Pastoralist in Modern World

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1. Name the Pastoral Nomads of Jammu and Kashmir

(a) Bhotiyas (b) Gujjar Bakarwals (c) Sherpas d) Gaddis

2. Nomadic Pastoralists are People Who

(a) Live in one place (b) Move from one area to another
(c) Move from one place to another with their herds to earn a living
(d) Gonds, Dhurwas and Bhatros are some nomadic pastoralists of India

3. Name the significant feature of nomadic pastoralists

(a) Cycle of seasonal movement (b) Shifting cultivation
(c) Continuously on the move (d) Live on the edges of forests

4- Bhabar
(a) Thick forests (b) Semi-arid region (c) Dry forested area d) Vast meadows

5. The cyclical movement of mountain pastoralists is defined by

(a) Cold and snow (b) Dry season (c) Onset of monsoons (d) Prospects of trade

6. Bugyals are
(a) Dry forested area below the foothills of Garhwal and Kumaun
(b) Vast meadows in high mountains (c) Swampy wet coastal tracts
(d) Semi-arid region in the Central Plateau of Maharashtra

7. Dhangars are pastoralists of

(a) Jammu and Kashmir (b) Garhwal (c) U.P. hills (d) Maharashtra

8. Which of the following was not a reason for Konkani peasants welcoming the herders?
(a) Dhangar flocks fed on the stubble of the rabi crop
(b) They helped in kharif harvest (c) Shepherds received supplies of rice
(d) They returned to the plateau with the onset of monsoons

9. The alternation of monsoon and dry season defined the rhythm of

(a) Gaddis (b) Gujjar Bakarwals (c) Berbers (d) Gollas

10. Pastoralists sustain by

(a) Herding (b) Cultivation (c) Trade (d) All of these
11. In which of the following states are Banjara's to be found?
(a) U.P, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh (b) Punjab, Rajasthan, M.P.
(c) Maharashtra, M.P., Karnataka (d) U.P., Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir

12. Genealogists
(a) Recount history of family (b) Recount history of community
(c) Train camels (d) Predict the future

13. Colonial state regarded grazing land as

(a) Wasteland (b) Habitat of wild (c) Woodland (d) Reserved land

14. Protected forests were

(a) forests which produced commercially viable timber
(b) Access to these forests was prohibited
(c) Pastoralists were granted grazing rights in these forests without preconditions
(d) Customary rights were granted to pastoralists subject to severe restrictions on their

15. Maasai mean

(a) Animals (b) My people (c) My land (d) My home

16. The Criminal Tribes Act was passed in

(a) 1871 (b) 1781 (c) 1817 (d) 1787

17. What was the tax imposed by colonists on pastoralists?

(a) Land tax (b) Canal water tax (c) Grazing tax (d) Salt tax

18. The Maasais are cattle herders of

(a) Indonesia (b) India (c) South Africa (d) East Africa

19. The Serengeti National Park is located in

(a) Kenya (b) Tanzania (c) South Africa (d) Namibia

20. Which of the following was not a reason for Maasai loss of grazing lands?
(а) Imperial powers scramble for colonies (b) White settlements
(c) Cultivated fields were converted into pasture lands (d) Game reserves

