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Date of issue: December 13, 2010 Supported by the International Visegrad Fund

Czech Republic
V4 countries
A 'voters' revolution' is how
one analyst described this
year's election results.
move to the
pg 2
Fidesz' overwhelming
victory in the April elec-
tion gives it a strong BY MICHAELA TERENZANI
mandate. Spectator staff
pg 2

Poland 2010 has been a turbulent year for all the

The death of the Polish pres- countries of the Visegrad Group. Hard-
ident shook the country and fought battles, often marked by nationalist
led to an early election. sentiment and efforts to blame the impact
pg 2 of the economic crisis on opposing parties,
preceded the parliamentary elections in
Slovakia Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Slovakia's centre-right co- Poland, where elections are expected to
alition is grappling with take place in 2011, faced its own trial: the
multiple tough reforms. country lived through the tragic death of
pg 2 The foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group countries (from left) – Karel Schwarzenberg (Czech Republic), Mikuláš
Dzurinda (Slovakia), János Martonyi (Hungary) and Radoslaw Sikorski (Poland) – shake hands after their meeting in its president in the spring and then the
Bratislava on October 22. Photo: Reuters
presidential race which ensued.
Observers agree that the general elec-
ECONOMY tions, which saw a change of government
in all three countries that held them, have
Divergent paths
The V4 economies are no
longer developing as homo-
geneously as in the past.
pg 3
Visegrad spirit will been the focus of attention this year, rep-
resenting as they did a fairly big regional
“We are witnessing in central Europe,
and especially in the Visegrad region, a

Common, but distinct
resonate within the EU unique situation when more or less all the
Visegrad countries have given power to
ruling coalitions with the same
orientation,” Tomáš Strážay, an expert on
the Visegrad Group who works as an ana-
History both unites and di- The Slovak Spectator (TSS): Slov- presidency and the crisis remains a lyst at the Slovak Foreign Policy Associ-
vides the countries of the akia took over the rotating presid- great challenge for us. But as with ation (SFPA) think tank, told The Slovak
Visegrad Group. BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ ency of the Visegrad Group (V4) the change of governments after
Spectator staff Spectator.
pg 5 when the V4 was still struggling this year’s elections in the V4 coun- As Kevin Deegan-Krause, a political
with the economic crisis and after tries, the crisis has not impacted the analyst from Wayne State University in
three of the four countries had re- smooth takeover of the chair from the United States, points out, the rise of
MEDIA NEXT year the European Union’s cently changed governments. the previous Hungarian presidency. newcomers was also important in every
leadership will turn ‘Visegrad-like’ Will these events have an impact V4 cooperation stands on firm major election in the region: Jobbik and
Big strides since first Hungary and then Poland on the Slovak presidency? ground and therefore the crisis or Politics Can Be Different in Hungary, Pub-
The media in central Europe will take the wheel of the EU’s rotat- Mikuláš Dzurinda (MDZ): Set- changes in governments are rather lic Affairs (VV) and TOP09 in the Czech Re-
has overcome huge chal- ing presidency. Even though chairing ting off economic growth, pushing an impulse for boosting this cooper- public, and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS)
lenges since 1989. countries are pledged to be impartial down the deficit, and consolidating ation rather than a reason for worry. and Most-Híd in Slovakia.
pg 7 this will still serve as a platform from public finances are the most im- This has actually been confirmed “These [parties] did not fundamentally
which to present the Visegrad priorit- portant tasks of all the Visegrad even now as Slovakia has brought reshape politics in those countries but they
ies and to showcase its cooperation, countries. Also within the V4 we are new dynamics to V4 cooperation: we did change the balance of power,” Deegan-
EDUCATION said Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister thus focusing on supporting have strengthened the consultation Krause told The Slovak Spectator. “They are
Mikuláš Dzurinda when asked by The projects and those forms of regional mechanisms ahead of the meeting also likely to be shorter-lived than their
Grant opportunities Slovak Spectator to share his views on and cross-border cooperation that of the European Council and other predecessors and therefore more likely to
The V4 offers students challenges facing the Visegrad Group contribute not only to easing the EU bodies at the level of ministers or continue or even intensify a cycle of new-
a wide range countries and the contribution the impacts of the crisis but also to the high departmental representatives. party rise and fall.”
of scholarships. group can make to the region and to revival of economic cooperation.
pg 8 the entire EU. We are now halfway into our See MDZ pg 6 For reports on each V4 country, see pg 2

Project coordinator: Project partners:

Budapest, Hungary,

Institute for World Economics
Bratislava, Slovakia, of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budapest, Hungary,

Supported by:
Krakow, Poland,

Krakow, Poland
International Visegrad Fund, Prague, Czech Republic,
2 December 13 – 19, 2010 V4 – POLITICS
“Voter revolution” in Czech politics Slovakia grapples
with reforms
BY BENJAMIN ernment, despite its prob-
CUNNINGHAM lematic coalition partners
Special to the Spectator BY MICHAELA and scandals, did not fun-
TERENZANI damentally change
Spectator staff Slovakia’s domestic or inter-
THE OVERWHELMING trend national orientation. “I sus-
in Czech politics in 2010 is pect that some business and
what political analyst Jiří SLOVAKIA saw its leftist government officials are
Pehe calls a “voters’ prime minister, Robert Fico, slightly relieved but I don’t
revolution,” even if that re- move into parliamentary op- think this was a make-or-
volution remained stillborn at position after the general break change as in, say,
the ballot box. election this June. The four 1998.”
The year began under centre-right parties which The atmosphere before
Prime Minister Jan Fischer’s managed to form a coalition the elections suggested that
caretaker government, which government are expected not there were strong feelings
stayed in office for more than a only to set the country on a against the Fico government
year following a botched at- path of reduced public ex- among some groups of cit-
tempt at calling early elec- penditures and a smaller izens. For instance, minorit-
tions in October 2009. The budget deficit but also to deal ies felt many of the actions of
apolitical nature of Fischer, with numerous complaints the past government were
former head of the Czech Stat- about the condition of the directed against them.
istical Office (ČSU), offered country’s judiciary, improve High expectations
little for citizens to get excited transparency in public ad- among the voters backing
about, that is until the National elections were held in all four Visegrad Group countries in 2010. Photo: Sme - V. Šimíček ministration and attempt to the currently ruling centre-
government’s final weeks heal what had become a right parties focused on bet-
which saw ministries push While the poll saw the ernment – comprised of an ings of a 2007 European Court tense bilateral relationship ter control over public ex-
through a series of major, but ČSSD take more votes than ODS-TOP 09-VV coalition – of Human Rights ruling that with Hungary. penditures and more ag-
completely disconnected, any other single party, it was quickly set about slashing pub- Czech schools systematically Political analyst Kevin gressive action against cor-
spending projects – including more notable for the rise of lic spending. This included do- diverted Roma children into Deegan-Krause of Wayne ruption.
a Kč2.6-billion (around €104 two nascent political parties – ing away with the Human special education classes, often State University despite that
million), 25-year contract to the right-leaning TOP 09 and Rights Ministry altogether. when it wasn’t needed. says the June election and First female prime minister
renovate and manage a milit- the populist Public Affairs After downgrading former The aforementioned local the change in government
ary hospital that was signed (VV) party. minister Michael Kocáb’s port- elections in October were did not bring about much of When evaluating the
one day before general elec- The election marked the folio, Nečas and allies forced paired with a vote to fill one- an alteration in internation- first 100 days of the govern-
tion voting began May 28. first time ever that the ODS Kocáb out of office completely third of the seats in the sen- al perceptions of Slovakia. ment led by Iveta Radičová,
In that election, public an- failed to take the most votes in in September. That post, as ate. That vote saw the ČSSD “The country has demon- the first female prime min-
ger at the political status quo Prague, losing out to TOP 09, head of the government com- secure an overall majority in strated its pro-Western in- ister in the history of the
erupted, with the country’s and the party founded by Pres- mission on human rights, re- the upper house of parliament ternational commitments country, political analyst
two largest and most-estab- ident Václav Klaus would lose mains vacant and the commis- for the first time ever and also and orientation well enough Grigorij Mesežnikov said
lished parties, the Civic again in the capital during Oc- sion has not met in months. led to an ODS-ČSSD grand co- over the past decade that “society is directed towards
Democrats’ (ODS) and Social tober local elections. Still, A November visit by the alition in Prague City Hall. there are far fewer suspi- liberal democracy; that is a
Democrats (ČSSD) shedding political manoeuvring has al- human rights commissioner TOP 09 took the most seats cions and more benefit of the fact that cannot be
votes to newcomers. lowed the ODS to keep control from the Council of Europe saw on the Prague City Assembly, doubt,” Deegan-Krause told overlooked”.
“Between the two of them of bother the premiership the government again under meaning former head of the The Slovak Spectator, ex-
they lost 1.3 million voters,” (Prime Minister Petr Nečas) the microscope for its policies Czech National Bank (ČNB) plaining that the Fico gov- See SK pg 7
said Pehe, a former aide to and mayor’s seat (Bohuslav towards the Roma minority. Zdeněk Tůma looked poised to
President Václav Havel, and Svoboda). This time, the Council noted become mayor.
now director of New York Uni-
versity in Prague.
Much like elsewhere in
central Europe, the Nečas gov-
that virtually nothing had
been done to address the find- See CZ pg 5
Air tragedy impacts
Polish politics
Hungary's Fidesz party has 2/3 majority BY MICHAELA
the shock that the plane
crash had on the nation. The
According to the latest constitutional Hungarians beyond borders both strive TERENZANI race featured two strong
draft released on December 1, the new towards halting the decrease in the Hun- Spectator staff candidates: Komorowski, the
BY BÉNÉDICTE WILLIAMS government seems likely to grant voting garian population, which recently fell be- speaker of the lower house of
Special to the Spectator rights to the new citizens without resid- low the symbolic level of 10 million. parliament and an ally of
ence requirements. The new constitution is expected to FOR POLAND and its cit- Prime Minister Donald Tusk
A second major series of develop- signal in its preamble a return to a moral izens, 2010 will be yet anoth- of the ruling centrist and
THE ELECTIONS of April 11 and 25 signi- ments concerns economic policy and has order based on stronger religious values er dark spot in the collective pro-business Civic Platform
ficantly changed the face of Hungarian deep and continuing ramifications for and references to Hungary's Christian memory of a nation that re- (PO) party; and former prime
politics and economy. With 263 seats constitutional order. heritage, although the last available draft gards suffering as one of its minister Jarosław Kaczyński
(over two thirds of a total of 386) in par- The Hungarian government's re- does not indicate a radical overhaul of main characteristics. It was who was fielded as the can-
liament, Viktor Orbán's right-wing sponse to pressures from the Interna- the constitutional system. the year when dozens of didate of the conservative
party Fidesz ended eight years of rule by tional Monetary Fund, the European Despite a marked nationalist strain Poland’s major public fig- Law and Justice (PiS) party to
the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP). Union and investors for addressing its in governmental policies, it is note- ures, including the presiden- replace his late twin brother
Two major parties of the 1989 change of serious economic problems has so far worthy that the issue of the Roma minor- tial couple, tragically died in Lech.
regime, liberal SZDSZ and conservative been to privilege taxation on businesses ity has been largely taken off the front of a plane crash near Katyń – a Komorowski had been a
MDF virtually disappeared. The ex- and banks over implementing an auster- the political scene in an effort to down- place with strong symbolic favourite for the election
treme right made its entrance into par- ity plan. Its commitment to these play one of the extreme right's main meaning for the Polish that had been originally
liament, with the Jobbik party gaining policies has led the Orbán government to winning issues. people. Just weeks after the scheduled for October 2010.
47 seats, a close third-runner to MSZP's introduce some fundamental changes in Hungary's move to extend citizen- tragedy, the shaken nation In the aftermath of the
59. Fidesz's sweep to power in 22 of 23 the purview of the Constitutional Coun- ship to ethnic Hungarians beyond its needed to elect a new presid- tragedy in which
major cities in October's local elections cil and other economic oversight bodies borders has brought renewed intensity to ent – and chose the speaker Komorowski’s two potential
and the parliament's election to the in order to prevent these institutions the ongoing tension between Slovakia of parliament, Bronisław competitors were killed, the
presidency of one-time Fidesz deputy from blocking the new taxes. and its southern neighbour over ethnic Komorowski. chances of Jarosław
president Pál Schmitt confirmed the The introduction of the tax schemes, minorities and historical territorial Poland’s President Lech Kaczyński seemed to rise but
rightward shift in Hungarian politics. which particularly hit foreign investors, rights. Slovakia heightened the stakes by Kaczyński, along with his Komorowski won the elec-
Significant policy developments are and the quasi-nationalisation of the pen- voting to amend its own citizenship law, wife and 94 VIPs of Polish so- tion on July 4 with 53 percent
notable in two major areas. An early sion scheme show a particular statist in effect stripping anyone of their Slovak ciety were killed while trav- of the vote.
law passed in May by the new parlia- brand of right-wing politics which em- citizenship if they apply for Hungarian elling to a ceremony to Poland is expected to
ment will, from next January, ease re- phasises the idea of national solidarity citizenship. commemorate the 1940 mas- hold a general election in
strictions for ethnic Hungarians want- and power. Preparations for the Hungarian pres- sacre of Polish army officers 2011 with Komorowski’s PO
ing to apply for citizenship, a step Moves in the fields of culture and so- idency of the EU in the first half of 2011 and others in the forests of party seemingly on a firm
which could affect the approximately ciety also point to efforts of the Hungari- and the desire of the new government to Katyń near the city of footing to become the first
2.5 million Hungarians living in Slov- an government to rewrite “the large book take a leading role in the region have led Smolensk, Russia. party in Poland since 1989 to
akia, Croatia, or Romania. Numbers of of the Hungarian nation” by strengthen- to smoother relations with a number of Poland experienced a win a second consecutive
applicants are estimated by the gov- ing patriotic feelings. countries of the western Balkans. presidential campaign that election.
ernment at between 250,000 and Family-friendly policies and the ex- could not have been con-
400,000 in the first year. tension of citizenship rights to those See HU pg 7 sidered ordinary because of See PL pg 5
V4 – ECONOMY December 13 – 19, 2010 3

