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Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera Hair Scrub









List of tables………………………………………………………………………………………iv
List of figures……………………………………………………………………………………..iv

The Problem and its Scope
Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………..2
Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………..3
Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………………4-5
Review of Related Studies……………………………………………………………………6
Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………………….7
Schematic Diagram…………………………………………………..……………………….8
Research Methodology……………………………………………………………………….9
Research Method……………………………………………………………………………..9
Research Instrument…………………………………………………………………………..9
Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………………...10
Scope and Limitation of the Study…………………………………………………………..11
Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………….12

Presentations, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data………………………………………….13-17


Summary of Findings……………………………………..………………………………….18-20
Conclusion, and Recommendation……………………………………………………………....21
Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………………………………………..25-33


This research is dedicated to our Almighty God who gave the researchers faith, strength
and knowledge that helped for this successful Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera hair scrub of
our study. The researchers also dedicated it to their family who gave guidance, love, patience,
examples, advices, hopes and motivation to accomplish their dreams. Lastly, to the teachers and
fellow students who gave advices and taught the researchers how to make and form this research
based on their experiences and to the researchers who are very eager to make this research
successful and did not gave up on the challenges regarding this research.


The researchers would like to thank of our almighty God for the faith, wisdom, and
knowledge that help the researchers to their investigatory project. To their science teacher Miss
Janine Espadilla for guiding them to the right path as they undergo their research, To Mr.
Rodimar Ramirez in checking the grammars and errors in the researcher’s papers. To Mrs. Mary
Ann Borromeo, their math teacher for guiding them and giving them extra knowledge in
completing their task. To the researchers and who work hard just to finish this research. And also
to the other group of researchers who gave us extra guidance and motivation. To the parents who
help them achieve the product and not giving up on giving motivation for this research lastly, to
the respondents and people who help the researchers and gave ideas to this research.


The goal of this study is to make of dandruff and sebum solution using of activated
charcoal and aloe vera. Its purpose is to lessen the ones who are conscious about their grooming.
This aims to help the people who wants to remove the dandruff and sebum on their scalp. It has
no fragrance compared to other products. With the activated charcoal and aloe vera hair scrub, it
can make your hair clean and refreshing. It is beneficial because it is affordable, cheaper and it is
also easy to make.

It is made out of activated charcoal and aloe vera. The researchers have gathered all the
materials and all the ingredients which are the strainer, spoon, bowl, knife, and fork. They
washed all the materials, sliced the aloe vera in half vertically and scraped the gel-like substance
inside of it, and strained using the strainer and used the spoon to push all the lumps. Put it all into
the bowl. And they mixed it using the fork.

The researchers conclude that the product is more effective and safer to use due to the
ingredients that they came up with the hair scrub which is the activated charcoal and aloe vera.
This makes the product more effective and safer to use for the hair scalp. The researchers have
successfully made the product on their 2nd attempt in making the product. The hair scrub can last
within 10 days. They determined the effectivity by trying the product for themselves and
afterwards they conducted it to 30 respondents. 28 respondents says that the product is effective
and 2 respondents says that it is not effective at all.


Table 1: Quantitative Measurement.………………………………….………………………..12

Table 2: Components of Activated Charcoal and Aloe vera…………………………………...14
Table 3: Shelf life of the Product……………………………………………………………….17


Figure 1-6………………………………………………………………………………………...24
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The Problem and its scopes


Hair is usually seen in our body. Primarily visible in the human eyes particularly in the
head, nose, ears, eyebrows, skin and even under our public region. Hair plays an important role
on human beings because it either protects you from coldness or hotness of the weather
depending on the temperature. But usually people tend to get more conscious in the appearance
side especially teenagers as of now. Grooming is one of the most important aspect of teenage life
it serves as the “Crown” which they say to human looks.

Hair also protects the sensitive part of the body from the dust and other particles that
may cause irritation. And could also lead to other hair problems that may cause dandruff and
sebum. There are a lot of ways to treat and clean our hair using shampoos, conditioner,
expensive treatments, and going to the salon. So the researchers decided to make this product
that can save money from expensive products. A product that relieves you from dandruff and
sebum which Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera for the hair. Activated Charcoal serves as
purifying agent pulling out toxins such as dandruff. It deeply cleanses the hair and get rid of its
sebum and dirt allowing the hair to grow effectively. Same goes with the Aloe Vera which
contains amino acids and antioxidants that reduces dandruff.

