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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris (Wajib)

Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 16 Maret 2020
Kelas : X IPA – IPS
Materi Pembahasan : Simple Past Tense – Present Perfect Tense
Nama : Efran-X IPA 1

Choose the correct answer! 6. Mike – and – Tina – caught – them – the
– car keys – threw
1. Last night, Samantha have pizza for A. And Tina threw Mike the car
supper. What is the correct form of the keys them caught
underlined word? B. And Tina caught the car keys
A. Have had threw Mike them
B. Having C. And Tina caught them the car
C. Had keys threw Mike
D. Has D. Mike threw the car keys and
E. Is Tina caught them
2. My pet lizard dies last month. What is the E. Mike and Tina threw them the
correct form of the underlined word? car keys caught
A. Have died 7. Won – game – week – who – last –
B. Has died soccer?
C. Dying A. Last week whon won game
D. Died soccer?
E. Die B. Soccer game last week who
3. Yesterday I spend hours cleaning my won?
house. What is the correct form of the C. Game who won soccer last
underlined word? week?
A. Spents D. Won soccer game last week
B. Spent who?
C. Spending E. Who won the soccer game last
D. Is spending week?
E. Have spent 8. Birthday – bought – Elena – we –
4. This morning, he eats two bowls of perfume – her – some – for
cereal. What is the correct form of the A. For her birthday Elena bought
underlined word? we some perfume
A. Has eaten B. Some we perfume Elena
B. Eaten bought for her birthday
C. Eating C. We bought Elone some
D. Eat perfume for her birthday
E. Ate D. Some Elena bought we
5. I bring the bag last week. What is the perfume for her birthday
correct form of the underlined word? E. We bought perfume for Elene
A. Have brought her some birthday
B. Is bringing 9. Ill – meal – after – the – all – we – felt
C. Brough A. All we meal after the felt ill
D. Has brought B. We all felt ill after the meal
E. Brings C. All meal we felt the after ill
D. We felt all the ill meal after
For questions numbers 6-10, arrange the
E. After we felt the meal all ill
words into the correct order.
10. Week – my – wanted – asked - I – to – if
– lasr – theater – go to – the – freind – me
A. Last week my friend asked 17. She ___________ a teacher for ten years,
me if I wanted to go to the and she still enjoys it.
theatre A. Is
B. Last week I asked my friend if B. Was
me wanted to go to the theatre C. Has been
C. My friend wanted to go to the D. Have been
theatre if I asked me last week E. Have had been
D. The theathre last week asked 18. How long ________. Jill? I know you see
me if I wanted my friend to go her often.
to A. Knowning
E. I asked my friend to go to B. You know
theatre asked me last week C. Has you known
D. Had you known
For questions 11 – 20, fill in the gaps with E. Have you known
the correct Present Perfect form of the 19. I __________ about the problem for
verbs. months, (continue to number 20)
A. Knows
11. I ____________________ her before.
B. Known
A. Met
C. Has known
B. Had met
D. Have known
C. Have never met
E. Had been known
D. Meet
20. But I _________ a solution yet.
E. Never met
A. Am not
12. She __________________ the book.
B. Have not found
A. Read
C. Did not find
B. Reads
D. Doesn’t find
C. Has read
D. Had read E. Hasn’t find
E. Have read
13. We __________________ the movie.
A. Have had seen
B. Have seen
C. Has read
D. Had seen
E. Had saw
14. No one _______________ us.
A. Has forgotten
B. Have forgotten
C. Has forgot
D. Have forgot
E. Forgot
15. Karen and I ___________ friends for 3
A. Are
B. Were
C. Had been
D. Had been
E. Have lived
16. I _____________ in Paris for 6 years. I
love it here.
A. Was
B. Lived
C. Has been
D. Had been
E. Have lived

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