Divergence in Investing in the V4

EU states such as Great Bri-
tain, Germany, France and

economic paths
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Austria, but also from the
Spectator staff USA, Japan and South Korea.
The SARIO experts added
that most FDI has been tar-
geted at the automotive,
in the other three Visegrad THE COUNTRIES of the electro-technical and manu-
BY TAMÁS NOVÁK countries is judged differ- Visegrad Group are perceived facturing sectors as well as
special to the Spectator ently at the moment by the as an attractive location for into the service sector.
international actors. This is foreign investments as all By the end of 2008 the V4
clearly reflected in the recent four nations are members of countries had received about
downgrading of Hungary’s the European Union and of- $380 billion in foreign direct
WHEN entering the European sovereign debt by Moody’s, fer lower costs of labour investment, of which 43 per-
Union in 2004, the Visegrad which put that country into along with high productivity cent went to Poland, 25 per-
Group countries were more or the Baa3 category, while in comparison to other parts cent to the Czech Republic,
less homogeneous in their de- Czech and Slovak ratings are of the EU. While V4 countries 22 percent to Hungary and 10
velopment paths. This cannot A1 and the Polish rating is A2. could form a common percent to Slovakia, accord-
be considered true any longer The changing interna- strategy to increase aware- ing to Hajnalka Hársfalvai,
as each of the economies in tional strategies of global ness of the region among dis- PR manager of the marketing
the central European region firms can be interesting for tant foreign investors, a and communication direct-
are now formulating different all the Visegrad countries. totally joint effort is unlikely orate at the Hungarian In-
economic strategies under the Many firms are forced to as an actual investment usu- vestment and Trade Devel-
changed domestic and inter- search for further cost-cut- ally lands in just one country opment Agency (ITD Hun-
national conditions and the ting in order to regain their and thus the countries often gary), citing data from the
deep economic crisis over the Austerity packages have spurred protests. Photo: Reuters competitiveness in the face find themselves competing Vienna Institute for Interna-
past two years has required of an economic environment to attract investors. tional Economic Studies’
significant adjustments by all that the need to comply with where demand in several Based on an Ernst & databases. She told The Slov-
four countries. "Visegrad countries are the Maastricht criteria would sectors is expected to stabil- Young report entitled ak Spectator that between
The development of the push the central European ise at a level lower than be- European Attractiveness 2004 and 2009 aggregate FDI
Hungarian economy has di- low-cost locations and countries to decrease the eco- fore the crisis. In these cir- Survey 2010 the central and accounted for €133.491 bil-
verged from the other capacities in certain nomic disparities between cumstances firms are eagerly eastern European region lion and the estimate for 2011
Visegrad countries in the last their countries and the earlier looking for cost-cutting will be the third most at- is €16.5 billion.
few years. This principally sectors are modern and EU member states. The indir- measures and this may result tractive destination for in-
manifested itself in a substan- very competitive." ect harmonisations of eco- in large firms rethinking vestors over the next three Attracting FDI with skills
tial slowdown in economic nomic policies were supposed their global presence, leading years. Timea Nemešová and
growth even as early as to be a tool to support conver- to the closure of high-cost Jana Franeková from the Hársfalvai told The Slov-
2006-2007, well before the The economies in the gences between their econom- production facilities and foreign direct investment ak Spectator that reducing
global financial and economic central European region are ies. In the longer run it is cer- their partial relocation to section of the Slovak In- costs is no longer the leading
crisis unfolded. Hungary’s lag formulating different eco- tainly true that outside pres- lower-cost countries. As big vestment and Trade Devel- factor attracting investors.
in growth is most evident and nomic strategies under the sures have indirectly helped multinationals are deterred opment Agency (SARIO) told “The investors move to
is well-documented when changed domestic and inter- certain convergence of eco- in some cases from closing The Slovak Spectator that countries [of the V4] looking
compared to the development national conditions. These nomic policies between the facilities in their home coun- this report is quite positive for knowledge and skills, in a
of the other states that joined strategies can be seen as dif- Visegrad countries independ- tries (for example because of for the region and stated developed business
the EU in 2004. The impacts of ferent from the recent past in ently from economic policy government warnings in that foreign direct invest- environment,” Hársfalvai
Hungary’s adverse develop- two aspects. The first is that coordination. This coordina- some major western ments (FDI) can be expected said. “Between 2003 and 2009
ments have been clearly vis- achieving fiscal balance is tion has been almost non-ex- European countries) they especially into sectors such Hungary, Poland, Slovakia
ible in international compar- becoming a number one pri- istent during the past two may choose to downsize as manufacturing, science and the Czech Republic re-
isons and they increasingly ority and the second is that decades and only serious eco- their production in other and research, and services. gistered more than 100 in-
point towards a long-term growth should be based much nomic security threats could high-wage countries. “The V4 region with an vestments in R&D and
trend that could be difficult to more on savings rather than alter the situation. This is ex- Visegrad countries are area of about 534,000 square design and development.
reverse. This also means that easy credit. These aspects are actly the case currently; low-cost locations and the kilometres and a population More than half of the
the homogeneity that existed affecting the region’s coun- however, the developments in capacities in certain sectors of about 64 million people … projects were realised in ICT,
among Visegrad group coun- tries differently because they the region hint that the tools (for example the auto in- remains attractive for mainly in software develop-
tries in their development did not start at an identical chosen by the regions’ coun- dustry) are technologically investors,” Nemešová and ment. In the Czech Republic
paths upon entering the EU initial position but neverthe- tries are different and the di- modern and very competit- Franeková said. “This is not and Hungary automotive
has, in many respects, ceased. less the mainstream of the viding line is again between ive so they can expect some only due to the region’s stra- engineering and life sciences
From the perspective of ‘new’ economic policy points Hungary and the others. additional investment as tegic location but also thanks also showed outstanding
growth and convergence in these directions. The government in Hun- part of the global cost optim- to the huge economic poten- performance.”
based on both internal factors The deepening crisis over gary has a visible aim at the isation strategies of multina- tial, cost-effectiveness, qual- Hársfalvai pointed out
(investments, consumption) the past two years has re- moment to stabilise its public tionals. It is by no means an ity human resources, fa- that the economic crisis
and external factors (capital quired significant adjustment finances with revenue in- accident that Hungary wit- vourable business environ- raised concerns about the
flows, trade) it is evident that from all four countries. This creases which are based on nessed several additional in- ment, and constantly im- stability of economies with-
the new member states which has meant either improving additional sectoral taxes and vestments from big car proving living standards.” in the region which resulted
have coped better with the their budget position or their the channelling of private makers in recent months According to national in- in a significant decline in
crisis are those which had external equilibrium, which savings in the pension sys- even though future prospects vestment agencies within the region’s short-term at-
produced high but not over- everywhere goes hand-in- tem into the state budget for domestic economic the V4, the region benefits tractiveness.
heated growth since acces- hand with a decline in eco- while at the same time cut- growth and fiscal stability from lower labour costs and “While in 2006 the region
sion, coupled with an appro- nomic output and a rise in ting income taxes for both are still not very bright. And concurrent high labour pro- finished as the second most-
priate level of external and in- unemployment. Stabilising households and the corporate this phenomenon is very ductivity as well as favour- attractive region globally, in
ternal financial stability, a the situation essentially de- sector. Due to these steps the promising as it shows that able business conditions 2010 the CEE countries
low budget deficit and a pends on how the interna- Hungarian budgetary posi- central European countries linked with relatively low reached only third place be-
healthy public debt indicator. tional funding situation pans tion in the short run will be are attractive as locations in taxes when compared with hind China and western
In the case of Poland, an addi- out. A protracted crisis trig- in order but the longer-term international cooperation, more western EU countries. Europe,” said Hársfalvai, cit-
tional factor prevented a lar- gers structural reforms and consequences cannot be fore- which can be an additional But experts note that coun- ing the European Attractive-
ger downturn: credit-based significant adjustments more seen at the moment. The sus- element in maintaining ex- tries like Romania and Bul- ness Survey 2010.
consumption and investment quickly for countries which tainability of Hungary’s pub- port-oriented growth in garia within the EU, Asian Opinions differ regard-
was much more widespread were in a worse position from lic finances as well as its Hungary, Slovakia and partly countries such as India and ing the opportunity for V4
in other countries in the a long-term economic devel- transfer system (pensions, in the Czech Republic. Po- China, and Russia stand as countries to compete to-
wider central European region opment perspective. This is social transfers, etc.) will be land stands out a bit from the growing competition to the gether as a region for for-
than in Poland, in which the why the conditions for long- questionable after 2012-2013. other three countries of the countries of the V4. eign direct investments.
financial deepening was term growth may turn out fa- Revenue side stabilisa- region as the size of its do- Even though the eco- Jan Fidrmuc from the
slower. In other states where vourably in the countries tions have been rarely suc- mestic market makes it pos- nomic crisis curbed FDI in- Department of Economics
credit was the most important most affected – presuming cessful in the past 15-20 years sible to rely more on domest- flow into the region last year, and Finance at Brunel Uni-
factor in increasing demand, they follow a satisfactory in Europe. The mainstream ic demand rather than ex- Nemešová and Franeková versity in Uxbridge, in the
the sudden crash in the finan- economic policy. Neverthe- stabilisation efforts in ternal demand – which is the view the figures as quite United Kingdom, thinks
cial markets resulted in a de- less, this may have severe so- Europe, which have been fol- major growth component in sound as aggregate FDI in- that it is unlikely that the
mand shock, or in other words cial consequences in the Balt- lowed in the Visegrad coun- the other three countries. flow into the V4 countries V4 countries will ever com-
that overconsumption had to ic states and it cannot be ex- tries as well, are much more reached about €12 billion and pete for foreign investment
be adjusted to the available cluded among the Visegrad based on the spending side. Tamás Novák is the senior was credited with creating in a coordinated fashion as
income. This shock was much countries either. This difference explains why research fellow at the Institute over 24,000 jobs. Invest- one region.
bigger in other countries than The expectation for the the future budget position for World Economics of the Hun- ments into V4 countries
in Poland. post-accession period was and debt risk in Hungary and garian Academy of Sciences came primarily from other See INV pg 6
4 December 13 – 19, 2010 V4 – ECONOMY

