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Joann Chavis 1

Joann Chavis

Stacy Romney

PTA 1010

1 November 2016

Clinical Reflection Paper

For my job shadowing I went to The University of Utah Rehabilitation Clinic in

Sugarhouse. While I was there, I shadowed every one of the physical therapists at one point or

another, but for the most part I was with Colin Shepard, a licensed physical therapist. Following

a variety of people helped me see the different ways that these professionals interact with their

clients. All of them had a different style to get to know each and every one of their clients.

The staff at the clinic included multiple physical therapists (PTs), a few physical therapist

assistants (PTAs), and multiple occupational therapists (OTs). It was apparent to me that every

one of them knew their role at the workplace and contributed to make things run smoothly. Prior

to starting my community service hours, I was expecting to walk in, observe clients getting

physical therapy then leave. However, I didn’t realize that the PTs and PTAs see the same clients

everyday which helps them build a close relationship. In fact, I noticed many of the clients were

so excited to go to the clinic not just for the therapy itself. Many had built close relationships

which I feel not only helped encourage the clients, but it also encouraged a positive atmosphere.

I found the practice and ethics at the clinic to be very good. Nearly all clients would

follow a similar sequence. After arrival, a PT or PTA would take the client back to a room where

they would talk to the PT. For privacy, the rooms had curtains and doors that would be closed

during and would typically be accompanied by an assistant. That way no one would feel
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uncomfortable and harassment, or other claims, would be caught. One thing I was impressed

with was the physical therapist would introduce the client to everyone in the room and if I was

shadowing, they would ask the client permission for me to observe. Knowing who each person

was and their responsibilities helped made the client very comfortable. In this room, the physical

therapist would ask the client about any pain, improvements, if they felt that the interventions

were helping, etc. After hearing the thoughts of the client, the physical therapist made necessary

changes to the plan of care and then walked the client back to the main room with all the exercise

equipment. At this point the client would do all of the exercises planned for them with the

assistance of the PTA as the PT observed. While exercising the client always had someone

directly assisting with equipment and watching that every rep was completed with correct form.

All of this was done with at least one physical therapist supervising the room. After all the

exercising was finished; the PT again met with the client and performed interventions under only

the PT scope of practice. After that was complete, the client was given ice packs if needed and

sent on their way. The system at the clinic seemed to work very well for them. There was always

a good balance between staff and clients resulting in the client getting adequate attention.

My time shadowing at the clinic helped reinforce why I want to become a PTA. I went

into the clinic on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for two weeks in a row. Because I was

there the same day of the week, I saw many of the same clients. One woman really stood out to

me. She had an accident where she injured her knee. She was in a lot of pain and had a hard time

believing that she would get better. To help her see her small improvement the physical therapist

would measure her range of motion (ROM) before working with her. He wrote down and told

her what the original measurement was and would then assist her in her therapy. At the end, her

ROM was measured again only this time he had her read the number off of the goniometer
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herself. It was then that you could see her believe that all the hard work and pain that she was

feeling would result in her healing. She was a good example for me to see that clients at times

need some extra attention and need things shown to them in different ways.

Another client that stood out to me was a man who was working on his gait and balance.

For his gait, we would walk around the facility while focusing on his heel/toe steps. Then came

one of my favorite experiences. In order to work on his balance, they put him in a harness that

was attached to the celling and would slide side to side to allow him to move around. Next the

PT placed a big square pad under him so that the floor would be uneven. As the PT stood right

behind him, the assistants then threw balls for him to catch. This forced him to throw off his

balance. One reason this was a memorable experience is because throughout this whole therapy,

he seemed quiet. However, once the assistants began throwing the balls, he all of a sudden

became more alive and even started joking around with the assistants. That exercise seems to of

had brought out the kid in him.

Overall, this experience has allowed me see all aspects of Physical Therapy. This class

has helped strengthen my commitment to become a Physical Therapist’s Assistant. The clinical

time was very well spent. It was interesting to see just how physical therapists are likely to spend

their days. I have heard from people that doing the clinical hours made them realize that physical

therapy is not for them. However, I feel the exact opposite. After being at the clinic and seeing

everything first hand, I have fallen even more in love with physical therapy. I have really gained

a deep respect for this profession and I know that physical therapists make a difference in the

lives of their clients.

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