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KD 3.


Narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. 
The purpose of the text is to entertain or to amuse the readers or listeners about the story.
 To entertain the readers.
 To teach or inform.
 To change social opinion.

The generic structure of Narrative text :

1. Orientation :
It set the scene and introduce the participants (it answers the question : who, when, what, and where).
2.      Complication :
Tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them. This part includes situations,
activities, or events that lead problem/complication to the shows when the crisis arise.
3.      Resolution :
The crisis is revolved, for better or worse. It shows the end of the story, usually a happy ending.

Other generic structures of narrative text:

·         Evaluation        : (optional) The stepping back to evaluate the story or the moral message of the story
·         Coda                 : (optional) changes of the characters of lesson / value of the story.
·         Re-orientation   : (optional) The ending of the story.

The grammatical features of narrative texts are :

·         Use of adjectives to build noun groups to describe the people, animals or things in the story, such as… a
nice, diligent and kind-hearted man, etc.
·         Use of time connectives and conjunctions to sequence events through time, such as however,although,
later, then.
·         Use of adverbs and adverbial phrases to locate the particular events, such as once upon a time, long time
·         Use of past tenses, such as Aji Saka went to the kingdom, measured the size of the turban, etc.
·         Use of action verbs to indicate the actions, such as stood, explained, provided, smashed.
·        Use of saying and thinking verbs to indicate what characters are feeling thinking or saying, such as told,
realized, decided.

The kind of narrative texts are :

·         Legend: Lake Toba, Malin Kundang, etc.
·         Fable: Crocodile and Mouse Deer, etc.
·         A fairy tale: Snow White, Cinderella, Pinocchio etc.
·         Mystery: Mirror, The Ring, Ghost Ship, etc.
·         Science fiction: SpiderMan, Fantastic 4, etc

Example of narrative text :


Reported Speech (Indirect Speech)

Pengertian Reported Speech

Reported speech atau indirect speech adalah suatu cara mengungkapkan apa yang orang lain (speaker) telah
katakan secara langsung (direct speech) yang dapat berupa  pernyataan, pertanyaan, atau ucapan lainnya
dengan mengubah format pembicaraan tersebut sehingga menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi

Logikanya, seorang penyampai berita tidak melaporkan persis setiap kata yang diucapkan oleh seseorang.

Direct speech yang diubah menjadi reported speech  tersebut dapat berupa

 statement (pernyataan)

 imperative (command (perintah), invitation (undangan), request (permintaan))

 yes/no question (pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban ya atau tidak), maupun

 information question atau wh-question (pertanyaan akan informasi)

Contoh Kalimat Direct dan Reported Speech

Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

statement He said that he was not hungry at that time.
(Dia berkata bahwa dia tidak lapar saat itu.)
“I’m not hungry now.”
(Saya tidak lapar sekarang.)

imperative She told me not to touch her computer.

(Dia berkata pada saya untuk tidak menyentuh komputernya.)
“Do not touch my computer!”
(Jangan sentuh komputerku!)

yes-no question She wanted to know if I’d eaten her cake.

(Dia ingin tahu apakah saya telah memakan kuenya.)
“Did you eat my cake?”
(Apakah kamu makan kueku?)

information question He asked me who the winner was.

(Dia bertanya pada saya siapa pemenangnya.)
“Who is the winner?”
(Siapa pemenangnya?)

Mengubah Direct Speech menjadi Reported Speech

Pada dasarnya direct speech dapat diubah menjadi reported speech dengan

 menghilangkan tanda baca kutip,

 menghilangkan huruf kapital di awal kalimat,

 menambahkan  that (optional),

 mengubah pronoun (menjadi orang ketiga),

 menyesuaikan verb,

 mengoreksi time reference (waktu yang disebutkan dalam pembicaraan), dan/atau

 menambahkan whether atau if.

Berikut beberapa penjelasannya.

Mengoreksi Time Reference

Perbandingan time references pada direct speech dan reported speech sebagai berikut.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

here there

last month/year  the month/year before

 the preceding month/year

 the previous month/year

next month/year  a month/year later

 the following month/year

 the next month/year

now  at that time

 then

today that day

tomorrow  a day later

 the following/next day

yesterday  the day before

 the previous day

two days/weeks ago  two days/weeks before

 two days/weeks earlier

Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

“Will I receive the packet tomorrow?” He asked if he would receive the packet the following
(Akankah saya menerima paket tsb day.
besok?) (Dia bertanya apakah dia akan menerima paket tersebut
hari berikutnya.)

