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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and

induction processes

Manage staff induction

Submission details

Student’s Student
Name No.




You will have been told by your assessor when you need to submit this
assessment task. Makes sure if you want to change that date – you get it
in writing.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See
specifications below for details.

Performance object ive

You must demonstrate your ability to manage an induction/training

Assessment description
You are to research, develop and write a set of guidelines/rules for an
induction program at your organisation, an organisation with which you
are familiar or an organisation approved by your assessor. You will then
deliver an induction program or part of one, provide feedback to
inductees/participants and collect information about how well the
programme went.

1. Conduct research on induction procedures and program content/what
is part of the programme within your workplace and industry.

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2017 1st edition version: 2
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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and
induction processes

2. Draft/plan policy statement objectives, program outline, procedures

and documents for each stage of induction process that suit the
organisation and comply with relevant legislation. (i.e rules on how
training will be conducted, what is included in the training as well as
making sure we meet government and industry rules and guidelines),
 Consult relevant workplace personnel for feedback on
 Refine and edit guidelines. (i.e make the guidelines better to
suit your organisation)
 Ensure all sources are referenced correctly. (i.e when
mentioning any external material - for e.g websites, or
newspapers etc – make sure they are correct.) ‘
 Write final copy of guidelines following format stated in
Appendix 1.
3. Induct/train staff using your guidelines or following company policies
& procedures. Ensure you:
 You can deliver the training to your classmates, friends, etc.
 Provide access to training and ongoing support for all persons
attending training.
 Check induction/training processes are followed across the
 Manage the try-out staff and advise them at the end of their
term whether they have a position or not.
 Monitor - check and review
 Discuss with people attending the training and other managers if
the training is right for them.
Note: Collect evidence of the above such as training plans,
performance reports, scorecards, emails.
4. Make adjustments to guidelines in response to feedback.
5. Submit documentation as per specifications below.

You will need to submit:
 Induction guidelines drafts: original and later drafts refined after
feedback on performance (i.e provide your first documents on
training and then after you have had some comments about the

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd/Last modified Jan
2017 1st edition version: 2
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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and
induction processes

 Evidence of providing training or other development support for

inductees (i.e provide some proof that the staff attended the
 Evidence of providing feedback, such as emails or organisational
reports (provide written reviews from people attending the training
about their experience)
 Evidence of gathering feedback for the purpose of monitoring the
performance of the induction program, such as organisational
reporting (i.e show that you have got proof of the reviews for
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
 Writing skills to prepare guidelines/rules that are complete, clearly
written in plain English with all sources (external materials
internet/newspapers) correctly referenced/showing using in-text
referencing or footnotes 1 and a bibliography 2. They must be
presented in the form of a bound (secured and punch hold or
fastened) document and adhere closely to the format.
 Planning skills to develop logical/step by step processes
 Work skills to work properly within constraints/guidelines set by
business strategy and objectives (business goals), policy, and the
external legislative requirements (i.e government and industry

Footnote – this is a footnote, a note at the bottom of a page, giving further

information about something mentioned in the text above

Bibliography - a list of books and articles consulted, appearing at the end of a

book or other text
© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd/Last modified Jan
2017 1st edition version: 2
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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and
induction processes

Appendix 1: Format for guidelines

● Title page

● Contents

● Introduction:

○ brief organisation profile – introduction to the company to all

people in the training session.
○ induction/training policy statement and objectives (i.e goals of
the training being provided)
● Induction program:

○ program outline with session titles, facilitators/trainers, location,

times, methods of delivery (how teaching is conducted)
○ induction toolkit contents checklist – what is being provided in
the training items, like books, pens, policies etc)
○ induction process checklist (list of items to be checked and
○ evaluation form – (what the people in the training thought of the
training session)
● Induction training and support:

○ objectives based on organisational policy (the aims of the

○ training tasks
○ list of staff and methods for training staff
○ checklists for facilitating/making the training easy training
○ training evaluation form - (what the people in the training
thought of the training session)
● Overseeing of probationary employees:

○ objectives based on organisational policy

○ probation procedure ( staff being tried-out – what is the
○ checklist for procedure
○ probation process evaluation form.
● Appendix:

○ templates
○ sample documentation
○ bibliography.

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2017 1st edition version: 2
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Assessment Task 3 BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and
induction processes

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2017 1st edition version: 2
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