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CONVERSION DISORDER Do you believe that your mom’s condition is mainly

precipitating it?
Psychotic Questions:
Ever see or hear voices when other people can’t? SAD
Any strange feeling on the skin (tactile) Do you think you need help?
Any strange experience when you sleep or upon walking If there is fire in the hospital right now, what will you do?
up? (Htpnogogic/ hypnopumpic)
Nightmares? Strong smell? I would like to ask examiner about
ENT – throat tonsil, larynx, nose, ear
Thought Content Rapidly check other systems
Do you think people want to harm you?
Is there anyone who is trying to influence you? Stress Reaction
Is there anything you can’t get rid out of your mind?
Do you ever feel that the TV is talking to you or about you?
Do you think you have special powers?
Do you think people can read your mind? According to history and physical examination your recent
loss of voice is most likely related to your mother’s
MOOD questions condition and the stressful environment that you recently
How do you feel? experienced.
How is your spirit?
What is your pattern of sleep? In medical terms, it is called Conversion Disorder.
Anhedonia – sex and other activities +Social This condition happened when our mind is over stressed
Appetite? by surrounding problem
Our brain and mind is connected together so our body
Suicidal ideation? Still interested in life or not? reacts.
Have energy to live? Normally, we have some stresses and anxiety but we can
Do you think life is still worth living? manage it without body response.
Do yo want to harm yourself? But in severe cases, the body response and in your case
Do you have plans or have planned to commit suicide? your lost your voice.
It has a good prognosis
Judgment I need to refer you to ENT specialist to examine you
If you find a sealed envelope with stamp, address what will thoroughly and confirm the diagnosis
you do? I can arrange a family meeting if you want to do so and we
If there is any fire in the room what will you do? can discuss about it.
Do you think you need any help? I can arrange to contact oncologist who can give you
What’s your plan for the future? higher dose of painkiller for your mother’s pain
And then we’ll refer you for counselor who can help you
I understand what you are feeling – about your mom’s with this condition by certain methods like Cognitive
condition Behaviour Therapy
I am really sorry about your condition If not responding well, we can refer you to psychologist
I know you lost your voice but I need to ask some Good prognosis if
questions sudden onset,
You can understand by nodding your head clear identifiable stress,
above average questions
Has this happened before? (The lost of voice) Symptoms of paralysis, blindness and aphonia has good
Any cough or hoarseness of voice before? prognosis
Can you make any sound? Or can you cough for me?
Do you feel any lump in the throat that makes it difficult to Bad prognosis:
talk 1. comorbid mental
Do you have any surgery of running nose or flu recently 2. seizure/ conversion tremor
Do you feel anxious of your mom’s pain and condition and
you can’t tell
Are you feeling with your family now? Any problem there?
Are you studying or working?
How is your mood now?
Do you feel low or guilty?
Can you sleep? Or your mom’s condition interrupt your
Recently, did you lose your interest in what you used to
 other mood, thought and judgment questions
Any headache? Abdominal pain? Any systemic diseases?

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