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Ballastless Track for Urban Transit Lines

Dr S Ponnuswamy, Fellow

Ballast has been an integral part of railway track for many years. It has many advantages. It is an economical medium
providing an elastic support to the sleepers and absorbs major part of the noise created by passing wheels. Material is locally
available. But ballasted track calls for frequent maintenance attention, and periodical screening and recoupment. It also
causes dust pollution. Hence, railways all over have been researching and developing a more permanent track base, in
form of ballastless track for their high speed lines and urban transit lines. Though they will be more expensive, they will
be most cost effective for such lines. This paper reviews the research and development work done so far on such tracks and
different types in use. It suggests desirable criteria for design of such tracks in India, in the context of planning being done
for urban rail transit lines in a number of Indian cities.

Keywords: Urban transit system; Railway track; Ballastless

INTRODUCTION the track maintenance calls for and it has become difficult to
lure younger people to such tasks. This has led countries like
Need for Ballastless Track Japan to look for track forms, which require low maintenance
The three basic requisites of laying a good railway track are efforts. Ballasted tracks are also becoming more difficult to
economy, safety and comfort. The comfort includes not only maintain due to their getting pounded under heavier loads
the riding comfort to the passengers, but also causing least causing drainage problems. They also cause rise of dust by the
disturbance to the inhabitants around, ie, environmental non- trains passing at higher speeds, adversely affecting the
degradation. Traditional tracks on wooden and metal sleepers environment.
with good ballast cushion and shoulders satisfied all these
requirements in the normal traffic conditions prevailing till few DEVELOPMENT OF BALLASTLESS TRACK (BLT)
decades’ back. However, these required constant attention to This problem has received attention since as early as 1925 in
packing, lining and level adjustments. Increased traffic density Japan. The Japanese tried some form of BLT (ballastless track)
and increased speeds on railways became necessary to suit in one of their subways in 1947. It appears Teito Rapid Transit
growing economy and competition. In such cases the Authority is perhaps the first railway to use ballastless track on
conventional tracks were found lacking. These require larger scale. Figure 1 shows the form used on their Tozai line
subway completed in 1964. In about same period, London
o better load distribution requiring increased ballast
Transport used in their underground sections a design by
embedding wooden sleepers at ends in a concrete bed, leaving
o stabler track with minimum joints leading to the space between filled with ballast. At the same time different
development of CWR and concrete sleepers; forms of such tracks were being tried by a number of other
railway systems for their subways both on the main lines in
o more frequent and higher level of attention to track tunnels and Metro lines. Switzerland and Germany were the
increasing costs; and forerunners in use of BLT on main line and Moscow for their
(Metros) subways on a large scale.
o more time than what is now available for track
maintenance operations due to frequency of trains. The earliest form used on main line in the Alpine tunnels
consists 30 mm-65 mm size ballast compacted, overlaid by (a) a
On main lines, ‘possession’ or ‘line block’ times available for 10 mm layer of fine sand; (b) 150 mm to 200 mm thick grouted
machine tamping etc, is becoming shorter and shorter and on concrete; (c) 50 mm thick bitumenised concrete; and (d) 120 mm
urban transit lines, only time available for maintenance is from thick concrete with recesses at 650 mm spacing for fixing pot
0000 h to 0400 h mostly. In addition the demographic change of type sleepers [ORE D57 R1, 1966].
the average age of track workers has been increasing with higher
proportion in the population of older people, particularly in European and UK Rail systems started trying a number of slab
developed countries. They cannot cope with the kind of tasks, track forms in the sixties for their proposed high-speed lines and
also for reducing the maintenance problems elsewhere,
Dr S Ponnuswamy formerly with Southern Railways resides at specially in tunnels. They were quite concerned about the
56, Venkatratnam Nagar, Adyar, Chennai 600 020. behaviour of the slab track in respect of transmission of
This paper was received on December 09, 2003. Written discussion on this vibration to surrounding ground and increased noise levels
paper will be received till January 31, 2005. caused inside trains and outside. A study by ORE in 1976

Vol 85, November 2004 149

500 250

Rail 60 kg/m

300 R.L.

4 50
First Pour
invert concrete Precast concrete block
Second pour concrete
Early systems Steel hooks

