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(Approved by AICTE - New Delhi, Govt. of A.P.)
NAAC Accredited Institution






To provide mind winding education for the students along with social ethics and values, this will be able to
provide entrepreneur technocrats to the society.

Empowering the students to gain knowledge in technical field along with discipline to produce efficient
engineers for brightening up various sectors with their innovative thoughts.

 Impart up to date knowledge in the students chosen fields to
make them quality Engineers
 Make the students experience the applications on quality
equipment and tools.
 Provide quality environment and services to all stock holders.
 Provide Systems, resources and opportunities for continuous
 Maintain global standards in education, training, and services

LESSON PLAN: 2018-19

A Good Lesson Plan is instrumental for the delivery of course content in a competent way
so that students get benefited in view of learning, developing good skill set, updating with current
trends in industry etc., Delivery including latest trends in the technology and applications brings
deep insight of the course in students. As the plan includes the home assignments, quizzes, course
projects etc., it carries out the continuous assessment of student learning (course outcomes).

The course delivery in adherence to the lesson plan is ensured through course level audit forms on
regular basis

III B.Tech I - Sem L T/P/D C

4 0 3

III B. Tech, Ist Semester (electrical & electronics engineering)

Subject Code : R1631021
AcademicYear : 2018 –19
Number of workingdays :90
Number of Hours/week :5
Total number ofperiodsplanned :
Name of theFacultyMember : k. sureshkumar

Basic knowledge on algorithms, power generation


To compute inductance and capacitance of transmission lines and to understand the concepts of
To study short and medium length transmission lines, their models and performance
To study the performance and modelling of long transmission lines.
To study the transient on transmission lines.
To study the factors affecting the performance of transmission lines and power factor
To discuss sag and tension computation of transmission lines as well as to study the overhead


After completion of this course, the student will able to

 Able to understand parameters of various types of transmission lines for using calculation
and behavior during different operating conditions.
 Able to understand the insight into specific transmission lines short and medium type which
would have application in medium and high voltage power transmission systems.
 Student will be able to understand the surge propagation, reflection and refraction in
transmission lines. such output will be useful in protecting transmission line insulators and
designing level of insulation coordination at various high voltages.
 Will be able to utilize it for understanding the surge behavior of transmission line for
protection of connects equipment’s, viz. power transformer and system connected shunt
 Will be able to understand various phenomenon related to charged line transmitting
different level of power.
 Will be able to understand physical and geometrical parameters of transmission line for safe
and efficient performance during operating condition of voltage and power.


Programme Outcomes Weightage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO-1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 86%
CO-2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 80%
CO-3 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 80%
CO-4 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 83%
CO-5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 83%
CO-6 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 80%

Rating Scale: 1 – Slightly 2 – Moderately 3 – Substantive


Text Books

 Electrical power systems – by C.L. Wadhwa, New Age International (P) Limited,
Publishers, 1998.
 Modern Power System Analysis by I.J. Nagarath and D.P.Kothari, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2nd
 Electrical Power Systems by P.S.R. Murthy, B.S. Publications.

Reference Books

 Power system Analysis–by John J Grainger William D Stevenson, TMC Companies, 4th
 Power System Analysis and Design by B.R. Gupta, Wheeler Publishing.
 A Text Book on Power System Engineering by M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta, U.S. Bhatnagar A
.Chakrabarthy, DhanpatRai& Co Pvt. Ltd.

Open Learning Resources for self-learning


DM1: Chalk and Talk

DM2: Demonstration (Physical / Laboratory / AudioVisuals)



AM1: SemesterEndExamination AM2: Mid Term Examination

AM3: HomeAssignments


Weightages in marks Weightages in

S. No. Assessment Methodology for the courses marks for the
courses without
Home Assignments 5%
2. Assignment 5
3. Internal Examination 25
4. External Examination 70


On the beginning day of each unit, home assignment sheet is given to the students and the
solution sheet for the same is expected after two days of the completion of unit.




Transmission Line Parameters : Types of conductors – Calculation of resistance for solid conductors –
Calculation of inductance for single phase and three phase– Single and double circuit lines– Concept of
GMR and GMD–Symmetrical and asymmetrical conductor configuration with and without transposition–
Numerical Problems–Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire and 3 wire systems – Effect of ground on
capacitance – Capacitance calculations for symmetrical and asymmetrical single and three phase–Single and
double circuit lines–Numerical Problem.
Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to know

 Able to understand parameters of various types of transmission lines for using calculation
and behavior during different operating conditions.
 Able to understand the insight into specific transmission lines
 Analyze how power can be transmitted to consumer ends



1. Calculation of inductance for single phase and 3 phase line

S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of


1 Introduction about power transmission 1 Black Bord

2RtrTypes of conductors 1 Black Bord
3 3 Black Bord
Calculation of inductance for single phase and 3 phase line
4 concept of GMR & GMD, symmetrical and asymmetrical conductor 2 Black Bord
configuration with and without transposition
5Calculation of capacitance for 2 wire and 3 wire systems 2 Black Bord

6E effect of ground on capacitance, capacitance calculations for 4 Black Bord

symmetrical and asymmetrical single and three phase, single and + PPT
double circuit line
Total 13

2. What is effect of ground on capacitance, capacitance calculations for symmetrical and

asymmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit line

3. Explain Types of conductors

4. What is effect of ground on capacitance, capacitance calculations for symmetrical and

asymmetrical single and three phase, single and double circuit line


1. Calculation of inductance for single phase and 3 phase line

2. Calculation of capacitance for single phase and 3 phase line


Performance of Short and Medium Length Transmission Lines

Classification of Transmission Lines – Short, medium and long line and their model representations
– Nominal- T, Nominal-Pie and A, B, C, D Constants for symmetrical & Asymmetrical Networks,
Numerical Problems. Mathematical Solutions to estimate regulation and efficiency of all types of
lines – Numerical Problems.

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

 vector representation of medium transmission lines
 vector representation of long transmission lines
 Formulate the how to overcome transmission line losses to improve p.f

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. Method of Teaching

1 UNIT-II: Classification of Transmission Lines – Short, medium 1 Black Bord

and long line and their model representations
2 Nominal- T method 2 Black Bord + PPT
3 Nominal-Pie method 2 Black Bord+ PPT
4 A, B, C, D Constants for symmetrical & Asymmetrical Networks, 2 Black Bord
Numerical Problems
5 Mathematical Solutions to estimate regulation and efficiency of all 3 Black Bord
types of lines – Numerical Problems.
Total classes 10
1. Classification of Transmission Lines – Short, medium and long line and their model
2. Explain Nominal- T method
3. Explain Nominal- method
4. Mathematical Solutions to estimate regulation and efficiency of all types of lines

1. Explain Nominal- T method
2. Explain Nominal- method


Performance of Long Transmission Lines

Long Transmission Line-Rigorous Solution, evaluation of A,B,C,D Constants, Interpretation of the

Long Line Equations, Incident, Reflected and Refracted Waves -Surge Impedance and SIL of Long
Lines, Wave Length and Velocity of Propagation of Waves – Representation of Long Lines –
Equivalent-T and Equivalent Pie network models (numerical problems)

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

 Representation of long transmission lines T method
 Representation of long transmission lines PIE method
 Solve transmission line problems and planed to improve efficienc

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of Teaching

1 UNIT-III : Long Transmission Line-Rigorous Solution 1 Black Bord

2E valuation of A,B,C,D Constants, Interpretation of the Long 2 Black Bord
Line Equations, Incident, Reflected and Refracted Waves
3S surge Impedance and SIL of Long Lines, Wave Length and 1 Black Bord + PPT
Velocity of Propagation of Waves
4Re representation of Long Lines – Equivalent-T and Equivalent 4 Black Bord
Pie network models (numerical problems).
Total 8

1. Long Transmission Line-Rigorous Solution

2. valuate of A,B,C,D Constants, Interpretation of the Long Line Equations, Incident, Reflected and
Refracted Waves
3. what is surge Impedance and SIL of Long Lines, Wave Length and Velocity of Propagation of
4. representation of Long Lines – Equivalent-T and Equivalent Pie network models


1. Long Transmission Line-Rigorous Solution

2. what is surge Impedance and SIL of Long Lines, Wave Length and Velocity of Propagation of
3. representation of Long Lines – Equivalent-T and Equivalent Pie network models


Power System Transients

Types of System Transients – Travelling or Propagation of Surges – Attenuation, Distortion,

Reflection and Refraction Coefficients – Termination of lines with different types of conditions –
Open Circuited Line, Short Circuited Line, T-Junction, Lumped Reactive Junctions (Numerical
Problems). Bewley’s Lattice Diagrams (for all the cases mentioned with numerical examples)

Objectives: This unit enables the students to

 Effects on transmission lines and reducing methods
 Design the overhead insulators and their arrangement
 How to control transiemnts

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of

1 UNIT – IV : Types of System Transients – Travelling or 2 Black Bord

Propagation of Surges –
A attenuation, Distortion, Reflection and Refraction Coefficients 2
2 termination of lines with different types of conditions – Open 3 Black Bord
Circuited Line, Short Circuited Line, T-Junction, Lumped Reactive
Junctions (Numerical Problems)
3B Bewley’s Lattice Diagrams (for all the cases mentioned with 2 Black Bord
numerical examples).
Total classes 9


1. Types of System Transients – Travelling or Propagation of Surges

2. termination of lines with different types of conditions – Open Circuited Line,
3. termination of lines with different types of conditions –Short Circuited Line termination of lines
with different types of conditions T-Junction,
4. termination of lines with different types of conditions –Lumped Reactive Junctions

1. What are the Types of System Transients – Travelling or Propagation of Surges
2. termination of lines with different types of conditions – Open Circuited Line


Various Factors Governing the Performance of Transmission line

Skin and Proximity effects – Description and effect on Resistance of Solid Conductors – Ferranti
effect – Charging Current – Effect on Regulation of the Transmission Line, Shunt Compensation.
Corona – Description of the phenomenon, factors affecting corona, critical voltages and power loss,
Radio Interference and power factor improving methods

At the end of this unit the student will be able to
1. Solve transmission line problems and planed to improve efficiency
2. Design the overhead insulators and their arrangement
3. Generalize the Performance of medium transmission lines

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of
Hrs. Teaching

1 Skin and Proximity effects 1 Black Bord

2des desscription and effect on Resistance of Solid Conductors – 2 Black Bord
Ferranti effect – Charging Current
3 Effect on Regulation of the Transmission Line, Shunt 1 Black Bord + PPT
4 Corona – Description of the phenomenon 1 Black Bord
5 Factors affecting corona, critical voltages and power loss, Radio 2 Black Bord
6Ty Insulators, String efficiency and Methods for improvement, 2 Black Bord
Numerical Problems
7V voltage distribution, calculation of string efficiency, 2 Black Bord
Capacitance grading and Static Shielding.
Total classes 11


1. define Skin and Proximity effects.

