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Short note on Flywheel material.

Flywheels are made from many different materials, the application determines the choice of
material. Small flywheels made of lead are found in children’s toys. Cast iron flywheels are used

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Explain various applications of flywheel.

Applications of Flywheels

In wind turbines
Along with motor driven generator to store energy.
in automobile engines.
in electric cars t

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For any flywheel what is more important, mass or mass moment
of inertia.

Mass moment of inertia is more important.

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Are we using flywheels with electric motors in mixer grinder.


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For which engine the size of flywheel will be small, either 2
cylinder engine or 4 cylinder engine producing same power.

A 2 cylinder engine will have a larger flywheel than a 4 cylinder engine. Both pistons travel to
TDC together which means that one cylinder is on the compression stroke and the other on the
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What are the turning moment diagrams? Why are they drawn.

The turning moment diagram (also known as crank- effort diagram) is the graphical
representation of the turning moment or crank-effort for various positions of the crank. The ve

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The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean
speed is called

The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is called coefficient
of fluctuation of speed.

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The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean
speed is called

The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of speed to the mean speed is called coefficient
of fluctuation of speed.

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The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to ________ the, is
called coefficient of fluctuation of energy.

The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the work done per cycle is called coefficient
of fluctuation of energy.

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Draw the turning moment diagram of a single cylinder double
acting steam engine.

Turning moment diagram of a single cylinder double acting steam engine

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Derive the expression of maximum fluctuation of energy for
multi-cylinder engine and coefficient of fluctuation of energy.

A turning moment diagram for a multi-cylinder engine is shown by a wavy curve

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Derive an expression of fluctuation of energy for flywheel used
in punching press.

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The equation of the turning moment curve of a three crank
engine is (5000 + 1500 sin 3θ) N-m, where θ is the crank angle in
radians. The moment of inertia of the flywheel is 1000 kg-m2
and the mean speed is 300 rpm. Calculate : 1. power of the
engine, and 2. the maximum fluctuation of the speed of the
flywheel in percentage when (i) the resisting torque is constant,
and (ii) the resisting torque is (5000 + 600 sinθ) N-m.
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A machine punching 38 mm holes in 32 mm thick plate requires
7 N-m of energy per sq. mm of sheared area, and punches one
hole in every 10 seconds. Calculate the power of the motor
required. The mean speed of the flywheel is 25 metres per
second. The punch has a stroke of 100 mm. Find the mass of the
flywheel required, if the total fluctuation of speed is not to
exceed 3% of the mean speed. Assume that the motor supplies
energy to the machine at uniform rate.

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The turning moment diagram for a multi-cylinder engine has
been drawn to a vertical scale of 1 mm = 650 Nm and a
horizontal scale of 1mm = 4.5?. The areas above and below the
mean torque line are -28, +380, -260, +310, -300, +242, -380,
+265 and -229 mm2. The fluctuation of speed is limited to ?1.8%
of the mean speed which is 400 rpm. The density of the rim
material is 7000 kg/m3 and width of the rim is 4.5 times its
thickness. The centrifugal stress in the rim material is limited to
6 N/mm2. Neglecting the effect of the boss and arms, determine
the diameter and cross section of the flywheel rim.

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A punching machine carries out 6 holes per minute. Each hole of
40 mm diameter in 35 mm thick plate requires 8 Nm of
energy/mm2 of the sheared area. The punch has a stroke of 95
mm. Find the power of the motor required if the mean speed of
the flywheel is 20 m/s. If total fluctuation of speed is not to
exceed 3% of the mean speed, determine the mass of the
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Turning moment area for the revolution of a multicylinder engine
with reference to the mean turning moment in sq. cm are :

- 0.32, 4.08, - 2.67, 3.33, - 3.1, 2.26, - 3.74, 2.74, - 2.58

The scale for the ordinate and abscissa are 1cm=140 , 1cm=
6000 N-m

The mean speed is 200 rpm with 1.5% fluctuation. if hoop stress
in the rim material is not to exceed 56bar, calculate the
diameter and X-section of rim of the flywheel. Neglect the effect
of bars and arms. Density of material = 0.0672 kg/cm3 (Assume
Value of K,and G=1).
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