21. During the winter, the Gujjar Bakarwals stay in the:

(a)Himadri b) Shiwaliks c) Mountain peaks d) Glaciers

22. The Serengeti National Park was created over ____ Khus of Maasai grazing land.

a)12,510 b) 14,760 c)15,890 d)18,010

23. White colonists in Africa had to depend on black labour to ____.

a) Bore mines and roads b) Settle their accounts

c) Conduct examinations d) Grow crops

24. Maasai land was cut into half in:

a)1865 b)1875 c)1885 d)1895

25. The Gujjar Bakarwals start moving upwards towards the high mountains by the end of:

a) March b) April c) May d) June

26. In India, 'Reserved' forests were composed of ____ trees.

a) Sal and Deodar b) Mango c) Sandal wood d) Neem and Teak

27. The colonial government in India did not impose a tax on:

a) Land b) Canal water c) Salt d)Animal stock

28. Which of these is not a pastoral community of the Himalayas?

a) Kinnauris b)Raikas c)Sherpas d)Bhotiyas

29. Around 15,000 Maasai herders live in:

a) Tanzania b)Timbuktu c)Kenya d)Cape Town

30. After India's partition, where did the sheep herding Raikas move to graze their camels?

a) Andhra Pradesh b)Kerela c)Assam d)Haryana


1. Which is not an element of weather and climate?
(a) Atmospheric pressure b) Temperature c) Humidity d)Altitude

2. Which term refers to the sum total of weather conditions and variations over a large area for
a long period of time (more than thirty years)?
(a) Atmosphere (b) Annual range of temperature
(c) Climate d)Monsoon

3. Which of the following statements defines weather?

(a) Envelope of air surrounding earth
(b) State of the atmosphere over an area at any point of time
(c) Atmospheric conditions over a large area for a long period of time
(d) Generalized monthly atmospheric conditions.

4. Which is used for the state of atmosphere over an area at any point of time?
(a) Weather b)Winds c)Climate d) Presssure

5. In which place of India precipitation is in form of snowfall?

(a) Shillong b)Drass c)Chandigarh d) Haridwar

6. Which place of India experiences the highest summer temperature?

(a) Pahalgam b) Leh c) Thiruvananthapuram d) Jaisalmer

7. Which of the following is the rainiest station?

(a) Shillong b) Mumbai c)Chennai d)Kolkata

8. Which one of the following is the driest station?

(a) Mumbai (b) Leh c) Bengaluru d) Delhi

9. Most parts of India receive rainfall during which months?

(a) Dec to Feb (b) March to May (c) June to Sept d) ) Oct to Nov

10. In which months does the Tamil Nadu coast get most of its rainfall?
(a) Dec to Feb (b) March to May (c) June to Sept (d) Oct to Nov

11. Which place in India experiences a very high diurnal temperature?

(a) Kolkata (b) Jodhpur (c) Chennai (d) Delhi

12. In which place there is very little difference between day and night temp.?
(a) Guwahati (b) Nagpur (c) Thiruvananthapuram (d) Delhi
13. In which of the following places are houses built on stilts?
(a) Assam (b) Rajasthan (c) Goa d) Kerala

14. Which is not one of the six major controls of the climate of any place?
(a) Latitude (b) Temperature (c) Pressure and wind system (d) Distance from the sea

15. Latitude and altitude of a place determine which climatic element of place?
(a) Pressure and wind system (b) Temperature (c) Rainfall pattern d)All

16. Which place have cooler climate even during summers?

(a) Allahabad (b) Mumbai (c) Mussoorie (d) Amritsar

17. Which place of India experiences extreme type of climate?

(a) Shillong (b) Bengaluru (c) Chennai (d) Delhi

18. Due to which factor does Pune receive lesser rainfall than Mumbai?
(a) It is located on the leeward side of Western Ghats
(b) It is located on windward side of Western Ghats
(c) Continentality (d) Distance from the sea

19. Which latitude passes through the middle of our country, giving it the characteristics of
tropical as well as subtropical climate?
(a) Tropic of Capricorn (b) Tropic of Cancer c) Equator (d) 82°30'N

20. The Indian subcontinent experiences comparatively milder winters as compared to Central
Asia due to which factor?
(a) Tropic of Cancer (b) surrounding seas (c) Himalayas (d) Ocean currents


1. Which position did India occupy in the world with regard to plant diversity?
(a) Fourth (b) Sixth (c) Tenth (d) Twelfth

2. Point of view of natural vegetation and wildlife, India belongs to category?

(a) One of the twelve mega biodiversity countries of the world
(b) The richest wildlife zone in the world (d) A country lacking in biodiversity cover
(c) The country with the greatest forest cover

3. Which one is not included in the group of non-flowering plants?

(a) Ferns (b) Orchids (c) Algae (d) Fungi

4. Which vegetation does not belong to the category of natural vegetation?

(a) Forests (b) Mangroves (c) Horticulture d) Grasslands
5. Which term is used for the original plant cover of an area which has grown naturally and
has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time?
(a) Natural vegetation b) Agriculture (c) Gardens (d) Plantations