2. What is Effect on Regulation of the Transmission Line, Shunt Compensation

3. What are Factors affecting corona, critical voltages and power loss, Radio Interference

4. calculation of string efficiency, Capacitance grading and Static Shielding


1.What is Effect on Regulation of the Transmission Line, Shunt Compensation

2. What are Factors affecting corona, critical voltages and power loss, Radio Interference


Sag and Tension Calculations and over head line insulators

Sag and Tension Calculations with equal and unequal heights of towers, Effect of Wind and Ice
on weight of Conductor, Numerical Problems – Stringing chart and sag template and its
applications Types of Insulators, String efficiency and Methods for improvement, Numerical
Problems – voltage distribution, calculation of string efficiency, Capacitance grading and Static
Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to
1. Solve transmission line problems and planed to improve efficiency
2. Design the overhead insulators and their arrangement
3. Generalize the Performance of medium transmission lines

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of
Hrs. Teaching

1UN Sag and Tension Calculations with equal and unequal heights of 3 Black Bord

2 Effect of Wind and Ice on weight of Conductor 3 Black Bord

3St stringing chart and sag template and its applications 3 Black Bord

4 Numerical problems on sag 2

Total 11
1. Derive Sag and Tension equal heights of towers
2. Derive Sag and Tension equal heights of towers
3. Effect of Wind and Ice on weight of Conductor


1. Derive Sag and Tension equal heights of towers

2. Derive Sag and Tension equal heights of towers
Code No: R1631021 R16 SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B

1. a) What is the need of double circuit transmission line? [3M]
b) What is the effect of line capacitance for lagging load? [2M]
c) Why rigorous solution method is required for long lines. [2M]
d) What is meant by Wave front? [2M]
e) What is meant by Ferranti effect? [3M]
f) What are the main components of overhead lines? [2M]
2. a) What are ACSR conductors? Explain the advantages of ACSR conductors when used [7M]
for overhead lines.
b) Calculate the capacitance per phase of a three phase, three wire system by considering [7M]
earth effect, when the conductors are arranged in a horizontal plane with spacing
D12=D23=3.5m, and D31=7m. The conductors are transposed and each has a diameter
of 2.0 cm. Assume the transmission line is 4m above the ground level.

3. a) What are various parameters of a transmission line and how they are considered for [7M]
different lines?
b) A three-phase line delivers 3600 kW at a power factor 0.8 lagging to a load. If the [7M]
sending end voltage is 33 kV, determine i) receiving end voltage ii) line current iii)
transmission efficiency. The resistance and reactance of each conductor is 5.31Ω and
5.54Ω respectively.

4. a) Starting from first principles deduce expressions for ABCD constants of a long line in [7M]
terms of its parameters.
b) A 3-phase transmission line has the following constants. Resistance/ ph/ km = 0.16 [7M]
ohm; reactance/ ph/km = 0.25 ohm. Shunt admittance/ph/km = 1.5×10 mho.
Calculate by rigorous method the sending end voltage and current when the line is
delivering a load P-20MW at 0.8 p.f lagging. The receiving end voltage is kept
constant at 110 kV.

5. a) Develop equivalent circuit for analyzing the behavior of traveling waves at transition [7M]
point’s transmission lines.
b) Two stations are connected together by an underground cable having a surge [7M] impedance
of 60 ohms joined to an overhead line with a surge impedance of 400 ohms. If a surge having a
maximum valve of 100 kV travels along the cable towards
the junction with the overhead line, determine the value of the reflected and
transmitted wave of voltage and current at the junction.

1 of 2
Code No: R1631021 R16 SET-1

6. a)Explain the effect of radio interference on the performance of transmission lines. [7M]
b)Find the disruptive critical voltage and visual corona voltage (local corona as well as [7M]
general corona) for a 3 phase 220 kV line consisting of 22.26 mm diameter conductors
spaced in a 6 meters delta configuration. The following data can be considered.
Temperature 250 C, Pressure 73 cm of mercury, surface factor 0.84, irregularity factor
for local corona 0.72, irregularity factor for general corona 0.82 m.

7. a)Explain why suspension insulators are preferred for high voltage transmission lines. [7M] What
is a strain insulator and where it is used?
b) An overhead line has the following data: span length 160 meters, conductor diameter [7M]
0.95 cm, weight per unit length of the conductor 0.65 kg/meter. Ultimate stress 4,250
kg/cm2, wind pressure 40 kg/cm2 of projected area. Factor of safety 5. Calculate sag?


2 of 2

Code No: R1631021 R16 SET - 2

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) What are the advantages of bundled conductor? [2M]
b) What are the limitations of nominal T and π methods? [2M]
c) What are the methods used for computing the hyperbolic functions in the solution [2M]
of long lines.
d) What are the causes of traveling wave in the transmission lines? [2M]
e) Define the skin and proximity effects. [3M]
f) What are the disadvantages of loose span? [3M]
2. a) Clearly explain what do you understand by GMR and GMD of a transmission [7M]
b) Calculate the capacitance per phase of a three phase, three wire system, when the [7M]
conductors are arranged in a horizontal plane with spacing D 12=D23=3.5m, and
D13=7m. The conductors are transposed and each has a diameter of 2.0 cm.
3. a) Explain the effect of power factor on regulation and efficiency. [6M]
b) A 3- phase has a series impedance of 300∠750 ohms per phase and shunt [8M]
admittance of 25 × 10-4∠900 siemens per phase. The voltage at the receiving
end is 220kV but there is no load at receiving end. A load of 100 MW at UPF is
connected at the midpoint of the line. Using nominal- method, find sending
end voltage.

4.a) Explain the surge impedance loading with necessary expressions. [7M]
b) A 3- phase transmission line is 480km long and serves a load of 400MVA, 0.8p.f [7M]
lag at 345kV. The ABCD constants of the line are A=D=0.818∠1.30;
B=172.2∠84.20; C=0.001933∠90.40 mhos. Determine the sending end line to
neutral voltage, the sending end current and the percent voltage drop at full load.

5. a) Discuss the phenomenon of wave reflection and refraction. Derive expression [7M]
for reflection and refraction coefficients.
b) A 200 kV, 3 s, rectangular surge travels on a line of surge impedance of 400 [7M]
ohms. The line is terminated in a capacitance of 3000 pF. Find an expression for
voltage across the capacitance.

1 of 2

Code No: R1631021 R16 SET-2

6. a) Explain the effect of shunt compensation on the performance of transmission [7M]

b) A 132 kV line with 2 cm diameter is built so that corona takes place if the line [7M]
voltage is 220 kV (r.m.s). If the value of potential gradient at which ionization
occurs can be taken as 30 kV per cm (peak). Find the spacing between the

7. a) Define string efficiency. Why is it necessary to have high string efficiency? How [7M]
can it be achieved?
b) A transmission line conductor having a diameter of 19.5 mm weighs 0.85 kg/m. [7M] The span
is 275 meters. The wind pressure is 40 kg/m2 of projected area with ice coating 13 mm. The
ultimate strength of the conductor is 8000 kg. Calculate the maximum sag, if the factor of
safety is 2 and ice weighs 910 kg/m3?


2 of 2

Code No: R1631021 R16 SET - 3

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B

1. a) What are the properties of conducting material? [2M]
b) How do you classify the transmission line in to short, medium and long lines. [3M]
c) Define the surge impedance loading. [2M]
d) What is a traveling wave? [2M]
e) What is the effect on resistance of solid conductors? [3M]
f) What are the needs of grading of insulators? [2M]
2. a) What do you understand by transposition of lines? What is its effect on the [7M]
performance of the line?
b) Calculate the capacitance per phase of a three phase three wire transposed system [7M]
when the conductors are arranged at the corners of a triangle having sides of 1.0 m,
1.5 m and 2.0 m. Diameter of each conductor is 1.2 cm.

(a) a) Draw the vector diagrams of nominal-π and nominal T models of medium [7M]
transmission line. Derive the expression for voltage regulation of both the models.
b) An overhead single phase delivers 1.1MW at 33 kV at 0.9 power factor lagging [7M]
.The total resistance of the line is 10Ω and the total inductive reactance is 15Ω.
Determine (i) %voltage regulation (ii) sending end power factor (iii) transmission

4. a) Explain the interpretation of the long line equations. [7M]

b) A=D=0.936+j 0.016; B=33.5+j138 ohms; C=(-5.18+j914) 10 mhos. The load at [7M]
the receiving end is 50 MW at 220 kV with a power factor of 0.9 lagging. Find the
sending end voltage and regulation of line.

5. a) Define surge impedance of a line. Obtain the expressions for voltage and current [7M]
waves at a junction or at transition point.
b) A 200 kV surge travels on a transmission line 400 ohms surge impedance and [7M]
reaches a junction where two branch lines of surge impedances of 500 ohms and
300 ohms are connected with the transmission line. Find the surge voltage and
current transmitted into each branch line. Also find the reflected voltage and

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Code No: R1631021 R16 SET - 3

6. a) What is Ferranti effect? Deduce a simple expression for the voltage rise of an [7M]
unloaded line.
b) A 3-phase 220 kV, 50 Hz, transmission line consists of 3 cm diameter conductors [7M]
spaced 2 meters apart in equilateral triangle formation .If the temperature is 200 C
and atmospheric pressure 75 cm determine the corona loss per km of the line. Take
irregularity factor as 0.8.

7. a) Explain how sag is determined for an overhead line conductor taking into [7M]
account the effects of wind and ice loading.
b) Each of the three insulators forming a string has a self-capacitance of ‘C’ Farads. [7M] The
shunting capacitance of the connecting metal work of each insulator is 0.3 C to
earth and 0.2 C to the line. A guard ring increases the capacitance to the line of
the metal work of the lowest insulator to 0.5 C. Calculate the string efficiency of
this arrangement with the guard ring.


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Code No: R1631021 R16 SET - 4

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
d. a)What is meant by loop inductance? [2M]
Define distributed parameters in the transmission lines? [2M]
Define the characteristic impedance and propagation constant of a transmission
line. [2M]
What are the expressions for the voltage and current when a line is terminated by
an inductance and a capacitance? [3M]
What are the disadvantages of corona? [3M]
What is the need of arcing horns of insulators? [2M]
2. a) Prove that the inductance of a group of parallel wires carrying current can be [7M]
represented in terms of their geometric distance.
b) Calculate the inductance of a conductor per phase of a three phase, three-wire [7M]
system. When the conductors are arranged at the corners of an equilateral triangle
of 3.5 m sides and the diameter of each conductor is 2 cm.