Tokyo Metro : laid in tunnels except in close proximity to residential buildings

Figure 1 Ballastless track design and development

indicated prevalence of following types of BLT on different adopted in Netherlands (Figure 3). But it will be the most
urban rail systems then: expensive1.
(i) Laying concrete sleepers or blocks over a base or deck For the bridges and viaducts DB (German) Railway and Berlin
slab and subsequently stabilizing by pouring grout or Metro have gone in for a type with precast sleepers embedded in
concrete around them (Budapest and Sonneville). concrete within a precast RCC trough form of track slab which
is laid in lengths of 4100 mm to 4450 mm with 100 mm joint gap.
(ii) Laying tracks complete with fasteners and dowels on
This is laid over the deck slab with a wedge slab (to take care of
auxiliary sleepers supported by special props and
any cant to be provided for the track) intervening. Stopper
subsequently pouring longitudinal beams below
sockets are provided at the ends of slabs corresponding to stubs
(Cologne, Germany).
cast as part of the track slab. (Figure 4)2.
(iii) Laying a continuous RCC floor on tunnel floor or over
formation, laying rails with rubber pads and elastic The Japanese Railways were looking for a form for their high
fastenings in position and fixing to concrete slab with speed Shinkansen lines. The Railway Track Research Centre of
proper holding down/anchoring (Japan and UK). the Japanese Railways had taken up research studies for
evolving a low maintenance track for their high-speed lines
(iv) Laying the concrete slab to proper tolerances and then since 1964. Their development has been essentially as track
fixing the rail with base plates and rubber pads on the slabs over partly flexible base like bitumen base. Initially they
same with proper holding down arrangements used these for tunnels and viaduct structures only but now they
French developed a variant of type (i) with sleeper blocks (one
under each rail) embedded in a second pour concrete over a Two block reinforced
concrete sleeper
solid base with a micro cellular elastic pad at bottom enclosed Rail fastenings
within a ‘shoe’ around foot of such sleeper block. This was resilient pad
christened as Sonneville type and is shown in Figure 2. A
number of minor variants under this category have since been Rubber shoe
commercially developed and patented in Europe, namely, 12mm
Walo in Netherlands, Stedef in France. One of the latest
developments is the one in which the concrete slab below is laid
with longitudinal recesses for laying the running rails over
special pads (Corke pads) fixing the same rail in position by
pads at intervals on the side and filling space around with a Concrete bed Cement mortar
special compound. This type is reported to give best
performance from support and noise point of view and is being Figure 2 Concrete sleepers in a rubber shoe in concrete—Stedef (France)

150 IE (I) Journal—CV

20 mm
Track gauge 1435 mm
40 cm 80 cm UIC 54
20 cm Ballast Corkelast wedge
Reinforced continuous concrete and tube holder
Corkelast wedge
and block PVC tube f 50mm

Frost protecting layer 50 cm 1: 40

Improved soil construction Corkelast levelling shim Corkelast is a trademark

the principles of embedded rail construction the channel containing the embedded rail

Figure 3 Netherland railways — ERC system

are using these on major portion of ‘at grade’ sections also. The cracks and preventing water penetration, which would lead to
earlier form consists of precast concrete slabs laid over a freezing ice damage. Slab thickness was increased from 16 cm to
Cement Asphalt Mortar (CAM) layer. Slabs are generally 19 cm. These were protected by a steel frame in subsequent
5000 mm long and 2350 mm wide for the 1435 mm gauge. At designs. So they developed a vibration reducing type slab for
ends stopper concrete stubs (400 mm dia and 200 mm high) are bringing vibration under high speeds within human acceptance
provided between the slabs extending from the tunnel invert or level. In this a rubber slab mat is provided between the CAM
viaduct slabs and for which semi-circular slots are provided in layer and track slab. Over central portion of viaduct structures
the precast slabs. Rails are fixed over steel bearing plates or pads they used a grooved type of slab mat.
(tie plate type). Figure 5 shows the arrangement.
American main line railways do not appear to have developed
Initial CAM used was found to be weak in freezing and thawing such tracks on large scale. This aspect till recently has been in
conditions. So a cold restraint type was evolved for such areas- discussion stage only. The urban rail transit systems of recent
CAM Type AE PRC slabs were used in cold areas to avoid origin in the USA have gone in for ballast less track for both

Section A– A

Concrete trough

Protective concrete Elastomer layer


Section B – B

7. 80m

Figure 4 Diagram of Berlin-type ballastless track, showing the stoppers in the protective concrete and the slots in the underside of the reinforced
concrete trough