This product would be a great help to those people who have problems with their hair
especially dandruff. This product is not only cheap and easy but the ingredients and procedure of
making it is also affordable and not time consumable.
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This study aims to determine if the said hair scrub removes sebum and deep cleanses scalp by
answering the following questions:

1. Is the Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera scrub effective enough to remove dandruff and

2. What are the components of the activated charcoal and aloe vera that can make the scrub

3. What are the side effects of the activated charcoal and aloe vera hair scrub when applied?

4. How long does the shelf life of the Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera hair scrub last?

This investigatory project aims to determine if the aloe vera and activated charcoal help, treat,
and cleanse dandruff and sebum to the hair.


This study can make other people create their own kind of hair scrub. This develops their self-
confidence and creativeness

To the individuals- the scrub is very useful because, most of them are conscious about his/her

To the community- other people can use these because it is not harmful to water and it lessen the
use of chemicals.

To the researchers- it is useful for the researchers to save money if someone in their family is
conscious about their hair.
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On Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent gritty black material commonly found in air and
water filters. Activated charcoal is created by carbonizing organic matter in a kiln under
conditions and activating the material with oxidizing gases like steam or air at high temperatures.
This oxidative process erodes the charcoals internal surfaces and increases its adsorption
by creating an internal network of very fine pores. Usually bone char, coconut shells, peat, coal,
petroleum coke, and sawdust are the starting materials for making activated charcoal. The
uses for charcoal date back to the Egyptian Papyrus of 1550 B.C. During the time of Hippocrates
(400 B.C.) physicians treated epilepsy and anthrax with charcoal. In the 1700s charcoal was
prescribed for bilious problems (excessive bile excretion). After the development of the charcoal
activation process (1870 to 1920), many reports appeared in medical journals about activated
charcoal as an antidote for poisons and a cure for intestinal disorders.

On Aloe Vera

The botanical name of Aloe vera is Aloe barbadensis miller . It belongs to Asphodelaceae
(Liliaceae) family, and is a shrubby or arborescent, perennial, xerophytic, succulent, pea- green
color plant. It grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. In India, it
found in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. Aloe vera has been
used for medicinal purposes in several cultures for millennia: Greece, Egypt, India, Mexico,
and China. Egyptian queens Nefertiti and Cleopatra used it as part of their regular beauty
Alexander the Great, and Christopher Columbus used it to treat soldiers' wounds. The first
reference to Aloe vera in English was a translation by John Goodyew in A.D. 1655 of
Medical treatise De Materia Medica. By the early 1800s, Aloe vera was in use as a laxative in the
United States, but in the mid-1930s, a turning point occurred when it was successfully used to
chronic and severe radiation dermatitis.
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Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin. Hair is
one of the defining characteristics of mammals. The human body, apart from areas of glabrous
skin, is covered in follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair. Most common
interest in hair is focused on hair growth, hair types and hair care, but hair is also an important
biomaterial primarily composed of protein, notably keratin. Attitudes towards different hair, such
as hair styles and hair removal, vary widely across different cultures and historical periods, but it
is often used to indicate a person's personal beliefs or social position, such as their age, sex, or

Trichology is the branch of dermatology concerned with the health of hair and scalp.
Trichology helps in diagnosis of the causes of hair fall, hair breakage, hair thinning,
miniaturization of hairs, diseases of the scalp and treat the diseases.

The hair scrub has the same principle as for the body. It consists of purifying the scalp for
bright and healthy hair. It is a treatment particularly aimed at people with dandruff.
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This study aims to identify activated charcoal and aloe vera as hair scrub.

The Input:
The researchers have gathered these materials and ingredients namely: (a) activated charcoal; (b)
aloe vera; (c) strainer; (d) spoon; (e) bowl; (f) knife; (g) fork. Additionally, the researchers look
to answer the following questions: (a) Is the Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera hair scrub
effective enough to remove dandruff and sebum? (b) What are the components of the activated
charcoal and aloe vera that can make the scrub effective? (c) What are the side effects of the
activated charcoal and aloe vera hair scrub when applied? (d) How long does the shelf life of the
Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera hair scrub last?

