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Miomir Mikić, Radmila Marković, Suzana Stanković, Renata Kovačević, Milenko Jovanović,
Tatjana Trujić Apostolovski
Institut za Rudarstvo i Metalurgiju Bor; Zeleni bulevar 35 Bor

1. INTRODUCTION Acording to the shown measuring points the following parameters are. weekly monitoring: pH, temperature
The flotation tailings ,,Veliki Krivelj’’is localized in eastern Serbia in the vicinity of the town (water and air), conductivity, soluble oxygen. Monthly monitoring: pH, temperature (water and air),
conductivity, soluble oxygen, flow, suspended particles, sulphate ion and ions of toxic elements - copper,
of Bor, and is an integral part of RTB Bor (Figure 1). As part of the production process of
lead, zinc, cadmium, nickel, chromium, selenium and arsenic.
copper concentrate production, it is located south of the Veliki Krivelj open pit and east of the
Veliki Krivelj flotation. 3.2. Air Quality Monitoring Program
The air quality monitoring program includes daily temperature measurement of air temperature, humidity,
precipitation, atmospheric pressure, wind speed. The monitoring of air quality (precipitant matter) should be
carried out at 9 measuring points: Above the Saraka Landfill, Above the Field 2 of the Veliki Krivelj
flotation tailing, Above Dam 3 (the village of Oštrelj), Below Dam 3 (Monastery), MZ Sloga and the Village
of Slatina. By forming a new zero field, it is necessary to place measuring points north to the village of
Krivelj, west to the old open pit Bor, and east of the location.


In the area of the flotation pit Veliki Krivelj, observation was performed in the previous period. The aim of
these observations is to monitor the shifts and deformations of all objects in this location. Auscultation was
performed at locations: Field 1 and Field ad at dams: 1A, 2A i 3Aof flotation tailing.
Auscultation of flotation tailing Veliki Krivelj
The observation of the Veliki Krivelj flotation tailing would include the following:
Figure 1. Spatial view of object around FT Veliki Krivelj Dam 1A
The Veliki Krivelj flotation pit is a valley type tailing and occupies space in the former Krivelj
Flotation tailing Veliki Krivelj is constrated of two fields; field 1 which is limited by upstream dam 1A and
river bed [1]. Downstream of the tailing is the village Oštrelj, and the upstream belt conveyor downstream dam 2A and field 2 which is limited by upstream dam 2A and downstream dam 3A.
system for waste transporting from open pir Veliki Krivelj to the old open pit in Bor and at the
Dam 2A
north of tailings is the open pit Veliki Krivelj [2]. The spatial position of the flotation tailing
with the associated main facilities is shown in Figure 2. Sandy dam 2A limits Field 1 from the downstream side towards inactive Field 2.
Dam 3A
Dam 3 is the final downstream dam, which limits the field 2 from the downstream side towards the village
of Oštrelj. This dam is, in large part, eroded, especially its crown, so its height is much below 345 m.
Zero field
Auscultation would include a newly formed zero field and a zero dam located upstream of field 1.

Flotation tailings pose a perilous threat to ecological environmental factors, whether they are in function, or
after the end of deferred storage and filling of flotation tailingʼs space. For that reason, the flotation tailing
area should be used completely so that no new surfaces can be taken and polluted by the new streams of the
This paper presents a proposal for the monitoring of the Veliki Krivelj flotation tailing and the collector
Figure 2. The spatial position of the flotation tailing with the associated main facilities station and the future formed zero field.
The expansion of the flotation tailing Veliki Krivelj will be performed by the formation of the
zero dam and the zero field, which is located upstream from the field 1. The final appearance ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of the zero field is obtained by filling the tailings up to K + 390. This work has resulted from the Project No. TR33021, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological
From the aspect of technology flotation tailing represent a necessary mining facility, and in Development of the Republic of Serbia.
terms of the environment, real danger to ecological elements of the environment was either in
operation or the disposal process was completed [3]. REFERENCES
The impact of flotation tailings on the environment is reflected through the impacts on basic
life factors: water, air and soil. In this case, Veliki Krivelj flotation tailingt due to its existing
[1]. Miomir Mikić, Daniel Kržanović, Slađana Krstić: ,,Overview of the current situation of major facilities
large area, which will be expanded by the construction of the zero field and long-term of the flotation tailing dump Veliki Krivelj near Bor with special review to the collector of the Krivelj
exploitation, can be considered as a potentially large pollutant. For this reason, it is necessary River’’. 43rd International october conference on mining and metallurgy, Octobar 2011, Kladovo, Srbija.
to take adequate measures to ensure that the potentially negative impact of the flotation reflux (303-306)
is reduced to a reasonable level, possibly to a minimum. At the same time, by forming [2]. Daniel Kržanović, Miomir Mikić, Milenko Ljubojev:,,Analysis the spatial position of mining facilities
appropriate monitoring, environmental changes can be monitored as well as reacted in a of the Veliki Krivelj mine to the proposed tunnel route for relocation the Krivelj River. Mining engineering
timely manner if some of the implemented measures do not produce the expected results. 3/2011, 2011. (95-100)
[3]. Lekovski Ružica, Bugarin Mile, Mikić Miomir: ,, Causes of accidents on the flotation tailing dumps in
Serbia’’. Mining engineering, 3/2012. (107-114).

The complete collector is divided into stations which have been rehabilitated depending on the
rehabilitation phase: Pouring stable part of the collector from the stationary 0 + 0.00 to the
stationary 0 + 200, the rehabilitated part of the collector from the station 0 + 200 to the station
0 + 903, from the station 0+ 903 to station 1 + 457 represents the collector zone in which the
first phase of rehabilitation was carried out by stations 1 + 012 to 1 + 097 and from 1 + 160 to
1 + 172 and the station from 1 + 320 to 1 + 457, and the remaining parts up to 2 +026 is a
zone that needs to be repaired.


3.1.Water Quality Monitoring Program
The water quality monitoring program should include weekly and monthly monitoring of
underground and surface waters. The monitoring of the surface water quality would include 8
measuring points: the Sarka river stream (MM * -1), the Kriveljska river pre-cast into the
Saraka stream (MM-2), the Kriveljska river after the flow into the Saraka stream (MM-3)
under the dam 1 (before entering the collector) (MM-4), the Krivelj’s River under the dam 3
of the flotation tailing Veliki Krivelj (MM-5), Borska reka prior to joining with Krivelj’s River
(MM-6), Krivelj’s River before flows into Bor’s River (MM-7), water after the merger of
Bor’s and Krivelj’s rivers and underground waters (MM-8).
In order to monitor the quality of underground waters that are in the immediate vicinity of the
watercourse of the Krivelj’s River, three piazzometers were placed in three different locations,
several kilometers apart. Monitor these waters are on a monthly basis.

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