Vol 85, November 2004 151

Rail to 120 km/h range. Speed caused no significant change in
vibration level of slabs but vertical vibration of rails was
affected. On wet track, ie, under rainy condition there was
depression of about 2.5 dbA at 80 km/h. Within the tunnels, the
noise level on ballastless track was no worse than over a
ballasted track on concrete floor in similar conditions. A stiffer
pad showed a definite adverse effect on noise and vibration.
Tracks with continuous pads appear to produce less increase in
noise level. A noise level of 70 dbA inside the vehicle and 90 dbA
outside within the tunnel was found acceptable then.
Slab mat
CAM The laboratory work included repeated load tests of selected
fastening systems. They also conducted a theoretical study of
Track slab the forces, stresses and deflections on various components of
the track for evolving a mathematical model for design and
verifying against field observations and also studied the crack
Roadbed behaviour of slabs [ORE D 87/R4-1970]. Heresy’s model for
flexible slabs was found applicable for design of track slab. The
Vibration – Reducing A-type track
studies indicated that cracks cannot be totally eliminated but
can be controlled in width and spacing. Cracks tend to start
Figure 5 Japanese slab track
from the location of anchor bolts thus affecting the integrity of
fastenings. Control of cracks requires specially designed
tunnel and aerial structures. They mostly use DFF (Direct reinforcement and provision of movement joints. Requirement
Fixation Fastening) tracks with an elastic pad below bearing of total water tightness and impact of crack width on corrosion
plate over a pair of plinths laid directly over tunnel invert or of reinforcement is debatable. BS recommends crack widths
deck slab. A few systems like Atlanta Metro have gone in for upto 0.1 mm in locations alternating dry and wet and less than
floating slabs over discrete elastic pads. The floating slabs have 0.2 mm at other locations. They found that if cracks are spaced
been used for short lengths on Singapore Metro Phase I. In their at 1.5 m or less, sagging moments are considerably reduced and
recent extension they have used the poured form around hogging moments do not change materially as compared to
sleepers using top down method. uncracked slabs. Then the deflection increases thus causing
higher formation pressure.
The ORE (office de Recherché et decays) of the UIC Study by the Hong Kong Metro (HKMTR) indicated
(International Union of Railways) in 1964 formed a committee requirement of critical ratio of steel for M30 concrete as 0.32 %
D873 for studying various practices of ballastless tracks, for high tensile steel and 0.52% for mild steel for controlling
assessing their performance, carrying out any research required crack width. They result in crack spacing of 0.8 m for crack
in this connection. Studies were aimed at evolvement of width of 0.2 mm and 1.2 m for crack width of 0.3 mm. Crack
standard measuring methods for noise, vibration, performance control is necessary in concrete beds of tunnel also. HKMTR
of fittings etc, and also determination of tolerable noise and also carried out detailed studies on the effect of stray current
vibration levels. They conducted field trials in order to and have suggested how the reinforcement in track slabs should
be detailed and how to make earthing provision. In case of
o establish fundamental principles and constructional embedment of sleepers or sleeper blocks with resilient pads,
recommendations for tracks in tunnels without ballast; this problem would not be an issue4.
German Railways tried a type of slab type BLT using a special
o evolve technical and economic recommendations for lightweight concrete intervening layer. The track bed
use of new types of unconventional track. comprised of
For this, the ORE sponsored laboratory tests and also prototype o 15 cm thick cement reinforced soil bed over compacted
trials in the field on a number of alternative designs then formation.
available. The field trials were done in two stages, one in 1965-
o 20 cm thick layer of ‘styropor’ light weight concrete.
1967 and one in 1972-1975. Prototype tests were conducted to
study the noise and vibration levels measured under passage of l 14 cm thick concrete slab (Mix equivalent to
trains on a number of tracks with different support M35) reinforced throughout in which precast
characteristics. The test results showed that the vibration concrete sleepers (B70 V 5-60) is laid @ 60 cm
attenuation was linked to some extent on pad stiffness but no embedded in.
clear relation between track stiffness and attenuation for track l A plain 10 mm rod is passed through a 3 cm dia
as a whole could be established. Sound levels in the open were horizontal hole through the sleeper and the
higher than on ballasted tracks and they increased with speed, same is embedded in the finishing concrete
ie, a rise of 6 dbA to 11 dbA for a doubling of speed in 40 km/h layer embedding the sleeper.

