−1 −∞ = (0.9)20
50 60 60 n = 20
s−1 s+3
1 1 By binomial distribution
f x dx + f x dx = f x
4 4 P(X=x) = nCxpxqn-x
= 𝐿−1 − −∞ 50 −∞
𝑠−1 𝑠+3 60 60 50 P (all good bulbs)
23. (2) f x dx = f x dx − f x dx
∞ f k 50 −∞ −∞
Z(f(k) = k=−∞ 𝑧 𝑘
𝑛 = − 0.5
𝑛 𝑛 −𝑘 5
∴𝑍 𝐶𝑘 = 𝐶𝑘 𝑧 4 1
𝑘=0 = −
5 2
= 1+nC1z-1+nC2z-4+nC3z-3+...nCnz-n 8−5 3
= = Join Us on FB :
= (1+z-1)n by binomial theorem
10 10
24. (1) 28. (2)
By Parseval’s identity for fourier transform 𝜆𝑥 English – Examsdaily Tamil – Examsdaily Tamil
∞ ∞ P(X=x) = 𝑒 −𝜆
F s G s ds = f x g x 𝑑𝑥 P(X=1) = 𝑒 −𝜆 1! = 𝜆e-𝜆= 0.3 … (1)
−∞ −∞ 2 Whatsapp Group
25. (3) P(X=2)=e = 0.2
Three balls will be of the same colour if either 𝑒 −𝜆 𝜆 2
⇒ = 0.2 … (2)
2 English - Click Here Tamil - Click Here
3 blue balls or 3 black balls are drawn
= P(3 blue balls or 3 black balls) ⇒
= P(3 blue balls)+P(3 black balls)
𝑒 −𝜆 𝜆 2
3𝐶3 4𝐶3 0.2
= + 2
9𝐶3 9𝐶3 𝜆𝑒 −𝜆 0.3
3×2×1 4×3×2 𝜆 2
1×2×3 1×2×3 ⇒ =
= 9×8×7
+ 9×8×7 2 3
1×2×3 1×2×3 4
1 4 5 3
= + = 29. (2)
84 84 84
26. (4) P = 5% = 100 = 0.5
Since P(x) is a probability mas function q = 1-P = 1-0.05
⇒ 𝑃 𝑥 =1 = 0.95
n = 15
⇒a+3a+5a+7a+9a+ 11a+13a+15a+17a= 1
By binomial distribution
⇒81a= 1
1 P(X=x) = nCxpxqn-x
∴𝑎= Required probability
27. (2) = P(exactly three defectives)
4 = P(X=3)
P(X < 60) =
5 = 15C3 (0.05)3 (0.95)12
30. (1)

7 8

MODEL QUESTION PAPER – 7 16. If n is the unit normal vector drawn outward to 3) 𝜋 I 4) 2 𝜋i
any closed surface s enclosing a volume V, 26. Find the Taylor series for f(z)=ez at z=0
with Detailed Solutions
then the value of r . nds = 1) 1+z+z2+z3+…
s 1 1 1
1) V 2) 2V 2) 1 + 𝑧 + 𝑧 2 + 𝑧 3 + ⋯
3 0 0 3
8. Particular integral of (D -3D +4D-2)y=e is 2 x