3. aWhat do you understand by the terms nominal T and nominal-π circuits? Derive [7M]
)the expressions for the ABCD constants for the nominal-π circuit of a medium
transmission line.
An overhead 3- phase transmission line delivers 5000 kW at 22kV at 0.8 power [7M]
b) factor lagging the resistance and reactance of each conductor is 4 ohms and 6
ohms respectively. Determine i) sending end voltage ii) percentage regulation
and iii) Transmission efficiency.

4.a) Explain the equivalent π method of solution for the performance of long [7M]
transmission lines? Draw a phasor diagram with the receiving end voltage as
b) Fine the network constants of a long transmission line 3 phase, 50 Hz and 150 [7M]
km long whose resistance per km is 0.2 Ω and inductance per km is 1.5 mH and
capacitance per km is 0.008 µF. Neglect the conductance of the line.

5. a) Starting from first principles show that surges behave as traveling waves find [7M]
expressions for surge impedance and wave velocity.
b) A 500 kV surge travels on an overhead line of surge impedance 400 Ω towards [7M]
its junction with a cable which has a surge impedance of 40Ω. Find i) transmitted
voltage and current, ii) reflected voltage and current.

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Code No: R1631021 R16 SET - 4

6. a) Discuss why receiving end voltage of an unloaded long line may be more than the [7M]
sending end voltage.
b) Find the disruptive critical voltage and visual corona voltage for a grid of line [7M]
operating at 132 kV. The line consisting of 1.96 cm diameter conductors spaced
3.81 meters apart. The following data can be considered. Temperature 44 0 c,
barometric Pressure 73.7 cm of mercury, conductor surface factor 0.84, fine
weather 0.8, rough weather 0.66.

7. a) Derive the expression for sag and tension when the supports are at unequal [7M]
b) A string of eight suspension discs is fitted with a grading ring. Each pin to earth [7M]
capacitance is C. If the voltage distribution is uniform find the values of line to pin


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III B.Tech I - Sem T P C

3+1 0 3

LESSON PLAN: 2018-19

A Good Lesson Plan is instrumental for the delivery of course content in a competent
way so that students get benefited in view of learning, developing good skill set, updating with
current trends in industry etc., Delivery including latest trends in the technology and applications
brings deep insight of the course in students. As the plan includes the home assignments,
quizzes, course projects etc., it carries out the continuous assessment of student learning (course

The course delivery in adherence to the lesson plan is ensured through course level audit forms
on regular basis

III B. Tech, Ist Semester (electrical and electronics engineering)

Subject Code : R1631022

Academic Year : 2018 – 19

Number of working days :90
Number of Hours / week : 5/1
Total number of periods planned: 60
Name of the Faculty Member : P.SRIDEVI

1. Introduction and recall the concepts of thermal ,nuclear and gas power plants.
2. Requires non conventional energy sources like solar, wind and wave power.
3.Different types of energy conversion concepts.
1. Familiar the fundamental of energy conversion ,solar radiation and solar geometry.
2.Understand the performance analysis of solar plate collectors and working of solar air heaters
and solar pond
3. Remember the concepts of iv characteristics of PV cells ,different kinds of MPPT techniques
4. Evaluate the power is generated from wind as source
5. Determine the how the tidal, hydal & wave power is generated
6. Analyze how the power is generated from geo thermal ,fuel cells and biomass


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Understand the knowledge of energy scenario,solar radiation,radiation on tilted surface and

solar geometry.
2. Calculate performance analysis of liquid flat plate collector and also they know about the
operation of solarpond and solar air heaters
3. Estimate the size a pv cells and analyse the concepts of MPPT techniques
4. Assess how the wind power generated and they know what equipment need for generating the
wind power and they know the calculations of wind power.
5. understand the concepts of how the hydal ,tidal and wave power is developed.

6. Express how the geo thermal,tidal,biogas energies are generated.


CO-PO Mapping
Course Programme Outcomes Weightage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO-1 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 80
CO-2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 85
CO-3 2 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 85
CO-4 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 85
CO-5 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 85
CO-6 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 80
Rating Scale: 1 – Slightly 2 – Moderately 3 – Substantive



1.Nonconventional energy sources by B.H.Khan
2. Nonconventional energy sources by G.D.Roy

(ii) REFERENCES (Publications/ Open Learning Resources)

1. Renewable Energy- Edited by Godfrey Boyle-oxford university,
press, 3rd edition, 2013.
2. Handbook of renewable technology Ahmed and Zobaa, Ramesh C
Bansal, World scientific, Singapore.
3.Power Electronics handbook by Muhammad H.Rashid, Elsevier.
Open Learning Resources for self learning
1. Any internet links / video lecture links relevant to the lecture

2. Any other relevant material / links / journal publications / videos / experiments etc.

Literature references of Relevant NPTEL Videos/Web/You Tube videos etc.


DM1: Chalk and Talk

DM2: Demonstration (Physical / Laboratory / Audio Visuals)





AM1: Semester End Examination AM2: unit wise questions


Weightages in marks Weightages in

S. No. Assessment Methodology for the courses marks for the
courses without
unit wise questions
2. Assignment 5
3. Internal Examination 25
4. External Examination 70



Fundamentals of Energy Systems
Energy conservation principle – Energy scenario (world and India) – Solar radiation: Outside
earth’s atmosphere – Earth surface – Analysis of solar radiation data – solar Geometry –
Radiation on tilted surfaces – Numerical problems.
Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to
1. understand: Difference between conventional and non conventional energy systems.
2. Analysis of solar radiation data
3. Familiar with solar Geometry
4. Energy scenario (world and India)
Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of

Chalk &
1 Energy conservation principle 1
Chalk &
2 Energy scenario (world and India) 1 board+PPT

Chalk &
3 Solar radiation: Outside earth’s atmosphere – Earth surface 1 board+PPT

Chalk &
4 Analysis of solar radiation data 1 board+PPT

Chalk &
5 Geometry 2 board+PPT

Chalk &
6 Radiation on tilted surfaces 1 board

Chalk &
Numerical problems.
7 2 board

8 Tutorial 2 Chalk &


Total 11


1) Write a short note on: a) Solar geometry b) diffuse radiation and c) beam radiation
2) a) Explain importance of solar energy in the present day energy crisis.
b) Describe Azimuth angle, Zenith angle and coincidence angle.
3) Explain about solar constant and solar radiation.
4) Describe solar radiation on i ) earth surface ii ) tilted surface
5) Problems discussed in note book.
6) Explain solar radiation on tilted surfaces.

1) Summarise a) Solar geometry b) diffuse radiation and c) beam radiation
2) a) Explain importance of solar energy in the present day energy crisis.
b) Describe Azimuth angle, Zenith angle and coincidence angle.
3) Describe solar radiation on i ) earth surface ii ) tilted surface
1) Explain solar geometry?

UNIT–II: Solar Thermal Systems

Liquid flat plate collections: Performance analysis – Transmissivity –Absorptivity product-
collector efficiency factor – Collector heat removalfactor – Numerical problems. Introduction to
solar air heaters –Concentrating collectors and solar pond.
Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to
1. Describe the : Performance analysis of flat plate collector.
2. Analyze Transmissivity –Absorptivity product
3. Understand operation of solar air heaters.
4. Assessment of solar Concentrating collectors and solar pond.

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1 Liquid flat plate collector calculations 1 Chalk and Talk+PPT

2 Performance analysis 1 Chalk and Talk+PPT
3 Absorptivity product collector efficiency factor 2 Chalk and Talk
4 Collector heat removal factor 1 Chalk and Talk
5 Introduction to solar air heaters –
1 Chalk and Talk+PPT
Concentrating collectors and solar pond
6 Numerical problems 2 Chalk and Talk
Tutorial 1 Chalk and Talk

Total Classes 9


1) Describe the classification of solar collectors.
2) Explain about solar air heaters and solar pond.
3) Derive the expression for heat removal factor of a liquid flat plate collector.


1) Classify the solar collectors.
2) Discuss solar air heaters and solar pond.
3) Derive the expression for heat removal factor of a liquid flat plate collector.

iii) Assignment-II
1)Explain the thermal analysis of liquid flat plate collector?

UNIT–III: Solar Photovoltaic Systems

Balance of systems – IV characteristics – System design: storage sizing – PVsystem sizing –

Maximum power point techniques: Perturb and observe(P&O) technique – Hill climbing

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

 Analyze Balance of systems
 Examine – IV characteristics
 Design the PV system
 Maximum power point techniques

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of Teaching

1 Balance of systems 1 Chalk and Talk

2 IV characteristics 2 Chalk and Talk
3 System design: storage sizing – PV system sizing 2 Chalk and Talk
4 Maximum power point techniques: Perturb and observe Chalk and Talk
(P&O) technique
5 Hill climbing technique. 2 Chalk and Talk
6 Tutorial 1 Chalk and Talk

Total hours 11


1) Describe how to sizing a PV system (5 steps).
2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar PV system?
3) What is solar cell? Explain about IV characteristics of a solar cell.
4) Write short notes on balance of systems.
5) Describe maximum power point technique using a perturb and observe technique of a
solar photo voltaic system


1) Illustrate the design of a PV system .

2) What is solar cell? Discuss IV characteristics of a solar cell.
3) Summarize the balance of systems.

1)Design a PV system sizing?

UNIT–IV: Wind Energy

Wind patterns – Types of turbines – Kinetic energy of wind – Betz coefficient – Tip–speed ratio
– Efficiency – Power output of wind turbine –Selection of generator(synchronous, induction) –
Maximum power point tracking.

Objectives: This unit enables the students to

1.Understand the wind patterns
2.Evaluate Power output of wind turbine
3.Estimate the Betz coefficient – Tip–speed ratio – Efficiency

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of

1 Chalk and
Wind patterns, Types of turbines 2
2 Kinetic energy of wind 1 Chalk and Talk
3 Betz coefficient – Tip–speed ratio – Efficiency Chalk and Talk
4 Power output of wind turbine – Chalk and Talk
Selection of generator(synchronous, induction)
5 Maximum power point tracking. Chalk and Talk
6 Numerical problems 1 Chalk and Talk
7 Tutorial 1 Chalk and Talk

Total hours 9


1) Explain the principle and operation of wind power energy. Obtain the output equation of a
wind turbine.
2) Define the terms: Betz coefficient, Tip speed ratio and efficiency.
3) Describe selection of generators of wind power.
4) Explain about maximum power tracking of a wind energy conversion system.
How the wind power is generated ?Derive the power equation of wind power plant.?

2. Define the terms: Betz coefficient, Tip speed ratio and efficiency.
3. Explain about maximum power tracking of a wind energy conversion systems?