152 IE (I) Journal—CV

o This type of track permits development of shrinkage Calcutta. Later they laid all three types on the viaduct length
cracks with no impact on the strength of the track between Dum Dum but modifying the first type as a two pour
structure. The riding quality on this track was found type in which the second pour was an RCC track slab with
excellent even at 250 km/h and no maintenance was holes left for fixing inserts for holding down stud bolts. It
called for except for occasional adjustment of rail appears they excluded the wooden block type later [Figure 6].
fastenings. Such a slab track had been laid on a poor In tunnels they have used modified type (i) and (iii) They used
formation and was found to behave well. Though indigenously procurable rubber pads for both levels. Top pads
initiator grooves had been provided, additional cracks are 4.5 mm grooved and the bottom pads 12 mm thick plain.
did occur but none affected the fastening systems [ORE These tracks have been behaving satisfactorily except for gauge
D87/R13–1975]2. and level variation due to initial laying defects and loosening of
rubber pads. Such loosening is more evident where they have
Research and Development Work in India used continuous pads. This is mainly due to use of short (600 mm
Based on the reports available in 1976 on the various types used long) pads in continuation of each other.
on other Metros, Metro Railway, Kolkata selected three types After further trials conducted in RDSO in early nineties and
for test and trials. As the Pandrol clips has become the standard study of more modern systems, Konkan Railway has gone in for
elastic fastening for the concrete sleepers on Indian Railways, a type of BLT embedding normal PSC track sleepers in second
the choice of track form should suit their use. The main pour concrete, but with resilient pads interposed between the
problem was in respect finding resilient pads for attenuation of base slab and the embedded sleeper. The embedding concrete
vibration and noise indigenously. They selected on sides is separated from the sleeper blocks by thermocole
(i) Two pour type by laying RC sleeper blocks on base/ packing topped by cement grout. Their behaviour is generally
deck slab, embedding the blocks in concrete and fixing good except that, where there is heavy water leakage from
rails on bearing plates with one rubber pad below and tunnel roof, the thermocole packing has yielded making the
normal grooved rail pad below the rail above the pad; sleepers loose. At some other locations also, the thermocole
packing provided on sides are crushed or becoming loose as
(ii) Embedding wooden sleeper blocks in concrete over they do not provide the necessary elastic compression required
the base /deck slab; and to be in compression irrespective of direction of traffic. But the
(iii) Fixing rails directly on longitudinal slab over a rubber percentage of such defect is not high. It was reported that it
pad with cast in malleable cast iron shoulders causes rough riding, having been laid over hard rocky invert, but
embedded at rail seats at 600 mm intervals for fixing the author did not feel any perceptible difference, while passing
Pandrol clips. over the same in an inspection train. It is not suitable for high-
speed tracks and on tracks exposed to rains. Considering the
Extensive pulsometer tests were carried out on the assemblies economy achieved and quick laying made possible with
in the RDSO at Lucknow. A trial section was laid in Ranajitpura indigenous technology and material, it can be adopted in
tunnel on the South Central Railway. They also laid short trial tunnels not subject to seepage of water, with some improved
lengths of all three types on a short stretch of suburban line in elastic material used on sides in lieu of thermocole.