1. Find the eigen values of A = 5 4 0 3) 3V 4) 4V 𝑧 𝑧2 𝑧3

1) x 2) x2ex 3) 1 + 1! + + +⋯
2! 3!
3 6 1 x
4) xex 17. Divergence of curl of any vector is equal to
3) e 𝑧 𝑧2 𝑧3
1) 9, 16, 1 2) 3, 4, 1 ∂ 2u 1) 1 2) 0 4) 1 − 1 + − +⋯
2 3
9. If u=log (ax+by) then ∂x ∂y =
3) 1, 2, 3 4) 4, 5, 3 3) ∞ 4) not defined 27. Evaluate z
e dz where C is |z| = 10
3 10 5 a ab
18. Obtain the directional derivative of 𝜙=xy2 +
1) ax +by 2) ax +by
2. If the eigen value of A = −2 −3 −4 are 1) 0 2) 1
yz3 at the point (2, -1, 1) in the direction of i +
3 5 7 3)
−ab 3) 𝜋 4) 2𝜋i
2, 2, 3 then eigen values of A-1 are ax −by 5 ax +by 2 2j + 2k 0.6
1 10 11 28. If 0
f x dx = k f 0 + 4f 0.3 + f 0.6
1 1 1 10. If u= and r = (x-a) +(y-b) +(z-c)2 where x-
2 2 2
1) 2)
1) 2 , 2 , 3 2) 4, 4, 9 𝑟 3 3 thenthe value of k where Simpson’s rule is
11 10
1 1 1
3) 4 , 4 , 9 4) 2, 2, 3
a, y-b and z-c are not simultaneously zero, 3) − 4) − applied is
3 3
prove that 19. If ∇𝜙 = 2xyz3i+x2z3j+3x2yz2k find if 𝜙 if 𝜙 (1, 1) 0.1 2) 0.2
3. If 𝜆 is an eigen value of art orthogonal ∂2 u ∂2 u ∂2 u
matrixthen + + = -2, 3) = 4 3) 0.3 4) 0.4
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 1) xyz+3 2) x2yz3+20 29. The interpolation polynomial for the data
1)λ 2 is an eigen value 1) 0 2) 1 2 3
3) xy z +30 4) x3y2z+10 x -1 0 1 2
2) 𝜆+1 is an eigen value 3) xyz 4) u2(x+y+z) 20. Find the unit normal to the surface x=t; y=t2, f 1 1 1 -1
3) is an eigen value 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 then f(x) =
11. If u=x10+y10+z10 then 𝑥 +𝑦 +𝑧 = z=t3 at t=l
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
4) None of these 2 i+j+k –i−j+k 1) x3-x-1 2) 1+x+x2
1) u 2) u 1) 2)
2000 3 3 3) 1+x-x2 4) x+x2+x3
0300 3) 10 u 4) u10 i−j−k –i+j−k
4. A= 3) 4) 30. Find L(t sin 2t)
1 ∂2 u ∂2u ∂2 u
0010 12. If u= x 2 +y 2 +z 2 then + ∂y 2 + ∂z 2 = 3 3 4s 4s
∂x 2 1) s 2 +4 2)
0007 2 1
21. The maximum rate of change of the s 2 +4 2
Product of eigen values of A = 1)
x 2 +y 2 +z 2 2
x 2 +y 2 +z 2 2
temperature T=x+y+z at (1, 1, 1) is 3) s2 + 4 4) s2-4
1) 13 2) 35 3) x + y + z 2 2
2 2
4) x + y + z 2 3 2 2 1) 3 2) 2 31. Find L-1
𝑠+1 2
3) 8 4) 42 13. If z is a homogeneous function-then 3)1 4)0 t3
1 −1 2 4 𝜕 2𝑢 𝜕2𝑧 𝜕2𝑧 22. A vector function F is called solenoidal if 1) 2) e-tt
5. Find l and on such that 2 1 −1 3 has 𝑥 2 2 + 2𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦2 2 = 1) ∇×F = 0 3) e-t 4) e-stt3
7 −1 𝑙 𝑚 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦 2)∇F= 0
1) nz 2) n(n+1)z 3)F = 0 4)∇.F= 0 32. Let the Fourier sine transform of f(x) and g(x)
rank 2.
be Fs(s) and Gs(s). Then
1) l=4; m = 18 2) l =6; m = 26 3) n(n-1)z 4) n(n-1) 23. s
curl F. nds where S is the surface of a 2 ∞
3) l =22; m = 11 4) l =5; m = 10 14. Find the directional derivative of x2+2xy at (1, Fs s Gs s ds =1) 0 2)1
sphere of radius 5 is π 0
6. If u=x3 + y3 – 3axy, where a is positive, then -1, 3) in the direction of i + 2j + 2k 1) 1 2) 0

