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1.What institutions and political entities are

organized in accordance with regulations, laws,
and norms of the society or of themselves?
2.Which refers to patterned institutions or groups
in the society where people work, act and live
3.What is the entity formed for administrative or
political functions?
4.What type of political organization is described
if people of a small group move from one town
to another and obtain food, they gather and
hunt, relying on what nature can give?
5.What type of political organization is described
if people practice cultivation, a certain
agricultural method?
6-8 Enumerate the inherent powers of the state
9. What type of political organization is described
where before the arrival of Spaniards in the
Philippines, territories in the country were
governed by select elite families?
10. What type of political organization is
described if Philippines is a sovereign nation?
True or False 1. Power is more than authority.
__________ 2. Rachelle recently passed the
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) board
exams. For passing the board exams, she is now
entitled to receive her license and practice her
craft. What does a license represent?
___________ 3. For being elected by the
people and following the rights and duties
declared in existing laws, public official are
seen publicly as a group of people whose orders
should be followed. What do civil servants
have according to the scenario?
____________ 4. The United Kingdom is one
among few states in the world that practice
monarchy. Currently, their monarch is Queen
Elizabeth II. She inherited the throne after the
death of her father in 1952. What type of legal
rule is manifested by the constitutional
monarchy of the United Kingdom?
___________ 5. Jose Salcedo, who is known
for his wit, ambition, vision and unique qualities
as a leader and speaker, persuaded some people
to take part in his newly-founded religious
group. What type of legitimate rule is
manifested in the scenario?
1. What is the chain of giving, receiving, and repaying goods and services.
2. What type of reciprocity is defined as the exchange of equal advantages.
3. What type of reciprocity refers to giving something without the
anticipation of immediate return.
4. You are with a friend while shopping, and you treat him a cup of coffee.
After a couple of weeks, the two of you went shopping again and your friend,
this time, bought you a cup of coffee. What type of reciprocity is shown?
5. Your neighbor is about to migrate to Canada, and she desperately needs to
sell her car before leaving. It is almost new and costed her six hundred
thousand pesos. You offered to buy it for just three hundred thousand pesos.
She accepted your offer because she had no other choice. What type of
reciprocity is shown?
6. What is being referred to as the redistribution of income or resources in the
market system.
7. An individual or a family received goods and services from the
government without having to give anything in return. What kind of activity
is the government performing?
8. What economic institution provides public goods and services to people?
9. What government agency received the highest amount of budget.
10. Households and firms pay taxes to the government. What does the
government provide in return?
11. What is the system of exchange which involves the collection of goods by
a centralized authority to be distributed among people?
12. What is the ceremonial feasts where possessions of people are given a
way to display prosperity, kindness and prestige?
13. What refers to donations to religious institutions for projects and
14. Redistribution gives a sense of feeling that people in the community are
taken care of. True or False
15. The national government is conducting relief operations to those affected
by the calamity in various provinces. This is an example of _____________.
16. Where do buyers and sellers transact economic goods and services?
17. What is the condition do the consumer and producer reach an agreement
regarding the price and quantity of goods and services to be bought and sold?
18. What type of market structure that is characterized by a single seller of a
well-defined product where there is no available substitute?
19. What is the type of market that deals with exchange of liquid assets?
20. What type of financial market that deals exchange of debt securities?
True or False 1. International Organizations provide venues for disputes and war
2. It is a non-state institution which are groups that promote voluntary
cooperation among its members and has branches from numerous countries.
True or False 3. Development Agencies exist to promote business efficiency and
competitiveness to increase economic growth and sustainable development.
4. It is a non-state institution which is a local or international groups committed to
pursuing specific developmental agendas of the state.
True or False 5. Transnational advocacy groups do not raise the voice of the
people with regard to realistic issues experienced worldwide.
6. It is a non-state institution which are networks, not bound by any national or
international border, that defends a cause or proposition.
7. It is a non-state institution which is a voluntary organization of people who
have agreed to pool their resources together to undertake an economic
enterprise to meet their everyday needs.
8. It is a non-state institution which is a voluntary association of either employees,
employers, or independent workers to protect their interest and become an
instrument of defense against exploitation and maltreatment.
9. It is a government agency that manages and controls cooperatives.
10. It is a type of cooperative that promotes thriftiness among its affiliates, and
creates funds to grant loans for productive endeavor of members
11. It is a type of cooperative that procures and distributes commodities to
members and non-members
12. It is a type of cooperative that undertakes joint agricultural or industrial
13. It is a non-state institution that is an organization of people legally bound by a
charter to conduct some type of business.
14-15 Enumerate the types corporation
16. It is known as the bank of all banks in the Philippines.
17-19 Enumerate the different types of banks
20. It refers to institutions that are organized by private individuals or groups for
the purpose of providing services to the members of society.
1. It is a term that means as something that has been arranged into
2-3 Enumerate the types of stratification
4. It is a type of stratification that refers to the kind and degree of distribution
of resources within a social system
5. It is a type of stratification that is best explained as the extent to which such
inequalities are enclosed in, or influenced by, political structures and
6. It refers to the process by which individuals are cut off from full involvement
in the wider circles of society.
7-8 Enumerate the 2 primary systems of social stratification
9. It is a social stratification system that impose rigid boundaries between
social groups and limit interactions among members who belong to different
social groups or occupy different levels in the social hierarchy.
10. It is a social stratification system that is based on achievement, allowing
more flexibility in social roles, increased social mobility and better interactions
among social groups and classes.
11. It is an example of a closed stratification system where people are unable
to change their social standing and promotes social inequality.
12. It is an example of open stratification system where it is based on
ownership of resources and the individual’s occupation or profession.
13. What is a factor that affects social stratification?
14-16 Enumerate examples of social desirables
17. It is determined by personal effort and merit.
18. It is the ability of individuals or groups to change their positions within a
social stratification system.
19-22 Enumerate the different types of social mobility
23. It is a type of social mobility that refers to the changes in social standing
experienced by individuals belonging to different generations.
24. It is a type of social mobility that focuses on the experience of people who
belong to the same generation.
25. It is a type of social mobility that refers to the lowering of an individual’s
social class.

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