1920 1950



RCC Grade M-20

Existing bottom slab of RCC box

Figure 6 Kolkata metro rail track

Vol 85, November 2004 153

TYPES OF BALLASTLESS TRACK PREVALENT concrete or structural requirements of sleeper; and (iii) rail seat
Essentially there are now three types of ballastless track in use inclination and transverse slope for drainage and system of
in different parts of the world. They are listed here with a few drainage.
examples of location. Depth of second pour concrete or plinth should be such that it is
minimum so as to lower the height in tunnels and also reduce
Fixed Base weight on elevated structures. Some railways specify a
Continuous RCC Plinth maximum height of rail level above invert/deck of 400 mm. For
BART (San Francisco); Hong Kong Metro purpose of insulation and providing resilience, grooved rubber
pads have to be provided under rail seat and micro cellular pads
Continuous Slab below bearing plates. Most foreign countries have gone in for
UK and Europe; Kolkata Metro steel clips or steel liners with insulation coating impregnated.
Holding down/anchor bolts are the most critical items in the
Floating Slab with fixing system where a bearing plate is used. The bolt has to be
Continuous Resilient Medium strong enough against pull out stresses under vibratory
Japan-Shinkansen lines; Germany-Berlin Metro conditions and provide adequate lateral restraint against
transverse forces even on curves and be corrosion resistant. It is
Resilient Pads at Intervals difficult to specify the pull force to be resisted and different
Atlanta Metro; Honk Kong Airport line systems have specified different minimum. For example,
Washington Metro – 180 kN in a restrained test and 90 kN in
Sleepers/Sleeper Blocks Inset in Concrete unrestrained test without slippage or cracking; BART-50 kN in
Timber pull out and 55 kN in shear; BR- minimum pull out load on
glued in shoulders of 25 kN to 60 kN depending on the specific
Trials at Calcutta; BART — at turnouts and locations where job requirement; some European rail systems achieving pull out
lateral shifts are expected resistance of 160 kN to 180 kN; HKMTR specified that a
Twin Block Sleepers with Boot — ( Sonneville, Stedef etc) circular shank of the shoulder should not show any sign of
turning under a horizontal torque of 375 Nm.
Channel Tunnel; Europe, Hong Kong Metro and BART at
sensitive locations. Generally, it is preferable to leave holes in the slab for later
fixing the inserts or bolts with preferably an epoxy-based grout.
The relative characteristics and properties of the three types are In Indian conditions 28-mm dia bolts made of chromium-
tabulated in Annexure 1. molybdenum alloy stud type bolts set in polystyrene insert has
been found satisfactory.
The various tests and trials and the forms developed have been Resilience of the track is of high importance from the points of
aimed at arriving at a system with the objectives: view of both vibration and damping as also noise abatement. A
good resilient track adds to comfortable ride also. It is
Stability; Durability; Elasticity; Suitable fastening system: extremely necessary to take on the hammering action of passing
Minimum maintenance; Ease of replacement of sleeper/ vehicles including defective or hard springs and defective
fastening: wheels. Pads should be such as to provide a µ value of about
900 kg/cm/cm. The design criteria have to be visualized in three
different situations: (a) without live load; (b) with live load on
Stability the rail seat; and (c) with live load (moving) away from the rail
A low height of rail provides better lateral stability. It has been seat. When there is no live load on the track, the holding down
bolts tightened with a force Pb introduces pre-compression in
found that stresses developed in a lower weight 54 kg rail on a
the spring washers and the bottom rubber pad. Similarly, the
ballastless track was comparable or even less than those on a
clips or bolts of fasteners with a toe load of Pt introduce pre-
60 kg rail on ballasted formation. Considering frequency of
compression in the top rubber pad. When the load is over the
traffic in a Metro line a more wear resistant lighter rail can be
chosen if available. Otherwise higher weight rail is rail seat, both pads get further compressed and the load on the
unavoidable. fasteners and the spring washers is relaxed. When the load is in
the vicinity of the rail seat and is moving away from it, the rail
Thickness of the slab (or second pour concrete) or sleeper block deflect upwards and the load on the fasteners and the spring
depends primarily on the requirement of the rail fastening washers increases, whereas the load on pads is released. In all
anchor, namely, (i) the anchoring length of the rail fastening and the situations it is necessary that various elastic components be
the method of fixing the anchor (preformed holes require larger always under compression, so that they do not work loose.
depth/margin than drilled holes); (ii) tolerance in the level of Also, if there is any separation of the pads between the rail seat
first pour concrete, tolerance in depth of the second pour and bearing plate or between the bearing plate and slab/sleeper

154 IE (I) Journal—CV

block, hammering effect would develop leading to large has to be provided. There should be adequate bondage between
increase of noise and damage to components. Desirable design the track slab and slab/sleeper blocks. This is achieved by
criteria are: providing starter bars or stitching bars in the base slab, keying in
the track slab or plinth provision of shear keys in the track/deck
(a) Increase in compression of the top rubber pad under
slab and corresponding recesses in the base slab/concrete. For
the wheel load should be less than the initial deflection
base plate track laid on a levelling layer over the track slab,
of rail fastenings.
scabbing of invert concrete for a depth of 5 mm to 10 mm before
(b) Under the upward deflection of track, the upward providing the levelling layer (preferably an epoxy based grout)
movement of the rail vis-a-vis top pad should be less is recommended. Track should be laid to close tolerances.
than the pre-compression of the pad under the toe load Track tolerances followed by the Metros using ballast fewer
of rail fastenings per rail seat. tracks are more or less same as those used for high-speed tracks.
(c) Additional compression of the bottom rubber pad The construction tolerances used by various systems are
under wheel load should be less than the initial indicated in Table 1.
compression of the spring washers used with the HD Good drainage has to be provided on the slab so as to avoid
bolts. lower track insulation, preventing corrosion of rods/fittings
(d) Under the upward deflection of track (condition c) the and preventing separation at joints in the concrete bed. This can
upward movement of the bearing plate due to release of be in form of a central drain or on sides with adequate cross
load should be less than the pre-compression given to slopes and provision of collection sumps at intervals for leading
the lower rubber pad. away the water collected. On canted tracks, the drain has to be
on one side. In small tunnels and aerial structures central drains
These criteria would indicate the need to have two stages of may be the only option. Side drains should be such as not to be
resilience where the rail is supported intermittently whether incompatible with provision on surface to suit the tilt of rail.
with DFF or enclosed sleeper blocks. When it is supported
continuously conditions (b) and (c) get combined. This is Fastening System
achieved also by providing a resilient pad below the sleeper The other requirements can be achieved by a good fastening
block or the CAM under the PC slabs by the Japanese. In case of system. This can be achieved by having fastenings having
enclosed sleepers, some resilient pads of similar quality has to essential characteristics:
be interposed in the vertical direction also between the
embedding concrete and the blocks for preventing the blocks o resilience to distribute and absorb forces;
working loose when the load moves away from the block, o attenuation of impact and vibrations and noise
unless the block is tightly held by the filling concrete. In such a absorption;
case replacement of sleepers in case of derailments becomes
difficult. Generally, lower rubber pads are minimum 12 mm o electrical insulation;
thick. Some railways have found possibility of reducing noise o capability to accommodate longitudinal rail
level by 3 dBA by using 18-mm pads below and using a closer movement/restraint as required;
spacing of 500 mm for blocks. Top pad thickness varies from
o facility for rail level and line adjustment during
4.5 mm to 6 mm. Cork pad, specially for the bottom pads have
construction and maintenance;
been found better as also the microcellular pads used in Stedef
type. o maintaining their holding power right through its life
and be a ‘fit and forget’, type;
o be simple to install, remove and replace, if required,
For durability, workmanship should be of high standard, joints
without losing their performance characteristics;
in the bed carefully designed and constructed. Vibration effect
should be minimized. In order that the vibrations transmitted to o have long service life and be economical at the same
the concrete beds are absorbed without damage, adequate mass time;

