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PLATA – 2018800089

After reading the articles about Media and Literacy, I’ve learned that:
1) I have learned about the different ages such as Pre-industrial, Industrial, Electronic and
Information ages in which it corresponds to different developments of different important
materials from different countries of different times.
2) These Media Literacy, whether it be Traditional, Broadcast, New or Social Media, dictated
also the changes we had over the years that affects our lives and lifestyles as well. These
development of Media will have permanent effect on people’s lives and beliefs, too.
RobbGrieco (2014) stated that “Our concepts of media literacy have evolved over time in
response to changing contexts of media studies and educational discourses as well as changes
in communication technologies, media industries, and popular culture.”
3) I learned that at the present time, most people thought that they’re really connected to each
other virtually. I found a video wherein there is a good explanation of the things that are really
happening around us that we’re not aware of or simply by not giving enough attention to it.
I also learned that young people spend a lot of time on social media. They're also more
susceptible to peer- pressure, low self-esteem and mental ill-health. A number of studies have
found associations between increased social media use and depression, anxiety, sleep
problems, eating concerns, and suicide risk.

Also, 3 Questions were also formed in my mind after analyzing the lesson and the articles that I
have read:
1) How come these developments happened in different times left some countries far behind
other countries in terms of economic and social status of their citizen?

2) If virtually people believed that they are connected to each other, why are people inside their
own houses seemed to feel disconnected when each has a device in their hands?

3) Are the negative effects of Media really for all walks of life? Or just specifically for those that
are weak and immature people?

November 29, 2019


PLATA – 2018800089

References List

Alcala, J. [THIMUN Qatar]. (2016, February 23). Connectedly Disconnected [video file].
Retrieved from:

Bordac, S. (2014). Introduction to Media Literacy History's Journal of Media Literacy Education
6(2), 1-2. Retrieved from:

Livingstone, S. & Graaf, S. (2010). Media Literacy. Retrieved from:

Bordac, S. (2014). Introduction to Media Literacy History. Journal of Media Literacy Education,
6(2), 1-2.

Media Literacy

November 29, 2019

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