Tackling the crisis Czech Republic

Capital: Prague
Area: 78,864 sqkm
nomic fortunes of the rest of Population: 10.5 million*
Europe will be crucial, thinks Population by ethnic composition: Czech (90.42%),
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Fidrmuc. Moravian and Silesian (3.83%), Slovak (1.89%), Polish
Spectator staff “Once the recovery gets (0.51%), German (0.38%), Roma (0.11%), Hungarians,
underway elsewhere, it will Ukrainians, Rusins (Ruthenians), Russians, Greeks, and
pull up the Visegrad econom- others (2.86%)
THE VISEGRAD Group coun- ies as well,” he said. “A poten- Currency: Czech koruna
tries are closely integrated in- tial major threat is the pro- Average monthly wage in 2009: €957.5**
to the wider European eco- spect of the eurozone col- Real GDP growth rate: -4.1 percent (2009), 2.4 percent
nomy and all of them have lapsing or shrinking. While (estimate for 2010)*
been adversely affected by the the probability of this happen- GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards in 2009
global crisis. Their economic ing is still extremely low, it is (EU-27 = 100): 80*
growth slowed and – except for no longer zero. Depending on Unemployment rate: 6.9 percent (November 2010)*
Poland – swung into negative how this unfolds, it may affect
numbers. Expectations for the V4 economies, either be-
2011 are brighter, though ana- cause it will aggravate and Hungary
lysts say national govern- prolong the crisis or because
ments’ willingness to reform investors will respond to the Capital: Budapest
will be crucial. Lower export demand hit most V4 economies. Photo: TASR euro’s troubles (or indeed pre- Area: 93,036 sqkm
“Their accession to the EU cipitate them) by fleeing the Population: 10 million*
was followed by several years level of potential production, Moreover, especially when emerging and peripheral Population by ethnic composition: Hungarians 92.3%;
of impressive growth,” Jan EU funds and consolidated fin- compared side by side with its countries in Europe.” 200-220,000 Germans, 100-110,000 Slovaks, 80-90,000
Fidrmuc from the Department ancial supervision, which en- regional peers, the past year According to analysts, the Croats, 25,000 Romanians, 5,000 Serbs, 5,000 Slovenes,
of Economics and Finance at couraged a conservative lend- was also influenced by a relat- courage of national govern- 10,000 Polish, 3,000 Greeks, 1,500 Armenians, 3,000
Britain’s Brunel University, in ing policy. ively higher base for compar- ments in carrying out reforms Bulgarians, 6,000 Ruthenians, 2,000 Ukrainians
Uxbridge, told The Slovak Of the V4 countries, the ison, i.e. the stronger perform- could be crucial for their coun- According to estimates there are about 400-600,000 Roma
Spectator. “The crisis undid Hungarian economy contrac- ance of Slovakia in 2008. In in- tries’ future economic devel- living in Hungary
some of those gains and, with ted the most in 2009, by 6.7 ternational comparisons, the opment. Currency: Hungarian forint
the exception of Poland, percent, according to Eurostat. real annual decline of -4.8 in The percentage change in Average monthly wage in 2009: €739.23**
plunged the V4 countries into a Slovakia followed with -4.8 2009 compared less favourably Poland’s GDP in 2010 is estim- Real GDP growth rate: -6.7 percent (2009), 1.1 percent
recession in 2009.” percent and the Czech Repub- than with the Czech Republic ated to 3.5-4.0 percent and the (estimate for 2010)*
Poland registered the lic with -4.1 percent. (-4.1 percent), and especially forecast for 2011 is between 4 GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards in 2009
highest GDP growth of any “Just like the whole re- Poland (+1.7%). However, in and 5 percent. (EU-27 = 100): 63*
country in Europe in 2009, gion, Hungary also faced a ser- the case of the Czech Republic, “In my opinion, the future Unemployment rate: 10.9 percent (November 2010)*
growing by 1.7 percent. In fact, ious (around 20-25 percent) fall Vaňo said it is important to of the Polish economy is de-
it was the only EU country to in export demand just after keep in mind the lower com- pendent on the international
record positive growth. the fall of Lehman, as Hun- parison base from 2008, when situation and public finance Poland
“But compared to the pre- garian manufacturing – like the Slovak economy grew by reform,” said Pokrywka.
vious years, e.g. 6.2 percent in that of Slovakia and the Czech 5.8 percent, compared with According to Vaňo, in 2010 Capital: Warsaw
2006 and 6.8 percent in 2007, it Republic – also specialised in just 2.5 percent in the case of and 2011 Slovakia stands in a Area: 312,685 sqkm
cannot be said that Poland was high value-added investment the Czech Republic. strong position to become the Population: 38.2 million*
‘the green island on the red sea’ and durable consumer goods, “The benefits of the lucky regional front-runner in terms Population by ethnic composition: Poles (circa 97.8%);
because the decline was about for which demand is highly timing of euro adoption are of economic recovery. other groups (circa 1 million people): Germans,
5 percentage points, similar to pro-cyclical,” Gergely Tardos, already being felt in the “The most intriguing Ukrainians, Belarussians, Lemkos, Roma, Lithuanians,
Spain, Portugal, France and head of research at OTP Bank, stronger recovery of the Slov- question for the upcoming Slovaks, Russians, Jews, Armenians, Tartars, Czechs and
Hungary,” Łukasz Pokrywka, told The Slovak Spectator. ak economy in 2010,” Vaňo two years is whether the new Karaims
coordinator of the economy “But in Hungary the fall in said, adding that while Slov- Slovak government will be Currency: Polish złoty
and finance programme at the domestic demand was sharp- akia is expected to grow at able to fulfil its fiscal consol- Average monthly wage in 2009: €785.75**
Krakow-based think tank the er due to the fiscal adjustment close to 4 percent, the neigh- idation commitment,” Vaňo Real GDP growth rate: 1.7 percent (2009), 3.5 percent
Kosciuszko Institute, told The and the higher share of for- bouring economies are expec- said. “If the fiscal consolida- (estimate for 2010)*
Slovak Spectator. “Poland did eign exchange loans than in ted to recover by between 1 tion does not materialise as it GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards in 2009
not avoid the recession – eco- other V4 countries.” and 3.5 percent. is planned for the upcoming (EU-27 = 100): 61*
nomic growth is below its po- Consumption in Hungary The economy of the Czech years, Slovakia’s credit rat- Unemployment rate: 9.7 percent (November 2010)*
tential level, estimated at 4.0 fell by more than 7 percent in Republic is closely intercon- ing, sovereign spreads and
to 4.5 percent.” 2009 against the -1 to +2 per- nected with the German eco- inevitably also the interest
The labour market in Po- cent range in other V4 coun- nomy. David Marek, an ana- rates charged for private Slovakia
land was hit hard, with the tries and a further fall of 3 per- lyst for Patria Finance, told the loans might be at stake. I am a
unemployment rate increas- cent in 2010 is likely, while in Czech public-service broad- little bit afraid that the im- Capital: Bratislava
ing, but still Pokrywka sees it the other three countries caster ČRo Rádio Česko that portance of sound public fin- Area: 49,035 sqkm
as being in better condition growth is expected. the Czech economy fell into re- ances remains underestim- Population: 5.4 million*
than the other V4 countries, “Therefore the recession cession due to a drop in exports ated in Slovakia.” Population by ethnic composition: Slovak (85.8%),
with the exception of the was also deeper in Hungary and also returned to economic The Czech Finance Min- Hungarian (9.7%), Roma (1.7%), Czech (0.8%), Ruthenian,
Czech Republic. than in our regional peers and growth thanks to exports. istry predicts that country’s Ukrainian, Russian, German, Polish and other (2%)
Pokrywka identified six the recovery is also slower,” When coping with the im- economic growth will be 2.2 Currency: euro (until 2009, Slovak koruna)
reasons why Poland avoided a said Tardos, adding that Hun- pact of the crisis, the V4 coun- percent in 2010, and forecasts Average monthly wage in 2009: €744.50**
technical recession. The first garian citizens faced a more tries have relied on two mech- a slight slowdown to 2 per- Real GDP growth rate: -4.8 percent (2009), 4.1 percent
was its floating exchange rate. serious recession than the anisms to help them absorb cent in 2011, the SITA news- (estimate for 2010)*
“The depreciation of the other V4 countries, and had to some of its adverse effects, ac- wire reported. GDP per capita in Purchasing Power Standards in 2009
Polish currency created ex- cut back their consumption cording to Fidrmuc: exchange- Hungary expects that the (EU-27 = 100): 71*
ternal demand for our goods much more sharply. rate fluctuations and migra- economic growth will speed Unemployment rate: 14.7 percent (November 2010)*
and services, which became Slovakia, as an extremely tion flows. up, reaching 3-4 percent in
cheaper,” said Pokrywka. open economy dependent on Fidrmuc says one possible the coming years. Domestic Source:, *Eurostat, **SARIO
“That fact increased exports external demand, could not benefit of the current crisis is demand is also forecast to re- Compiled by Spectator staff
and finally GDP. But on the escape the consequences of a the fact that such events tend vive in 2011.
other hand it also increased sharp decline in export orders to act as catalysts of change. “The most important
the temporary level of ex- at the turn of 2008 and 2009, “The current eurozone factor influencing Hungary’s Doing business in the V4
ternal debt.” according to Vladimír Vaňo, crisis afflicting Greece and Ire- economic performance will
He added that because Po- chief analyst for Volksbank land, which threatens to spill certainly be the external en- Slovakia enjoys the best environment for doing business
land has an underdeveloped Slovensko. over to Portugal, Spain and vironment and global eco- among the V4 countries according to the Doing Business
banking sector Polish banks “It was the sharp decline possibly Belgium, has played nomic growth,” said Tardos. 2011 report prepared by the World Bank. Of the 183
did not invest in financial in- in exports, by 16.5 percent the role of a bogeyman, re- “Hungary is a small, open evaluated countries, Slovakia placed 41st, down one
novations and avoided taking year-on-year in 2009, that minding the V4 countries to economy, heavily dependent ranking compared with last year. All three other V4
‘toxic assets’ into their portfo- pulled Slovakia into recession keep their public finances in on exports and German eco- members improved their positions: Hungary jumped
lios. Poland has a diversified last year,” Vaňo told The Slov- order,” he said. nomic growth. The second from 52nd to 46th, the Czech Republic moved from 82nd
GDP structure in which for- ak Spectator. “The interna- factor that will heavily influ- to 63rd and Poland improved its ranking from 73rd to 70th.
eign trade accounts for about tional comparison of real GDP Expectations ence growth is whether the
40 percent compared to 80-90 performance during the re- structural reforms are carried 41. Slovakia (40)
percent in Slovakia and the cession is inevitably skewed Given the high degree of out in a successful way. " 46. Hungary (52)
Czech Republic. by the extent to which a par- economic integration of the V4 63. The Czech Republic (82)
Among other reasons lis- ticular country is dependent countries into the wider To read the whole article, 70. Poland (73)
ted by Pokrywka were the high on external demand.” European economy, the eco- please go to Source: Doing Business 2011
V4 – HISTORY December 13 – 19, 2010 5