The Process:
The researchers have gathered all the materials and all the ingredients. Washed all the materials.
Sliced the aloe vera in half vertically and scraped the gel-like substance inside of it. Strained
using the strainer and used the spoon to push all the lumps. Put it all into the bowl. Mixed it
using the fork.

The Output:
The researcher have thought of the titled “Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera Hair Scrub”.
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The researchers have gathered these

materials and ingredients namely: (a)
activated charcoal; (b) aloe vera; (c)
strainer; (d) spoon; (e) bowl; (f)
knife; (g) fork.


The researchers have gathered all the

materials and all the ingredients.
Washed all the materials. Sliced the
aloe vera in half vertically and scraped
the gel-like substance inside of it.
Strained using the strainer and used the
spoon to push all the lumps. Put it all
into the bowl. Mixed it using the fork.


The researcher have thought of the

titled “ Activated Charcoal and Aloe
Vera Hair Scrub”.

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Experimental research is commonly used in sciences such as sociology and psychology,

physics, chemistry, biology, and medicine etc. Experimental research is what we call a true
experiment. This is an experiment where researchers manipulate one variable, and control the
rest of the variables. The ingredients in this product are activated charcoal and aloe vera. These
are the steps in making the hair scrub: The researchers have gathered all the materials and all the
ingredients. Washed all the materials. Sliced the aloe vera in half vertically and scraped the gel-
like substance inside of it. Strained using the strainer and use the spoon to push all the lumps. Put
it all into the bowl. Mixed it using the fork.


Ingredients Materials:

Activated Charcoal Knife

Aloe Vera Strainer

Step 1:
Gather all the ingredients and materials.

Step 2:
Slice the outer leaf of the aloe plant and cut it in half.

Step 3:
Peel the leaves, and scoop the gel out using the spoon into the bowl.

Step 4:
Strain it using the strainer and use the spoon to measure the gel.

Step 5:
Measure the activated charcoal also using the spoon and put it into the gel.

Step 6:
Mix the ingredients using the fork until it is combine.

Step 7:
Put it in a clean plastic cup and cover.
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This research tackles about making unscented hair scrub out of aloe vera and activated
charcoal and how it helps to remove dandruff and sebum at the same time to keep the hair

As the researchers observed the shelf life of the hair scrub, It is moist, unscented and
can last 10 days long. The researchers surveyed in Tanjay for the effectivity of the product and
30 respondent. Specific age is 12 and above.

The researchers struggled because some respondents were not willing to try the product
which may result in some problems when analyzing the data. Due to lack of socializing and
interacting with others, the researchers did get a lot of hard time the fact that they are first timers
and difficulty of convincing them regarding this product.


Aloe Vera – It contains vitamin A, C, E, and proteolytic enzymes which repairs daed skin cells
on the scalp. It also promotes hair growth, prevents itching on the scalp, reduces dandruff and
conditions your hair.

Activated Charcoal – It helps cleanse these impurities, removes the sebum and deep cleanses the
pores to let your hair breathe. And it also helps scalps issue and hair grow better. Activated
charcoal will help soak all the excess oil. Hence, getting rid of all dandruff in your hair

Scrubbing- from something by hard rubbing while washing. Chemistry to remove impurities or
undesirable components from a gas by chemical means to clean or disinfect. Scrubbing is the
process or the way for the users to remove the dandruff and the sebum.

Dandruff- is a skin condition that mainly affects the scalp. Symptoms include flaking and
sometimes mild itchiness. It is a white bits of dead skin that sometimes gather in the hair or fall
on the clothes especially on the shoulders.

Sebum- is a microscopic exocrine gland in the skin that opens into a hair follicle to secrete an
oily or waxy matter, which lubricates the hair and skin of mammals. The sebum glands clog the
hair roots and may cause excessive hair loss and dandruff.
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This chapter shows data interpretation and analysis of the researchers study. The researchers
produced a hair scrub made of activated charcoal and aloe vera. The researchers recorded and
tallied the researchers surveyed.