3) 0 f x f x dx 4)

f x + g x dx
4 7 0
the point (a, a) is 1) 3 2) 9 3) -1 4) 𝜋 ak
1) maximum 2)minimum 33. Find the z-transform of k!
14 14
3) 4) 11 24. ∇. ndv is equal to
3) critical point 4) None of these 9 v 1) eaz 2) ez
7. Solve P2-3P+2=0 15. Find the unit normal to the surfacex2+y2+z2=3 1) 1 2) 0 3) ez/a
4) ea/z
at (1,1, 1) 3) 1 4) v 34. From a group of 3 Indians 4 Pakistanis and 5
1) (y-x-c1) (y-2x-c2) = 0
i+j+k i−j−2k 25. The value of the integral
2) (y+x+c1) (y+2x+c2) = 0 1) 2) Americans, a subcommittee of four people is
3 3 3z 5 +4z−20
3) (y+c1)(x+c2) = 0 ii−2j−2k i+j+k c 𝑧−1
dzwhere |z| =0.5 is selected by lots. Find the probability that the
3) 3
4) 5
4) x+y+2xy+c 2 0 πi
1) 0 2)

1 2

subcommittee will consists of 2 Indians and 2 then the value of k is DETAILED SOLUTIONS 6. (2)
Pakistanis 1 1 1. (2) u = x3+y3-3axy
1) 12 2) 6
1) 495
2) 55 1 1 Characteristic equation of A ∂u
3) 25 4) 30 = 3x 2 − 3ay
4 7 = |A-𝜆I| ∂x
3) 201 4) 47 38. Four persons are chosen at random from a 3−𝜆 0 0 ∂2 u
= 5 = 6x
35. (z) Is the probability for the normal group containing 3 men, 2 women and 4 4−𝜆 0 =0 ∂x 2
distribution in the Standard form. It is given children. Find the chance that exactly two of 3 6 1−𝜆 ∂u
1.5 ⇒ (3-𝜆) (4-𝜆) (1-𝜆) = 0 = 3y 2 − 3ax
that ϕ (z)dz = 0.4332. Then the them will he children ∂y
0 10 20 ∴𝜆 = 1, 3, 4 ∂2 u
probabilitythat the standard normal variate is 1) 21 2) 21 = 6y
2. (1) ∂y 2
greater than -1.5 is 13 4
3) 21 4) 21 Result: 2
1) 0.4332 2) 0.5668 ∂ u
If the eigen values of a square matrix A are 𝜆1, = −3a
3) 0.9332 4) 0.0668 ∂x ∂y
𝜆2, … 𝜆n then eigen values of A-1 are
36. Which one of the following is not true? 1 1 1
∂2 u
, ,…λ = 6y
1) In Poisson distribution, mean = variance λ2 λ2 n ∂y 2
2) In a distribution function limx⟶−∞ F x = Given eigen values of A are 2, 2, 3 At (a, a)
1 1 1 1
∴ Eigen values of A-1 are 2 , 2 , 3 ∂2 u
𝐴= = 6a
3)Distribution function is an increasing 3. (3) ∂x 2
function ∂ u
If 𝜆 is an eigen value of an orthogonal matrix 𝐵= = −3a
4) In a normal distribution, mean = median 1 ∂x ∂y
Athen λ is also an eigen value of A.
∂2 u
4. (4) 𝐶 = 2 = 6a
37. If the probability distribution of a random For a diagonal matrix the diagonal matrix, the Clearly AC-B2 = 36a2-9a2 = 27a2
variable X is eigen values are the diagonal elements. Also A=6a = positive [∵ a is positive]
X 0 1 2 3 Clearly A is a diagonal matrix ∴AC-B2>0 A>0
P(x) 3k 1/3 2k 1/2 ∴ Eigen values are 2, 3, 1, 7 This implies (a, a) is minimum point.
ANSWERS Product of eigen values = 2 × 3 × 1 × 7 = 42 7. (1)
1. 2 2. 1 3. 3 4. 4 5. 1 6. 2 7. 1 8. 4 9. 4 10. 1 5. (1) P2-3P+2 = 0
11. 3 12. 1 13. 3 14. 1 15. 1 16. 3 17. 2 18. 3 19. 2 20. 2 1 −1 2 4 ⇒ (P-2)(P-1) = 0
21. 1 22. 4 23. 2 24. 1 25. 1 26. 3 27. 1 28. 1 29. 3 30. 2 𝐴 = 2 1 −1 3
∴P = 1, 2
31. 2 32. 3 33. 4 34. 2 35. 3 36. 2 37. 4 38. 1 7 −1 𝑙 𝑚
R2⟶R2-2R1 Let P = 1
R3⟶R3-7R1 ⇒dx = 1 ⇒ dy = dx
1-12 4
𝑑𝑦 = 𝑑𝑥
0 3-5 -5
1 −1 2 5 ⇒y = x+c1
𝐴~ 0 3 −5 −5 y-x-c1 = 0 … (1)
0 0 𝑙 − 4𝑚 − 18 Let P = 2
R3⟶ R3⟶ 2R2 dy
1 −1 2 4 ⇒dx = 2 ⇒ dy = 2dx
⇒ 𝐴~ 0 3 −5 −5
0 6 𝑙 − 14𝑚 − 28 ⇒ 𝑑𝑦 = 2 𝑑𝑥
Since rank = 2, each entries of 3rd row = 0 ⇒ y = 2x+c2
⇒ l – 4 = 0 and m-18 = 0 y-2x-c2 =0 … (2)
⇒ l =4 and m = 18
3 4