A common but CZ: Status quo rejected

at the polls
contentious history Continued from pg 2

But the country’s old

guard politicians proved oth-
erwise and after weeks of ne-
video surfacing where one
ČSSD official offered
Kč100,000 (about €4,000) to
another for supporting a
politician who was on the
gotiations, the ODS and ČSSD City Council. That council-
Lack of self- cobbled together a deal to man has since resigned,
reflection still maintain control of the cap- though he vows to return
ital, joining forces to keep once his name is cleared.
hangs like a the newcomers out office. “The reason [the coali-
skeleton in the “The ODS is convinced tion] was put together was to
that TOP 09 is its main polit- preserve certain networks
closets of the V4 ical rival and needs to be and corruption,” Pehe said.
countries weakened as much as “One should not be
possible,” said political ana- surprised.”
lyst Bohumil Doležal, who Such opinions are prov-
BY MICHAELA once served as an advisor to ing to be widespread.
TERENZANI Klaus when Klaus was prime “The reason behind the
Spectator staff minister. coalition was to maintain in-
Similar agreements were fluential groups in their posi-
struck in the country’s tions so they could keep their
second, third and fourth influence,” said Vladimíra
CENTRAL Europeans like to be- largest cities – Brno, Ostrava Dvořáková, director of the
lieve – and historians often and Plzeň respectively. political science department
confirm their beliefs – that pain “It’s true this voter re- at the University of Econom-
has always been part of this re- volution has not produced ics Prague.
gion of the continent, which change,” Pehe said. “The old Continued budget cuts at
had to struggle most of the time The Iron Curtain once enclosed all the V4 countries and left similar scars in people's collective parties did not learn a lesson, the national level spurred a
for its own identity, squeezed memories. Photo: Sme - Peter Žákovič especially the ODS. The ques- nationwide general strike
between the East and the West. tion is whether they are not from public sector unions on
The Czech Republic, Slovakia, digging their own grave.” December 8, with labour
Hungary and Poland, some- ideas about their role in the pressure from outside, or century is an example of a Again, public anger leaders and the political op-
times self-perceived as allies in region and beyond it differ simply silence,” Holec said. success story, stating that boiled over with a massive position voicing displeasure
order to be the ‘significant oth- very much. “These countries are missing Slovaks started from zero street protest in early at both the policy and man-
er’ for one another, continue to “The common moments in the much-needed and liberat- and made it to a fairytale December on the day the ner of the Nečas government.
carry historical baggage that history rather divide all the ing self-reflection of their own ending as an independent new City Assembly officially “It always takes time,
divides as well as unites. countries and their coopera- past failures and that is also state and subsequently a took its seats. Havel himself but I sense a movement in
tion is often rather pragmatic something that connects member of the European appeared at the session to Czech society,” Pehe said.
History that unites than conceptual,” Holec said, them in a way. But it is just Union and NATO. voice his disapproval of the “We don’t know yet where
pointing out as an exception another counter-productive “However, the success of ODS-ČSSD alliance. that will lead.”
The Visegrad countries do Slovak-Czech relations where moment and a ‘skeleton’ the latter has been to a large Less than 36 hours after
have some common historical the peaceful separation in 1993 which regularly keeps falling extent built upon the failure taking office in City Hall, the Benjamin Cunningham is
experiences, said historian did not detract from their good from the closets of their of the first,” Holec said. “On grand coalition’s first cor- the editor-in-chief of the Prague
István Kollai, a deputy director mutual relations. histories.” top of that, they both like to ruption scandal broke, with a Post.
of the Hungarian Cultural In- Holec said that central According to Kollai, the compare themselves to each
stitute in Bratislava, at the Europe can be seen as a region nation-building programmes other. And if Hungarians on
start of an interview with The
Slovak Spectator.
with “too much history” –
which complicates relation-
that the four nations elabor-
ated from the mid-19th cen-
the one hand find it hard to
see that at the start of the 21st PL: Right-wing parties
“However, these experi-
ences are rather general phe-
nomena such as the shared ex-
ships, noting that historical
burdens exist in all four coun-
tries – with some seeing unful-
tury were often based on de-
fining their nation against
others, especially the neigh-
century Slovaks are more
successful, even economic-
ally, Slovaks seem not to have
dominate politics
perience that they all had from filled ambitions (Poland), oth- bours. grown enough mentally into Continued from pg 2 voters in such numbers that
being ruled by Western, East- ers being traumatised by their “Before World War I, Hun- recognising the state they would bring about a prin-
ern or Southern (Ottoman) losses (Hungary), and others gary played, or often just tried have achieved. If the former Tomáš Strážay, an ana- cipal change in the political
empires,” Kollai said. suffering from historical in- to play, a dominant role on the suffer from traumas and cul- lyst with the Slovak Foreign spectrum of Poland,”
According to Roman Holec, feriority complexes and fears regional level,” Kollai said. tivate various illusions, the Policy Association, stated Strážay said.
a historian from Comenius (Slovakia and the Czech Re- “This dominance left negative latter still have their histor- that PO is currently strong “It is not a strong
University in Bratislava, the public). elements not only among the ical complexes as a ‘small his- and is expected to remain so enough element as such to
countries are obviously located “Count in the ever-cultiv- Slovaks but also, for instance, tory’ and a pointless fear of its in the run-up to next year’s mobilise a sufficient part of
in a common geopolitical space ated 19th century national- in Czech historical traumatised neighbour. This election, noting that politic- the electorate in favour of
which traditionally has been a ism, which also is a legacy of consciousness.” serves as soil for nurturing al competition in Poland is the brother of the late pres-
buffer territory, a place where the past, and we’ve got the Kollai said that after World nationalism, which in turn practically only between ident and his party,” he ad-
power interests of the West and troublesome character of the War I all the current Visegrad serves as a fertiliser for its rightist parties – one strictly ded.
the East had clashed as well as a region in hand,” Holec said, Group nations focused solely own recycling.” conservative and the other Katyń, however, keeps
symbolic edge of Europe bey- adding that although there are on their own problems and Kollai added that bilateral rather liberal. making news, most recently
ond which traditionally in- attempts to get the countries needs and in attempts to win relations between Hungary “There is no leftist during the visit of Russian
scrutable regions and countries to cooperate and focus on their ‘justice’ for their own nation and Slovakia also tend to be grouping with sufficient President Dmitry Medvedev
were located – such as Russia common interests, over-in- often harmed another, noting unstable because politicians power or perspective to be to Warsaw, which was pre-
and the Balkans. dulgence in spotlighting the that these are the memories on both sides of the Danube able to replace the rightist ceded by Russia handing
“The efforts to retain their past and mutual wrongdoings that burden bilateral relations tend to deny the basis of the ruling government in over more documents re-
independence or simply sur- still divides them. between, for instance, Slov- other country’s nation-or- Poland,” Strážay told The lated to the massacre in
vive in this space are common Holec stated that all four akia and Hungary even today. ganising principle. Slovak Spectator. 1940, when Stalin’s NKVD
for all four countries, but that is countries of the Visegrad “Slovak political life is li- “The question rather is secret police murdered
also perhaps the last thing that Group tend to seek ‘profit’ Historic rupture able to behave as a pure na- whether the current, liber- 22,000 Polish officers and
connects them,” Holec told The from their past sufferings – be tion-state, despite the exist- al government headed by then for several decades
Slovak Spectator, noting that it oppression or occupation by The legacy of the breakup ence of a considerable re- PO, will be replaced by the blamed Nazi Germany for
there are examples of good bi- another state, mass of the Hungarian Empire, gional ethnic [Hungarian] very strong and increas- the killings.
lateral relations between some slaughters, or being the victim which occurred under conten- community accounting for ingly conservative PiS After the fall of com-
of the countries, such as of games played by super- tious circumstances because 10 percent of the whole which has already ruled the munism, Russia indirectly
between the Czech Republic powers – they even turn their of World War I, has continued population,” Kollai said. country once.” admitted its guilt but did not