1. Is the Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera hair scrub effective enough to dandruff and

TRIALS Activated Charcoal Aloe Vera Quality

(tablespoon) (tablespoon)

1 3 3 Not successful

2 3 2 Successful

The researchers had gone two trials in this study. The ingredients and measurements of
trial one were: 3 tablespoons of Activated Charcoal and 2 tablespoon of Aloe vera which
resulted not successful hair scrub because when the researchers tried to applied the product, it
irritated the scalp and also caused redness due to the aloe vera. The second trial has 3 tablespoon
of Activated Charcoal and 2 tablespoon of Aloe Vera .The researchers decreased the amount of
the aloe vera and when the researchers mixed it, the activated charcoal and aloe vera is balanced
by appearance and the researchers can still feel the presence of aloe vera when they touched it
because it is moist. The researchers tried it for themselves and it shows effectiveness which
resulted successful.
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- Is the product effective in removing dandruff and sebum?

Kind of Product Says effective Says not effective at all

Activated Charcoal and 28 2

Aloe Vera Hair Scrub
N= 30



Says effective Says not effective

Total respondent=30

Based on the survey that the researchers conducted, this table and graph shows that out
of 30 respondent 28 says it’s effective and 2 say it’s not effective because the symptoms
persisted. It also shows that researcher’s product is effective.
2.What are the components of the activated charcoal and aloe vera that can make the scrub


All cells need vitamin A for

growth. This includes hair, the
VITAMIN A fastest growing tissue in the
human body.

Vitamin C is a powerful
antioxidant that helps protect
against the oxidative stress
ALOE VERA caused by free radicals.
VITAMIN C Vitamin C also helps your
body absorb iron, a mineral
necessary for hair growth.

Vitamin E may help support a

healthy scalp and hair as it has
natural antioxidant effects that
VITAMIN E could assist with maintaining
hair growth.
It is especially good for the
scalp because it targets
impurities at the root of the
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL CHARCOAL hair that can clog the hair
follicle and cause scalp issues.
This results in a charcoal that
is more porous than regular

This table shows that the component of activated charcoal and aloe vera and its
function. Aloe Vera has Vitamin A that can help the hair grow faster. Vitamin C helps the body
absorb iron, a mineral necessary for hair growth. Vitamin E has a natural antioxidant effects that
could assist with maintaining hair growth. And Activated Charcoal has charcoal that targets
impurities at the root of the hair that can clog the hair follicle and cause scalp issues. Combining
these 2 ingredients to 1 product, it is effective. Because of its uses you can make a flourishing
hair scrub.


3. What are the side effects of the activated charcoal and aloe vera hair scrub when

Side Effects

Respondents Irritation None

25 ✓

3 ✓

Number of Respondents that says effective = 28

Based on the survey that the researchers conducted, the table shows that there are 25
respondents that experienced no signs of side effects and 3 respondents who have experienced
irritation when they applied the product to their hair.
4. How long does the shelf life of the Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera hair scrub last?

Number of days/weeks Condition of the product

Refrigerated temperature(30-
The scent of the extract could still be smelled
1st day and its color is black due to the activated
The color is consistent The color is still
and the texture is moist consistent, it has no
4th day but it has no scent scent but the
anymore. texture is slightly
The texture, color and The color and scent
scent remains remains unchanged
7th day unchanged. but the texture is
still dry just like a
dry sand.
The texture is still The product is
moist, the color and completely dry.
10th day scent is constant. Where the only
variable is the
activated charcoal.

You can see at the table that the researcher’s made, that the product will last up to 10
days. On the first day of the newly made product, the researchers used activated charcoal and
aloe vera. The outcome in the first day, the researchers put the product on the refrigerator and
room temperature separated and the scent of the extract could still be smelled and its color is
black due to the activated charcoal. On the 4th day. The color of the refrigerated product is
consistent and the texture is moist but it has no scent anymore. And the product which is in the
room, the color is still consistent, it has no scent but the texture is slightly dry. And on the 7 th
day, the texture, color and scent remains unchanged of the refrigerated product. Whereas, the
color and scent remains unchanged but the texture is still dry just like a dry sand in the room
temperature. And for the 10th day, the texture of the refrigerated product is still moist, the color
and scent is constant. And the one in the room temperature product is completely dry. Where the
only independent variable is the activated charcoal.