6. Which term is used for a plant community which has grown naturally without human aid
and interference?
(a) Orchards (b) Virgin vegetation (c) Cultivated fields (d) Plantations

7. Which of the following terms is used for plants which are at present part of natural
vegetation but have originally come to India from abroad?
(a) Indigenous plants (b) Endemic species
(c) Endangered plants (d) Exotic plants

8. Which of the following terms is used for virgin vegetation which is purely Indian in origin?
(a) Endangered (b) Endemic (c) Exotic species d) Normal species

9. Which term is used to denote plants of a particular region or period?

(a) Ferns b) Flora (c) Fauna (d) None of the above

10. Which term is used to denote animal species of a particular region?

(a) Fern (b) Flora (c) Fauna (d) None of these

11. Which factor influence the type and distribution of natural vegetation?
(a) Landforms (b) Soil (c) Climate (d) All the above

12. Which type of vegetation is common in fertile, level lands?

(a) Forests b) Grasslands (c) Mangroves d) Cultivated crops

13. Which type of vegetation usually develops on undulating and rough terrains?
(a) Grasslands and woodlands (b) Mangroves
(c) Cactus and thorny bushed (d) Cultivated crops

14. Which type of vegetation grows in the sandy soil of the desert?
(a) Coniferous trees (b) Grasslands (c) thorny bushes (d) Mangroves

15. Which type of vegetation grows in wet, marshy soil?

(a) Grasslands (b) Mangroves c) Cactus (d) Alpine vegetation

16. Character of vegetation are mainly determined by which climatic factors?

(a) Temperature (b) Humidity (c) Precipitation (d) All the above

17. Due to which reason does the vegetation on the slopes of the Himalayas and the hills of
the peninsula above the height of 915 metres change from tropical to subtropical, temperate
and alpine vegetation?
(a) Soil (b) High humidity (c) Fall in temperature (d) Very heavy rainfall

18. Which vegetation grows in areas with mean annual average temperature of above 24°C?
(a) Tropical (b) Subtropical (c) Temperate (d) Alpine

19. Which type of vegetation zone is found in the higher reaches of the Himalayas with mean
annual average temperature below 7°C?
(a) Tropical (b) Subtropical (c) Alpine (d) Temperate

20. Trees grow faster in which season?

(a) Winter (b) Summer (c) Rainy season d) Autumn



1. The country which has the largest single concentration of the poor people in the world is
a) China b) Pakistan c) India d) Nepal

2. Poverty as defined by World Bank implies living below

a) $1 per day b) $100 per month c) $10 per day d) $100 per day

3. For the year 2000, the poverty line for a person in urban areas in India was fixed at
a) Rs. 454/ month b) Rs. 500/ month c) Rs. 328/ month d) Rs. 1640/ month

4. Define the statement which suggests that calories requirements in rural areas are
considered to be higher than urban areas.
a) Because people in rural areas are poor.
b) Because people in rural areas are adversely affected by natural calamities.
c) Because people living in rural areas engage themselves in more physical work.
d) Because people living in rural areas arc engaged in agriculture.

5. The accepted average calorie requirement per person in urban areas in India is
a) 2200 calories b) 2000 calories c) 2300 calories d) 2100 calories

6. The calorie requirement is higher in rural areas because

a) they do not enjoy as much as people in urban areas
b) food items are expensive c) they are unemployed
d) people are engaged in more physical labour Important Questions

7. Which one is not the major cause of income inequality in India?

a) Unequal distribution of land b) Lack of fertile land
c) Gap between the rich and the poor d) Increase in population

8. Which industry suffered the most during colonial period?

a) Jute b) Textile c) Indigo d) All the above

9. Antyodaya Anna Yojana was launched in

a) 2003 b) 1999 c) 2000 d) 2005

10. For making comparisons between developing countries, which uniform standard (per
person per day) for the poverty line is used in terms of minimum availability?
a) $1 b) $2 c) $3 d) $5