Table 1 Track construction tolerances for NB track on metros

Item Tokyo Osaka New York Paris Stockholm San Francisco Great Britain Hong Kong

Gauge, mm + 1/–2 +2 NA + 3/– 1.5 –1 +/– 3 +/– 2 +/– 1.5

Level, max +/– 3 +/– 3 +/– 3 +/– 1.5 +/– 3 +/– 3 +/– 3 +/– 3

Twist 2 mm on 10 m 1 in 360 3 mm on 9 m 1.5 mm on 25 m 3 mm on 10 m 3 mm on 9 m 1 in 300 1 in 400

Alignment 3 mm 3 mm 3 mm 1.5 mm 5 mm 3 mm 4 mm 3 mm
over 10 m over 10 m over 9 m over 25 m over 10 m over 9 m over 10 m over 3 m

Vol 85, November 2004 155

o corrosion resistant and with adequate service life; and spacing of supports decreases the frequencies but reduces
damping resistance. Noise level in BLT has been found to be 3 dBA
o provision for future traffic and operating conditions.
to 10 dBA higher than on ballasted track depending on the type
Design for Vibration and Noise Attenuation used. The only effective remedial measure is to bring it down
further is by adopting the measure of spreading a layer of ballast
Rail vibrations are generated by vertical and horizontal bending
or a noise absorbent material in the space between sleeper
of rails, torsional bending of rail due to eccentric loading,
blocks over the base slab. On the recently built Hong Kong
additional web strain (0.02 mm), elastic strain at the wheel-rail
West Rail line a multi-plenum design comprising use of
contact point (0.03 mm), friction at rail-wheel contact,
resilient pads under floating slab, provision of taller parapet
unbalanced wheels, flats in wheels and corrugations and
barriers lined with sound absorbing material, resilient base
undulations on the rail running surface. The strongest
plates and complete hood over track at places have brought
vibrations lie between 40 Hz and 130 Hz depending on support
down sound level5 at 25 m from centre line of track to 64 dBA.
spacing, rigidity of rail section and the resilience and damping
These are highly expensive and can be thought of only for very
provided by rail support. Lowest natural frequency and force
highly sensitive areas.
transferred to the support is reduced by a factor 2 to 3 when the
resilience is increased from 40 × 105 N/cm to 40 × 104 N/cm. In more sensitive locations better resilience and damping is
Increase in support spacing and reduction in mass of rail also called for, particularly the latter in the low frequency range
reduces natural frequency, but there are limitations in this due since vibrations of this range travel far and cause nuisance to
to strength requirements of rail for carrying the load. The rail nearby buildings. This calls for special track design with high
fastening has to provide necessary damping to destroy the vertical track resilience and a large damping mass. Such
vibration quickly and this calls for use of materials with high resilience is limited by considerations of rail stability.
hysterisis. Some systems have restricted pre-compression force Additional resilience can be provided by providing resilient
in rail clips to 6 kN or less. A reduced pre-compression of the pads below the sleeper block or the track slab, as is done in
resilient pad improves the damping force. Use of ribbed Berlin Metro or on Shinkansens in Japan. Such floating slabs
neoprene pads helps. would provide the extra mass required for damping also.
Noise is also caused by the rail wheel contact, part of the energy
Method of Construction
created in the process being emitted as noise. The spacing of rail
fastening and restraint imposed has an influence in the noise There are two ways of construction of these tracks, namely,
created. Restraint from the fastening to angular rail movement bottom upwards and top down. In the former the slabs are laid
would raise the natural frequency of vibration. Increased or blocks/sleeper blocks fixed in position with pre-formed