UNIT – V: Hydro and Tidal power systems

Basic working principle – Classification of hydro systems: Large, small,micro – measurement of

head and flow – Energy equation – Types of turbines – Numerical problems.Tidal power –
Basics – Kinetic energy equation – Numerical problems –Wave power – Basics – Kinetic energy

At the end of this unit the student will be able to
1. Analyze the operation of small,micro power plants
2. Examine the Energy equation

3. Assess the Wave power equation and Kinetic energy equation.

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of
Hrs. Teaching

1 Basic working principle of hydro power generation, Chalk andtalk

Classification of hydro systems: Large, small,

2 measurement of head and flow – Energy equation 1 Chalk andtalk

3 Types of turbines – Numerical problems. Chalk and talk
4 Tidal power – Basics – Kinetic energy equation – Numerical Chalk andtalk
5 Wave power – Basics – Kinetic energy equation 1 Chalk andtalk
6 Chalk
Tutorial 2
Total classes 9


1) Explain the principle and operation of a) Tidal power b) small hydraulic power
c) wave Power and derive the power equations respectively?
2) Explain about different types of turbines used in SHEP?
3) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of a) tidal power b) SHEP c) wave power

UNIT – 5
1. Evaluate the how much power is generated in below plants ?
i)tidal plant ii)small hydro plant iii)wave plant
2.Differentiate the different types of tidal power plants?
3.Identify the factors for selection of site for tidal and wave power plants?




UNIT – VI: Biomass, fuel cells and geothermal systems

Biomass Energy: Fuel classification – Pyrolysis – Direct combustion of heat – Different
digesters and sizing.Fuel cell: Classification – Efficiency – VI characteristics.
Geothermal: Classification – Dry rock and acquifer – Energy analysis.

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

1. Understand the Direct combustion of heat process

2. Analyze the VI characteristics of fuel cells
3. Assess the Dry rock and acquifer – Energy analysis.

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of
Hrs. Teaching

1 Biomass Energy 1 Chalk and talk

2 Direct combustion of heat Chalk and talk+PPT
Different digesters and sizing
3 Fuel cell: Classification – Efficiency – VI characteristics. 2 Chalk and talk
4 Geothermal: Classification 2 Chalk and talk
5 Dry rock and acquifer – Energy analysis. Chalk and talk
6 Tutorial 1 Chalk and talk
7 Numerical problems 1 Chalk and talk
Total 11


1) What are the constitutes of a bio mass.
2) Explain principle and operation of a Geo thermal system.
3) Describe different digesters of a bio mass.
4) What is meant by fuel cell and classify them. Draw its VI characteristics.
5) Explain different resources of a Geo thermal energy.


1. Describe the different methods of biomass energy conversion systems?
2.List out the different types of digestive systems?Explain anyone method?
3. Define fuel cell? Analyse the I-V characteristics of a fuel cell? with examples?


Code No: R1631022 R16 SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)

c) Answer ALL the question in Part-A
d) Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1.a) Distinguish between the term irradiance and irradiation. [2M]
b) What do you understand by Solar thermal Energy? [2M]
c) Distinguish between a Solar cell, Module, Panel and Array. [2M]
d) Explain the variation of Wind speed with consideration of height from the [3M]
e) Give the classification of small hydro Power stations. [3M]
f) What are the various losses occurring in the fuel cell? [2M]

2. a) Explain the following terms used in Solar radiation analysis: [7M]
i)Hour angle ii) Solar azimuth angle iii) Declination angle
b) Explain the terms extraterrestrial radiation and terrestrial radiation w.r.t solar [7M]
3. a) Explain in detail about the Flat plate Collectors and give its advantages and [7M]
b) Draw the schematic diagram for Solar pond based electric plant along with its [7M]
4. a) Derive an expression for efficiency and power produce by PV cell. Explain the [7M]
various factors that affect the performance of cell.
b) Explain the significance of Perturb and Observe MPPT method and how it can [7M]
5. a) Find the tip – speed ratio if a 6 m diameter rotor has rotation of 20 rpm and the [7M]
wind speed is 4 m/s. What is the implication of tip speed ratio?
b) Discuss the aerodynamic considerations in wind mill design in detail. [7M]

6. a) Explain the basic components of Tidal Power Plants and give their [7M]
b) List the advantages and limitations of Small scale Hydroelectric Units. [7M]

7. a) Explain the current – voltage characteristics of Fuel Cell and give its [7M]
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy? [7M]

Code No: R1631022 R16 SET - 2

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)

2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Distinguish between Conventional resources and Non-conventional sources. [2M]
b) What are Solar thermal Energy applications? [2M]
c) What is the depletion layer in p – n junction? [2M]
d) List the factors responsible for distribution of wind energy on the surface of the [3M]
e) Explain the basic principle of Tidal Power. [3M]
f) List the various Biomass Resources. [2M]

2. a) Explain in detail about the Beam radiation and diffuse radiation. [7M]
b) Determine the Local Apparent Time corresponding to 1500 h (IST) [7M]
Mumbai (19007’, 750 51 E) on 1 July. In India, IST is based on 82.500 E. On 1
July, equation of time correction is equal to – 4.
3. a) Compare between the concentrating collector over Flat collector. [7M]
b) Explain the working of Solar Water heater with component based diagram. [7M]
4. a) Explain the effect of radiation intensity and temperature on the short circuit [7M]
current , open circuit voltage and power generated by PV cell.
b) Explain with a neat algorithm of Hill climbing MPPT Technique and give its [7M]
5. a) Explain Betz model of expanding air stream tube to determine extraction of [7M]
wind energy by windmill.
b) Explain the working of Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) with main [7M]
6. a) Explain the basic components of Small hydroelectric scheme with a layout [7M]
b) Derive an expression for Power generated by a Tidal System. [7M]

7. a) Explain the principle of working of a H2 – O2 fuel cell. [7M]

b) Explain about dry, wet and Hot water geo thermal systems? [7M]


Code No: R1631022 R16 SET - 3

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)

2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) List the different forms of Renewable Energy sources. [2M]
b) Enumerate the different types of Concentrating Solar collectors. [2M]
c) Draw and explain briefly about equivalent circuit of a Solar cell. [2M]
d) What are the relative features of drag and lift type machines in Windmills. [3M]
e) List the difficulties in tidal power developments. [3M]
f) Explain the various characteristics of Fuel cell. [2M]
2. a) What do you understand by Solar radiation data? What is the need of Solar [7M]
radiation data?
8. Calculate the number of day light hours in Srinagar for 1 January and 1 July. [7M]
Take latitude of Srinagar as 34005’ N.

3. a) Explain the significance of following factors in Flat Plate collectors: [7M]

i)Fin efficacy factor ii)Collector heat removal factor.
b) Explain the working of a Solar furnace with the help of a neat sketch. [7M]

4. a) Explain the various factors contributing to losses in Solar cell. How is the [7M]
efficiency reduced due to these factors.
4. Explain the PV system configuration and signify the importance of the [7M]
converter circuit and MPPT block in it.

5. a) Derive an expression for the total power of a wind stream taking in to all [7M]
considerations m/sec, air density as.
b) Find the maximum power output of a turbine if wind speed is 10 m/sec, air [7M]
density as 1.4 Kg/m and rotor diameter as 64 m.

6. a) List the advantages and limitations of Tidal power generation. [7M]

b) Explain how the electric power is generated from hydro Power with necessary [7M]

7. a) Explain the process of Single stage gasifier in detail. [7M]

b) Compare between Geothermal Power plant and Conventional thermal Power [7M]


Code No: R1631022 R16 SET - 4

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)

2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) List the various applications of PV system? [2M]
b) Explain the working of a solar thermal pump. [2M]
c) What do you understand by Valence band, Conduction band and Forbidden [2M]
band w.r.t. a semiconductor.
d) How can windmills be classified? [3M]
e) List the advantages of Small hydro power. [3M]
f) Explain the process of Photosynthesis. [2M]

2. a) Define Solar constant. What are the reasons for variation in solar radiation [7M]
reaching the earth and that received outside the earth atmosphere?
b) Calculate the i) Zenith angle and ii) Solar azimuth angle for a place with [7M]
latitude 430 at 9.30 AM solar time on Feb 13.

6. a) Explain the different factors that affect the performance of a Flat plate [7M] collector.
b) A cylindrical parabolic concentrator is 9 m long and 2 m wide. The diameter of [7M]
absorber tube is 10 cm. Find the concentration ratio.

4. a) Explain the current – voltage characteristics of a Solar cell and define Fill [7M]
factor and give its significance.
b) Explain the significance of Maximum Power Point Tracking and explain any [7M]
one technique in detail.

5. a) List the main considerations for selecting a site for wind generator. [7M]
b) Explain the variation of output of a wind turbine with tip speed ratio of the [7M]

6. a) Explain the different types of turbines that are used in Small scale hydroelectric [7M]
power generation.
b) What are the site requirements to construct a Tidal Power Plant? [7M]

7. a) List the advantages, disadvantages and environmental impacts of Biomass. [7M]

c) What is meant by geothermal energy? Why it is called renewable energy? [7M] What
are the deciding factors to use in power generation?


LESSON PLAN: 2018-19

A Good Lesson Plan is instrumental for the delivery of course content in a competent way so
that students get benefited in view of learning, developing good skill set, updating with current trends
in industry etc., Delivery including latest trends in the technology and applications brings deep insight
of the course in students. As the plan includes the home assignments, quizzes, course projects etc., it
carries out the continuous assessment of student learning (course outcomes).

The course delivery in adherence to the lesson plan is ensured through course level audit forms on
regular basis

III B.Tech I - Sem L T/P/D C

4 0 3


Subject : Pulse and Digital Circuits
Subject Code : R1622045
Academic Year : 2018 – 19
Number of working days :90
Number of Hours / week : 3+2
Total number of periods planned : 65
Name of the Faculty Member : Ch.Pothu Raju

1. Electronic Devices and Circuits 2.Electric Circuits 3. STLD
1. To understand the concept of wave shaping circuits,switching characteristics of diode and
2. To study the design and analysis of various Multivibrators.
3. To understand the functioning of different types of time-base generators.
4. To learn the working of logic families & Sampling Gates.
The student will be able to:
1. Design linear and non-linear wave shaping circuits.
2. Apply the fundamental concepts of wave shaping for various Switching and signal generating
3. Design different multivibrators and the time base generators.
4. Utilize the non sinusoidal signals in many experimental research areas.


Programme Outcomes Weightage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO-1 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 83%
CO-2 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 80%
CO-3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 82%
CO-4 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 83%

Rating Scale: 1 – Slightly 2 – Moderately 3 – Substantive



Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms - J. Millman and H. Taub, McGraw-Hill
Pulse and Digital Circuits – A. Anand Kumar, PHI, 2005
(ii)REFERENCES (Publications/ Open Learning Resources)
 1 Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms - J. Millman and H. Taub, Mothiki S Prakash Rao
McGraw-Hill, Second Edition, 2007.
 Solid State Pulse circuits - David A. Bell, PHI, 4th Edn., 2002
 Pulse & Digital Circuits by VenkataRao,K,Ramasudha K, ManmadhaRao,G., Pearson,2010

Open Learning Resources for self learning




DM1: Chalk and Talk

DM2: Demonstration (Physical / Audio Visuals)



AM1: Semester End Examination AM2: Mid Term Examination

AM3: Home Assignments


Weightages in marks Weightages in

S. No. Assessment Methodology for the courses marks for the
courses without
Home Assignments 5%
2. Assignment 5
3. Internal Examination 25
4. External Examination 70


On the beginning day of each unit, home assignment sheet is given to the students and the
solution sheet for the same is expected after two days of the completion of unit.