From (1) and (2) solution is −𝑟 3 + 3 𝑥 − 𝑎 𝑟 2

𝑥−𝑎 𝜕2𝑢 𝜕2𝑢 𝜕2𝑢 ∇𝜙 at (1, 1, 1)
4 ∴ + +
(y-x-c1) (y-2x-c2) = 0 = 𝜕𝑥 2 𝜕𝑦 2 𝜕𝑧 2 = 2(1)i+2(1)j+2(1)k
8. (4) 3 𝑥 − 𝑎 2 − 𝑟2 −6 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 2 + 8 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 = 2i+2j+2k
𝑒𝑥 = =
𝑃. 𝐼. = 3 𝑟5 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 4 Unit normal to the surface
𝐷 − 3𝐷2 + 4𝐷 − 2 Similarly 2
−6 𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 2 2 2 2
+8 𝑥 +𝑦 +𝑧 2 2 2 ∇𝜙
𝑒𝑥 = =
𝜕2𝑢 3 𝑦 − 𝑏 2 − 𝑟2 2
𝑥 +𝑦 +𝑧 2 2 4 ∇𝜙
1 −3 1 2+4 1 −2
3 = 2 2 2 2 2𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 2𝑘
𝜕𝑦 2 𝑟5 2 𝑥 +𝑦 +𝑧 =
𝑒𝑥 = 4 + 4+4
= 𝜕 𝑢 3 𝑧 − 𝑐 2 − 𝑟2
2 2
𝑥 +𝑦 +𝑧 2 2 4
0 = 2𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 2𝑘
ex 𝜕𝑧 2 𝑟5 2 =
Now 3 = 2 2 3
D −3D +4D−2 Therefore 𝑥 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 2
𝑒𝑥 𝜕2𝑢 𝜕2𝑢 𝜕2𝑢 𝑖+𝑗+𝑘
= 2 + +
13. (3) =
𝐷 − 2𝐷 + 2 𝐷 − 1 𝜕𝑥 2 𝜕𝑦 2 𝜕𝑧 2 By Extended Euler’s theorem 3
𝑒𝑥 3 𝑥 − 𝑎 2 + 𝑦 − 𝑏 2 + 𝑧 − 𝑐 2 − 𝑟2 2
𝜕 𝑢 2
𝜕 𝑢 2
𝜕 𝑧 16. (3)
=𝑥 2 = 𝑥 2 2 + 2𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦2 2 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
𝐷 − 2𝐷 + 2 𝑟5 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦 ∇. 𝑟 = 𝑖+ 𝑗 + 𝑘 𝑥𝑖 + 𝑦𝑗 + 𝑧𝑘
𝑒𝑥 3 𝑟2 − 𝑟2 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
=𝑥 = =0
= n(n-1)z
1 2 − 2(1) + 2 𝑟5 14. (1) =3
11. (3) 2 By Gauss Divergence theorem
Let𝜙 = x + 2xy
= xex u=x10+y10+z10 is a homogeneous function of 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
9. (4) degree 10. Therefore by Euler’s theorem ∇𝜙 = 𝑖 +𝑗 +𝑘 𝑥 2 + 2𝑥𝑦 F. n ds = ∇. 𝐹 𝑑𝑣
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
u = log(ax+by) 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 𝜕 2 𝜕 2 x 𝑣
∂u b 𝑥 +𝑦 +𝑧 = 10𝑢 =𝑖 𝑥 + 2𝑥𝑦 + 𝑗 𝑥 + 2𝑥𝑦
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦
∂y ax + by ∴ 𝑟. 𝑛𝑑𝑠 ∇. 𝑟𝑑𝑣
12. (1) 𝜕 2
𝜕2𝑦 𝜕 𝑏 1 +𝑘 𝑥 + 2𝑥𝑦 𝑠
= 𝑢= 2 𝜕𝑧
𝜕𝑥𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑥 𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦 𝑥 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 = 3 dv
