Evaluare Orala Clasa 5

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Summative Oral Evaluation for the 5th form Date_______________

Specific Competences:

1.Linguistic Competence

2.Socio-linguistic Competence

3.Pragmatic Competence

Competence Units :

1.4. Respectarea pronunției, ritmului și intonației specifice limbii străine în emiterea unor cuvinte, expresii și enunțuri

simple din mediul cotidian

1.5. Utilizarea corectă a cuvintelor și expresiilor simple și scurte, specific limbii străine, în situații de comunicare cotidiene

1.6. Respectarea normelor gramaticale uzuale în cadrul unor enunțuri simple și isolate

2.7. Exprimarea stărilor fizice, preferințelor, emoțiilor și atitudinilor în cadrul interacțiunii cu interlocutorii

3.7. Relatarea orală, în propoziții simple, a informaţiei principale dintr-un text cu referire la subiecte de ordin familiar, utilizând
limbajul non-verbal şi pauze pentru a căuta cuvinte


O1to describe the school they go to

O2 to point out the likes and dislikes about school

O3 to demonstrate why do they like and don’t like certain school subjects

O4to explain what is a good classmate

O5to speak fluently and to use correctly the grammar structures

O6 to make up sentences using the studied structures and words

Criteria (equally weighted): (1) Comprehension (2) Pronunciation (3) Grammar and (4)word order (5) Vocabulary

General speed of speech and sentence length

5 points Uses English with few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order.

4 points In general uses “good English,” but with occasional grammatical or word order errors which do not, however, obscure

3 points Meaning occasionally obscured by grammatical and / or word order errors which do not, however obscure meaning.

2 points Grammatical usage and word order definitely unsatisfactory; frequently needs to rephrase constructions and/or
restricts himself to basic structural patterns (e.g., uses the simple present tense where he should use past or future).

1 point Errors of grammar and word order make comprehension quite difficult.

0 points Speech so full of grammatical and word order errors as to be virtually unintelligible.

(subtracting 0.2 for every error and 0.5 for every 30 seconds off the required time.)

Variant I
1. You have 1,5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it aloud. You will not have more than 1,5 minutes to
read it.

2. Study the advertisement.

3. Imagine that these are photos from your album. Choose one photo to presnt to your friend. In your talk remember to speak
about:-when and where the photo was taken -what/who in the photo -what is happening -why you keep the photo in your
album -why you decided to show the picture to your friend

(устная часть)

Раздел «Коммуникативные умения. Говорение»

Диалогическая речь.
Планируемый результат: участвовать в элементарных диалогах, диалоге-расспросе, диалоге-побуждении.
Задание: В ваш класс пришел новый ученик. Познакомься с ним. Узнай его имя, возраст, что он
любит делать. Разыграйте диалог с одноклассником по ролям.
Монологическая речь (повышенный уровень).
Планируемый результат: составлять небольшое описание картинки, предмета, персонажа.
Задание: Расскажи о любимом сказочном герое (внешность, где живет, что умеет делать).

Раздел «Коммуникативные умения. Аудирование»

Планируемый результат: воспринимать на слух в аудиозаписи информацию из сообщений, рассказов, сказок,
построенных на знакомом языковом материале.
Задание: Кристи рассказывает о первом дне в средней школе и дает советы. Послушай ее
рассказ. Обведи тот вариант, о котором она говорит.
1. There are new teachers/subjects.
2. The day is longer/shorter.
3. The first lesson was Maths/PE.
4. You must have a pencil-case/a lunchbox.
5. Always bring your homework diary/ruler.
6. You mustn’t forget your school/school rules.

Часть 2.
Говорение.  Монолог. Расскажи о себе ( как тебя зовут, сколько тебе лет, откуда
ты, о своей семье, кем они работают). В твоем рассказе должно быть не менее  5
 Диалог. Разыграйте диалог при встрече двух знакомых.  Поприветствуйте друг
друга, расспросите о делах и попрощайтесь.
УСТНАЯ ЧАСТЬ 6 класс Английский язык

Тask 1.

Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and
you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it out aloud.
You will not have more than 2 minutes to read it.

Camels are famous because they can walk further across deserts than other kind of animal.

They can travel for days in places where temperatures are as high as 40 degrees and where the rainfall can be as low as 20 mm per year. They
often carry heavy loads in these conditions, but people don’t only use them for transportation.

Camels also produce milk, and because they can weigh as much as 700 kilogrammes, they also provide a lot of meat. So camels have many
great qualities, but how many of us would describe camels as a beautiful?

Camels have a large hump, strange knees, skinny legs and ugly teeth. They are not beautiful. But not everyone agrees. Once a year, people
bring their camels to an area of land in Abu Dhabi. They are here to find the most beautiful camel. There are around 24 000 camels in the
competition which last ten days and the judges have to find the best for the final day.

Task 2. Take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions. Remember that
you have 40 seconds to answer each question.

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Rainbow Radio. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find
out how people feel about your Habits & Routines. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don’t have to give your
name. So, let’s get started.

Electronic assistant: What do you usually do every morning?

Student: ______________________________

Electronic assistant: What do you do at weekends?

Student: ___________________________________

Electronic assistant: What is your typical day like?


Electronic assistant: Do you have much free time during the week?

Student: ___________________________________________

Electronic assistant:  What do you often do in the evening?

Student: ___________________________________

Тask 3 You are going to give a talk about travelling . You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

why most people like travelling;

where would you like to go on your holidays;

which means of transport is the best for travelling. Wh


Задание №1.

Read the text.


Emily Jones is 11 and her hobby is collecting dolls. Four years ago her aunt gave her a doll from India. It had a beautiful dress, long dark hair
and gold earrings. Emily loved it and started collecting dolls from other countries. Now she has more than 50 dolls in her bedroom.

Jim Hobbs loves sport and his favourite sport is basketball. Six month ago he watched a basketball match on TV and he liked it very much. Now
he plays every day. He plays at school and he plays at home. He has big posters of basketball players on his bedroom walls and he reads
magazines about basketball. There is one problem – Jim is not very tall. But he is a good player. He plays in his school team, and last week
they won their first match.

Задание 2.

Answer the questions.

-What is your name?

-How old are you?

- What is your family like?

 -Have you got any brothers or sisters?

- What are your parents’ jobs?


Talk to me about your pet. Talk about:

-type of pet;


-what it looks like;

- activities.

Задание № 4 . Опиши картинку по следующему плану

-who the people are;

-where they are;

-what the weather is like;.

-what they are wearing;

-what are they doing;

-how often they do it

Цель: контроль лексико-грамматических навыков, навыков аудирования, чтения, письменной и устной речи.

Оборудование: карточки с заданием для контроля навыков устной речи по количеству учащихся.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

— Hello, my dear friends! How are you today?

— Who is absent today?

— Who is on duty today?

— What day is it today?

— We will have a test today. You will have to do different tasks.

II. Проведение письменной части контрольной работы

(На выполнение заданий письменной части отводится 25—30 минут. Учитель проверяет навыки аудирования,
чтения и письменной речи — ученики выполняют три части упражнений в рабочей тетради (с. 71—73). После
этого рабочие тетради учащихся собираются на проверку.)

III. Проведение устной части контрольной работы

(На выполнение заданий устной части отводится 15—20 минут. Учащиеся готовят монолог по теме «Как я
помогаю родителям» и разыгрывают в парах диалог по теме «Посещение магазина». На подготовку каждого
задания дается две-три минуты, а затем учитель по очереди опрашивает учеников.)

IV.  Подведение итогов урока

— That brings us to the end. Till tomorrow. Goodbye, my dear friends!

(Учитель сообщает детям, что следующий урок английского языка будет проводиться в форме проектной
работы, и прощается с ними.)

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