LINEAR WAVESHAPING: High pass, low pass RC circuits, their response for sinusoidal, step,
pulse, square, ramp and exponential inputs. RC network as differentiator and integrator; Attenuators ,
its applications in CRO probe, RL and RLC circuits and their response for step input, Ringing circuit.

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to know
To introduce students about different types of non-sinusoidal signals
Defining wave shaping
Introducing high pass and low pass RC circuits
Explaining different responses of sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal signals to high pass and low pass
RC circuits
Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of

1 UNIT I LINEAR WAVESHAPING: Low pass RC circuit Black Board

and its response for sinusoidal, step, pulse,
2 Low pass RC circuit and its response for square, ramp and Black Board
exponential inputs
3 High pass RC circuit and its response for sinusoidal, step, Black Board
4 High pass RC circuit and its response for square, ramp and Black Board
exponential inputs
5 Black Board
RC network as differentiator and integrator, Ringing circuit. 2
6 Attenuators , its applications in CRO probe 1 Black Board
7 RL and RLC circuits and their response for step input 1 Black Board
Total 10


1.Prove that a low pass circuit acts as an integrator. Derive an expression for the output
voltage levels under steady state conditions of a low pass circuit excited by a ramp input.
2.An RC low-pass filter is fed witha symmetrical square wave. The peak-to-peak amplitude
of the input waveform is 10 V and its average value is zero. It is given that RC=T/2 where T
is the period of the square wave. Determine the peak-to-peak amplitude of the output
3.The limited ramp is applied to a RC differentiator circuit.Draw the Waveforms for the
case, i)T=0.2RC ii)T=RC and iii) T=5RC.
4.Explain the response of RLC series circuit for step input with suitable waveforms?


1. Explain about differentiator and integrator

2. Explain about RLC series circuit

3. What are attenuators

4. Explain RL series circuit and their response for step input


NON-LINEAR WAVE SHAPING : Diode clippers, Transistor clippers, clipping at two independent
levels,Transfer characteristics of clippers, Emitter coupled clipper; Clamping operation, clamping
circuits using diode with different inputs, Clamping circuit theorem, practical clamping circuits, effect
of diode characteristics on clamping voltage, Transfer characteristics of clampers.

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

Introducing Clippers
Explain diode and transistor clippers
Introducing comparators
Introducing Clampers and their types
Explaining the importance of clamping circuit theorem.
Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1 Diode clippers 1 Black Board

2 Transistor clippers 1
3 Clipping at two independent levels 1
4 Transfer characteristics of clippers, 1
5 Emitter coupled clipper 1
6 Clamping operation, clamping circuits using diode with 1 Black Bord + PPT
different inputs
7 Clamping circuit theorem 1
8 Practical clamping circuits 2 Black Bord
9 Effect of diode characteristics on clamping voltage 1
10 Transfer characteristics of clampers. 1
Total Classes 11


1. State and prove clamping circuit theorem? And explain the Transfer characteristics of
2. Give the circuits of different types of shunt clippers and explain their operation with the
help of their transfer characteristics
3. Design and explain the clipper circuit using two -Zener diodes?
4. Classify the clamper circuit and explain any of the circuit?

1. Explain about clippers and its types

2. Briefly explain about clampers and its types.

3. Explain transistor clippers.


SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVICES : Diode as a switch, piecewise linear diode
characteristics, Design and analysis of Transistor as a switch, Break down voltage consideration of
transistor, saturation parameters of Transistor and their variation with temperature, Design of
transistor switch, transistor-switching times.
Bistable Multivibrator: Analysis And Design of Fixed Bias, Self Bias Bistable Multi Vibrator,
Collector Catching Diodes, Commutating Capacitors, Triggering of Binary Circuits, Emitter Coupled
Bistable Multivibrator (Schmitt Trigger).

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

Explaining the concept of diodes and transistors and apply them to different applications like
 Analysis of transistor switching times
 Designing transistor as a switch

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of Teaching
1 Diode as a switch, piecewise linear diode characteristics, Black Board
2 Design and analysis of Transistor as a switch 1 Black Board
3 Break down voltage consideration of transistor 1 Black Board
4 Saturation parameters of Transistor and their variation Black Board
with temperature,
5 Design of transistor switch transistor-switching times. Black Board
6 BistableMultivibrator: Analysis And Design of Fixed Black Board
7 Self BiasBistable Multi Vibrator 1 Black Board
8 Triggering of Binary Circuits, 1
9 Collector Catching Diodes, Commutating Capacitors, 1 Black Board
10 Emitter Coupled BistableMultivibrator (Schmitt 1 Black Board
Total 11

1. What are different types of multivibrators? Explain the stable state and quasi stable state of
a multivibrator.
2. Describe the sequence of events in an n-p-n transistor to change from cut-off to saturation
and vice versa. How does temperature affect the saturation junction of a transistor?
3. Explain the behavior of BJT as a switch. Give applications.
4. With suitable diagram explain the function of a basic bistable multivibrator?List out the
drawbacks with this circuit?

1. Explain the working of Schmitt Trigger with a neat diagram
2. Explain the design and analysis of transistor as a switch
3. Explain about Collector Catching Diodes

Monostable Multivibrator: Analysis and Design of Collector Coupled Monostable Multi vibrator,
Triggering of Monostable Multivibrator, Applications of Monostable Multivibrator.
Astable Multivibrator: Analysis and Design of Collector Coupled Astable Multivibrator,
Application of Astable Multivibrator as a Voltage to Frequency Converter.

Introducing multivibrators
Explaining different types of multivibrators
Applicative areas of multivibrators
Introducing Schmitt trigger
Explaining the elimination of hysteresis
Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of
1 MonostableMultivibrator: Analysis and Design of 3 Black Board
Collector Coupled Monostable Multi vibrator
2 Triggering of MonostableMultivibrator, Applications of 2 Black Board
2 AstableMultivibrator: Analysis and Design of Collector 3 Black Board
Coupled AstableMultivibrator,
3 Application of AstableMultivibrator as a Voltage to 2 Black Board
Frequency Converter.
Total 10


3. Prove that an astable multivibrator works as voltage to frequency converter

4. Design a Collector coupled monostable multi using npn sliconi transistors has the same
fallowing parameters. VCC=12V, VBB=3V, RC=2kΩ, R1=R2=R=20kΩ,
hFE=30,rbb’=200Ω and C=1000pF, neglect ICB0. (a) Calculate and plot to scale the wave
shapes at each base and collector. (b) Find the width of the output pulse.
5. Determine the period and frequency of Oscillation for an astable multivibrator With
component values R1= 2KΩ, R2=10 KΩ , C1=0.01μF and C2=0.05μ F.
6. With the help o f circuit diagram ,explain the working of collector coupled Monostable
1) Explain the Analysis and Design of Collector Coupled Monostable Multi vibrator
2) Explain the Applications of Monostable Multivibrator.
3) What is the triggering of monostable Multivibrator.

General features of a time base signal, Methods of generating time base waveform Exponential
Sweep Circuits, Negative Resistance Switches, basic principles in Miller and Bootstrap time base
generators, Transistor Miller time base generator, Transistor Bootstrap time base generator.

At the end of this unit the student will be able to
Defining time base generators
Explaining methods of generating time base wave forms
Explaining boot strap and Miller sweep generator
Explaining current time base generators
Defining synchronization on one-one basis and frequency division
Explaining astable relaxation devices, mono stable relaxation devices.
Explaining synchronization of sweep circuit
Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching
1 General features of a time base signal, Methods of Black Bord
generating time base waveform Exponential Sweep 3
Circuits, Negative Resistance Switches
2 Basic principles in Miller and Bootstrap time base Black Bord + PPT
generators, Transistor Miller time base generator,
Transistor Bootstrap time base generator.

Total 6


1. With the help of neat circuit diagram and waveforms explain transistor miller time base

2. Discuss about the recovery time of a sweep circuit. How do you achieve short recovery

3. Draw a simple single stage transistor miller integration circuit and explain How it behaves
as a time-base circuit.

4. Draw the circuit of transistorized bootstrap generator and explain its working?

1. Explain the methods of generating time base waveform Exponential Sweep Circuits.
2. Explain the Basic principles in Miller and Bootstrap time base generators
3. Explain the Transistor Bootstrap time base generator.

LOGIC FAMILIES: Diode Logic, Transistor Logic, Diode-Transistor Logic, Transistor-Transistor
Logic, Emitter Coupled Logic, AOI Logic, Comparison of Logic Families.
SAMPLING GATES: Basic Operating Principles of Sampling Gates, Diode Unidirectional
Sampling Gate and Two-Diode Bi-Directional Sampling Gate, Four-Diode gates, Six-Diode Gates,
Reduction of Pedestal in Sampling Gates, Applications of Sampling Gates.
Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to
Defining sampling gates
Classifying sampling gates
Explaining different types of sampling gates like unidirectional, bidirectional, four-diode gates
Explaining applications like chopper and sampling scope .
Define blocking oscillators
Types of blocking oscillators
Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1 Diode Logic, Transistor Logic, Diode-Transistor Logic, Black Board

Transistor- Transistor Logic
Emitter Coupled Logic, AOI Logic, Comparison of Logic
2 SAMPLING GATES: Basic Operating Principles of Black Board
Sampling Gates, Diode Unidirectional Sampling Gate
3 Two-Diode Bi-Directional Sampling Gate 1 Black Board
4 Four-Diode gates, Six-Diode Gates, Reduction of Pedestal Black Board
in Sampling Gates, Applications of Sampling Gates
Total 12


1. Give the comparison of different logic families?

2. Draw the circuit diagram of a unidirectional sampling gate which delivers an output only at
the coincidence of a number of control voltages and explain its working.
3. State the two basic types of sampling gates and explain them
4. List the advantages and disadvantages of RTL family.