and Slovakia or Hungary and suffering into a mantra. Holec to haunt the countries of the “Hungarian political life op- Strážay also remarked disclose all historical docu-
Poland but also rather some- noted that Slovaks have cul- region in the decades that fol- erates within the terms of a that PiS might be inclined to ments until recently.
what bitter relations, such as tivated a stereotype of their lowed and still makes the rela- ‘cultural’ and ‘political’ use the still-quite-recent On November 26 the
between Slovakia and Hun- own ‘dove-like character’ tionship between Slovakia cross-border nation which Katyń air crash in the up- Russian Duma directly
gary. which does not permit re- and Hungary the most prob- may sound like a gloomy and coming parliamentary elec- blamed Stalin for the mas-
membering any part of the lematic in the region. suspicious expression to tions campaign. sacre in a rare condemna-
History that divides slaughter of their own fellow Holec noted that while Slovak ears. This existing di- “But a longer time will tion of the dictator, in a
citizens before and during the history of Hungary in chotomy between the under- have passed since the move widely seen as an at-
Both historians agree that World War II. the 20th century is one of lying principles makes the tragedy and therefore I tempt by Moscow to im-
the reality for all four coun- “That leads to the search traumatising losses, the his- echo of the nationalist activ- don’t believe that they will prove ties with Poland, the
tries is that their interests and for excuses: ‘other criminals’, tory of Slovakia in the 20th ities so strong.” manage to mobilise the Reuters newswire reported.
6 December 13 – 19, 2010 V4 – TOURISM
Joint promotion helps build tourism New website for Polish-Slovak region
BY NEXT summer a new tour- Prešov Region. Each sponsor
ism-oriented information will cover 15 percent of the
Polish tour operators were portal should be helping vis- cost and the remaining 70
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ pretty quick to launch alternat- itors to the Carpathian re- percent will be funded by an
Spectator staff ive products. Poland has always gions of Poland and Slovakia EU programme supporting
been attractively priced for UK in finding natural, historical cross-border cooperation
tourists, so we didn’t feel severe and cultural attractions. The between Poland and Slovakia,
VISEGRAD Group member effects from the crisis.” portal called Karpatská Mapa the TASR newswire reported.
states continue to present The Hungarian tourism Možností (Carpathian Map of
their region as an attractive industry was facing hard times Possibilities) will be Compiled by Spectator staff
tourist destination and the but is on the way to recovery, sponsored by the Polish
scope of their joint initiative – according to Márk Kincses SOKOL cultural centre in For more V4 tourism shorts
branded as European Quartet, from the Hungarian National Nowy Sacz and by Slovakia’s go to
One Melody – has been further Tourist Office.
extended. Earlier this year, “Business tourism has
national tourist boards trav-
elled as far as China, India and
the USA to promote the region, The V4 region offers many kinds of spas. Photo: Jana Liptáková
dropped and leisure had to set
new, less optimistic targets,”
Kincses told The Slovak Spec-
INV: Joint option?
which comprises Poland, the tator. “But lower occupancy Continued from pg 3 a joint strategy and to present
Czech Republic, Hungary and levels resulted in strong com- the region as a whole”.
Slovakia. India was identified Europe and V4 countries have a products as spas, Jewish cul- petition and much lower rates, “Rather, they are likely to “There are both advant-
as a prospective market and product with which they can ture and UNESCO heritage so from the tourist perspective compete with one another ages and disadvantages to
the marketing plan of national address potential Indian sites,” Gozdzikowski said, Hungary became a destination for FDI flowing into the such an approach [by one
tourist boards of V4 member tourists,” Lívia Lukáčová, the adding that cooperation with where high-quality services wider region incorporating region],” Štěpánka Filipová,
countries for 2011 includes head of foreign relations at the other V4 members in the tour- are available for favourable their four countries,” the director of the Marketing
strengthening the V4 pres- Slovak Tourist Board (SACR) ism sector has been very suc- rates – [meaning] excellent Fidrmuc told The Slovak and PR department at the In-
ence there. told The Slovak Spectator. She cessful. value for money.” Spectator. “While the V4 vestment and Business De-
“In 2010 we selected the added that a road show was The national tourist boards Slovakia, according to countries could gain from co- velopment Agency of the
markets of the USA, Japan, held in five Indian cities (Delhi, plan to continue joint promo- Lukáčová, registered a signi- ordinating their actions, the Czech Republic (CzechIn-
China, Russia and for the first Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore tion of the V4 region in over- ficant drop in the number of potential gains from vest) told The Slovak Spectat-
time also Brazil and India to and Chennai) followed by an seas markets. tourists from its main mar- reneging on such agreements or. “When dealing with in-
showcase central Europe as a info tour for Indian tour oper- “In 2011 the presentation kets, i.e. the Czech Republic, are bound to be high and vestors the countries could
tourist region,” Emilia Kubik, ators and cooperation with In- will be extended with the mar- Poland and Hungary. The im- therefore such coordination together offer a bigger mar-
senior specialist at the market- dian media. ket of Brazil, where in 2010 we pact of the crisis has been is not likely to be maintained ket, better logistics, more
ing planning department of the “The Polish Tourism Or- carried out a survey among worsened by Slovakia’s adop- in the long term. Moreover, employees or more industrial
Polish Tourist Organisation, ganisation, in cooperation Brazilian tour operators to find tion of the euro, which coupled coordination among the V4 properties. On the other
told The Slovak Spectator. with the Visegrad Group, has out their interests,” Lukáčová with the weakening curren- countries, without wider hand, this approach would
“We focus mostly on pro- organised a road show in of SACR said, adding that next cies of neighbouring countries participation by the other need several legislative
motion of cities and cultural Beijing and Canton, “ Roman year V4 countries will spend made Slovakia a relatively ex- countries in central and east- changes in all the countries.
tourism in all of these markets. Gozdzikowski, marketing €100,000 more on joint promo- pensive destination. ern Europe, may simply in- For example, investment in-
A special product for the Russi- manager at the Polish National tion. “In 2011 we will also Lukáčová believes that the duce foreign investors to centives should be harmon-
an market is spa and wellness Tourist Office in London told launch a new European Quar- situation is now improving overlook the V4 countries and ised. More importantly,
products, while for the US and The Slovak Spectator, adding tet corporate website focused across the whole V4 region, move elsewhere.” there will still be only one
Brazilian markets it is Jewish that the Polish National Tour- on presentation of our joint and all four countries are re- According to SARIO, V4 country where the invest-
heritage. Most of the initiatives ist Office has participated in activities and projects.” porting an increase in the countries in general can be ment would be finally loc-
that we jointly carry out are two events organised under All V4 countries have felt number of visitors from the assessed together as a dynam- ated, with all the related ad-
strictly B2B (business-to-busi- the V4 banner in Ireland. The the effects of the global eco- Russian Federation. ic region, whose potential vantages – tax income, new
ness) activities.” first event, held in May at the nomic crisis on their tourism “During the first half of could be multiplied by more working positions and new
2010 was the year of the Czech Embassy, focused on the sectors, but some have been hit 2010 the V4 countries re- intensive trading with coun- opportunities for subcon-
joint entry of V4 countries into tourism potential of central harder than others. gistered an increase in visitor tries outside the EU, which tractors in the country. In-
the Indian market, with the European spas, and the other “Poland’s tourism industry rates compared with the same might help to share risks in vestors often look for only one
first-ever V4 exhibit in SATTE event, held on October 19 at the appears to be quite resilient, period of 2009,” said Lukáčová, the future. The SARIO experts country to set up a business
New Delhi, the leading B2B Slovak Embassy in Ballsbridge, flexible and can quickly adapt adding that based on prelimin- noted that when establishing in. This makes the V4 coun-
platform, and Mumbai. focused on winter holidays. to new challenges and the ary information this growth contacts with countries out- tries competitors and we be-
“This market is very prom- “In 2010 we have observed needs of the market,” should also continue in the side the EU it would be useful lieve that this will not change
ising for the region of central increasing interest in such Gozdzikowski said. “Therefore winter season. for the V4 countries to “create in the coming years.”

