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March 13, 2020


RE: Suspension of Classes From March 16-28, 2020

In light of the uncertainties posed by the health risks of the COVID-19 threat and the
subsequent directive issued by the Office of the Cebu City Mayor, CATS Aero College
is suspending classes from March 16 to 28, 2020. For the duration of this suspension
of classes, the following measures are being implemented:

1. All instructors are asked to utilize and implement alternative means of delivery of
their classes for the duration of the suspension. This includes ensuring that
online or remote access of their subject’s materials and requirements will be
arranged accordingly and made available to their students as soon as possible.

2. Students are also reminded to continue coordinating with their instructors within
this time and to comply with the requirements issued to them.

3. Students are encouraged to stay home, in the understanding that their education
is not suspended but given an alternative means of delivery. Compliance of
requirements of what is due for each subject should still be the priority of
students for the duration of this suspension.

4. Kindly also continue to practice the advised sanitary and hygienic practices
circulated and implemented by the national government.

These measures are subject to change based on any developments of this public
health emergency. Kindly keep yourselves updated through any announcements
made on the official school website, as well as through the official Facebook pages of
the school and its Supreme Student Council.

Thank you and please be guided accordingly.

CATS Aero College Administration

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