1. Design and Explain CMOS NAND gate.
2. Compare the various logic families.
3. Draw the circuit diagram of Two input TTL NAND gate and explain its operation.
Code No: R1631024 R16 SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) What is meant by linear wave shaping? [2M]
b) Write the difference between comparator and clipping circuit. [2M]
c) Write short notes on piece-wise linear diode characteristics. [3M]
d) What is meant by quasi stable state? [2M]
e) What is meant by sweep time and restoration time? [3M]
f) What is Pedestal? Explain. [2M]
2. a) A square wave whose peak to peak amplitude is 2 V extends ± 1 V with respect to [7M]
ground. The duration of the positive section is 0.1 s and that of the negative
section is 0.2 s. if this waveform is impressed upon an RC integrating circuit
whose time constant is 0.2 s, what are the steady-state maximum and minimum
values of the output waveform?
b) Explain the response of High-pass RC circuit for square wave input. [7M]

3. a) Draw the circuit diagram of emitter coupled clipper and explain its operation. [7M]
b) Design a diode clamper circuit to clamp the positive peaks of the input signal at [7M]
zero level. The frequency of the input voltage is 750 Hz.

4. a) Explain about diode forward recovery time and reverse recovery time. [7M]
b) Silicon transistors with hFE (min) = 20 are available. If VCC = VBB = 10 V, design [7M]
the bistable multivibrator.

5. a) Design a collector coupled one shot with a gate width of 3 ms, using n-p-n [7M]
b) Draw the circuit diagram of collector coupled astable multivibrator and derive the [7M]
expression for frequency of oscillations.

6. a) Draw the exponential sweep circuit and derive the expression for transmission [7M]
b) Explain the basic principles behind Bootstrap time base generator. [7M]

7. a) Draw the circuit diagram of two input Diode OR gate and explain it. [7M]
b) Explain the operation of six diode sampling gate. [7M]


Code No: R1631024 R16 SET - 2

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B

1. a) What is an attenuator? [2M]
b) What is meant by positive clamping and negative clamping? [2M]
c) Write the applications of Schmitt trigger. [3M]
d) Define astable multivibrator. [2M]
e) Define transmission error. [2M]
f) Why sampling gates are called linear gates? [3M]
2. a) A pulse is applied to low-pass RC circuit. Prove that area under the pulse is same as [7M]
area under the output waveform across the capacitor.
b) Explain the response of High-pass RC circuit for step input. [7M]

3. a) Explain clipping at two independent levels using diodes. [7M]

b) State and explain clamping circuit theorem. [7M]

4. a) Discuss about breakdown voltages of a transistor. [7M]

b) Design a bistable multivibrator to meet the following specifications: [7M]
VCC = VBB = 12 V, IC(sat) = 6 mA, hFE (min) = 25 and maximum triggering
frequency = 25 kHz.

5. a) Derive the expression for gate width of a monostable multivibrator neglecting the [7M]
reverse saturation current ICBO.
b) Find the ratio V CC / V , if a voltage to frequency convertor generates oscillations of [7M]
frequency twice of that when V = VCC.
6. a) What is meant by time base signal? What are the general features of time base [7M]
signal? Explain.
b) Explain about transistor miller time base generator. [7M]

7. a) Give the comparison of various logic families. [7M]

b) Discuss about reduction of pedestal in sampling gates. [7M]


Code No: R1631024 R16 SET - 3

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
b) Answer ALL the question in Part-A
c) Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B

1. a)When does high pass circuit act as a differentiator? [2M]
What is the difference between clipping and clamping? [2M]
Define delay time and storage time. [2M]
Find the period of output and the frequency of oscillation of an
astable multivibrator with R1 = R2 = 25 kΩ and C1 = C2 = 0.2 µF. [3M]
Define displacement error. [2M]
Write the difference between sampling gate and logic gate. [3M]
2. a) Explain the response of Low-pass RC circuit for exponential input. [7M]
b) Draw the circuit diagram of compensated attenuator and explain it. [7M]

3. a) Draw the circuit of transistor clipper and explain its operation. [7M]
b) Design a diode clamper to restore a dc level of +5 V to an input signal of peak- [7M]
to-peak value 15 V. Assume the drop across the diode is 0.7 V and the signal
frequency is 1 kHz.

4. a) Explain about design of transistor switch. [7M]

b) Explain the operation of Schmitt trigger. [7M]

5. a) Draw the circuit diagram of collector coupled mono stable multivibrator and [7M]
explain its operation.
b) Design an astable multivibrator to generate a square wave of 1 kHz. [7M]

6. a) Explain the basic principles behind miller time base generator. [7M]
b) Discuss about the transistor bootstrap time base generator. [7M]

7. a) Draw the diode logic AND circuit and explain it. [7M]
b) Explain the operation of four diode sampling gate. [7M]


Code No: R1631024 R16 SET - 4

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define the term ‘rise time’. [2M]
b) List out the some applications of voltage comparator. [3M]
c) What is meant by triggering of binary circuit? [2M]
d) Why monostable multivibrator also called gating circuit? [2M]
e) What is meant by voltage time base generator? [2M]
f) Write the some applications of sampling gates. [3M]
2. a) Explain the response of High-pass RC circuit for sinusoidal input. [7M]
b) Explain the response of series RLC circuit for step input. [7M]

3. a) Draw the basic circuit of diode clipper and explain its operation with the help of [7M]
transfer characteristics.
b) Explain the operation of negative clamping circuit. [7M]

4. a) For a common emitter circuit, VCC = 15 V, RC = 1.5 kΩ and IB = 0.3 mA. [7M]
(i) Determine the hFE(min) for the saturation to occur.
(ii) If the RC is changed to 500 Ω , will the transistor be saturated?
b) Design a Schmitt trigger circuit to have V CC = 12 V, UTP = 6 V, LTP = 3 V, using [7M]
silicon transistors with hFE (min) = 60.
5. a) Calculate the component values of a monostable multivibrator developing an [7M]
output pulse of 500 µs duration. Assume h FE(min) = 25, ICE(sat) = 5 mA, VCC = 10
V, and VBB = -4V.
b) Explain how an astable multivibrator can be used as a voltage to frequency [7M]

6. a) With necessary waveforms, explain the operation of UJT Relaxation oscillator. [7M]
b) What are the different methods to generate time base waveforms? Explain. [7M]

7. a) Draw the circuit diagram of TTL NAND gate and explain it. [7M]
b) Explain the basic principle behind sampling gate. [7M]

III B.Tech I - Sem T P C
3+1 0 3


LESSON PLAN: 2018-19

A Good Lesson Plan is instrumental for the delivery of course content in a competent way so
that students get benefited in view of learning, developing good skill set, updating with current trends
in industry etc., Delivery including latest trends in the technology and applications brings deep insight
of the course in students. As the plan includes the home assignments, quizzes, course projects etc., it
carries out the continuous assessment of student learning (course outcomes).

The course delivery in adherence to the lesson plan is ensured through course level audit forms on
regular basis

III B. Tech, Ist Semester (electrical and electronics engineering)

Subject Code :R1331025
Academic Year : 2018 – 19
Number of working days :90
Number of Hours / week :5
1Total number of periods planned: 55
Name of the Faculty Member : K.Dosarao

1 .Be familiar with the Circuit Theory and Theory of electrical engineering and Advanced
2.Knowledge of semiconductor devices
1. Describe the characteristics of various power semi conductor devices and to design firing circuits for
2. examine the different switching devices with respect to their characteristics
3. Analyze different converters and control with their applications
4.Illustrate the operation of controlled rectifiers
5.To study the performance of three phase controlled rectifiers
 6.To understand the inverters and PWM schemes


Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

 Remember the characteristics of various power semi conductor devices and to design firing circuits for
 Analyze different converters and control with their applications, operation of single phase full–wave
converters and analyze harmonics in the input current.
 Understand the operation of three phase full–wave converters.
 Evaluate the operation of different types of DC-DC converters.
 Understand the operation of inverters and application of PWM techniques for voltage control and
harmonic mitigation.
 Evaluate the operation of AC-AC regulators


CO-PO Mapping
Course Programme Outcomes Weightage
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO-1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 88%
CO-2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 85%
CO-3 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 85%
CO-4 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 80%
CO-5 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 84%
CO-6 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 84%
Rating Scale: 1 – Slightly 2 – Moderately 3 – Substantive



1.Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications – by M. H. Rashid, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd
edition, 1998
2.Power Electronics: Essentials & Applications by L.Umanand, Wiley, Pvt. Limited, India, 2009
(ii) REFERENCES (Publications/ Open Learning Resources)
1.Power Electronics – by P.S.Bhimbra, Khanna Publishers.
2.Thyristorised Power Controllers – by G. K. Dubey, S. R. Doradla, A Joshi and R. M. K.Sinha, New
Age International (P) Limited Publishers, 1996.
3.Power Electronics handbook by Muhammad H.Rashid, Elsevier.
Open Learning Resources for self learning
6. Any internet links / video lecture links relevant to the lecture

7. Any other relevant material / links / journal publications / videos / experiments etc.

Literature references of Relevant NPTEL Videos/Web/You Tube videos etc.



DM1: Chalk and Talk

DM2: Demonstration (Physical / Laboratory / Audio Visuals)





AM1: Semester End Examination AM2: unit wise questions


Weightages in marks Weightages in

S. No. Assessment Methodology for the courses marks for the
courses without

unit wise questions
2. Assignment 5
3. Internal Examination 25
4. External Examination 70


1) Pspice


Power Semi Conductor Devices
Thyristors–Silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR’s) –Characteristics of power MOSFET and
power IGBT– Basic theory of operation of SCR–Static characteristics– Turn on and turn
off methods–Dynamic characteristics of SCR– Snubber circuit design–Numerical
problems–Diode bridge rectifier with R–load and capacitive filter–Output voltage and
input current waveforms.

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

4. understand: Different power electronic devices like SCR, MOSFET, IGBT
5. Static and Dynamic characteristics of SCR, MOSFET, IGBT
6. Turn on and Turn off methods off the SCR
7. Design of the snubber circuit for SCR

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of

1 Introduction to power electronics and its applications 1 Chalk & board

2 SCR 1 Chalk & board
3 Power MOSFET and its characteristics 1 Chalk & board

4 IGBT characteristics 1 Chalk & board

5 Static characteristics of SCR 1 Chalk & board

6 Dynamic characteristics of SCR 1 Chalk & board

7 Turn on and turn off methods 1 Chalk & board

8 Snubber circuit 1 Chalk & board

9 Basic requirements of gating for SCR 1 Power point

Total 12


1. Describe the different modes of operation of a thyristor with the help of its static V-I
2. What is IGBT? Give its basic structural features and working..
3. Explain the dynamic characteristics of SCR with neat sketches.
4. Explain the switching characteristics of POWER MOSFETS and Compare the features


1. Define latching current & holding current of aSCR?

2. What is Snubber circuit? What is the function of Snubbercircuit?
3. What are the different methods to turn on thethyristor?
4. Define Thyristor turn off time and circuit turn offtime.
5. What are the factors that influence the turn-off time of athyristor?
6. Define string efficiency of SCRs connected inseries.
7. List the various forced commutation techniques used to turn offSCR.
8. What losses occur in a thyristor during workingconditions?