“I have to return the book two days She said that she had to return the book two days
ago.” earlier.
(Saya harus mengembalikan buku tsb (Dia berkata bahwa dia harus mengembalikan buku
dua hari lalu.) tersebut dua hari sebelumnya.)

Menambahkan Whether atau If

Whether atau if ditambahkan untuk menyampaikan kembali kalimat  yes-no question yang telah didengar


 Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

Contoh Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

“Do you have a little time?” He asked me if I had a little time.
(Apa kamu punya sedikit waktu?) (Dia bertanya pada saya apakah saya memiliki sedikit waktu.)


Jawaban dari pertanyaan pada direct speech: Yes, I

do atau  No, I don’t.

“Have you heard the news?” She wanted to know whether I had heard the news.
(Sudahkah kamu mendengar (Dia ingin tahu apakah saya telah mendengar berita tersebut.)
berita tsb?)

Jawaban dari pertanyaan pada direct speech: Yes, I

have atau  No, I haven’t.

Lihat juga:

 indirect question

Menyesuaikan Verb

Verb pada direct speech berupa berupa imperative (command (perintah)) pada reported

speech diubah menjadi infinitive.  Selain itu, umumnya verb  tense (present atau future, termasuk modal) diubah
menjadi bentuk past. Misalnya jika direct speech dalam present tense, maka reported speech dalam past tense.
Berikut detailnya.⇒

Direct Speech Reported Speech

present tense past tense

present continuous past continuous

present perfect past perfect

future (am/is/are going to) was/were going to

past tense past perfect

past continuous past perfect continuous

will would

must, have to had to

may (permission) could, might

shall should (ask for advice), would (simple future)

may (possibility) might

can could

Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

Contoh Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

“I have cleaned your room.” He told that he had cleaned my room.

(Saya telah membersihkan (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia telah membersihkan
ruanganmu.) present perfect ruanganku.) past perfect

“May I go to the bathroom?” She asked if she could go to the bathroom.

(Bolehkah saya pergi ke kamar mandi?)  may (Dia bertanya apakah dia dapat pergi ke kamar
= modal (present) mandi.) could = modal (past)
direct speech menjadi indirect/reported speech

Kasus Khusus pada Reported Speech

Berdasarkan general rule jika reporting verb dalam bentuk past (said, told, wanted (to know)),

maka verb pada direct speech diubah menjadi bentuk past pada reported speech.

Namun ada beberapa kasus dimana verb tense pada reported speech bisa tidak berubah. Berikut diantaranya.

1. Jika yang disampaikan merupakan fact (fakta) atau general truth (kebenaran umum).

2. Jika penyampai berita percaya bahwa apa yang disampaikannya masih benar/berlaku atau belum terjadi
dan penyampai berita percaya pada apa yang dikatakan pembicara.

Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

Contoh Direct Speech Contoh Reported Speech

Kondisi 1

“Water boils at 100 degrees He said that water boils at 100 degrees Celcius.

Celcius.” (Dia mengatakan bahwa air mendidih pada 100 derajat Celcius.)
(Air mendidih pada 100 derajaT
Verb (present) tidak berubah (menjadi past) karena pernyataan
tersebut merupakan general truth.

“I’m an engineer.” She told that she is an engineer.

(Saya seorang enjinir.) (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia seorang enjinir.)


Verb (present) tidak berubah karena pernyataan tersebut

merupakan fact dimana penyampai berita tahu bahwa orang
tsb masih enjinir.

Kondisi 2

“I feel empty.” He said that he feels empty.

(Saya merasa kosong.) (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia merasa kosong.)


Penyampai berita percaya bahwa apa yang disampaikannya

benar/berlaku karena setelah mendengar langsung dilaporkan.

“I‘m going to visit Bali on She told that she is going to visit Bali on December 30, 2018.
December 30, 2018″. (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia akan mengunjungi Bali pada
(Saya akan mengunjungi Bali tanggal 30 Desember 2018.)
pada tanggal 30 Desember
Penyampai berita menyampaikannya sebelum 30 Desember
2018, selain itu dia juga percaya pada pernyataan pembicara.