This chapter presents the summary of findings based on the presentation, analysis and
interpretation of data in the previous chapter and also it based on the survey. It also involves the
effectivity, contents and the function of the activated charcoal and aloe vera as hair scrub.

1. Is the Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera hair scrub effective enough to remove dandruff
and sebum?

- The researchers had gone two trials in this study. The ingredients and measurements of
trial one were: 3 tablespoons of Activated Charcoal and 2 tablespoon of Aloe vera which
resulted not successful hair scrub because when the researchers tried to applied the
product, it irritated the scalp and also caused redness due to the aloe vera. The second
trial has 3 tablespoon of Activated Charcoal and 2 tablespoon of Aloe Vera .The
researchers decreased the amount of the aloe vera and when the researchers mixed it, the
activated charcoal and aloe vera is balanced by appearance and the researchers can still
feel the presence of aloe vera when they touched it because it is moist. The researchers
tried it for themselves and it shows effectiveness which resulted successful

- Based on the survey that the researchers conducted, this table and graph shows that out
of 30 respondent 28 says it’s effective and 2 say it’s not effective because the symptoms
persisted. It also shows that researcher’s product is effective.

2. The components of activated charcoal and aloe vera.

2.1 The aloe vera contains Vitamin A. All cells need vitamin A for growth. This includes
hair, the fastest growing tissue in the human body. Vitamin A also helps skin glands
make an oily substance called sebum. Sebum moisturizes the scalp and helps keep hair
healthy. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against the oxidative stress
caused by free radicals. In addition, your body needs vitamin C to create a protein known
as collagen — an important part of hair structure. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb
iron, a mineral necessary for hair growth. And Vitamin E may help support a healthy
scalp and hair as it has natural antioxidant effects that could assist with maintaining hair

2.2 The vitamin's antioxidant properties could help reduce the amount of oxidative stress
and free radicals that cause the hair follicle cells in a person's scalp to break down.

2.3 The activated charcoal has charcoal. It is especially good for the scalp because it targets
impurities at the root of the hair that can clog the hair follicle and cause scalp issues. This
results in a charcoal that is more porous than regular charcoal.

3. What are the side effects of the activated charcoal and aloe vera hair scrub when applied?

- Based on the survey that the researchers conducted, the table shows that there are 25
respondents that experienced no signs of side effects and 3 respondents who have
experienced irritation when they applied the product to their hair.

4. How long does the shelf life of the Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera hair scrub last?

- On the first day of the newly made product, the researchers used activated charcoal and
aloe vera. The outcome in the first day, the researchers put the product on the refrigerator
and room temperature separated and the scent of the extract could still be smelled and its
color is black due to the activated charcoal. On the 4th day. The color of the refrigerated
product is consistent and the texture is moist but it has no scent anymore. And the
product which is in the room, the color is still consistent, it has no scent but the texture is
slightly dry. And on the 7 th day, the texture, color and scent remains unchanged of the
refrigerated product. Whereas, the color and scent remains unchanged but the texture is
still dry just like a dry sand in the room temperature. And for the 10 th day, the texture of
the refrigerated product is still moist, the color and scent is constant. And the one in the
room temperature product is completely dry. Where the only independent variable is the
activated charcoal.


The researchers conclude that the activated charcoal and aloe vera is effective on
removing dandruff and sebum. It can make the Activated Charcoal and Aloe Vera Hair
Scrub more effective, because of the components of its ingredients.


The researchers recommend the following:

1. The researchers recommend further research so you can use the hair scrub safely.

2. The researchers recommend the readers to read and further study the investigatory

3. The researchers recommend this product to relieve the scalp of dandruff and sebum.

4. The researchers recommend this product because it can boost your self-confidence.



1. Is the aloe vera and activated charcoal effective enough to remove dandruff and
- The aloe vera and activated charcoal are effective on removing dandruff and
sebum based on the researcher’s survey.

2. Will the researchers aloe vera and activated charcoal recommended to others?
- Yes. It is effective based on the survey. They recommend it because of its
affordable ingredients.

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