UIC 60
UIC 60



Plastic clips to separate

the main bars from the
stirrups Deck level

Deck surface

Fully insulated bolts

cast in deck

983 500 200

200 500

All longitudinal rebars with hooked ends

All longitudinal reforcements bars f 9 mm
All strrups f 12 mm
Spacing 200 mm
Concrete cover 40 mm

Figure 7 Ballastless track on bagykok sky traia line

156 IE (I) Journal—CV

60 IIC
Rail Base Plate In order to satisfy various conditions mentioned, the specific
with anchor attributes of good ballastless track for choice in Indian
bolts and conditions should be with
spring clips
Shear Deck slab or floor Shear o Proven design — having been in service for a number of
connectors of tunnel connectors

2353 o Capability to be laid to close tolerances.

Ballastless Track — Plinth
o Economy in cost of construction.
Figure 8 Ballastless track used on MRTS Chennai
o Durability — long life for components, specially
holes or anchor bolts/inserts fixed in position and then the rails rubber and cushioning material which will require
are fixed and final adjustments made with tolerances available replacement during life time of the base and suitability
in the fastenings. This process is quick for implementation but for Indian weather and maintenance conditions.
results in difficulties in maintaining proper line and level.
o Minimum number of patented components.
In the second method, only base concrete or base slab including
any wedge for providing cant is laid. The second pour concrete o Easy and economical maintainability — ease of change
or grouting the sleepers/ blocks is done after laying/fixing the of parts with minimum dislocation to traffic.
rail with bearing plates and fastenings is done to final line and
level and the assembly is temporarily supported by shims and o Ease in restoration of traffic in case of accidents/
adjusting frame. After the second pour concrete or grout sets, derailments.
the temporary supports are removed. A minor variation o Effective drainage of track.
adopted for switch and crossing assembly particularly is to lay
the slab to high accuracy, lay the turnout assembly and drill the o Noise pollution and vibration control within
holes for anchorage using bearing plates as templates or with practicable limits.
jigs and marking their positions. While drilling the holes,
assembly is removed. After drilling holes with provision for o Electrical insulation for facilitating track circuiting
grouting and cleaning the slab, the assembly is laid with bearing and corrosion control.
plates and fastenings and bolts in position, levelled and epoxy l Facility for laying LWR/ CWR on elevated
grouting done to fill the holes and also to form a levelling pad structures.
below the bearing plates. The latter method is now preferred by
most systems as they result in a better ‘fit and forget’ system, l Facility for taking track through turnouts and
even though it takes more time and would be slightly more fixing arrangements.
expensive initially. These have been adopted while laying BLT
in Delhi Metro and in MRTS line extension in Chennai. Considering various factors mentioned above, it is felt that the
forms mentioned below can be used at different locations on
Economics urban transit systems in India.
The designs with slippers/boots provided with micro cellular Tunnels
pads provide good characteristics with respect to vibration and
noise and are easy for maintenance and replacement but they Normal Locations: Continuous plinth with gaps at intervals for
tend to be very expensive. Track slabs of the types used in Japan drainage on sides. Use of two level pads-a microcellular below
would be next in rank of cost. The types used in Calcutta Metro, bearing plate and a grooved rubber pad over bearing plate
HKMTR and by the American systems are the most below rail.
economical but do not suit high speeds. In Japan, it has been
found that the ballastless track costs about 1.4 times to 1.5 times Special Locations: Special locations like tunnels in shallow
that of conventional ballasted tracks. But the maintenance depth and in sensitive areas or close to important buildings
efforts are so small that the excess can be recovered within should have sleepers or sleeper blocks with shoe and pad below
about l2 years as has been analyzed for the Shinkansen lines. In similar to Sonneville/Stedef.
tunnels they even initially lead to some lower costs due to lower Elevated Structures
track height and economy in size of tunnel. On viaducts also
due to lower dead loads, lighter structures will be adequate. In Normal Locations: Continuous plinth with gaps at intervals for
such cases the initial cost itself would be about 1.2 times to 1.3 times drainage on sides. Use of two level pads-micro cellular below
that of ballasted track. In India it has been found to cost about bearing plate and grooved rubber pad below rail over bearing
2.0 times to 2.5 times the cost of ballasted track for elevated plate. This is what has been adopted by both DMRC and MRTS.
structures. At grade, except in case of high-speed lines, they are (Figure 7). They have adopted VOSLO fastenings, in which the
not found advantageous to justify the extra costs. grip at rail seat can be varied to suit the needs.