= (2x + 2y)i+(2x)j+0k
−𝑎𝑏 𝜕𝑢 −2𝑥 ∇𝜙 = 1, −1, 3 3 × volume = 3V
= = 2 17. (2)
𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏𝑦 2 𝜕𝑥 𝑥 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 2 = [2(1) + 2(-1)]i+2(1)j
10. (1) ∂2 u = 2j Divergence of curl of any vector F = ∇.(∇×F)
∂u ∂u ∂r ∂x 2 e = unit vector along i + 2j+2k =0
= .
∂x ∂r ∂x − 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 2 2 + 2x. 2 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 2x 𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 2𝑘 𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 2𝑘 18. (3)
−1 𝜕𝑟 = = = 𝜙 = 𝑥𝑦 2 + 𝑦𝑧 3
= 2 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 1+4+4 3
𝑟 𝜕𝑥 −2 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 2 + 8𝑥 2 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
Directional derivative ∇𝜙 = 𝑖 +𝑗 +𝑘 𝑥𝑦 2 + 𝑦𝑧 2
Now r2 = (x-a)2+(y-b)2+(z-c)2 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧
𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 4 ∇𝜙. 𝑒
2r∂x = 2(x-a) Similarly 𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 2𝑘 = 𝑦 2 𝑖 + 2𝑥𝑦 + 𝑧 3 + 3𝑦𝑧 2 𝑘
= 2𝑗 ∇𝜙 2, −1, 1
𝜕𝑟 𝑥 − 𝑎 𝜕2𝑦 3
∴ = 4 = −1 2 𝑖 + 2 2 −1 + 12 𝑗
𝜕𝑥 𝑟 𝜕𝑦 2 =
𝜕𝑢 −1 𝜕𝑟 −2 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 2 + 8𝑦 2 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 3 + 3 −1 1 2 𝑘
⇒ = 2. =
𝜕𝑥 𝑟 𝜕𝑥 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2
15. (1) = i-3j-3k
− 𝑥−𝑎 2 Let 𝜙= x2+y2+z2-3 𝑒 = unit vector in the direction of i+2j+2k
= ∂ u
𝑟3 𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 2𝑘 𝑖 + 2𝑗 + 2𝑘
𝜕𝑟 ∂x 2 ∇𝜙 = 𝑖 +𝑗 +𝑘 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 = =
𝜕2𝑢 −𝑟 3 + 𝑥 − 𝑎 . 3𝑟 2 −2 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 2 + 8z 2 𝑥 2 + 𝑦 2 + 𝑧 2 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 1+4+4 3
= = −3 ∴ Required directional derivative
𝜕𝑥 2 𝑟6 𝑥2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 4
= 2xi+2yj+2zk = ∇𝜙.e