1)Explain the opearation of an SCR ?and draw its static V-I characteristics
2)Explain the following terms of an SCR
a)Over voltage protection b) dI/dt protection c) gate protection

3)A string of four scr’s is provided in static and dynamic equalizing circuits .This string has to
with stand an off state Voltage of 12Kv ,the static equalizing resistance is 20kohms,the
dynamic equalizing circuit has rc 20ohms c=0.04f. The leakage for 4thyristors are 20
ma,15ma,12ma,10ma.respectively.Determine the voltage across each scr in off state .the
discharging current of each capacitor at the time of turn on.
UNIT–II: AC-DC Single-Phase Converters
1-phase half wave controlled rectifiers – R load and RL load with and without freewheeling diode – 1-phase
full wave controlled rectifiers – center tapped configuration and bridge configuration- R load and RL load
with and without freewheeling diode – continuous and discontinuous conduction – Effect of source
inductance in 1-phase fully controlled bridge rectifier with continuous conduction
Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

5. Describe the Single Phase Half wave converter with R,RL,RLloads

6. Analyze the Single Phase full wave converter with R,RL loads
7. Illustrate the Examine the effect of freewheeling diode on for RL load
8. Able to know the Effect of source inductance in 1-phase fully controlled bridge rectifier
Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1 UNIT–II: AC-DC Single-Phase Converters 1

Chalk and Talk
1-phase half wave controlled rectifiers with R-load
2 1-phase half wave controlled rectifiers with RL-load with 1 Chalk and Talk
out freewheeling diode
3 1-phase half wave controlled rectifiers with RL-load with 1 Chalk and Talk
freewheeling diode
4 1-phase full wave controlled rectifiers- center tapped 1 Chalk and Talk
5 1-phase full wave controlled rectifiers- bridge 1 Chalk and Talk
configuration with R-load
6 1-phase full wave controlled rectifiers- bridge 1 Chalk and Talk
configuration with RL-load having freewheeling diode
7 . 1-phase full wave controlled rectifiers- bridge 1
configuration with RL-load doesnot have freewheeling
Chalk and Talk
diode– continuous and discontinuous conduction

8 Effect of source inductance in 1-phase fully controlled 1 Chalk and Talk

bridge rectifier with continuous conduction
Total Classes 9


1) Describe the operation of a single phase full-wave converter with the help of voltage and
current waveforms. Also derive the expression for average value of output voltage.
2) Explain with the help of neat power-diagrams and associated wave forms, the operation of a
single-phase half-wave controlled converter with i) Resistive and Inductive load.
3) Describe the working of single phase half controlled converter for alfa = 30 0 with relevant
waveforms and derive expression for average output voltage.


1. .A single-phase half-wave SCR circuit feeds power to a resistive load. Draw waveforms for
source voltage, load voltage, load current and voltage across the SCR for a given firing angle
ά Hence obtain expressions for average and rms load voltages in terms of source voltage and
firing angle.

2. Describe the operation of a single phase full-wave converter with the help of voltage and
current waveforms. Also derive the expression for average value of output voltage.

3. A single phase half controlled bridge converter is supplied a 230V, 50Hz. Determine the
average load voltage for firing angle of 600. If load current of 30A is continuous and constant,
what is the value of load resistance?

4. Describe the working of single phase half controlled converter for alfa = 30 0 with relevant
waveforms and derive expression for average output voltage.

iii) Assignment-II
1) a) List Out The Advantages Of Freewheeling Diode ?
b) Discuss The Operation Of Single Phase Half Wave Converter With R –Load And Derive
Its Ouput Voltage And Rms Voltage

2) A single phase ,230v,50hz, is connected to a fully controlled rectifier with r-l load .assume
voltage drop across the scr is zero,load current is continous.
Where r= 5 ohms,firing angle =60 degrees,and 120 find,
a) Vout b) vdc( max) c)vo(rms) d) io(avg)
3)a) Adavantages Of Full Wave Controlled Circuit Over Mid Point Converter .
b) Define The Following Terms
i) firing angle ii)overlap angle iii) extension
UNIT–III: AC-DC3-Phase Converters
3-phase half wave and Full wave uncontrolled rectifier – 3-phase half wave controlled rectifier with R and RL
load – 3-phase fully controlled rectifier with R and RL load – 3-phase semi controlled rectifier with R and RL
Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

 Analyze three Phase AC–DC uncontrolled rectifier with R and RL loads

 Examine three Phase AC–DC half wave converter with R and RL loads
 Describe three Phase AC–DC Full converter with R and RL loads
 Examine operation of Three Phase Semi converter with R and RL loads
Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of Teaching

1 3-phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier 1 Chalk and Talk

2 3-phase Full wave uncontrolled rectifier 1 Chalk and Talk
3 3-phase half wave controlled rectifier with R-load 1 Chalk and Talk + PPT
4 3-phase half wave controlled rectifier with RL-load 1 Chalk and Talk
5 3-phase full wave controlled rectifier with R-load 1 Chalk and Talk + PPT
6 3-phase full wave controlled rectifier with RL-load 1 Chalk and Talk + PPT
7 3-phase semi controlled rectifier with R and RL load 2 Chalk and Talk
8 Industrial applications of three phase half and full 1 Chalk and Talk
Total 9


1). Explain the operation of three phase fully controlled bridge converter with RL load. Draw
the voltage and current waveforms for a = 45. List the firing sequence ofSCR.

2)Describe the working of three phase half controlled converter with R load for a=30 with
relevant waveforms and derive the expression for average output voltage.

3. Draw the circuit diagram of three – phase half –wave controlled rectifier with R load and
explain its operating principle with voltage and current waveforms. Determine the following
parameters for R load with firing angle a = 60
(a) dc output voltage (b) Average dc load current (c) rms output voltage (d) rms load

1. A 3-phase fully controlled bridge converter is supplying DC-load of 400V, 60A from a3 phase,
50Hz, 660V (line) supply. If the thyristors have a voltage drop of 1.2V when conducting, then
neglecting overlap, compute.
a) Firing angle of thyristor.
b) RMS value of thyristor currents.
c) Mean power loss in thyristors .

2)Explain how a free – wheeling diode improves power factor in a converter

3) A three – phase half –wave controlled rectifier is connected to a 3F, 220 V, 50 Hz acsupply and it
is also connected with a resistive load of 5 Ω. If the firing angle of thyristor is 60calculate (i) dc
output voltage, (ii) rms value of output voltage, (iii) average output.

3) Draw the variation of output voltage with respect to firing angle of three phase semi converter.
1)Draw the ckt diagram of three phase half wave controlled rectifier with R-Load and explain its
operating priniciple with voltage and current wave forms. determine the following parameters for R –
load with firing angle =60 degree
a)vout b) avg dc current c)Vo(rms) d) Io (RMS)

2)Draw the circuit diagram of 3 phase bridge converter with R-L Load &Discuss its working
principle .Draw the voltage and current waveforms. Determine the following parameters
a)vout b) avg dc current c)Vo(rms) d) Io (RMS)
UNIT–IV: DC–DC Converters
Analysis of Buck, boost and buck, buck-boost converters in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and
Discontinuous Conduction Modes (DCM) – Output voltage equations using volt-sec balance in CCM & DCM
output voltage ripple & inductor current, ripple for CCM only – Principle operation of forward and fly back
converters in CCM.

Objectives: This unit enables the students to

4.Interpret Operation Buck and Boost Converter in CCM and DCM
5.Inspect Control strategies of a Dc-Dc Converter
6.Examine the operation of a forward and fly back converter in CCM

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of

1 Analysis of Buck 1 Chalk and Talk

2 Analysis of boost 1 Chalk and Talk
3 Analysis of buck-boost converters in Continuous 1 Chalk and Talk
Conduction Mode- Discontinuous Conduction Modes
4 Output voltage equations using volt-sec balance in CCM & 2 Chalk and Talk
DCM output voltage ripple & inductor current, ripple for
CCM only
5 Principle operation of forward and fly back converters in 1 Chalk and Talk
6 Industrial applications about inverter 1 Chalk and
Total 7


1) Explain the operation of Buck-Boost chopper with relevant waveforms and derive the
expression for average output voltage.
2) Explain the operation of Buck chopper with relevant waveforms and derive the expression
for average output voltage?
3). Discuss the methods of controlling the output voltage of a chopper?

1)Explain the operation of Boost chopper with relevant waveforms and derive the expression
for average output voltage?

2. a) State the current limit control? Explain the difference between current limit control
and time ratio control. Why current limit control is proffered over any other control
3. Discuss the principle of operation of BUCK-Boost converter

4).A step – down chopper has a load resistance of 20 Ω and input dc voltage is 200 V, When
the chopper switch is ON, the voltage across semiconductor switch is 2 V. If the chopping
frequency is 1.5 k Hz and duty ratio is 40%, determine (a) average dc output voltage, ( b) rms
output voltage and ( c) efficiency of chopper.

4) a) List the advantage and disadvantage of the buck chopper.
b) A chopper circuit is operating on TRC principle at frequency of 2 kHz on 220Vd.c supply,
if the load voltage is 170 V compute the conduction and blocking period of thyristor in each
2) Illustrate the operation of Boost chopper with relevant waveforms and derive the
expression for average output voltage.
3) a)Enumerate The Opeartion Of Forward Converter In CCM Only?
b) Explain The Concept Of TRC In Dc To Dc Converter?

UNIT – V: DC–AC Converters

1- phase half bridge and full bridge inverters with R and RL loads –3-phase square wave inverters – 1200
conduction and 1800 conduction modes of operation – PWM inverters – Quasi-square wave pulse width
modulation – Sinusoidal pulse width modulation Prevention of shoot through fault in Voltage Source Inverter
(VSI) – Current Source Inverter (CSI)Introduction to Auto Sequential Commutated Current Source Inverter

At the end of this unit the student will be able to
7. Analyze the operation of a Single phase inverters
8. Examine the operation of a Three phase Inverters
9. Introspect various PWM techniques
 .

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Hrs. Method of Teaching

1 1 Chalk andtalk
1- p single phase half bridge inverters with R-load
2 1- psingle phase full bridge inverters with R-load 1 Chalk andtalk
3 1-p half bridge inverters with RL-load 1 Chalk andtalk
1- p full bridge inverters with RL-load
4 3-three phase square wave inverters-– 1200 conduction and 2 PPT
1800 conduction modes of operation
5 PWM inverters – Quasi-square wave pulse width modulation 1 Chalk andtalk
– Sinusoidal pulse width modulation
6 Prevention of shoot through fault in Voltage Source 1 Chalk andtalk
Inverter (VSI)
7 Current Source Inverter (CSI) 1 Chalk andtalk
8 Intr oduction to Auto Sequential Commutated Current Source 1 Chalk andtalk
Inverter (ASCCSI)
9 Industrial applications ofchoppers 1 PPT
Total classes 10


1. Explain the operating principle of inverter with a suitable diagram. Draw the voltage and current
waveforms of inverter. Derive the expression for rms output voltage.