MDZ: 'We aim to push our shared interests within the EU'
Continued from pg 1 of candidate country. This decision sent out a be an excellent chance to present Visegrad pri- V4 ground. On the other hand, I am convinced
strong signal for the whole western Balkans orities and showcase our cooperation. that that the Visegrad spirit of cooperation has
TSS: Which key topics have been given the about the continuing interest of the EU in the The V4 has the largest potential in strength- the potential to have a positive impact on rela-
strongest emphasis by the Slovak presid- European future of the region. ening energy security, developing a compre- tions between individual countries.
ency? In specific sectors, the most important top- hensive transport infrastructure, and moving
MDZ: The slogan of our presidency is Effect- ics are issues of comprehensive infrastructure forward cohesion policies as well as in finding TSS: Are the policies of V4 members towards
ive Visegrad – Continuity, Coherence, Solidar- and energy security with an emphasis on diver- ways of easing the impacts of the global eco- other countries of eastern Europe coordin-
ity and keeping each other informed. In the sification of transit routes and suppliers as well nomic downturn. ated?
sphere of foreign policy, we aim to push our as projects of North-South gas streams and the MDZ: The Eastern Partnership is a pro-
shared V4 interests within the European Union modernisation of existing pipelines. TSS: The last century was problematic for the gramme of the EU which was adopted in May
in a more effective and more coordinated man- The preservation of cohesion policies, sup- V4 countries from a historical point of view, 2009 during the Czech presidency of the EU and
ner. We have been successfully using the V4 port for education and a just agricultural policy something which is still reflected in tense re- it also belongs among Slovakia’s priorities with-
platform for supporting the European and as well as the development of neighbourly lations between countries, specifically Slov- in V4. I consider it a great advantage that all the
Euro-Atlantic integration of countries of the policies of the EU, are also on our agenda. We akia and Hungary. How can the V4 contribute countries of the V4 devote attention to the East-
western Balkans. In October 2010, we hosted in are also paying attention to inclusion of the to reconciliation and improved relations? ern Partnership and support the approach of
Bratislava an informal extended meeting of Roma population. MDZ: The last century was problematic for these countries to the EU.
foreign affairs ministers of V4, countries of the the whole of Europe. Due to the totalitarian lack Slovakia is interested in a specific pro-
western Balkans and representatives of the TSS: What is the role of the V4 within the EU? of freedom, there was no room in central Europe gramme of bilateral support for south-eastern
European Commission, which has confirmed What are the areas where the V4 countries for reflection on the heavy burden of the past. and eastern Europe which is called the Centre
support for keeping the dynamic of the open proceed jointly? The Visegrad cooperation started symbolically for Transfer of Experiences from Integration
door process of the EU in 2011, when actually MDZ: The success of the V4 depends on our at the place of medieval reconciliation of the Processes, which will be open also for coopera-
two V4 countries, Poland and Hungary, will ability to continuously seek common meeting then-rulers, which brought stability to the re- tion with other partners, including the V4 coun-
hold the rotating presidency of the EU. points and to look at our cooperation as a launch gion for several decades. Our purely neigh- tries.
We plan a similar meeting for next spring platform for seeking additional allies. Our goal bourly relations have changed again after the Also, the shared V4 goal is to continue the
called Eastern Partnership and it is intended is not to create new blocks within the EU, to centuries into one as allies: we have similar his- process of visa liberalisation for citizens of the
for our eastern neighbours. A couple of days splinter EU integration or to weaken its unity. torical experiences and we believe in the same countries of the Eastern Partnership. We see
ago, the V4 foreign affairs ministers turned to After all, it was our EU membership which gave values and principles. space for cooperation in the area of official de-
the Belgian presidency of the EU and the EU a significant kick to intensifying V4 coopera- In fact the importance of V4 cooperation velopmental help or through projects financed
Commissioner for Enlargement with the initi- tion. Next year the EU will become “Visegrad- could be illustrated by the fact that tensions in from the Visegrad Fund.
ative that the December sitting of the Council like” since first Hungary and then Poland will bilateral relations with Hungary in the past
for General Affairs recommends that the hold the rotating presidency. Even though the have not been negatively reflected in the V4. Zuzana Vilikovská
European Council grant Montenegro the status chairing country has to be impartial it will still Solutions of bilateral issues do not belong to the contributed to this article
V4 – MEDIA December 13 – 19, 2010 7