5 6

𝑖+2𝑗 +2𝑘 ∂ ∂ ∂ f(1) = 1 + 1- 1 = 1

= (i – 3j – 3k). 3
= i∂x (x + y + z)+j∂y (x + y + z) + k∂z (x + y +
f(2) = 1+2-22 = -1
1 z)
= 1−6−6 Required polynomial
3 = i+j+k
−11 = 1+x-x2
= ∇T (1, 1, 1) = i+j+ k
3 30. (2)
Maximum rate of change
19. (2) Formula
|∆T| = 12 + 12 + 12
𝜕𝜙 𝜕𝜙 𝜕𝜙 If L[f(t)] = F(s) then
∇𝜙 = 𝑖 +𝑗 +𝑘 = 3 3z 5 +4z−20 −d
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 Let f(z) = L[t f(t)] = ds F(s)
22. (4) z−1
= 2xyz3i+x2z3j+3x2yz2k Let f(t) = sin 2t
𝜕𝜙 A vector function is called solenoidal if Clearly f(z) is not analytic at z = 1
= 2𝑥𝑦𝑧 3 … (1) But z=1 lies outside of the circle |z| =0.5 L (f(t)) = L(sin 2t)=s 2 +4
𝜕𝑥 div F = 0
= 𝑥2 𝑧3 … (2) i.e. ∇.F = 0 3𝑧 5 + 4𝑧 − 20 −𝑑 2
𝜕𝑦 ∴𝑓 𝑧 = ∴ 𝐿 𝑡 sin 2𝑡 =
𝜕𝜙 23. (2) 𝑧−1 𝑑𝑠 𝑠 2 + 4
= 3𝑥 2 𝑦𝑧 2 … (3) is analytic at all points inside and on the closed 𝑠 2 + 4 0 − 2.2𝑠
𝜕𝑧 ∇.(curlF) = ∇.(∇×F) = 0 =−
Integrating (1), (2) and (3) with respect to x, y, By Gauss divergence theorem contour |z| =0.5 𝑠2 + 4 2
z respectively we get ∴By Cauchy’s theorem 4𝑠
𝜙(x, y, z) =x2yz3+f(y,z) … (4) = 2
F. n ds = ∇. F dv 3𝑧 5 + 4𝑧 − 20 𝑠 +4 2
𝜙(x, y, z) = x2yz3+g(x, z) … (5) 𝑓 𝑧 𝑑𝑧 = 𝑑𝑧 = 0 31. (2)
s v 𝑧−1
𝜙(x, y, z) = x2yz3+h(x, y) … (6) 𝑐 𝑐 Formula:
From (4), (5) and (6) ∴ 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑙 𝐹 . 𝑛𝑑𝑠 26. (3) L-1 [F(s+a)] = e-atL-1[F(s)]
𝜙(x, y, z) = x2yz3+k where k is a constant Taylor series expansion of e‘ at z=0 is 1
𝑠 Now L-1
Given *(1, -2, 2) – 4 𝑧 𝑧2 𝑧3 𝑠+1 2
1+ + + +⋯ 1
⇒ (1)2(-2)(2)3+k = 4 = ∇ . 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑙 𝐹 𝑑𝑣 1! 2! 3! = e-t L-1
⇒ -16+k=4 ⇒ k=20 27. (1) -t
𝑣 = e .t
∴𝜙 (x, y, z)=x2yz3+20 =0 If f(z) is analytic inside and on the curve C
32. (3)
20. (2) 24. (1) By Parseval’s identity for Fourier sine