Vol 85, November 2004 157

Special Locations: Special locations like sensitive areas ANNEXURE 1
requiring low noise level or close to important buildings Attributes of Different Types of Ballastless Track
requiring low vibration. Floating slabs similar to ones used in S No Attributes Type I Type II Type III
Atlanta Metro or Hong Kong Airport line. Continuous Floating Sleepers or
Slab or Slab with Blocks Insert
Construction Aspects Plinth continuous in concrete
with DFF or isolated or grout
o Laying tolerances adopted in Great Britain or Tokyo
1. Construction:
will be adequate and can be adopted.
Accuracy Good to fair Very good. Excellent.
and quality — depends Needs little Medium skill
o On continuous slabs at-grade and in tunnels, crack on skill and skill to required for
initiation grooves should be left. supervision achieve achieving
quality quality
o Over elevated structures, in order to break continuity Rate of Low 250 Excellent Low 250
and allow for shrinkage, joints can be provided at 3 m progress m/month/ 4 km-5 km/ m/month/
to 4 m intervals and joints made waterproof. In case of party month/ party
plinths also gaps will need to be left at intervals of 2.5 m party
to 3.0 m and gaps can be 7.5 cm to 10 mm wide. This is Ease of Good Difficult. Medium
construction Needs
required for cross drainage and also to break the heavy
continuity so as to avoid any interference with the equipment
design of the deck below. to handle
Cost Low ($ 1.5 Highest High. ($ 2.0
o For continuous slabs and plinths cast in situ, stitching million/km) ($ 2.7 million/ million/km)
reinforcement or other form of keying is essential for km)
adequate bond against horizontal movement. In case of Design Simple Needs high Needs high
second pour concrete in-fill, it should be reinforced technology technology
below, on sides and between sleepers/blocks. The 2. Dampening Fair to Excellent Excellent
longitudinal reinforcement, according to some
systems, should be about 0.6% of in-fill slab section. on pads
3. Noise Poor to Excellent Excellent
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS good — low — low
The author is thankful to RITES for giving him an opportunity on pads.
to study this problem in detail and Shri R Balasubramaniam, 4. Vibration –Do– Excellent Excellent
Advisor and Shri B P Khare for their advice and help in the study — low
and preparation of this paper. 5. Maintenance Good (easy) Difficult to Easy.
and repla- replace units Replacement
cement of and maintain of boot/pad
REFERENCES pads/fittings elastic medium below sleeper
1. Coenraad Esweld. ‘Ballast Less Track Offers Long Term Advantages.’ difficult
International Railway Journal, September, 1997. 6. Lightness of Slab – heavy Heaviest Medium
structure Plinth
2. Lother Fendrch. ‘Ballast Less Track on Berlin Stadtban.’ ITR, 1996. – lighter
7. Proprietary Most self- Needs import Needs import
3. ORE Committee D87 Reports R1 to R6, R8, R13 and 14 — Various nature reliant of technology of technology
Years. 8. Other charac- Economical Most Expensive but
teristics and quicker expensive preferable.
4. B I Singhal. ‘Design of Non-ballasted Track for Underground Mass for implemen- Will take
Transit Lines.’ Dissertation. tation time to
design and
5. Alan Crocket and John Carlisle. ‘West Rail Sets New Standards in Noise
Control.’ Railway Gazette International, September, 2003, pp 581-585.
Note : * Precast slab tracks used in Japan and on the S-Bahn in Berlin
can be classified under this; ** The cast-in situ blocks tye used
6. M I Baxter. ‘Versatile Track Designs Solve HK Airport Line with bearing plates in BART and Washington Metro are
Constraints.’ Railway Gazette International, November, 1998. variations of this process; *** The new Netherlands Railway
development of Edilon type with rail embedded in Corke
7. Jelte Bos (1998). ‘Low Noise Track.’ Rail International, June 1999. packing can come under this.

158 IE (I) Journal—CV

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