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Pham Hoang Phu

SB: Sanctification of Time and Space

TO: Rev. Fr. Ryan Israel Martinez



For Catholics, liturgy plays a very important role in the Church and in the life of the

faithfuls.Indeed, in the opening words of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the Second

Vatican Council said: "For the liturgy, through which the work our our redeemption is

accomplished, most of all in the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, is the outstanding means

whereby the faithful may express in their lives, and manifest to others, the mystery of Christ

and the rela nature of the true Church ...” Not only that, the liturgy also helps the faithfuls

open a new relationship with three dimensions which is an intimate encounter with God,

with others and with oneself. This three-fold dimension encounter not only helps the faitful

to discover the supernatural reality but also go deeply into the inner of their hearts.

Firstly, the true liturgy is an encounter between God and man and between man and

God. More clearly, it is a dialogue between man and God where the people offer to God

blessings, compliments, thanksgiving and prayers. And also there God responds to the

petitions of man. This encounter is evident in the Liturgy of the Hours and the Liturgy of

the Eucharist. Indeed, in the Liturgy of the Hours people through psalms offer to God

blessings, thanksgiving and praise.

Not only the blessing and thanksgiving in the Liturgy of the Hours but in the Liturgy

of the Eucharist, the blessings and thanksgiving are still going on in every celebration of the
Mass. Truly, the most authentic encounter between God and man and giving man the most

spiritual benefit is the encounter through the Eucharist as Jesus himself said: "those who

eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them ”(Jn 6.56). Thus, it can be said that

this is the most complete and meaningful meeting where a person could encounter the

body of Christ directly.

Secondly, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 26 in the Second Vatican Council

also said: "The liturgical services are not private functions, but are celebrations of the Church,

which is the sacrament of unity namely, holy people united and ordered under their bishops”.

As such, the liturgy is not exclusive to any individual, but to everyone. And the Church

really wants the celebration of the Liturgy to be more of a community rather than a solitary

and isolated celebration. By this way, we can affirm that the liturgy has a communitarian

nature and it is in the community that we meet one another. However, this meeting is not

like an ordinary encounter but it is an encounter with the purpose of praising God. There,

we meet those people who togather witghg us offer blessings, compliments, and

thanksgiving to God. And of course, this encounter also makes it easy for people to share

faith, hope, and love with God. So it is clear that the liturgy does not limit the Christians in

any particular persons but the liturgy helps them be open to all peope in God.

Not only that, we also see a loving encounter among people in the Liturgy of the

Mass when they wish each other peace. Whether it is a bow, a handshake, a kiss or a hug,

this is the most beautiful ritual for love and a sign of unity among the people of God.

Thirdly, aside from the encounter with God and others, Liturgy also helps each

person to encounter himself. Liturgy invites each believer to look into his mind to
recognize his faults and weaknesses to God and to everyone as in the Liturgy of the

Eucharist, people see themselves as a weak sinner and show their repentance: "through my

fault, through my fault, through my most griveous fault.”

Therefore, it can be seen that liturgy that we are celebrating everyday not only

draws people to God to meet him, not only points people outside to meet others, the liturgy

also draws people inward to see who they truly are. And in order to live in those

dimensions, none other than each of us as child of God needs to celebrate the Liturgy with a

full respect to please our God.

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