Namun Verb Tense pada Reported Speech Diubah menjadi Bentuk Past Jika…

Bila penyampai berita tidak percaya kepada speaker (pembicara), tidak yakin bahwa berita masih valid,
atau ingin bersikap netral, verb tense umumnya diubah menjadi bentuk past. Hal yang sama berlaku ketika
penyampai berita yakin bahwa berita masih valid/belum terjadi, namun dia tidak fokus pada validitas berita
tersebut, melainkan pada fakta bahwa pembicaraan tersebut merupakan past conversation (terjadi dimasa

Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

Contoh Direct Speech Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech

“I‘m going to visit Bali on She told that she was going to visit Bali on December 30, 2018.
December 30, 2018.” (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia akan mengunjungi Bali pada tanggal
(Saya akan mengunjungi Bali 30 Desember 2018.)
pada tanggal 30 Desember
Penyampai berita tidak percaya kepada speaker, misalnya
walaupun belum tanggal 30 Desember, namun speaker telah
berkali-kali mengatakan akan ke Bali tetapi tidak pernah jadi.

“I don’t like bananas!” He said that he didn’t like bananas.

(Saya tidak suka pisang!) (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia tidak suka pisang.)


Penyampai berita tidak yakin bahwa berita masih valid, misalnya

karena speaker sekarang makan pisang setiap hari.

“I will call you later.” She told me that he would call me later.

(Saya akan menghubungimu (Dia mengatakan padaku bahwa dia akan menghubungiku nanti.)

Penyampai berita ingin bersikap netral: tidak menyimpulkan

bahwa speaker tidak akan menepati ataupun akan menepati

“I enjoy swimming.” He said that he enjoyed swimming.

(Saya menyukai berenang.) (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia menyukai berenang.)


Penyampai berita fokus pada fakta bahwa pembicaraan tersebut

merupakan past conversation  bukan pada fakta
bahwa speaker masih suka berenang.


1. Helen said Jono, “May I borrow your dictionary tomorrow?”. What did Helen say to Jono…
a. Helen said Jono to borrow her dictionary tomorrow
b. Helen said Jono if/whether he might borrow her dictionary the following day
c. Helen said Jono whether she might borrow her dictionary the following day
d. Helen said Jono to borrow her dictionary the following day
e. Helen said Jono if/whether she might borrowed her dictionary the following day

2. Sofia said my mom, “Can I meet your daughter, Mila, now?”. We know that…
a. Sofia asked my mom if she could meet her daughter, Mila, then
b. Sofia asked my mom if she could met her daughter, Mila, then
c. Sofia asked my mom if she can meet her daughter, Mila, then
d. Sofia asked my mom if she could met her daughter, Mila, now
e. Sofia asked my mom if she can meet his daughter, Mila, then

3. My father asked My brother, “Will we spend the holiday in Lampung next month?”. We can conclude that…
a. My father asked my brother whether we would spent the holiday in Lampung the following month
b. My father asked my brother whether they would spend the holiday in Lampung the following
c. My father asked my brother whether they would spend the holiday in Lampung the following
d. My father asked my brother whether they would spend the holiday in Lampung the next month
e. My father asked my brother whether we would have spent the holiday in Lampung the following

4. Miftahul said Dwi, “Will you marry me?”. We can conclude that……
a. Miftahul asked Dwi if she would marry him
b. Miftahul asked Dwi if he would marry him
c. Miftahul asked Dwi if he would marry hers
d. Miftahul asked Dwi if he would marry her
e. Miftahul asked Dwi if he will marry her

5. Fairuz said me, “Shall I go now?”. We can conclude that…….

a. Fairuz asked me that he should go then
b. Fairuz asked me that he should go now
c. Fairuz asked me if he should go now
d. Fairuz asked me if he shall go then
e. Fairuz asked me whether he should go then

6. Joshua said Sindy, “could you send the letter yesterday?”. What did Joshua say Sindy….
a. Joshua said Sindy to send the letter the day before
b. Joshua said Sindy that he could send the letter the day before
c. Joshua said Sindy whether he could have sent the letter the day before
d. Joshua said Sindy she could have sent the letter yesterday
e. Joshua said Sindy if she could have sent the letter the day before

7. Sinta said Bayu, “should we wait Our friends here?”. We know that……..
a. Sinta said Bayu shall they wait Our friends there
b. Sinta said Bayu whether they should wait their friends there
c. Sinta said Bayu whether they should have waited their friends there
d. Sinta said Bayu that they should have waited their friends there
e. Sinta said Bayu whether they should have wait our friends there