t3 =t.t2 By Gauss divergence theorem transform
⇒ z =xy 𝑓 𝑧 𝑑𝑧 = 0 ∞ ∞
∴Given surface 𝜙 = z-xy F . nds = ∇. F dv 𝑐 𝐹𝑠 𝐺𝑠 𝑠 𝑑𝑠 = 𝑓 𝑥 𝑔 𝑥 𝑑𝑥
Clearly f(z) = ez is analytic everywhere. 𝜋
𝜕 𝜕 𝜕 s v 0 0
∇𝜙 = 𝑖 +𝑗 +𝑘 𝑧 − 𝑥𝑦 Therefore f(z) is analytic within and on |z| =
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 33. (4)
= -yi-xj+k ∴ ∇. 𝑛 𝑑𝑣 = 𝑛. 𝑛 𝑑𝑠 = 𝑆 10 Formula:
∇(1,1, 1) =-i – j+k 𝑠 𝑠 ⇒ c
ez dz = 0 by Cauchy’s theorem. Z[f(t)] = ∞ f k
k=−∞ 𝑧 𝑘
∇ϕ (surface of the volume V) 28. (1)
unit normal = ∞ 𝑎 𝑘
∇ϕ 25. (1) h = interval length = 0.3 𝑎𝑘 𝑧
−𝑖 − 𝑗 + 𝑘 Cauchy’s theorem 1
∴𝑧 = ∵𝑘≥0
= By Simpson’s 3 rule 𝑘! 𝑘!
2 2 𝑘=0
−1 + −1 + 12 If a function f(z) is analytic at all points inside
𝑕 0.3 𝑎 𝑎 2 𝑎 3
−𝑖 − 𝑗 + 𝑘 𝑘= = = 0.1
= and on a closed contour C then f(z)dz = 0 𝑧 𝑧 𝑧
c 3 3 = 1+ + + …
3 1! 2! 3!
29. (3) 𝑎
21. (1) =𝑒
Consider f(x) = 1+x-x2 𝑧
𝜕 𝜕 𝜕
∇𝑇 = 𝑖+ 𝑗+ 𝑘 𝑥+𝑦+𝑧 f(-1) = 1 – 1 -(-1)2=-1 34. (2)
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 Required probability
f(0) = l+0-02 =l

7 8

Number of favourable cases 5

⇒5k + 6 = 1
Total number of cases 5 1
3𝐶2 × 4𝐶2 ⇒ 5k = 1 - 6 = 6
12𝐶4 1
3×2 4×3 ∴𝑘=
× 1×2 18 2 30
= 12×11×10×9 = = 38. (1)
495 55
1×2×3×4 Out of 4 children two children can be selected
35. (3) in 4C2 ways
P(X>-1.5) = P(-1.5<x<∞) The remaining, two persons tan be chosen
= P(-1.5<X<0)+P(0<X<∞) from 5 persons (3 men + 2 women) in 5C2
= P(0<X<1.5)+P(0<X<∞) ways.
= 0.4332+0.5 ∴ Required probability
= 0.9332 4𝐶2 × 5𝐶2
36. (2) 9𝐶4
limx⟶−∞ F x = 1 is wrong 4×3 5×4
1×2 1×2
correct answer is limx⟶−∞ F x = 0 = 9×8×7×6
37. (4) 1×2×3×4
For a probability mass function 10
=1 21
Total probability
⇒ 3k + l + 2k + 2 = l

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