V4 media confront SK: Dual citizenship

issue still unresolved
similar challenges Continued from pg 2

But after the first 100

days there was not much else
observers were praising
Slovakia gained import-
ance within the V4 in 2010 as
it took over the one-year ro-
tating presidency of the
group on July 1, when the
as possible until post-crisis about the new government’s Hungarian prime minister
economic recovery solidifies. performance, with critical handed over the presidency
BY MICHAELA voices saying the govern- baton to Radičová.
TERENZANI AB: Many have their
hands in the air over the me- ment had not been suffi- Communication
Spectator staff ciently active and forceful in between Slovakia and Hun-
dia law, saying that it will
promote state censorship. overturning legislation that gary improved after new
Censorship already exists. For the parties had vehemently governments took power in
OVER the past two decades example, by law an inter- criticised while in opposi- both capitals.
since the fall of communism viewee can ask to read quotes tion: issues such as minor- “There has been a change
in the region, media outlets in before publication. When the ity-related legislation and of political climate, but it is
central Europe have needed to quotes are read it is usually by the law on state language questionable whether the
grow more independent from some PR person, justifying which brought tension change is permanent and
their countries’ government, their job, and taking anything between Slovakia and Hun- whether it can be guaran-
learn how to incorporate new potentially controversial or gary to a peak, as well as a teed not to be disturbed by
technologies into their busi- colourful out. The main chal- previously modified press problems – either past prob-
ness models, and find finan- lenge is revenue. If you are code which garnered criti- lems or new ones,” Strážay
cial success in turbulent mar- struggling to survive you can cism from the media and the said, adding that there are
ket economies. forget about all the nice ideas international community. many problems left unre-
Political interference has of investigative journalism Radičová and her minis- solved from the distant and
been a challenge to the devel- and being a critical watchdog. ters defended their govern- more recent past.
opment of media independ- ment by saying it had to deal One such problem is the
ence since 1989 – and not only The media is freer, but also feels less secure. Photo:SITA TSS: How would you de- with several tough issues Hungarian law on dual cit-
in Slovakia, where it culmin- scribe the relations between during its initial weeks in of- izenship which the incom-
ated in 1994-1998. Slovak ob- independent radio and TV media law before parliament media and the ruling gov- fice: summer floods that hit ing Hungarian government
servers note that because of channels have been started. will allow [the government] ernment in your country? large parts of Slovakia as well amended shortly before
that heavy-handed interfer- Also, civic media platforms – to stack the deck in their fa- Are relations problematic or as European criticism over Slovakia’s parliamentary
ence fifteen years ago the such as radio stations that vour by appointing members smooth? Slovakia’s decision not to election.
Slovak media system is now give their broadcasting time to the overseeing Media AS: For the most part, rela- participate in the EU loan The change permits eth-
more autonomous and better to citizens calling and speak- Council. Under the previous tions between media and package for Greece. nic Hungarians living in
able to resist political pressure ing whatever they want – government the socialists had politicians are smooth even Tomáš Strážay of the Slovakia to acquire Hungari-
than it was before. were rare and have hardly a majority so there is no sur- though there are parties that Slovak Foreign Policy Asso- an citizenship in addition to
“While 15 years ago the survived. Maybe the only one prise that the new govern- accuse the media of bias on a ciation noted that the latter their Slovak citizenship.
prevailing majority of journal- of this kind to remain is Radio ment wants to clean house. regular basis. There is a wide position has met with negat- The previous Slovak gov-
ists were fighting against the Maryja, but it has become a My opinion is that the media range of media covering the ive responses from Brussels ernment responded by
government, today journalists far-right Catholic station. is most-often lazy, but per- entire political spectrum, and some EU officials but passing an amendment to
are rather in the position of While independent media haps it has something to do however, so there does not also with some sympathy on the Citizenship Act specify-
journalists and not fighters,” have grown in number there with trying to get informa- appear to be an overarching the part of the European ing that if any Slovak volun-
Matúš Kostolný, the editor-in- has been another tendency of tion out quick. Often the bias in the media. public, experts and journal- tarily took steps to obtain the
chief of the Bratislava-based a falling number of local, in- background will fall out of a WP: The relations are ists, and therefore the threat citizenship of another coun-
Sme daily told the Slovak Spec- dependent media as many story. Furthermore, there is a rather tough but fortunately that Slovakia’s position in try he or she would automat-
tator earlier this year. have been bought by German lot of ‘press release reporting’ the government does not in- the EU and its international ically lose Slovak citizenship.
To get a taste of what the media tycoons. Local gov- especially in the case of busi- tend to change the law be- image would be severely The parties of the current
changes over the past two ernments are also allowed to ness. A lot of PR gets pub- cause of this. damaged by not participat- ruling coalition heavily criti-
decades have been like in the publish their own newspa- lished that has no business BD: There is almost zero ing in the Greek bailout were cised the legislation when
other countries of the pers on local affairs and that being published. official interference by the not fully realised. they were in opposition but
Visegrad region, the Slovak just kills independent papers. government in what the me- “That was in my opinion to date they have done noth-
Spectator spoke to Anna Another new trend is observ- TSS: What are the main dia publishes; with that said, the main determinant that ing to change the law.
Spysz, the editor-in-chief of able now: websites of journal- challenges in your the relationship alternates made the new government Hungary will start grant-
the Krakow Post, Wojciech ists who want to comment on country’s media environ- between antagonistic and ex- different from its prede- ing citizenship under its new
Przybylski, the editor of the politics independently of ment at this time? cessively intertwined. The cessor and thanks to which rules as of January 1, 2011
Warsaw-based Res Publica their publisher. AS: One of the largest media often allows itself to be Slovakia made itself visible,” and as 2010 nears its end the
Nova magazine, Bibiána Bibiána Duhárová (BD): problems facing media in Po- used as a pawn between Strážay told The Slovak Spec- Slovak counter-measure re-
Duhárová, the general man- There is a proliferation of land is lack of financing, just competing politicians and tator. mains in effect.
ager of the Prague Post, and privately-owned media as in the rest of the world, as parties who leak information
Allan Boyko, the managing ed- sources though many are we move from print media to in an attempt to achieve
itor of the Budapest Times. struggling to generate reven-
ue in recent years. Many of
other formats. One challenge
is for old media to embrace
political gain.
AB: The socialists who lost
HU: V4 still a priority?
TSS: How has the media en- the larger privately-owned the internet in a constructive power after eight years were
vironment in your country media are foreign-owned. way. more media-friendly and Continued from pg 2 garian shoulders as well as
developed since the fall of With a few exceptions the WP: Local media face more professional than the going some way towards re-
communism two decades tone of journalism and many making changes in the law to new Fidesz government. Most The Hungarian govern- uniting the large Hungarian
ago? print publications, especially forbid local governments of the media have a left-wing ment sees it as its duty to minority living in Romania
Anna Spysz (AS): The me- ones with large circulations, from publishing their own bias so it is no surprise that re- help the accession of these with the home country.
dia environment has changed offer a sensationalist take on press. The main TV and radio lations are not easy. The pre- countries to the European The new Hungarian gov-
dramatically, beginning with news and events of a quality channels are state-controlled vious government also tended Union, particularly in the ernment renewed its pledges
publications such as Gazeta similar to tabloids in western and so is the second most- to govern through the media: case of Croatia, due to close for cooperation on energy se-
Wyborcza that arose as protest Europe and North America. A read daily, Rzeczpospolita. lots of fights between cabinet most of its negotiation curity, environmental pro-
publications under commun- new generation of editors has This raises obvious ques- members in the press, issues chapters in 2011. tection and economic co-
ism. Journalistic work and the taken over some of the tions, but there is no danger negotiated by headlines. Similarly, after decades operation at a July summit of
understanding of the role of country's more prestigious as long as there are privately- Fidesz has a two thirds major- of poor relations with Ro- the Visegrad Group, the alli-
the media have adjusted to publications in recent years owned media. ity. It does what it wants mania, Hungary has come ance of the Czech Republic,
Western definitions and a free and seem to offer a slightly BD: Declining revenues rather than worrying about out in favour of Romania's Hungary, Poland and Slov-
press operates in Poland. more refined perspective on and circulation for traditional what the reaction in the press inclusion, along with that of akia, set up in 1991 to cooper-
Wojciech Przybylski the role of media in society. journalism outlets are the will be. It makes many who Bulgaria, in the EU's Schen- ate on a number of issues of
(WP): 20 years ago there was Allan Boyko (AB): Invest- biggest problem, with several are used to a more conciliatory gen area, which would allow common interests. Yet it is
an outburst of new, inde- igative journalism will likely large print publications po- approach uncomfortable here citizens of both countries not clear that Visegrad co-
pendent press both on a local land you in court or pressure tentially going out of busi- and abroad. I am not sure if it borderless travel to other operation is still a priority.
and national level. Gazeta will be brought to bear on you ness in the next year. In tele- is a bad way to handle things. parts of the EU. Beyond the Clear efforts to strengthen re-
Wyborcza has been an ex- from the revenue side [of the vision, with the exception of Hungary does not have time question of solidarity with lations with Romania and
ample of one of the most suc- business]. You can still be crit- state-owned channels, there for issues to be talked to death other new EU member the western Balkans could
cessful media ventures in the ical in your reporting but only are few sources of quality or measures to be watered states, self interest also plays signify a diminished interest
press sector. Radio and TV with information that is in news or reporting. The down by committees. a role in determining on the Hungarian side for co-
were in a much tougher en- the public domain. Few largest challenge for the me- Hungary's position: widen- operation in the V4.
vironment since broadcasting newspapers have the re- dia dedicated to news and For the full version of the ing the Schengen area would
has been allowed only under sources for this [investigative public service is to continue interviews please go to remove much of the burden Bénédicte Williams is a
concessions. Thus, only a few journalism] anyway. The new operations at as high a level of border-keeping from Hun- writer at the Budapest Times.
8 December 13 – 19, 2010 V4 – EDUCATION
Visegrad Scholarship Programme