8. Sulena asked Tito , “might you spend the holiday in Jogjakrta last month?”. We can conclude that….
a. Sulena asked Tito to you might spend the holiday in Jogjakrta the month before
b. Sulena asked Tito if she might have spent the holiday in Jogjakrta the month before
c. Sulena asked Tito whether she might have spent the holiday in Jogjakrta the month before
d. Sulena asked Tito that he might have spent the holiday in Jogjakrta last month before
e. Sulena asked Tito might you have spend the holiday in Jogjakrta last month before

9. Riza said Denny, “Would you come to my home?”. We can conclude that….
a. Riza said Denny if she Would have come to her home
b. Riza said Denny that she Would come to her home
c. Riza said Denny Would she come to her home
d. Riza said Denny whether he Would have come to his home
e. Riza said Denny if she Would have come to my home

10. Mario said me, “Should I go?” . We can conclude that….

a. Mario said me, whether he Should go
b. Mario said me whether I Should go
c. Mario said me that he Should have gone
d. Mario said me,to she Should have gone
e. Mario said me whether he Should have gone

11. Tina said Eko, “why May you give the permitting to them to take all?”. What did Tina say to Eko …
a. Tina said Eko why you might give the permitting to them to take all
b. Tina said Eko why he might give the permitting to them to take all
c. Tina said Eko why he might have given the permitting to them to take all
d. Tina said Eko why she might give the permitting to them to take all
e. Tina said Eko why she might have given the permitting to them to take all

12. Aurelia said Fino, “where Can I buy this hat now?”. We know that….
a. Aurelia said Fino where she could buy that hat, then
b. Aurelia said Fino where she could have bought that hat, then
c. Aurelia said Fino where she could buy this hat, now
d. Aurelia said Fino where he could buy that hat, then
e. Aurelia said Fino where he could have bought that hat, then

13. Riana asked Ubbay, “when Will we join the students organization ?”. We can conclude that…..
a. Riana asked Ubbay when we Would join the students organization
b. Riana asked Ubbay when they Would join the students organization
c. Riana asked Ubbay when we Would have joined the students organization
d. Riana asked Ubbay when they Would have joined the students organization
e. Riana asked Ubbay when they Would have been joined the students organization

14. Wida said Carel, “why Will you marry me?”. We can conclude that….
a. Wida said Carel she would marry him
b. Wida said Carel she would have married him
c. Wida said Carel he would have married her
d. Wida said Carel he would marry her
e. Wida said Carel to he would marry her

15. Yumna said Fairuz , “when Shall I come to your home?”. We can conclude that….
a. Yumna said Fairuz when she Shall I come to your home
b. Yumna said Fairuz when She have come to your home?”
c. Yumna said Fairuz when She come to his home?”
d. Yumna said Fairuz when She should have come to his home
e. Yumna said Fairuz when She should come to his home

16. Ekko said Yuni , “what could you do for your future?”. What did Ekko say Yuni….
a. Ekko said Yuni what could you have done for your future
b. Ekko said Yuni what you could have do for your future
c. Ekko said Yuni what she could have done for her future
d. Ekko said Yuni what he could have done for his future
e. Ekko said Yuni what she could do for her future

17. Chelsy said Nisa , “when should we follow the party?”. We know that….
a. Chelsy said Nisa when they should have followed the party
b. Chelsy said Nisa when she should have followed the party
c. Chelsy said Nisa that when they should have followed the party
d. Chelsy said Nisa to when they should have followed the party
e. Chelsy said Nisa whether they should have followed the party

18. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti , “How might you enter to study in Lampung University last month?”. We can
conclude that….
a. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti How you might enter to study in Lampung University the month before
b. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti How she might have entered to study in Lampung University the month before
c. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti how he might have entered to study in Lampung University the month before
d. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti how he might enter to study in Lampung University last month?”
e. Imron asked Mrs. Yanti how might she have enter to study in Lampung University the month before

19. Lutfiah said Denny, “when Would you call to your sister?”.We can conclude that….
a. Lutfiah said Denny when she would have called to your sister
b. Lutfiah said Denny when he would have called l to your sister
c. Lutfiah said Denny when she would have called to her sister?”
d. Lutfiah said Denny when he would have called to his sister?”
e. Lutfiah said Denny when she would call to her sister?”

20. Mario said me, “why Should I go?”. We can conclude that….
a. Mario said me, why he Should go
b. Mario said me why I Should have gone
c. Mario said me why he Should have been gone
d. Mario said me,to he Should have gone
e. Mario said me why he Should have gone

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