11. Every____ person in India is poor.

a) Third b) Fourth c) Fifth d) Tenth

12. In which country did poverty actually rise from 1981 to 2001?
a) Sub-Saharan Africa b) India c) China d) Russia

13. Which is a social indicator of poverty laid by social scientists?

a) Increase in population b) Illiteracy level c) Caste d) Health club membership

14. Which of the social groups is vulnerable to poverty?

a) SC b) Urban casual labour c) Rural agricultural households d) All

15. Which state has the largest percentage of poor in India?

a) Bihar b) Orissa c) Kerala d) Punjab

16. What is accepted average calories required in India in urban areas?

a) 2100 b) 2400 c) 2800 d) 2500

17. Which social group amongst the following groups vulnerable to poverty?
a) Rural agricultural labour households b) Urban casual labour households
c) Scheduled caste and scheduled tribe households d) The female daily wagers

18. There has been a significant decline in poverty in the state of

a) Assam b) Bihar c) Jammu & Kashmir d) Uttar Pradesh

19. Which among the following is the method to estimate the poverty?
a) Investment Method b) Income Method c) Capital Method d) Human Method
20. Which scheme was started in 1993 to create self employment opportunities for educated
unemployed youth in rural areas and small towns?
a) Prime Minister Rojgar Yojna
b) National Rural Employment Guaranty Act
c) Rural Employment Generation Programme
d) Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna


1. MSP refers to:
(a) Minimum Support Price (b) Maximum Support Price
(c) Marginal Support Price (d) None of the above

2. The worst affected groups in rural areas facing food insecurity are:
(a) Landless people (b) Traditional artisans (c) Beggars (d) All

3. Green Revolution in the 1960s was associated with:

(a) Use of HYV seeds (b) Tree plantation programme
(c) Fisheries development (d) None of the above

4. Public Distribution System is associated with:

(a) Fair price shops (b) Cooperative stores (c) Super bazaars (d) None

5. Revamped Public Distribution System (RPDS) aimed to provide benefits to:

(a) Cities (b) Remote and backward areas
(c) Self-help groups (d) Cooperative societies

6. White Revolution of the country is associated with:

(a) Sugar (b) Milk (c) Paper d) None of the above

7. Annapurna Scheme (APS) meets the food requirements of:

(a) Indigent senior citizens (b) Children (c) Pregnant ladies (d) Young persons

8. Antyodaya cards are related to

(a) All poor (b) Poorest of the poor (c) Persons below poverty line
(d) None of the above

9. Antyodaya Anna Yojana and Annapurna Scheme (APS) are linked with:
(a) Public distribution system
(b) Mid-day meal
(c) Special nutrition programme
(d) None of the above
10. Under the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) food grains given per family per
month are:
(a) 40 kg (b) 35 kg (c) 25 kg (d) 20 kg

11. In which state 94% ration shops are run by cooperatives

(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Tamil Nadu (c) Orissa (d) Bihar

12. Average consumption of PDS grains per person per month at all India level is:
(a) 1 kg (b) 4 kg (c) 300 gm (d) 500 gm

13. The society which facilitated setting up of grain banks in different regions is:
(a) Amul (Gujarat)
(b) Academy of Development Science (Maharashtra)
(c) Mother Dairy (Delhi)
(d) None of the above

14. Minimum Support Price (MSP) is announced by the government to provide:

(a) Incentives to farmers for raising production
(b) Incentives to traders to earn maximum profit from farmers
(c) Incentives to moneylenders to lend maximum to farmers
(d) None of the above

15. Seasonal hunger occurs in:

(a) Urban areas (b) Rural areas (c) Metro cities (d) Both (a) and (b)

16. Which crop registered the largest increase in production as a result of Green Revolution?
(a) Wheat (b) Rice (c) Maize (d) None of the above

17. Main purpose of buffer stock scheme is:

(a) To save food grains from pest attack (b) To stop price fluctuations
(c) To meet the crisis of low production (d) Both (b) and (c)

18. Under Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY), subsidized rate for wheat is:
(a) Rs 3/- per kg (b) Rs 2/- per kgM (c) Rs 4/- per kg (d) Rs 5/- per kg

19. Food security means:

(a) Availability of food (b) Accessibility of food (c) Affordability of food
(d) All the above

20. Massive starvation takes place due to:

(a) Rise in the price of essential commodities (b) Decline in production of food grains (c) Drought
(d) Both (a) and (b)

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