The International Visegrad Fund (IVF) offers master’s and

post-graduate scholarships to selected students for
Grant opportunities in V4
periods of one or two semesters, with the exception of students from the V4 region
master’s scholarships within the In-Coming programme BY DOMINIKA and neighbouring countries
in which one- to four-semester scholarships can be UHRÍKOVÁ are selected to take part in this
awarded. With an annual budget of €1,448,000, the IVF Spectator staff two-week educational pro-
will award scholarships for about 400 semesters in the gramme consisting of lectures,
academic year 2010/2011. panel discussions and sem-
inars on issues and challenges
Applicants whose current university or employer is GLOBETROTTING students relevant to the Visegrad Group
further than 1,500 km from the selected host and researchers can nowadays region, the EU and the coun-
university/institute are eligible for a one-time travel enjoy a seemingly endless list tries of central and eastern
grant. of different grants and schol- Europe.
arships; however, those com- The line-up of lecturers
Citizens of the following countries can apply: ing from or wishing to study traditionally includes some of
Albania (AL), Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus within the Visegrad region the region’s most noted journ-
(BY), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Croatia (HR), the have an extra ace in the hole alists, political scientists and
Czech Republic (CZ), Georgia (GE), Hungary (HU), since V4 countries have re- experts.
Macedonia (MK), Moldova (MD), Montenegro (ME), cently been particularly eager As for topics regularly dealt
Poland (PL), the Russian Federation (RU), Serbia (RS), to enhance their ties with the with at the VSS, these usually
Slovakia (SK) and Ukraine (UA). The same rules apply to rest of Europe by encouraging reflect the Villa Decius’ main
scholars from Kosovo. young people to leave the com- Let's go study abroad! Photo: Courtesy of the Villa Decius concerns, said Anna Kowalska,
fort zone of their homes and VSS co-ordinator.
Scholarship schemes: get a taste of life abroad. show that while at the begin- company,” he told The Slovak Among them is the lack of
Among the principal insti- ning, one in 2-3 applicants re- Spectator. “I am sincerely a central European identity in
Intra-Visegrad Scholarships tutions providing grant sup- ceived a scholarship, today, happy to be home and use my the younger generation or the
This is suitable for scholars coming from one of the V4 port for students is the Inter- with demand increasing every knowledge and skills in prac- V4 leaders’ general tendency to
countries who plan to study in a V4 country other than national Visegrad Fund (IVF), year, only one in 4-5 applicants tice to help people build a bet- neglect cooperation with
that of their citizenship at any accredited public or founded in 2000 by the is successful. ter life.” neighbouring countries and to
private university or an institute of the country’s Visegrad Group governments, According to Sýkora, the Kotyk, who had never been rather focus on western
national academy of sciences. which make equal contribu- IVF’s scholarship programme to Slovakia before, appreciated European partners instead.
Successful applicants within this scheme will receive tions to the common annual has one important advantage both Bratislava’s lively student “I have noticed that in the
scholarships of €2,300/semester and the corresponding budget. when compared, for example, life and the professional exper- first days of the workshop,
host universities/institutes receive As part of its numerous with the highly popular ience he gained. most applicants tend to be
€1,500/semester/scholar. activities, the International Erasmus mobility scheme: “The past two years were more interested in those parts
Visegrad Fund (IVF) awards that of being better suited to very important and productive of the programme that deal
In-Coming Scholarships Master’s and post-graduate scholars’ needs. for me; I certainly have with the European or even
In-Coming Scholarships are suitable for scholars scholarships to selected stu- “We have no such thing as broadened my horizons,” he trans-Atlantic perspective,”
who wish to study at accredited public or private dents from the V4 region or a network of partner institu- said. “The on-campus interna- she told The Slovak Spectator.
universities or institutes of the respective national one of 13 countries in eastern tions, which means that stu- tional atmosphere gave me “By the end of the event,
academies of sciences in V4 countries. Citizens of the Europe, the western Balkans dents can choose any accred- many new friends and brought however, what they indicate
following countries are eligible for In-Coming and south Caucasus. ited university or research me closer to Slovak culture, its as the main benefits from the
scholarships: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Jiří Sýkora, the IVF’s PR centre they please, including language and people. At the school is an awareness of the
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, director, explained that one of private entities,” he stated. “So same time, it was very inter- role of central European coun-
Moldova, Montenegro, the Russian Federation, Serbia the principal objectives of the our scholars have much more esting for me to witness the tries, the understanding of the
and Ukraine as well as scholars from Kosovo. Visegrad Scholarship Pro- responsibility, as they have to changes that occurred in the importance of regional co-
Successful applicants within this scheme will receive gramme is to make the V4 re- find their host institutions country after Slovakia joined operation, the consciousness
scholarships of €2,300/semester and the corresponding gion a liaison between the EU themselves, but, at the same the eurozone.” of being central European as a
host universities/institutes receive and countries with fewer fund- time, they have much more Martin Kusý from Slov- part of one’s identity, the over-
€1,500/semester/scholar. ing opportunities. freedom.” akia, another IVF alumnus, coming of stereotypes and the
“While EU citizens have Other advantages include also returned back to his networking experience.”
Out-Going Scholarships access to hundreds of travel the possibility of obtaining homeland after completing While the mission of the
This scheme is for current scholars or master’s degree and study grants, the situation several consecutive scholar- part of his studies in nano- workshop remains the same,
holders from V4 countries to study at accredited public or is considerably less favourable ship and the possibility of re- technology at the Silesian its structure changes from one
private universities or institutes of the respective in the east and south,” he told ceiving support for up to 4 aca- University of Technology in year to the next, as the VSS
national academies of sciences in the following The Slovak Spectator. “We demic terms. Gliwice, Poland. team keeps introducing new
countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia therefore endeavour to sup- The reason why he chose elements into the programme.
and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, port student mobility in these No fear of ‘brain drain’ to study at this particular “It would be easy to copy-
Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine as well as universities in zones as well as strengthen the school was most importantly and-paste the existing sched-
Kosovo. ties between the Visegrad Though it might not seem its “excellent technological ule for a new group,” Kowalska
Successful applicants within this scheme will receive Group and non-EU countries.” obvious at first sight, the IVF equipment”. explained, “but the interna-
scholarships of €2,300/semester and the corresponding With this idea in mind, the does not support mobility so “Another reason was that I tional situation is so dynamic
host universities/institutes receive IVF offers funding within that people can leave their had the opportunity to be re- that we necessarily have to ad-
€1,500/semester/scholar. three separate schemes: ‘In- country and start a new life sponsible for an entire re- just the programme if we want
Coming Scholarships’, meant overseas. On the contrary, the search project from start to fin- to tackle the most topical and
-Scholarships for Belarusian students for non-EU nationals wishing ultimate aim is to enable ish – a project that was very burning issues.”
The programme is for Belarusian scholars who wish to to pursue their studies in Hun- young people to gain new ex- much closer to industry than As Kowalska added, the
study at accredited public or private universities or gary, Poland, Slovakia or the periences and to build compet- academia,” Kusý stated. upcoming edition will be even
institutes of the academies of sciences in V4 countries Czech Republic; ‘Out-Going ences they can use in their As a teacher at the Slovak more different from the pre-
(altogether 60 semesters annually). Scholarships’, suitable for V4 home countries after return- University of Technology in ceding ones as the VSS will cel-
citizens who plan to study out- ing from abroad. Trnava, Kusý is currently ebrate its 10th birthday in 2011.
-Scholarships for Ukrainian students side the V4; and ‘Intra- As Sýkora remarked, there working on introducing his “We will invite our alumni
The programme is for Ukrainian scholars who wish to Visegrad Scholarships’ for mo- is no need to fear ‘brain drain’: own device for the preparation to come and share their exper-
study at accredited public or private universities or bility within the V4 region. the IVF tries not to lose sight of of nanocomposites into indus- iences with us,” she said.
institutes of the academies of sciences in V4 countries A total of 984 scholarships its alumni and figures have trial production. He continues “Many of them have finished
(altogether 60 semesters annually). amounting to €6.9 million clearly confirmed that the lat- co-operating with Gliwice their studies and are now
have been distributed since ter indeed tend to pursue their University, interestingly, on working as diplomats, entre-
Visegrad Scholarships at OSA Archivum (a separate the launch of the programme careers at home rather than inviting Polish students for preneurs, academics, journal-
programme) in 2003. In 2011, an estimated elsewhere. excursions to the Trnava ists, lawyers, NGO leaders, and
400 semesters will be covered Such was the case of Bog- laboratories. so on. So we plan to organise
If selected, each scholar receives scholarship funding at by grants thanks to a budget of dan Kotyk, a Ukrainian who more working groups than lec-
the beginning of each five-month period (semester) upon €1,448,000, which makes up obtained an IVF scholarship Building a central tures this time, to give them
a written confirmation from the host almost one-quarter of the IVF’s for a Master’s course in European identity space for discussing and re-
university/institution. annual budget. European studies at Comenius newing contacts. And it is they
This is a remarkable in- University in Bratislava, from Those preferring to travel who will suggest topics for this
The deadline for all scholarship applications is January crease compared with the first which he graduated with a abroad for shorter periods of special edition.”
31. The results are announced by mid May. year of the programme, when thesis on European cross-bor- time may be interested in an- In the meantime, inter-
only around €250,000 was der cooperation. other initiative, the annual ested candidates should start
For more information go to, awarded to scholars. “After graduation I moved Visegrad Summer School (VSS), brushing up their CVs, Kowal-
The expanding budget goes back to Kiev, where I enrolled organised by the Villa Decius ska concluded: the competi-
hand in hand with the grow- in the reserve of the Ministry Association in the Polish town tion is so tight that more than
Source: International Visegrad Fund ing interest in the IVF’s schol- of Foreign Affairs and started of Krakow since 2002. 300 applications for the annual
Compiled by Spectator staff arship scheme. Its statistics working for an international Every year, several dozen VSS are rejected every year.

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