2. What are pulse width modulated inverters? What are the different PWM techniques used in inverter ?

3 . a) Explain the principle of operation of an inverter b)How is the output voltage and frequency of a PWM
inverter varied?

4. Explain the operation of single phase bridge inverter with the help of load, voltage and current

1.A single-phase full-bridge inverter is controlled by sinusoidal pulse-width modulation technique.
The input der voltage is 300 V The reference signal is more than control signal from 20° to 50°, 80°
to 100° and 140° to 170° in each half-cycle. Determine the output voltage
2. What are the advantages of PWM techniques?

3.Define amplitude modulation index.?

4.Explain briefly sine triangular PWM technique?

1)Describe the operation of single phase half-bridge inverter with RL load?

2)Analyse the operation of single phase Full bridge inverter with RL load
UNIT – VI: AC – AC Regulators.
Static V-I characteristics of TRIAC and modes of operation – 1-phase AC-AC regulator phase
angle control and integrated cycle control with R and RL load – For continuous and discontinuous
conduction- 3-Phase AC-AC regulators with R load only – Transformer tap changing using anti
parallel Thyristors.

Objectives: At the end of this unit the student will be able to

4. Understand the concepts Static V-I characteristics of TRIAC and modes of
5. Analyze the 1-phase AC-AC regulator phase angle control and integrated cycle
control with R and RL load in CCM
6. Examine the Transformer tap changing using anti parallel Thyristors.

Lecture Plan:
S.No Description of Topic No. of Method of Teaching

1U 1 Chalk and talk

Static V-I characteristics of TRIAC and modes of operation

21-phase AC-AC regulator phase angle control with with R and 2 Chalk and talk
RL load
For continuous and discontinuous conduction
33-Phase AC-AC regulators with R load 1 Chalk and talk
4Transformer tap changing using anti parallel Thyristors 2 Chalk and talk
5Iindstrial applications of ac voltage regulator and ac cyclo 2 Chalk and talk
Total 8
1)Draw the output voltage waveform of single phase AC voltage controller with RL

2)Explain the operation of single phase AC voltage controller with R load. Draw the
necessary waveforms

3)A Single phase half wave AC voltage controller has a resistive load of R=10Ω and the
input voltage isVs=120V,60Hz.The delay angle of thyristor is ά=π/2.Determine i) the
rms value of output voltage V0, ii) The input power factor, and iii) the average input


1) Explain the operation of single phase AC voltage controller with R load. Draw the
necessary waveforms.

2) A 230V, 1kW electric heater is fed through a single phase AC voltage controller from
230V, 50Hz Source. Find the load power for a firing angle delay of 700. Derive the
expression used.

3) Describe the different modes of TRAIC?


1) a)Distinguish between SCR and TRAIC?

b)Describe the operation of single phase HalF wave AC Voltage controller with R load?
2)A single phase full wave ac voltage controller is connected with a load of R= 10ohms with an
input voltage of 230v , 50hz . when the firing angle is 45 degrees .determine the power
delivered to the load ,output current( avg),.
Code No: R1631025 R16 SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
d) Answer ALL the question in Part-A
e) Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Draw the turn – OFF characteristics of SCR. [2M]
b) Explain the effect of source inductance in fully controlled bridge rectifier with [2M]
continuous conduction.
c) Draw the circuit diagram of a 3-phase full wave uncontrolled rectifier. [2M]
d) Explain duty cycle in step up chopper operation [3M]
e) What is the principle of operation of Inverter? [3M]
f) Compare turn off mechanism of TRIAC and Thyristor [2M]
2. a) What is power MOSFET? What are the types of power MOSFET? Write the [7M]
difference between general purpose MOSFET and power MOSFET?
b) Describe the basic behavior of thyristor using a two- transistor model. [7M]

3. What is phase angle controlled technique? Explain the operation of [14M]

single – phase angle controlled rectifier. Derive the expression for average dc
output voltage. Draw the relevant waveforms.

4. A three –phase full converter is connected to a load resistance of 5and it is [14M]

supplied from a 220 V, 50 Hz ac supply, If the firing angle of thyristor is α =
30o, Draw the relevant waveforms and determine i) average output voltage,
ii) average output current, iii) rms output voltage and iv) rms output current.

5. a) Explain the operating principle of dc chopper with a suitable diagram. Draw the [10M]
voltage and current waveforms of chopper. Derive expressions for average
output voltage and rms output voltage.
b) Discuss the principle of operation of Buck-Boost converter. [4M]

6. a) Describe the V-I characteristics of TRIAC and modes of operation. [7M]

b) A single –phase half –wave ac voltage controller is connected with a load of [7M]
R = 5with an input voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz. If the firing angle of thyristor is
45o , determine i) RMS output voltage, ii) Power delivered to load

7. a) What are pulse width modulated inverters? What are the different PWM [7M]
techniques used in inverter?
b) With the help of a neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the operation of [7M]
3-phase bridge inverter with R load.

Code No: R1631025 R16 SET - 2

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Explain the turn – ON and turn – OFF time of SCR. [2M]
b) Draw the 1-phase fully controlled rectifier circuit with freewheeling diode. [2M]
c) In the case of a 3-phase , half controlled rectifier feeding a purely resistive load, if [2M]
two values of the firing angle α are measured from the point of natural commutation
are 20 and 40 degrees , then obtain the extinction angles measured from the origin.
d) Draw the static V-I characteristics of TRIAC. [3M]
e) List the advantages and disadvantages of Boost converter. [3M]
f) Compare VSI and CSI. [2M]
2. a) Draw the V-I characteristics of a power MOSFET and explain different operating [7M]
b) Draw the V-I characteristics of SCR and explain it briefly? [7M]
3. a) A single phase 220 V, 1 kW heater is connected to a half- wave controlled rectifier [10M]
and fed from a 220 V, 50 Hz ac supply, Determine the power absorbed by the heater
when the firing angle is i) α = 30o and ii) α = 90o.
b) Write the advantage of freewheeling diode in single–phase half –wave controlled [4M]
rectifier with RL load.
4. Draw the circuit diagram of three – phase, half –wave controlled rectifier with R load [14M]
and explain its operating principle with voltage and current waveforms. Determine the
following parameters for R load with firing angle α = 60o :
2. dc output voltage ii) Average dc load current iii) rms output voltage iv) rms load
5. a) Explain the different control strategies in DC-DC circuits? [7M]
b) Discuss the Principle of operation of forward and fly back converters in CCM. [7M]
6. a) Describe working of 3-Phase AC-AC regulators with R load only and draw the [7M]
relevant waveforms.
b) A single phase full –wave ac voltage controller is connected with a load of R = 10 , [7M]
with an input voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz. When the firing angle of thyristors is 45 o,
determine i) power output at load, ii) average value of thyristor current and iii) rms
value of thyristor current.
7. a) What is pulse width modulation? List the various PWM techniques. How do these [7M]
differ from each other?
b) A single-phase PWM inverter is fed from a 220 V dc supply and it is connected to a [7M]
RL load with R=10 ohms and L=10 mH. Determine the total harmonic distortion in
the load current .Assume width of each pulse is π/2 and the output frequency is 50 Hz.

Code No: R1631025 R16 SET - 3

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1.a) Compare Power MOSFET and IGBT. [2M]
b) What would be the input power factor in a 1-phase rectifier if extinction angle [2M]
control is used for improving power factor with angle β is 50ͦ
c) A 3-phase controlled rectifier feeds a purely resistive load. The data are Vs= 220V [2M]
(rms) and Rld = 15 ohms. If the firing angle α is 45o then what would be the duration
of conduction of thyristor.
d) Discuss the time ratio control in a dc chopper [3M]
e) Draw the waveforms for 1-phase fully controlled ac regulator with inductive load. [3M]
f) Why a PWM inverter is superior to a square wave Inverter? [2M]
2. a) Draw the switching characteristics of power MOSFETs. Define turn- ON delay time, [7M]
rise time, turn – ON time, turn- OFF delay time, fall time and turn- OFF time.
b) What are the different turning – ON methods of a thyristor? Explain each method. [7M]

3. a) Draw the circuit diagram of a single – phase full wave controlled rectifier using [7M]
centre tap transformer with R load and find dc output voltage.
b) A single phase fully controlled bridge converter with RL load is supplied from 220 [7M]
V, 50 Hz ac supply. If the firing angle is 45 o, determine i) average output voltage, ii)
output current iii) input power factor.

4. a) Draw the circuit diagram of a three phase bridge converter with RL load. Discuss [14M]
its working principle. Draw the voltage and current waveforms. Determine the
following parameters:
i) dc output voltage ii) average dc load current iii) rms output voltage
iv) rms load current .

5. With the help of a neat circuit diagram and associated waveforms, discuss the [14M]
operation of Buck-Boost converter.

6. a) Draw the single – phase bidirectional ac voltage controller with R load and explain its [7M]
working principle with waveforms.
b) Draw the waveforms for 3-phase a.c voltage regulator for R load for firing angle 60 o [7M]

7. Explain the working of TRIAC as voltage controller with R load and draw the [14M]
relevant waveforms.


Code No: R1631025 R16 SET - 4

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) What is Sunbber circuit? [2M]
b) In a 1-phase bridge type of controlled rectifier supplying RL load, under what [2M]
conditions discontinuous conduction occurs.
c) Draw a 3-phase half wave controlled converter circuit diagram and output [2M]
voltage wave form for R load.
d) List the advantages and disadvantages of Buck-Boost converter [3M]
e) How shoot through fault will be prevented in VSI. [3M]
f) What is meant by integrated cycle control [2M]
2. a) What is IGBT? What are the advantages of IGBT over power BJT and power [7M]
b) Draw the V-I characteristics of a thyristor and explain different operating [7M]
regions. What is the effect of Gate current on the V-I characteristics of a

3. a) What is the effect of source inductance in single –phase full – wave controlled [10 M]
bridge rectifier with RL load? (b) Draw the voltage and current waveforms
b) Explain how a free – wheeling diode improves power factor in a converter. [4M]

4. Draw the circuit diagram of 3 – phase half –wave controlled rectifier with RL [14M]
load and explain its operating principle with voltage and current waveforms.
Determine the following parameters for RL load with firing angle α = 30o :
5. dc output voltage ii) Average dc load current iii) rms output voltage
7. rms load current v) Ripple factor

5. With help of neat circuit diagram and associated waveforms discuss the [14M]
operation of a Buck converter in continuous conduction mode and
discontinuous conduction mode.

6. Derive the expression for rms output voltage of bidirectional 1-phase ac [14M]
voltage controller with RL load. And draw the relevant waveforms.

7. Explain the working of a 1-phase full bridge Inverter with RL load. Draw the [14M]
relevant output waveforms.

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